Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1964, p. 4

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@ THE COHAWA TIMES, Beterdey, Jenvery 11, 1964. REVIEW OF WEEK'S NEWS : 'Pope Back In Rome; | Fighting In Panama By CARMAN CUMMING Canadian Press Staff Writer Pope visits Land Panama Hota 18 Canadian Navy trimmed * Pope Paul VI made history this week with an arduous three-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land climaxed by two 'meetings with the spiritual leader of the Orthodox Church, : It was the first return to the Roman Catholic Church since St. Peter left there for Rome, It was marked by calls for peace and Christian 'unity and by the enthusiastic tings crowds in both Vordan and Israel, » On Saturday, first day of the trip, the welcome almost got out of hand in Jordanian Jerusalem as the pontiff walked the Way of the Cross 'and prayed, in tears, at Dhrist's tomb. * The Pope reained calm 'and impassive as he was Yostled by shouting, pushing throngs--and again later as a fire flared and was controlled 'in the Church of the Holy 'Sepulchre as he was saying 'mass, VISITS NAZARETH * On Sunday, the Pope crossed into Israel to visit Nazareth, where Christ spent 'His youth, and the sites of 'His ministry. At night he re- turned to Joruualem for the meeting with bearded Ortho- 'dox Patriarch Athenagoras, That meeting, together with the second one the following day, marked the first time Jeaders of the two churches have conferred since 1439. * They joined in praying tha Qheir meetings would be "a ude of things to come for glory of God." = T 2 Pope also journeyed to 'Bethlehem, Christ's birth ce, on Monday and issued ky spacers ---- 2 lor wor' ce," "e % also called for a re "uniting of the branches of Christianity, saying: = "This is the historic hour Sn which the church must live her profound and visible "unity." "RIOTS AT CANAL " Thursday night and Friday "morning in the U.S,-controlled *Penama Canal Zone, thou sands of Panamanians stormed into the zone, pro- test alleged insults to their flag. At least 15 persons were killed and more than 200 were injured. Three of the dead and M4 of the wounded were U.S. servicemen, The rioters, mostly stu- dents, set fire to U.S. bulld- ings, smashed windows in U.S.owned stores and over. turned cats in a three-hour rampage Thursday night. Canal Zone police withheld their fire for a time, then opened with tear gas bombs and rifle fire. The U.S, Army was also called in, and alo le the U.S. flag, as provided for in a year": old agreement, DESTROYERS RETIRED Defence Minister Hell- yer announced Wednesday that 14 warships of the Royal Canadian Navy will be taken out of service, including the destroyers Nootka, Cayuga, and Micmac, The three Second World War tribal class destroyers, based at Halifax, will be joined in mothbails by 10 minesweepers on both coasts and the escort. maintenance ship Cape Breton, to be placed in reserve on the West Coast. The reductions, a follow-up to cuts ordered Dec, 5, left the navy with 46 ships, in- cluding two new destroyers to be commissioned later this year. NUCLEAR CUTBACK Prime Minister Pearson also talked of defence strategy in a bilingual television - radio interview Sunday, in which he said that Canada's nuclear role would not be enlarged, and may be diminished, He spoke as the Bomare missile base at North Bay, Ont., continued to receive shipments of U.S. nuclear warheads, The first shipment arrived New Year's Day and other deliveries were made Sunday and Wednesday, War- heads also were delivered Thursday to Canada's other Bomarc base at La Macaza, e. Pearson said he thought Canada's defence role "will not require any enlargement, but would require a diminu- tion of any kind of nuclear arms and equipment." CUTS BUDGET Cutbacks werg also the or- der of the day in Washington, where President Johnson in a State of the Union address to Congress Wednesday an- nounced reductions in ura- nium ction and trimmed a 8. budget to $97,900,- But he said the U.S. defence establishment would be kept in "ean, hard fighting shape with the fat eliminated." And he promised a $1,000,000,000 -- against poverty in the U.S. ' Johnson earlier had set a budget goal