7. 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale (29----Automobiles For Sale |29---Automobiles For Sale Three-|\VERY NICE three-bedroom brick with) rs5 BuicK, stick shift, meéhanically|1958 MERCURY _haif-ton, and)basement apartment and large: lot, -- OK. " tires, $195. Apply Jan's|cab, style side long box, no rust, 110. =-- separate vb High Schools, 5 =. 0 Albert Street. f 1959 GMC half-ton box, $30, per cent NHA morigage and goud isiins.;--------_ ' 728-4722. reso MONTA f forvalr radio. heater, wind-|FOR SALE: Singing canaries; hene Aski ly $12,950. Selly Wallace 125-6297|1 ET 6- : ean if yaniers Pertect condition. Phone after|1960 AUSTIN Healey 3000, convertible tor, shield w bucket seats, four-speed|Man's Duicn picycie; sisp @ typewriter. 725-4872 or Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. fi is ken i neat condition. $1900 cash|Call 725-2109, PRIVATE, 3 mM Tike}é_P-m. Ser bieglt: aber tier hoe pbb oo or $500. with, terms. Call. 7253568. from 8. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, new, in Whitby, Shopping, schools and/r9g¢ eresy 6- cylinder standard,|condition. Call Hampton, 263-2419 after 6,|3_.™: to 4.20 p.m. after $ p.m. 725-3490.) 0° 0 = @GAN Tees od 4-door, push-| Bel-A ir goed vision, The! Budget Plan, 725-4543. 728-7162 Fe SRN cdc ' eileen Reed Seu good Must sell. $295. Private} 2" Our pies waite body z Pnena| Y val : 54 OLDSMOBILE ¢door B, Fully, "sito oeie. Devtlene onty, 739-7550. 728-1240, Prone /auy and sell pt ge me fhe M F T C A [ F ee "9 PONTIAC Parisienne, "4 cylinder. pir pool Lick da Ma LSimeos: South, MBM 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian Hong sedan in, joey seat belts, wheel discs, whitewall tires, excellent condition, $2575. 4 bmi "condition, After 6 pm. Dial other extras. Call after 4:30 p.m. 723-7328, REAL ESTATE LIMITED | |7233246. 1960 OLDSMOBILE, power steering,|1956 PONTIAC Laurer fully equipped, low m Call 9 to 5, , or. bast after, T38) ; iN 5 to 7 p.m., : Dial 728-4678 723-2933; 1 ee i aa CHEVROLET BelAlr, two - door| 197 enaventaT, viwordeors imctor in| farmer! 2-BEDROOMS age, 6cylinder standard SE urease eel So eonane 6 ty' Lovely 5 room bungalow in |radio, all aa ond otherwise. me 1953 AUSTIN, at parts, attachments, 1958 METEOR sedan, Sedan, excellent condi-|$25. 1959 Chevrolet convertible, floor shift.| brushes, Guaranteed re-byllt of the extra refinements ai- dh refinished body,|Reasonabie. Apply 200 Bond West. chines, Rentals. Wallace Vocus se reddy Gaded ot nb auth oat eee bat coe mnt ean Phone Pel heater. Best:otter. Apply 15. Millligss CHEVROLET coach ans-|Call anytime 728-0591, ony to you. Gorage, paved drive, 728-7146. 1957 CHEVROLET, Iwo tone, four-door.) Telephone 7: riage Lloyd. le, Gendron, six-cylinder, standard transmission, $695./igss BUICK, mechanically voor BfIG trom 'wilson Furniture, 20 hee And asking ot Telephone Whitby 668-2109 after 6 p.m. | shift, radio, $165. Telephone 7: ree STRATO-CHIEF 7 The EAST END Six cylinder, four door, outo- Balt aie. matic. A' good buy. . paint job, water pump and 'ator, South. 723-1671 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 23,1964 2] 29--Automobiles For Sale |32--Articies For Seie 27--Real Estate For Sale TAUNTON ROAD EAST, four-bedroom,|MAPLE GROVE Shin Breee with lerge dinina roam and 27~--Real Estate For Sale 50 ACRES on Scootemate Baap Ate Tweed istrict just wer -27--Reai Estate For Sale -.fMRER-REDROOM bunaalow off Ae, Sin custorr $725. ore FEIT ET liwosioiey WF Sand. beach, mile shore 'tine, goad living room, forced alr oll heat, offer. ee tes tink vaeet can. yi seal oan, "tah lot, close to school. for, Bowmanville 623-5300. ee eller' a ee aahich gram Were. Ber A. with $2,000. down. Doug ° Telephone on property. This is rely Skinner, 