~ PERSONALS The following members of the|rines; Miss Shirley Gardiner, Graduate Nursing Staff of Osh-|Locust Hill; Miss Linda Gibbs, awa General Hospital. will be|Bowmanville; Miss Anne Hall, spending the holiday season wit their friends: Miss. Camilla Hache, Montreal; Miss Dorcet Joseph, Antigua; Miss Sylvia Gréaves, Barbados; Miss Hya- cinth Bryan, Jamaica;: Miss son, Cobourg; Miss Haupert, Delhi; Miss Henderson, Uxbridge; Maria Hugenholtz, Willowdale; Miss Donna Johnson, Toronto; West Rouge; Miss Patricia Has- Paulina Sharon Miss Deana Hladysh, Toronto; Miss The Reverend Father Scott of St. Michael's Church, Cobourg, was at home with his ' : \ parents, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond; Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Jack.|and erg pre Harry, Anne Scott, Division Street, for Christ-json, Jr., Mr. and Mrs, James|*" a' ékeet ine crescent, mas. Prescott, Jr., Mr, and Mrs.| ! ristmas _holidays| Mr, an@ Mrs. Gordon Pirie,\g ys jeoneg hak ype H. R. Smith, Moncton, Rossiand west, had Mr. and Nancy, were Christmas 'uests\orunswick, parents of Mrs. Mrs, Harry Pounder and Mr./o¢ Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Lan-\*owsell. Mrs, Charles Pilon of Peteér-|qon Scarborough daughter of| borough as their guests for thelr" ana Mrs. Samuel Jack-| Mt: #nd Mrs. Norman Pick- Christmas holiday. : : ering, and son Darcy, Odessa, are visiting' Mrs. Pickering's. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jamesihysbands. Mr. Stire and Mr.) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 27, 19 (Bu and their families. es Boonie 5 | Quality son, Jr. This séal is the hallmark parents, Hazel Hagyard, Jamaica; Miss Inez Millen, Jamaica; Miss Louise Collin, Quebec; Miss Shirley Ayers, Vancouver; Miss Theresa McGuire, Scarborough; Miss Ruth Kay, Pefferlaw; Miss Florence Lowes, Ravenna; Miss Mr. and Mrs. Earl Landon, Adelaide avenue west, spent Christmas with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Landon, Scar- Mrs. T. H. Everson, King) stréet east, is spending fhe holiday season with her son, Smith, Burk street, for the holi- of quality In thé Rug Cleaning Fiéld, As a4 member of NIRC, Nu Way Rug Co, Ltd. have Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Everson, Margaret Lenfesty, Ottawa; Montreal. : |Miss Lillian Douglass, New Lis- keard; Miss Judy Doherty, Stratford; Miss Monica Brick- ley, Sarnia; Miss Yvette Gar- eau, Espanola; Miss Elaine Charles, Roseau Dominica; Miss Mary Griffith, England; Miss Yvonne Muttoo, Montreal; Miss Margaret Imrie, London, Ontario; Miss Jane Cole, To lronto; Miss Gayle Vigodda, the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, en tug cleaning job. NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 "All work done La Oshewe y Oshawe Teehnicions" borough. Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Stone, Burton road, had as their Christ- Robinson, Cobourg; Miss Mar-\mas guests, their daughters,| ian Sharp, Orillia; Miss Heath-|Mrs. Herbert Stire, Brock-) er Sheldon, West Hill; Miss|Ville, and Mrs. Melville Bush, Barbara Schortt, Wellington; Whitby, accompanied by cher Miss Inger Stalbecker, Willow- 1 : dale; Miss Peggy Stevenson,| Ronald W. Bilsk D.C. | CHIROPRACTOR | Scarborough; Miss Linda Tap- @ Workmen's Compensation Injuries Belleville; Miss Ruby Godfrey,|scott, Milliken; Miss Dianne @ Spinal Disc Conditions lLittle Rock, Arkansas; Miss/Tink, Hampton; Miss Pauline Jasmine Spence, Jamaica. heey Mount Albert; Miss} | || 100 King St. E. 728-5156 ! Miss Janet McKay, Bridge- north; Miss Michelle Miller, Belléville; Miss Sandra Reaume, Cobourg; Miss Diane Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, | Dr. and Mrs. H. Roy Rowsell, Let's Have a Party | Dishes, Cutléry, Glasses, | Silver Candelabra. i Silver Tea Service, - Punch Bowls, COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. | Sargeant's Rentals 463 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Phone 725-3338 Over 15 Years' Experience | MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe et the Genosha Hotel, Dec. 30, 31 PHONE 723-4641 For cppointment on these dotes Carole Wood, Port Hope; M ! 