Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jan 1964, p. 5

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ae ee eee eee aca ee eed WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St, West Manager: John Gault |CORONER'S INQUEST Tel, 668-3703 'I DISAGREE' -- AFFLECK A five-man Coroner's Jury, 'Liquor Laws Absurd! j.'s cases Whitby PD, absolved an 18: ear-old area youth from any Lawyer Informs Court i3"" "Ontario's Liquor Laws are an absurdity and should be called the Liquor Revenue Act and not the liquor Control Act," Oshawa Lawyer John Regan charged in Whitby Magistrate's Court. Tuesday. Mr. Regan appeared in court on behalf of Albert Goodwin, 18, RR 3 Bowmanville who was charged with drinking under age "We have people here from Europe," he continued, 'who come from some of the oldest cultures in the world and who must think we are a bunch of Indians when they look at some of the provisions of the Liquor Control] Act. 'We say a person who is 18 can't have a bottle of beer in his own home, In other words, we can't train them until they are 21 and at that age we turn them loose and say, drink all you want," "Men under the age of 21 in the armed services could drink liquor, so he (Goodwin) is a man for some purposes, but not for others, "How can you teach children respect for the law if the law itself is illogical?" he question: ed Magistrate Harry W, Jer- myn, "IT couldn't disagree more on that point' interjected Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, "When one finds drinking un- der age, one also finds other problems," The Crown pointed out the fact that along with the drink- ing charge Goodwin was also charged with speeding at 65 miles-per-hour in a 30-mile zone and driving at that speed while his licence was under suspen- sion for a previous driving of- fence, 'It is my opinion that. the 3 street, Whitby, died en route to minimum age for consuming) hospital after she was struck by will stand as it is at 21, not/a car driven by Arthur William withstanding apasmodic bursts by one or two persons,"'/cident occurred at the intersec- the Crown concluded, tion of Dundas east and Ander- Goodwin received 14 days in|son streets on Jan, 6, jail for driving while under sus-| Constable Shepperdson told pension and was fined $50, orjthe inquiry that driving condi- 14 days concurrent, for con-|tions at the $ p.m, rush hour suming as a minor and $35, or|were "poor", He said the road seven days concurrent, for)was wet and that visibility was speeding. ilimited, : Constable Lynn Middleten of} He also confirmed Mathews ing at 65 miles per hour through' miles-per-hour, Whitby, that the skidmarks ran 39 feet, out-| Mathews, RR $3 Whitby, 'The ac-) Whitby PD testified that, onjtestimony that he (Mathews) Nec, 31, he clocked a car speed-/had only been driving about 3) by indicating/ "Then I saw someone about a Yoot from the side of my car, When I glanced in my rear-view mirror I saw a black object ob- scure one of the lights of the car behind me, "It appeared that she was try- ing to run across the road and had stopped beside my car." The jury recommended to the: jepariment of Highways that publicity urging that light color- ed clothing be worn at night be emphasized, Mathews said he had been blinded by the lights from east: bound traffic, "Then I saw her and hit my brakes, but there was no time to turn or do anything," The cause of death, Dr, Clarke said, was the rupture of the main artery from the heart by a broken rib, Althought he ex- The officer said in his state-| 'Under the conditions at the he had stopped the car and the|be correct," he said. driver (Goodwin) smelled of al-) "As far as my investigation licence. on the part of the driver, The) corner is bad, and the lighting ment read by Bruce Affleck that/time, that would pretty much! cohol and could not produce aj showed, there was no nogligence| Family Monuments is not the best, "There have been numerous) accidents there," The officer in-| dicated that three personal in- Council To Seek Ideas Of People For Centennial ft Whitby Township residents)' Sa. : » ' e jury recommended that who might be hoarding ideas ine number of street lights in for the Township's Centennial the immediate area be in: jury, and one fatal, mishaps had| occurred at the Dundas-Ander:| 'son intersection in the last two NDP Candidate No More? Tommy Shows Bow-Out §:."..: : a Ontario Riding NDP adher-| 'We are stretched pretty thin} ,rornehip Council decided!" They were further informed ents met last Saturday night tojin spots, but in each commu:|; a ay to place advertisements |that Mrs, Jones had crossed plan the formation of a provin.