Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1964, p. 5

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} the annual treasurer's report Friends of Mr. Hogg wish him i Petel® bit of encouragement for the] Multiple thereof, the discounts are as follows: h 4 which proved to be most satis-Ditthday Jan, 13. His friends|many happy returns of the day.|ond Vice-President, Pete er. © most sasiwish him a happy birthday. Barker; Secretary, Al Price; |membership chairman, "Curly "Valentine tea-ahd homebaking|Mrs, Herbert Edwards, 1018] gional CWL, attended the Toron-|Rev. M was initiated. Comrade Vern " . , 5 - : arshall remains as : 10, K 5 | Freee, held Saturday, Feb.|Centre street south, is celebrat-|to Archdiocesan Council execu: Padre, The new executive mem-(McCar] was presented with his] * on "ye aon ae RIEGER & OSBORNE the ore yg tg appear in ing her second birthday, Sun-|tive meeting Thursday, Jan. 9/bers are: Vern McCarl, E. Dob- membership for 1964 for his past S 49.47 49.35 49.64 49.71 The mecting checed wcth the! @2':,Jan- 12. Dinner guests for|at the King Edward Hotel, To-\ney, Charley Skelton, L, Shur-/¢tforts for the Branch, 100,00 98.93 99.10 99.28 99.42 INSURANCE Mizpeh This vee halton ah M pd Benen bs be aareans ronto, tock. William Barton and A. $00.00 494.63 495.50 495.50 496,39 218 DUNDAS ST. &,, WHITSY ; tan rs, i ; ¢ I ; ' pot luck supper enjoyed by all/Redverse King, Taronto, itt, Daniel Donovan, Arch "Tt was agreed that the Padre, WHITBY 1,000.00 989.26 991.00 992.78 994,20 2 Deore Bost of Post Office Die! 668.5431. , ey Sident chaired the) absent because of illness, would ee Pe ee Ste, sostns Seine et «intr ate eng] BOWLING NEWS | rev rc eye copied on ony 1944 ter by st ; : "| George, son of Mr. and Mrs,/"0¢ Dy proxy, purch dering the same with the tex bill on the due PT Clarence Hewson is celebrating cg aggpenh coe Rape | WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE dete of the first instalment, April 15th, discount ellowed by FAITH BA IST CHU RCH CLUB CALENDAR Jes. to ills Omran oan pride 'at having held the highest) Team Standing -- Sabre Jets] the purchase of prepay pts are in addition to the 419 BROCK ST. N. Jan, 12, His companions of King office of the Branch in the past|2, Rocket s5, Hissers 7, Echoes]] ,reguler di Hewed en 'ef foxes in full by REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINISTER Street School and friends wish year, He also thanked his execu-|2, Poker Chips 5, Woodpeckers 'April 15th. e MONDAY, Jan, 13 WEDNESDAY, Jan, 18 him a happy birthday. : 2, County Bow! 5, Whitby Clean- SUNDAY SERVICES AN Saints' Anglican Church Pri 9:15 A.M."EAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST / Church Explorers dren of the Church Evening Guild are holding its\duties, He expressed the wish)Parky's Prides 8. | Dirty | Six AND OBTAIN MAXIMUM DISCOUNT C.K.L.B,--1350 ON YOUR DIAL Ist Whitby Scouts f Benevolent Rebekah Lodge!Games Night" Monday, Jan, 15, Pipers 5,;Neighbors 2, » 9:45 A.M.--A BIBLE « CENTRED BIBL Salvation Army Brownies No, 132 |13, in the parish hall. Mrs. legs 4. JOUN R, FROST, Tewn Treasurer. BIBLE SC 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE ER eR opened the meeting with pra; after spending the holiday sea-|paratrooper training course at i f the/these were accepted by the p f ( riifi fes followed by scripture reading|son with Mr. Sherlock's par-/Camp Silo, Manitoba. pk Tegen Branca M13 execu-|body, Tt was be by all that re men e (a WF you de not drink . <. you may | by Mrs. David Mowat. ~ oo wll Lewis Gher) 1. Thomas Hogg, 600 Gar.| tive for 1904, it had been a very successful : heve meny extras with the money During the business - meeting/!ock, ough Gtive. jacn street, is cal ebrating his| The new executive consists of: year under the leadership of Prepoyment receipts may now be purchased at the you can seve Wey « WHITBY And DISTRICT India Missions Saga Wide Mebridiwbarkid. %, : SEG Ae Raita tye RI Ty hw Saying rte iad Delegates Named For Presbyteriai THE OSHAWA TIhi rr Ssturdey, Jenwery 11, 1968 he tig , jepherd' and 'Come Let us! 