726-4900 or Joseph Bosco, Real} $]2 300 Full Price "|something. hag asm $3800. $100 down. $30) tor, 728-1377. eH . ae ed 'ac brick bungalow, oil heat, private drive, storms and heculale| monthly. Come down "gee cal George k ya Muse. onarion Rossland Road East and Goredale Close to 2 Ea hale $2500 DOWN To one N.H.A, Mortgage. ment fo see aca Bosco, Realtor, CORNER STORE -- living quarters, Simcoe owner retiring, thirty thous- rurnever,, Teb je down payment, TWO NEW THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOWS *| Realtor, 623-3637. SOMERVILLE STREET NORTH, large) Second three piece bath- room in basement. Attached lbuilding lot, less than $63. @ foot. wall garage. Reasonable down 728-7328, Keith Peters, Realtor. j payment or cash or trade-in, Open week-ends 2-5 p.m. TELEPHONE 725-8823 'GUIDE REALTY . 723-1121 ONE BLOCK FROM BOYS'... CLUB=-6 room brick. bun- -galow with poved drive. Large - Jiving room, separote dining room' and, sunny kitchen. 'Extra' finished' room. in base- ment. 'Priced.'at $13,000. After 6 p.m: Whitby 668-8087 RESALE BUNGALOWS PRICED FOR ACTION $11,500.00 with $1,000 down, $12,500.00 with $1,000 down. Brand new homes also for $499.00 down. CENTRAL PARK TWO FIRE PLACES BUILT-IN RANGE This home has many -extres, Walkout ~bésement; .. Patio with' Balconiy,'Etectric heating, Two bathroonis,., ' N.HLA. mortgage at 6%4%. $2,500. down. ' ; . Call now and ask Martin, 728-9714, or 728-7377. "Bosco, Realtor. é ATTRACTIVE three-bedroom brick bun- . Donov galow, ig nae a sg n Oshawa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estate -- ---- Insurances -- ~---- Mortgages -- Do As Others Coll the Brothers SPECIAL $11,900 Be" sure to inspect this 6 room home located in the north part of Oshowa, Down Payment and terms for the working mon. inspect now Cal re ene ed Db. Hyman Real Estoie Ltd. BEAUTIFUL brand new home on large Favine lot, age ooking vas Nagar aes electric heat, plus many ras. u | immediately. Private. 723-2573, IACIOUS SEVEN-ROOM home, ed » completely hgersedleo at an ated on large vo. Central location. price, $13,700. Write Post Office Box 428, Oshawa, Ontario, SIK-ROOM, one and one-half storey brick home with garage and paved drive, in good resiGential! . rea, close to rt a churches, and bus. Sata we 725-2874. W. Schatzmann REALTOR ond moke an offer, Ask for 114 Brock St. N., Whitby | Mr, ep at 728-5123 or 725- 668-3338 NOW. IS. THE TIME to secure one of these beau- tiful wooded building lots +, about 22 miles north of" "Whitby off No. 12 'highway. _These-'lots ore -surveyed, re- " gistered. ond N.H.A. approv- ed. .Frontage "75". 'ond up. ed price only $2,500.00: good -terms available, HURRY, ONLY A FEW LEFT --. Call. Helens. Simpson. 668- »°3338 or 725-7420 or Bill Schatzmann evenings 668- °3253 | buses in Immediate ares. Must sell. Low tion radio. Apply after 5 1957 DODGE, dark green, custom radio, se 1961 CHEVROLET, Biscayne four-door, i pb Fe tebe r brakes, custom radio, 'adi two- j , Diplomat bive, i C " wl AO King St. East | in La te gg lon power brakes, radio, Pri-|tone, radio repr Spout, i950" PLYMOUTH, white wall tires. $2,200. T Whitby phone 728-2987, -- CLEANER repairs, all makes, - : 'th Sen. good running condition,| Free poate ay ro i gg Da ONY -- |1956 PONTIAC, 46,000 mileage, four-door|}/58 METEOR sedan y 200 Bond We: prow. ti Both cars must sell. new tires. mission, Neat pe eeenarisnt condition. werd FINAL clea n Ms eof 1963 model baby hedged lot with fence, storms. - » 1956 AND 1952 Oldsmobile 88 sedan, @x-|i--{7 CORVAIR 700 sedan, good aah cellent condition, automa, radio. and|t4 tog" revephn Newville ex-ise, it is, $5: . ie ee 1957 PONTIAC deluxe, 6 cylinder, new fre, anything. you ave Te Two.clean dnd well' kept homes in this high' and. popu- lor