B THE OSHAWA Times, vidio dl VED Golden Wedding Reception Honors Mr. And Over one relatives and f ee arrived the home of Mr. and Mrs. W Brown, King stréet east, Sunday* to their golden sary. Man anthemums, tias as wel and hundre¢ fift al K last help. them celebrate wed bouquet f cht rose poinset erous cards The tea table Wy. laid with a g cloth graced tapers flanking wedding cake ated by Mrs zold tiered which was deor Douglas Brown Mrs. Alex her Mrs iwille grancdaugh Timothy assisted Mrs her daug wards Reid Reid by rreen sted by am Rd Jolin de Mi George I Toront asisted .bD\ Mrs Cl Hamilton ran assl ed t Mrs. James Brown daughter, M of Toronto; Mrs t West Hill, assist ed by NEWS IN BRIEF AI REFUGEES WINNIPEG (CP) dian Ae her an Worl agency sent 1 aid and relie to refugee Ss both een Mrs ten Phe f material $400 000 0.000 x ing the 3 agency's foodstuffs accotnte or $32 of the total aid value » 000 LOOK LIKE STARS TORONTO (CP) Vancouys born gner ua! Mackay vho came t j and started de nes des St ars ago snow DUS ay look like a know whe i | fatti ina flage light tar's her f her FOOD POISONING LONDON (CP)---Bacte ID V 4 that dirty veen 1) "saucer 5 * dnd 3f ne Brit: He told a mer should u 1 powd them year housewives they ing clean NOELLE NEE, NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Old Time--Modern 9 P.M. TILL ® Hats © Horns © Balloons © Noise Makers strong wash boiling water to Table Accommodation for 600 ADMISSION $6.00 per Couple SINGLE TICKETS $3.50 Every Year More Fun For Less Money RED BARN For Phone Harold Reddick-725-3093 Red Barn - 725-0022 Reservations 50 YEARS yinet ant December id tyes -|ANN LANDERS Risk To Mother, Baby | | | Delivery At Home | Landers: My Ime Dear Ann band is extremely and an avid tor, skiing last year himself. The dé lated him on a remarkably job he even set i our firs I've r We are expecting child in four it better at home than in a hospital that home from which months eal is fat anc the infant who is born a gets love and attentior his first moments of life is terribly, important every ob and n¢ baby a has beer ering ba I have stetrician telephoned in this ,town one will deliver my home, My husband reading books on deliv and he says he it. We want what special obstet we may need for And at a A ae Bd in ta bies to al can do equ a home * Ob ment birth tained Dear at home heaven knows but mother drug usually can t ge Oshawa Times Photo enough soon No woman in he t het child as a mink husband to de Do-l low Your *rOject Mrs. W.R. Brown =" » ful an ON or an in¢ ibator { buy Beerthuizen; and = M Port Jlope, as Sidney Lan bine Mrs George Isisted by Messa ages Of Congratulations hus- native do-it-yourself fan He built his own outboard mo- and when he broke his arm congratu- fine to have a baby knows he know blood these things in the drug store ARGUE, OVER HOUSE Dear Ann Landers: My mother and dad are having a terrible argument, t moved into this nice house last May, Mom has worked like slave fixing it up. She hung all the wallpaper, did the painting {and even put down a tile floor 1 Now dad wants to sell the house. Ile says he knows he can make a nice profit 1 "This is the third house mom { has fixed up-in five years and 1 she is furious, In the. two previ- ous cases dad sold our houses without even asking her. He has our "next house" all picked out » It is only two blocks from here {so he in the move will be inch, The house he has out is an old barn but mom can do wonders as she has with all the Mom is dead tired and asked ine to write for