'The high scores and winners Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas ot. West e : By Almonds UCW oa bal Wonderful Love," o o- on coo gh a Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-8708 ut ine '@) Almonds United Churen| Mm, Pasove brought an in- bE gc gala spiring message speaking of) "North and South -- Mrs, Irwin Women January meeting wWASithe true mea and iis, Bovenas, Oh tee cause: "We believe in India,(beld in the Sunday school hall Regge MacGillivray, WHITBY. The annual meeting of St, Mark's United Church Women, held Tuesday, Jan, 7 School auditorium, in thelfresh start with God's ave a short new year's talk on oughts on the past : and 'a We believe in India's leaders, We believe in the future of India with a ry Boge atetndance, Mrs. F. opened the meet- 'at|ne with a New Year's messge, of Peace rena and also of Beauty, and ce. Hunter and Mrs, MacGillivray, Rev. F, Reed conducted Bible 8244; Mrs, Baxter and Miss For- syth, 76%; Mr. and Mrs, Win- Sunday took} "Press toward that which lles|because we believe God is Study, on the subject of 'The o the form of a pot luck s per. ahead," she said, -|work in India today, We are bert fell were then/Covenant," He- explained the haat and West -- Mrs, Butt 18 S e @ | Mrs, H, T, Fallaise, president] 'How do we stand before|here becaus we believe in the ates were Waal meaning and purpose of cov- cod Stes, Baron, 7; Sire of the UCW presided and gave|God? Whence in reality -- just/Gospel of Jesus Christ. We be- he ed the Presbyterial to be held enants and a number a and Mrs. Maundreil 7844; 4 a hearty welcome to all pres-|as we are when we stand before|lieve that God who brought us in St. Mark's. United Church sages of scripture were de-| MeCuteh ma oa ent, Mrs, Omer Edgeley set the|God, May we serve our churchjhere oan take us through to thely iy Wr an is pyre Reon of the covenants) 7914. _ borupent & atmosphere for the meeting|according to God's will and bejaccomplishing of that purpose ie Feb. 19 a send Vat.{of Old ent days, Maing 38 H Miss se Oo pe in she on raga nate se, pael ton Tet Ta foe women, Pat rosy we, el ce _ ' ; 'allaise open: e mee! 88 A rs, eld 5) , and serv ous a tho Rogietry| it &,,Roem entitled "A Shop-|eonvener, Introduced Miss Eve-laa on Indian Christian, She sad eee ee refreshinents, The next meet] Delicious. . Southern MARY OSBORNE noti Hud by Shakes-ja vacant lot nea. the Registry|ping List", followed by. prayer. y a hat, ou' an ordinary neigh- y ay \(atatt Reporter) Are, that om this day birdsloftice,"" the account states, ad- Mrs. Fred Ollen Bittle (old the|Simcoe Street United Church|bortiond in Indie, eight' or nine a. Peroe Tenors evened FRIED CHICKEN How far has the town of Whit- ean to couple, may take notelding that the platforms ,were|story of the year, which brought|UCW Oshawa, who in turn in-lare likely to be Hindus, They session of silent prayer, and ak- scuU HOME DELIVERY by, Drogressed during the lastlof and govern 'their affections|accessorized with stoves and/back memories to everyone|troduced the new study book foridiffer widely in their beliefs, bed that "all" wordy 'thoughts GOoG Old Rnglish 100 years? accordingly," buffalo robes for the comfort Of|present, Reports from the trea-/1064 'The Christian 'ovementicustoms and manners, she add- be forgotten.' ough CLEANERS Plch ond Style A wed deal, judging by Whit+| Mr, Gerrie also "had on hand" officials, surers, all secretaries and com-|in South East wg (8: The Scripture (John 1:1-17) 1 R Chips b ele records of the/some 'fine Cough losenges."| «When nominations began, the|mittees on the year's work were -- Gay wad We isien{, "The Chritsians concern islwas read by Miss N. Cameron, & Shirt Launderers errace Restaurant But, il iadiiiecs utinas Although son anonymous et Returnin; Officer, soated by rn oe seer ad ae -- pial te yer tart hove bet to ones i a bond of ae and two hymns, 'The Lord is my PHONE. 