east section, Both are °3 bedroom. bungalows, one has an extra bedroom and' lovely "big 'rec. room odded: ound "ot $13,700. INCOMPARABLE DOWNSVIEW Completed and' vacant, two new homes .on' farge: scenic ravine lots. One bungalow and one full two-storey, both with fireplaces and many extras. N.H.A.. financing. Asking $18,800. APT, BUILDINGS If ha fi hi id Realtor = 728-7328 ++ coher "Sites "Sonar "ihe 103 King Street East pages only 4% you owe it i self to investigate this ROXBOROUGH hi eed market that is s0 $1500 DOWN brick home, \ rently becoming «part of new furnace, ideal 1 boord- our rapidly expanding city, Ce eae eae i100, | OPEN EVENINGS: TILL NINE Please contact Rolonde Dial 728-4678 Tierney 725-5207. Bob Johnston Dick Borriage COLUMBUS Jack: Osborne Ken Hann Joe Maga Vacant building lot on good neues ae Vice ae 2... 1963 'CHEVROLET |1957 DODGE Regent 'sedan, aut eS tee ' -- 2 Real Estate Wanted | IMPALA SUPER SPORT |$450. Apply Air. Roche, 497 Albert Street. ' \ if ; ' > | 728-3923. cliffe 655.3917 SeAuTy SALON WANTED, ak tie 4 speed Seeenaeien, Rcd VOLVO bi h deal. Write full mofor, custom radio, washers, V.L.A. RURAL betptatne as sine location. end price "nl whitewoll. tires, many more SALES AND SERVICE - 9*Room: solid brick with § Box 515) extras, This sharp automobile JAKE and BILL'S . gore lot, good furnace, double is in. Ember Red with black GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE attached gorage, full price interior trim. 449 Ritson Rd. S. 1963 CHEVY I. acer $8,000.00. Call Ron Hether- Oshawa 728-0921 Sedon, - cylinder, stondord. close to -achool. Oshawa's | 798 '5123- or 728-2236. ington 623-3637 Full high basement with fore- ALL THE WORK'S DONE | showa 728-0921 BUYING OR SELLING tror 1,,. washers and seot ou A good cleon car newest subdivision _ offers large lots for restricted home and oe i rh Si Soka prveeg ed air oil heating. Garage. THIS RESALE HOME is com- imcoe Street, North. Located among other fine plete with large modern kit- hm in writing to Box 426, TED CAMPIN with low mileage. MOTORS gener: 1957 MG 1500 excellent condition, After 6 fairy new tires. Very cen car. Must phone 725-2331. GOOD CHEE Lefiy hemdrl ge ba Ryka be sold this week. Only $595. Telephone: vs aru 468-2645. otter $ *. |1959 PONTIAC convertible, Va standord, Mike's BA Srvice Station, Raglan. Brook- floor. shift, power equipped, best in. 655-35 Must sell orceneey: Call after 6 gait Whitby 668-6255, 1953 Ch \LET coach, perfect, fair body hye ora New battery. Clean interior, $125 HEVROLET Impala, 4door hard- 1955 CHEV. sedan, standard, six cylinder,|}o°° g cyiinders automatic, power brakes|MUST be sold nea, ang radio, good condition throughout, no rust. ia steering, radio, positraction axle,| Suite, heavy duty Moffat ri oe $325 or offer.' 728-0558. gondtion excellent, After 7 p.m, call ering: ee suite, 1962 ENVOY clean, with best miles 'still | 725-42: Qo! ow ed to go. Private McCLARY, Easy aera cellent 885, Ti Priced below: market, at only $1175. Financing|30.--Automobiles Wanted OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 35 available. 725-9854, evenings TIONED Mw, Had Rosen se Meg yf idtg Wreck-| View televisions, $198 cash or $8' monthly, 1987 PONTIAC two-door sedan, six cylin- at Honest Cal's Discount Fi 424 King West, |der, automatic, $700. Telephone Ajax 942- |THREE-plece sectional suite, portable, 1956 BUICK TWO DOOR HARDTOP ° Eight cylinder, automatic, radio, windshield washers. Excellént condition. Only $550. SOUTH END B.P. Service 71 Blor $t. East 725-7702 7 M @ ton truck, deluxe cab, low i ne Ms ey Telephone 723-161! mileage. Rea Reasonable. 