j ------FHE OSHAWA-TIMES, Friday, December 27,1963 5 = STEVENSON-KELLOG REPORT HITBY And DIS Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault RIC Tel. 668-3705 | aay : "J . : ARTIST'S CONCEPTION OF NEW MASONIC Modérn Masonic Lodge To Be Completed Soon more than 35. vears om 1867 until 1909 t od After the same, Lodge - Number paring {o quarters The Lodge I he th ev abo Imp Bar in 1926 the bull Composite occup rd and' AM ses AT move orem 30 e Canadial er k ommerce and 1PX Hall whi Is loce ased orner s pr to the bank wa and has been the street 1 fo demolitior year to make roon new Bank of Comine The ew being ew const Lodge on Cochre n Whitby Members Orde: to the Whith ipaulr of the onic are ar new building ear move the new Chief Veal Fe une complaint ke quality aid ha vas the fact me ¢ h found = difficulty th threeflights the Lodge Room agall old isto limbing the of steep. stal rhe first Unity Lodge place at the Inn of John H Jan. 6, 1826 \ the recorded me ? in Whitby" took trar oak fle side W Crowning the olumns W ted 44 la ol first floor is a ge Vears the as For next odge was without quarters and in 1860 accommo dation was obtained in the rooms above the stores on Dur das street. I permaner S with very deep eaves. It MIKE MALLON SELWYN HOLROYD Whitby OPP Constables Promoted To Corporals \ Pat ated An additional Christmas pr and ent came in the form of a pru immig motion to the rank of corpora Armagh, Ireland for two of the constables on the 1948 and has established a Whitby Detachment of the On- of the old homeland Whitt tario Provincial Police Constables "Tichael and Selwyn Holroyd onfirmation their tions shortly before Christma Both Mallon and Ho joined the Police Force vears ago and attended same course police eve office Co n Maillor received the names he When. tt two to Whitbs office officer fir the OPP ma the old of sromo ame their ir Coun rovd ansy Toda) and a numbers headuarters built in 1960 on Highway Brock street south Holroyd 1926 the 4] at co Since joining the force on the fame draft, the two men never been separated and have helped maintain in the Whitby area Mallor } and hi 39 from have Selwyn came Canada Haltfa Yorksh Constable Doreen live aw and o e. England Holroyd de and wife Hele were married 1950 and live at 509 Centre street north wiih: thei thiuldren their three children, Michae|. and Beth-Ann. 5 Wi Whitbs Heather ) Avenue two ti 5) ali-ranks e yvomiment copper-covered ridge > heam Lodge rous roof with a wide overhang lopes upwards and is terminated in a ittie vith bis broad Trish accent and gave his children Vas at at 204 Warden w)tn 9 0 A} n roofing oved i use of rolled and copper « batten are placed vertically on and horizontaliy on the Face brick selected and stucco are used su inde rverhangs. res bullding base and is of rubbed cor ew concept mp the oof vt oof planes yy its range mw the wall faces and the 1 entran sides of mnt e bunding materia kept simple to avoid with furnis! Vodge walis at rele block with decorative redwood shape of th eflected in the oom and it abetted gen 0 ater hal exte nte of this r s- SU witt Floors and quarry aced qing are tile."" ral Wire-Tappers May Have Hit Hamilton Area HAMILTON (CP) --Montrea! policé have told police here that wire lapping euipment dis covered near a bank here Mon day was similar to that used by a gang who cashed a _ phon $100,000 cheue in Montreal se eral months .ago Mon:lay's would -, be forgery was foiled when a telephone re- pairman discovered the device leading from a branch of ti Canadian Im peria| Bank of Commerce to a parked car The report from Quebec ated that a member of the gang entered the Montreal bank w the $100,000 forged cheque a learning through tapping the sale of a small hospita other end of the tapping ment was manned by a and a woman woman _ intel all from the bank, which was intended for another bank. and aid she would get the account at Her. accomplice came' on e and said the cheque was id The attempt in Hamilton w awry when a connector slipped hort circuiting several . wires and tripping the bank's aiarm ystem Police, answering the alarm ound nothing amiss but the re airman followed the lines to a yarked car in an alley The car was rented from a ocal agency by a man with a Quebec driver's licence Anti-TB Drug May Cause Deformities LONDON (AP)--British doc- tors have been