sere ne ae aa Crown Attorney Backs Aborti Read Bo. = ed Vad oard lan -- +. te P.13 a THOUGHT FOR TODAY - & WEATHER er - portunity isn't likely to knock ; " peg door if the way is blocked f _ fostly jae i riday and 4 | by pill eollectors. ' o, colder asa VOL. 93--NO. 7 10 Conte per Copy OSHAWA ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1964 Authorised op Second Claw Wall Poot. Office Department TWENTY PAGES ' _ Britain Lauds , Johnson Move To Cut A-Arms comment, The re-dedication of the administration to the Ken- nedy stand on racial issues and the policy of giving forei goods competitive access to the American market were noted with approval. But there was nothing in the speech calculated to change the French boycott of the Geneva talks. France considers that preconditions for effective dis- armament have not yet been The London Daily Sketch praised Johnson for showing "real determination". to bring the nuclear arms race to a halt. It added 'President Johnson's initiative takes the world in the right direction," The Daily Telegraph por- trayed Johnson as a leader who is "marching straight ahead. "His address is perhaps not dissimilar to what Roosevelt might have said today had he LONDON (Reuters) -- Pres- ident Saawar's State of the Union message announcing a cut in U.S. nuclear weapons produc- tion won applause in world cap- itals, In London, diplomatic quar- ters showed keen interest in Johnson's disclosure that the United States would make new proposals at the 17-nation Ge- neva disarmament conference reopening Jan, 21. *) een been alive and active," The/met. OTTAWA (CP) -- For thejrelatively large sums akan i eerven to" improve Telegraph said, j In name, bend ey pat " : si eee : third time in two days, the i bo free ag wat which to further the international climate} 'The Kennedy momentum is ape ga H a. ae ACCRA, Ghana--The govern-|Conps volunteers ana, most/commission on taxa' on lay erenrten their competitive the of the important and|maintained, even increased." lia said Johnson confirm a ment arrested Opposition/of them teachers. heard a familiar request: That/muscle and finance' growth, pe D dinevs negotiations In Paris, the Johnson address|"the aim of his government is " |Leader Joseph B. Danquah and Danquah, 68, has been an el-|the tax structure surrounding) Retail merchants were "ex- newspapers carried|was favorably received injto contribute to the progress of} | two former police officials Wed-/ger statesman to politicians op-| Co-operatives be taken away. |tremely concerned" about this Tass ews agency reports of/French government circles al-/the world toward peace. : nesday night as security offic-/nosing Nkrumah's move to es-| Today's appeal came in &| situation, the speech without comment. [though there was no official) The Italian Communist news- ers continued investigating the|tablish his Convention People's|bulky brief from the Retail) Complaints about this tax Leesygle cong ot = Rents latest attempt to assassinate/ Party as the only legal political a Aerans Can-| structure often bring charges | was er 8 President Kwame Nkrumah. | organization in Ghana, ada, whose provincial branchesithat efforts are being made. Push For lhe raise ---- but was The government also ordered ng eens oe ek "The besten a hve @] ("asks "iteraatnned plane it the dismissal of 16 other police : momo vg = Fm Laencgee nso ae brief. was not-the ve sty officers, including Commis- Our U . 5 Atom-Free Zones iis" aed glans pg te ye = L'Unita added, ae : There was no official expla- yeti . _ nation for the arrests or dis- In Retail Lumber Dealers Assocl-| sei demands equal om JAPAN A BIT CAUTIOUS Gilscala, "bet Sirasak's petty terests ation came before the commis-ltax treatment of pe WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thejproposals will deal with fa-) In Japan, the Johnson address GOLDWATER IN CAST newspaper, the Ghanaian . sion to propose the same move.| 'private' retailers. In the face 'ohnson administration is draft-/miliar issues in new ways)was warmly received except for| : 'Times, called the 13 men "rep- French Firm Under the Tax Act, co-opera-jof the pecans ewe of co ing 'a proposal for a system of|which they hope will enlarge|a Voge comment on the U.S.