Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1964, p. 12

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LPO OMNES FOYE See anne te > Dressmaking HAJDU'S Tailoring and Dressmaking 20 yeors European exper- Bieter ba Rewortonty te King" Stree a] 2 Ronald TB Wien not cA; rea- TELEPHONE 34% Simcoe S., YAce, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Accountants, Licensed Trus-) = x Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East. 120 Feet. feres Accurate, King Street Best, mi le Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account| ant, 47 Prince hey & an 4 Oshawa,| Ontario. Telephone 723- Borristers JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14v2 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. fo AND DONALD, Barristers and Netterss 'etc @ King. Street Best 14--Employment Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED practice! nurse would) RELIABLE person for care of children. like steady employment, days only.| Evenings and weekends free, no clean- Phone 668-2368, evenings jing. Telephone 723-1066 atter rs AN DAY NURSERY qualified | HOUSEKEEPER required ~ immediately 7 a.m, to 5.30 p.m, 581 Simcoe|for modern home. Two school-age chil- 260: | dren and father. Ample free time, liye, in. | Box 550, Oshawe Times. APPLY BOX 749 OSHAWA TIMES Bn chant Oe NNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. ARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, in, Henry Block, 262 King Street East. 8 723-4029. 723-4697, Residence, di Experienced Only SHIPPERS FORK LIFT OPERATORS Truck Drivers Should Know City Reply in writing to Post Office Box 100 Oshawa, Ont.. GRAPHIC ARTS Due to further expansion, Vo- concies exist for High school graduates to learn printing on apprenticeship basis. Pleasant working conditions. Techni. training facilities. All TWOSTOROON, i company benefits and prom- | heated, range, refrigerstor,. tree laundry tsi r facilities. Children welcome, $95. A\ iN wit i) uture, WwOMA ith cooking ng 'ure gg on ag con Street ronring, eyaiiad North xperience coe Street, men work in kitchen, Must be PHONE oR te i and have good character references, fe bath end entvonce." Nely. tem Steady position. No late night work. re S wa ust esst of city limits, Worki -- |i tae Gini] 723-2233. ey. Be porary housekeeper, for elderly couple, for appointment FOURROOM furnished Apply 675 Liverpool Road South, Bay Ridges. Call Dunbarton 839-2634. GOT a green thumb? Then be sure to check classification BD Gardening ng and Supplies, "Seeds, Plants' * for ma plants, shrubs and gardening aids BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Soil- 3 ag a truly lovely yard. Do t evaliable, 36's King Street Gast, 723-1107. MORTGAGE LOANS TRomaAS Wi. GREER, SA. | Barrier, Moneys for first mortgages The Times Interest ot 7% CAPABLE GENERAL WANTED, eo age limit 40 years, for modern home No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased, Moneys for second mortgages. Fost service. M. F. SWARTZ 26¥ King St. East Oshawa, Ontario RELIABLE woman 'to live in or out and ao ORE SECRETARY -_ ANTED je-aged [saree and te os ont housework. Experienced Only | 5.30, apply at 579 Albert Street. Apply in writing BOX Barrister and Solicitor and Nota ic. The Commerical Buliding, Ontario. Client |NEW. YEAR -- New career, join A\ lin the exciting business 2 selling cor} cal jmetics. Good income. experience necessary. We train, veepheos 728-5883 |or write PO Box $12, Oshawa. 