SRE CaP RPE Sep i gen tert geet UR RR? ag SG TNR: UR I . P---Reol Estate for Sole [27--Real Estate For Sole [27--Real Estate For Sele utemoblies For Sale (29--Automablies For Sals|29--Automobiles For Sele |32--Articies for Sats --_ Fit esiawa Tiss ae | 22 WETEOR stich Gaara Saath WE THER Ve on truck, savnonl Grive,| FILTER QUEEN vacvimn, cleaner, fos a 'cower wingtion" with "garage, 'one ag 'etoring paneled wing" Soom, | S205. or trade, on chr, washer oF a ave hy oa Guaranteed, $828. as, ae Fs gM et Perk Rood Lan ane: Plena. ARMY 218 Balser, muck po Bede: in ] Y STOREY plete,-in beautiful area, close to separate,|large dining room on half-acre tot, lust! Worth Up to $100. 723-986 way Motors, Lid. 200 Oundas West, ; 2 public and fi 1.0, down of|northeast of city,» Just what you have Whitby, 195) METEOR, 4-door station wagon. | 5 come set, inehang Tour om trade. ore ease ¢ Be 728-7162. |been looking for. Asking only $10,800., ton, Ver vactomat azoan Ph tmed hard-| aa -- silon' tae dink Chk al Sharp dark metallic green finish, ¢{alalvan om cymbals, bieck pearl $375 if oll only $63.5 monthly. Coll sor |washers. Beautiful saddle ton, like new.|white. This car is the cream of the Brit-|;Yuncer,, automallc transmission, excel.) cash BB tnd ait house, lll appointment to see Oasle Martin, 728: mechani $ 3 inv nein node roa iy MINUM fetter ttt, rt Sate Sa nla om on, ee deg, oo Oe Co Se Maw Affect Cereal Trade | ' room| 193 CHEVROLET Ve-ton truck, pe a RB EE EERIE, | ; MOUSSE ee ee ee Sere eee el OY ste ' on. I. oe J ' |PIVE-ROOM splibievel bungalow, fully|7@¥O71--____. | #88 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, aor, aute|rea ehenuty., $705. Seaway Motors "Lid incnaveogt Saticnwanens "Fair | ochanest, Cals Discount Furniture ens) OTTAWA (CP) --Britain'sand six foreign countries, with' 00 Se ee a ees SES oa FD" a ele rman rao, a 'iin "deb uae oes ea pe raga ng oo oye a Whitby 640-474, nd ata mand ii ae ee y "tence motor and tires .New conditl "win white top, automatic bucket seat |ehair, $100, Like new. oo ilize vr ghleg of supplies from|bid. é interest ond toxes. ' iron 5 STi WOR orion, ares 61MM Threebedroom rick ver|alaely. Call after 6 Bum, Whitby 6484235 motor" new fires, will sell oF Trade. for pewer, stewing end, Brake, Law' lle ltaies, Kelvinator retrigerators, 7 a hy yon Bren wed with) ___Diitish production be Heated block gorage, well [envi "Fer ay commana ioe tenor, ecg, a CHEVROLET. BelAir, we = door|198) faster, in "good condition. Tele-lteephone 720-0. = joen. Ty Rotel san aoe 725-4848, Pgmcnrypwrinnet gee Bf oand ae in , we 723-9920, Wal CHEVROLET Bel Alt avtomatic: In 5 commodi treed lot, large garden near Fam SOW Ty oa, ft Ceramic were, 00, i down colors |white wall tires. ta, d00. Telephone Vt Witby 541 CORVAIR 700 deluxe sedan, Guard ee Coane bios nice oer ae Spolances. Oe "one ocaien location only. my, prety Ouawe last week to discuss the peocorts to fixed i hools and shopping. 4 ment required to 6 per mortgage, | $8-4080. man bive finis 4 725-9366, Simcoe South, 8 mg he would affect/Canada does with hogs, eggs aor and screne norton See. * aaa PG tations "wi aceent" Weds Tephone| benicar 9134 daawey More Ua 9, CLYROUTH, Saw, eatin rab caning ane Zia Saw, cbdig|Canada 'cereais mainly, and some other items. = TELEPHONE tae poll in tiene Centrally }o-| 723-7521 or 188 Farewell Avenue. 