| --e -- sage Me ern New Hampshire today 8S ltijes in our midst who were tives can deduct a peeenaae ype on ~~ Re ie ternationa ras of reement/equalization-of-tax issue from/ water, leg in cast following yy York Governor Nelson ink: a a from taxable me a ice a te posts hayes gt cu with the 'Soviet Gan. the foreign ministry, The min-| Surgery on his ankle, leaves pede oe dn daly ok ber pay Sen hg ong adap ee Ar ee eae stone tn tax holiday forlchange in the ee: tien to Senate in EX listry said in a statement issued) hotel in Portsmouth this ' lat the same tene."" is investigating the possibility the! ass nee years of opera:| "The co-operatives are well sides of the Iron CO-ORDINATE POLICIES jafter the speech Japan hoped| Morning, following coffee declared candidate, comes < is investiga e tion ts of this arrange- aa . rope as a safeguard against) "Disarmament experts of the|Johnson" y policy "will not| hour as he campaigns for into the Granite state cam- | The newspaper said a "whole/of buying an interest in dormant)". i tr that. thi es. organization vociferous ttack. c Fearaneakeureesinedtiinne te ic ' ' the first |conspiracy" was unfolding since/Canadian uranium mines and|ment contend that this repre-itheir effort to maintain the sta- a fticials are/United States, Britain, Canada,/pyt an unfavorable influence on| Republican presidential nomi- paigning for votes in the first last iri A davelont ran-(sents unfair competition to in-/tus.quo . . . Canadian Be ae " 20 to and Italy are undertaking con-\Japan in America's enforce-| nation. Goldwater winds up a nation primary in March, -- [the attempt on Nkrum: ow un be um e rese '- Canada vestor-owned firms which must/however, object 'to | --pavwn J Se sultations aimed at co-ordinat-/ment of the interest equaliza-| three-day tour through south- (AP Wirephoto) |Thursday and soon "we sha ne SS eee ¢ oflinclude shareholder dividends|the situation which 3 posts on cach side at keyini eit policies, France, tion tax." SCT ee aetna ike eee nae es Se Se, them to compete institu pen pgpee Alay 07 tivity by/Whose chair in the conference) But the ministry said it ap-! wo AT AUSCHWITZ oo. havrey on clea' and refining Uasited, said Wett| Today's brief said. that be-ltions which Mave en SAvanians either Soviet or U.S. forces is empty because President ;2| plaudea the message and was in| RKED ' ce constable, Seth Nich-|nesday in an interview that/tween 1051 and 196: sales by|created by public regulation . . . might be detected. jGaulle decided not to partici-/ful) sympathy with the U.S. vie ~ + Anes has|Rene Chouteau of Compagnie|consumer co-ops increased by seek to insure that the President Johnson announced|P&te,, 1s an observer in the con-|sion of a world without war and e ° -- accused of firing five shots|4@8 Minerais de fer Magnetique|84.7 per cent while the sales byirules of the game of business Gent aanthe Union mes-| uta cons. the control and eventual aboli- d tant Denies Dery neon fy hor ytd the|de Mokta-El Hadid, one ofjother retail outlets went up S5.8/are the same for all players, be gh see outlining peeeee Seles form oneition of arms. J yu president's official France's oldest and largest min-| per cent, rm al } " Teamst-~ . e nkrumah seg , but a ny ns with ae 'Povored es aividends, an}! : on | Lent Ce | Seeing Gas Oven ails Semmes i iat : sals are being drafted include: a ge , ¥ ty Gunadacloner Belisae toa dotinmen G0 Meiehtadiden on ear eavtnee, oer materia vo 1, Agreement at least on the! poRoNTO (CP)--An st FRANKFURT, West Germany| He explained: 'it T\had asked muel D. Aaning and Superin- ATOM las E AGnelaees: aeeeelation am 'untair|tax burden to be borne by 'Work is going forward on the) prir of destruction of ob- PPOs (Reuters)--Robert Mulka, once|my superiors what was happen- : oad uropean to offset this, principle hel tion candidate for trustee inj i, adjutant of the Nazi Ausch-ling in Auschwits, I would have(temcent M. K. Awuku--are Energy Community, competitive edge and access esd Fee US. Areas Dom leniete wenpams to provent theltingst Sunday's election of Locallen.s Gees estas ton th meee signed my own death, wor |@@ hel dunder the Preventive Tan a ey & im fave. direction coeeetion 'The US. 