kh \ S Rak PLIES PICK UP THEIR SU Rocket Uncovers Silent Mystery WASHINGTON (AP) -- A) mysstery spot in deep space-- | invisible and silent--may be a} compacted core of neutrons! only five to 10 miles across,) but weighing as much as the [thé star dies. sun, | It could offer a new notion of what results from one of the) most furious events in the sky, | the exploding star or supernova. Found because it is a re- markably strong source of x- rays, the mystery spot may really be a neutor star, and the remnant of a supernova ex: plosion perhaps 1,000 years a- go, a rocket astronomer sug- gests. Dr. Herbert Friedman of the) U.S. naval research laboratory | said that a neutron star--never seen before--coukd explain why the spot se powerfully emits x-rays, and why it has never awaiting a cable from Hong Kong, They ate members of the India - China Friendship March who have been on their feet for the last 10 months walking from Delhi to Peking. Two emissaries have gone to Hong Kong to ne- Such explosions occur\pnly once | gotiate with the Chinese for per- in some 200 years--and the| mission. for the team to march sudden. catacism increases a through the country. star's brilliance to 100,000,000; The marchers include repre- times that of the sun. Later,| sentatives from India, the United States, Austria, Javan A neutron star would. be so and Germany, They are confl- dense that its compacted core | dent Red China can be per- of pure neutrons would weigh; suaded by a humanitarian ap- 10,000,000,000 to 100,000,000,000 proach to drop her belligerent tons a cubic inch. Its centralyattitude towards other nations, temperature would range to, particularly India. Shankar Rao -- or : sas cia ickee of the worteas ia y no igagn cae late Mohandas Gandhi and one- 6,00 degrees np almost al lof | time secretary-general of In- its energy is radiated in visible | : ruling Congress Party. light forms. A blue star has| The original plan of the | march hen they left New 1,900,-| marchers whe y po ap go hg oe | Delhi March 1 last was to cover the 4,000-mile journey to Peking eee eee ee is uhomaad 6 East Pakistan and Burma. | When the Pakistanis turned light, But, Friedman explained, &/them away at the frontier the neutron star would. have a SsUr-/jam made a detour and TME OCMAWA TIMES; -- § Fridey, Jonvery 10, 1964 WIG WEARERS The wearing of wigs dates back as far as ancient Egypt, and. Egyptian mummies have been found wearing them, OUR BEST WISHES AND GOOD LUCK FROM MORGAN PAPER CO. LTD. 94 ADVANCE ST, TORONTO -Presswood Bros. Limited 30 MAYBANK AVENUE TORONTO PRODUCERS OF The Finest Pork Producis been seen nor heard by radio|face temperature of 10,000,000 | reached the Burma border hope telescopes before. | degrees--and radiate nearly all| ing to travel along the wartime An Erobee rocket -- reaching | of its energy in the form of| Burma Road and enter China) wp over the earth's shielding | *TYS-. from the south. The Burmese | atmosphere -- scanned the sky | It would be invisible, Fried- government also barred them. ast April and found two indi-;man says, even if it were as EIS, so vidual sources of x-rays; one in close as the nearest star in the a y s the constellation of Scorplus, | sky. , | EK GO TON Y S GO \ pernova which exploded in the | year 1054. emitter of x-rays. 'Canadian Press Correspondent PHENOMENA PUZZLING BOMBAY (CP) -- Fifteen LTp. {|= ' the Crab nebula, in our galaxy, | MS Marchers Seek 'But one in Scorpius--in 4 Astronomers have long won- Gandhian pacifists are currently AND : | LIMITED the Milky Way. The latter wed quiet, little-noted section of the | Door To China dered at the phenomena of the a cottage in the gun- FUTURE ADDRESS:-- 710 WILSON RD. SOUTH -- 725-6256 be the collapsed core of a su- sky -- was the more powerful | By RUKMIN I DEVI supernova, the exploding star. | gles of Assam in northeast India Vii Ys Vion Vy Ya We Extend Our Sincere 19 TONY'S REFRESHMENTS SERVICE on their newest expansion Wye Vy yj Vay We, Vibe david We are pleased to have been chos- en to fabricate custom Aluminum and Stainless* Steel work in your New Building _- BOTTLERS OF PEPSI COLA AND -TEEM