Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1964, p. 7

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A WINTER The Reverend H. A. Mellow officiated at the recent mar- riage of Mary Margaret John- son and Roy Douglas Parker in Northminster United Church. The bride is the WEDDING daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter R. Johnson, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Parker, RR 2, Whitby. Apple Meat Loaf Provides Variety for a new way to use apples in your meals? Food specialists at MacDonaid Ipsti- Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, January 11,1964 7 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES DOUBLES CLUB (St, Mark's) St. Mark's Doubles Club held its annual turkey dinner in De- cember, The Reverend Alfred Woolcock said grace. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Crowells were con- veners of the dinner. Mr, Ernest Dobney presented Mr, and Mrs, Woolcock with a gift in, appreciation of their work. Mr. Woolcock presented the presidents, Mr, and Mrs, Gor- don Rae, with a gift for their loyalty to the club in the past year, The éxecutive for 1964 are as follows: . Honorary presidents, the Rev- erend and Mrs, Alfred Wool- cock; presidents, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Harding; vice-presidents, Mr, and Mrs, Russell Flutter; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Howell; secretaries, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Branton; so- cial conveners, Mr.'and Mrs. Ernest Dobney; entertainment,| Mr, and Mrs, Phillip Lawrence; | phone committee, Mr, and Mrs.| Donald McGlashan and Mr, and| Mrs, H, W. Packer; press re-| porters, Mr. and -Mrs. J. M.| LODGES AND SOCIETIES | SUNSHINE REBEKAH | LODGE No, 222 Coles, | Tickets were made available ito the members for the Snow Ball Dance to be held at the jOshawa Airport on January 31. | There were gifts for everyone junder the Christmas tree, The levening closed with a very en- work of the church through the United Church Women's Group. The roll call was read by Mrs, Ray Hatter followed by the secretary's report, A letter from the Oshawa Presbytery was read requesting the group to contribute five pairs of boys socks for the Deer Lake Band, Deer Lake, Ontario. Mrs, Hugh Scott agreed to take care of the purchasing of these, Mrs, Everett Coedy, social function chairman, reported on several catering jobs to take place in the next two months, Conveners were acquired for these. Mrs, Vernon Greenaway, treasurer, read her report, Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Lofthause, Mrs. Westlake and Mrs, Kerner, The next meeting is Febru- ary 3, at 8.00 p.m. with Mrs. Barbara Leanne Rapley, age seventeen months, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J, (Ted) MRapley (nee Lyn Schuerman) of Hali- Glen Crawford, Mrs, Hugh Scott and Mrs, James, Thaxter~ kets and material used, whichjawa Public Library. Mrs, Foy| in charge of the program. KING STREET UCW, 1 Twenty-seven members and two visitors attended the Janu- ary meeting of the "Alice Jackson Unit I" in the ladies parlor of King Street United Church, Mrs, Murton Walter opened the meeting with a reading of "January". Mrs, Leslie Booth recorded the home and hospital calls, Annual reports were read from the committees. Mrs, P. fax, Nova Scotia, Leanne is have been put up in the audi- |torium. He asked the parents to send their papers to the school that week. Home and School Council will be Tuesday, January 28, at 8.00 p.m. in the Jury and Lovell Pub- lic School. The next meeting of Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association will be Tues- day, February 4, with Mrs. James W. Randall, family life chairman, in-charge. HALIFAX VISITOR visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Schuerman, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, Frederick S. Rapley of Scar- borough, Ont, --Wright Studios, Halifax. |had books on display and an- nounced the different clubs at the library on Saturdays for children as follows: the Satur- day Morning Club at 10,30 a.m.; Book Club at 11,00 a.m.; Dra- matic Club at 11.00 a.m. and a film is shown every Saturday jafternoon at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Foy brought two films called |"Answering the