1 { ° "| The following students of the | Donna MacDonald, Prescott. iSchool of Nursing will be spend-| jing the holiday season with their} friends: | | |SENIOR STUDENTS | Miss Shirley Andrews, Ajax; | |\Miss Rita Coulter, Bobcaygeon; | Miss Joyce Crosby, London; Miss Carolyn Dunning, West! Sheffield, Quebec; Miss Edith BX: te, ry Dunning, West Sheffield, Que- fie Ne : jbec; Miss Pauline Haugh, Oril- A ll'a; Miss Shirley Hicks, Picton; W YEAR S BALL |Miss Judith Hiscocks, Fenelon Falls; Miss Edith Jackson, Coe rence Skuratow, | co-convener. Mrs. Donald Sadaway, \Hill; Miss Pamela Jones, |Whitby; Miss Inez Kiezebrink, other committee member, {8s absent ee Fashion values you can't afford to miss] ELLER'S Orthodox Church Hall. From left to right they are Mrs. Morley Parfeniuk, Co- convener; Mrs. John Kostuk convener; and Mrs. Law Thé Canadian Ukrainian Women's Association, Barvi- nok Branch, are busy deco- rating for their New Year's Eve Ball to be held in St John's Ukrainian Greek Pointers For Prolonging Enjoyment Of The Tree d at ZECLERS tne \Port. Perry; Miss Christina Macdonald, Wellington; Miss {Carol McMinn, Cobourg; Miss _|Sandra Morrison, Haliburton; \Miss Joan Ormiston, Bowman- jyille; Miss Barbara Patterson, | Smihts Falls; Miss Joan Rora- Americans Buying | lbeck. Carryi se. Mis | Extra-Large Beds {Penis pune tinsiy? Miss The bedding industry is get-|Joan Rutherford, Orono, Miss ting .a royal response to its|Frances Walker, Camp Borden; ration - wide educational cam-|Miss Gail Whyte, Willow Beach, aimed at getting the|Lake Simcoe; Miss Barbara 'ican people into beds big] Woods, Willowdale sh to fit them, INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS ss -of king and queen-size) wiss Marjorie Baker, Belle- ses, as Well as extra-|vinte: Miss Lynda Blaize, Isling- 'Longboys," have showniton. Miss Judith Butler, Belle- tantial increase. But ville; Miss Audrey Conway, To- = are still approximately|ronto: Miss Diane Crowe, Bob- "11,000,000 American six-footers caygeon; Miss. Joyce Davey, y who downright cramped!tyrone; Miss Constance Eley, when d to sleep in a stand-| port Hope; Miss Carol Fenton, ard bed, industry Cobalt: Miss. JoAnne Galloway and millions 0° Ajax; Given, Bob- ne ns are sharing a'caygeon; yn Jones, uble" bed that is much too! claremont: abeth Lin- rrow for two adults scott, Belleville; Miss Goldwyn t is plain to see that a great)McDonald, Toronto; Monica segment of our population still yeParlan, West Hill; Miss to invest in extra-sized/Louise Moore, Cobourg; Miss beds and bedding if it is to en-|Dianne Morrison, Beaverton; -|joy real healthful sleeping com-/Miss Kathryn Pearse, Etobi- fort lcoke; Miss Carolyn Pegg, Sut- ter what, type of toy is being If you are one of that group,/ton West; Miss Janet Robertson, currently promoted, Set up the you won't find the investment|Whitby; Miss Sheila Shoniker, electric trains well away from Va ' too difficult today. It's a far)Belleville; Miss Carol Smith, the tree. 