Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jan 1964, p. 28

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EDMONTON SERVICE sera | Today's T IN MEMOR™M_| Northerners Can | crn. ee Phone For Help | *"===s! ini / si | oronto Stock Market Listings a i. i i Hi g ; ; i ; i Sgzetgbzesee f 7 ent 35 & S55 _ £5 25 2525 #3233s*2e3*=z 32 eez¥ rd | 7% # : j oes 7 Estee ttt ert tes << = ee> o = 1 444 4+ yl zi 222 Ye'The city) The firet call came from Yel INDUSTRIALS EDMONTON : 'of Hdmonton has started a tele-/iowknife, N.W.'T,, where a busi: ieeo primarily at northern. businest-|e° numbe rand' sole mel fa by Ns aoe fren 'but available to ai reel.|) tert neve tu "Wit Aer} donte of communition worth of{CUTS NUMBER OF CALLS 'panned away suidtenly Peace River, Alta, about 380) He placed all his orders with \ " » |oniles northweet of Edmonton, oly Red and a civic employee b.4 The idea is to put the com, the ordering by phone, sav: bg +4 munity of Edmonton at the pers/ing the Yellowknife man a num: sonal service of communities ofiber of longedistance calls, The the north, said Mayor Willlamielty, which owns its own tele Hawrelak when he introduced ayatem, the service last week of R "We will ery to help callers) "Tt is hard to how many with we can," he galdjcalls we will Pas said = be ie rela Re = in ny hee on tal be ht ay -& * Sete Been Gales Cetesltaed starch aoe And Gey Wy dey we uefa more eta" {to something worthwhile," olarak ol met anewres sl United Church Women % Se ety ae : ) ieee = Reyiew Successful Year = we cue tees 8) MRS, OLGA HILL wore Woshevday quests of Mir. jarokd Kyte are attended « Ot, "imal tribute BLAOKSTOCK = The annual/Lewls Henry, Mr. Wildman re-/UCW terial -- executive For one Whe Was HO dear ting of the United Chargn/malned and visited several re-jmeeting in Albert Street United Lovingly remembered Uy wite Givei, /RIONIOR TN netd recently in the/tatives in the vicinity, Chureh bool Christian Education Ceatre) Mr. and Mra, Roy Mobaugh) Mr. and Mrs. ivan Thomp-) {eye > ~ CARD OF THANKS Thore was an attendance of 28./lin and Donna catied on Mrs,/son, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kyte, t Shmuw The devotional was conducted] Walter need in Bowmanville Mr, . we wut bt we Ss JONES = The family of the late Mrs, Walter Wright and Mrs,/ Hospital nday --_afternoon, \ , ard For ae a Oe wrted = TOO ea Merlblovd Weight. of the Doreas/Later with Debbie McLaughlin/der, . wm dame ame amt a) We appreciation te Weir friends, reatvet Grown and David Kyte they were sup-jand Mrs, Gilbert we en. Ue Ue Set Oy ane } Reports of all departments|Per guests of Mrs, Edith Mur./their new home in Brooklin, a are ler ee were received and each mem,|/PAY at Tyrone, Mr, and Mrs, David Romeril) {nen om vin ber was handed a "Story of the), Mrs, Lewis Henry, accompan-/and Paul, Kingston; were week Year' with a complete outiinged = Mr. and Mrs, Merritiend guests and Rev, and Mrs, of the past year's activities and/Menry, Betty and Binda, of/John Romeril and family, of the planned objective for 1964, /Bowmanville, to Oakville where/Courtice, were Sunday after! | in w ry 1983 had/ they. visited Mr, and Mrs, Jack/noon guests at the Blackstock) {sreser LUNDOUIET »- ere Wathe ofp fate. Te was consi a aa |Web and tamily anne | je Oe eve Anancalty "Sympathy ts extended Lastie! Nell Maicolm, Ivan Thomp-| key er, ee Geet, ot fe) Wright of Torente, and tamily|son, Harold Kyte and Howard) { tinite Ninaneas, We 08 ony ey "TNO PLAN RENOVATIONS on the death of Mre, Wr \\/Forder, competed in the Ma: FOO FO TT a Lundaolat and farmity,| 'TRE social