668-4341" 120 Brock St. N., Whitby ady. »}ca' r virtues states tha sive la er 0 au: . , w em, ere muc the town may enumerate at/he "forgets what they are call- eaee "ee Med to call re-(executive meeting to be heldjall over Canada, and all over|,' Toi (nm. Nks ie mine ' PHONE 668-9056 least one major loss. For many years Whitby was an int racing centre, Re- aldents could boast of their ular mile track, which in 1870 hosted the Queen's Plate. And other activities as well: "All sports in town for race days" were invited to "as- semble at Nat Rae's livery to play poker" reminisced a pro- minent citizen in his book of memoirs. Tf we leavé these gentlemen to their won devices, we can note that residents of the town of/by meeting at which the repre- Whitby had, of course, other in- terests. Penmanship classes for those interested in re their handwriting were held by a Mr. Campbell in 1864. Complaints were issued by lowing account of the meeting,|required bits of underhanded ploced es close os le pree- the la ot ae oe which it judged to be "unusually/arranging, 'then retaliated by 100 A ging poe have "30 ~ tical to the travelled portion of the reed. lace restrained." arranging the same favour for dents in the school of nursing. READ : Pith was the year, 100 years| "The hustings were ereated in'his opponent." Kathleen Rowe Memorial,W, F, Koeber who gave an in-/Two nurses struggle to cope PENALTY: CONVICTIONS UNDER THIS BY-LAW ARS ago, wher the Whitby Harbor School Home and School Associ-/formative and amusing talk on with the nee of a community LIABLE TO A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN $5.00 AND NOT Company purchased the Whitby * bg wn w Bap meeting of a * sg ggg ll dis pl gossondh prsgerine sg -- MORE THAN $50.00. ednesday even!ng. r, Ko . B > She feue toliontay sevik of" ine Public School Trustees President Mrs, Alex Pearce|Cipline as "being able to make) The Church in Nepal is grow-| TW/mer ai' ean taureeuus TWIS BY-LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED harbor from the trate Village's : opened the meeting with the|® Choice or a decision at all ing, it was learned, "You can't SAY, PLAN YOUR nae juristication singing of "O Canada" accom-|evels of development." In sum- propagate Chritianity in Nepal HEATING SYSTEM . Correll, Druggist James Byrne man- Choose 1964 C itt panied at the piano by Mrs. mare he said: "Children must gt a by ", go By pon R By-lew Enforcement Officer. ufactured and sold a_ perfume ommi ees Dean Baker. be allowed to make decisions at A ai ye) a. ad A a called "Evening Star Bouquet." s men today,.in some) The six newcomers to theee John Howard; and Trustee|ing were read by Mrs, Peter eventually develop _self-dis- ™ respects less adventurous, are|whithy Public School Board,|Godfrey Schilling, Willison, The treasurer's re-|"\ line Family Monuments more likely to demonstrate thelr! voted: in on Dec, 2, have been| Trustee 'Reed was elected|port was given by Mrs. J.|°Rr" wiison thanked the FOR 24-HOUR inventive ability in the field of advertising, » Beside modern ments, noted for their vivid per- advertise- : lsiding post dur'ng the electoral/*® members. project for the year. The meeting closed with Mrs, Created To ' ' ? : sue ee Ta meer me Seal Tone unde wt rae "oom com war vo by Maleate "nei e."Qwe |W. Gnas OO" | pra (i Call mildly phrased ads of the 19¢0's/Board. Trustee Douglas Maun- otis helcher a pe nl hp L, Peters for Junior group and/Lunch was served by mothers of Requirements VUG=( 1 a look pallid indeed, (dell will act.as vive chairman. |. rinance Committee. Mr. R, Fulton for Senior group, bag yt ocr ies aie Pe STAFFORD BROS, One example, hoisted from the! Whitby Cronicle of Feb. 9, 1865\chairmanship of the Manage-|tee will consist of Trustee Maj.