Members danced to the music) audi with intricate Old Country Club. |,.#ams.ene*dte,cbtatanelsceein sven Bunce' +7 iwere entertained by tes mem-) Actine ne fichmanger for the Honors the Scottish bers of the Oshawa Ca edonia evening, Mr. Anthony Haylock With S D \Pipe Band, Mr, Jack Gillespie|was in charge of the wor 1 onags, Dances'ana Mr. Brian Pollock, The|and cockles counter, The 9 : \pipers, in their attractive tradi-|Ladies Group served a bis rg Members of the Oshawa and|tional Scottish uniforms of Mac-\of hot meat pies and chips. |District Old Country Club cele-/Beth tartan, played 'Scotland|Mts. Ted Veenhof, the Building \brated the birthday of Scottish|the Brave," 'The Meeting of|fund chairman, raffled a gos- poet Robert Burns on Saturday|the Waters" and the 'Black|S!P bench, won by Mr. Vincent night when they held .Scots|Bear," among others. Mr. Wil- they of Lptehoome 9 Eg bie al ee Sf CON tam Salth ate Joseph Finch and the entertaln- F af tractive daughters, argaret,|) eg cso nage Sie seca and Shirley, also es ety vege row ent and the fearetie is a par.|MacBeth tartan, entertained the | st. Valentine's Dance to be tial list. of -Scottish| members|Members with a medley of Scot-/neid February 15 at the Kins- attending the events: Mr, and|tish songs which included) men Community Centre. Mrs. Ernest Mcllwraith, for-, Here's to the Hills," "A Gor- merly of Glasgow; Mr. and don for Me" and "A Wee Doch DENTAL CARE Mrs. Arthur Wright from Peni-/and Deorus." The girls danced) The health department recom- cuik, Midlothian; Mr, and Mrs,|the Highland Fling to the ac-jmends that children pay their James Thomson from Cowden-|companiment of the pipes, Shir-|first visit to the dentist at the beath, Fife; Mr. and Mrs. Alex|ley and Margaret pleased their'age of three, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 B_THE COHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuery 29, 1964 | Capricorn Capers Captivate Many Merry-Making Dancers Wind and blowing snow could) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lloyd, Mr. not deter the many revelers at- tending the annual dance "Cap- ricorn Capers" of the Oshawa b Auxliary (Evening Chapter) last Saturday . Dight at the Jubilee Pavilion. Receiving the guests at the' door were Mr, and Mrs, Ste- phen Heney, Dr, and Mrs, C. D. Russell and Mr, and Mrs, Colin General Hospital Ashton, and Mrs, Earl Young, Mr. and Mrs, Christopher Jensen, Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Nash, Mr. and Mrs, G, Clark, Mr. and Mrs, R. M. Learmonth, Mr, and Mrs, D. A, Drynan, Mr, and Mrs, David McGregor, Mr, and Mrs. James Lakas, Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Lack, Mr. and Mrs, An- drew Chrisomalis, Mr, and Mrs, William Hallett, Mr, and Mrs THE RECEIVING line at the Oshawa General Hospital Auxiliary's annual winter dance "Capricorn Capers", sponsored by the Evening Chapter, were caught by the camera as they greeted the many couples who attended, Mrs, Colin Ashton and Mr. Ashton, Reading from left they are Mr, and Mrs, Stephen