of $100,000,000,000, STUDY COFFIN CASE The case of Wilbert Coffin, the ye ha in 1056, is to be investigated by a one- man royal commission set up the Quebec government ednesday. : Coffin was executed in Mont- real after a long legal battle for the murder of one of three American hunters found slain in the Gaspe wilderness in 1053. A recent book by Jacques Hebert claimed Cof- fin was innocent of the crime. World briefs; Twenty-nine -- including four Amer- cans, died in the crash of an Argentine airliner northwest of Buenos Aires Thursday. . . <india's Prime Minister Nehru, 74, became ili with high blood pressure and & weakness of the left limbs early in the week and was advised to rest for several months, .. . Former Austrian he yf at the age of 72. .»» The US, state department expressed 'regret' Tuesda: at a decision a the Britis land Motor Corporation to sell 400 buses to Cuba, 'WEEK IN ONTARIO International publisher Roy Thomson, awarded the title of baron in the Queen's New Year honors list, Wednesday "regretfully" accepted the loss of his Canadian citizen- ship, but said he will always remain a Canadian at heart and will return one da, to re- gain his nationality, Mr, Thomson, who flew to Tor onto from England from where he runs his publishing empire, lost his citizenshi when he became a Britis citizen, Premier Robarts told a press conference Thursday that Ontario's proposed medi- cal insurance plan -- given second reading during the leg- islature's last session--would probably not be in effect by early 1063, the expected start- ing date. Mr, Robarts said a 10-man committee currently receiving briefs on the draft plan will need more time to complete public hearings and write its report. The largest earthquake in Eastern Canada since 1052 shook a large section of sparsely - populated Northern Ontario bt sr age but no one was injured, The tremor was described by seismolo- gists as "moderately strong." Four men and a woman were sentenced in Toronto Wednesday to prison terms totalling 70/years following a trial in which police claimed they had broken Canada's lar- gest narcotics ring--a 225,- 000 operation, Charles Cipolla, 50, of Guelph was sentenced to 20 years, Oliver C. Hardy, 48, Jack Meldrum, 43, and James McGrath, 50, all of Toronto, were each given 15 years. Marion Burns, 33, was sentenced to five. years, All were charg' with conspir\y to traffic in narcotics. chancellor Jullus Raab died |datl Canada Seen By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--New import- ance oy eee been given the visit of Prime Minister Pearson arran a meeting between President de Gaulle and President Johnson, Observers feel these circum: pone sg ay SB no ae oppo re Can iy a nch » American re- one as "honest broker' between London and Washington. Success in assuming such a role may depend on the extent to which Mr, Pearson wins the' confidence of Gen, de Gaulle next week and President John- son whom he visits the follow: ing week, Canada's dee ted cultural and political ties with Britain and close neighborly ties with the United States helped this country in: interpreting the one to the other, The new emphasis which Mr, Pearson's government has placed on the bilingual and bi- cultural character of Canada For U.S.-French Views joe A between Paris and Wash- ports from Paris earlier| milar to her formerjleavin, As Broker this week said that France and the U.S, exchanged views on a sible meeting of Gen, de aulle and President Johnson next wort on the Caribbean is- land of Martinique, However, the U.S, president turned down the suggestion on the ground that his newly-as- sumed duties bar him from country in the Gen, de Gaulle plans to r to Mexico in March and will be stopping off in Martinique en route home, He has not yet had a meet ing with Lyndon B, Johnson since John F, Kennedy's assas- sination brought the Texan into the driver's seat in U.S, domes- tie and foreign affairs, He can hardly make a move in foreign affairs without cal- cane iow it will be received in the U.S, and in what direc: tion American policy is moving, The same is true of President Johnson, It may be of benefit to both to hear the views of a third ving months ahead may convince