5.) ao at en |maRCOn SGT" tiv Seley lean a eo '1958 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, , Rdoor, 6 ey cyi- inder, automatic, $995. Telephone 728-0052. Hurry. Phone Bill Millar ' 725-1186" W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd KEITH PETERS MARY STREET." Neor Greta, Lovely Bungalow, 4 GENEVA PARK--35 acres of suitable for senior citizens, ; lind with 2° swimming pools, , $3,500.00 "down reqdired. | wading pool, dance hall and immediate . possession, Call all .equipment. 3 bedroom Williom -Horner at 728-5123 home with basement garage or 728-2236. in the best of repair includ- AA! ed, This is a real oppor- Ba song BEDROOMS tunity fo acquire one of the repair 'loceted eh ies ents best amusement porks in the tdertiol 'older section of Oak | district. Excellent for a part- - gwo. Only $11,700.00. for ; nership or a family enaeay: quick sole. Call Bill Johnston | OF ot 72855123 or 728-1066. 3334 "en er pe Ye 9 Wreckers want Cars 1962 VOLKSWAGEN de luxe, 12,000 Miles, LAKESHORE Alighes! 'prices 'peld. 2201 like new, radio, leather upholstery, seat Wentworth East. 725-1187. covers. $1450 full price or best offer.) 723- 3125, 1955 PONTIAC "station w wagon, ,, 1955 Inter- jnational Tandem, 1957 GMC tandem, |Telephone 725-2156. |1961 VOLKSWAGEN Custom model. Radio land seat belts. In excellent condition. | | Whitby 668-4705 after 5 p.m. |1954 CHEVROLET, good condition, body, |tires and mechanically. All steel outside! |sunvisor, fits '57 Chevrolet or Pontiac:| Telephone 728-3270. FOR SALE -- 1956. Pontiac four-door) |sedan, six cylinder, floor shift, radio, new tires, good motor and good clean body, $650. Telephone 723-3925, automatic, $ ALL CASH $ For. clean cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 146 BROCK ST. NORTH. |A71 candition. Apply Across from Roval Hotel BABY'S playpen, | Whitby 668-3331 ese, 100 CARS WANTED [Sera Wee. 4 gece See uying a w Cor: pad, electric knife sharpener, dining room Sell your used car to 'Ted' font fixture, odd chairs and card tebles. Tak "Cash" to the New | 72500. Cor Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 31---Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 '32--Articles for Sale | MUSICIAN'S Instruments, Wurllizer elec-|AMPLIFIER, Fender Bassman 19@ tric piano, Ambassador 'olds saxaphone,| model, perfect condition, $400, said 32 |Supro bassman amplifier. Excellent A-1|/King Street East. Telephone 725-064 |condition. 536 King Street East. lw TOWERS -- Speci, 7. jower aS i | ntenna, installed -- | MEAT COUNTERS - 10 Ft. Serviced Hil! Meet Coun- ter, A-1 ocndition. 8 ft. Sherer serviced meat counter, Toledo Counter Scale Good condition. DYKSTRA'S VARIETY 'FOODS 77 KING M nee 623-3541 263-2695, If You Want |Tv TOWERS special, 40. ft, tower struc OIL furnace, forced air, Ow ai. BTU. Used only 3 seasons, $100. Phone 668-4862, LARGE Norge range, $70 and General | Electric refrigerator by $a, Both in K.0. USED CARS . RS - | FULL PRICE $7,800. 5 room GROCERY STORES bungalow on a lorge corner have two stores one in i6t in .south east Oshawa. ; Qshowa ond one in a. small Storms and rene for on village. You. can trade your windows. Full basement' wi BUILDING LOTS on tee | wae HILLSDALE TERRACE: -- cant lend on these properties, residential, fully serviced tots |. for more : information.. call available in the .North East |. Mr, Wiliam Horner at 728- section. School and bus serv- 5123 or 728-2236 ice within the subdivision; List price $60.00 per foot. - HOUSE WANTED age | need a three bedroom bun- WESTDALE ESTATES just odlew <n" Whe' Nearth-Weet eff Gorrand Rai. North and area. Coll William Horner. ot. FURNITURE. "Variety of furniture and | articles. Must sell, Telephone |726-78 . 405 Elgin East. RECONDITIONED fully automatic wash- ing machine, $60 or best offer. Chrome set, 4 age 2 ries candition, $30. 