COS TEES CPO EPS TE rs r 4 20_THEOSHAWA TIMES, Wesneesey, Jenuery & 1765 BI LNVIt AION UNITARIANS ASK BOARD ee collegiate for 25 Roman Catho- Milita Plays (Canada's Bobsled Team "Keep Religion "2%, << caus tnige ie cam aoe" ae a es the majority of the board has Will Train With Ital , ees 2 e school sys : rain W1 Y | Out Of School' ecg tector cee ere ose not have the religious course A paag for the vacant 'Canadian heavy- TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's\compete in the single luge and) WINNIPEG (CP) -- The Win-|given in schools, is to: be con-\cause the school act did not a' |weight boxing ti awarded by the league to the,onto has given up 86 In 36 con- eight - man Olympic bobsled pair of two-man teams will nipeg school board decided/sidered, low it, the parents took the case) Rarraz 20, oa gun- leading scorer in the first half.tests, Hall leads with five shut-iteam has been invited to train}ace in the double luge Tuesday not to ask the Mani-| The board Tuesday defeated a|to court, : vg: we National Hockey| He barely edged out Jean Bel-jouts and Bower and Detroit's|with Italy's 1964 Games entry!" neet: in, |tO8 Legislature to eliminate|move by trustee Andrew Moore! Chief avttice G. BE. bie or 4 at thejiveau of the aig og a Canadi-/Terry Sawchuk are runnersup|and will leave for Cortina by| The Canadian sled fleet in-itrom the Public Schools Act a|who wanted Mr, Wolch's motion|f the Court of Queen's Bench not bejens, who earned $250. Both had|with. three each. chartered aircraft from Mont-\cludes five bobs, four doublejsection which allows religious|deferred for several months un-|handed down a ruling in which » Dut in}48 points, but Mikita held the) Chicago's Reg Fleming is the/real Jan, 10. juges and two single luges; ail|teaching for students during reg-|til a committee of the board|he said the act did allow r upperhand in goals, 21 to 16./most penalized player with 108) Charies Rathgeb Jr., teamlot them: built in Italy (as are|¥/@t school hours. took another look at the prob;|ligious teaching during school) poy; geocer-| Another of the cash prizes,|minutes and in team penalties | anager for Canada's firstline «leds of most other coun-|, THe decision, made on an 8 to|!em. hours rs and that ithe petitionin Hawks|forerunners to all-star and ma./t appears that the team high-/oivmpic bobsled try, says the tries) at an aggregate cost of 4 vote, followed tebate among| CRITICIZE CATHOLICS =~ age ~ be ir -- The heaviw .. At 23,|jor awards bonuses soon tobe|@st in the standings spends thelweek-iong training period willlrousnty $8,500, breaking down to|'Tustees, and after a delegation| 'Trustee Andrew Robertson,|™inister to give the lesson for deciared vacant by early thatjannounced, went to goalie/™Mst time in the penalty box.!inciude competition in. the north 'and. $150 50 from the Unitarian Church|against religious teaching in|® balf-tour daily, tion last year a Tete a liGleon Hall of Chitage, vinner|The Hawks lead with 656 min-litsiy chamglonships, After, that rgd yt edie #150) made a plea to keep religion|public schools, accused" the Bob Cleroux. ot earn-|of $250 as the leading candidate| wes and the Bruins trail with/the Canadians will settle into! pi erence between a bobsied| Ut, % schools, Roman Catholic church of "co- TOLL HIGH , for the Vezina Trophy, pre-|969. ' Olympic Village at Innsbruck; is close to 1,000|, Manitoba legislators will stilljordinating a plan to get govern-| MEXICO CITY (AP)--A cold/against Chuvalo. sented to the netminder on the| The 'leaders: Austria, 'to' train on the-nearby/and 8 TE MS emtained. The|%, faced witht he question of|ment - supported " parochialiwave that drove temperatures team least scored against. gf A Fis: PIMIpobsled: run at Igis where the Prine Tob weighs approxi-|"elgion in schools | however| schools in Manitoba." down to 20 degrees in' tome o Mikita, Chi 22 90-52 winter Games will be held Jan.