Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jan 1964, p. 25

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' 'TURNOUT FOR BLOOD CLINIC J Poor driving conditions and tions of blood were given. This * slushy sidewalks were detri- was the lowest number of a mental to the attendance at donors in the past five years. ' "The supply of blood in Osh- Donor Service awa is so low the hospital will . have to borrow from other f the committee, communities, The objective Teported that only 262 dona- for the February clinic will, DISAPPOINTING - SRE RR as a résult, be 500 donations," he commented, Seen here is Mrs. Ron Gibbs, of the Cath- olic en's League of St, Mary of the People Roman Catholic Church, serving _cof- ijner hour to provide Christmas /|GIFTS PI view Community Centre. gay trimmings of red and green, candle lit tables. 'ifee and hot chocolate, The new- player was used during the din- music, : RESENTED Regular bulletins of the ap- proaching visit. of Santa Claus Trailer Club Party Success The Family Christmas Party 'of the Oshawa Travel Trailer|film strip and a Christmas Club was held recently at Wood- The walls were dressed with [ey a lighted Christmas tree was laden with gifts for young and old. Thirty-two trailers were represented with 114 in attend- rjance, Families sat together for the pot luck supper at long, Social Conveners Garnet and Vera Johnstone called on Dick Thorne, George Boake and Sid "Taplin to help dispense tea, cof- ly acquired transistor record The evening concluded with a 3ECOND SECTION Carol Songtime with Bev Mc- Ewen at the piano, : ' Attendance prizes were donated by Sid and Herta Taplin and Harry and Pearl Blakely. These were awarded to Hazel and Walt Mosier and Chuck and Irene Jopling. APPRECIATION VGICED President Frank Ball voiced the appreciation of club mem- bers to Hazel. and Walt Mosier for a most successful Christmas Party; to the social conveners, Garnet and Vera Johnstone and their assistants and to Mart Ostler who spent a busy day]; being Santa's helper. _ : Announcement was made of the annual meeting which will = ir at Woodview Saturday, fan, 18. were received with mounting en- thusiasm by the children, On ar- 'rival he was greeted by wel- coming voices ra'sed in singing Jingle Bells. Santa's helpers were Hazel Mosier, appropriate- ly dressed for the occasion in red. and white, and a Jolly Jump-up Clown with funny wiggling ears which delighted the children. Bach child, as well fee to Ted Collis and Jack ae receiving a special gift from seve eg tg Santa, also received a bag of candy and a big balloon. Cancer Unit Boundaries Pickering Branch The December meeting of the) Walter C. Famme, campaign Ontario County unit of thejchairman for District 3, and Canadian Cancer Society wasifor the unit, reported he had he'd at the Athol street head-jwritten to all campaign chair- quarters recently. men in the unity and branches President W. H. G. Thompson|congratulating them on the suc- of the Ajax - Pickering Branchjcess of their campaigns, outlin- awe a report in which he out-jing. problems and explaining the three-way division of|future plans. Because of grea development and g& NEED in in| Mrs, 5 Syer, bra gg some secti area the/Service chairman , stres Ajax - Pickering branch has| er report" that, with con- 5 .|!ational Employment: Service} Number Of Job Seekers Is Normal The number of applicants re-| gistered for employment with the Oshawa office of | the ° ALL-TIME RECORD Revised Suggestion awards aver- aging nearly $4,000 a week were paid throughout 1963 to The president of the Geor-| General Motors of Canada gina brench, Mrs, Glen Bag-| people, the company report- shaw, reported that as a part) ed today. Total suggestion of the publicity and education) award payments for the work a number of store win-| year reached an all-time dows in Pefferlaw were deco-| record of 203,000 -- $50,000 rated over the Christmas sea-/ more than in 1962. son. Christmas gifts were also GM of Canada adopted sent to patients at the Princess and paid for 4,200 sugges- Margaret Hospital in Toronto. | tions during the year. These PLAN CALENDARS resulted in material sav- It was decided to distribute) ings, improved manufactur- 1964 purse-size calendars as ing methods or safety pro- widely as possible through busi.