a : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jonuery 23, 1966 19 TELEVISION LOG sees = ma perms, | CONTRACT BDC WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronte .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie v eve. 10 AM. PM. THURSDA 4130 4--Father Knows Best 190 AM. faLeave tt To Beaver 7--Jack Lalianne Show aoe, 4-You and Your. Family ware > Yriaed 10:00 AM. Thea VisEddie Allen Show |'---Family Theatre te with Bobby | Theatre ¥ 8--Superman eee 710i Tek 7--The Early show #-The Rifleman 4 lh &3--Razzie Dazzle 4--Five O'clock Show 10:30 A.M. Vi--Super Bingo 8-2--Word for J--General Hospital hez Helene 4-1 Love Lucy 11:08 A.M, 9--Morning 2--Topper 2--Concentration 2--Tod 1 7--Price is Right SEs 6:45 P.M, 6--Loretta Young Show 6:13 PLM, lamily Theatre 4--The McCoys. 4--Headline News saad eis 1:30 A.M. 4% PM. ; J : 7:00 Oak li--Albert J. Steed Show he ans b2_-Mussing. Linke Magoo eee Weather) 2-4--News, Weather _7--The Object Is 7--M-Squad f ergiet: Tek 6--Hollywood Story 4--Bat Masterson 4--Pete and Glaaye 3-Dr. Kildare 72:00 NOON 6:43 PLM, %--Bishop Sheen *Noonday Report ii--Family Theatre 130 P.M. 82~Your First &2--Huntley Brinkley ; FY a BE i z sis Sorc : a in : The Great lid Camere gh 8--Honeymooners 4--PassWord ports 7-6--News, Weather, 7th Precinct sits his Sport: 6:00 P.M. < ope 9--Noonday Repor? k "her 12:90 PM. PE TT ¥ B ICID) YJ Bethe eee | Sal Love Locy 'inane . "el MieBal yr al Sa . ISILIALL INMMMOIOIRIS) @3--The Lucy Show Consequ Showtime BICC DIET! ? J 3 : 4-Rawhide i ?--Father Kees Best aa -- Fig ; Sle METIEIAISIEMECION } that the 8:30 P.M. 6--Movie Matinee sa ea my | WF tribution required to make --To Tell The Truth 4--Search tor Tomorrow | 4--The Great Adventure WOASS Moe Lei 2 1 PM. 100 Pm STLINICIEMENIAIRIE |S) slam is unlikely to exist--what LIEIAINMMG!ViElS} 4--Guiding Light pi <a MO 14. Strong wind IN} 2 1:00 PM. 43--Country Hoedown ; 19. Telegraphs 34. Knocks | ay ed One 11--One--with The Sonins| 2--Bob Hope Show i 20. Tennis, for 35. Emend immy Pe sai ag enka Bride 8:99 P.M. one 26. Game 'Perry 'Mason FoAnernee Show $--Andy Griffith tive vote 21, Droop in played 190 P.M. 4--Meet the Millers re 19. Whip the middle from that fhe dianos abd . . there 3--Popeye ks 22. Axilla horse " % 2--Divorce Court rar soe) 23. Permit back together ote y ieee as i a , ently a natural club 1:30 PM, 21. Salty 25. Portion of 38, Crimean ; | oe ; 4 <2 start to think of T1--Mid-Day Matinee 24. One of the curved line river " Sy ; ; a ; eee : means of saving the #--Jack B * 5 Se discipl r : 9--Our House, . ! 'er, a eS the concl if att' Thestre Ee sor i ¢ & ¢ © and lusion e2--Kr 4~-As The Worle Turns 2 é Wi je: At 2. 3 i bee e > é ' _ { A, ----* < bound at ace Ae Movie to -- to is erry - : ' can occur only if . : co. 200 PLM, 1 nctlow : "VY ; - Patri yen papper' 'late gine Oot -29. Quadruped ae i 7 : forced eventually to 10:30 PM. &4+3--Password #-2--Thet Wes The Week | 30. C4 : ae Acco! ly, wit ; 2--Let's Make A Deal | 7--Price is Right bartier : of clubs with the | kin, 1--Hennesey e 63--Telescope 31. Coerced . Ss 8 cas 9--All or paced ° Pb abeoes laid 82, Tilt ; 5 a -- be mg you cash 1100 PLM, ' if "R : : ' aes of noting 8-2--The Doctors 10:00 P.M. 34. Rep » EE ceaNgprsndl , 7, QM'ON PEUT SE RENDRE satisfaction that the opponents em pre AS a ta he A, - TEM CANOT JUSQU'ALA - eae 4 DITION DE Ev each follow suit, Having passed 11s Pm 4---House Party 9--Gunsmoke 38. Man's D : "eh. KM 7)" HUDSON TS this major hurdle, you now si Pa ; = j ' ra) aun) |? : f \to hope that East was satire Yl The nm pe te I] 9) iene oo Pm ; diamonds ane ee 3--The Untouchables ' Y G : Yi iz "a : ; You les 4-To Tell The Truth | 1 Pa k y Yy, Ki Oe Wy oe m0 PM. Wee bon ' @oa t& nan | ee Hd) ; SD cA a vac A rag 18 Pe opening: We ] ' . ai = ant? == ' one gg Bg x 1 4 : . 'ou make for fame and fortune ing a heart, and luckily, ee ore ; | | DE cASTORS Daws ce" SS } ide ig =. DiENS ; BS Or, yy forced to win it with - pt af puma bea Sf RS WERSARAE SOURED eal URL Se RELIVE MOO 2 Ir RIA "GOODWILL" 3. USED CARS DEMONSTRATORS All Priced At Reduced Clearout Discounts During Our Gigantic January Sale THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. _|Newspares To 260-266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 || Start Study Of ' 2 ; s Sone USAT me See SS apr) | Labor Relations i) = _ CELL, A LARIAT SUDDENLY CIRCLES AND TIGHTENS AROUND TAMPA, Fila. ee ONS 7 7 |a2airh Pon ta E i SIAILIE ME TIAIP SI PIHILIOXx< MEOICIE IE |S) OIRIAITIE MGI By = che gs siisele MICKEY MOUSE ae 8 ili eg i #2 Es a if ge nae Py s & Z i ; z = z ag J af ot i! : i labor relations in the U.S. news- as 26 newspaper executives 11 union officials ended pices of a new. division of the American Arbitration Associa- tion: Labor - management fact « finding committees will look par the ng of new. tech. nology upon future employment, of dealing with jurisdic. tional disputes, and greater use of voluntary arbitration. THE LONE RANGER (¢987,976.32. aS JANUARY FIRST! Sa x NS q ave BD » MUGCS AND SKEETER RESULTS COUNT! one MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Conratt © Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board SKATE | EXCHANGE NEW & USED Our Used Skates Have Been Refinished, New Leces ond Sharpened. ' STAW'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 KING ST. W 723-3224