2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 29, 1964 _-- -- MR. AND MRS. JOHN LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO, 3 NG Sister Anne Cook presided over the regular m of Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 assisted by VG Sister Vera Wirsching, Visitors from Sunshine Lodge, Oshawa, and Chapleau Lodge were given a cordial welcome by NG Sister Anne Cook, The secretary, PNG Sister Nelda read the minutes the many 'Thank-you Bessie cat PAWLOWSKY --Oshawa Times Photo. sone College Avenue Pair Feted On Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Pawilow- sky, College avenue, were guests of honor at a dinner party to mark their 25th wed- anniversary last Saturday. party was arranged by their children and attended by many friends and relatives. Their children, Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Pawlowsky, Mr. and Mrs.' William Pawlowsky, Mrs. Touise Leggo, Miss Patricia Pawlowsky and Mr. Robert Schrane presented them with a bar set and liquor cabinet, flow- ens. and several smaller gifts. They also received broadloom , golf clubs, and numerous of silver and chinaware. Mr. Pawlowsky presented his bride of twenty-five years with a@ bouquet of silver tipped car- nations and a silver wedding ring. Mrs. Pawlowsky presented her husband with a gold watch and sterling silver monogram- med cufflink set and tie bar. Members of Mrs. Pawlowsky's family present were Mr, and Mrs. William Sytnyk, Mr: and Mrs. Alex Sytnyk, Mrs. Anne Buldyke and daughter, Mrs. Pawhowsky's mother, Mrs, Mary Sytnyk, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shewring, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Douglas and Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Jenkinson, Members of Mr. Pawlowsky's family were Mr. and Mrs, George Wodnisky, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wodnisky and Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Wodnisky. Friends present were Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Dalby, Mr, and Mrs, Roger Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ladd, Mr, and Mrs. Rob- ert Taylor, My. and Mrs. Frank Wadell, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Shewring, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thiele, Mr. and Mrs, James Brady, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Shewring, Mrs. Laura Gail and Mr. Alfred Emery. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES SIMCOE STREET UCW NO. 6 The Fidelis group of Simcoe Street UCW held its regular Mrs, Alger and Mrs. William Bannon, A card was also signed for Mr. and Mrs. J, C, Young Westmount UCW Views Colorful Slides of Jamaica The regular meeting of the Westmount UCW was held Tues- or, J 21, at the church hall. Mrs,. Percy Neal, presi- dent, welcomed the visitors and the members. Mrs, E. A. Small, program chairman, introduced Miss Eleanor Calvert, who ren- dered two solos "How Great Thou Art" and 'Hold Thou My accompanied at the piano by Mrs, Carl Morgan, Mrs, Harry Bennett introduc- ed Mr. Ross Drew and Mr, Roy Switzer who showed slides of their flight by turbo-jet to Ja- maica, where they spent their Christmas vacation, Kingston was their point of landing where they spent Christmas, They found it less commercialized than in Canada, and with an at- mospheric temperature of 80 degrees, They enjoyed a tour of the famous Hope Gardens after which they journeyed across the island by way of the Blue Moun- tains. Their next stop was Port Maria where they viewed the Dunne River Falls and toured the banana plantation of Major notes." There were also 13 PNG present, ' VG Sister Vera Wirsching gave a lengthy report on the sick and expressed sympathy at the passing of a'late sister, Frankie Green, An invitation was accepted to the Kinoven Lodge birthday party, February 11 and plans were made for the trip. Initiation was conferred on a candidate by No. 8 Degree Team. NG Sister Anne Cook present- ed a white Bible to PDD Sister May Bunker for 50 years of Accounts and correspondence were dealt with, An invitation from Kinoven Rebekah Lodge, Brooklin, to at- tend its birthday party, Febru- ary 11, was received and ac- cepted. The Degree Staff of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, Port Perry, conferred the Rebekah Degree in a very fitting manner,\on a new candidate, Mrs. Anne Larkin, Sister McKee, NG, presented Sister Renwick, degree captain of Maybelle Lodge, with a gift of appreciation for their lodge. Sister Dolmage, DDP, install- gan, in the passing of her sister,jed Sister May Wood into her the late Frankie Green, office of Right Support of VG. 'The dignitaries expressed |i their pleasure at being presented, Lodge closed in the usual manner. Refreshment were served by Sister Liewella Pine and her committee in the ban- quet hall, * AWA ans gun st. epnara Pa ear PHONE 725-0643 service to Oshawa Rebekah --_-- No, 3, NG Sister Elsie MacKee of Sunshine y hawa, con- gratulated the degree team on their work and offered her best wishes to the lodge, Birthday greetings were sung for Doro- thy Holdsworth, Refreshments were served by Sister Ann Holt and her committee at the close of lodge and a social time spent. SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE A large number of Rebekahs attended the regular meeting of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, held in the IOOF Hall, recently, Sister Elsie McKee, NG, vas assisted by Sister Frances Cornelius, VG The meeting opened in the usual manner. Sister Mabel Disney, past president of the! Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, was escorted and introduced by | Sister Emily Booth and Sister) Elspeth Dolmage, District Dep- uty President of Oshawa _Dis-| trict No, 7, 'west, by Sister) Florence Johnston, PNG. Sister) Grace Love, of Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, Port Perry and District Deputy President of Oshawa District, No. 8, east, was escorted by Sister May Skea, PNG. Vaughn moving on to Montego Bay they were treated to the sport of deep sea fishing. } One thing they regretted was | coming back to the cold weather of Canada, Mrs. Ellen MacFarlane thank-| ed the gentlemen for their inter- esting commentaries that ac-) companied the slides. Mrs, Percy Neal expressed! her thanks to the members for) the help at the banquet that was) recently catered for. | The sympathy of the lodge was The Noble Grand extended aj hearty welcome to these offi- cers and invited them to a seat! on the dais, All other visitors and mem- bers were given a hearty wel- come, The VG reported on the sick and shut-in members and wish- ed them a speedy recovery. - Engagement ting $125.00 extended to Sister Gladys Mor-| The members were reminded of two meetings of importance, The World Day of Prayer, Feb- ruary 14 at St. Andrew's United Church at 2.30 p.m, and 7.30 p.m. and the annual presbyteria! meeting to be held 13 in St. Mark's Church Whitby Plans were discussed for an af- ternoon tea and bake sale April 15, a turkey supper to be held Wednesday, October 7, and the annual fall bazaar to be held Wednesday evening November 25. The social committee Mrs. J. B.. Jackson, Mrs, Alfred Fur- sey and Miss Helen Doughty TRIAL OFFER OR | AUTOMATIC | DISHWASHERS | PHONE 723-1411 WAYNE'S 78 Simcoe North | 10-DAY FREE | | l served refreshments TO a LOVELY VALENTINeG GIVE HER THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW DIAMOND DUETTE the latest design, styled by BLUEBIRD. Guaranteed perfect and insured free against loss. BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. W. 723-7022 Famous PECIAL | & Clearance ZELLER S HOOVER WEEK SPECIAL! ONLY 'A995 | For This DeLuxe ALL TOOLS INCLUDED! @ Combination rug-and-floor nozzle @ Dusting brush @ Crevice tool @ Fabric nozzle meeting recently, in the church/for their 40th wedding anniver- parlor, Mrs. Harold Boddy pre-|sary. sided, Mrs. John K. Moffatt was| pian were discussed for the @ Tool rack BLUE BONNET an honored guest for the after-/various projects to be under- Mrs. Boddy opened the meet- ing with a poem, "Old Friends". A' hymn was sung with Mrs Wiliam Dunn at the piano The various reports were read by the sécretary, treasurer and flower convener. Members re- ported 22 sick calls It was decided to send flow- ers to Mrs. O. M. Alger in honor of her 90th birthday \taken this year. The 1964 slate of officers for |the UCW was read, An evening church service for the UCW was announced for March 15, Mrs. Ronald Standen to be the speaker. Mrs, George Durno read a Selection entitled "As You Go \Through Life". The executive served refresh- Birthday cards were signed for| ments. Men! "Cash-In" On This! ! Buy One Pair And Get Another Pair for Only * 'Tailored from the finest Engli colors. In Banker Grey, Dark end Charcoal. Regular styles FIRST SLACKS 9.95 36 KING EAST MEN'S SLACK dyed worsted and flannels, in smart neot checks and plain young man's "Continental Style". Sizes 28 to 44. EXTRA SLACKS 1.00 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE . fred S! sh and Domestic All-wool yarns, Brown, Lovet, Slate Blue, Block with belt loops or the popular ¢ You SAVE 8.95 AND OSHAWA convenience. With ) Pay, Wess all vegetable goodness now comes in CONVENIENT QUARTERS! The same fine margarine that's in the Yellow Quik Bag...now in a handy new package! No squeezing...you get real package-to-plate the Blue Bonnet one pound package of golden-yellow quarters, you Pure, 100% vegetable oil goodness! Blue Bonnet is, and always has been, an all vegetable margarine. It contains no marine oils or animal fats. You know it has all the nutritional advantages of a pure, vegetable oil margarine. Enjoy Blue Bonnet's fresh, sunny-sweet flavor every day. simply unwrap one quarter, slice and serve! The others stay fresh 'til you need them. ALSO AVAILABLE IN THIS THRIFTY Amazing but true! Now you can own Canada's best-selling suction cleaner-- the cleaner that "walks on air" -- for only 49.95 if you hurry! You get the. complete set of tools listed above plus cleaning wands and double-stretch hose for hard-to-reach places. And the Hoover Constellation has all the power you'll ever need for complete home cleaning. Visit ZELLER'S soon to avoid disappointment, : =? Felt pads SPECIAL CLEARANCE 6 FREE POLISHING PADS Hoover Two-Brush Polisher has power to spare and three sets of pads as shown, Act now and save as never be- fore at this low price. HOOVER WEEK SPECIAL \ JUST SAY "Charge-it" NO DOWN PAYMENT an ZELLER'S SHOPPING CENTRE DOWNTOWN OSHAWA