|Cedures. Three GM people Jong been the need|Stantly increasing responsibili- changes ties, there is a great need for ~ ™ " more volunteers to add to, and THREE-WAY SPLIT to, replace,members who had After a survey of the districtigiven years of service to the the branch decided upon thejsociety. It was decided to send big Tee Pickeringja letter to all doctors and dent- ists in the unit area to so ices available to patients from the needs of ajthe Canadian Cancer Society, partly urban and semi-urbanjat their request. region. Mrs, Syer also reported that 569. dressings were given out, decision has the unanimous ap-|557 new dressings were made Village young of es and thejacquaint them with the serv-jbooklet will be widely dissemi-| sible under the GM Sugges- ; changes nated. The comic book type pub-| tion Plan was increased |handle the increased volume of to all schools, rs agin ~~ pect The education and publicit: ve years people have committee chairmen, Miss Rost been paid $714,000 for their Hawkes, and Miss Agnes Strick-| Suggestions. ness outlets and other sources] received individual awards willing to co-operate. The mat-| of $5,000 and a fourth award ter was left with the education| of $5,000 was shared by two and publicity committee. people. Awards totalling In a new approach to the| $1,000 or.more were paid to problem of cigaret smoking by| @2¢h of 31 people. people an illustrated) The maximum award pos- lication will be available free} from $5,000 to $6,000 in No- of the unit, President/and that transportation was/land will inform ali schoo! his executive ie Rate, patents. Be. rds that the booklets may be were on the satis-jecu secretary Mrs. J. Lioyd/obtained from the society if they ; ~ that 'In Memoriani'|would like. to.have. them for which had involved much time,|contributions. in November to-juse of teachers in health educ talled $110, 'tion studies, Honor Students Bohemian Borough ~ At'St Joseph's |Saved From Death =| a aren: See Some ee fee me} § bh : i . : 2 3 3 5 : : 0 plans for a Greater for the Thames- borough--long the hub of capital's artistic life--to be FEE au i u _ £3 Pe cd PEL 2 'ensington. jow Sir Keith Joseph, minis- 4 i i if i a ofe borough will be called Ken- and Chelssa -- despite es Be I x 49 i esse 5 : ; 'announcement follows a aE i eT iz rf : 5 j : i d f = = 2. =z 3 to holiday,| LONDON (CP) -- The Bohe-;name associated with Swift will'have the opportun-|mian borough of Chelsea. was|Carlyle, Macaulay and T. S. interviewing the teachers es from official oblivion|iot disappear. pg MAY SHARE VIEW Chelsea and may share their|the mishap were/va' up by its larger|Which will enlarge London's per" boroughs, is to take place housi .jovghs with historic associations "4 has po Reamdioe gl tte vou will be amalgamated. ing the remaining, obliterates Tows will start Saturday at protest from Chelsea res-/Battersea and Bermondsey on30 a.m. and Sunday, at the its who resented seeing ajthe south bank of the river,}me time. F:nchley and Hendon on the The Pee Wee program starts north. jis Saturday. Anyone who A Southwood street man, SCPR crossing. out of control on a patch of ice, "| About $500 damage was don '|to the front end of the demand for temporary . sales personnel. A considerable num- ber of applicants: were also placed with area Post Offices to i repairmen, radio repairmen, Thursday escaped injury whc'|piumbers, stationary engineers, his car slammed into guard/cooks, hairdressers, waitresses