ad On Her Side Dear On: Marr should own their wh for sts 1a. ¢ picked he says with it others she vice ied home people jointly ch would make if impossible one party to seel it without ! the of the other consent love to fix Up them, but iders it be sone women 1 old homes and sell mother con should nee your hardship to do it And { she not a ; made P.S. nroving ur dad that blocks tell a hi yo rt) ymie two WOW PLAYING- Vere received from their lixcel The and Madame Vanier Minister, Bf MP Mi gland BURT LANCASTER KIRK DOUGLAS "GUNFIGHT AT THE 0.K. CORRAL" TECHNICOLOR fencies Governor Genera the Prine Honorable Lester Mr. Michael Starr Starr; and s, London t Walket Mrs plaque cougratula the Honorable the arson Mrs Hig Alber Mr and lan Mi presented will a hous fron Robarts, Premier Ihe Government of Mayor Lyman Gifford and Gifford were among Buell ged ea DOORS - OPEN 6:30 P.M. from Rin MI:A and Brown of Jolin of Ontano anid taro On Mrs Out - of Mi daugiite: - town 5 Mrs lan lau Mt Bowers, Picton Uarry D. Bowers \I aud Mrs Mi 'Toronto lests present aiid Mis Pak were Karachi Mrs, Ul and M ou S la and (T TO BELIEVE IT! METRO-GO!LDWYN-MAYER pu 'Toronto Booth h Grahan d Mes Mr W ge Adams Dou Mi as A Mrs Mir 'Toronto he iow Heri | | | | fi o | aon Charles Jule an and t Hil Creor hinnie and Mrs Sewart Madge Pt 'Toronto foms Leonard Green Mrs Mr Mrs and the fabulous dolphin Hope : Wells Miss Price and | 6 Sl a You Will Be 'ARRESTED it you try CARMICHAEL'S amous "MEATMASTEK BARBEQUE CHICKEN [TIKE HALPIN "Rupee WHERE THE TALKING D e tKiE AVALON m { SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND 6 CHICKEN DINNERS $1.25 Home Made Meat & Chicken Pies -- Grilled Steaks Orders to go our Specialty PHONE 725-0907 PARK RD. SOUTH AT 401 NOW SHOWING CONTINUOUS DAILY BILTMORE KIRK DOUGLAS ANTHONY QUINN "LAST TRAIN FROM GUN HILL" TECHNICOLOR SHOW | '9 STARTS J 7:00 P.M. YOU'LL HAVE TO SEE | Fipper: The story of a little boy and i underwater tri jen raed | CHUCK CONNORS gift SECOND BIG COLOR HIT! UMS TELL A TALE OF TERROR! ARTLEY: BO 4 Ne In METROCOLOR 42 KING ST. WEST OPEN for © CHINESE FOODS © SOUTHERN FRIED CH © FISH 'N CHIPS --- PHONE - -- HOURS -- @ FRIDAY -- SATURDAY @ SUN-MON-WED-THURS. We Extend Best Wishes of the NEW YEAR'S DAY TAKE-OUT SERVICE FOR QUICK HOME DELIVERY New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to 3 A.M. to.1.30 A.M Season to all our Many Patrons CHINESE FOODS CKSHA-- OSHAWA ICKEN | PARE! We just laway is just as much work as| imoving to' Hong Kong. 'TS SHOCKED Dear Ann Landers: I was first attracted to Agnes because ishe was witty and full of pep /When my parents 'met her they jwere shocked. They told me \they did not like her at all-- that she was uncouth and bois-/¥ terous Last week we attended a "THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW a This day's influences ou to misdirect your energies! foot-| relax! Social gatherings and ro- very moment, in creative work); y, in mid-March, mid-April,, during the first week in May, will the last half of June and during prove mildly satisfying. A feel-/sentember and October will pro- ada increased to 609,542 in 1958 adding the correct amount of ing of restlessness may CaUS€/quce fine results. Personal concerns will also be unless you are careful. Try to, gorerhon by fine influences dur- g the coming year. Except for ball game and Ag started a con- jmance will be governed by fine brief periods in late April and versation With some strange jaspects men who were sitting next to|FOR THE BIRTHDAY us, On the bus she did the same) If tomorrow fs your birthday, thing. She frequently does this your horoscope indicates in restaurants early matters and you'll find your best period that/for romance to be within the year ahead will comprise.an early August, home and family should: prove serene, the May-mid-August. period. I've told her that this sort of|excetlent period in which to put Stellar influences will be gener- familiarity with barrasses me has -a_ naturally sonality and i { can lump it. What do you say? ?