Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jan 1964, p. 23

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alterations, siip covers, a Fitting qenthly, Tel fa-~Apartments GM, mm ceenne couple preferred, nods EADILLAG AVENUE SOUTH, Wi = Unfurnished self-gontainad 4 rtment, vedroom, livingroom, kit te, eevee entrance. No 'children, Abstain: ww yates working couple, After i'n 'aan meal one AND FWO- BEDROOM a apartments in new aniences | qvaniied, mosgtie i ieainly, Shesae WARMONY ROAD SOUTH -- = | comier th ized farted me ale og ares MARY STREET, S31 -- Completely furn- ished 2room apartment, all conveniences, | No children, gy hs aoa Refer: ances required, Call 26---Rooms For Rent TINGLE room for pentioman, Genival, ab stainer, 38 Nassau Street, FURNISHED ROOM, separate entrance 'and bath, Near bus stop, Abstainer, Tele phone between +7 p.m, 720-0208, sor NED, ), BEDROOM ight lady. Ap Fon RENT 8H, and ot mightily. Queen's Hotel awa Lidy 67 Sir 1 incor Street North, es or? ROOM, single or double, for gentleman let clean home. ag minutes to Fort Bernas rr Atior 1 p.my apply 135 Celina LI at BAST i = Wrnished] scot sr mt Mousek mg Priit vil: ~~ Close to Ne deorntown: Call a war rent, TWrniihed, close to North) , hospital, Telephone 720-6 702. GM _ and hos GLGIN STREET, 6 -- Single furnish @d bedroom, sult gentleman, Day work: er, Centrally located, Phone 725-6146, SSHAWA MOTEL -- Single and double rooms, heated, television, showers, park: ings weekly rates, Telephone 723-9741, WEAR SIMCOE Street and Adelaide Ave ed =room pet bog A furnish fully » all A og Parke &. Bate or entrance, $10. weekly 725 ~ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private | eet Call between 5 ond 7 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 27--Real Estate For Sole Rossland Road East and Goredale Close to Simcoe TWO NEW THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOWS Second three piece bath: room in basement, Attached garage, Reasonable down payment or cash or trade-in, Open week-ends 2-5 p.m. TELEPHONE 725-8823 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 LOVELY 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW lccoted in the vicinity of Duke of Edinburgh school and close to new loca- ton of =the © Pentecostal church. Spotlessly clean 3 bedroom home, situated on o fully londscoped lot 45' x 136'. List price $12,500.00. $13,900.00 --- 6 ROOM BRICK RANCH BUNGALOW situated on a 2 acre lot, Just : --, distance off Rossland d. West. Toxes only $236. 22--Monthly payments $77.00 including toxes. NORTH WEST 5 YEAR OLD---lorge 5 room brick bungalow with carport located close to public-separ- ate-High school end walking distance to shopping centre. A REAL GOOD BUY in an erea which it is geste: more difficult to procure a home. List price $15,700--monthly payments including -- toxes $100.00. "A DREAM HOUSE COME TRUE!" All your morried life you've been dreaming ebout having @ home exactly as you wont it, Is it possible? Wait until you see this one. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious living room, dining room end very modern kitchen, 7 rooms with Car- port -- only $17,400.00. BRAND NEW ---- Immediate possession, Give us a call to- doy. 6 YEARS OLD 7 ROOM BRICK split level bungalow, located in Adeloide west area, Could be used either as a 3 bedroom plus family room or used as 4 bedroom home, Features in- clude stone fireplace in ve room----2 boths, | 4-pe, and 2-pe, Aluminum storms ond screens, TV Tower. LISTINGS WE HAVE BUYERS WHO REQUIRE BUNGALOWS AND TWO STOREY HOMES. WE URGENTLY NEED MORE | LISTINGS. THINKING OF SELLING? CALL US NOW | For full porticulors call | 723-2265 Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, Pouline Bea! 725-0239 Merg. Holl 723-1358 Allen Thompson 728-2870 Margoret Lee 723-2894 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 | Steve Macko 728-5868 |} irene Brown 725-3867 | Reg, Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Chorlie Chaytor 723-2266 | 360 King St. W. | 'Free Parking | WHITBY CLASSIFIED _ APARTMENT to rent. Unturnished: heat! ed, central. Two rooms, kitchen and bedroom. Bathroom facilities, Children welcome, Parking. 668-8414. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service @N Calls. Waiter Ward, 204 Cnestnyt Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. GRESEMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, e specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 POR SALE: Winch v used matted aanes: ia working order, $20, or 513 Byron South. untuenisned_ rooms, my "per "month, Apply 114 Green Street. POUR-ROOM bungalow for rent, 95 ephone 668-5220, 27--Reol Estate For Sale ren el nei 'ished bachelor eparh-|PAMILY BUNGALOW with "rgereation COMMERCIAL properiy ioe ment, Il heated, private entrance, nearjroom, In residential area, Less than fiv@lon gimcoe Street with ale 'and doulbe bright, 'hree-bearoom brick ears old. Close to "chosls, Douglas J. Msiqarage, Property vanes most an |For full particulars coll 723-1121 | _[27--Real & Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale tcantanalse.toa DOWN will buy this delightfully bu tow. | Bultied, Realtor, 720407), ~ KEITH PETERS Realtor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East $1500 DOWN LOCATED JUST NORTH OF KING ST. with 8 rooms, new furnace, extra bathroom fac- $13,500 Full Price "Ilities, Income $70.00 per month from upstairs, brick [= gaa or 720-7377, Joseph Bosco, lor. ~ "Beautiful 3. Bedroom Bungalow |: Five yeors old, for immediate sale, Call 728-6302 construction, garage. Asking $17,900 METCALF SPOTLESS CONDITION REAL ESTATE LIMITED THE WORK |S ALL DONE - 40 King St. East in this beautiful 3 bedroom Dial 728-4678 brick bungolow with a fin- th line aly DUNKIRK AVE; Close to ALL Schools, 3 bed- so ee ae lece which can od also os a recreation - sg with attached room, T. V. tower and patio exiva large living all for the price of $13,- nd ¢ kikcher, loads of cup. 900,00 boords, paved drive, siz , extra shower COURTICE basement, This Is a Choice $6500 FULL PRICE -- 3 home at only $14,900 asking bedroom bungalow, garage price, Call now for appoint- Me. yet 1 acre of land ment to inspect, INCOMPARABLE DOWNSVIEW GUIDE REALTY Completed and vere. two new homed on lenge scenic 723-112) ravine lots, One bungalow and one ve abyss ek both JUST LISTED 2 storey with fireplaces and mony ex- brick with 7 bedrooms ond tras. N.HLA. financing, Call now for more information on these homes 2 BEDROOMS Lovely 5 room bungalow in excellent repair with many of SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- the extra refinements already 6 room spotless brick home added at no extra cost to with double garage and large you. Garage, paved drive, beautifully landscaped yord, hedged lot with fence, storms, Hot Water Oil heating also screens, etc, And asking only 2 natural fireplaces, 3 room $12, 500 self contained apartment pro- vides an extra income, This ROSSLAND MANOR home is attractively nestled « High prestige area, and going among large trees, It is a fast, split-levels with 3 bed. new listing so call tonight, rooms and 2 car garage, Also 7 - bungalows with 3 bedrooms a gr cag Bing Badd plus family say -- er ' ed garage, Now se homes 2 en arene gare | grea reownably ocd o for all windows, garage. $18,600 with oy ! $2, ' Close to schools and down- down * to - one eT town, Full price $12,800, goge OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE attached garage... Large mo- dern kitchen, separate din- ing room, Schools nearby. All this for only $11,500 Located in Brooklin. 