rails near the Harmony roadjand housekeepers. remained norma! during Decem- While there were some increases cupations, the general level of satisfactory. The majority of local manu- facturing industries reported steady production with several indicating considerable _in- creases over the same iod last year, The number of construction workers registering for employ- ment increased slightly due to colder weather conditions, but various building projects were reported as progressing on schedu'e. Work continued on five Municipal Winter Works Projects in the area resulting in additional placements. Increased activity in retail sales accounted for a greater pre-Christmas mail. There were some shortages of qualified applicants in the ex- . ecutive and professional field, DEAN C. PICTON and in certain skilled occupa- tions. Unfilled vacancies were To Address noted in the following occupa- | {driven by Richard T. Sir Keith himself lives Oshawa: Litt No penalties. The local government shuffle, |Tokyo---which would be an un- next year, Many old central bor- sas precedented feat. { shi Toledo. now Conditions | Dawn, however, shrugs off the||* ah --. yoae invited The hill at Kirby is rather|2SSignment lightly and says she||and a special invitation is ex- Amid civic rumblings, thepre at the top, but the lower)! convinced she can pull it off./ttended to the insurance men of fates of Hampstead and Pad-opes have lots of snow and 3 ' dislike for double-darrelied|dington have already beenjere is good skiing on all the|Petition to come from Robyn|y sealed. The latest list, complet-jns. Johnson of Arlington, Va., who'p "I expect my toughest com-/!this area. Wimbledon has been swattedpuld give instruction for an jout of court; Deptford, linked)ur on Saturday morning, is wth Charles Dickens and out-Sked to contact John Nichols, | College ward-bound convict ships, be-i¢ club Pro | comes Lewisham. The bus will leave S. J. Phil- 41 ge "iF Bz j a [o] a . A workman, who was crushe? : 'in an elevator shaft at General een Motors . main office, William Street east, Tuesday morning, resting comfortably at his & were guests at a delightfuljtreatment, Wednesday. An ele- held recently by f leadership and stated{,. ; Z a vator car descended into tneiel Good one Pig pom ketball League will swin rf i F ted by|8tab the controls and raise the car before Mr. Harrison was badly injured. i? i | ; Branton, with centre pieces of Kiwanians to better the com- ; lers lured Voss into the fold. || candies and holly, were arrang-| He was one of a crew install-/munity as the Westmount Kiwa-/ Bete Peyton: ee prewn 'ih tie riggs pick ot | 4 ed the sides and one endjing the elevator for Turnbullinis Club has done so diligently ji, "playing fee" ze, os Teri Deaver Broncos in the Ameri-| Erie St Church of the hall A large table with|Elevator of Canada Limited. [in the past." shih "No. h: bibas (cap-|can-Footbail League draft. Voss| : gay balloons held the delicious Seven directors were installed}), Boivin, Jepma Wayling, (was a second round selection of {f, Rev. Douglas Warren, youth- buffet lunch. . along with' First Vice-Presidenthgiey, Tuffy, Graham, Dob.|New York Jets. jajful chaplain of Lorne Park Col- Miss Irenie Harvey, assisted] South Africa Is Don Ormiston, Second Vice-§ and Blakholmer, The signings enabled the NFL|2}28®, Rear Port Credit, will a. Sandra Scott and ' President Harold Davidson,jieam No. 2 -- Milosh (cap-|to cortinue to overshadow the bjconduct weekend services, com- Kupustin, welcomed abou! Teeued Deadline [Tester Cilit Bowes and Sec-b, Goddard, Hickey, Kil-/AFL in the cheuebook war for gmencing tonight, In the Oshawa #0 guests as they arrived. The retary Blaine Boswell, who wasiff, Haas, Anderson, Edmond-|the nation's to rte Tootbeill' Free Methodist Church, Erie evening opened with color slides appointed, Lt.