warned against cS ) Th eur ma the epted The the * giving pregnant women ethiona- BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M. wuitsy | SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 "TO ONE AND ALL THE SEASON'S GREETINGS" D SHORT SUBJECTS ALSO COLORE mide, a drug to treat tu berculosis, saying it may b dangerous to the unborn = chil- dren May and Baker Limited ma- nufacturers of the drug. found an produce deformi- in the offspring of test an- Mais R- Wood, general manager of May and Baker, warned doctors na letter to The Pharmaceu- tical Journal but said' "'the avail- able clinical evidence indicates that those women who have re ceived ethionamide during preg- |Nancy have produced normal in- fants." The firn out two prep arations containing ethionamide -Trescaty! and Trescazide Both can be bought without a doctor's - prescription, but the \firm is making arrangements to available only on 4 nan said used e big. doses tes ave them e iption pokes drugs ha without. being ing been bought jprescribed by a doctor was ze-| Hotel mote. HALL When Whitby"s newly-elected iTown Council inherits the af ifairs of the Town on Jan. 6, In auguration Night, they are like ly to 'adhere to a number of changes in committee duties and procedures The latest Stevenson-Kellogg (Municipal Consultants) repor to the Town of Whitby recom mends a series of alterations in jcommittee setup. | FINANCE Bobby Attersley, a newcome: to municipal affairs, has tenta tively chosen finance as_ his committee. His duties will be somewhat different from those of present Chairman Paul Coath Subdivisions. formerly the problem of the finance chairman have 'been transferred to be included with bylaws The finance committee #\"responsible for financial plar ining and control. Through liai json with the clerk-treasurer and |the assessment commissioner, i is set up to insure that ade jquate funds are equitably ac {quired and that thsoe funds are applied in the best interests of the town"' is SUBDIVISIONS AND BYLAWS Harry Inkpen, another. new omer, though a councillor in revious' 'years will inherit the subdivisions, along with the bi- aws committee currently chair WHITBY PERSONALS were yf > avenue Bardoe! and M Bergman wood a Anthony Newman Christmas a i e a | \ Ww r d \a Bay a Donna with Bonk, Bowmanville Barclay ng Nay the Ron \ a a a [ 1 td a g and Richard Mrs Sornberger Britair of Oshawa I ( S a S parents r Another I Lady Hopkins of Toronto ed by Councillor Bill Davidsor The former title of this com mittee was applications and by aws. Ht will be known as "Sub divisions and Bylaws"' in 1964 The duties of the committee are the negotiation and drafting of subdivision agree nents and the drafting and pro essing of .bylaws", and-= to obtain the advice of the own solicitor as required to er that all documents are ompatible with existing 'leg and that their intent specified William Barre) Christmas dinner gue their daughter and = son-in Mr. and Mrs. Lloye Vannamaker, 929 Bayview Mr. and Mis aw \ (he Misses Mary afid Agatha both students at Our High School. Pembroke are spend the Christmas ho vith parents, Mr: Mrs. Hart Bardo $12 street £ vs thei la ine Valnut ation ' Re learl, and * FIRE AND COMMUNITY iin lestS SERVICES sor daug é v si if Committee rite M John Ber ection of Persons and Property )shawa + will cease to exist in that form t up according to the ecommendations in the Report committee Service M: Willian Maurice hristmas and vere his he for the Pro Christmas re «6=hhome e new ommunit nanaged Councillor Bevan. He succeeds Des this capacity. The of the existing mittee wil] be incorporated with srescent. has he Parks Committee dinner guests Mr Councillor Bevan's committee Roger Smith and chil. 1 be responsible for "all ad and Colleen of Pick y att. Coch and Mr M and Bergman and M Bet (rat vere M rthur Mrs) Mich arid Mi b George New Town com man in eiman Property Mr. and Mrs a as nd Mrs en Cathy ng Mr nd ay {r Boyce Blair spent Christmas as the guests of Keith Moffitt and Mrs son Todd in' Barrie and Mrs Mr. and ere dinner nas dav at aughter and nd Mrs.. Ni Ridges and M Wil hildren Susan spent Chr and \ Mrs. Sydney B guests on Christ the home of the son-in-law, M holas Houlteff: of MANILA (AP) States anc neutralist ave agreed to their dispute with [The Philippines Initial contacts vy made and will eign Secretary ez of The day. 