Child's Why" and "The Test", which were jshown. Mrs. Foy was thanked |by Mrs, McGee, Newspaper's Cut Up 'So Is Poor Poppa Dear Ann Landers: I am only the husband and father in our family so of course I don't have much, to say. I am allowed to pay the bills and drive every body where they want to go. T am keenly aware that in out society children are the central figures so I have learned to keep my mouth shut and do as I am told. There is only one thing I want out of life, Ann, and please tell me if you think I'm unreason- able. When the family finishes with the newspaper I'd like to have it handed over in readable condition. Yesjerday, there was a big le ip the page where your col- u ad been ripped out, Our' daughter was sending it to her "8 (boy friend, There was another hole where my wife had torn out a recipe for potato kugel. My mother in law yJays the stock market so the financial section is always upstairs in her rear st | complain, I am "grumpy." Any suggestions you have to of- fer will be greatly appreciated. Mere Male Dear Mree: The solution is 80 obvious I'm surprised you have not thought of it. It would be well worth the money if you jn vested in a second subscription to this excellent newspaper. Call it a contribution to your mental health. Dear Ann Landers: The let struck a raw nerve, My husband is not in the navy--he's a travel ing salesman--away from home five days and five nights a week: Married women who get into mischief and use "loneliness" and "time on their hands" as fexcuses are only kidding them selves, The wife wants to play around will manage somehow to find the time, When I was a child I remem- ber vividly the woman next door, She had seven children and was one of the most pro- miscuous females in Wayne County, Her husband wasn't in the navy, He was right in this city. Another neighbor who lived across the street had no chil dren, but she was so busy do- ing thoughtful and generous things there was never a breath of scandal about her. I'd like to warn Mrs, Polaris against thinking that extra marital affairs will solve her problems, They'll only hatch new ones.--Alone Too Dear Alone: Many women with absent husbands wrote in response to Polaris' letter but yours said it best, Thank you for writing. : Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band's mother, who was a dear, Now's the Time te a CUSTOM AND READY MADE itera signed "A Polaris Wife" NEXT SUMMER IN EUROPE DRAPES M. & GC, Dry Goods & Draperies pe and silver, quently told me she'd like me ito have these objects when she passes on. value, My husband is furious, feels we should getting ino Faneres, : It's too bad your law didn't put her tentions in wontiy coal will be disposed! worldly tt of in accordance with the wishes; of the owner, F Yes, Nu-Way has over 50 rolls of car- pet on display. No matter what type of carpet you want, you will be able to see it Ot... Nu-Way Rug Co. tute, Guelph, suggest trying) The regular meeting of Sun-|joyable singsong. ae economical apple meatishine Rebekah Lodge was held| sities . : in the IOOF Hall recently with) 24 lean ground beef The regular meeting of the WCTU was held recently at Sister Elsie McKee, NG, and Sis- ig Cups --_ crumbs lter Frances Cornelius, VG, in | oo ane Simcoé Street United Church. * AIR FARES DOWN! CONTACT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL *Subject Te Government Approval A. Tresise reported the group Mrs. McGee, children's read-| petresh H . : |had served six times at the sshments were served by ing chairman, introduced the "Tuck Shop" at Hillsdale \Mrs. George Pentland and Mrs. | Manor, mothers of Mr. | guest speaker, Mrs, A. M. Foy.|* |who is the librarian in the Chil-|John Cooke, Mrs. Walter led in the wor-jdren's Department of the Osh-'Haisell's pupils Grade 6 and 7, ship service with the theme|~ -- eat rans z 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 174 MARY ST, 728-4681 SAA ly chopped apples |;poj i 3 'eggs, slightly beaten their respective chairs. 