'B 47a of a Saunt int ee Matte tanta ris te qt nub dy oh TRAPPED MINER IRKED pel end ps gs se Y ec s a eeey R Fs . os sus A of William C, Foster, agency|pomber, a jet-powered nuclear} .¢ So Hrsescot ly Womntay today "I never saw & 885| Mulka, at 68, is the oldest of ithent lal ter 10 Tears. threatening the existence of pri- director. He is expected to head/bomb carrier, is cited as one|(narging the local's business| amber. : 22 former Auschwitz guards} The Ghanaian Times called vate . } Wie US, elegation in the newiexample of the kind of WeePoMlagent with common assault, | But, he admitted, "I heard| sanding trial on charges offfor the expulsion of the U.S.| 6 @ "If it is allowed to continue, round of negotiations beginning which. alon g with its Soviet i 'jthat people were gassed and in 3 8 a in: its private retailers have no choice Jan. 21 counterpart, the Badger, could Lor he Be Mell pg the 'evenings I saw ghastiy/mass murder and siding in Sree ns Rate esd aeeer 1p but to assume that as @ mat. " i ' ¥ . : Officials have said the U.S.|be destroyed. free ed. by Gosten Neowinian funeral pyres blazing in the twi-|/mass murder of an unknown ers." There are about 150 Peace ter of public they are to | 2 Agreement on a ple@geiwnon he went to the union's of-/Usat number of victims at the ex- y [be required their C-Based Scr aaa on eae eset Ta ae eal err iermitin cm. er Just Release Me' ainer's clear weapons to other Coun-),ing done to process the/said anything about the horrors) Poland. Inf : Say B. ie |tries which do not already P0S-'crievance over his dismissaljof Auschwitz, where between! 'The first three days of the ormer Lagan meee J re are segs them, ion by EastsWest!ttom McAnally Freight-Ways|$,000,000 and 4,000,000 persons|trial, which began last month, «MACKAY, Tdeho, (AP) --|enough room to keep moving cele be ee ae Planes To Get coumenn ef nuclear free zones|D°C. were murdered by the Nazis. /qealt with personal statements Gets $10 000 Rae? gyi oth a sl otek on inane" @ could KeePicisim to a subsidy -not avail- ir the world, This would mean| by the accused -- 21 former [) iaskie' teheuen wks nek Deed ° able to all forms of business |simply that the nuclear powers aT4e |members of the elite SS secu Ne eee ee TASB feetlqeustce, Of the Peace Art/ownership," Nuclear Arms wat sgt" seats SMOKE Dooms Million -- ierazts" "| In Montreal ssiteosye Stet elt Meer ll The Omar et tanta ving Latin (trusty prisoner), ontrea oro of nae with Yohenen he W25\Dealers Association Incorpor. jweapons in, for example, hef out of here! pulled to the surface at 4:20 EDMONTON (CP) -- Radio/America, Africa or Asia or at Mulka, first of the accused MONTREAL (CP)--The city| 5° his rescuers, who hadip.m. Wednesday, said: "'He was pond Wednesday the ori. Wedne cays gsiemens ladle gummed vey [to testify, said "T did not kNOW!or Montreal has paid $10,000 to|thought he might 'want some-lin good shape. About the only _ tentes be (Ran roor ond Ge esday it has learned the/those continents, Tl or Ss that Auschwitz was an exterm-|an inf thing to eat after 27 hours in ajthing wrong was he was ex- RCAF station at Comox, B.C.,| 4, Establishment of a commit ination camp, I could only senselbrought about the ceonmaton!is. by six-foot mine pocket, gotltremely cold. = a tae ee = be, gulag. nectoer. arms nes otting pe SALFORD, England (Reut-jbe cleared of smoke, grit and|that something frightful was go-|conviction of Front de Libera-|im out Wednesday. "They got him out by drilling any investor-owned firm, WEA; silie adios init... halatary weteete ers) -- One million persons injdirt, but there must also be ajing on in the camp." tion Quebecois terrorists. They took him to a hospital . series of holes through & PST! Co soeratives are given @ tak Vancouver firm of Brockbank) Johnson stressed East - West|England and bane will de of resectaa in eigarette smoking.) He denied any personal part oii Oe 7 ae ee ey - Bigot By nd baesgthe dh tion age ae * shaft, then holiday