Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Dec 1963, p. 20

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20 "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, Bocomber 26, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 3 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 31---Automobile Repeoir owned (no foreign) refineries HOUSTON'S GARAGE | Brazilian Oil still operate in Brazil. The gov- oy ae By R 1 SCOTT | ond SERVICE STATION | eral pessure "ho "natonal ~ 5 and SE Cc > " jerable pressure to nationalize BUSINESS SERVICE D IRECI 1 esl TExACO_| Now Monopoly jap. "stout | RIO de JANEIRO (AP). --|h Hi PRODUCTS {The Brazilian governnoet has| or ; 5 IN WEST decreed a state monopoly on ail) Accountants \Gardening and Supplies ~--_--/Rug-Upholstery Service j16--Female Help Wanted HA Se (a4 we 77 ee | Successful Trip The decree, signed by Presi- By Mercy Plane MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and] HAVE YOUR chesterfield suite factory| GIRL or woman to live In or part time, i " 6. €o., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 135) WILD BIRD rebuilt. Low price.' Telephone 728-3281.|care for two children, one school age. § |32--Articles For Sale ___..,dent Joao Gouiart, puts all pet- Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; Ajax) Evenings 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering| Light housekeeping. 725-5494 |BAUER ckates Key equipment, GE roleum imports under the : VANCOUVER (CP) A 942-0890, Whitby 668-4131 Limited. MIBOLAAGED cS wae ie F appliances, tore re bikes, honing DOr nder the direct} am he HOPKINS, BEADLE AND C€O., Char- FEEDS OGEn On TG GuneG. fee. Ie tare: jequipment, radios, toboggans, fools, (COntrel of Petrobras, the gov-/RCAF mercy plane completed fered Accountants 187 King Street East, Sales and Service | phone 725-5249. Z |soauer® supniles auto accessories Easyiernment oil company and the|@ 1,000-mile flight Wednesday y ro. 725-3509. 1 i budge' erms no outside financing.| | isis YR LE FRIEDLAROEE ANS 26 Wild Biro Bibcture FULLER Brush, Whitby snd Oshews|LADIES! have you ever thought about| = " Dominion Tire Store, «# Bond #treet West, National Petroleum Council. [with a precious package--a 12- ZALEe.. ERIBOAANE ee tral] . Wild Bird Feeders district, Telephone 655-4809 |selling Avon? It costs nothing to find out Oshawa. The de i oe jhour-old Christmas Day baby Chartered Accountants. Licensed § Trus-| ¢ the details. Telephone 728-5883 rite a arene ecree said such a move h ode. wothel ntiantt q +. Sunflower Seed details. Telep or wi e aKchan who needed surgical attention tees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East. PO Box 512) © arp ge iwas necessory to give the 2ov- 728-7371. Millets Surveyors 0 Box ner : The baby. whose fame was ners.}ernment wider latitude in diver-|not disclosed was born at Ter- WILSON AND Bi WS, CHARTERED) Small Cut Grains DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On-|WOMAN, reliable, to care for two chil-| \ \ ipllebbi Lae soa cng ET de ld . Accountants, 114 ing Street Eest| tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blueidren, pre-school and one schoo! age, while} A \ : ____|sifying its sources of crude oi] race, B.C., 500 miles northwest Oshawa; Ronald F. 0. Wilson, Ail WATER SOFT _ 1 Ontario Street, 725-5632. |mother work five-day week. 728-3867. | ; t | TYPEWRITERS, adders Cashiers, dupll- and there: by Lelp ease the coun: : 6 Ed borvena: CA; TuLTSsh | 2 | cator h ters comptometers, vant of here. A doctor found a throat mond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. |, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land] : ee i 4 used. (We try's balance-of-payments prob-! dorac : ; LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered! deel 1It Elgin Street. East doi eal Help Wanted | thr Fidget