|0 O50". yoitdon, while a luge when they meet Feb. 6, He said it is obvious that any|areas left a toll of 15 deaths BROKE DEADLOCK Beliveau, Mtl 18 * «Feb. 9, "4 jis 'on a racer's Former trustee Isadorelchurch requesting religious|Monday. Ten of the deaths|tende Mikita soon broke the dead.|Huil, Chi 33 7) Teams for four Olympic veel tt -- prowl 40 pounds|Wlch's motion,' which calls forjteaching during school hours|were in San Luis Potosi, in cen- "|lock with Beliveau as the teams|Wharram, Chi 22 events will be chosen from the et fod na rance|t"® Legislature to give localifor its young parishoners "was|tral exico, where the 20-de- : o ing ve content| headed into the last half of the|Bathgate, NY 11 following: Victor Emery, Doug- pa appes boards the right to decide ifjadmitting it was not carrying|gree reading was recorded. The/real continues to be fit sstar game and|schedule, picking up a goal and|Goyette, NY: 13 las Anakin, Peter Kirby and retin socue af ie eels eae? réligious teaching should be|out 'its: function properly." --_|fivé others were in Mexico City,'for Schmidt's title. --'" r salary while en three assists to lead the point)Hay, Chi 14 0 il, al yu rs basked in|Parade with 52. The Canadiens|Mahovlich, Tor 16 36 he ity cma + lhe so Nadian youngsters. i of head! centre is one point behind, set-|Rousseau, Mtl 11 ie and Christo 0 Luge racers, who sit reasun- ' a tling for 'two goals and an as-|Howe, Det 12 40 ul wen Seamer esl pen ably upright, steer by digging ' | sist. Gilbert, NY 12 Gordon of Harriston, Ont, Coach|in their heels, out front, by iy "yng may ig-| Hull holds down the third spot|Oliver, Bos 12 8iis Montreal's Doug Connor,|shifting their weight while meta gh long as Mi.|with 47 points and leads the|/Henry, NY vv \holder of the world's record for|ping leather thongs extending and assists on|goal-scorers with 23 markers,/Keon, Tor 11 ingle sled Switzerland's|from the 'runners. At times } i will pay himjone more than Mikita and ay-|Balon, Mtl 7 taiked Cresta Pal on piety they'H be leaning back, 'strain. BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA, halal -- in dollars andjother Hawk, Kenny Wharram.|McDonaid, Chi 11 4 ing on the thongs, almost par- Beliveau has the most assists|Pilote, Chi 4 44|EQUIPMENT COSTLY allel to the course's icy floor. Mikita' picked up his first' gro-|with 33. Pulford. Tor - 8 $1| Two teams will enter each of para té 9 cery money of the. season this) Hall holds a slim one-goal|Richard, Mtl 9 49|the two-man and four-man bob-|MANY IN her hand, are week as the six NHL teams ; G. Trembly, Mtl 14 17|sled events, while four men will) Bobs, on the other han edge over 'Toronto's Johnny the 35-game mark, the|Bower in 'the Vezina competi-|Geoffrion, Mtl 10 16) steered By May ek a oe. point in the schedule.|tion. The Hawks have allowed|Horton, Tor 8 45! wesTmouNT UNITeD cHuRcH [C&T & e His paycheck was for $500,\85 goals in 38 games while Tor-\Kelly, Tor 4 4) Points nts Taken - Go-Getters 4 Snare 2. tected to Siting uprieht hye LOOK FOR THE YELLOW "§ ALE" Ti CK ETS! . icks blanked, n aes sting Rays | and Beatnl required posi! Team standing in points -- Squirts 16, Zingers. 