fgr thet t and Hemmingway has beenidisarmament measures as the!ung cancer caused largely by am sure that smoking will/in the killings, s lay the iden of the neal GAH deat ki ta Gan. rng They couldn't blast years of operation, and they can , te . s adminis:|smoking between now and 'he|be recognized. as the common-| | informer will remain secret and abd si i. . y continue to deduct 'ai. eg Paes pag eg ml "« yp Bok poliey|year 2,000, the director of thisjest cause of disease, disability that he had no knowledge of| He was cold and somewhat/because of the cave-in danger. vidends from prob eesiggs The construction work would in-field. To this top priority goalicity's health departmentiand disablement in 20 years'| Whitb W k any money being paid by the|weakened--the temperature in| "He and Harold Lambert/ang reduce this income down to pa gene facilities and special /he linked his announcement that/claimed today, time," he added. ly LOT KET | quenec government, which hadjthe pocket around 40 degrees--/were drilling into the bottom of/a limit of three per cent of em- armament storage. the United States will cut back} The claim was made in an} "The relentless rise of lung) . offered a $50,000 reward. but otherwise okay. a stope--an old ore pocket--but/ployed capital, : The radio station said the'the manufacture of atomic ex-jannual report by Dr, J, L. Burn,cancer following an increasing! D In M tr Both amounts had been of-| Custer County Sheriff Glen/didn't know it was that close.! James G. lied, @ Dorchester, facilities are being prepared for|plosives by a 25-per-cent reduc-ichief medical officer for this in-/Consumption of cigarettes over 1es CTO tered tor information leading to|Reed who drove Johnson, 38-/ "when they hit bottom, tons|Ont., lumber who is vice arrival of nuclear arms to beition in the output of enriched dustrial city in northwest Eng-/the last 40 years is the omin- the arrest and conviction of |yeat-old bachelor to the hospi-/of fj] came down. It president of the ORLDA, said used by the Voodoo squadroniuranium and by closing down land, be rng our age. aan idee ae -- Lenard regents fe Se --~ tal an ee a: <= ii ae aad tax laws invite compan- Vv Island. lutonium-produci iles ai > mus ir, "Perhaps the tobacco manu-/quist, 43, 0 itby, in hos- Hing last April of Wil-| "He ve much to say.jhe dug out. n! to themselves un- based on Vancouver _ four _plutonium-producing piles. He sald not only must the air facturers do not realize that|pital of head and internal in-/fred Vincent O'Neil, 65. The vic-/He was pretty cold but 'hadithere was too much." der eae their products will cause a mil- ion deaths in the present cen- General Tax Cut Said 2 i= |juries today about 12 hours jafter he and a second man were |struck down by flying steel in a Nor are the public aware, for/northeast Toronto repair shop. many elements lence." .) Proper Budget Policy MONTREAL (CP)--W. Earlejare in various ways responsi-! He said these "two fundamen- McLaughlin, chairman and'bie for it." tal truths of international econ- president of the Royal Bank of| He said there are three main omy"--a deficit on current ac- Canada, said today the Cana-'problems: count is sometimes inevitable dian image at home and abroad) 1. A deficit in Canada's trade and foreign capital is attracted has been blurred and distorted.jwith the world in goods andjby favorable conditions -- were "We have been shaken and/services--a balance of payment not heeded, duced by gas in body tissue. relationship of cigarette smok. psychological consequences 0! "addiction to nicotine." have combin- jated to keep a conspiracy of si- Burn said an even more se- ; rious probiem than lung cancer| red pelvis, head and internal was that of chronic: bronchitis) injuries. and emphysema, a swelling pro-| The two, employees of McNa- | Rosario Lucchessi, 52, of Tor- jonto, was reported in serious jcondition in hospital with a frac- jmara Canada Limited, were op- The report also stressed thelerating a hydraulic press when -|a four-foot steel shaft they were ing to hemi disease and 'the|working on and a steel collar f/flew from the press and struck them down. confused by events. such as the deficit.on current account; "We should blame not the in- exchange crisis of migi - 1962.) 