148 E JUST OUTSIDE THE CITY -- 6 room brick and stone bun- galow on a large lot with big front lown and fenced rear yord.. Gracious entrance. hall, panelled living room with fire- place, separate dining room and efficient modern kitchen. 3 bedrooms and 4 pec. bath. |first letter. Oshawa. Times; | Oshawa, Ontario. |FARM WANTED, within comm commuting dis- dis- |tance of Oshawa, 100 acres or more. Good house, brick or stone preferred, with three or four bedrooms. Telephone) 728-4553. | |WANTED -- House with double garage, north of King Street and east of Simeoe. Oshawa FaLayatone ns 71", nice cabinet, new picture recently instalied. Phene 728-1742. PIANO, ee rte Risch upright, geod eon- dition, $150. PIANO, anit rm bench. Good 'eendi> tion. Apply 362 Jarvis Street. UPRIGHT p plano, oo condition. 'Apply 246 Wilson R: ONE TaUEAne ea cedar" poate, Tourn top. Dial Whitby 668-5797. building. We offer a choice of lots on the Ravine and ap- y Apply. proved . for .V.L.A. minimum Open Every Evening homes on Gorrard Rd. chen, 3 bedrooms, beautifully 90 ft. frontage - prices start 3 | decorated, exceptional 3 room ton Tn JOHN F. DeWITH al oe Easy Terms Available - Call modern kitchen "and extra REALTOR bathroom, separate laundry WILSON Realtor Bowmanville, 14 Frank St: be ready for spring building' room, paved drive, TV tower, or let us build you the home potio. Asking only $13,900, or your own Realtor Phone 623-3950 100 Acre. farm wtih good | of your choice on one of these 5'%2% mortgage. Call Earle | lots or others we have around Allen 725-7782. °* | S D HYMAN buildings. Modern conveh- ray iences, poking £18,500. of (REAL ESTATE LIMITED me oy GO SUBURBAN 3 BEDROOM BRICK bunga- with $5,000 dow . 323 KING STREET WEST | 100 Acres DAIRY FARM with ellent = buildings. 728-6286 1 WILL pay cash for an older home in lor near Oshawa. State location and 'price, | Confidential. , Box 524 Oshawa Times. |Classified, Oshawa, Ontario. | |29--Automobiles For Sale | OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH-- We have several lots iri this fine location. Buy now ond 607.KING ST. -- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res: 725.5574 GENERAL. REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King _723- 4733 and 723-7712 7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS SPOT CASH PAID 'FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 SMITH SPORTS For Best Buy Dependable "USED CARS 1962 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN 6 cylinder; mission, washers, automatic trons~- back up TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, duplk cators, wewriters, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service. Hamilton vnity quip |ment, 137, Brock South, Whi SKATES ~-- Used, a, pair fim Kf | | | | | | { | lights and block heoter. Color | Azure Aqua with matching | trim, | ° Bes WNEXPENSIVE LIVING.con be Psat One block west of Four Corners, SKATES, Rows! and Ss Sold : aon changed. Largest select town, (oer Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond | 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN | 6 cylinder, automatic, cus- tom radio, etc. Nice and | clean throughout. | Asking low, broadloom in living room, exe FIVE BEDROOMS yours in .bis 6 room insul 4 pi i i ; ' piece tiled bath, oil heot- brick on Bonting Ave, Full ing, oluminurn storms and Good milk quota. $27,000. Terms. Nine room house locoted in the North West area, gorage, basement with furnace. Taxes 7 only $125.00. Gorage, Full Fr ahou 4 ales ices ote 107 Acres with strong streom, oil heat, modem kitchen, Nine rooms all together. Low down price only $6,900, Robert Johnson with one mortgage. He:2808. COMMERCIAL LOCATION-- Bond St. West--40 ft. front. COUNTRY PROPERTY 6500 payment Call Leg. Hall. FOUR ACRES age with a 3 bedroom bun- Located on Ritson Roed