16, Go-Getlers 15, Sting, Rays| Both bobsled and luge courses OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS er vr tpn i DRUGS -- CAMERAS -- COSMETICS -- SUNDRIES re are three s ing SIR LEAGUE /41¢ (26) and Clrke Hubbell 08 2M, Smit 398 (238), Pam, Harding 381 <i) thissection, 20 competition should: bel AA pag Oh gh tytn NEO-SYNEPHRINE TRU-VUE 'Helena Rubinstein' Samson week of the. second/ 209 joan Taylor Mer Triples -- sherry Bennett 729 (304 1 out-of- ' | Two Hundreds -- Judy Brooks 281, Jean| 30) (167). the more spectacular, ou /,0 PICTURE GUN ESTROGENIC we JAilin 251, Bill Tonkin 248, 226, Bruce or|Z202,, Ken Cobb. Sr. 64a (239, 213), Les! Coirol enitts. Luges have sailed/] NASAL SPRAY '/2% HEATING PADS <a wes pense 10 SS ai, serrh Harper tin has AS: sat ite) Ren McLeod" 399 (20), "Corme mel (aaa, AW) Cane ete over icy walls at 60 miles an HAND LOTION |Burr 238, Ari Taylor 233, Jack Meintosh| fe' Garry Christenson 36] 200 Games -- A! Srintnell 226. Mauricel nour, backwards. 1.25 1 06 . .49 4.00 A mae co ew ae Juanita tarpon 233, Vers Brooke 223,| 20%, 522 tet ti Ags uy 310 (leh) and|tove staz, Sen Polierd 2, Jean Sister] Tt follows that the accident Value e VAuUE Value 1.95 Value 4.95 ee| Clare Hardsend 222, Lorraine Peebles 219,| °rY Savires® . 219, Annabelle Cobb 218 Joe Ward 215, +. 10, in bobsiediing is likely Senior Girls (3 games) -- Pat Smith,| 209; Percy Neal 214, Audrey White 24, Taylor 21% Ethel Tonkin 216 Nan! eally hitting her stride this week, came| Betty Clark 210, Bill Clerk 203 end Ronjhigher than in any other Olym- = Try Herds 3, tuna hd, 8, Bane Word 210, Lan Byrne| UP With a lovely 70P (302, 220), nice shoot| Flewell 200 pic event and it's significant SAWYER 500 WATT i cms | yh A *Bin 'Derte we, Alex Master with a 368 %219) wes Janet MC) SownTrown InDuSTRIAL LEAGUE |that of 104 competitors in last SLIDE PROJECTORS OSTO-A-D-C 7 x 35 INSTANTINE (att ae" Wi, "na ect pg Na ata" | ay, Rh a lS ca eee eee eet | VITAMIN DROPS | BINOCULARS TABLETS Childerhose is still racki those Bree Dickens 200, searen, This 'waek, Mike' come mreugn Samed SP nnG Motes ort a ne hospital. Comp. : MOTOR CITY JUNIOR LeAGuE | With 6 nice 728 cite, 0, 210), allowed) Appliances 11 and 4 ly hurt | WITH FREE 2.10 Value 89e . by Weyne Fowlers with Gis (268, | Peer One of the most severely hurt Rovo TRAY * Val 29.95 ° Val Cc Banton "batty Ducks 3, Gatters 0;| 20%: Richard Whiteley 643 (262, 223) and] "High "rents (700) = Al Seott Sat A.|Wals) Canada's Lamont Gordon alue _ He i i ue Dandies 3, Popeyes 0; Géotles 3, Bug] '*8t!¥- Ray Bllsky $82 (247, 217). | Bell 782, T-|who was pinned under a sliding, ee, . y;| Bunnies 07 Yog! Bears 2. Vaki Doodles GLETRIOAL "amroaneR Give 7." overturned sled during a train- zee vee, & Teena 6 Hur. Over = Bud mille, ne (256, iWigh "Triples (600) TR. Cooney 679, ing run and suffered a 42-stitch WHITE RAIN: NIK KOREX I : TRIBURON LUMEX Cream. re 2, Livewires 9), Headpins | 3,/a90's95), il" Corbett 633. ¢ Geri] E. McLeod 613, J. Color a, J. Vaske 637, ich ed his jug- ' Joners. 6: Jetnons "3 Cyclones. ty "Alley Edwards AS (aa), Flo Sirank 608 (200),|C.. Balley. 604 Mekinnon. ¢s6, 3.[1ce @ash which expos ug S M oo 35mm REFLEX ' 24, | Aces 2. Pin Wreckers 11 Twisters 2 Beal) shirley Stainton 603 (305) ana Mary ae, Senwerts 2, K. dey 05, 5 ainda, 644 ular ek But he's back for HA P c MERA CR png VIEWER | ' ; @) (254). Smart 461, D. H. Appleton A Seniors -- Saturns 4 Jupiters 0;/. Over 200 Games -- Ross Sutherland 211, a, Pr 'scnnelaer Ger GO. eurgess, eet | more in 2 FOR 1.50 VALUE THE "2 AID IN A TUBE (Ga.