France that Can: ada can be helpful In a similar party, whose country has a foot in each camp, Banned U.S. QUEBEC (CP) -- Lawyer, Sidney Lazarovitz said Friday at least 60 drugs are being sold in Canada that have been banned by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States because they have harm- ful side effects. The statement came during the trial of J, Harry van Uler, owner of the Generic Drug Com- pany, Cap Rouge, Que., charged with selling 500 tablets of both triparanel and tnifluorpromagzine in 1962, Mr, Lagarovitz questioned of- ficials of the Canadian food and drug directorate on the defini- tion of a "new drug," Van Uler is charged with breaking a rég- ulation that says drugs that are new may not be sold until they are approved by. the food and drug directorate. Prosecution and defence were given until Feb, 28 to submit written arguments, The trial be- gan in October, Trifluorpromazine is used as On Sale In Canada Drugs combat hardening of the arter- les, WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S, Food and Drug Administra. tion announced Friday it has launched gq selzure campaign to remove Regimen Tablets from the U.S, market, The agency says the tablets are misbranded under terms of the U.S, federal Food, Drug, Cosmetic Act. Seizures will be made wher ever the product is found, the FDA said, "Regimen Tablets, distributed by Drug Research Corp, of New York City, are labelled and na- tionally advertised as effective for appetite contro) and weight reduction without drastic diet changes," the FDA announce: ment said, The agency challenged what it said were claims made in re- gard to the tablets including: they will cause weight loss up 'to 64% pounds ip seven days and 19 pounds in six weeks without a sedative, Triparanel is an anti-cholestero! drug used to; DRUG STORES | OPEN THIS SUNDAY | } i 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. ROSSLYNN PLAZA 211 SIMCOE ST, S. 6 KING ST, E, - tanks were moved up to the Panamanian border, Some "witnesses claimed American soldiers had fired machine- guns from behind the tanks. Panama suspended relations with Washington and Presi- dent Roberto Chiari de nounced what he called U.S. aggression, Complaints were planned before the Organiza- tion of American States and the United Nations Security Council. Sovereignty of the Canal Zone has log been a matter of dispute. cause of the rioting was re- The immediate : JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 728-4668 CENTRAL PHARMACY 723-1070 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 723-3143 POWER FIRST of the WEEK SUPER SAVINGS @ EFFECTIVE, MONDAY, JANUARY ISTH AND TUESDAY, JANUARY 14TH, ONLY © ported to be the refusal of American schools in the zone | to fly the Panamanian flag |§ TAX SOUGHT SHAWINIGAN, Que, own counci] has been asked to tax pinball machines installed) | by local restaurants, The sug-/% gested rate was $25 annually for) ) (CP)--| 8 LEAN BONELESS each of the first three machines|/ in any one establishment and/& $100 for each additional ma- chine. ADMISSION--$1 .23 SATURDAY | The greet wondertul oat Pilon BOB MINNS and his orchestre setts teat ld Old Time - Modern | CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 23° LIMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER SAVE de 16-02, - TINS STEWING 5-LB. -POLY BAG © POWER PERFECT GRAIN FED BEEF @ | ONTARIO NO, 1 GRADE BRUSHED COOKING ONIONS 19° "one dieting; will satisfy unger, and will control, inhibit and shrink one's appetitie caus. ing pounds and inches to melt away, EAT CHEESE Cheese is recommended as an ideal outdoor meal because it is easy to carry, easy to digest and an excellent form of nour By TOM CARNEY VANCOUVER (CP) - Irene Rebrin, for years alien in the country of her birth, is starting to feel at home in Canada, "T like the scenery, the peo pie and my work," gays the londe, China + born language teacher who lectures to four clasges of 18 students each at the bia, Miss Rebrin, wea had been under threat of deportation from Canada since 1059, has beun granted status as a landed im- migrant, She recently settled owt of court a libel action against a Toronto newspaper, gaining Canadian citizenship, Tn