| (uy, Winer: reads: "Mr. Gerrie has an un-/ment Committee, Working with|cher, chairman, with 'Trustees ins coos ker 'ol a ie Menger ig aad MONUMENTS usually attractive supply of Val-|him on the Committee will be/Maundrell and McFarlane. = TE a - 318 DUNDAS EAST AMBULANCE SERVICE entines for Tuesday next which/Trustees John Majcher and) In charge of the Bylaw Com: 668-3552 those who give credit to the old St. Andrews WA Plan Tea, Sale ed" he nevertheless relates that he can "speak from personal experience of the great relitf received from their use," and advises others to govern their purchases. accordingly, Afar cry from the 'Fire Sale!" system! What has happened in front of, and behind the Whitby poli- tical scene in the past century? With the 1968 Town Elections successfully and smoothly com- pleted, one should turn back to view the records of an 1864\Whit- sentatives of Southern Ontario were nominated, NO LIBEL LAWS The Whitby Chronicle, opera- ting without the restrictions of libel laws, published the fol- Lpeatedly for names, He eventu- ally succeded in provoking a by- stander to nominate a Mr, Fare- well, "At that point', relates the story," Mr, Farewell explained in undertones to his neighbour that his nomination had been a "dodge" on the part of his op: ponents, He had arranged for others to announce his name for possible candidature and he complained in whispered asides overheard by the press." Aloud, he agreed to accept the nomination if renamed by "a proposer and seconder of his choice," This was done, "Mr, Farewell, turning to a certain "doctor" noted for his consistent attendance at politi- cal meetings, ready to do any Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. It was de- cided that St, Mark's United Church Women would invite the Oshawa __Presbyterial United Church Women to hoid its an: nual meeting at St. Mark's Church Feb, 13. Unit No, 10 was in charge of the program with Mrs, M, Rob- ins presiding, Mrs, F, Parrinder lend the scripture lesson and led in prayer, Mrs. R, Daniels the world," Miss'Margaret Patterson, one of the group with Miss Gay, in- troduced the study map of South Asia on which she had marked the areas where Christian work is being carried out, Miss Gay listed several books that. would be helpful in the study, Mrs, William Sterling, repre- senting a Canad'an Missionary in India, said she was there be- ADDRESSES H AND S GROUP Bred By handed their 1964 duties, Former Chairman Kenneth Hobbs was returned to the pre- Leslie McFarlane retained the} Joan Reed, Members of the Property Committee are: Trustee Doug las Maundrell, chairman; Trust- -|Committee are Trustees Schill- ing and Mclllwain, chairman of the Athletic com- mittee, with Trustee Maundrell and Trustee Mclllwain voted in The Special Building Commit- mitte for 1964 is Trustee How- ard, Working with him on the WHITBY PERSONALS St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church WA held its first 1064 meeting Tuesday afternoon in the Sunday school hall. President, Mrs, George Stott Dr, and Mrs. Ivor B. Sher- lock and baby Keith flew back to British Colunbia Tuesday all reports were read and ap- proved. Mrs. Edan Guthrie gave The group made plans for a Mr, Walter Bradley, Byron street south is celebrating his Loreann, daughter of Mr, and) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Whitby Baptist Church Ex- plorers Florence Davey Group executive will be in charge. 2 ' e wae St. Mark's United Church| THURSDAY, Jan, 16 W Clara Rowden 677 (338), Ron "THE GREAT PROVIDER Women Unit No. 5 ' St. Mark's United Church! 'There will be prizes for lucky itnesses Childs 685 (260); Mickey Me- 7:00 P.M.--STIRRING GOSPEL SERVICE St. Mark's United Church) Women Unit No, 3 winners, Mrs, Isabelle Scott, Master @54 (252); John How. Y ~ Ada Women Unit No. 7 St. 'Mark's United Church/ Mrs. Mary Town and Mrs. Alice Axe Murders land 639 (259); Ron Pascoe 641 g ™! i + @ THE PASTOR WILL PREACH House of Windsor IODE Women Unit No, 6 - : ~d @ OUR 12-PIECE ORCHESTRA TUESDAY, Jan, 14 Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 10 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- Burns street, stationed in Lon- don, Ont. with the Canadian Army is taking a two months birthday, Sunday, Jan. 12, Mrs, Greg Carter, chairman of Ontario County South Re- Knights of Columbus St. John's Anglican Church WA Whitby Baptist. Church Cub Packs C All Saints' Anglican Church St. Margaret Guild | Salvation Army Women's