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons mustard 1. medium onion, chopped % cup catsup % be Pi dae milk Com! ingredients thorough- ly; pack into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1% hours, or until nicely browned. Creamy mushroom sauce gives a special touch to this meat loaf. Add % cup of milk to a 10 ounce tin of condensed mushroom soup, heat in a double boiler and pour over loaf when serving. . Garnish with sprigs of green parsley. This recipe serves eight. ACHIEVES FAME Beatrice Lillie, star British comedienne, was born in Tor- onto in 1898, SOCIAL NOTICE After the presentation of the iflag, the meeting was declared open for business. : The Charter was draped in a |very reverend manner, in me- mory of our late sisters, Sister Grace Walker of Perth, On- tario, a PNG and charter mem- ber of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge; |Sister Teresa Cleveland also lof this lodge; Sister Ida Mills land Sister Bertha Rowe, two past presidents of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and for Brother Wilfred R. Dean, Past Grand Master of the Grand |Lodge of Ontario, The VG reported on the sick jand shut-in members, a num- /ber being confined to their |homes with a bad cold and sev- jeral in the Oshawa Hospital. She also reported on the Christ- mas gifts to the shut-ins and several Christmas baskets to) the needy. | The usual reports and corre-| dence were received and ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Mary Jane, daughter of Mrs. | dealt with. The Noble Grand, vice grand, land district representatives will Francis Murray Love, Oshawa,|attend a special meeting, to be and the late Mr. Love, te Wil-|held in Pickering to make plans liam George McKnight, son of/for the official visit of the presi- Mrs. William McKnight, Osh-jdent of the Rebekah Assembly awa, and the late Mr, Me-\of Ontario, in the near future. Knight, The marriage will take| Maybelle Rebekah Lodge, place at the Church of Saint/Port Perry, has accepted an in- Gregory The Great, Oshawa, on|vitation to confer the Rebekah Saturday, February 8, 1964, at 12.00 'noon. Degree on a candidate on Mon- day evening, January 20. cee PLAY-GIRL Deanna Lynn McPhee was a and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McPhee, Jr., Park road south. She is the - granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank McPhee, Annis street, and of Mrs. Edward Gibson, Gladstone avenue, and the late Mr. Gibson, --Ireland Studio Lofthouse, Mrs. Westlake, Mrs. | > |Kerner and Mrs, Clarence Scott = |tion", This was on gossip at the The president, Mrs. Clayton Lee presided. Mrs, Harold Parrott read the scripture lesson from St. Mark, chapter 7. Mrs, Lee took the topic with the theme 'Free for Radiant Living". Mrs. Charles Langfield gave a reading 'A New Vision of God', Mrs. Langfield reported that) the sick and the shut-ins had been remembered at Christmas and that Mrs. A. E. Henley is home from the hospital. Mrs. Parrott reported on missions land stressed the great impor- tance and need in this work. | Mrs, Howard Brown reported on the "'Temperance in Sunday School Essay" papers and it was decided to mark them next week at Mrs. Lee's home, with Mrs, Frank Cooke and Mrs. "The New Year". The Scripture was read by Miss Marjorie Blewett and a meditation "Thank God for Time", by Mrs. Walter. Mrs, Bryce Brown gave a reading "This Year Pray"; and a poem "Another Year" was read by Mrs. William Brad- bury, Mrs, William Bickle gave a reading "A Volume for. Each) Year". Mrs, Tresise closed the service with a poem 'For the New Year'. Mrs, Lawrence Allen, first vice-president of the UCW con- ducted the installation of the new officers. Mrs. Douglas Red- path the new Unit leader pre- sided for the rest of the meet: ing. Members were divided into; three groups and were to choose| their leaders, Charles Langfield assisting. Mrs. Brown also reported on the Toc Alpha 7th Annual Pro-| vincial Youth Conference on the | alcohol problem which was held in December in Toronto. A discussion took place on future events and plans started a medal contest, talent money, and a missionary evening 'n the coming months. Next meeting will be on Feb- ruary 4 and Mrs. A. E. Henley, superintendent of peace and in- ternational relations, will speak. It was announced February 17 will be a memorial day in mem- ory of Miss Frances Willard, a great temperance worker. WESTMINSTER UCW Mrs. George Lofthouse, Mrs. Jack Westlake and Mrs. Kurt Kerner were in charge of the January meeting of Westmin- ster UCW. Mrs. Lofthouse took as her