Heney, Dr, and Mrs, C. D. Russell, --Oshawa Times Photo | Tocher from Fraserburgh, Aber-) deenshire; and the following| group whose home town is Edinburgh, Mr, and Mrs. David) Hastie, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Alr, |Mr. and Mrs, Martin Byrne, | |Mr, and Mrs, E. Stewart and |Mrs, David Haynes. | Bonnie Jayne HAIRSTYLING (formerly Budget Beauty Ber) 72 CHURCH STREET FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4212 Your HAIR Will Look LOVELY! and Mrs, Grenville Williams, Mr, and Mrs. M. 0. Powell, Dr,.and Mrs. Roy F, Beckett, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fraser, |Mr, and Mrs. J, A, MacDonald, Frederick Weaver, Mr. and Mrs./Mtrs, R, H, Gourley, Mr, andjCulbert, Mr, and Mrs. R. K Mrs. Norman Wetherup, Mr. John Hruska, Mr. and Mrs./Mrs, Delbett Taylor, Mr. and{Mills, Mr. and) Mrs. Gerald) and Mrs, Douglas Barnes, Dr, Stanley Taylor, Mr. and Mrs./Mrs. Stanley Rospond, Mr, and|Weingoris, Mr. and Mrs, Victor and Mrs, H, M, Sanderson, Mr. William Stirling, Mr, and | frs, A. M. Joness, Mr, and McAdam, Mr, and Mrs, R. E,jand +l . B. Danniels, Mr. ppm Ps alg Mr. and Mrs./virs. Kapuseinski, Mr. and Mrs,|Laing, Mr, and on se ae a Mre, gape he owt Mr, French, Mr. and Mrs, Earl) "0° Marco. R, J. Barton, Mr. and Mrs, C.jderson, Mr. and Mrs. boy ¢) BE Gash es Aone ay ry ean Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Jame s|_.Mr. and Mrs, James O'Regan,|,4' Powell, Mr. and Mrs, Ray-|Metcalf, Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond North-| Ur. and' irs, Jules C. Ethier, Peters, Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Bor-|Mr. and Mrs, ©, D. Anderson,| mond Holland, Mr. and Mrs, B,|McKinstry, Mr. and Mrs. Cecilley, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Reid,|Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Little, Mr. rewdale, Mr. and Mrs, JohniMr. and Mrs, J, Ritchie, Mr.poowelt,. Mr. and Mrs, J. A.| Elliott, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart/Dr, and Mrs, Donald M. arg Mrs. Paul Hermanson, Mr. Jorkoski and Mr, and Mrs. Rus-|@% Mrs, Gerry Sloggett, Mr.|vivash, Mr. and Mrs. J. R,{T. Tutton, Mr, and Mrs, Mel-/Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Weiderick,|and Mrs, William McLeese, Mr, sell Learmonth. jand Mrs, Jack P, Gallagher,|Guiye. Mr. and Mrs. R. M,|Ville Meades, Mr, and Mrs./Mr, and Mrs, R, Donald Peel,|and Mrs, Colin Williams, Mr. Among those seen dancing/MT, and Mrs. A. Turner, Mr, RS rrisoh © a (Rose, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hen-/Mr. and Mrs, James Wagg, Mr.|Mrs, Howard Cook, Mr. and| were Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lovell (24 Mrs, John Jenkins, Mr, and) "ors and Mrs nick, Mr, and Mrs, J, A. Brown,/and Mrs. Danie! Shutka, Mr.|Mrs, William Kinsman, Mr. and) Mr Murdie Mac- vel' | ne * aM ; % |Mrs, Harry Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. re wy Gep.{ Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Powell, Mr.jand Mrs, William Baker, Mr.{Mrs. Raymond Weeks and/ Mr, and Mrs, F. L, Brooks, Mr.