-Gov. Henry Reed| Piatti and Tunnicliffe. {talent The NEL hac los. onty 9) sree shown by M. J. Gilroy of the) LAUSANNE, Switzerlanditurned the meeting over to thefeam No. 3 -- Horne (cap- ne at 'i vteroand dinstt evn mii Mr. Warren, whose home is in parade and at the| (AP) -- Phe International Olym-inew president, Gordon}), Burnett, Debona, Luton, re as oie nd draft sclec- lin Ottawa and whose grand- was followed by|pic Committee has given South/adgair, who presented Immedi-/Gilmore, Nauvrot, " Buzmin:|cetit - Nee Sonthern father was. a bishop, is a grad- hunch by the girls andjAfrica until Jan. 15 to compl¥jate Past President Bob Branch] Appleby, Kurhan and Adam.|Ge ect Wuarterback Pete luate of Houghton College, New by Miss Carol Green-jwith the IOC ruling against r2-\with a plaque in recognition o'tz. ; |Beathard. Beathard, picked by Hivork State. He is taking drien- ham "and Mrs. George Shaw.' |clal discrimination, IOC chan-inis year as president in 1963." pam No. 4 -- Rowden (cap-|D°t"oit Lions, signed with Kan- lta} studies at the University of Miss Harvey presented the|Cellor Otto Mayer said Thurs- During the meeting, tribute|), Calder, Meagher, Me.|528 City Chiefs. Toronto following two years in Tartanteens with gifts of key|4y. was paid to Kiwanian Kenmee, Crozier, Clarke, Babe,| HASN'T SIGNED i iong Kong where he supported ring - rainbat cases, from the} The IOC Congress at Baden-\zimmerman who died veryiley, J. Gilmore and Jeffs. | One fir:t-rounti NFL selection menimself by teaching while tiny Christmas tree on the end/Baden, Germany, ordered the/suddenly Dec. 30, 1963. He was jstill is not signed by either gm ssisting missionaries there. table. The evening drew to ajsouth African Olympic Commit-ja very active member of the| MAIN CIVILIZATION + /league--Texas tackle Scott Ap-/m Besides being a preacher of My ne . tee last October te abolish apar-| U2 as a chairman and a mem-he ancient Maya Indian civi-|Pleton, voted the outstanding jy "common talents and a strong light to favorite provid- spar jber of various committees andjion had great stone citics| lineman in the Cotton Bow! afterqal @PReal for youth, he is a talent- by the girls. theid .in the selection of its/.¢'9 girector. The meeting ad-} lofty pyramids and tem.|the Longhorns' 28-6 victory over jm ed, musician. A vote of thanks was given/Olympic team by Jan. 1. journed early so that members|, huge monasteries, vapor| Navy. | Mr. Warren will be to the Fernhill Club, which! Mayer sald the South African|would assemble at the Gerrow}s and astronomical obsery-| The NF rights to Appleton @O™Sht Saturday night and) ti made this happy gathering pos- ee | asked more time ra ee to attend Kiwa-jies, lare held by Pittsburgh Steelers. they BS pangs Visitors of all Be go sible. Grafting its reply. + taian 's funeral. welcome. ee i ae RON a eee Oshawa, the 1964 executive was rey drive, was discharged from installed by Lt. Governor of B t Lioyd Voss and now have con-} The Sea Cadet Band Boys|Oshawa General Hospital after) Division 6B, Henry Reed. eam oS ers itracts with 12 of their 14 first-/P jround draft selections. if ef Brown, a guard, and Voss, att +3 : jtackle, were signed after the'S} : Tartanteen Twirlers at Fernhill|Pit where he was working. action this Saturday (to-| 2 vi * Pa Cubs Avalon ren nang tlGt Tn' srt encae""moig. of om ammeter" qt REV. DOUGLAS WARREN banner year for the club. We first 3 must continue our efforts asi; Team No. 4 in the sec.|Sisnature and Green Bay Pack-| Club Officers fr. from the hill, at 4.00 p.m.