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with attached garage, Large Dial 728-4678 living room, separate dining Dick Barrioge Bob Johnston room Spotlessly clean Jock Osborne Ken H throughout, Close to school ahs n rann and bus ot the door, Lot completely fenced, Located en a good residentiol street in Ajax, THORNTON RD, NORTH --= 5 acres of level lond selling at $1,000, per acre, FULL PRICE $9,200, 5 room bungalow with aluminum storms and screens and re- noveted with new plaster. Large kitchen and 2 beds | rooms, Close to Ritson Rd. South on Vimy Ave, | APPLE HILL ----- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with poved drive ond carport. Schools and bus are close, Finished Oshowa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS w~ Real Estate -- w-- Insurance == --- Mortgages -- List with us Then call your mover, DO YOU WANT TO SELL Sica team Mrs | tte, len" o uate i ment, Carries for $82.00 | Ww e con help you find the per month including toxes, | buyer, for real action, Call | | NEWLY DECORATED -- 6 William Horner ot 728-5123 room bungolow close to King or 728-2236, St. Eost, Large lot with gor- ege and Siode trees, Early cant aden tocaes Bameneion. Full orice $12 | Lr located Gest of City. Lie mits, close to School and Bus. NORTH WEST AREA --= new See this excellent volue: to- 4 bedroom brick bungalow nite, Ask for Mr, Yeo at with basement gorage, 2 bed- 728-5123 or 728-2217. rooma ore extra lorge and 4 pc, bath, Hollywood kitchen COURTICE AREA and large living room, Extra Attractive White Frame Bun- plumbing for kitchen end galow on a large lot, 4 bath in basement. A. well Rooms plus two in basement. built home in a choice loca- Foreed Air Oil heot, Bath- tion thet has just come on room Full Price $8,900.00, the morket, Low down payment, Coll Mr, Rankine ot 278-5123 or SPLIT LEVEL in Whitby. Love- 728-3682. ly corner location with pro- fessional landscaping and at- CLEAR SPRINGS DRIVE toched gorage. Large modern $2 '00 kitchen and dining room, Living room with fireplace. Extra high basement, 3 bed- rooms and 4 pe .tiled bath with vanity, From the spa- cious entrence to the rear door this home spells elegant living Call teday for on ap- pointment to inspect. ATHABASCA STREET -- © choice 6 room brick bunga- tow has just come on the morket in this growing oreo of East Oshawa, 3 large bed- rooms, 4 pc, beth end sep- arate dining room with built in cupboard are all featured. This is on attractive home with good e@rrangement of rooms that you will like, Call todey and we will arrange an inspection for you ' Only one yeor old Brick and Kingston Stone construction TriLevel, Built in . garage, fireplace, large family room, loads of extras, Requiring a substantial down payment. This exectuive home is _o pleasure to see, Call Ed, Drumm for an oppointment to inspect ot 728-5123 or 725-9345 TRADE Your 3 Bedroom home on this lovely Five Room Brick Bungalow with Garage in North East Location very cen- tral to Schools, Buses and Shopping. For more informa. tion and to inspect Call tr win Cruikshanks at 728-5205 or 728-5123, MAKE AN OFFER To close estate, Property ot 102 es Street, seven | room insul, wi arage, must Luces