| **/Leod, Mr,.and Mrs, Stanley Ser land Mrs. C, Robinson, Mr. andjand Mrs. William Hosey, Mr.lothers, \ and Mrs. R. J, Glover, Mr, and|JoWn Bondaruk, Mr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Little,| So " é Mrs, Lorne Carey, Mr. K. Mc-\Joseph Bino Jr, Mr. and Mrs. ed airs John Fallaise, Mr, | MIS. vine ti get pag 2 Williams, Mrs, E. McFariane,| William Duffy, Miss Patricia) ong Mrs, Mansel MacLeod, Mr, Ro se mee ae aes Mr. and Mrs. E. Solski, Mr.|Turner, Mr. W. Cruwys, Mr./and Mrs, Earl Huntley, Mr. and|"!o" a" B and Mrs, R, Dewland, Mr, and|#nd Mrs, Donald Townsend, Mr./\irs W. J. Wells, Mr, and Mrs,| Mr. and Mrs. D, L, Bowman, | Mrs. E. G. Onley, Mr,'G. Oniey,|2%@ Mrs. Robert A. Weston,|y"q7, Greer, Mr. and Mrs, K./Mr, and Mrs, L. M, Culp, Mr. Miss M, Mennell, Mr, and Mrs.|Mt. and Mrs, Alex Mclntyre,| aypuckle, Mr, and Mrs, T. E./and Mrs, L. R. Lunn, Dr. and W I L % O N F i N A L 3 D A Y Peter Sloy, Mr. and. Mrs,| Mr. and Mrs, W. C, Cook, Mr.|W. P. Schoenau, Mr, and Mrs,/Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bor- F URNI TUR E Harry Gowanlock, Mr. and Mrs,|and Mrs, George H, Jackson,/H, W. Burchwell, Mr, and Mrs./rowdale, Mr. and Mrs, L. G, . George D. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs.|Mr. and Mrs. Norman Raike,/Roy Haber, Mr. and Mrs, J./French, Mr. and Mrs. Ross . Harvey Beadle, Mr. and Mrs./Mr. and Mrs, J, Bateman, Mr.|Peters, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wil-/Bishop, Mr. and Mrs, John D./ Murray Stacey, Mr. and Mrs./and Mrs. Roy Pearse, Mr. and/liams. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs Donald Button, Mrs, William Miners, Mr. and! Mr, and Mrs, Frederick D./George W. Flintoff, Mr, and Prize winners for the evening were Mr. dnd Mrs, Earl D. Young, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Tutton, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Smyth, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence CUSTOM MADE DRAPES 15 King Street East Phone 725-2686 Wittiam Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.|Mrt. and Mrs, James C. Hep-/cutherland, Mr, and Mrs, John/Mrs, J, W, Lee, Mr. and Mrs. | John Liston, Mr, and Mrs, Wil-/butn, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Smithy Carnwith, Mr. and Mrs.|L. Perry, Mr, and Mrs. S. R: fred Britton, Mr. and Mrs,|Mr. and Mrs, William Coulson,/jenry Bickle, Mr. and Mrs. W./King, Mr, and Mrs, B. D. Mac- James Farrow, Mr. and Mrs.|Mr. and Mrs, J. Jozkdski. jj) J. Harmer, Mr, and Mrs./Farlane, Mr, and Mrs, L. 0. URNITURE - FLOOR COVERINGS - BEDDIN This is the Sale You've Been Waiting For! But Hurry! Only 3 Days Left to take advantage of these outstanding values in every department! Every price slashed to the bone! Soon the Toronto Furniture Show will be held and we intend to buy a completely new stock, Therefore our entire present stock must go! Come in TODAY for the most stupendous savings of the year! EVERY ITEM SOLD "AS IS"! NO REFUNDS! ALL SALES FINAL! EXTENDED 3 MORE DAYS by POPULAR DEMAND! sig ag gle! mn gecemcepsol erate BEST BUY! SAVE 14c! int STRAINED OR JUNIOR FOODS 10 FOR $] BET BUY! SAVE 12c!