Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jan 1964, p. 1

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tes Zz: She Oshawa Cimes VOL, 93--NO, 8 12 ee yy : OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1964 Seas te Sere, stern acne ttt oat EATH TOLL MO N CANAL ZONE : Sources Say LaMarsh PP scarked Feud CAR BURNS ON PRESIDENT KENN BDY AVENUB Will Retain Po sition . ate gun eling bots outta a the United States e . N S. OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis:, Kver | since -- oe eee might be brought into , 4 ei » ter Pearson commented today| Pearson announ Dec, 27 that) the cabinet, i a U.S, Canal Zone, adding more tried to High Pay Tax Rate . Supreme there has been "some pretty Mr. Chevrier had resigned as a} One source said Thursday : ; casualties to a toll ah dead| their national flag in the i ed, iwild speculation" about thelmember of Parliament and/night a lot of surprises are in ee 4 and more than 200 Zone. | ® " " f lines the proposed shuffle in the; Would be appointed to "a highistore and that many guesses) % incl seven Pan-| The Panamanian students Attacked By C] %, | Court Trial Liberal cabinet will take lefiice in the public service," /have been off the beam, ; ? Fi albasnng ; -- US. ai B, stutnl He told reporters that "a good/ speculation has been that he) For one thing, several sources : wry F Loc ] M many people are concerned in| would be appointed to the Lon- indicated, Judy LaMarsh seems pears Sy gad Shtgmenmegemmedt OTTAWA (CP he © or a an this and that after the New/@on post or as ambassador to .- e By Site iA oe 5 in first dian Labor ba wid toaay nit Naraer yyied gy DARTMOUTH. NS. (CP) Year's holiday "they are round) Frnee. ' tified told fore Shock syeervers have been ART H, N.S, (CP) (and about." well-qua source ' that Canada has not made/least afford it. pertiminare : suggesting Miss LaMarsh might enough use of fiscal and mone:| However, even personal teluees oy tak cece een He said, on entering a cabi.|The Canadian Press Thursday | 208) 'deren aaelgnaett, to promote eco-come taxes were not as pre John William MacDonald, $2, of tet meeting, there would be nojthat Mr, Chevrier will go to) Another suggestion is that nomic expansion, gressive as often assumed, Ine Oshawa and 'Truro, N.S. wit Abreuncements today concern-|rondon, succeeding Hon, George |State Secretary Pickersgill may : : The CLO said in a brief to} marginal rate increased by 2 ete i ing cabinet or diplomatic @Piprew, and will arrive there be-/become transport minister, If 3 the Carter royal commission on|per cent on the second $1,000 of "\inchonald "elected trial in Polmtuments tore the end of this month, this change is made, the gues-| GEN, A, O'MARA A Speer utente ernest irre ia, Sct anon cr meet hats SS yal ao Seat in, ittt able tno aroun a ty crease When tak M Ma. @hnouncemen a hew appoint ohanges resulting m resigna- § v r] « for curbing inflationary able income rose to 25,000 from Bean mete Meanie names ment for Justice Minister Ohev:/tions of Mr, Chevrier and Post./revenue, now held by John R. Butchered My ae Gofiance pressures and staving off busi-/#15,000, The marginal rate im-/court Rere today, No plea: was ter A. unlikely before nent meator-Generel Denis, who is -- Bw oh A. hg = : Tn Washington, the Organiza. " ay i S .G deco "ene of the potently most when taxable Income more to mY is accused of robbing 8 5 oe there were indica hy "rot "expected befere. went state secretary and dare Robber me - Co gp tb 9 powerful counter + eyelical wea-|/ $40,000 from $25,000, Dartmouth branch of the Reyalitions that the announcement! week, ' -- s House leader in the bend gy for 4 pam, BST. etree me Severe Se rea reaa't STE Rah of Cannte last Friday. Aimight come today. It, is on) Paltticel circles bave. snguged iaeans aovbebabiabie has ideee: thet Gets 2 Y Paname ole wes carrying its ment. iments tha' rates are (@O/lone man w inte the bankipected that Mr, Chevrier willjin almost incessant guessing on/_. ; ; ; ears Nations, The 1,080,000 = member or-/progressive on high incomes. lang San mand' sauney trom "aloe appointed Canadian highiwhat changes In portiolton might Keyes ay BR bp cor atin Slot run te ganization said the federal gov-/"Far from being too steeply iteiior, He escaped with about/commissioner to London ibe involved and also what new 7 cams ®8) TORONTO (CP) -- Magit:iNew York Aquilino t should be. provided/progressive, the income tax' 93.999 ----= fuatice Minister. ve that Rene (tite Joseph Addison sald/ama's amb powers so itstructure at the upper income! MacDonald was