m9 coe nope penny ee reer Eon fe ik OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jonuary 3, 1964 r MERRY-MAKING GREETS 1964 AT OSHAWA GOLF CLUB Oshawa Golf Club dining om and jounge presented a . Meautiful picture on New opy and glittering decora. Among the early arrivals Year's Eve. A. richly-laden buffet was set under-a can- Philodendron Will Thrive i With Minimum Of Care ey 'Hrhe money tree may be our n ly takes top place as Amer- ica's most popular house plant. "Its proven ability to withstand pg overheated homes, plus the fact that it thrives with a emcellent cag mgr ie jage lor the Wainning . collector. _ And you don't have to be a thumb expert to collect because the pro- al growers are supplying handsome, hardy, tropical t in ever-increasing vari- gaties all across the nation. »Highly adaptable to so many d ive uses, over 60 species , with many leaf| ments and sizes, are now read- ily available at local florists, garden centres and supermar- kets, As house plants, philodendrons are tough, They can take dim corners and sunless rooms and still remain attractive, But, of course, for best results, some attention should be given to their needs, THEY LIKE WARMTH Natives of the Central and South American tropics, philo- dendrons like warmth, a moist but well-drained soil, fil. tered tight and an occasional ap- plication of a liquid fertilizer. The warm temperatures of to- day' heated homes and rt: are excellent envyiron- tions adorned the tables sur- rounding the dance floor, temperatures between 65 and 85) degrees F, and night-time levew at between 65 to 70 degrees F.| should prove agreeable to most'---- philodendrons, The plants should be watered thoroughly, Then excess mois- ture should be permitted to dry out, as it will automatically in the plant's cozy home--its red| clay pot. | When the soil is dry to the touch, the plants should be wa- tered again. Keep on the moist side but be careful not to let the sail become muddy. The ex- cess moisture will drain off through the clay pot's -porous) walls, | Light, too, is most important) in the care of these plants, They appreciate a few hours of strong! light each day, but they should) not be in the direct light of the) sun. Exposure to fluorescent) light one foot away from. the! tops of the plants is an excellent ments for these plants. Daytime! ide { were the President, Dr, Doug- las Langmaid and Mrs, Lang maid, left, and Mr, and Mrs, y Donald Ormiston seen admir ing the decorations in the foyer. --Oshawa Times Photo HOWARD'S 926 SIMCOE N. 725-3144 yt K @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers; A certain young woman who came to work in this office about a year ago retends to be a perfect lady. When she takes dictation from the two top bosses she drapes a sweater across her lap to cover her legs. Such false modesty is enough to make me sick to my stomach, Several of us girls have. no- ticed that every Friday she wears the same dress to work that she wore. the day before, vrhis has happened four Fridays in a row, It can mean only one thing---she doesn't sleep at home on Thursday nights, Should I tell this girl that everyone is on to her, and that the dress is the tip-off? I think uuegemeseteeneg Is It False Modesty Or Catty Co-Workers? that she wore yest did not -- at home last t. Why don't you retract your claws before you hurt some- body? Dear Ann Landers: I am a teen-ager who is' w about an unusual problem, There is no trouble in our family, It's the problem of the family next door to us that have been wrecking our home life. The neighbor lady's husband has been running around with another woman, She has seen down to dinner the phone rang,| owes eS ase ee mother to come over, Dad said "Please have your dinner first." Mom replied, "No, I will eat later."' And out she went, *When she got-home at 1 dad 'was furious. This sort of thing been going on for two your advice in regard to at- tempting to fix up a widow or them together so it is not just hearsay. This neighbor lady is over at our house sobbing to my mother every morning and/we are all.sick of the sight of her, Tonight just as we were sitting it would be an act of friendship since she has become the topic of conversation every Friday during. coffee break, -- New Wrinkle Dear Madame New: I'd hate to think every working girl who Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR is wearing the same dress today a divorcee with a "likely pros- pect." You said: "A sure way) to finish a woman Let's Have a Party Dish bent! Glasses, Sliver Ca ¥ Silver Tee Service, Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS |, 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes, Sargeanrs Rentals 463 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Phone 725-3338 ntly is to make her @ pro- dante, Well - meaning irieuds and relatives 'made me "a project" when husband passed away six y ago. I was appalled! when I learned that a close NOt MUVeU vus oe wc say eee got away from my well-meaning Tien. se oes wala have called me.--Glad 1 Left friend had telephoned at leastiletters from a dozen men (two were mar. ried--but unhappily) and sug- gested take me to dinner, Some Bs pot must 'surely thought off perma-|% Arthritis : 100 King St, E. 728-5156 ALWAYS AT TELLER'S HOUSE - HOLD PLASTIC COMPARE VALUE TO 79¢ YARD yards USE IT FOR KITCHEN, BATHROOM CURTAINS OR A 1001 OTHER USES LACE PATTERNS FLORAL PATTERNS MODERN ABSTRACT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE ae WER Se ALL COLORS AND TEXTURES 36" and 54" ZELLER'S NOWN FOR DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 SSN REX Look at This Offer From DUNN'S! -- Purchase a -- SPORT COAT Modern two-button, three-button single breasted models, tailored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, and basket weaves. Colours of Blue, Brown, Navy, Grey and Multi-colours. Sizes 34 to 46. Shorts and talls included. Be Smart and SAVE NOW ... Don't miss cut on this exceptional Saving! ' SPORT COAT 29.50 1.00 13.95 34.50 1.00 13.95 | CUSTOM RANGE DELUXE RANGE Lo kif. -- SLACKS SAVE > OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. MEN'S _ WOOL OVERCOATS SAVE UP TO TOPCOATS and 33% YES SIR! Due to the mi!ld Autumn we cleared many Coats from the Manufacturers and now we're passing these savings along to you. We MUST clear these from our racks at all costs . . . so be here early for best choice. These fine coats. come in colours of Brown, Blue, Grey and Charcoal in small, neat checks and solids. Sizes 34 to Use Your Credit Open A Charge Account uded, 46, Talls Incl UNNS ee il aati MEN & BOYS' WEAR _ 2 LOCATIONS ... 36 KING E. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA i enlies