'So far encouraging The United Cambodia to settle help of ry the am Bonk Debra and tmas da Ni Mi nd been For have continue Salvador P Philippines said. to- the situation seems M rs Miss spend in Fort', Book and Grey are season Miss Janis Jane the holiday sauderdale. Florida relations. de the U_S.-Cambodian eriorated rapidiv after ambodian chief of state Prince Norodom Sihanouk, af 1ounced. Nov. 19 would ac- ept no more American aid and ordered U.S. military and eco nomic personnel to leave his southeast Asian nation In Washington. U-S. sources aid. Filipino President Diosa- dado Macapagal offered the use of his good offices last Frida But indications are the United States is approaching the mat ter cautiously since it also volves U.S. relations with South Viet Nam and Thailand. which border Cambodia and have his toric disputes with it HOLD MEETING The foreign mimsters of Cam bodia and South Viet Nam are neeting in Saigon in an attempt to restore diplomatic relations severed: last August' after the ate president Ngo Dinh Diem's troops raided Buddhist pagoda n Viet Nam. Sihanouk | ts Buddhist Sihanouk New Record Posted For Auto Sales DETROIT (AP)--The United States auto industry has rewrit- ts record book by ringing is M qinne al home M Robinson of Oshawa we N. J. Bracey. Mr Donald Weatherup Linda and Cher Mrs Delb Christmas gues : he of and Ir) and Mrs nd Mrs nd children nd M Jawn and and son Bi dinner at and Mrs were Christmas guests he home of Mi on Lane, Oshawa aughter and son-in-law. Mi nd Mrs. Robert Brear and randchildren, Sharon, Douglas Whitby; Mr. and! Fisher and fam Mr. and Mrs. Car and boys of Little Annie Fisher Gor their Mt Leonard ly, Oshawa and Mrs Gerry Brear of spending 'the in Parry of Mr Mr. and Mrs Suclid street are *hristmas holidays ound as the nd -Mrs. Ed guests a Brear Thursday demanded Mr Thomas Tushingham tudent of Seton Hall University. outh Orange, New Jersey. is pending the holidays with his Mr. and Mrs. D.- S. shingham, Mary street east holiday guest is Mrs ushingham"s er, Mrs. FE, W ten ip all-time high sales of 7,500 000 new cars, Ward's Automo tive Reports said Thursday This topped the previous mark of 7.460.000 established in 1955 WHITBY BOWLING NEWS M Reed. 777 7 B C Ss 9 S Queen's Ramblers 3 Hoffer N lhe sult of more foreign cars be- ing sold. Ward's said some 373,- 000 imports were sold this year R. Vaillant. 716 (305); compared with 52.000 in 1955 713 (304; 259) doniestic 713 and ove) record, however, is the WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE WEDNESDAY Triples, 700 and over D (307); B. Villeneuve 36 (281) Walker Single 200 hilds 273; G 59, D. Segriff 257, C 56, R. Sandford 254 tavern 251, Bruce 50 Games hop 3 Sales of cars in 7.1963 totalled 7.127.000 as re'7,408.000 in 1955, Ward's Sales of domestic cars in 1963 totalled' 7,127,000 as against 7,408,000 in 1955, Ward's said , : The trade publication based Whitby Barber ts 1963 figure on sales from Joe's Barber Shop O1) 1 io Bec. 20 Hote! 3. Andrews 0 | beth z = wes Paper Maker: | scuGoG CLEANERS 3 Honevock Dun & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily PHONE 668-434) : ag Moor said Snelgrove H. Van Henderson! wor Valles fitton Machinery segion 2. Drews J Section ' U.S.-Cambodia Dispute Probed Lo-; Committee Revisions Face 64 Councillors in its takeover of -- sanitar sewers. This removes that re- sponsibility from the Sanitation Committee. In this way, Coun- cillor Slichter will be combin- ing the duties of present Com mittee Chairman,. Mr. Bevan with a part of those he is pres- ently dealing with himself as Sanitation Chairman. The committee, classified by Stevenson-Kellogg, as one gov erning Operating Activities will be 'responsible for: "ensuring that new construction, installa- tion, and maintenance of streets, roads, bridges, storm and sani- tary sewers are performed offi- cially and according to plan' : The report praised the pres- = ent principle established by the town of "using outside contrac- = tors on all major construction jobs"'. TOWN PROPERTY AND PARKS COMMITTEE Councillor Bill Davidson, who has chaired almost every con- = ceivable committee in his 46 odd years on Council will be handed a newly-created one. He will undertake Parks, now * administered by retiring. Coun- cillor Joyce Burns, and Town Property, removed