200 Dundas West, Whitby, -- eats bg hy Pg lh h ather-|repossessed balance sgnaiy Be an o| The talks are described as ex-| Canada used to be @ major: Three. |Pofed, Dougles J. M. Bullied, Realtor. ig 'CORVAIR 700, sedan, good condition | 1997 AUSTIN, five passenger, ca |Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby|teke UP Payments of $8.40 per oratory but the general situ-/bacon to Britain, espe. AJAX 942-5509 fe woe" Price 0 sel "on hase enn dew |72-. wale a. powmenie 6-1 |Felephone' P2810" afer_6 Feet ee hundreds of decorative ache aie ition means that 'Britain 'willcially gueing the Second World a ING SESE. [ewirnming pools" sub-alvidly ene FONTIAG Sei 6c) cer aat i960 CHEVROLET Staton wagon lmmee-lreglo, wie well, wheal discs, and many] accepted ax" down, poyment gd mechintigrow less itself and import|Wer, but hasn't sold in quan= way. close to Orhawe. "haute Barry new res, Sagy, clash or. Must NE pa four-door, ee Stier ee deluxe options, regum bie blues tow Box 542 Oshawa more, seeking ~ stabilize prices|tity there since 1950 and pros= 1g 3 = ; HONEST CAL'S" Furniture "ond Appir METCALF | KEITH PETERS ===" natn ws Wh BE cee, se a ar' vo + rH ht eae cent Gowen and feng tp roo ended god Ft. BUILDING LOTS _ [it otoswonite: "power steering,/f1s0, cse-sov!. __|StaviON wagon, 957 Buick, sorare We ralture lines. Your evtnr-plere. Import levies also - = REAL ESTATE LIMITED | REALTOR -- 728-7328 DALE. TERRACE, |W ons ut, Eons avin Ment ag Samara Ch Tle coin "oat Brew xs pg ert ' 103 King Street East Naaldenial fully serviced lots . |i987 FORD custom, 2-door, Immaculate,|or rinance. #38 Lupin Brive. Whitby. -"lifg, VOLKSWAGEN, Corton madalTaaa|txmert" Avalon Dence Hal, Telephone) FOr a country that tradition. Lakes « 40 King St. E. available in the North East tnt green finish, 6 cylinder, standerd,| isc; -euEVROLET Bel Alr Sdoor hard-|and seat baits, in _wcaliont condition, PaRHAN paw St, oaE_ Tai for has been an open market * ~ OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ion. School ond bus serv- |[2d'® A.) mechanical condition, S00 Ito, spotiess, Oshawa Dive finish, four|66e-4<708 after § p.m: PERSIAN lamb coat, Bleck, ful for foods, the trend has broad Dial 728-4678 y pce Tee wuiee Ee vabin tre wbdviton Lit ler Ean we [Sseway" Motors, Lids' 200 'Dundes Wert, 30_-----Automol 56 Avtomabtice Wanted |tws piece. Some new ver, ha ete ete, Ste 1 mh sg med ooportunities = Opposed To '« : ONL Tom 300, Aa § te " to 14. Telephone 725-4359. ie Mee cenetee ----Brond new $14,500 less enor te just | We raiished In maroon, and wie oy "eo Man Gite are bad ane Creme PORTABLE dishwasher, a model, ke problems. cs Ph ya of page com- ne oats M9 te tt Gorrard he iy a ond rao. A best, West Fg eo * » ig, Toone Fast ia, Weve ie Line? Fan ag -- eerrvahgiy os Welland Toll } i incipal ond interest, 3 close to school. owes : i Ing. Highest prices paid. 220 s Mosher "atte! on" king | bwdroms, eorlon on kitchen | fewest, mbcivision offers [Rt GIRVAGr terra, ier ses tae el | ae Seals ket for more--trom Canada or|, TORONTO (CP) The Great ' 'ge Me 660-9640, on from ond ovecooking the fore | fen ond cupbosrds specie! | Pullding. We offer @ choice |i ssa tad evomalc. ax aye $ ALL CASH $ your needs hema ne source -- under We! Association at its annual meets ; i ' ; of lots on the Ravine and ap | der, Like new, reasonable. Telephone Jae! For clean cars or trucks we Vall nly Furniture |#eheme. Siri withthe. oeotet wt coe | calling in Hiving room, ena. |* proved (for V.LA. minienum frau, We en. - 5 9m. deal up or down, tions POE | yo5 ro iN at the store |AIMS AT COST CUT ic tile room, exce 90 ft. aia + prices sta off, o or call a! stor pacity for Are we idential district