|spacera % Martians 1) Plutos 2, Planets) cy Usher 282, 223 George Mille 242, 218,/R. McCeriney 614, G. Gwitams 636. P. witH ote aos ace eum auorany | D2 for 79e | Vit, BF EQ Vewe 83e "High Scores Bantam Girls (2 Games) -- Don rrott jament her *s theore' poss! wae ne a PaO E Rieter oe ees eee 137.00 eon es ciel) Guten "Ritchie 3 200 ris) ree end Hot Shocks 6 Kil-| i in tore oy) teak each mo Utah's Great Salt Lake, but the * le 'eam ing = in a rea section, , | and Brien Marshall 252 (137) lerwatts 4, Nute end Volta 6. Profone 6) Lemon League -- 0. Dennis 87 and &4./Huovant water tends to lift his) wary Hudout Johnson's KEYSTONE K960 NOVA HISTEX Junior Girls (2 Games) -- "anita Roter Srereers 3% VHF's 2, Computers 2 ens] Are 90. (A real Improvement in this de BABY POWDER § 8mm Projectors TABLETS jutcheson| 391 (224), Elleen Tait 345 (203), Joanne! Diedes 1 partment, Keep up the good work!) feet higher than his head, SHAMPOO WITH FREE SOAP Rs THREAD FOR COLDS, SINUS . Vie 1.09 vx, 63c | Mt 99.50 i ae MILLER FALLS TOOLS| saxcaw | an -- Tyzine Pediatric VICK"S VITALIS WITH THE FAMOUS LIFETIME GUARANTEE BARN NASAL DROPS VICK'S tas ROOM vaPorizer § MAIR TONIC § MOVIE GAMERA AT COURTICE BSc 72 1.39 1.07 'antabu Value c 'alue 1.19 Value 91c 29.95 Bp ower Tools 25% OFF Pith prem ng _ GADGET BAGS GILLETTE MULCIN TONI MADE TO SELL FOAMY SHAVE Liquid Vitamins TIP PERMANENT. REDWOOD FOR 20.00 MOOMYL | SPECIALS in PLYWOODS | BIFOLD I] wzr:. 9.95 | w 69¢| vs 478] ox 119 " V.rored Lae Maboseny 5 2.89 2 3.29) DOORS TRIG ACADMEY FOLDING unselected -- Unfinished ) bhi ihe sap : Bronchalent ' Rinse Away DOORS [0 eT reissea" a7 3.89 an 8,89 26" x6" BP DEODORANT | EDITORS =f wencarse iim Dandrutt Control Dane 26" x cor + A" Sect Levan Minmerched |) 7Q 6.69 12. 99 vawe 1.07 | tc 19.95 | Vi. 62c 9 Js. 1.07 cwniaa THEY Last) HAIR DRYERS Helene Curtis POCKET TRIPOD Robitussin | BD ce can se cee | HAIR SPRAY wae 1 6 | CUSTOMER [cow oni Ber 9.49 | uz: 1.23 | 695 os | at ioe. FOLDING _ APPRECIATI ON STOOL COLGATE COLGATE'S NOXZEMA Kolimar TV,Zeasi minum Alu TOOTH PASTE SOAKY cubed Canaa MOVIE CAMERA weonma - ate og Wwe Be Pwr. 59e | Tas 1.24 | Re 99.95 DOORS pene , KODAK CURAD NORTH-RITE | MENTHOLATUM EXTRA SPECIAL - SAVE 20% | FRONT CAMERA PLASTIGSTRIPS | Ball Point Pens ricurs couns in Pittsburgh Interior LATEX PAINT | DOORS §].2%:.16.49] va. 41 f net 77¢} vim 49 T ounne | MINOLTA - 16 e QUARTS 29 GALLONS 7-69 Qu m1 4.99 COMMAND CAMERA VASELINE SKIN BALA: AFTER-SHAVE SMALL + 1.29 Value LOTION "rts We ere 12-02. PLASTIC BOTTLE f ey PREHUNG 19.95 Tour W.P.'s Home Improvement Division .. . 1.25 Foes Pia 2 09 | DOORS Fi ~ mon brut INSTALLED | : "WO PAYMENT FOR SIX MONTHS UNDER OUR DEFERRED ay | 4. 99 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PAYMENT PLAN CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY an Ele i itt Nive Fi gi He ta : SAPP AABPEESES ee ee ee s2CLERS feos wee ee it = o iy ERS ERM E} Eyes: Geb ePeee ij 2d AGAR i caw ¥ - * hy a wl a « a « * " + « * * * : @ . * Py . - CA hh ehh he ee ee ee ee ee Pee ee ee INSTALLED SALE ENDS 31 JANUARY, 1964 © BUY NOW AND SAVE 8 ST. &. 530 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS. LTD. (OKING STE | SHAWA S20.SiM608 Sh @ 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU e PeGSSLVN PLAZA 7b @068) Main Office & Showroom ts Courtice 728-1611 Ajax Zenith 2-8600 Oshawa Shopping Centre -- 728-1617 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA MAAS etttee eee eee ee ee ee ee «9° 82S