from the present Persons and Property Committee under retiring Coun- cillor Des Newman. The committee's duties will include: "the ensurance that the construction, installation end maintenance of buildings, grounds, parks, installed equip ment, road equipment and re- lated activities are performed efficiently and according to plan" Sewage and garbage disposal will be removed from Council lor Davidson's responsibilities and delegated to the Sanitation Committee The report indicated that this particular committee change was made in order to give the strative matters pertaining,council more direct control over light-|road and garage equipment. traffic traffic control. parking, d0gisantTATION COMMITTEE public Ifa ar rec (Phe pecreation Rookie Councillor Tommy Ed froin wards will inherit Councillor Slichter's Sanitation and Wel- fare Committee without the 'Welfare' portion of it The chief. responsibilities of the committee will be the oper ation of the sewage disposal plant and the collection and dis posal of garbage. It will also [he Streets Committee. under control any. new construction Councillor Harold Slichter wil] and the installation of these ume further responsibilities utilities The responsibilities of truck. Sani-van and bulldozer mainte-| /nance will be relegated to the own Property and Parks Com jmittee, and as previously-men \tioned, the sanitary sewers will! be turned over to Streets. G. BROOKS MAYOR WARREN MOWATT COUNC. BOB ATTERSLEY copgsye COUNC., HAROLD SLICHTER re protection, street ing control eation arry-ovet and is a present Commit the Parks Recreation tee.) The ther epol that thi for al ymmen j ve to ommittee he r appointments ible boards STREETS COMMITTEE HARRY INKPEN COUNC. TOM EDWARDS Dionne Scores 3 Dunnies Win 6-3 SPECIAL COMMITTEES BY CLIFF GORDON |the Dunnies, under youthful The Report recommends fur.| Paced ty the fine three-goa]|coach Bob Wright continued to ther that two "special commit-\effort of youthful Jerry Dionne show their power as they out: eis ee tees" be set up in order to look|Whitby Dunlops Mofday night scored the Monsens 2-1 brpadeast thar U officials afte' administrative transac-/defeated the high flying Peter-| UST TALKING. This was a interpreted as expressing pleas tions pertinent to all adminis-/borough Monsens 6-3 at the Whit- big win for manager Ivan Davie ure at the assassination of ive. committees (Finance,)/by arena in a pre Christmas/2Nd his team... The Dunnies, president Kennedy. He also de Subdivisions and Bylaws, Fire|game while riding high in second placs manded that the United States @2¢ Community Service) and to; 'his' was. the first meeting of i" the league standing have not withdraw a request for .an of agree operations transactions the two teams and the Dunnies|Pee" siving all out with some of ficial investigation of the broad- ee ike all operations com-' although, they got off 10 a some-| their efforts. -, We do however t Streets, Town Proper-' what slow start proved why they | feel that as soon as the big fes ast 2: A Much deteriorating" eee Fares Sanitation) are one of the most feared ve Season is over that manager U.S.-Cambodian relationship re. It recommended that theteams in the Metro Jr: "'B' Davie and coach Wright will sults from Sihanouk's belief thatjchairmen of the former three league really start to crack the whip from | i : On behalf ger Iv the . n ted along with committees -form the General Dionne, a product of the Osh-| Davie re ah Cun oe wk its Vietnagne allies. is back-| aqministrations Com mittee,;awa Minor Hockey League, | . ji ne GE bs E ? ike to extend the best-of 1 Bi e eM aday at fae along with Reeve Ed Quantril)/Proved the big gun for the Dun-|holiday porn iB ah ac ue denied any complicity or Deputy-Reeve George Brooks ees Wake ote ands of fans in this area. Sihanouk has recalled most (The Deputy-Reeve is presently bagged two with "hard-working SUMMARY of his embassy personnel from) Vice-Chairman of the Adminis-;defenceman Art Hampson add- ' Ist PERIOD Waeinaten and Lrg bat has trative Committees and the/ing a single. tally fs Nace Fletcher - Sa { ct anodes 10 "on 7. 7 1 y d stitute a break in dipiometia i Reeve Vice-Chairman of all! For the visitors it was Norm| + tatihevoueh Bean 5.36 ations. Sihanouk recalled his|OPperations Committees. Mayor| Bean. Glen seron ~ Paul Pehalties: Lastic 19.50 embassy staff from London be.