close to 270 ; 16% Bond W. fling the Shopping Comme? | Sehoste bus 'and. shopping. | TILDEN TOOT YOUR ._ | NICOLS MoToRS LTD. The Brish pan is aimed at No! But we are offering a Coll 728-7328 for oppoint- Yy Easy na Available - Call 146 BROCK ST. NORTH 33----Market Basket cutting the costs of agricultural large choice lot Grectiyocros | COM, fia CAR AND TRUCK | OWN HORN! Aces rom Rozl tel |e aarp by we 77 Bal tbaldls bull wp ance the Bec Se greet. Call now for more sisailihins : WI LSON eaitor RENTALS hitby 668-3 and save. 'elepnone evenings. Brooklin aeaeer or pig Bis Ss. J ropean : Open * 725-6588 (All Makes and Models) eT aT ew Gan new Wise 100 CARS WANTED - | capons;~aressea, Teady, 8% lbs./nations have tak Met ag jaa nade 3" Segcom rik bunglow or your ewn Realtor cAtt 728-6853 -- oe on vor teed or te "ereg" |raseme shen avert Taapene road to high-cost, farming --and 13,700 for this room broadioom in living room, : ' . Tolk Cash" to New using more of the tug brick bungalow on Eost coli storms and KELLY DISNEY tutia Car Deciee ond ai 34--Lost and Found product that costs less. Haven Street, fully decorat- , lot 79. |28---Real Estate Wanted PLAN | _Ser Desier . waa, ed ond in excellent condi | 5°59", 926-7328. Ai pent ter aaa Wie ee] USED CARS LTD. LOAN TED GAMPIN MOTORS |i seme"onsic!, nce Sete: ace Sram of production sub- tion. Terms good with cosh right, can be sold, For quick sale call 1200. DUNDAS ST. EAST j 723-4494. Res, 725.5574 |Janvary 4 vicinity corner Gerrard and] AB to N.H.A. mortgage. CCAUMBUS--Lot 77 x 177, |W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street, WHITBY -- 668-5891 - Taunton Road. Tattoo No, R.G.W3R lefticern about ever again ing de- ROSSLAND RD EAST asking $1500.00. J oenrete 723-2512; residence: Whitby, Cory Reuohet ane 908d : THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 31---Automobile Repair nl RR en, Oshawa, Ron Greer, telephone) gered SS cs : jens pa 7 or is de) a : 500.00 THREE-BEDROOM storey and a halt Trade up or down HOUSTON'S GARAGE Lost = Box containing lady's new rediine jase wane tood Saks deee"w "spend Winter Works Bonus -- |enr"Cair silt Johnston, Bolenood Brothers Always top quolity : * | and SERVICE STATION ihioy estar. rVNSr comere: Warlserves Guindiod te precarious north eost district clove to 1 Left $12,658 SeAWTY ELST WANTS, WAY car TEXACO Catt Lave rai mea aaj ores, during the submarine schools, parks, etc. Enjoy the eft $12, SEAUTY, Ba brite daca Ph yellow golds vicinity of Eaton's, Shopping) blitz on shi contentment of not being $390 DOWN preferably a cash deal. Write qull Ge PRODUCTS one pee Theatre, rd. Anyway, British wheat is buried in the heort of the 6 ROOM BUNGALOW _ [tails such a8 size, location and price, in JAN UARY CLEARANCE SALE : high-cost wheat and the govern- delist We. Poking erty 3 Left 14,190 Oshawa, Ontario, 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 __|36 "Tegal ment is determined to pare - 3 e@ these * $13,900. FARM WANTED, within commuting dis- 32--Articles for Sale costs. $290 Down Bet ue brick 'or. sone preferred: Wows -- wer ora] NOTICE TO -- |eitgiransement om bacon ts FINUCANE STREET 6 ROOM BUNGALOW with three or four bedrooms, Telephone N TORS LTD ture with all channel antenna, installed regarded as a pilot model and Sees foal coe on Sos ne) raaain tame | CUy BROWN MO + (Beas OT | CREDITORS among: the" domestic suppliers ¢ to all sc' s j-- Auto 'oF oa " Sil Centre, lenge 7 soo 3 Left $13,540 et art oll Ee el senda' or eee, Wo "tie adver with goroge, fin- reek