Peacock Dick Young | be sold for a o once, Steve Zurba Leon Monitius | to inspect call Bill Horner at John Hutchuk Roy Flintoff | 728-5123 or 728-2236, Tony Siblock Steve Englert | Bring your Cheque Book, Jean Peacock Lloyd Corson = | |BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | 10) Simeoe Street North, Realtors, 16 Simcoe St, S. Open Every Evening Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. |_"*Your Guide To Better Living" | NOW $499 DOWN You Save $500 With Winter Works Bonus 9 BUNGALOWS STARTED PRICED AT $12,950 PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS SEE THEM TODAY TELEPHONE 725-1186 Harry Bates or Bill Millar W. T. Lamson Réal Estate Ltd. '29--Automobiles For Sale lite CHEVROLET Biscayne, fourdoor sedan, iA excetient condition, Equipped with custom radio, rear speaker, back Up lamps, padded dash, washers, white jwatis and dises, $975. Call after $ am,, 723-9096. WF CHEVROLET standard, @ qylinder two-door }195? CHEVROLET, halt ton panel, Av feondition. Best offer, After é pm. tele phone Whitby, 463 $13) |\9S7 MG. "1300 excellent condition, 'Tele. | prone 725-232) after 4 pm. '28--Real Estate Wanted THREE-BEDROOM bungalow wih base ment apartment wanted. My client has substantial down payment, <n BIN John yiNot in new subdivision, sepa siness, Excellent value \et $17,800, Willlage, large tot, niece neigh consider in trade @ lot, vacant propertyjciose, Save money! Buy from ue pr! or older residence, Contact Ssale Mertin vately, Whitby 6608099, . BEAUTIFUL brand new home large ~wwmelvavine lot, overlooking city, firninc woirre heat, plug many extras. y, Private, nyasrs. ioanan "STORE = livi equipment, owner retiring, thlety and turnover, reasonable Pg Lists 9 asking fifteen" thousand, Keith Peters, Realtor, 423-2637, ONLY $0,500,for Thi Clean five' room puralalae centrally located, My ope l $117, Low down payment, Make an by ailing Doug Skinner td or Jom eph Bosco, Reator, ad 1907 puariers, Toronto Russell 79987 Evenings, EORNER LOT, one ner, northeast of Markd: Tallman Ski resort, Drilled' ei, yi T, Yates, 22 York Street, Alax, adead 1,500, DOWN, 995, monthly, nearly new three-bedroom brick bungalow, @ earner jects, and sereens northend, T Rows SrRaaT, Ae mart 1 tar en $2,400 down, 80 inly or $1,400 down, Ws" mon ly on natence ot second mortgage, Possession March | If sold before January 90, Taxes $240, Apply) 208 College Avenue, Ne realtors ) please, PRIVATE, WHITBY = Threebdedroom bungalow, semi-detached, carries for $87, month, principal, interest, taxes, Price $21,800, Whitby, 668-5760, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow" off Slim coe Street South, Close to schools, . bus and shopping, Low monthly payment o a 5 per cent mortgage, Possession 'in July. Full price $12,300, Phone 725-9436, ; BOWN, two-bedroom, tive > "room brick with 'third bedroom In basement, north of GM north plant, trmaculate condition, Taxes only $163, For appoint ment to see call George Koornneef, 729-2089 or Joseph Bosco, Realtor 720-7377, paivara cay | Bedroom 'Bungalow love. lent district HA Ai etc, Must sell, low down payment phone 725-291) evenings 728-7162 PRIVATE SALE = immacuiate sroom brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, finished recreation room, Lot $0 x 134 tty Cholee north tecation, tmmediate possession, $2500. down, Telephone 720-8749, ie $850, DOWN -- Fiveroom brick bunge low, large Hollywood kitchen, ceramic the bath, One mortgage for balance, Call Rob Stevenson, 720-6284, $, DB, Hyman, Real Estate Ltd, $1X-ROOM, one and one-half storey brick home with garage and paved drive, In