North within City Limites. Zoned for private homes: For more particulars call Howard Mc- Cobe. RAVINE LOTS Four exciting models ~ to choose from,-some with walk- out basements ond reor bal- conies, all featuring built in stoves and ovens and decorot- ing. N.H.A. financing: Call Glen McKinnon SPLIT LEVEL Consisting of four bedrooms, attached garage, colored bathreom fixtures, two rough- ed in fireplaces, exceptional quality at. reasonobie price. Call Bob Stevenson NEW BUNGALOWS Nine different models to choose .from some with. built in stove and oven. Located in "Kingsmere Gardens' over- looking City of Oshawa. Call bush. Only $1700. down. 30 Acres Hope. God clay-loam land. Asking $9,000. Terms. land near Port 100 Acre farm, locoted 5 miles from Oshawo, 2 streams. Brick home, all mo- dern conveniences. Any rea- sonable offer considered. 90 Acre farm on No. 2 Highway. Excellent buildings. Moder conveniences. Open for offer,' 100 Acre farm, commuting distonce to Oshawa. buildings, Asking $15,000. Terms. 150 Acre farm with house and born. Asking $16,000, Easy terms. 192 Acre farm, near Lind- soy with good buildings. Ask- ing $25,000. Terms. 10 Acres with good build- ings.. Commuting distance Osnawa Price ond terms ar- ranged. 160 Acre farm, near New- castle, barn; Home with oll modern conveniences. Asking $29,000, Terms. Doug Gower. +. TRADES ACCEPTED > Call today for more informa- Ps tion. No obligation. ; Dongld Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlone ... ., 623-3715 | Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 John M, Sandy 725-8010 '| WHITBY CLASSIFIED APARTMENT: to rent. Unturnished; heal-|MODERN;- seif- contained apartment; tiv ig. central. Two rooms, kitchen and|; eg, . facilities, Children welcome, |i"% em, bedroom, bath, kitchen, ufility Parking. 668-8414. . peapen. $75 monthly; adults only, Cal! _ FOR SALE; Reconditioned 'TV's, $35 up; 68-2084. chrome table and chairs, $ and 7 piece) s@pric TANKS cleaned, prompt service safes tek elt te Pied urna calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street appliances. Goold's Furniture, meee Sa ey, Sona indas Street East, Whitby. 6p Sal. * DRESSMAKiNe -- Suits, coats, dresses 3 ROOMS, self-contained, heat, Not water, @!terations. slip covers, drapes. Fitting heavy a tar we perch 668-4379) Specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 : i |SMALL UNFURNISHED upstairs apart. wanes --~ Houses for rent and for sel@.|ment. Private bathroom, heated, Con- Whitby and Oshawa aula G. McDaniel. venientiy located, but no heavy wiring, Real Estate, 668-2311 ladults only, $47, monthly, 668-3727. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE | PRIVATE SALE: | Friday, Jan. 24th & 25th; . | From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1133 Brock St. S: Whitby ys | ". All household effects; Hot Point Electrie Range. Norge Retrig- | erotor, Kitchen Utensils. ' Dining Room Suite; 8 Piece English Chino Set. Living Room Fur- | nishings; Rugs, Mets, Lamps, Hell Carpet Runners; Electric Pole | ishers; Electrolux Cleoher | 2 Complete Bedroom Suites. Mottress. Sheets, Blonkets, Bedroom Choirs, Doy Bed, Rugs, Mats, Lemps, Picture Fromes Sewing Machine,: Washing Machine, Basement stove, Lawn Mow- er, Hoes, Shovels, Hose line, Pictures. These Furnishings ore strictly like new ond cleon, Everything must be gold; Terms Cash. Soles Tax 3% + The Estate of A. Bertha Harris Wm. Davidson, Executor James Davidéon, Executor; Phone 668-3749 Whitby, gatow with good basement and hot water oil heating on property. Priced at $14,900. FULL PRICE $4,900. 