Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Dec 1963, p. 8

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LODGES AND BLESSED IS THE HOME WHERE A BABY DWELLS AT CHRISTMASTIME SOCIETIES COURT CHARLENE 11750 The regular meeting of Court ( arlene L1750 was held recent- ly in the Orange Temple with a very good attendance. The president, Sister Zelda MacMil- lan assisted by the Chaplain, & : E: seers Sister Una Dart opened the f court for the transaction of busi- > nes. | A report of th sisters still on ithe sick list was given by Sis- ters Margaret Smith: and Christ- mas greetings were expressed for all. Thank you cards were read by the recording secretary Sister Doris Yourth. It was decided the court would give a donation to a needy lfamily 'to help out for the Christmas season. . by k = Everyone helped prepare the o es Z & WABASSO '\tasty turkey pot-luck supper. WS Z t "Famy Beothers Jack Graham and + ually" Keith Clarke, as Santa Claus, gave out the gifts. The next || regular meeting will be held January 9, 1964 which will con- q sist of initiating new members PURE WHITE WABASSO | ott SME || PURE WHITE WABASSO "FAMILY" QUALITY SHEETS PILLOW " m . f The Chapter president, Mrs. BH .. THIS YOUNG gentleman is Coverly and Mr. and Mrs. ee Harold' Ball, presided at the Jj Size 72 x 100" (Twin) 2 64 ho ln eats CA E Scott Gordon Kilpatrick, son William Kilpatrick and_ his Christmas meeting of Ontario @ SPECIAL, each |. . SPECIAL, each 2.14 S of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kil- great-grandparents are Mr. THE ROGUISH eyes of David Wilson, Eulalie avenue Gamma _ Epsilon Chapter of : eye Beta Sigma Phi at the home of & Ploin Piao. pillow cases patrick, Third street Bow and Mrs. Arthur Kilpatrick, "arsha Marie Wilson would Her grandparents are Mr, and M R ld Mel Hern: Norihidae manville. His grandparents .all of Bowmanville catch anyone's attention. She Mrs. Lorne Spence of May rs, Ronald Mchacoern, NO , H 7 4 PL . . are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ireland Studio | was eight months old when nooth and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- : Y'©W aineet Pure White WABASSO Family Quality Fitted Sheets SPECIAL this was taken and is the shall Wilson, Ajax Mrs. Calm Moulds and Mrs. & Size 39 x 75" (Twin) Size 54 x 75" (Double) Murray Fraser of the chapter '+ 4 ? 94 e s Pes | daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. --Aldsworth Photography P A P 3 : sal served in the tuck shop at SPECI L, each Ss ECIAL, each UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES "ss ts ed thanks for a gift received § ee ie conte ." ST. GEORGE'S W.A . the teen-age volunteers continue sod the chapter on the birth of a ok. j " her little girl " (Evening Branch) to do in the hospital. To date The 'regular business meeting 7000 hours have been given by Plans are being made for a of St. George's Anglican Church this dedicated group of young Friendship Night" to be held @ ; B bata WA, Evening Branch took place women January 28, 1964 at the YWCA : by fe / \ pote Pee We ® 22" bi sed tered eeea in the parish hal with the Mrs, J. Payne poured tea and Mrs. Ball conferred the ritual J in Candy Stripe and Two Tone patterns. president, Mrs. David Hutcheon, a pleasant hour was enjoyed and Mrs. Percy Bradley on be od § "4 presiding. The meeting took by the members, Mrs. J. A. half of the chapter presented . 8 * ok ; the form of a Christmas pot Smart won a hand-knitted sweat- Mrs. Harry 0. Perry with an 3 ; £ SPECIAL ; |luck supper er left from the bazaar Honorary Membership pin, the . 7 : 4 éf = Mrs. Stephen Wotton was 'in first in the chapter's histor ' ' ; charge of FASGOTALLONE and the COURTICE H-S Mrs. Perry has acted as the so ' ' wcsiianee Reg. 79c SAVE 18 tree, which was called the The December meeting of the cial sponsor since 1956, and money tree, held gifts of money Courtice Home and School Asso- now unable to. continue.. The § T ilgiven by the members in plac ciation was held recently with chapter -will miss her. She has @ HAND O W ELS Stripe and Two 3 3 PILLOW SLIPS real saving in excellent quality of a personal gift; which will go the president, Mrs. Harold Gra- been an inspiration and a grea to missions. and to further ham Baden: After a short help to Ontario Gamma Epsilon rae 6" Church work business period a Christmas pro- ys John Beaupre was ff Po AA Sat ER URGN A aA ' ?