een ne eee, Bp ad "8 19 Cc ORV E Hira Stores, 446 Simcoe Street AND OTHERS ished recreotion room, extre \ : a weds 'overm | BEDROOM BUNGALOW |" Rit 'ssa ina 56 CORVETT BeAvaY -- Uist WBA T=! creitors ond ohare hovg COMING EVENTS ond ond dryer, yo oe auen ll homes a detached, and Wa CHEVY ' Lhgegoee igi lantera Fully Equipped. one Bex. oe Teer coeere: ; reacts yr va : ' screens. This is on che -belones. to .0ne.. 416% Irnamision, radio, we snow fires tv Convertible and Hardtop VACUUM clearer repairs, ail makes. ona he -- -- Seems, bet Mg slg Ba CLUB CAMELOT ° il frit ae ewe ood | IAA remap: inched |e rg te To [epider Guan te | fo send full particulars of |i re pm te amin, Lancy prim roa i Satta " efter pm. claims oo ored fixtures, _ twi inks, r Call anytime 728-0591. Open Evenings Till Nine cloy brick, ton' electric clocks' |i067 FORD "RANCHEROY. AT wnt) 1963 CHEVROLET 1962 CHEVROLET | sxavuss new ona casa toa and ox sigaed,sotieer (01s DANCING landscaped front ond rear, |appreciated, $200. Cash, or terms, 1960 = -- svenings. 'Drayton 'cycle, 204 Bond Est| 4th day of February, A.D. R.N.A.O. ST FER. > Dio! 726-4678 sewers sidewalks and paved | Volkswagen pick-up truck, new fires and) TW. door hardtop. New car 9 hardtop, six cylinder, Yo2d ---- mal: 196% alter which dove the : 24 paint, very low mileage, $650, cash or). ° : : 1 CHAIN saw McCullough 18") TV eerlal , after whic te Sundoy 8:30 P.M, ' Dick Borriage Ken Hann roads. Carries a3 low os $99 forms. Call 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Bowman-| condition, six cylinder, auto 2 door hardtop, six cylinder, | foot; Quebec heater; quantity of used| Estate's ossets will be distri- MEETING T Social Club 4 Fe Johnston Joe Maga -- eon -- ville 623-5012. matic ond radio. gutomatic, windows and lumber, Telephone 728-267.| buted having regard only to = . . ta: A med oo ti Jack Osborne ne i = > ona -- "aes Sarda ar an eae, "lage = elaine that have ben | Bo mn, Tuesday SUNNYSIDE PARK * by appointment only call [555 Bundas West, Whitby. 668-5893, Apply 14 'Celine Street, : ; D. W. McQUAY |" Reamer mvs] 196)PONTIAC 1961 CORVAIR Sttneinairaame mares! meTMAMS.c, | Jonuary 28th MONSTER BINGO: No 4 A vad 17 Ki . Gost, Oshawa Gene ue Noe ses ' ° . Cc AM 7-9712 Wel CHEVROLET Viton pick, ib 22.000) Six cylinder,-automatic, radio, Automatic and radio. Carest We) Nowe mie de OSHAWA, Ontario, Lecture Room ral tal CLUB CAMELOT | t t REALTOR MANDERHILL _ |i: st siti aDAY De 4 953 CHEVROLET, black. fourdoer, goed nk timers Hampton. 263.229!" er TOPIC: FRIDAY, JAN. Ith: ' Whitby Plaza REAL ESTATE LIMITED --_|Saedyig S18. Telephone 778 | 1960 BUICK 1959 CHEVROLET 28205. < NOTICE "Where do we go from 910s ti eilads i / 313 Brock St. S. : i957 FORD, six, tudor, stendard trans- SEDAN ° IMPALA EMESTERFIALD foroeplece, $68 mater ' here? $250 Jackpot Nos. 53 & 52. 3 / Whitby 668-5868 WAS 1 deat fas. wortn much more, Telephone] Power steering, power brakes. rose -~-- on cylin- radio Pe ee Pay Player: att In good con- TO CREDITORS Eorly Bird Gomes 7:45 am," t 728-2: ' . » a Toronto 363.9603 | BOLAHOOD |i careers. sora oats ms, exe tere. oG-3] AND OTHERS | RELIGION end LABOUR vg Tempera ten" 2 2469-204 ee ie Tee aur : Pavilion to Charter Bus et Fire rom brick bnecey | BROTHERS [tensity em] |'959 RAMBLER 1959 PONTIAC >free ata Stennis] Creditors ond others hoy BANQUET Chey Liebe a fly lndscoped nd fenced -- REAL estave -- [feta eS TST) Maroon with red ond black -- fy dour, atx, eutomatie, [Sram tate 7 TTT] Monatgnor Cottey fete of rues. Jan, 21 