Home} League FRIDAY, Jan. 17 Red Cross Senior Citizens' So- (Ralph Stratford, president of ithe Guild and members of her Catton will be in charge of re- freshments, Mr. Harry Horne, Oshawa, brother of Mrs, James Fallow, 206 Andersa street celebrated his birthday, Friday, Jan. 10, Belated happy birthday is ex- tended to Mr, Horne from his relatives and friends, Minutes of the previous meet- Schieder. It was decided to hold a "Dol- lar Drive" as a fund raising Door prize was won by Mrs, 'Self - Discipline Decision about and do together, but the Hindu respects the Christian more when they are frank about their differences, The Chris- tians' main concern is to wit- ness what God has done for them and to show this in word and deed, Miss Gladys Frise, represent- ed a Woman. Evangelist, -who working with pastors, teachers and local leaders to spread the Good News: "They welcome the Evangelists coming to share in their Christian fellowship, espe- clally in rural India," Mrs, Laurence Savery spoke as a Doctor from Nepal: "The Medical staff at a hospital at Kathmandu is truly = interna- tional, They can accommodate an early age. In making a deci- sion in relation to their age they speaker on behalf of the Home and School Association for his interesting talk, had Wednesday, Jan, at the In the absence of Comrade Reg Cleater of Provincial Com, mand, Zone Commander Vern "Mickey" MeCarl accepted the President, John Mclvor; First Vice-President, Ed Brush; Sec- Treasurer, Frank Steffler; and Sergeant-at-Arms, Tom MclIvor. tive members for their "untiring efforts" in aiding him in his Four-Year-Old lers 2, Executive Chosen By Legion Branch that the new executive would have "as good a year". Each committee chairman gave his annual report, and Comrade Adams, The year also started out with member, Wellington Ferguson, Brock street north, Tb. neighbors, that we can talk|Pa rt of a converted Christian: "A student heard of two young men from South India who were giving free tuition to students, The student approached them and they agreed to teach him English, They used the new Testament as a text book and the student became interested in the story of Jesus. The verse that led him to Christ was John went on tours in the villages|3:16 In closing Miss Gay said; 'The potential is great if we concen: trate and consecrate ourselves to study and work," Mrs, F. Parrinder thanked the group for their presentation and introduction the study book, The meeting came to a close 'by repeating the United Church Women Benediction, Treasurer's Office in the lopefuls 2, Headpins: 5, 600~ s -- Isobel Mother. sill 843° (296); Gladys Wiles 836 (325); Marty Jordan 761 (288), (265), Verna Sandford 637 (221); Chuck Gill 635 (248), Tom Mc- SASKATOON (CP) -- A four spread the alarm after his} mother and sister were clubbed) to death with an axe in their home Thursday, Mrs. Patricia Littlechief, 17, year-old boy ran next door to 621 (236); Mrs, Margaret Wourm, 38, andiconnie Denyer 600 (236). Ivor 634 (243), Clarence Moore Clare Holter 620 (432), Doug Rawden 620 (248), Chuck Sawdon 612 (256), Jenny Hewis 611 (210), Jim Mifflin 607 (202), Millie Peggs 600 (237), 200 Singles -- Leo Jefferson Town of Whitby TAX Januery pene Amount = Tet 15th V6th-Blet Ust-ISth W7th-2Cth amount of $10.00 or any ts :. PURCHASE NOW MOODIE'S RESTAURANT TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE: GARBAGE COLLECTION By-law No. 1828 of the Corporation of the Tewn of Whitby being @ by-lew te provide for the collection of garbage end other refuse reads in ports as follows:-- 1, Containers must be gelvenized er of ether epproved material, be 2. Conte! Inere must be provided with @ tight lid. 3. Containers when filled must not weigh over fifty pounds. 