--TOMATO OR VEGETABLE | AYLMER SOUPS g 's2z $] BEST BUY! SAVE 30c! KLEENEX TISSUES SP | BEST BUY! SAVE 17c!--EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK 7 Tx | BEST BUY! SAVE 29c!--ALL MOIST---LAYER STYLE PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 3 oxs.*1 PKGS. OF 7 TINS BEST BUY! SAVE 25c! LIBBY"S srowxeo BEANS 20.02, TINS. BABY BARGAINS HI-CHAIRS i teeta CHROME 8.99 SPRING-FILLED Crib Mattresses BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS! "REGULAR 43¢ VALUE! SAVE Tie ON ALLEN'S SAVE 6¢ ON SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING SAVE 48¢ ON SUPREME BLACK PEPPER JELLY POWDERS 48-02. TINS $] | 4-02. CANS 5] BIRDS EYE 24-02. JARS nar 39° 10-02, 39° PKG, ches WN BUTTER SAUCE BIRDS EYE ORN WN BUTTER SAUCE BIRDS EVE GREEN BEANS IN BUTTER SAUCE 10 son *] TURKEY 4 BROILERS Lb. SPECIALLY SELECTED--VALUE CHECKED RIB STEAKS LEAN MEATY -- CUBE STYLE BONELESS STEWING BEEF FRESH MINCED "FOR MEAT LOAVES" GROUND BEEF CHUCK COMBINATION OFFER ! 3 Meels in One! JUBILEE SAUSAGE, Ib, troy SKINLESS WIENERS, 8 to pkg. MINCED HAM, 6-ox. pkg. FRESH BAKED WESTON OR SUNBEAM BUTTER RUFFS REGULAR 3% 12 TO PACKAGE 35° "your CANDIES HOUR PILLERY TOFFEE, LICORICE ALLSORTS--ECONOMY BAG / Magic $ $ Features COVERING BARGAINS 6'x 9' Remnants 39° 69° LB. c LB. ¢c LB. we 00 CALIFORNIA SUNKIST ORANGES 3 doz. 8g. Onterio's Finest W ONIONS «°c 7. CAULIFLOWER Ln FREE Se CHOCOLATE BAR SAVE Se ON BIG "G* [ Bist | APPLES ma RED & WHITE SETS THE PRICE! SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKET CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH BROWNS MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO SAVE 23¢ ----- CRUSHED OR Trost Cheice Quelity 5 20-02. $ Tina For PINEAPPLE SAVE Se ON ROSE WINTER SALA' SAVE Se ON BEEF OR IRISH CLARK'S 3 13-2. 4 Time sTtws SAVE 322 ON &. DB. SMITHS 6 11-02, $ wercnuP Bottles For SAVE Tet INSPECTED Sena 10 SAVE 23¢ ON CHO 5 QUALITY SAVE 1?e ON LIBBY?S < Li; . Al3 12-02. $ FOR Server Jers -- GOVERNMENT 18-02. $ Tins For ICE 20-Ox. $ Tins Fer 5-PCE. DINETTE _ KITCHEN SUITES Arborite top tables and four sturdy matching chairs. 2-PCE. Chesterfield SUITE Frieze upholstery, foam backs ond cushions, smart design and very comfortable. Was 229.00, SPRING FILLED Mattresses Hundreds of Coils, "MO gp PLATFORM § Decorator ROCKERS § CUSHIONS TOMATOES LOOKED 6 13-02. $ SPAGHETTI Tins For Seve iée on KRAFT READY DINNERS 8 is | 19° 35° 33° Best Buy! -- Seve 9c! Niblets Whole CORN 3 14-02, 53° TINS Save 6 On | Cosh Your 13¢ Coupon! GIANT TIDE x 87* Biecult®? Feeture! -- Supreme Feney BISCUITS 3 "2 89° PKGS. Reg. $2.99--$4,95 A festival 100% nylon frieze up- holstery. Sold for 69.50. JANUARY SALE of colors, January Clearout January Special BARGAIN 147-00 3 34.78 8 37.00% 99 WILSON FURNITURE CO. GUARANTEED CONSTRUCTION Crisp, Juicy Onterie Macintosh Fancy Grode, 3-Ib, Poly Beg ALL SIZES ... FROM 14.88 20 CHURCH ST. 793-3211 MMI ROE BIS 3A NS am RE eet