--Lumping and financial matters, as of this Dear Lump: Ag's "out-going She claims she out-going use and, if possible, to find a es per wider scope for your endeavors, ar: strangers em- your skills and talents to better ous to travel and' social inter- ts between now and late Janu- y; in March; ,the period be- f I don't like it)Be alert in displaying your orig- tween mid-June® "and late Sep- inality and ingenuity in both job|tember; also November. A child born on _this day will Pepe eer ser ey Efforts put fort between now and mid-January but (especially See ee be. endowed may dency have toward easy during the first half of Febru-/ment with his efforts poy wit to tierary fight a HIGH SCHOOLS High school enrolment in Can- from 433,813 in 1953. personality' Should not be going out to people she doesn't know Girls who strike up conversa- tions with strange men give the impression they are looking for new friends--and I think, Buddy Boy, that's what you ought to do, WALT DISNEY'S 'BAMBI' IN TECHNICOLOR precisely PRIZE PURCHASE TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. . Olga Obratsoy's most prized purchase of her four-month tour of North America is a pair of high-heeled fancily embroidered cowboy * 2 TONY CURTIS IN "40 Pounds Of Trouble" SEE THE WONDERS OF DISNEYLAND boots, a souvenir ,of Winnipeg Wife of the renowned Russian puppeteer, Sergei. Obratsov, she wait to show them off voes riding near thei outside Moscow cant when she country home Si EXTRA 3 COLOR CARTOONS teliong |; absaaond WOMEN . arpets 'The Safe d upt Way' ned ap 728-8518 FRIDAY Ritchie Knight and the Mid-Knights RALLY ROUND TH BOX OFFICE "OPENS 7-00 PM PAUL NEWMAN @ JOANNE WOODWARD e JACK CARSON RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT @ FREE ELECTRIC IN CAR HEATERS @ feet ta Ces ates Sm RN doris day james garner polly bergen. ** move fover, Qriariing i" CYMEMASCOPL @OLO8 OY Oxksmtt E FLaGc, Boys! INCLUDING SUNDAYS For men witha taste for the great outdoors the full-bodied flavour of ~ Hear dé Tun Wn Acapulco' ."Bossa Nova Baty" And Other Tuneful And Terrific Songs In RCAS$ pay ye Rirts,y°- ten- discourage- J, "UN IN ACAPULCO" Album. & HATS! HORNS! BALLOONS! AND $250.00 IN DOOR PRIZE s! HOUSEHOLD HINT Avoid splashing bofling water en your hands and arms when cooking frozen vegetables by putting the frozen- block in the bottom of-a cooking pan and boiling water. - ALL SEATS $1.25 @ BUY YOURS TODAY! yee y ME EE EE EN Ee EE, FOR YOUR HOLIDAY ENJOYMENT! SHE'S MARRIED TO HIM LK SE Se Sk 8 aa riggs 1 bao "7 : 4 y 4 § FAMDIRADMPM "move over, darling" PMR doris ca james garner polly bergen. fn eT to neo ted otha] PLAZA FEATURE TIMES--1:20--3:25---5:30---7:40--9:45 . LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:30 PPP MMM 19 3.35: CC OEE HE'S MARRIED TO HER errennon TRELML RTTER: FRED CLARE BOM AMBTTS FLIRTY IG echuck connors Peewel dowel soeewnree a arn wel ese ROOM semen we AL KANTER § SACK SHER helping DOORS OPEN SHOW STARTS. 120" -- ir PoP .PPA CAPPA RED CAP-CARLING RED CAP ALE