fanctions commit) Mrs, Wright, the former ..ss/sonic Bonspiel at Uxbridge and jtee was authorized to "look/Winnie Biliott, was a teacher/finisheg in place. into" way of renovating thelat Egyp' School prier to her) Two rinks from Cartwright: CLASSIFIED ehureh kitchen, The sum of $100) marriage, Interment is in Union/Roy Turner, Brian Hamilton, was voted to Mrs, Romeril to/Cometery Vault, Cadmus |Nell Bailey and Norman Dy. ADVERTISING ibe used for incidentals needed! Mr, and Mrs Wilbert Malcolm, isart, Keith: Van Camp, Harold!' in the Manse during 1004 ) Yelverton, were Sunday supper/Swain, Ernest Swain, Herd (Continued from Page 27) A very wierenting tetier ren . tg Rn Bins oy aa oe A aoe i\Miss Doreen Van Camp, In 4 ' } na in Bowman B2-- Articles For Sale Tadia, was read Lag A = a month's| ville, They report a good time, | BE RRRRRIGN TVORES = Fires BH) Rov. Romeril expressed ap) " \ ; ReNvinater tee | $ . Sask vetty ott Bakes," /preciation of the work done BYiaican' Roa and Mre Pent] NEWS IN BRIEF" | Oanawe. EUW and ack" goed eed Wrnlture ana ete Past officers and all mem: ee Sl 'One woeation onty, Pretty bers, After Afrs, Glenn Larmer : . JFuraitore, at Simcoe Savih, FANS. /read the report of the wominat,/ ond . Mrs, TURNS WHITE : K DEAUTIFUL fy 80 Sram FeHling committe, Mr. Romeril -- ~ agg ng rod eee COU lemming, a tarry | Wuly Curent, SO a eben er conducted the installation of the ean f ay arora tittle rodent which ranges from| Take be paveneate OF ARS ber FRAN new officers jSwain, Jack Swain and Miss/Greentand across Canada to Al! | hora, make, ultennehen, Pe With Mrs, Lorne Thompson at| Helen visited Laurence Mountjaska turns showowhite in wins] wet i Your on eye the plano and Mrs, Harold Kyte) ~d pn Sy eae ter [Ser hecoees tee /tORMR 8 GING, ORE WOR ORL, recovering from & AIDED STUDY [RACH or foarte Teena Wa WE pare [FONE eapecially, the FArwING) are attack Since 189 about TH African c =e Saas Brae Sere ener \ students have availed them-| Se S&F °@ t+ ++ 332 232-3228 < im 3 z-Saagcggetses gent aaeag_aBt2 2532338 = #2ssB8a=-2~anegzeesss, 982 =308g=8x2 57 z $$2272°22>-F-22° 5272 L ae gig! '=332>>' z ee +2 +i + +11 2*ss a a a ee 44+ 0itili + 3~ga 239% 55792530 ss F pan E (3 ez 4 gesgettzs Fre z F 3 3 - s z gt222e3 ste = 4 2 pibigctatzztigiey gebghiag'ts Z aie 5 URE pupa be fi =: F 2 ii + citi ee sssssieaitstes 5 iia ST tee a H ae 2322523 =332°323- Hi S 5a? e8 = ii i - = = = go> #20808 Sete £¢ 222 5353 a8 - saz 3 ce Ei ee me ®595°2°28 "35-32 i+ +1 28g z= -. szs fstes<e #5__S6__84 sessssssss 5 & ie 2 2 ee "Fs giesb2zc0ez ~2582z peeeb2zceez Ai a 233 g8*"2532 oe 7 ii igcegte,'e,2 ,t2tegci2iieteet aH aytis £2843 se 3 ' = 322 j Le | =bg2bzepSgen-2238se82 Bg z 3 zopertgeg zestetgezze ro La 23904222 230828 549° cee 8 Ze Pr <35795%2 LL Zz q74 z ge2 z z 4 z 4 z ~ L ae 7 z2*s ag 292258229887! = 8 £82322¢E ste 2% Ef if 3 #22 Eu z s~oe2 if 22, #33 9°22223% 232 $41 3 07 9g 282 3g 322 e286 < ih =893s_¢n8* Z a gitar ee 5- > 3-9 oe £5 SF & EF £56 FE 34 Sz if z rt < : SnZ, $3227 $5227 i Z Bectgse x 3 33332 2 2 3 5 6383~3 283 os F +1 gm 228es83=F fytttz cs 3 es Fi +4 eis ss sss A ose z 33 BBS g2be5E8S3 Pd 4 Z 4 +1 +) ui SytZesE8igsseFs 4 i= Ss tw 2%23 3<23 323 z4 e = ws z Segoe. 