good residential area, close to achools, churehes, and bus, Telephone 7252074, ESTATE SALE, lot 78 x 10! for Duplex or single dwelling, sewer, water a" side walks, College Hill, Make offer, W. Me Auley, Realtor, 2@ Prince Wreete * Osh: awa, 722-2512 or Whitby 660-5768, 4900. DOWN, large house, commercial, cement block buliding, 18 x 40, Kelth Peters, Realtor, 726-7398 INCOME PROPERTY $13,500, for income home all in perfect 'condition in. side and out, beautifully de» corated, contains large living room with oak floors, extra large modern kitchen, two lovely bedrooms and 4 piece tiled bath on main floor, Se cond floor contains 3 room apartment with 3 plece bath all in spotless condition, pri- vote entrance: Recreation room in basement, new fore- ed air oll furnace, good gare age, fenced yord treed ond hedged, Property just 10 yeers old, convenient loca. tion east, For full information contact ney Stinson ot 725-0243 CARL ong asia . BUILDING LOTS HILLSDALE TERRACE = residential, fully serviced lote available in the North East section, School ond bus serv- ice within the subdivision, List price $60.00 per foot, WESTDALE ESTATES == just off Garrard Rd. North and close to school, Oshawo's newest subdivision offers large lots for restricted home building, We offer-a choice of lots on the Ravine and ap- proved for V.L.A, minimum 90 ft, frontage - prices stort et $2700, | Easy Terms Avellable + Call WILSON Realtor 725-6588 er your own Realtor $500.00 Winter. Works Bonus 1 Left $12,658 $390 DOWN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW 3 Left 14,190 } $290 Down | 6 ROOM BUNGALOW with garage 3 Left $13,540 | $540 Down { EXTRA LARGE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW all homes are detached, and the balance is one 6% N.H.A, mortgage. Included are storms and screens, col- ored fixtures, 'twin sinks, clay brick, fan, electric clocks, landscaped front and rear, sewers sidewalks and paved roads, Carries as low as $99 monthly, interest, principal and taxes if you qualify, Located in Whitby and shown by appointment only call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LIMITED WANTED UAMEDIATELY + private bedroom home central location, quiet district, Pr ston at 728-1066, Bolanoed. 8 two or three-ded: Cash, Write Box 64, Oshawa Times, black north oF south of King Gaat, » Telephone 728-8230. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.A, SERVICE i Ritson Road and King | 723-4733 «nd 723. 7712 |29---Automobites For Sale |29----Automobiles For Sale [29--Automoblles Fer sale, TIVE VENA Fiimiw, Trewmeesnyy conues : SEAWA JANUARY SALE 1963 FALCON FUTURA CONVERTIBLE Beautiful soft Glocier Blue finish with sharp dork blue leather interior, automatie transmission, radio, white walls, windshield washers, full wheel dises, back-up lights, padded dosh and visors, Power top and other extras, Warranted for 16,015 miles unconditional, 2695 1963 GALAXIE 4.DOOR SEDAN Outstanding 2 tone oxford blue and white finish, 352 cu, Inch V8 engine with Crulse-o-matic -- transmission ag Po whee covers, ah, power brakes "and steering, radio end other extras, This car is absolutely in show room condition, Werranted for 16,291 miles, unconditional, 1960 MONARCH 2 DOOR HARDTOP Finished in Wimbledon White with matching interior, Equip. ped with automatic trans mission, radio, whitewall tires, etc, Spotless one own er, Fully quoronteed, $1595 1961 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN Soft midnight rose finish, Radio, Power Brakes, Win» dow washers, White wall tires, V-8 engine, This aute- mobile is in A-l condition, owners