arrested by ce > ome. ene Thursday a man who tried t0/Np : | ' Tremblay, now minister with- ax more ef:jlevels tends to become much antigonish, N.S town police ' . rob a downtown tavern New fire on purposes, [mere of a proportional than alang RCMP in an' Antigonish ho-| swa Ss V . ee ot assigned & 'Year's Day was beaten unnee: Fanueainar be ettored preqrouelve tax, heavily favorjiel reom Tuesday morning and been Hoketed to become eastern essarily by the tavern's door! wy. gunfire began to crackle and "tale with larger incomes." /was charged with carrying a! " minister of agriculture under a/™*" in at 9 a.m, on the Pacific A, ae ont ae ae arb ian, erst be concealed weapon RCM said! F d O Guilt two-minister plan that seems to| He. said Raymond Chappell, i they fou 43-08 revolver , ronto was ' ch: bon economic condition s wer meaminalates, more ye in bie overcoat pocket eu Ss ver fave bene Sree... jerk" eqn! awifter action. i ' : . JPA APR, "NTN ; | | "It's obvious someone gave "Parliament ie aot always injtance, Most in the FORT WORTH, Tex, (AP) victed of her husband's guilt, Os i : may be avey at/tax Beeches aa sotieal Nehru Needs Rest tre question of wretner Mrs, |waid's mother said Marina must MRA Loses be § ges ene ee An < 'stoous|theit income. from dividends] Doctor's Verdict hasband hilieg president John F|kteve. she a ay something wiss (but Tn ut that tn halt. Two ' é » aie PR a Be MRURANERAR India (Rew-|that Soin The Oona ww 5) Tax Che arma man, was . mily' A men, ra jters) -- Prime Nowe fowr days: after AAKAAEINA:| Last November at the inn, the Exemption i Mt By panne Bi The CHO said the Canadian) "I seems to us that the pres taken ill here four days ago with ton, leonfliet concerned who would ie : ent Mg ong tax credit on div-/high blood pressure and a weak) After Oswald was fatally take care of Marina and her two) LAUSANNE, Switrerland| idend is excessive, andiness of the left limbs, has been| wounded by Jack Ruby on Nov. daughters, June Lee, who will |(AP)--The government of. the! wi serves to make the income taxiadvised to rest for several/2d, seeret service agents took two in February, and Rachael,/Swiss canton (district) of Vaud ing $4,000 in than it needsimonths, informed sources sald/the accused aseassin"s mother/then one month old, announced y it has can} receipts, today, and brother to an Artington mo-) Oswald's mother contended/calied the Moral Re-Armament! H ils g with tne Canat tel Marina and the babies should} movement's tax exemption, | There a heretotoresundiscloed|move te her. three-room duplex The movement teamed by the Crackdown an has w e / drama was played out, invely-/in Fort Worth, jlate Frank N. D. Buchm k ing the family, seoret service! + lits world headquarters at Caux, | S viet Econom V Sic agents and a few of Oswald's oom ie ee pened he Planned On friends Oswald's brother, Robert, Details of the movement's as- © The mother and daughterin-| Marina and the babies/sets and income have never! law parted in separate direc/poty nants place of their own been fully published, When Dr,/ Hi h adin naivysts CONT tee Bs eek OE at ase to move in wh Becaman set up 'hs heeaquar) AAGUGTAGING |"iarine, the "pretty dkussian,|N®_ mother. ere a eae ne ane Fore) TORONTO (CP) -- The anth dow The mother said one or two) mer Pa oc squad of the Ontario ON OD conmallteetamentadeae Oe ta ere rea Sieeaee eee fol thes aeoret service agunialeneuntuaten Weqdeett gngurl Provincial Police ts being re] ,ceamasian statents, ered Agency said Thars.| : tion guarding them joined the aret!a "local jaw granting churches |Oneanized, beefed and re bwin. 'Thereany eitarneea day Rassia is in wen deep econ, m3 ee SN DAs Meee nreshehey, at: test tenths Roulett ment, She sald one secret set /ang charities freedom from alljnamed Eric Silk, OPP commis. and nn trouble -- that Premiet| are Ceaiina ant oat oe budget meetings at the Krem:/ vice agent Rept MARINE Gigs At! taxes. jstoner, sald here teday. yy vane nite che Karushehev must. pare other/ierm credit te the Soviets, But HA, waveiled plans for a giant! Fy her and her dead son The government announced) The new branch will be called/ys banner. . programe te meet his expansion/some of the allies, particularly 00st in chemical and fertilizer Paid Of She said the television set was) the exemption, which expires atithe precious metals theft] en in the evening Panam: goals it he cannot get long-term Britain, Rave dectined to go CUtPUt to overcome basic ece- jshowing events im the wake of/the end of 1864, will not be re-/branch. Its warters will B¢/anians crossed back. into