4. Garbege containers must be AMBULANCE SERVICE WHITBY AREA 668-8642 Have You Heard? How you can save money on Auto . Insurance during 1964 Abstainers Insurance Co. Whitby-Oshawe Representatives Pn ein Se cay few genen. Hy Pastor's Sermon:-- © SOLOIST, MISS DOREEN COX, Oshowe WEDNESDAY, EVE. 8:00 P.M. PRAYER. PRAISE & PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS You Are Always Welcome at Faith WHITBY CHURCHES | Whitby 'Chapter Order of the! cial Club 4 were killed, Mrs, Wourm's son/20i, Marg Byron 238, Ward PICKERING VILLAGE AT DUFFIN'S CREEK Eas Star No. 248 St. John's Anglican Church/Daie, 7, is in serious condition | Rick 215, Bath Gill 211, Paul repel Chowdan Legon Tade|sarURDAY, n,m olnwaip Grup, ay lien ocpal wih muti sullen ah, Ch Adnir Ron Every Sunday Welter See vation Arm: = ractures, i : Adai : All Saints' Anglican Church! ade i we day, Jan, 11 with the new ¢ Donald Wourm, '4, Mrs, Little- < ade fg Ag nd : BAPTIST REFORMED Afternoon Guild | Salvation Army Young People's ecutive members in charge. chief's son Kim, 1%, and a fe-/201, Doug Watkins 211, Cyril (Colborne fireet West et Cen REV, GERRIT REZELMAN y . Andrew's Presbyterian} Band The new mecitnn will be male relative of Mrs. Wourm,|Garrett 285, Joyce Wainwright Minister: REV. JOHN Mell THIRD CONCESSION WEST a Church Helen Marshall §o-/St. Andrew's Presbyterian) a: §'9) pan ine the, Sunae, | WHose name was not available, 258, Richard Sandford 230, John i wk ATOM. or eee al ciety Church Jr. choir [School Hail. All. members in {Were i@ the house at the time/Treffers 203, Florence Moore 10:30 y nnn -- ===! invited to attend, _ pci back -- ii mm, Beiiahes MeMaster an 11 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP ENGLISH Savice AND "|Barry Denyer 209, Joyce Den: BROCK _ Evening Shows Start 7 ond 9 Mrs. Albert Carr, Brock{t0dy 1% hours later for ques-iver 340, Bisie Fernly 287, Stan WHO CARES? 2PM. , Seturday Matinee et 1:30 street north spent a' couple of ning by police. |Fice 223, Harvey Roberts 241, Featuring: 7 PM, DUTCH SERVICE nna days, this week visiting her a i oe = [Merv Bemis 216, Helen, Munns| | GOSPEL SERVICE 2 70M. laughter and granddaughter "1217, Bi on ' ruce | The Motive of the Cross ENGLISH SERVI Mrs. Reg McCausland and toca par gS cue with/Handscombe 229, | HOT Bible School _meste at, 9.48 em. EVERYONE REARTIEY WELCOMED Cathy of carters. Donald greeted reporters) WHITBY AND DISTRICT | coh ae " Mr, and Mrs. Ted Farrow, 909/ With: "You should go next door, | MEN'S LEAGUE | DISHES ee ST, MARK Ss Annes street entertained New|Mommy got chopped with an| 'Triples, 650 and over -- G,| : UNITED CHURCH? Year's Eve at their residence./@x¢ in the eye . . . Ht killed|Brewster 733 (268); D. Reed ay NS ANDREW'S Present were: Mr, and Mrs.|™y Mommy, Pat and Dale." (065 (902); J.- Scott, 676 (263); "* ST. AN Rev. J. M. Smith, BA, B.D. SS 2 te ae ek ee ; PRESBYTERIAN | Mischa etre BARS 4 , Mr. a rs. Pete Van- s over -- A. 1 gt Ag Rol ROSBURG TAKES LEAD 02x 37, K. King 256, 3. Ver: eVarious Salads e Corner Byron at St. John 1) AM. MORMOS Wonseenl Pine, dr. ta Perey. Oa Bellis hesbere facklonsd spear hones 'on: Joe's Barb ( | me Se Me. David Nerthay ; a and Mr. , Oshawa. "| ints won: Joe's Barber Minister Schoo! 4 : ee can wets lunder-par 66 Thursday to lead Shop 3, Millwork 0, Dunlop 3,1 © 26 DIFFERENT SELECTIONS @ Seams, Gael ' ; ; ear ™ ane' te way through the -- i om ee abit sol Aes eee ties i \ ; jof the $30, in Diego Open. | Drews 1, Queen's Hotel 2, : a oe d Mrs. Edith Harris, Patmer-/Tied one stroke behind Rosburg gion 1, Ramblers 2, Andrews 1, 9:45 A.M--Sundoy School Beginners, Kindergarten, 4 jston avenue is celebra ing her|were National Open champion| Whitby Hotel 2, Honeyrockers 1,) Only 4 1.75 Per Person 11:00 A.M.--Divine Worship -- . ceeceneerial een 70th birthday today, Saturday, /Julius Boros 33-34; Tony Lema/Anderson Cartage 2, Papermak-| "A Blind Man, Sees" Jumver Congregation my ' . Jan, 11, Best wishes are offer-|33-34; and an unknown fromiers 1, Whitby Barber Shop 2, ALL YOU CAN EAT (Sixth in @ Serie) Infant Core, " ALSO -- CARTOON -- 3 STOOGES -- SPORT -- jed to Mrs. Harris from bor)zore Worth, Tex., Charles Coo- Hotter Valley 1, Nunery, Core ond Junior se PM FILM " many friends, dy, 34-33. Prize Winner, C. Moore. =| ; 'A DAY OF EXPERIENCE® eee ee Se ee

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