3 bed- room winterized home ot East Beach, Bowmanville. Lorge living room with fireplace. kitchen has built in cupboards and heavy duty wiring for dryer and stove, Sunroom ocross front overlooks Lake Ontario. IMMACULATE . CONDITION --2 storey brick with 3 bed- rooms, new garage and paved drive. All spacious rooms: Priced to sell ot $12,500. Property clear and vendor will take back one martgage, 5 ACRES OF GOOD. LEVEL LAND with spotlessly clean 4 room bungalow. School and church at rear of property. Part of a large parcel of land suitoble for a subsiivision. Call today for full details. THORNTON'S RD. NORTH-- 71 acres of level land with 6 room, 2 storey home, barn and implement shed. 2 wells and creek on property, Ideal subdivision land. REDUCED TO SELL--6 room stone front split level with attached garage. 4 rooms on moin level consisting of living room 18 x 16 ft. family size dining room, a large very modern kitchen and bedroom and 4 pc. tiled bath. 2 extra stze bedrooms on upper level. * Owner *is- leaving the city ta live. in the U.S. and is-very onxious: to sell, For full. particulars: call 723-1121 Open. daily 9 a.m. to, 9 p.m. : FROM * 'OUT OF TOWN? May We Suggest That For YOUR HOUSING REQUIREMENTS You Try The Busy Office ot the Busy Intersection GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St: S$. 5 ROOM 112 STOREY with aluminum siding, also garage, on | acre lot, close to Osh- awa, For more call Joe Crawford BOWMAN- VILLE 623-3672. SCHOFIELD-AKER | 723-2265 CLOSE TO RITSON RD. S. 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW plus sun room, situated ono lot 40.x 135, 3 bed- vs - oil heated. Low tax- - low down payment, and Sashie payment. Quick pos- session, TIP TOP CONDITION 7,ROOM BRICK 212. STOREY HOME located in East end close to everything. A really fine older home in immacu- late condition. Owner has purchased another home and wishes to sell soon. Vendor will take back a open mortgage. see this one LISTINGS: OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION, NORTHWEST IMMEDIATE -- POSSESSION. May be obtained on this brand new 6 room brick split level bungalow with attached garage. List price: $18,500. N.H.A, mortgage for balance : 6 YEARS OLD 7 ROOM BRICK: split level bungalow, located in' Adel- aide west area: Could be used either os a 3 bedroom' plus family room: or used as 4 sizeable Be sure to B.R. home. Features include . stone fireploce in L.R. - 2 baths -1-4 pc. and 1-2pe. Aluminum storms and screens. T.V, Tower. List price $17,700. For full particulors ¢o! 723-2265 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Allan Thompson 728-2870 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 Steve Macko 728-5868 Irene Brown 725-3867 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Reg, Aker 725-0201 Bill' McFeeters 725-1726 Charlie Chaytor. 723-2266 360 King St. W. Free Parking OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE /218 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY 668-5853 EVENINGS THIS. WEEK ANDREY MOORE - 668-4088 "PAULINE HOBBS - 728-5886 information | 1958 Plymouth Two door, Completely overhauled. » 1954 Pontiac 1963 Dodge Convertible 5000 Miles List $4780 for $3595 1963. Valiant Convertible Loaded Regular $3670 for $2899 oe Dodge ign vir Six, automatic Regular $3464. for § $2799 1959 Dodge Royal: $1295 V-8, power equipped, perfect. 1961 Volkswagen Two door, real sharp, $595 1956 Plymouth $350 | Four door, V-8, real good. $295 Two door, original, perfect. Low Finance Rates Highest Trade-In Allowance | Chrysler - Dodge - Valiant | Dealers $995 | 1959 AUSTIN SEDAN | Ideal for economical trans- portetion. In a beautiful _ black with red interior. 1956 FORD V-8 Ideal for second car, $350 1956 DODGE Sedan, automatic, clean car. $295. a nite We hove « fine selection of cors to choose from at the Courtice fot. SMITH sports ROY W. NICHOLS 353 King West ' Open Evenings 728-734] Courtice - 728-6206 | Bowmanville - 623-3671 Pontiac- Relele | | iin USED Buick Ltd. DWILL RUCKS 1962 G.M.C. 34-ton Pickup Fleetside box, 8,000 Ibs, G.V.W., 700 x P six ply tires. Heavy duty equipment. New truck condition. 