544 __ OSHAWA TIA AES | SALES LADY FOR JEWELLERY & GIFTWARE Experience preferred, Reply In writing, stating age and qualifications to end = heated apartment on main floor, Pay helf-elec-/ . tric and water. Sulit two couples, $110 ec RE TR monthly. Apply 102 Rosehill Bivd., BOOKKEEPER - TYPIST -- Must ge ex- 725-1997. perienced, small office, Whitby S ° S . TWOR " i ved she stating age, qualifications, euay t ' OOM apartment, near Ajax, Pri and telephone number to Box 643, Osh- ervice ation 6b rg geod January ue ROOM in new buiiding, all latest conveniences supplied, $100 - $115 monthly, 728-1544, ston. Apely @& Wayne Street. Telephone ergetic young man, Good | 725-3938. working conditions. ewe Times. 623-5139, Salesman a ROOM = apartment, ie ato Apply jONE- AND TWO-BEDI 'apartments Excellent t opportunity for en- range Included. Immediate Imperial Oil Deven weeks old. Telephone SHOP the "variety store" of the "Glass. ified Sections' "Miscellaneous for Sale" today. It's loaded with wonderful offers, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN Service Centre Highway 401 ot Waverly Rd. Bowmanville 623-5109 les, ready for Apply Mrs. Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. 725-6881. MANAGEMENT TRAINING We are looking for e mature young mon to train for the position of Branch Manager in our Sales Finance Division. The mon we require will be 23 to 28 and have a mini- mum of 4 years High School. The candidate should have a pleasant personality ond en- joy meeting people. We offer @ good starting salary and liberal employee benefits. CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. Phone Mr. Bennett at 728-1691 for an appointment. Ali inquiries confidentic!. | your own hunting acres. witle 623-2716 or write Box 112, Bancroft. Rotor Lead installed ._ 277 VICTORIA ST., TORONTO 2 Em. 3-2317 Classified Advertising Rates 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described otters get foster resulta, poy Cesh Cha 6 consecutive doys . ' 3.75 a 3 consecutive dovs 2.25 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. Box nurnber iSe While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon os possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. 12 THE OSHAWA TIMGS, Seturdey, Jenwery 11, 1964 : ; ; ot 17--Male Help Wanted |20-----Room and Board 26--Rooms For Rent ; MAN 25-85, Drivi nec/|ROOM AND BOARD -- Suit one sentie- PURNISHED room, sult gente bs ; Me 15. Guaranteed salary, com -- ish ao beth." oe : be, mission and bonus. General Spray Serv- ig to bes Mey Se two Wy Ble ROOM FOR RENT, sult two, willing te Wo BELLES Motors. 7 nean. = . ae OER UPPER j | <page steady for Ontario Ren icAR CARNEGIE Avenue, 708: MODERN roinakon ' pens 728-961, is a lg only, Shift Workers! Telephone 668-8170. Accountants TV--Radio Repairs DIRECT SALES company requires owe lovey Tuned room for eaten id eat Need A =e SS ue MT EON, Nerisies tnt ca eran fail oP ae' aar 8am. cl a oan 9g g radio, car radios. T ing future in food selling organization. feat. Ye tronics, 157 Elitott, 723-9792, Fred. Long estoblished leader In this field. Itidays per week. and 2nd mortgages. Agree- irs. First tine tubes Experl- pet aes reas ments for sale. Mortgages | need workman, R. Holmes, 725-1062. tnd many giner Benefits." ABDI, Charr!22--_ Offices, Stores, Sterege| Suite 2 pa Kegon gat a Full or part-time. Salary, commission, Oshawa, 723-1163. cu no waiting bonus, ice Heating ai Gardening and Supplies diate service for quick 72-4258, SALESMAN ast ot townline. teemaaisbe tw Well Drilling--Digging f : Pe ro ge ieare| how Sult business lay or nurse. Dial WELL DIGGING by Sie 4 Good opportunity for respon- |Er"cr' TY repair shop. 723-7248 after 7. FEEDS 725-2539 in Inch tile, Ward, 204 Chestnut ao iis . wnat An eae, sible person. Apply KING Street ' In Oshawa. " 4 Wild Bird Mixture pn se tg SECONDS > ENGEL'S Mens Wear Bossention. Before §. pam. TephOne| enidren 'ne to ava a cuntr® tue PIANO, rex pie, end sacri oaan|!