| * | By | Are Installed coe Hall | The National Football League tl jcontinued te pass the buck to/ a today. At the weekly. meeting of the s 1 |college football players Wednes-|o Big SUCCESS ose vom |Rivanie Cub A Westooans MAJOK LEAGUE jasy. scenes much:pursoed Ne, jbraska linemen Bob Brown and} He stressed the importanceyy,, simcoe Hail Major 1 meeting Team No. 2 in game. Team No. 3 nt cdl ete shennan ent NFL Cluk ps School, as usual, at 10.00 hed m. and will leave to re-| it at Philadelphia Eagles got Brown's} THE ASSOCIATED PRESS /|E {hi 4 To Speak At OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1964 ber for this time of the vear-| QUTSTANDING CLUB LEADERSHIP REWARDED BY KIWANIANS in the number of unmployeq| Robert Branch, centre, a sented Thursday with a president during 1963, Shown 1964 president, persons in certain seasonal 0¢C-| past president of the Kiwanis plaque for his outstanding making the presentation at --_ Fn oe gat employment continued to be| Club of Westmount, was pre- leadership of the club as its left, is Dr. Gordon Adair, the r At right Phot, -- Oshawa Times Ms. ERNEST MARKS, SR. Played Leading Roles In Famous Company Mrs. Catherine Loretta Marks, widow of Ernest Marks, Sr., a former mayor of Oshawa, died at the Oshawa General Thursday, Jan. 2, In health for several years, Mrs. Marks was in her 80th year. She made her home at 190 Centre nights meant a running || Known professionally as Kittie Marks, the deceased was_ often referred to as 'The 'First Lady of the Canadian Theatre". She was the last living member of the famous theatrical troupe known as the Marks Brothers. She went on the stage in .1901 and was the leading lady until wi tions:--chemical and electronic CBMC is pms pe aR he ccanepimen Pa mt Fey | BORN |nicians, ee, insurance ' 4 salesmen, tool and' dié can her meeting Of the machinists, T. V. Service and|% the Christian Business Minis: Committee of Oshawa and District will be Dean C. Picton,! of Toledo, Ohio. The meeting will be held at 6.30 p.m., Mon- Followiyng is a comparison of/day, Jan. 6, in the Masonic The vehicle reportedly went|applicants registered for em-|Te ploymertt: On. Dec. 31, 1963, the first. din- mple. Mr.. Picton is vice-president 'of Picton - Cavanaugh, Inc., left the road and collided with/there 4,422 registrations, of 'la fence on railroad property. pat 3.200 were males and|/argest fire and casualty agency will eral home at 8 p.m. "513 females. On Nov. 29 of last|in Northwestern Ohio, and geén- The Knights of hold a Rotary at the funeral home at'7.30 p.m. today. Predeceased by her husband June 2, 1952, Mrs. Marks is sur- vived by a daughter, Mrs. Dean Kelly (Bettie) and a son, Marks, QC, both of Oshawa; 13 grandchildren and two, great- ndchildren. She was prede- Dee cia wan __.. |in 1956 in 62 seconds flat and/'Toledo Camp of Gideons, coun- On ag by two sons, Jack and Rome in 1960 in 61.4 and now! oj) member of the Word of Life neighbor, the royal borough of/P0undaries. and create 32° "su- shawa Ski Club is shooting for her third at|iFellowship, New York, and an j'elder in the Christian Fellow- eral agents for the Aetna Cas- r the res were 2,586 'leamon 1,688 female: ije\ualty and Surety Company. He ¢ 28 1962, the fi s were|iS 2'S0 ember of the inter- se°5 "Sof maies anf 1,43#temales, {28 board of the Christian mars) iness Men's Committee, In- i7.25/style swim 'both' at Melbourne] ernational, a member of the/&™@ SINGER As a bride of 16, Mrs. Marks repertoire of which her husband was til The remains will be at the Armstrong Funeral Home for requiem mass in the Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, The Rt, Rev. M Peul Dwyer will sing the mass, Interment will be in St. Greg- Tn lien of flowers donations to the Heart Fund would be appre- S 2if = H 1 2 ee BSa gs Unite States. At one time, the some centres in the Northen big) under canvas in Hai oe weeks. Sai battle with stu. from Queen's University. 3 i gz wi Fe af i? sale they decided to it and | thelr' tae in Seeldeee. using to the tank car and the trailer was estimated by provin- cial police as about $6,000. Youth Found Guilty On 7 Counts = BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ~\e a ame tam mame an

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