the from the West. along with Washington on hee. nomic difficulties, He indicated 2 the assassination and president newed because "it must be rec-jin Timmins and its eventual were unable @t the Soviet eco Russia would seek long » term With Death Kennedy's funeral and that she/ognized that its (MRA's) activ-/strength will be 15 men. to pth we e pBrtclfinr ong A. oe Aecording te the CIA spokes: credits from the West te irapart @isagreed with remarks about/ities do not meet with unanim./W. J. G. Bolton, now in who set fire to. build and analysts, was = 49 Be the Kremiia has got inte machinery for the prepeted! OTTAWA (CP) -- A Quedec her son's guilt 'ous or enthusiastic approval." [Cochrane district, will become! oversurned and burned U.S. cars at what was deseribed ah economic fix from a combina chemical industry duild-ap. Provincial Police recruit killed - ----~jinspector in charge of the newW).n4 caused extensive property preas Brigg |Al@n Of OvEt ~ ambitions eco) The CLA spokesman said that,inimselt last November while branch, damage to U.S, installations. Eicon we fC AY ---- + ot ore: peg to his cousin how SS Guard Pleads Piet pr ge who Hy Us. weeps were Co in and intelligence wait was * Git from the , Would to play Russian roulette, a cor. i clothes army proclaimed through- Second Word, UK erce ON rave to sipaon resources from/oner's jury he i . / various mining camps, will be) out the zone. . ' F To ] lelsewheore in the Soviet economy day man ~~ strategically located th Panama City was virtually roughout WR te achieve its goals -- inchading) Const, Marcel Cyr, 2 of An £ - ¥ [Northern Ontario," Mr. SUK/qosed down under a@ state of gent -- Mixed NATO Crew perhaps reducing military @X vida, Que. shot Dnisett in the eying r ers said. mourning proclaimed by a LONDON (Reuters) -- Britain Pemditares head With his 38-calidre service | Dee change is prompted by/ government. Labor organiza- The seerecy label has 'agreed te take part in a He said Russia's gold reserves/revelver while demonstrating jwhat appears to be the feeling) tions called protest strikes. safely stripped, in or fOrtcoming demonstration of Rave stumped to less than 2./the game to his cousin, Michael FRANKFURT, West Germany] Hoecker, second of the 22-ac-/that highgrading is a@ game) Panama's government ac- Taake the jafermation the NATO mixedananned nu 000,000,000 and the Soviets de Arsenau, at St. Patrick's Col (Reuters)--The last adjutant of/cused camp guards te be inter. rather than an , Mr, Silk meee, it elear force Hea aboard an Ret want to reduce this "mint lege dormitory im Ottawa,/the infamous Auschwitz concen rogated at West Germany's be : trevor M wen annmuncea toany | "The 'Swetee gah euttow han} Arcane, 9, toiled he Conlditeeayy he Trt' geupected. went "When I went te: Auachoter ta 8reaing term i vetencalar trever, it was ay. The Se me, 28, testi Conk y rst suspected . "When I went to Auschwit: In mg term is vernacular," A foreign office spokesman been onan y Rassian pan see the bullet in the cylinder|was happening there "because May, 1844 IT had no idea of the, Highgrading is the theft of said Britava was "prepared to chases of nearly 10,000,000 tons REXt to the gun's firing ham-jof the reck of burning bodies/SS human extermination ma- Precious metals from a mine in 1A spokesman was that Rus jo. part IR the experiment inlof grain fem non ~ Communist Mer before Cyr pulled the trig hang oppressively overichinery and of the gas cham. either ore, concentrate, semive- sia's lmwport requirements for| mixed . manned nuctear force." countries over the last year, the Ch bat Re assumed the Dultet/the camp ders, fined form and is generally re- chemical machinery and +! Alued ts eeeeeeh oh asi CIA spokesman said. Re con. rela move away from the) Former SS (Biite Guard) "I only heard about it later|stricted to gold, silver and plat meat Would top several hundred) ino tare British Raval officers Oded What "the Kremlin lead ma when the trigger was Capt. Kart Hoecker, now a 52 and suspected something fright-/imum, a malltion dollars a year "ard! and about $8 seamen would take CFShip, fer several years, nas Pe Tre jury delieved that yearold cashier, has Deen ac: fal because of the reek of burn:| contd be $200A 00.08 In ota" pen the lok Fam, freagn Nee WWN te am Weg ach wath Oem Ue tgaane wall caned ot raming the Aust ing bodies which aR "appren tin Tr in. possibte that further CIA lattice sald he could te few resources, counterclockwise, moving Une! tims for extermmaation, He eaids| ee vee oe COMP Argen e oe hay ee Dhow ------ this because