--Women's Column 435 vantien orton sai niapearen 'DOCTORS ATTRACTIVELY ad stead Drolued, 3. Midaink, 'Alan 8abTeee, |dressing, 396 Pine ef, ROSE: IN NEVADA, 725-5363. ELEVATION 10,800 FEET. FURNISHED ROOMS Painting and Decorating Cais ot ietlie 1 ak cst uid idten acta Call between 5 and 7 p.m. we : OFT faeries tah i$ ne antes a plete st of books for local [GIN Floor office space)! 8 PARK RD. N AL , awa, arriving at 20 a.m, square ft., in new abi DODD and SOUTER Removal of superfluous hair, willing to learn all phases of . Rox Brond Pellet PAINTING AND DECORATING | Marie Murduff will be in discard! baration Ample parking, very|27--Real Estate for Sale Cc Fine Salt . ommon Fine Sa Painting, Poperhenaiia; 22nd. Phone Genosha Hotel [pete reasonable terms. FOUR bedroom, new bungalow, fireplbes Gyptex, Full Wall Murals on these dotes for appoint- [day vine lot, overlooking ety. immediate fs ly 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY eal d 16 eta ST ' ave Sea sees al a" Gobbssicr uaarioncea i nccmels REALTOR FOUR sulle apartment in centre of Bow : ls 7 TWO EXPERIENCED carpenters desire] Onces Call 7068404 oF THC Telephone 728-7377 --_|tawn 'and pine trees, Large" sparimwnts ---- cupmoary neue rimming .g0¢ ve] RELIABLE novekeupa fo lnk fer ch ror aie wiht sown. ow Barristers, Solicitors, 36a ng tee lMo ATT | i. . dren for working mother, live in, balance. P.O, Box East, Oshawa, R. 8. ac,| Mortgages TION phone 985-2030, URGENTLY needed three-room furnish-|220, Oshawa. @ 8. WANTED -- women musicians to form Mother | TMMEDIATE 7251177. Res " A ' 16--Female Help Wanted with two children, Central preferred with ates Pasian other tale "purchased. "Creighton, 'Grynan end The Sandalwood will be open a --- ONE-BEDROOM furni same dec ef and tance, id Sor 4 hi qi x Teco, ry _"s $. Lg eed be gg ge Best rinst AND SECOND Sones. Salling reqolrrty each month pri Group Se ceaweat aa he fo tile wel pont Wanted by February ae aduits al lot. Siraie tiled srpreee with colored 8, i) sl i Baia, available for mortgages. mcs anni Barristers, 31 Ki SATURDAY . 4--8 PM ele a, oe wine ge Wee Tt pecrad, Alan Oh Perea 28.2 i Helden, or ogee ecomeyecton aap ee rene to 6 per ba gyre Rage eng bret Best alla, S NDAY 12 N M , Npeicned Dept. cost Lng La evil Sele : No Bites. Between 9 @.m. an' 5 p.m. [e/@) ities jontreal Sz. Route will pay up to $5, telephi 728-9831, z,! . U N 8 P.M. per hey: with all conveniences, own quarters, must scar On court--pre-poid, Fully serve iced. Some Ravine lots -- Pres- you sold cosmetics, etc.? We are interest- rae = -- ick ~ ree-bed: modern ings -- $1.75 up; Banquets-Weddings crafted unusual jewelry, We pay 25 per| Write at once to: Box 413, Oshawa Times. FS ge BA po gh "month. call high Close ted 'sued seporate and cent commission, supply samples. freel|WOMAN to care for children, two after 6 p.m., Alax 9 ee IONE 725 2911 oes Se oe ee, Mele eee, ees a Senet FOR ALL Cc ATERING Meese. Collect, Ask' for Cis, we wil school child, Telephone Whitby Searen Apartments ;. give you full information ~ Anon you caning ability required . immediately. Wenn, Tal oR Adults only. ho H @) U S F Plumbing and Heating 2--Personal eeinects cotsren wlecine' tek eel ly. Dial 655-4659 or 655-4709, Kingsmere Gardens Shomne teamed soe ene Se tment build and Missionory ing, apartmi LEN PULLAN ator Included, tramediate possesa lege, south two blocks te Re rere oy Omeeeaaee. ieee Model Homes on Gatineau tates. Gatimates "free. lal 723-1193 Specialist in gorment altero- Street. J. Foley. tions, etc, Invisible mending, 723-4697 Saya Immediate Possession AND HEATIN 728-5311 ' 1 P.M. 'TIL 5 P.M. 728-1731 rest old. Phone 723-7195, Low Intere After Hours Pickering 839.1886 [Se trom zs Hogenboom . Valuations Arranged ° CMESTERFIELDS rebuilt, re-covered| Construction like new, Why pay more? Our rates are|PEKINGESE puppies, charming pets, CITY AND DISTRICT __[retsonsbie. $a gueran Brolian, bonding, | Reasonable "Reclater SUMMER PROPERTIES ee eee eee vo 0 Bond West. Dial 725-0311. REGISTERED Dachshund puppies, rea- JOSEPH BOSCO vate room and television, Good wages. Meuhers Ornate covered like new, Get the best for less Saturday afternoons, Sundays and all REALTOR WAVE YOUR chesterfield suite factory | 728-1875. to share two-storey home with widower, rebuilt, Low price, Ti 728-328) in exchenge for enol 'autin Cen- SECURITIES salma, See our "me A LIMITED Wren 7s Chatten Street 7as7ae. be tA a Aitatica Fre Ok citartanes Ber: pl pA eet ogy CUSTOMCRAFT'S rt ville wim. en fi EXPERT essary. North American Fashion a work evenings and Saturdays. Salary of BN Q¥ARARTERO Tepali we all wri Broad, 114 Elgin East. $35.00 to start. No experience needed. Call us onytime. Tap, tang po tag Ba lag Washers and ranges, free tree imates. Call POODLES, small black miniature a preferred. Nox 8 n 728-2061 LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA. Phone for appointment to School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic. Character, Surveyors Boylston | Sta , Boston 16, Mass. Dresemeking Sie aes Was sae | San a prints. larlo Street, cane on = spot, Highest prices id Nn - of EXPERIENCED resemeting, pent cot sie Prone "atiecl, 'Tieroten BeOSTNC "ie 723-2265 reat OL" ikeere and Correeny, jewest Oshawe Branc PHONE 728-0881 TLV. SPECIAL «= Ltd. to fill opening in Osh- Requires immediately an | awa area. Worth up CATTLE Hh : of " ee mon. Sco tain Write N, R. Gamer, Vice For Fast Service Call obligation, Write, phone or visit Oshawa 728-3334 Oshawa 728-7601. MR. ROBINSON Box 711, W. W. SIMPSON Ais | Texos. ; church Fox Rentals, 412 AND j Simcoe Street North, | e Dis " a | Antenna Repair | © doa Cutlery - Glasses COMPANY Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 12--Articles Wanted ° s : Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 RL SCOTT bone oor By be ry. For spraying, etc. Ice, 710 Scarlett Road, Weston, Ont. share. Apply 8 William Street oe gga} J Simeoe and : o across trom Spruce Ville. In foaan RNG ARE ) ) Mf, Vine, Se ie ba" al eae ke fe hae Mortgages young to LJ. et oe ay Mh eg Mn city ry Towers, gga nn Dean sales Tepresertative tor this distele, iat 21--Room & Board Wanted |" Apply iu ern Bivd., bide ae ' : ry grade 11 student at O'Nell Collegl| for ee ¥ y) shai! ; : 720-3296, very ental perane 7. ly. GUARANTEED REPAIRS fo all makes y j AR' ° TWO SALESMEN required for chalieng- TV, hompson Elec: pny I / : \ ed an Private porty to invest In Ist i. AND TR. RADIO AND TELEVISION Vilage / ~ are ne have a car Apply Box 647, cenene Times, Inelvd!n9| pital hao sh Z "purchased. Low rates. Your |ixpERigNCED telephone canvassers. bers Foods Ltd., 933 Ritson R seaut¥ ear su plus 'end other essentla eg gt Bh, "mle Livery 'ances, Call 728-5604 or WILD BIRD results, For Men's Wear Store, |STORE TO RENT on ie Sree Want, 8, 378, Mase + ya Peers yore West, PO Box 32%, Whitby. 