an interview with The Ca- nadian Press, Miss Rebrin told the story of five Seuss which she said had been 'difficult times," Described by colleagues as in- trospective, the shy Miss Rabrin was arrested, freed on bail and became the centre of publicity, The worst part of the deporta- tion fight was the uncertainty and frustration, she said, AFFECTED HEALTH The strain affected her niversity of British Colum: F She is now working toward | ih Zi Sat. el Loses 20 Pounds In Deportation Appeal the B.C, A Courts and nally yr ge Supreme Court of Canada, "My main objective in going of the stigma. of being iabriled e stigma a security risk," she said, Her immigration fight ended Dec, 21, 1063, when Immigration Minister Favreau annqunced in 'the Commons that the case had "Deen red brin had been given the status of landed immigrant. JOINED U.B.C, In the fall of 1059, she joined U.B.C, First hired as a regular term lecturer, Miss Rebrin was BMY growin ants, when "deportation '] month basis when on j seemed imminent, Colleagues at U.B.C, formed --_ ttee to help pay legal costs, Her students were on her side, A Vancouver newspaper risk," She was arrested and de-|quoted one student; tained in custody at the [mmi- ebrin is the sweet nie a Me ROR ett § "IRENE RUBRIN "Irene R ration Building in Vancouverjest, shyest and prettiest Rus- 'or almost two weeks in Apzil,jsian teacher I ever had, She is 1960, then freed on $200 bail, jalso one of the best teachers Her lawyers appealed through!I've had." health: "T lost 20 pounds one week." She continued teach#ig whiw appealing the deportation order he} the Supreme Court of Can- ada, Born in Peking, China in 1026, Miss Rebrin describes herself as the pampered daughter 2 stern Russian parents, Her father, now 77, was a judge in the Siberian city of Omsk prior to the 1917 Bolshevik revolution when he fled along with other White Russians to China, "T grew up with four lang. uages -- English, German, Rus- sian and Chinese," she sald, Miss Rebrin attended schools in Peking. She left China with her parents and young brot@er in 1057, going to Brazil via Hong Kong on a United Nations ref- ugee pass, Her father and mother live in Sao Paulo, Bra- zil, where her brother, Igor, 33, is assistant manager of an American insurance company, WAS DEPRESSED Miss Rebrin said she left Bra- wil because living conditions there' depressed her and sh? didn't know the language. She came to Canada on a visitor's visa, It expired and in January, 1959, a deportation order was signed, The deportation order de- scribed Miss Rebrin as a mem- ber of a class of persons pro hibited entry to Canada as landed immigrants, Former prime minister Diefenbaker and the then-immigration miaister Fairclough told the Commons Miss Rebrin was a "security Al A ROMAN MUSICAL SPECTACLE O'KEEFE CENTRE, TORONTO--=ROX OFFICE 11 AM OM EVES, 8:30, MATS, WED, & SAT, 2 P.M. «($1.78 TO $6.00 >. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Sunday Service 17 A.M. ADDRESS: : "Humanism and Liberal Religion" SPEAKER; MRS. WM, G. LAWRENCE LONDON, ONT. C.R.A, BUILDING, 100 GIBB ST. You are invited to attend. een A Re i 'e BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AT. & SUN. SUNDAY! Joanne Woodward Carol Lynley Claire Trevor THE STRIPPER w GYPSY ROSE LEE Q Sch ewes eon TODAY and "SUMMER HOLIDAY"--Color with CLIFF RICHARD--THE SHADOWS Bowery Boys - 'Crazy Over Horses' STARTS PAONDA Y ieee BILTMORE Most Exciting Woman in The World! TWO SCIENCE FICTION COLOR HITS! hideous, man-killing things.,.multiplying into bestial hordes ose WAITING TO DEVOUR THE HUMAN RACE! "THE DAY OF THE | TRIFFIDS' COLOR TODAY .t DISNEY'S ony "THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" ,, cu. i ie Hockey Sunday Leafs vs Boston at 7:30 P.M. BRIGITTE BARDOT in "PLEASE NOT NOW!" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Doris Stays for A Sen WEEK! 8:30 - MEMBERS -- 40c © NON-MEMBERS 60c WNISOLIGNY 'VA'D'0-39V14 11:30 Gracriing PLAZAS FEATURE TIMES -- 1:30-3:40-3:40-7:30-9:30 Lost complete Show #18 Live the gay life ol SOUTHERN EUROPE on CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESS TOURS ge 583 5 g 3 i Hf HE ee

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