further He rated Russia's economic bullet away from the hammer "I learned of these dreadfal LIVED NORMAL LIVES ' OR Getaits sti Had growth at only 2.5 per cemt IRl when he pulled the trigger, bat things with horror, Bat what, The 22 guards, most of whom Pl Crash s an te beret te be held in warious working fees Compared with OS. instead the dallet moved into was f to do? T cold only obey have lived comparatively nor! ane ttn a _ eeeners grea, ____ Brow Nal again as large. firing position tht orders of my commandant." Mal lives since the end of the! " "coe mei [tak are, shateed with mee] Wille 20 AR MILLION | siencen "commited at Auch TEEN-AGERS lwite, Committed at A ZARATE, Argentina (AP) -- HMoecker said Yat im his time i , yanine 7 ® ry Auschwitz, Was @ivided Into three ype el er ee camps, each with its own com-/Thursday in the crash of a twin mand stractare, He was adje-/engined Argentine airliner near: tant only of the main camp, |this Parana River port 55 miles with responsibility fer corres. northwest of Buenos Aires, as pondence and the guards' welk Three survivers were badly NEW YORK (AP) -- Mayor) pontibte Wak Between cig srettes! The Avscrican Medical Asse. Mongide cigarette machines mates. "Were letting other fare. injared. Ferome Cavanagh of Detroit, a aad cancer. elation said 36 of its state Been the Uneversity of Pittsbargaiteens know that not all: teen. Was also Ris job to keep a) gy. Americans were Mrs. BWe-packaday smoker, was fe. | WeKed at the Cigarettes on dies Rave either. condemned CAMA Signs War stad@ents agers are. in faver Of smoking," SeTEL Nogdoek, dat he did Rot |, ' Da bedream Tuesday, lsteaing Ure Bedside table and said, "why smoking as a Dealt bavard, or Wey are risking NOMA explained Michael Raxin record in it details of the "spe- que agin ' 'wet have a Wate character?' Lat least called podlic attention a Paine , 'ae pie te cial treatment of the Jews" te a Bews breadeast about the haven't hed a cigarette ddace. te thix passimilt Tee Pavwe Drag Company of The topic is of dowdle concer (uae formed most of the cam" a an Wak tuk cel 4 Rochester, N.Y. removed cig' --deth Ake and livelinoed -- fT dreamin -- OANINCed That sonia ne ee nee MOM Cancer Society iarettes from its retail counters, itebacce-growing states Ney etter to foaranltiion vieas, Sunnyvale, Calif, and The- warts the ah iI nem SS BR bas Gistridated leaflets te R.O0R- Tre Frankia National Bank er Tm North Carolina. which has IS mas Jewell, 4 Bibert, Cole. CITY EMERGENCY Statistically undicated @0) teenagers, asking "shall T dered the 1.390 caaplayers ot ' ' : , Mis superiors only discassed OS radieed) - wank & dealth & rah the Amer SMOKE?" the Secs ash Se Dramhes oe Tone Hand te eee eee ae MAY MANET ants verbally, Hecker sald. Welthe 'Zarate sicport, that De a> DESTROYER LAUNCHED PHONE NUMBERS en Teracee atitte iasistsi req campaign Das reached shep smoking at work. except bn sete Unis Fa@astry, Governorisaid he had never entered the/parently had a Short circuit, nexer bas Deen proved Wate were than halt of U.S. sec. yechroems Terry Sanford, an occasional ch prison camp proper where at-/fire had broken out and he was) The HMAS Hobart, a 436- the 1,900 ton hull, decked with Rh creating Rementwe ondary scheos aNd. Row is ge gar seroker, sald rocities .were a daily routine. preparing t make an emer) foot long guided missile de- an Australian flag and U.S. POLICE 723-1133 we Rais eapectalty during Wee @ Ue fomrth, th and sixth TRENAGERS CONCERNED 1 there is a areata cle. Daring Tharsday's testimony. gency landing. Shortly 'after,] streyer being OSuilt for the bunting, throws FIRE DEPT. 123-6374 YEARS. .& CAMAINBIEA grades with Heeratare and Tes.) Seniors at sabatban Cleveland went Pn tobacea, Uren we wantit was said the hair of Ausch the plane went into a nose dive! Reyal Australian Navy, was ee as huge bevaih: ' fee deem waged to cat Goon Concer adeat whe question Heights High Scheel i Odie are to know it--not so we can de- wits prisoners was wsed to makelabout five miles south of the] launched Tharsday by Defoe of water in the Saginaw River HOSPITAL 723.2211 Ue. eigareites contumed each has Deon gnaniitst Ba sneay waging an anticmeking cam strey Me indastry--Dat so -- we in. Germaanairport and crashed in an open iting Oo, Bay City, launching slip. ' : . a ean, (ways, ipaign ameng Geir scheolicen eliminate that element." (U {eld im @ snowstorm. Here AP Warephote ff 5 i f I i Tike $9 i j We fie i 28% Z = i i : Ff ity ft wll i ii E j 4 i 4b ca umpe rset Same we: a

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