6:30 p.m BINGO tot. Good high location, close ie58 PLYMOUTH sedan, standard, six| trim, reclining seats, six cylin- phos U " * IHALLICRAFTER radio, short waver five| the City of Oshewa, are re- i iets tea +4 | to schools ond churches. -- INSURANCE -- Will trade, for hait-ton -with tong bar or) der, standerd transmission, ms tubes, .55 to 30 meg. $25, Telephone --, a. aul -- Mr, Charles Millard will be ; ; } $2208.00 gn lg eee sans eo es BE. gael wound a TYPEWRITERS, eadera, cashiers, dvpil- undersioned, solicitor for the | ggg od ye -- ORANGE TEMPLE. : e lo, $165. Telephone chequewri feet geeky before . : see Se en Saree. 6 room 2. storey haga a POT CASH : 1959 FORD peti rents sorvicn' Homilton Office aul 20th dey oft cbruory, 1964, Mee exers $1.85 SATURDAY, JAN. 18th ee specious mosem kitchon, 3 5 1959 CHEVROLET SSDAN ree ares Sets Wnty. Gacts "will "be. datriuted | (avoltable et UAW. Hol 7:30 P.M ttractive brick bunga' on bedrooms, ree w i . . . fuly laneecoped.tot with eri | Looe Biwc nerrtee oea PAID FOR 34 TON PICKUP V8, sendere Gah, rode, TE. keaetk Soon a" |. nang renee only te. cabin followed by ' ee bd Uving agp wer for the working mon. by: ag tre co ba 35,000 miles, one owner, TELEVISION, Fares ore, walnut thet have been received. PUBLIC MEETING 20 Games -- $8 room - kitchen for Mr. Yeo ot 728- % : le, $79, record player two, bedoome, Drapes ond | Siz3'er 725-2217. BOBS MOTOR SALES 1959 PONTIAC fect Aer pm. ononne Hasan] SRNEST MARISE, SE) op 8:15 (no ecnision charge) | 4 Te ee i ond other extras, C " id 723-9421 fwo door, V-8, stondord stick .{PIANO, Heintzman, 'square grand, large 17 King Street Eost, | Topic "Economic in aie Soporte asheal end chore, | $8,500 far aie to sits ots | BOVINE OR SLING 1959 CHEVROLET sit, rode, gin, Gnas, Wi, Teehane "caso OSHAWA, Onere. |" Responaibie Sccany®"* | 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Aang Bit To trapect coll ae oe Ramee, bis TED CAMPIN V-8 automatic, radio. hurry Tor this big sales Lodiew' dress] ny THE ESTATE OF The public ts cordially invited. _| Chikdren Under 16 Not Admitted Walt ck aes are MOTORS 1959 FORD tpi, Vgme Shape, Ta ond Sel! EDWARD ALEXANDER | KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 13th Annual _ DAN pve aod gett roam brick | "12 ROOM DUPLEX | 07 KING ST---OSHAWA | 1959 VAUXHALL vig nnwecne wetenuven, [artnet mameiaeetes| DONALD, DECEASED R | i ig . drive and concrete patio. $14,900" 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SEDAN pitches, makes button holes and blind! All persons having | claime Fully equipped with storms Compores tof one unit ~ VOLVO 4 cylinder month for %, {ontha or $55 cash. Dealer an gg a, b gpd ve end % rooms bedrooms. rite Box 510, awa Times, Dona! . a Sc as oe ae unit composed of $ Tooms win -- ict 1958 DeSOTO ons by, Ludwig, professional show iii od of octhatva, inthe SATURDAY, FEB. Sth 3 Close. to staged St. High w bedrooms. Two new an FIREDOME plow inr aay bongoss, et ounty ns Soert Nace Mek Resi, | facet a ot Sree a. GARAGE 1958 PONTIAC two dor horde, fully aco ficult] re, Sonn wie ed | ST GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM Asking $13,500. with $3200 -- Hy 7 Pees Mia _ GENERAL REPAIR and PARISIENNE sed. Aes PRA Te "|, Septeriber, 1963, ore Hereby . A n. To Inapect e -- ae pohly AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 2 door hardtop, V-8, automa- TELEVISION tower spacial ©, siruc| Notified to send in to the Guar- Music by BERNARD TIERNEY and his Orchestre ~ y bolonce. Bet the firt to In- itson Rd. 