WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: John Gault Tei. 668-3703 ONE-I WU Func Beers et Whiley ona a Seestant one-two on Council, each} morning, - "We degling with a rapid- -@) economy," the "and we must know whether 'we are to remain status bc or if we are going to " expa: He continud: "Let us try to get together on the size and lo- Ev, George Demand Annexation A in no more than six months beac lg are going to do. . heads of our depart- ments must know so they can plan + either for this expansion or for our present needs. If we stay put, then smaller sewers and smaller waterlines may be installed at less cost. "But, if we are going to square off our borders, we must act now, These contentious ne- gotiations between the Town an Township have gone nowhere in over eight months. We cannot wait any longer," Reeve Quan- ction ape nat renee' 6 eee te d| horizons, matter may as Moston ter 'saneattinn ion for never be granted under conditions, and Council to: "start rea! the 'Can't Afford George Bevan é Slichter are two of three Coun-|Welfare, the two men had It' - Bevan oe annexation of the * t very well be a necessary term of the agreement". "I realize veh aphik. major a costly one," he continued, "but if we well be dropped." Mr. Quantrill also an "dyon-hand" rule soy and especially aenaleg by the administration. We did well tip. lass tee! years in paying $200,000 more on our debentures," he added. "I know it is impossible), ; io manage this every year, but we must maintain a con- trol over our "We must rule with a firm ther hand will rule trill warned, in conclusion. a to be annexed Gor wit We Mr, Brooks went even further, --and stick to it. We must know, NO CHARGES LAID 'Woman, 80, Killed Crossing Road An 80-year-old - |. mother. was killed during rush- hour traffic last night when | she apparently stepped into the path of an oncoming car. Mrs. Agnes Jones was dead on arrivak at Oshawa Genera Hospital minutes after the 5.10 m, mishap at the corner of Dundas street east and Ander- son street. She was on her way to her 108 Allan street home from a shopping trip in Whitby and was crossing the highway at a point described by investigating offi- cer Ernie Shepperdson of Whitby PD, as: "the darkest ion the whole highway." 10-Point Mowat Program a an has | Outlined At Inauguration = that he had slowed down (The town is faced with the ust previous to the crash to problem of appointing at least allow a child to cross the road. He was westbound on Dundas two new representatives to their three-man committee, as Des : if i The Deputy-Reeve had addi- tional comment too. Aside from annexation, the Whitby Harbor| Harold and its development was his main concern: "We have the finest natural ood ig Toronto and Bu ingston. Ey says 5&0, ayo does anything about et its development, Dinner guests on New £ 3 3 : z 2 2 i ea: & gil flit En Tri vi g i i i NEW COUNCIL, HELPERS, AND OLD FRIENDS . Town Council was pal Town Hail administrators Clerk-Treasurer and Tax-Col- Clerk-Treasurer John Frost; Phage to office Monday were on hand to wish them lector Doo McEwen; Council- We" Serves tgetet naam morning ina rapid and simple luck. (Back row, left to lor Bill Davidson, Mrs. Burns, Fy'9 yantrill, Councillor geremony, Retiring Council. right), Industrial Commission- Councillor Harry Inkpen, Mr, George Bevan. Missing are lors Des Newman and Joyce er Larry Cond; Councillor Newman, Town Engineer Bil (Councillers Bobby Attersley Burns, as well as the princi- Tommy Edwards; Assistant McBride, (Front row), Town "Our harbor should become a Year's big business in this Town, but) nay at the Divine residence, 331 this will never happen until this|fuctide street, were: Mr. and Council or some future On€inies, Dennis Tobin, Oshawa; is recognizes this fact and 18/Mr, and Mrs. Chester Snoddon, a three- or four-man rbor/Biackwater, and thelr three : ' daughters Joan, Marie and Anne; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook- The soon-to-he-vacated ged son, their son Jim and daughter Building on Ontario street Joyce, ' red to be another sore point sre i H gee eli. | and Harold Slichter. 'i i A 1 i & © Gland convert it info a museum,| Tuesday, Jan. 7, at the or a Technical school, or a YM-|June Smith, 76 King's crescen "/YWCA, or a Boys' Club. Ajax. * . . , but in all probability it New Year's ninen "tbe, a it nt MRS, AGNES JONES Labor College Looking For Principal College, a time sity" for PP sour ing for a full-time principal. will be 'sold to the highest der and fall before the wreck- er's hammer," he lamented. "J only hope that someone come forward that be put bd af, fa 3 Hl "3 bilities to the town, and to dis-}a solution to assessment woes --!