668-2563 tat gie } OFFICE FOR RENT. Centrally located cha usica ces Wild Bird Feeders ane lect " ht Ae or call 728-7998 after 6. repair, ins' cy ®>/PERMANENTS on special, P. Malr-| IM THE U.S. 16 OM Small Cut Grains meticenae BOOKKEEPER DENTISTS @ tiny ewe eta bas Ta Welw ere Available in private home. GENERAL painting: | paperhanging "and 2--Personal in kinson Ave. 728-0225. phone Alax 942-3703. transport, typing helpful, and Ciediel 44.2 Salk building on Simcoe St. 728-8671 CONTRACTORS Oshawa, Jan. 20th, 21st, ement, COOPER SMITH Spray Painting ment, North, 728 2004, JOSEPH BOSCO session. Private, pis HE 36 Labrador NIGHTS 725- 7426 able: and receivabie. Telephone - 723- pan or part-time, Salary, commission, imhanville on large 140-ft by 192ft treed LS 723-2312 Personal Service work remodelling. Expert on Kitchen in good repair, Rent Income $295 per HUMPHREYS, BOVCHYN end WILLMAN 23--Wanted To Rent piven t phone 725-81-69, Perry | area, After 7 p.m. Af » QC; W. HK, Timers, LLB) DESERSION -- East Ottice: si 'arn 728-4326, wre end corperation monies fer eit all-girl band. For further information, Teauenanie tate Yarumens mount Stfeet. reetatean bri a jt (See "Barristers') Ken aiet Meet, qurchaeed 'Gnd bold. f no FRIDAY 4--8 P.M, of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on &/ week, benefits, Grade 1) education pre phone 725-7133. fixtures. Asking $14,200, = down pay- ng mentees deliveries, etc, write Studio Girl Cos-| Street South. plex, North of Four Corner: Wan i27s. 'Residence P eM. Greet -| BUILDING LOTS : LADIES work your own hours, Havel like children, Call collect Toronto 24--Houses For Rent Except regular monthly dinner meet- |e», sis coumerics, etc.? we are interest ee gmiENCED ~ceshierclerk Tor eve tige. orea, N.H.A. opproved-- Centre, Adults only, oy --$2.00; Dinner and Dance --$2.50 [ara snev. vou how, to aemonstrate, Our! schoo! aged and do Tight housework, live $90. MONTHLY -- 95 Nassau, sik Foom supervisor in' Oshawa and two openings wanits 16 were tor tema. OA he 0 Pp E N arrange to show you the samples and|/ SWITCHBOARD receptionist. with tye THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, pr! honey In In your 668-3336 for interview. PORT PERRY main ane three-bedroom ALL PLUMBING and pegs My _-- iF YOU have a drinki ark, Ltd.,| Box TWO-BEDROOM healed apartment In ho Sioa € Simcoe Street South. ba reet E. to ENGLISH TAILOR Small child welcome, Apply 165 Verdun Ready for Occupancy dress alterations. c YORK PLUMBING eration Mortgage oney Specializing in repairs. 3--Pets & Livestock Built by Rug-Upholstery Service Seance «(SIS Telephone © Hampton RESIDENTIAL teed. Mat. | Endl Sold by RELIABLE young women of VACANT LAND CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|Sonable. Telephone Bowmanville, 623-3430 nek at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe - evenings free, Telephone Whitby 668-4767. Mortgage Broker's Association HOME Evenings 728-2499. Kennedy Ushotering COCKER SPANIEL upper, part! color, trally located. Apply Box 13%, Oshawe TELEPHONE IMPROVEMENTS CHESTERFIELDS " re-uphoistered aoa $33 WEEKLY for wearing lovely dresses srodelling stores, offices, end 112 Simeoe St. North ment, Experts ln recovering, restyii ling.