| nity in Ontario County we have) Cant cal peter ge soliciting! about 30 feet west of the desiz- cial Association comparable to|some support, By hard work we}, ennial project suggestions) nated crossing area, but that the ones enjoyed by other parties. |can provide electoral success ava dss. groups or in-|white lines marking fhe cross- One of the persons most in-|for the NDP in the provincial! © or Aas epayere. Public opin-| walk "had been obliterated, any- terested in the said formation! riding." m on the project will be wel: way" comed by Council during the yards, th hi long-time Osh- ' & ven ed ? Soa tee ee rommay| tenn of February, that: "official crosswalk road and union| aw ding incumbent Tommy) « ' A : leader, who 'has campaigned Thomas, in the September ped ERR edly ee -- a fe-jmarkings be clearly painted - : . i 'a resentative public apinion for adequately maintained at this unsuccessfully under the NDPitions was referred to as one Of | Council consideration", stated intersection". flag in the last two provincial) the "major electoral disappoint-| Reeve John Goodwin. who "pe a ; | x , Constable elections. }ments that are so often our lot |dered the resolution, "Other mu- wciahon. Palaceuie Dr, R, K He referred to his defeats:| He called for pre-planning 0n/nicipalities have recently plac-|Clarke, Douglas Jones, son of "The results of those elections|the part of NDP organizersied similar advertisements re-the deceased, and eye-witness should bring no real comfort to when elections are in the wind, questing briefs or submissions." Wilf Rostek, all testified that our opponents, The now-effective "last-minute "A $1 per capita: Centennial Mrs. Jones 'was wearing dark "Our gain of 400 votes from)Policy of choosing candidates Funds grant from both the Prov-iclothing when the accident oc- the previous election was| Was deplored ince and the .Federal ' Govern-| curred scant, but it was substantial) In an apparent "bow-out", he ment will place more than $20,-! Rostek, 915 Walton bivd., Whit- considering the mountains oflindicated to the group that he/ 000 in project funds at Coun-| by, told the inquiry that he was hard cash and propaganda used/had "done his share" as a can- by our opponents," |didate in the last two elections. |public participation . in the ing Mathews on the night of the Mr. Edwards urged the) "It is now time for you to/Spending of this money," mishap, He indicated that he group, which included newly-jlook elsewhere, Select several) Deputy-Reeve John Goodwin, had slowed down at the cross- elected Federal Riding presi-jsuitable people and give them/agreeing with the Reeve's reso-|walk to allow a child to cross, dent Louis Munro, to "'bdring| the opportunity of showing what lution, asked that a deadline be/and then was blinded by encom- about a resurgence of dedica-/they can do. |se for presentation of such sug-jing traffic, tion, and by hard work achieve) "When you finally choos e/sestions to Council. ----- that elusive success." lyour candidate, back him with] "'After all briefs are consider. FOUR, TO COMPETE The immediate task, he be-/everything you have. I have my/¢d and a project selected, Coun-| sr CATHARINES | (CP)-- lieved, was to assert the bene-/¢xperiences, and offer them to) hoe will need time to apply to the Four Ontario skaters will com- fits of the proposed NDP Pro-|vou for what they are worth. |Centennial Funds Committee," note in the Canadian speedskat: vincial Health Plan. as the| "I trust," he added, "that Ps sane Reeve Goodwin, "If ad-ling .tinals at Red Deer, Alta,, "only practical, as well as have made it a little easier for ; tional grants are necessaryinext Saturday and Sunday, it humanitarian health scheme put! the next fellow, bd Such lange projects as alwas announced Tuesday. Joe forward in this province." | "Only solid support can sup-/Community Centre, applica-\Huibers of St. Catharines, pres: "We should be thankful that Port the status quo in this rid-/tions will first have to be made ident of the Ontario Speedskat- They therefore recommended Shepperdson, Year project will be asked tolcreased, and that a flashing,|- cil's disposal, I'd like to see/driving the car directly preced-| Requirements STAFFORD BROS./ LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Created To ® | Individual Jury Absolves Youth Of Blame In Fatality terior injuries were confined to abrasions and bruises, Mrs, Jones. also suffered a broken spine, pelvis, and forearm, and a crushed right chest, Coroner Dr. J, A, Richardson and Assistant Crown Attorney Arleigh Hillman of Oshawa con- ducted the inquest, The jury de- Uderated for one hour and 15 minutes before handing down their recommendations, & Shirt Loundorers PHONE 668-4841 ------ | One-Sto } DECORATING @ Wellpeper end Murels @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom end Rugs © CALL. Paints end Varnishes ||]: @ Flo-Gleze Colorizer Pointe DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd, Phone 668.5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby 5 BROCK STREET NORTH THE OSHAWA THES, Wedncsdsy, Jencery 29, 1988 8 ARNOLD'S FRESH CUT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS just wort: OF THE FOUR CORNERS , SIRLOIN OR WING STEAKS 69: PRIME RIB SLICED COOKED HAM §9¢ BOLOGN FRESH PORK LIVER DRY SALT SIDE PORK FRESH HAMBURG | STEAK FOR BRASING SHORT RIBS BY THE PIECE ROAST BEEF 55: FRESH BUTT NEW BRUNSWICK NO, 1} POTATOES '%.:" 1.19 COOKING nn 19° ONIONS MAC. APPLES :.; 29° Grapsiruit 5.29" CANADA PACKERS -- 3 ibs. $1.00 w.25° | DOG BISCUITS 2 'ser 39° 29° | CAT FOOD va 39° | DOG FOOD 49s | Kan > 99° Or 250 "a 29° COOKED MEATS FOR LUNCHES MAC & CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF DUTCH LOAF | | r : i : ss|to the Ontario Municipal Board.