@ orpgur only when more Mayor Mowat listed the im- commercial and industrial mediate problems facing the}. cu. Was implemented Council and offered his ownjand controlled by Council. compensating measures and/ Town Engineer Bill McBride ideas. and the Boylevard-Ditching Pro- "One of the most important/gram begun under Councillor items as far as the taxpayers|George Bevan were praised by are concerned is the Mill Rate,|the new mayor: It can be held, I think, for this}. "'. . . we have the plan, the although wejequipment, and the man (Mc- have additional expenses, we|Bride) to make further progress also have an additional assess-jin the program over the next e Town Council] was to office Mondayjcharge them. i fi Whitby sworn in Town Clerk John Frost ad- ministered the oath, The cere- mony .was simple and rapidly- pag = Warren outgoing ayor, helped Mowat the robes and chain te also ted the new le presen' Mayor with his. personal, in, scribed gavel -- the symbol of office used only by him in any administration street. "I saw a black figure ahead, and jammed on my brakes, but it was too late," he added. No charges will be laid against Me Galea geet ha elenest ml Seed no! inciors this year. . Amexation Committee must, oll, cou'inat Meg Jones, who necessity, a of ' Cru se, 0 elo "nge hh tne fom' te cannot continue.) Foal aretan ixen, ond Mayor Mowat suggested al4g feet from the nearest street rapid decision op whether the light. She was wearing dark third member, Councillor Har. clothing at the time. old Slichter, shoyld remain, as c Ei fii : Yt er. og ie: Le a. ment source of $920,000, s tthe "{ had little cause to use From this assessmen town will realize about $75,000, I expect that this willisurvey and Official taken by mercial . jassessment ratio, stressing that his year," He called for a storm-sewer|® program based on steps (Air- oh already Administration. ANNEXATION * AMALGAMATION ". _, the (Annexation) Com- mittee has.come to the point where actual facts and figures must be compiled if this sub- ject is, te be further investi. gated." MAYOR WARREN MOWAT Fermer Counciller, er Deputy-Reeve Warren Mowat spoke from the Mayor's chair for the first time: -- fhe Town of Whi tremendously in It is our nine duty to realize our res - Sled Dog Ban For Children ew sled dogs. een = made a an i in Salad tous of beswes Sor caro, 12, of Fort Chipewyan. He Tommy Edwards, the raw- boned Welshman with the silver tongue made his debut as a Councillor an auspicious one at Monday's Inaugurals. After explaining that "reti- cence had never been one of Couneil disprove the predic- tions of 'the local pundits" that the 1964 Council would be the weakest in 20 years. He then blasted the Council and the townspeople of "a few years ago when each elective joffice was filled by acclama tion." "Not one citizen of this town had gumption enough to run against the incumbents," the tirade continued. "From this and Lorne Yanik, 15, were ex- ercising five large sled dogs) when Eugene fell-in front of the date the debenture debt began to snowball to the alarming proportions & has reached to- Tommy Vigorous Already 'a Slams, Commends Freely his failings," he challenged the/the to and was attacked andigay." . The latter was not in-| A few words of commendation - for the previous two Councils The Tuccaro boy suffered ex-|were inserted, and a hope that treme head injuries, loss of|*the present Council would pre- blood and his body was badlyiserve a fine balance between . An RCMP constable had expansion and increased de- oot all five dogs before he/bentures." could reach the boy. It was the} "This might prevent fortunes first such fatality in Alberta. [from being made overnight at The team was owned by the|the expense of the average citi- ; department but/zen," he said, "but at least we) the jury attached no blame tojshould be able to reduce "s death, the costs of services," commended the trades- licence, while it cost their Whitby counterparts $25. Next he slammed "the soot and other toxic substances in the (Whitby) atmosphere," "Whitby is not too badly-affect- ed right now, but as we expand problem will increase, so preventative action must be taken now in order to insure that no radical action might be- come