2. A net import of foreign cap-flow of capital or the floating which were in part cause, injita!--a balance of payments sur-|(exchange) rate, but an unduly part effect, of a failure to de-/plus on capital account; and austere monetary policy before| fine our problems," said Mr. 3. A deficit in the Canadian June, 1961, and a disrupting ex- LATE NEWS FLASHES C0-OPS TAR OF TAX BLA iSecurity Nkrumah Purges Guards Retail Merchants Say System tim, a furnace tender at an army recruiting centre in Mont- real, was killed when the bomb nae off at the rear of the build- ing. Director Robert gaid the money was paid the informer last Oct. 29. Poverty War May Cost '$ Billion ident Johnson's planned war on poverty would be waged over McLaughiin in his address to/government's balance of -re-jchange-rate policy immediately! Three Armed Men Rob annual meeting of Ceipts and expenditures -- an after that date for the failure of/ than $5,000,000,000, administra- p . ® over-all deficit in the federal/the mechanism of adjustment MONCTON, N.B. (CP) -- Four men, three of them ton sources said Wednesday "This blurred collective image|OUdet that led to the currency crisis) armed, held up a branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of night, } He said that in the 1950s/of May-June, 1962. . . is not the creation of any on¢/Canada became extremely at-| "The proper budget policy for government or level of govern-jiractive to private investors in'Canada today is not a general ment, nor is it the creation ofiforeien 'countries, with the re-itax increase but a general tax any one political party. It be- sun that her capital inflow ex- cut > Yongs to all of us; and all of USicoeded her capital outflow by a In fiscal policy, Mr. McLaugh- large amount." lin recommended removal of 'CITY EMERGENCY Commerce here today. Poli estimated $12,000. BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- try with a surplus of capita) ac-\double taxation of dividend in- Aires. Semi-official reports count must develop a current ac-come which discriminates said 31 persons were aboard today one of its passenger planes cra: Zarate, a river port city about 50 miles northwest of Buenos Moncton Bank ice said they escaped with ah Believe 20 Killed In Plane Crash The Argentine airline Ala said six miles from not confirmed by the airline and 20 had perished. five years and cost more In briefing newspaper men on his proposal Johnson said the program would run in excess of $1,000,000,000. But the sources said later the president's esti- mate was for the first year. Some of the major points of the project, an informed source said, would be an expanded ed- jucation program at the elemen- Unfair SEER Mr, McLaughlin said a coun-|"tax dis-incentives" such as the! coant deficit, so the first prob-against Canadian investment in lem is really a reflection of the enterprises. requiring risk cap- Residents Flee California B " Fire second ital |tary and secondary levels, pro- jvision for federal aid to com- munities to develop diagnostic 'LOOK MA! NO CAVITIES' POLICE 725-1133 "A current account deficit is) "Another part of the answer MALIRU, Calif. (AP) -- A brush fire whipped by strong services and medical treatment . the only way to convert an in- in solving taxation would be an) winds broke out on the west side of Malibu Canyon today for jidren in the lowest FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 flow of capital funds into a real ever-all reduction of taxation) and forced the evacuation of residents in the Malibu Knolls jin groups and federal as-| The young fox at left looks panion's teeth. However, they Island Zoo in Calgary. 'AL? 12 transfer in the form. of goods even where that burden is aati area. The blaze quickly swept over 10 acres and was out of jeiignee to help needy youths) for all the world like the fam- were just taking a break from , HOSPIT 23-22 jand services. discriminatory. eontrol, attend college. iy dentist checking bis com- frolicking at St. George's --CP Wizephote * Me »