'One spark from thejernor-general, while on a tout/cry from the days when any-| Uxbridge; Miss Karen Standing, train could set the tree on fire.!yera of a shelter for homeless thing extra-sized had to be cus-/Toronto; Miss Donna Stoughton, Well toh | ae ge pi bv and destitute men noticed a|tom-made. Major sheet, blanket! Belleville; Miss Lynda Tayler, ungsters -- if father will let i and bedspread manufacturers) we}jj : i Valk- then at the set--will play injthe cold with only ine all ig a ee "or None safety. dress on Mme. Vanier offered) pers to their regular lines. And dolyn Woolacott, Port Hope; NO CANDLES ON TREE her own sealskin coat, saying: |re; orks the Latex Foam Rubberj iss Doris Wright, Enniskillen; Use only electric lights on the You must be cold. Please take|Council, you can even get king-\Miss Constance Young, Toronto , , ' i \size f bber pillows to go/ r ndles. no matter-|my coat. I'm wearing a suit as|S'7@ '0am ru Pp g0| ee ee a thay Aer well," . "| with your royal mattress, if you JUNIOR STUDENTS ih en aed idea ---- so desire Miss Joan Bradburn, Nestle- ' ton: Miss Sharon Cannon, Mill- ie ggg NU MBER brook; Miss Betty Carrington, pale Major Clectric blenket/Gonmley;. Miss Ruth Clark brands now offer a king-sized Zephyr: Miss Marilyn Cope- number that measures 108 by 84 - F fs ineh atur : land, Cooksville:; Miss Edith a | nehes and features dual con : Th ae y Bltrols. In regular blankets. th Drinkwater, New Liskeard; 100 by 90 s ze fits both king and Miss Catherine Dunn, Toronto, ° . Miss Jane Failes, St. Catha- In sheets you'll find the 90 by) 926 SIMCOE N. 725-3144 --Oshawa Times Photo By ELEANOR ROSS once any We hope you have put up your Christmas tree in the part of the room, as {ar as possible from heate i shou ators or fireplace. Th ll not/tance fr only reduce the possibility of! And please, please, always fire but also keep the tree from) turn off the lights when the fam drying out y is away from home, even It is a good idea to use a tree only for a brief period. Fro holder that has a little bucket/time to time, during the ho for water in which fhe tree can qays inspect the tree to see h rest and refresh itself durin it If needles near thé holiday period. A tree asually "drinks" water |} than is realized; so keep the wa- ter conta'ner filled at all times We hope that your holiday the tree remains fresh decorations are fireproof. Decor-' make plans to dismantle it the ations should be either metal or|qay after New Year's Day and @lass; if not, then the material/restore the room to its norma! used should be fire-resistant Electric trains are popular presents for small fry, no mat lights on a ced some dis om the tree a suk there more needs OFFERS COAT INTREAL: (CP) er, wife of Canada's Mme. gov- M¢ a trayon | || 2 | 120-inch flat sheets for the ; queen-size beds -and 108 by 122- inch sheets for the kings. There re. also extra-long sheets to fit xtra-long twin beds, now re-| ferred to in the trade as "Long-| boys." I* you prefer fitted sheets, | ure the thickness of your | ge ss before you shop. Foam |B r supersizes in mattresses |i > purchased in a variety knesses: as well as. den-| 1 MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service DRAPERY @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO & Hour Service free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 AN IRRESISTABLE PAIR | Patrick James McArthur fs all boy as the twinkle in his eyes shows and the femi- | nine [ttle lady in his lap is his baby sister Katie. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. James = McArthur, Oshawa, and their grand- fathers are Mr. William McArthur, Oshawa, and Mr. Gerald Patterson, Picton. Ireland Studio | a nn 4 pree SAVE 50% ON FINE QUALITY WINTER COATS AS WE CLEAR OUR STOCKS | VvVVVT; IT'S A FACT! Yes, Na-Way has over 50 rolls of car- pet on display. No matter what type of carpet you want, you will be able to see it ht Vive vy CANADIAN PORT eee AL7 Y Bevy of Fashion Colors Sizes 10 - 2412 Save Now! Low, Low Prices | Luxurious fabrics include Poodle cloth, all wool seal-skin trims include "'mink-like'"' fur collars. How's the Time to Beautity Your Home wit CUSTOM AND. READY MADE DRAPES M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 ae Sa OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-2294 174 MARY ST. 728-4681 é é ZELLER'S a For free home delivery, call Chateau-Gai (os