|BEAUTIFUL Siamese kittens por Bin aalical aie a mates, Dial bal be representatl All work re d. Instruction SEANTIPUL body For General Insurance Office. Must have use of 2. car able te 728-1722. , Write Box 849, Oshawa Times, ples, registered, champion stock. Cartage an ge ~ lata ¥. FLIM AND TROLLOPS, Gnfarlo Cand Schofield-Aker [Ai*turere. Tee "pov." eoloyment rates. Fully : FARMERS! Need Tires? Call "BIll" your tc. METHOD quires si thg and. alterations. Reasonable rates. \TV--Redio Repairs Sire bar rae es jeence 45-6. 130 King Street Mast, Oshawe, Telephone instruction | experienced typist with | to $400 to $1,000 in , Leod Wire 'Installed . Learn to be a Hairdresser in one of Canada's fore- : Arteries picked, no bieeding. company benefits. Pres.. Texas Refinery Corp., Whitby 668-8344 Tichatiedes Bos Raab Ajax 942-0150 |16--Female Help Wanted unch Bowls TRIO AVON PRODUCTS of Canada Ltd. SARGEANT'S RENTALS Service Calls OLD ANTIQUE ours aa WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE. if you|C8l! 728-3716, de rasasear Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL. 728-5832. jewelery parties. We have a line of hand/"ing part-time work, 610 p.m. Please PHONE MRS. MERRITHEW 725-9111 Available 328 SIMCOE SOUTH GERMAN shepherd female pup, 4 months good cher- acter for general housework. Live In, Pri South. Call_ 720-4481. Free est istered, OPPORTUNITY for midale-aged couple SUMMERLAND Pretec weal? b Bcescing ermanant shot, reqitered Box 547 Oshawa Times | Times. re~ styled. Free given you as bonus, Just show North Carpentry work of all kinds, terial PINTO HORSE for sale, beautifully mark- owmen- Rowen, Oshawa, Ontarlo--725-3568 [Creme Sats 8, ,toMclaly: Free ear ltemale, seven weeks, old, $25 Seaipetet. TYPIST aaa Sales and Service raining, P? ae Must have use of @ car and be able to No job too big or small. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Brose 114 Eigis East." Dictaphone Experience Nidren 17--Male Help Wanted 'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, ie Tee Phone} Farmer's Column Information Centre, Room "equipped and insured, 720-3461. E DON EVAN ANS FLBISCHMANN,| Dominion Tire representative, 725451! or Limited ING SCHOOL course (Grade 13 standing pa ager or Mis. Eldridge, 6) Montreves 7254476. TAtae ROR ates D Ch = 1000 gallons, $2) j jeliver ° a | r (GEORGE WILSON delivered, Telephone Roland Gall| ew emica Good Man Over 40 OF HAIRDRESSING switchboard and General a month for the right uae 'uns fo Guy wires installed . . most sc' » inquire to-day for free information, no For prompt service phone Telephone Fort Werth 1, TV TOWERS CHAIRS, card and banquet Tables Coffee Urns TELEVISION POSITION 725-3338 shells, Telephone 72! $2.50 | BELOVED BOOTS" By ALICE BROOKS Boots, beloved by Sales Manager 18--Male or Female everyone Help Wanted teens to mom! Make 'em in LOOKING FOR oop DEALERS to re cotton, corduroy, velveteen. TOM ANAGE t prosperous firm TWO pattern parts -- that's A District In The Province Of Ontario|ssing. "orerng domestics , also old it mot paid within 7 doys, chorge rate applies Professional listings only, 3 lines per month ... 