topic 'Gossip' and out- lined its use in a Christian life, and read the scripture taken from St. James, chapter 3, verses 1-12, Mrs. Westlake led in prayer dealing with the New Year. Mrs. .George Delaney sang two solos "What Have You Put In 'Those Scarred Hands?" and "Faith of a Praying Heart", ac- | The following announcements were made: UCW general meeting Thursday, January 9, at 2 p.m, with the installation of new officers, an all day quilt- ing starting at 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 15, the con-| gregational meeitng at 7.30 p.m./ on January 28. It was suggest-| ed the members bring their! used Christmas cards wrapped in 6%-tb, parcels to be_ sent where they can be used, Christ- mas cake and cookies were served by the executive mem- bers. QUEEN ELIZABETH H and 8 The regular meeting of Queen Elizabeth Home and Schoo! As- sociation was held at the school recently. Mrs, J, L. Haigh pre- sided and welcomed those pres- ent. The nominating committee for the coming year consists of Mrs. Glenson McGee, Mrs. Kenneth McMinn and Mrs. _ Dixon Benshoof. Room attendance prize was won by Mr, L, Haisell's class, Grade 6 and 7. Mr. Haiseli announced there would be a paper drive at the school the week of January 13, to help pay for basketball bas- c ied by her daughter Miss Jane Delaney. A skit was put on by Mrs. entitled "Ketchup Conversa-/ supermarket and how a Chris-| REGISTRATIONS FOR THE WINTER TERM OSHAWA. BUSINESS COLLEGE tian woman would deal with the; = |situation, The Reverend John Porter) '|spoke to the group thanking them for their help in the past year, He asked each to make a \great effort to acquire more) women for assistance in the MAPLE CLEANERS $04 SIMCOE ST.'S. OSHAWA || | Cosh & Carry -- 4 He. Service Pree Piekue and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 i to stort! will be accepted up te Mon., Jan. 20th, 1964 After this date registrations will be closed until Easter, RESERVATIONS FOR THE EASTER TERM ... MARCH 31st, 1964... AND FOR SUMMER SCHOOL, JUNE 26, 1964, SHOULD BE MADE NOW! Due to a very limited enrolment, only o few desks will be ovailable. FREE LITERATURE ON ALL COURSES ond SERVICES is available upon request. Moke your reservation and be as- sured of a desk when you are ready ID MAIL COUPON FOR DETAILS ace CLIP AN COMPLETE NAME ADDRESS GRADE NO OBLIGATION SAVE! SA VE! SAVE! ualify for Ste raining approv books at small cost com Free folder, 668-4607, o rapher ITIS EASY FOR HER T0 DO A Canadien ABC Shorthand System enable U by Dept. of Education. Buy the in 10 weeks home-study pared to taking a course. r write J. E. Cassan, Pres- GUERNSEY GOLD 2% Costs 4c Less Pur ACH In Half-Galion Throw-Away Cartons Be Satisfied With Our complete line of SWEET FRESH PRODUCTS in DAIRY all package sales. e-Pac 7 Asn , Pow c ANY ahem MLLER Special service bulletin for Mutual Life policyholders _ More good news for policyholders... your Mutual Life dividends | Representatives; x This year Mutual Life policyholders will again share in a substantial dividend increase----the ninth in the last eleven years. This means another reduction in the already low cost of Mutzal Life insurance. In 1964, dividends paid to owners of individual policies will total $16.5 million--an increase of $1,350,000 over the amount paid in 1963! If you are leaving your dividends with the company to accumulate at interest, the rate paid in 1964 will be 4.9 per cent, increased from 4.75 per cent. Mutwzal Life of Canada policyholders are accustomed to big dividends. If you are net a policyholder, there's a Mutual Life representative nearby whe will gladly tell you about life insurance at low cost from the com- pany with the outstanding diwidend record. [MJ Brench Office: 187 King Street East, Oshewe, Ontario. Oshewe Representatives: Bob McDonald, Tel: 725-6564 A. George Cunningham, Arnold B, Cummer, The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Financial Trade Bidg., are increased again! Donald H. Moore, C.L.U., Brench Manager. Herb G Tren, 689 Mary Street, 725-7973 52 Buckingham Avenue, 609 Annopoli 725-9464 segeate Syapesi 728-1007 Vee Sore Geen, seu sbe8 ML442 es Cassan Systems 805 Beech St. Whitby, Ontario DIAL 728-6241 "At Your Store Or At Your Door"

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