|Warren Mowat ill be Ex Curtis with one goal each f f Br ' t ; The first period was a real 2nd PERIOD ause 0 itain's hesitancy to-| Officio of all Committees) peice p Pies | 3. Peterborough. Shirton: 2.24 ward his proposal for a' meet : ee é sizzler with both teams going all} 4. Whitby Dio Teach ng of nations to guarantee, -Milarly, the Report recom-|oyt for first blood. Whitby broke| aha LOnNS + 108 Cambodiata neutral mends that the Operations Com-|,, 5 nt fast as Fletcher witt |Sandford 6.08 a itrality ' 1 r out tron a n , beers mittee Chairman.sit on the Gen-/, fay games of 'A'. hockey un-|." Whitby. Dionne eral Operations Committee with|S.. pc halt prov. : 117.0: s : : 2 der his belt, proved just a little} : 2 Pheiarl Mr. Quantrill or Mr too much for the Peterborough | mgd pions Jah. a lee lads. He worked his way in just! Be ee LO Me The purpose of these special|jike a seasoned pro before firing 9.29, Hunt 13.54 e Committees, the Report states.ja low hard shot to the bottom, . 3rd PERIOD is to iron out any' problems in-|jeft-hand corner of the net. The | yy; bi forig 6 aan - O'Shea volving common purchases of| peterborough team fought back ee ae Ge equipment which might be used) gamely only to have Young in a ae atone + Curtis-Bean- by autos ey one department/the Whitby cage turn aside ail $ Whithy. Hstoher - Gay 19.54 ane in Week pier: mere lamots wat were teed th Bla Gite) Co CY) em crossing standing committees'! aotion until the 5.36 mark when|Pemalties. Marshall 9.40, May- By Johnson ¥ Bean tied it all up. hew major 16.1, Stabler major JOHNSON CITY. Tex. (AP) jurisdictional boundaries". 16.15, Ingham, Leach two minors In the second period the visi-/ : President Johnson created a member governmental PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 119.15 'ommittee Thursday to review. t is recommended that the,tors paced, by Shirton took the} --_ the U.S foreign aid program Personnel Committee, which is/only short-lived lead that they] with fresh minds'? and seekinow the Personnel Relations|held in the entire game. This vays fo economize, simplify and' Committee, be composed of the|one came at the 2.24 mark while) rengthen aid efforts Mayor and the Chairmen of the the Dunnies were short-handed. | two General Committees It was at this stage that Dionneq at White House press headquar The Committee would dealtook over the scoring range for ters in Austin. Johnson said: with salaries, contract negotia.|the Dunnies My action in appointing this tion, interviewing of applications! His guals coming at the 5.08 committee, far from reflecting for office (presently under By-|17.03 and 20.00 minute marks as anv lack of conviction in the laws and Applications) and,|the official clock ticked off the necessity for foreign assistance, generally, all matters pertaining| valuable seconds In'the third and final period as again that the | apologize for a 5. governmen request for an Cambodian S of the Is States Marshall is Mayhew Foreign Aid Review Ordered nine Delicious . . . Southern FRIED CHICKEN HOME DELIVERY Old English Style Fish and Chips Terrace Restaurant 120. Brock St. N., Whitby PHONE 668-9056 In a statement made publi demonstrates my strong deter-|t0 personnel administration. mination that those programs|= be so administered as to vield the greatest benefit to our coun try and to the. free world.' 1963 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTIONS HOLIDAYS: -- Christmas Day, December 25th; Boxing Day, December 26th; - New Year's Day, January Ist. Wednesdey and Thursdey, December 25th and 26th will be collected on Friday, Dec, 27th. Friday, December 27th will be collected on Saturday, December 28th. . One-Stop DECORATING . SHOP Wolipaper and Murols Custom Draperies Broadloom and Rugs C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Phone 668.5862 Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Wednesday, Jenuary: Ist. will be collected en Thursdey, January 2nd, CHRISTMAS TREES will be collected on your regular gorbage collection dey on the week of January 6th - 10th only. The Garhage Disposal Area is now located on Hopkins Street and will be open Monday through Soturdoy, inclusive, from 8:00 a.m. te 5:00 p.m. ONLY. This area will be closed Sundays and holidays WORKS DEPARTMENT TOWN OF WHITBY Prize winners = J. Townson.|