8.50 Eech additional line per month 1.60 (Not applicable for merchandise odvertisements.) | 9 am--9 p.m. Daily | As Low As $19.66 New 21" Picture Tubes All Work Guaranteed SHA AUTO WRECKING co, Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron ond. metals, etc. bought. ' Open Soturday all day. Phone WE REQUIRE: Leadership Ability Age 25 to 40 30-day trial wid ato. Ts y trial. per! ¥ ay) 4 HX St. Hubert, Montres ee 20--Room and Board medicines, come Rg BC een all for gay, quilted boots, Whip ums. them up quickly. Pattern 7447; patterns, directions sm., med., lge. included, THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) By ANNE ADAMS All flare, freedom and fashion in easy-care Da ' batiste. Sew both gowns -- one for yourself, one as a delightful DEADLINES . Day Previous # : p.m. Dey Previous | 20 BOND ST. W. p.m. Day Previous | Call Now -- 28. 5154 tn Memoriums .....0+ Lost and Found -. + 8:30 0. ey _-- . Pe seus @ irths a jt a.m, Day of Publicotion | mpeicw'ts: | TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe 3 p. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS Priced to sult your budget 8:30 A.M. Day of Publication TERMS ARRANGED | REGULATIONS OSHAWA TV The Oshowe Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 ROOM and board for one gentieman,|for this pattern (no stamps,|shower gift. Packed. Yelephone 7akoe, " '8"EMnlease) to Alice Brooks, care| Printed Pattern 4789: Misses' ROOM and board for two gentiemen,|0f The Oshawa Times, Needle-/Sizes 10, 12, " 16, 18, 20. Size wating fo share, single beds, homme cook- craft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario./16 (top 'view) 3 yards 45-inch; Sacre name rasa: oor" whl Ontario residents ad, 1c salelowher 2 yards. jax. ainly (50c in coins lunches peckes It eslred. Single Dean NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. |(no stamps, please) for this pat- Telephone 728-0159, tie ta soe ak HITS in -- Pasig Beco add 2¢ ROOM AND BOARD in clean home,/our , new 1964 Needle-/sa it a peng a wiregt ny Baa Bg to So out. now! Eee Goo = DDRESS stig : \toys, fashions, crewelwork, heir-/NUMB Send ie to ANNE ADAMS, KLyY -- quattomane Taha | Apoly talooms, gifts, bazaar hits--every- Hephone sew, |care of The Oshawa Times, Pat tern Dept., Oshawa, Easthaven Street or te' 725-84. thing .to crochet, knit, interested applicants should forward « complete resume te: ROOM AND BOARD for respectable| weave, embroider, quilt, smock. Ontario, DO YOU KNOW HOW Ta GET A PATTERN 2 N A GRAY Bi Coborne 'Sree s FE lg Send 25c. right now. - ™ ' LY FREE? It's kone _ order hay our Spring-Summer Catalog in- 725-097 POSTOFFICE BOX 8,000, ROOM AND BOARD Ter ame gainer Sing along with the happy MONTREAL, 3, QUEBEC ROOM tod Soa er_tea Top willy) tOlKS who have discovered [cluding FREE COUPON to get All replies confidential. Wn 7 what a Want Ad can do. {Send Soc fe Dominion Television Own car or able to rent some Able to re-locote, if necessary. | 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. | | | | WE OFFER: \13--Business Opportunities _~ THURSTON'S | GENERAL STORE FOR SALE 100 Freezer Lockers, Grocer- ies, Drugs, Hardware, etc, 2 Pumps. Oil furnace. $14,500 or best cash offer JANETVILLE 324-2943 LINDSAY EXCHANGE Sterting Selory $5,000 minimum Comprehensive scles troining. * Full compony benefits. or expenses and other allowonces Unlimited future growth. interesting and challenging work one incorrect insertion of ony advertisement. nor beyond the price charge for @ single insertion of the odvertisement in which eee oreo in the egse of display odvertisements, The Times wil! not be held responsible for more space than thot in which the octuc! error cecuples. The publishers endeoviur to reproduce all odver- tising motter correctly, but ossume no ligbillty of advertisement ee eee on nes hee, *

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