necessary that would im- poverish one of our industries." He reflected on the need for youth activities and issued a "ichallenge to the "people who gave utterance to statements stre the need for facilities during election cai ign." "IT am going to seek them out fer their help in providing these activities," he said, "And we can begin by urging the Public School Board to make greater use of its facilities." : THE BIGOTS OF WHITBY As a two-time NDP candidate lin provincial elections, and the Town's most outspoken Trade- Unionist, Tommy Edwards makes his political beliefs clear. ". |. and despite the many fine people we have in town, including those I meet at church and elsewhere, it must be ad- mitted that we have our share bigots," he H "There is no doubt in my mind that, no matter how a job I did on Schoo] Board, or -|how good a job I will do on Council, there are a few peo- ple who will withhold approval Evening Shows Start ot 6:55-8:30 Last Complete Show at 8:30 BROCK wuHitsy WOODARD BEYER TREVOR CAROL _ Whitby. solely on the grounds of my political affiliation, "Let me inform these unfor- tunates, because to be so mentally-stunted requires sym- thy, that there are now four e-unionists serving on differ- ent boards in Town of} "This number will increase - + We are here to stay... to prove the inaccuracy of the charges hurled against us, "I am determined to defy the bigots by my actions in the service to my affiliation and community," WN ae -... SHORROR "HOTEL" set Storring CHRISTOPHOR LEE, BETTA ST. JOHN @ RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers PHONE 668-4341 ree, | Building Bylaw, w! obsolete, for any requests for periods of development, cer, in order that the ing agent's department he able to function property. dispose the Smith Industrial Park." well a} a tike decision on new ppointments. Four other points were deem- ed worthy of immediate atten- lartin| tion: -\@ Tevised zoning bylaw to implement the Official Town Plan. Z rewrite of the nt} hich ts. now e must be ready *. , . appeint a welfare offi- purchas- ". . . develop and '(The Smith Industrial Park is the 95-acre farmland the town in 1963, It was b + Alina that this land would be serviced as an inducement to industry to lecate there.) of |24 ( Mrs, C. Jones, daugh- ter-in-law of deceased, de- seribed Mrs, Jones as "a woman whe had never been ill where," she confirmed: "Some- times when slie missed the bus spe would walk to Oshawa to 8! oF rs, Jones is survived by her son, Charles Douglas Jones of} Whitby, and daughter, Mrs. Joe Morello (Jessie) of Rochester, New York. She also left eight grandchildren and five at. randchildren, Her and, fohn David Jones, died some ars er. 'onstable Shepperdson prais- ed the fast work accomplished by Don May and his Whitby Area Ambulance Serwice: "They got there in four min- .{when the infant Labor College will move out of its borrowedithat the remainder be interested] la' - eR SI at Russ Reeves | silogh otielene see ao. ge re} is a giant step toward the day lame penn on the ark only summer quarters in Montreal] to; le. and into its own building, with) oes >---- its own full-time staff. the|] Thot's whot you will get If you have your next sult or cost ll mode to measure by | © TIP TOP TAILORS Canadian Labor ; Swerdiew was a moving spirit) behind the birth of Labor Col- ecee tent @f its kind in North io MEN'S SHOP terms starts utes, despite the heavy traf- fic,') the college | 129 BROCK $, PH. 668-2091 in May," Mr. Swerdlow said. | or committee and] We Represent Co. and mony others LOW RATES for Better Drivers DIAL 668-5431 ANYTIME. & OSBORNE 218 Dundes Eost--Whitby (2 doors east of Post Office) OVER 400 MACHINES IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM -- YES, WE HAVE A SERVICE DEPT. ON THE PREMISES ey TYPEWRITER 137 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY 668-5849 RENT ---- UNDERWOOD, REMINGTON, SMITH CORONA,ROYAL -- Yes, we handle all makes, 3 months rent appliable towards future purchase. Try Guaranteed Satisfaction. Special rates for students. Purchase prices start as low as $39.00 with easy budget terms. Better jobs are available to those who can type. Make a small rental investment to- day on @ richer future for to-morrow-- You'll be glad you did! LOWEST PRICES IN THE AREA --WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD HAMILTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT "Whera. Service. Reians" MON, THRU SAT. 9 AM. TO 6 PM.