/ A short business period took 8am took place speaker of the ope having & pea, 47: 2 16¢ SPECIAL |place to finish up year-end work Mrs: William Wade and Mrs. the cultural program 'Voice ' | Nominations for the new slate William Essery sang: 'Star of and Vocabulary Reflect the Ir hits soe 2 rhe ' $ert , - lof officers were read, The Rev- The East." accompanied . by ner You.' She 'read a_ short @ aay ; c ' j ae Te peta CLOTHS jerend F..G. Ongley gave a short Miss Reva Tiers. Mrs, Jan G. pz ' from the book 'Practi ae / \ a { } "8 % talk, pertaining to vital church Muir read a few of her favor-jcal English.' Mrs. Harold Bal oe a \ : 4 4 } : Six 12 x 12' face cloths in a pock- |work te poems and concluded with a read ' A Grown-Up's Letter to 4 | § F ¥ ' 'and age. These match Both ond Hond Several 'donations were Christmas story. "Miss -Reva!Santa Claus' and Mrs. Murray Towels, Reg. 1le SAVE 31¢ SPECIAL riers played a medley of Christ- Fraser told a short Christma at the time for general and : i "Ys ie. #4 21 a ae | a | Mchurch work mas songs story. Mrs. Kenneth Young ga\ e Oe Bthos, t ' The next meeting will be held Refreshments were served by a brief outline on the origin of ine ote 4 . i 9 lin Cowan house, on. January 9 Mrs. Arthur Bishop, Mrs. Thom. two Christmas carols Pe / ; "ee ey 3 k y as Gladman, Mrs. Keith Mina Santa Claus arrived and with ' is, : Z : be Sy P g- € : ' s ited col n Candy 0.G.H .AUXILIARY . ker and Mrs. William McKnight, his help, members exchanged The December meeting of the and an exchange of gifts took Christmas gifts with their secret Women's Auxiliary of the Osh- place. Beta Buddy COTTON PLUSH PLASTIC SHOWER & WINDOW CARNIVAL & HIT & MISS LITTLE MISS Kathie Lycett Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- awa General Hospital was at- The room count was won. by is the lovely young daughter liam Lycett, all of Orono Her tended by 41 members. Mrs. iss Marion Palmer's room, It ie : of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Lycett, great. grandmother: is Mrs. G. P. Morison, a new associate was announced that_there would is end. welcomed «mins T ET CURTAIN SET Prgyong I r sycett, g gré r i Jrono. She is the granddaugh- James Lycett, Oshawa member was introduced and be a euchre at the school on meer e lot de le at cur si ry 0 h " , Mrs, Walter Kuch, agreed to In all the latest corator colors. M vv h } A Window curtain size 24 -x 48" and unners ter of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas --Ireland Studio welcomed by the association, January 10, and the next meet- Z : z Mrs. A. W. Armstrong pre- ing will be January 21, 1964. contact Mrs. Nicholas Woro with ie gaugefoom rubber back, Shower Curtain size 72 x 72'. As- 4 sided betz, a Ukrainian dance in asdaasd att hie sorted colors of Runners size 27" x 6' ..... $4.77 ¥ The Festival' of Gifts bazaar UKRAINIAN WOMEN structor in Toronto, who is will fid caver do ectel ory ee ee Runes ee or se paged "2 held in' November under the (Barvinok Branch) ng to teach. in Oshawa, regard Reg. 2.97 SAVE 2 ee Naelag uti . iat $8.95 + convenership of Mrs. C. D. Rus- The Canadian Ukrainian Wom-) ing -- fina arrangements. She § 1.00 SPECIAL 3.95 6" ba Rugs size 6' a i sell was a great success, Mrs. en's Association, Barvinok 4's0 asked support of a com SPECIAL sate R : oe Russell thanked all those who Branch, held its Christmas din mittee to costume a group of s les : had contributed in any way,|ner meeting at the Oshawa Golf children with whom she is pre for their help and co-opera- Club paring @ nativity play to be F tion : The president, Mrs. Walter shown at the annual: Feast of ;\ Mrs, J. G. Carter reported Grigorenko, opened the meet- ga? asset ag eer that sales in the gift shop show- ing with prayer 'andthe secre- sOnon anes oy ig yen eS ed a marked increase over last tary, Mrs, Steven Gonta, gave 15 be will be held a he home year. 