| pee Toh Liberals ar this (ME and bring you the success ' ling Association, said nny na they tne 'Laisia,| Which you deserve. I suggest a Feb. 15 deadline."/Vanstacern, Maritn Weber and ture. And you do not have to He. charged that the newly-; Councillor Don Roberts disa-/Mary Jane Duck, all of Tor: search very far to discover that founded a ee we need more time tolonto, and Terry Cintkant of Ot- a good many so-called conser! plan more social gatherings "beg Y publicize this request," tawa are entered, vatives think 'that ours is the|'®, Telieve tedium." said, "I suggest a later dead- only answer."* "Even correcting exploitation tine, and also that advertise- of n become a little tedious if}ment be expanded to schools j lea He switched back to the planithat is the sole reason for get-jand other public buildings." for a provincial organization: ting together,' he smiled Council approved the proposed "For the first time, as far as) "It is little wonder that we/newspaper advertising. A reso- I am aware, we have an organ-jare being criticized for being lution was passed stating. sug-/ ization throughout the riding. 'self-righteous." jgestions would be accepted dur. For e Chance to Purchase @ 1960 Vauxhall Victor Sedan Fully Guaranteed For @ Totel Price of jing the month of February Youth Gets Seven Months| First Deportation Is Urged An Italian immigrant of seven! the worthless cheque on Jan. 13, MORTGAGE months, Frank Mottola, 20, of;he returned to Whithy and For details see the classified section, Seaway Motors 200 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY We are m in Canada! Here's _ i the cor Henig, as shown below. to win. free bottle of free 6-bottle carton 4 Find the dollar sigh SSTHESCHCSEC EEE HETEHEHEHEEHHEHSEEEEHEEEEE eeeeeeeooeees -- On -- we " " Rag: oh ering: Tg cn Well leceted commercial or reensides avenue, Toronto,/broke into Palm larads in an] residential prope was told his deportation to attempt to retrieve it. aaah asc Naples would be recommended) set Gerry Robinson of Magistrate's Court Tuesday. | when the accused was unable gee Mottola, alias Frank Miran-\to find the cheque he stole a Cecil R, Brown dola, appeared before Magis-inumber of items with a total or ed with "'obtaining money by At the trial last week Crown Jim Ww. Jones passing a worthless cheque" for Attorney Bruce Affleck recom- $5, and an additional charge of mended that Mottola be de- TRUST co Whitby Billiard room operator, A sentence of six months defi- MPARY Murray Hicks said Mottola had/tite and three months indefi.| WHITBY given him a cheque for five nite was passed on the charge : days was the penalty on the te. Mottola had told him, he re- : Y p AY MORE lated, that he had a bank) 'er. -- : : H ! nt in Oshawa when the! Ve have plenty of trouble in acoou: te this country with our own with- cheque was cashed. "But the Buy t e Best " trate Jermyn stated when pass- bank : ing sentence Matolla appeared in Whitby His Worship added the court FOR LESS of breaking, entering and theft deported but the convicted man and was remanded one week tor! wontd, after curiae his sen- sentence. tence, have a chance to "answer CUT, WRAPPED AND MARKED was given that, after passing gration ROUND STEAK ROAST . _ "gemini 5 BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 BLADE - SHORT RIB and 45° WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:20 . Take Advantage Of SPECTACULAR THRILLS! Our $$$$$$$$ Daze 3 ibs. SPARERIBS _.. 1,00 3 tbs. HAMBURG .... 1.00 3 ths. BOLOGNA .... 1.00 3 Ibs. WIENERS .... 1.00 . e Fill Your Freezer Now e@ 104 Lupin Drive a Blair Park Plaze improved forme, when he appeared in Whitby whitby PD told the court that trat Harry W. Jermyn charg- value of $71 : VICTORIA & GREY breaking and entering. ported back to his native Italy. dollars on Jan. 13 involving the cheque and 20) form Was returned by: the out importing more,"' Magis, Court last week on the charge would recommend Mottola be FOR YO : At his earlier trial evidence up" to the Department of Immi- SHOULDER ROAST, Ib. . A THOUSAND AND ONE 3 Ibs. SAUSAGE MEAT 1.00 3 Ib. Tin of Headcheese 1.00 WHITBY ---- PHONE 668-4633 Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO -- Second Feature Attraction "THE LOST LAGOON" Storring--JEFFERY LYNN--LILIA BARRY caps mnust be ans Loo HAMBLY'S ol "Coon Soin" pad "Toke" ane tagetneed feede war uae willl d nese cape can win prizes for FOS ner from the cap. Print A having & oe With cack iP ve--Regular to bring YOUE POM cect to Win YOUT PTE. x FOR THESE ed underneath could li UNDER GOCA:GOLA CAPS FIND DETAILS AT CARTON DISPLAYS Cole : potties of Coce on prize caps ent at your 'ore! be one of the : wou have an opportanity to wis & pottle desigt, Y oe King Size (contents only) nity to win & an im YOR Tonto only). ak. Wich 00h AE having King Sire Coca-Cola ave an opportunity te ie the advertising inviting, an you do i give your pee a 40 (N*T10 Sig ask You & etictesting question which DER THE CAPS on a cap and you b Jer who displays to Ais DESIGNS UN Authorized bottler of Coce-Cole under contract with Coce-Cole Ud, BEVERAGES (OSHAWA) LIMITED OSHAWA, ONTARIO RCA RN ey Re NUE Be Doee Poem ot win a doflat. ' \ s

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