338sgek Fi $30 guz88s2 2 3 141 EE 3 48 Lith fj Hilf sts ; sore 3--3-F2* 3-35 +i othe z. | 383252248822 328 3222 gteg os $325 2427743 2S=g 222 i # 5 "a j £ ter irPrim ir cur treet ise eBe8 5.29 ~-35 23 -g802=3<sztg zaubtzeg-¥ Beeb fy-3 Sghttsis-3 bt 3h t by spall Ea $z22232% e2u94 ekusz | | | * 3 L ""Gonedion Preference for ' | My, Romeril gave an address Mr. and Mrs, Wil Dugan, cimplicity and parklike beauty |WONEAT GALT" Firgiiere "end Abs /on "The Mission of the Church") Minden = agg ad guests - ys anc ae en Memorial Gardens has ences. Name. tren SRSA SNE in which De gave a fine explan:/ ahd 8 and Mrs mee Se N WAS . Iw a Ba a Contact Monet Cats ation of lite ta Tedia end laay locate nga Mrs. Wi) PROTHCTS RIGHTS fon au Ring Sree, Wess oar, ter (aretvon fOr Que waleston at Wan Archer The AT SHORT COURSE ves at Hatitar tn fg CASH SAVERI -- SAVE Get -- FANCY CREAM STYLE Mrs Keaneth Samet Mr iw GREEN GIANT CORN 3 '3a 53° oman ren, eassel Mountjoy, Mrs, , : (Graham and Mrs. Gecll GASH SAVERE -- SAVE Ue! -- : YORK BEANS WITH PORE 65 'l € GHORGE GIBSON | vers Will be antd CASH SAVER -- SAVE éet -- e SIRLOIN te MASHED wens Tors l SHIRRIFF POTATO FLARES «© 3s" 53" . vpour CASH SAVER! ---- SAVE de! Mrs, Chas Smith (playing at a) : : BEE HIVE SYRUP er 3S Specialty Selected -- Boneless Rolled | protection of property | Red Brend Dance Mav, Terprene/that country : jrights in Canada ts a provincial ern = eo tanch was served ty the Anna eee foe Aree anal regpansibitity SAVER! -- SAVE 28et ner. § tonitan: Binare Woh AGT. (ued & SOCIAL NANT ROUT Oita Qinner quests Of Mn, and) FIRST POST OFFICE | KETCHUP 8 Yas #2 Dadra Ded Mrs. Neil Malcolm, They called) 'The first office in Canada | Rectperaten tae Net h i? i ! =} You Hove Anything TO SELL = OT gent); Deer prise, Mr Chas 3 jwentey, wattenly CASH SAVER! -- SAVE lOc! -- WAGSTAFRE Smith t * : RASPBERRY A VACANCY ngrrurn wnsnne mame wre vere ae SS] ROMP . TO RENT wind, Tem. and weeny roads wee, Satrick ' CASH SAVER! -- SAVE Tet -- TWRN PACK COLOURED Me te attend the Women's Institute og: mahi : R THE - '| A veteran of Smith, read "A Prayer fr Weipa, an. Gg New Year" . \ OSHAWA 'Several Rates and expe mer Onna ' ~ - MILD SEASONED -- PURE TREND ot thanks fer fruit: received mo ; ' raps 2) TUMES Suk tt er ot chroma woreigeny cntet (uty, 9 PORK SAUSAGE .. 43° WANT ADS See's. oe, quiet men anne We » Wie Stile SS i Seeremerr heard and plans BA fer Me George Nanper (Marten). > - -- BA) : LSS Shee ae : Mace §|STEAKETTES 55° 723-3492 Mrs, Dalton Dorrell read the r >" of s| : : wall . ». Paper om, Re Mette We Reione Breather, Leste, Cotemben,| ; ex- Pid SONS a! feeds and two grandctildren, Faye! . : STEAD POR RCONOMY -- LEAN MEATY 33--Market Basket Cetera", wich bad Deen ete land Sharon Merper HOMESTEAL a ke ce PORKHOCKS 27° Se ge fenesee mtn Sree TS, Cece NAL gave NENRENS roener, Bimer, of G , . a RS of the Short course an "Salety Mr, Gikowa. 18 resting a. ee ae Begins at Heme", which was SIRE Sop AR week Soret teaann beta at Nestieten, 'we a bode Wtorest eee Saatests | SAVE ON THESE FEATURES! CAVE NEN-- 2 COA RGTANT QUIK vw 53 SAVE De! --PRG. OF 10% SAVE 6c!--TOMATO VEGETABLE . CHICKEN NOODLE LmBBY'S FROZEN FOODS SAVE €c!--4 LARGE HIE CORN-ON-THE-COB 35° SAVE €i-- STRAWBERRIES ee oe SAVE kt caro we 18 | FRENCH FRIES 3 3S RED & WHITE SETS THE PRICE! Gaecetor ca SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKET "ro 49° CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH a BROWNS MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET | SSsaSostem woe SO BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO il seouweseee# i (i - As i , i j ; it ! i if i £ i ij ' { 53 its i : f A f % H z s 2% 4 Zz % i : A; | j 4 ' t uF i ¥ i '| i t ij 3 g } teoatl if i ; at ied 8 1; 4 } it, Tah | if i [fc - . ij ' i if Hh s t t | / ro i $ THE ESTATE OF Z ze a iy i g j Bib £9434 ight #449 4% 5 t 134 Zz rf his Ht iit 4 % | i{'

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