'A substantial cheque was her report Mrs Nicholas|-, Hadi oe ap : en presented to the Auxiliary. The Seminuk and a sar tao avenie: 2 ee shop will remain osed from Skiraton' gave a Inancia re is si DEceMbee 24. to December 28, Port Eira pid betta or aa at 9.00 a.m. Also Wednes The New Year's. dance con- <ongs and games was prepared 4\through Friday of the following vener, Mrs. John Kostuk, re- py the program conveners, Mrs Ziweek for stock-taking ported iit . cabo ec will] Morley Parfinuk and Mis . Mrs. J. E. Mann reported six be suitably decorated, Arrange » Sabz exchange of Anne Sabat. An exchange 0 DECORATOR % spreads, 18 gowns were given ments for refreshments havelsiffs brought "th Christmas out and. six spreads and 18 been finalize dand tickets are | meeting es aie nriswolas PRINTED \e7 FLORAL as ic . gowns were received available by phoning 728-6060 = q t RAPES Toss Cushions PILLOW CASES St 4 i Mrs. W. .J. Langmaid re Mrs. Paul Plishka announced , ported 203 books and 130 per- treats. and gifts 'for the Let Ss Have a Party ¢\iodicals distributed" during five Ukrainian and Sunday School Disheg, Culler, Glues, : tours. of the library cart students: will be prepared short cases tet sc lid colour border 4 Flo Bis Mrs. S. A. Heney of the ly in the church auditorium Silver Candelabra. Foal ay at 14" made in Slip 3 at Silver Tea Service. Sceni Modernis- per Sotin and 4 Evening Chapter reported that The project to raise further Pinch Gowls. Fo Nea. Reshion LSA aan is 2 toys and: a television set had money for furnishing the Sun- COFFEE URNS SPECIAL « Colors, Reg. 1.49 pa alan ee Cc 4 SAVE 52¢ ' 1.49. Save 50¢c. Z\been purchased for the chil- day School rooms is progress-]' 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. 4 dren's ward ing very satisfactorily Sargeant's Rentals SPECIAL . ve Wonderful toss cushion for your hemstitched pillow 8 A big selection of potterns in- chairs or chesterfileds. Approx a x" > sence ® rs > r > K In the ab ence of Mrs. Roy Mr Philip Choloniuk and 463 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Lynd. Mrs. S.A. Heney also Mrs. Peter Senyk were accept- Phone 725-3338 ,'reported on the excellent work ed as new members of "Barvi- sum | ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB DAVID ROBERT was only' Amy Young, all of Fenelon six months old when this Falls. His great grandparents (FORMERLY DUFFINS CREEK GOLF COURSE) : photos was taken. He is. are Mr. and Mrs, Richard 3 i : . ? the s¢ M: and Mrs. Rob Beynon, Fenelon Falls, and 4 FOS Ty, a ie . ert Young, Jasper avenue, and Vrs John Whitehead, To- Ri Ps y grandson of Mr. and Mrs. --ronto ANNUAL GALA , PLASTIC é ' SHREDDED FOAM Mrs --Aldsworth Photography . ob TABLECLOTHS Rubber Pillo Harold Whitehead and 4 ' 4 \ Towels approx x = > ¢ ond Multi Col h wer and is 7 ab Sao tel and Multi Color n, Assorte 4 colors: White, pink blue Approx. 1812 x 27' with quilted ie e ond green. Reg. 49 white cover. oe for $l Rcasiai 35c ea. or 35c . or 3 for " AL ? wy J ze "a4 ean re og 4 1 AGH? 3 Ate " BSCR Ag . F ; Piano Styling of ART SNIDER and his Famous Radio & Dance Orchestra with MISS MARJORIE HAMES Star of T.V.'s Country Hoedown and Featuring MISS NORMI JAMES Guest Name Vocalist PURE LINEN COTTON ® DANCING 9 P.M. to 2 P.M.e | TUBULAR RUG TABLECLOTH PLUSH MAT HOT BUFFET SUPPER (Included in Admission) Gare: 18 x 39 omorted Avon; BAe SA Acoded oe Size 24 x 36" Noise Makers and Special Prizes -- Complete Bar Facilities , Red terns Of Floral and own, green an Fruit. Red, Blue with fringed' ends © TICKETS $10.00 PER COUPLE ® blue. Reg. 1.98 rae pig epg 2 yrown jcolours acking M Save 35c eos SPECIAL SORCIAL (Limited number are available for non club members) SON OF Mr sy Mrs, Ken- awa, an dMr. Ch ae . tt : Ww eheeas es usc cae SHAWA. Mr, and Mrs, a, an dMr. Charles Scott, PHONE 942-3210 FOR RESERVATIONS NOW DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE neth Scott, King street west, Temperance Valley New is nine-month-old Jeffrey. His ey 4 : ' geeninsients ate. Mi and Interchange No. 65 at Highway 401 Mrs. Donald McEachern, Osh- --tLreland Studio |

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