1956 G.M.C. Chassis and Cab 157 inch wheel base, 970 series, licensed for 27,000 Ibs. 5 speed transmission, two speed rear axle, 900 x 20 tires. Compietely reconditioned. H. DICK Pontiac-Buick Ltd. 1006 Brock Street South Whitby, Ontario 668-5846. (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 _ 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY ---- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens poid off Trade up or down Always top quality DEPENDABLE USED CARS | 1963 DODGE Two door, V-8 autometie, 1959 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, 6 cylinder, 4 door seden, outomotic, back up lights, wheel covers, a good clean cor, almost like new, 1958 PLYMOUTH V-8 four door, radio, wash- ers, wheel covers, stick. shift. 1958 DODGE MAYFAIR V-8, 4 door, sedan, radio, wheel covers, washers, mirrors. 1956 DODGE REGENT 6 cylihder, 2 door hardtop, automatic, radio, wheel covers. Engine all recondi- tioned. 1956 DODGE 6 'tylinder, 2 doer, radio, with rear speaker, wheel cov- ers. 1954 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder, 2 door, stondard transmission, Also a good selection of NEW 1964: PLYMOUTH DODGE and VALIANT PALMER ° MOTOR SALES 20 KING EAST. BOWMANVILLE 623-5487 jfure with all channel antenna, |$50. Oshawa ay Supply Ltd., wes 'Gibbons | Street. 728-6180. | SEWING wiachine: Automi linet style. This |stitches, makes. butt jhems. Take over pai |month for § months | Write Box 510, Oshawa Times. [TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft. oe sine all channel f ture, including Used Trade-Ins | staled and Guaranteed by pacgeseen gd with Come and See ii years' eapertench: $i . Trio Televisions © Quality Merchandise Excellent Services Low Prices New Appliances APPLIANCES Buying or selling. used fur- niture and applicnces. Fer . 155 Simcoe South your needs. phone. Telephone J abseil) Valley Creek Furniture | telephone 728-! ROGER | What's My Line? | 728- -_ B call ot ed store % Bond W WHENEVER You Have Anything TO SELL -- Or -- Freer Racker lauy your potatoes by the 75 Ib. bag, and save, Also Cort |by the bushel. For free delivery evenings, Brooklin, 655-4983, CAPONS, dressed, ready, oven feng up, $2.50 each delivered, 'yhephens \7; A VACANCY | |ga=tcw-ansFeoua TO RENT teem FOUND -- ipieere rim, Vicinity F srloaltags the Phone THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 123-3492 Lost =~ Lady's sar a mitt, (bionde. iwith brown spots) King West -vicinity test | Thursday. Telephone 723-3573, | LOST -- Diamond ring (white gold) vieln- ity Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, January 12. Reward, Whitby 668-3194, | FOUND -- Black and tan hound, owner may claim by describing animal. Tele |Phone 72 728-3656. Lost: P Pigeon, Elgin West, Janu- lary 18, color silver, white bars, short |beak, feathers on legs, breed Frill. Tele- | phone 725-2091. ios: Grey striped female eat, 10 mont bs old, vicinity Verdun Road. Find- er please rn to 109 Verdun Read. |Chiars pet, 728-0540. retu Sadly missed, '32--Articles for Sale JANUARY Sa Now On. _ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS 2 piece Sofa Bed Suite Leaet $88. Chrome High 'Chairs ....... $8.99 Spring Filled Mattresses from $14.88 2 Piece Chesterfield Set Frieze upholstery, foam cushions, moulded foam backs was $229. January Cleardut |; ..ases oss S1Mes Smooth Top Mattresses. 100's of coils all sizes regular $49.50 While: They Last... iy: 0sss00 0 Sats 6 Piece Dinette Suite Table, 4 Chairs, Buffet. "Unboliqvaples chicas xc ce eee WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH STREET