name on request, $1445 1960 ZEPHYR SEDAN Two tone red and white with matched red interior, 6 cyle inder engine, This car ie the oi of the English Ford ars, yew Peppy ond econ omical, $745 1958 MERCURY 2 DR, HARD TOP Spotiess two tone red end bleck finish with matching Interior, push button aute- matic, power steering, power windows and brakes, radio end many other extros, This cor is @ real beauty, $795 1959 METEOR 4 DR, STATION WAGON dark metallic green finish, 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, radio, etc, Absolutely in excellent mechanical: condition, $1045 1961 CORVAIR COACH Sharp white finish, eutomatic tronemission, radio, fold awey seat, white walls, ete Truly @ beoutful cor, 345 1959 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR Immeculate light green fin- ish, 6 cylinder standard trans. mission, Be sure to see thie beouty before buying. $945 1958 FORD CUSTOM 300 4 DOOR Completely refinished in me- roon and white, 6 cylinder ens ine, Qutematic transmission, 'odio, Believe it or not, this is @ achool teacher's car, $8 5 4 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Finished In spotless maroon with radia, An ideal second ia $845 1963 RAMBLER DELUXE 2-DOOR tmmeculete light beige fin. ish, radio, Many other acces- sories, This cor is as sharp @s any of our new automo: 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, 4 DOOR Hardtop, 2 tone light blue with. matching interior, aute- matic transmission, radia, Whitewalls, many other extras, 295 1961 FORD FAIRLANE 2 DOOR Spotless medium brown fin. ish, 6 cylinder automatic, hoa OM, *, cor, very m . Fully gueron- teed, $1295 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WARRANTY POLICY = ryote kg ge er are Se et WARRANTED ra period o others are warranted with a discount on parte, labor and accessories, dc Sabatino OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED 200 DUNDAS WEST, WHITBY, ONTARIO TELEPHONE. 668-5893 A Y'S 35 eeu" tenditen we Matter ' 'me 29---Automobiles For Sale ee utsmeblles Fer rs" Yea CHEVROLET Ine twa» ie OLD pes iin ay rata aa ee ee aman hae la, windshiel wan seat si a et ile, "Private, "Ne inst Wuildban rises Telit, Fats all wren ¢ Head, oa: tom re coke etter 6 p.m, area = er VN have se tie i mt a offer, Tel _ =. $1900 full price nd Nab, WaT CADILCAG con s Hse ae ete ' win ee. Call ibas OLE Tredier autora ae "Lr AUC a * eee i Tieraps wk | ie METRON-VI- Siar THAT 9) ry) or Caarg, V Hie miles, An Koa extras, gener, eth > rf and transmiss i a ea! fon After § evenings ' sohone Taba i = vin en ot sect sae sar oo electr | PM, 7200162 al mee me new. "a ERGUHY sts 6 and Bint new battery, Ke MERCURY ion iw voce = ne fon power wi wenger, able, Phone waninee A fo be a He, Oni Hee Ni teoring Brock Bet North Whiiey, gaauat +1 ontrage bn r ahape, hai der, redo, rear Spreken, automatic, ete) Wi Sell Yeeee sisi ie PONTIAG Laurentian, twodoo Hy Shen Nie, Fadia Pep poor speaker, As} miles, radio, Excellent condition, rs Te ines OLOIMGRILE i ERIVWOLET 'two Tena eurdonn | to be gppreclated aleeylinder, standard tra salon, $408,/ 725 AY Evenings, 72-63 Telephone Whitby e210? after, ' an isd METEOR Var "ied "ih th red pani eraale, car with very Terms arranged, Dial 728-1906, fea aes win a SPOT CASE le PAID FOR North Wniloy, 44 PONTIAS custom rer ved, Kpely| Good clean cars, rege we i Burns Street West, Whitby, or down, Mot ld_oft, BRIVAYE: V05F Ponting, Tar ar "aile- DODD M OTOR SALES Brats tae since new. arek, (Call after 7 314 PARE RD. SOUTH 720-5629, 723-9421 pene avert Hy lig rl like n iy ni i PRIVATE" -- TW Wonllnc " Warllanne| down, Wit aan ee 'New on Mtoor hardtop, éeylin: Wi, ad wah | Wi * senor sta nt PS yn Riek Aes Si Ree iad anaes fe eriven War WUTC tour oer Mi ae y ¥ ' rock, Fen WH We § * 4 ¥ " * * » $2,700, Ci iat me WY" atlonwagon, dey ie Woe iy "Good |eylinder, Parte conan, Phone ater « motor, m2 © pam, PaeasPa, Hy LL vEOR, 6 ine avtoratle| tne ent Rac Wa ae 4 Rea: a Yea Rittedate Drive. 