3, tic ond radio. ture, Including all channel antenna, in-] anty Trust of Can- spect this coker by Oshawa 728-0921 1958 CHEVROLET staled and guaranteed by experts with eda, one Bag og: Ball nag TICKETS $6.00 PER COUPLE Gosport Ee ire, home caling Me id thai a GENERAL REPAIRS Penis telephone Testi. sions) full' porticulors of their For reservations phone 725-8316 wi # Fite ve, 728-5123 or 725-9345. ALL MAKES OF CARS y TUBELESS aie Tires 800-14) fawm| Claims not later than oor pace Fe Fae wy Wag is a PARTS AND SERVICE 1958 PONTIAC : Bx vinden, pee stondord tronsmis- suburban coat, size 34, Call Brooklin cil a, Fee age P age $8500.00 with $5000 down. Coll The Brothers All Foreign Make Cars Two door with radio MUST be sold Immediately, chesterfield] tribute the ossets of the M 0 N S T E R B | N G 0 Large lot. To epeet cal STATHAM ratigrator," bedroom. sult, "combination| Estate, of the deceased having Over $500 in Priz Lunney. Bolchood Brothers Limited B.-A, SERVICE : wv iy } regard only to claims r in rizes 101 Simcoe Street North Ritson Rood and King 1957 PONTIAC Faster. Ant record Player, Telephone} which they shall then hove . Seredova ees bad 723-4733 ond 723-7712 1958 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON GHEE GAGS SikGNr WE Gea | Natick. S, ATURD. AY J ANU ARY 18th brick bungalow 'with private -- 27--Real Estate for Sale Two door with radio, Stondord shift, six eylinder. | Eee'sias Wnty) DATED this 16th doy of Jon- t crive, londacoped lot. ise CHESTERFIELD SED, vine. Parc] VOY Thon, minis AT 8:00 P.M, heoting. otra. $1 $10, a St. East, Oshowa, Ontario i' Neigh agg yen fly or NOW | 1957 CADILLAC 1955 CHEVROLET [csitent conation eax Telephone. 73-200 SOLICITORS for "FRANCIS ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM Ra Si | stn eels om fPaesereae iain) HEHE RY Ba a oe ee nesioenrian acreaces | $499 DOWN roe STE, Ta ys ciwe| GUARANTY stRUsY Goh Pcp vip er pl PANY OF CANADA, the jzes doubled al "nue : au a" oa Beg oven. Sa Miers pm Executors, BUSINESS You Save $500 AS IS SPECIALS Bp ciaciric. motore, Te 28 v.. hat NOTICE -- ot JOHN AMBULANCE 725-7743. : WHITBY ' 1957 MONARCH 1956 RAMBLER [Fixit tourist sent two camp cota four OSHAWA With Winter Works Bonus Fg Age Sv avatar uiuaees ton Ses HOME NURSING COURSE CLASSIFIED $399 $149. |trossniiton "Tscpose tia, TIMES 3 pe Lauscaees ce aes] 4." BUNGALOWS STARTED * Vineyetgenon cong, cog COMMENCING Kiox Sanh. vy helio ioe PRICED AT $12,950 1956 PONTIAC resen Weare ee eee WANT ADS MONDAY JAN 20th 7:30 P M Ps pgipidencengd Rg gg ol , HARDTOP 1955 DeSOTO If You Want P rd ° maautey Py Finceam Jct. "chide weer! PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS PR SEDAN, shor. a rs at the SEPTIC TANKS cleoned, promot service Seely, ote yrs a Catan ot $399. cota open" SELL Se SEE THEM TODAY Low ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM weecay ane fora assoe oe | we ee New Applionces |MOST ANYTHING| SIMCOE STREET NORTH Serine ys, Bt oes TELEPHONE 725-1186 3 COURTEOUS SALESMEN Used Trade-ins 5 : ee Sn eel Harry Bot ill N Come and See ; A ; Sremers ond enks. wit buy, sell and) rry es or Bill Millar ome TELEPHONE 723-3492 MIXE CLASSES, FEE $3.00 ROGER i Qooie's Furniture, 215 Dundas Street : é : W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. To ploce your For Sale For Further Information Call WANTED: Gertoman Foon, sisie" RR 3, At The Hilltop | APPLIANCES | send Aaa ' aS ee i vertdeg. col | Visa Sheek. Seach : t. John Ambulance 723-7977 oe Telephone 728-7375 and 728-7376 | yelephone Jaea1s1