48 "Genthaven' Street os spe ry tive] 148 ~verneaWiehit "3 deluxe, Wye ~ Tage RU oa RIT, Youre Ww ae 1B Galan, two-door hardtop.|door, new tires, Phone Yah714 atter 6' A loaded with gains, ™ i) vy ACADIAN Invaders sorel automation scee = 2 am, tor Wuningy ng rele tae oNNted 4 a -, SALES AND SERVI see Be Yelepnone tain '| = JAKE and 8 BILL'S iT AUSTIN garrldas 'tation wanen, GARAGE, Re, Sunihewetie eles, Weeettont" eoner: GENERA fen, badd ae AUTO Butctalc Maven jan, 449 Ritson Re, S, Oshawa 728-0921 wate BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, == sana Just Bost of Wil 'ead) 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 far, saternalle, eondition, new paint Tol e Nie' Garage, 140 Siincoe "touns aie ht ene 9725, haltton box, | #30 cate Phone ae how te. 2 ta aw el Reanenenle k F door station 9 erie, in SEE Sy 'con 1959 PONTIAC aaa SE Er Tg, GSTS Gey 146 Brock Yer aineal Wort iN matic, A gee . : ae Potts Come as $950. equipment, pertect Ban ean er fe SS 1957 MERCURY KELLY DISNEY Fever eqaenee. i anuane WHITBY == 668-5891 aera ae A good' choles. -- Aiea Con euaitt 1955 PONTIAC THUDEN [Sto ae CAR AND TRUCK | 1956 BUICK RENTALS V8 eurematis, herdtop, In (All eng eh and Mode! SOUTH END 'ode la) 6553 14 ihe a B.P. Service joes GALAXIE Two door, six, 1300 miles $2195, 71 Bloor St, East 725-7702 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Two door, very good $995 1960 PLYMOUTH Four door, six R eylinden,, we $ioss 30-- Automobiles Wanted GINAWA Auto Barts and Auto Wreckers VE Nelson Street, want care for Waa, 1989 £ CHKERNORE P2S-2142 oF PaaS $s Auto Wer eeslocetieedar sa tsa Yh tee 1989 DODGE $ Ric CASH $ For Rood V-8, spark! For clean cars or trucks we Ws a ERs 3098 deal up or down, Liens paid ft ; NICOLS MOTORS LTD, . hae BROCK ST, by de] oas from Rove! Hote! AWhitby"668-393 1. "Tas CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? 1958 FORD FAIRLANE V-8, automatic ...., $798 1988 CHEVROLET Four door, six cylinder $593 1983 DODGE Car Dealer and AV EH! TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 353 King St. West (Continued on Page 2) 728-734) 29---Automobiles For Sale SMITH SPORTS SEAWAY MOTORS SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH 1960 Vauxhall Victor Sedan FOR A TOTAL PRICE OF $1.00 SEE DETAILS BELOW Wh every purchase of @ new Ot unad cer duet the manth 1 are entitled to a Lucky Draw v Ticket gn this sharp i 1960 VAUXHALL VICTOR . "second cor For the price of $1.00, the fortunate winner aks the adle te hand over the keys of this cosy compact to his wife for her "arou town shopping end visiting jaunts, Chief Conmteble, Ge Geo, Seeks, wi make the drow on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1964, GUARANTEED: FOR 30 DAYS: We vehg'y in writing thet this is ' gute . better Chen ouaelient Palace nog -- pom 'eround.tovn travel, If you've been dreaming obout @ bets . now's the time to move up... SAVE BIG DOLLARS b> 4 finest selection of reconditioned cars during our Jonuery Clearance ws 8 PLUS the acded opportunity of winning a "second cor", VISIT US SOON! 200 DUNDAS ST. W, WHITBY 668-5893 e< @ (4be me ede oF oO ene 43% 122 . Mitten b 4 a Baga 6 }

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