tag ag =the le defect which required immedi- Accountant. Suite 20%, Oshawa Shopping} SALT 725-6881. PPPS jiine work. waned hest| 7 8 Mia 1 ook do Wie ate surgery not possible at the Centre, 725-9953. ay oo ae ooOG | At pre ne 7 rtherly + Be . : n. Please state hours| / 3 BURBICK VacbUIK cleaner" irlendia" ied present, nearly 93 per cent, northerly town tarts comes nes wiley, sect | Rox d Pellet TV--Radio Repairs vailable ence, etc., 10 PO Box) 2 H \ $ en te or best offer 'Jot Brazil's crude oil comes from! The RCAF was ed in and 4 ei | c : irs to ali make shaw ' k Ise tr "raf - Gammon Fire Salt GUARANTEED repairs fo ali makes e f Z : -- <2 |U.S d Britis Jon,|Sent an Albatross aircraft from LEONARD JAMES SRECKS, Shopping fronle, 157 Billo, 7239792. Fred Elec) (HARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' office re-| 4 COCKINEAL SILVERTONE Television, and British -- Ml VOR re over 40 Terrace. An am- A 2 5 p H | ': nt 3 e 70 ho 2 2 o > sires stodents. either to commence INSECTS ARE. haa Aa Lead ___\emela and the Middle ast./pulance met the plane when ft Centre. 725-9953. COO S -- a é ! rr |LAKE VISTA TY Towers and serial ser- se (Grade 13 standing required) of i. 1 vision: 217, a : GLancys Acomiting rit: PER MITH \vice. 480 Philllp Murray Avenue. Tel lh egister 4 ind Wear oF bye ey i MOTOROLA qi ot Tedd Av eeee| These imports must be paid for/ returned to Vane ouver omplete bookkeeping rvici 778-6879. cou B nd Company. i para pLscdhca? yen f re wy . 1 ae Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. | co phone = 1130. King Streei Zast wa. Telephone ag AND SUPPLY THE Aye 25-7496 __...__ in dollars putting a drain on SaVAOND SR. Chartered! ¢ 4 LE DYE OF THAT ?, LOWREY organs, n an dday/B WW pa i " RAYMOND 8. PROSSER, Chartered] 1 JA ST : D f Lov Y v 4 razil's foreign exchange Accountent, 906 Centre Street North,/ 6 CELIN 4 Ea SERVICE WANTED AT once : : MAME. Fir Sue" Su Simooe ; WHITBY Whitby. Telephone 660-5447 723-2312 E ; lenced butche ° unter man ' TV TOWERS sp ® fi. tower stroc-| Braet Saperts ehoat W000 * a if rvice oe e special r struc Sarriatars ; 4 Day or Evening [sed service ang. selt-serve meats tre with al chon ot "antenna, Iaaieg barrels of crude daily. Petro-| CLASSIFIED THOMAS W. GREER, BA, Barrister/!nstruction | 728 5286 [Sena fut" tno Bliony bay Wie plesse|27--Real_ Estate For Sale |27- --Real Estate For Sale trae Y lbras already imports 200,000 0 . Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times; | ba! |S ull ormation to Box § | ROURKE aeuRGai BARS ree ~ laUYING oO omar rn eer barrels of this total \enuriiote ate, Suits. Peony fume jiding, 86 King Sireet 28-6209. ILLIAN MAE MAR H, D. Ae i] . read amie IE 8 here naracter ny, hawe Electronics _ | W | / pne ee eee . . . i re I azil now -wil]|sPecialty. Mrs. Toms, 668 sce ha le ec es 4 nderoune seta snawa | anted Immediately ; Saga Ogata ts reall esumably Brazi] now will JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LLB. Barris re Scho bots = ; | Si ares OIC Gee a ; eee ---- ; |ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN 5 fer, Solicitor and Notary Public, § Sim ow mple, 7237: pees "Service "Calls ino men o a1 Fol . STATE LIMITEL vaseior Brice TELEVIsi IN, 2 c ley tho £ model begin to import more oi! from| scotch Pine Christ : : coe North 723-3446, Residence ae ; . BatbA; Tao $7.50 ent bes sles REAL ESTATE LI Hed MONTHLY TNC Hea aig ¢ cessary the Soviet Union, with which it|APPly 814 Byrof | Street Taare aT a : ih Oshed 4 Sc . anwnee Pee teat te Gan tte: as ong roneits Can 2 gus $2.5 md com 40 King St. E duplex, completely 'separate, one Ye8r! vacuum cleaner reps | makes,(has'a trade agreement. The S0-|aue sates De i ¢ 2 Kir : oer ~ 9 . 4, $3,000 jar me . NH stimate: tach A ': -- Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232 Mortgages 9 a.m--9 p.m. Daily ; : Nr Dial 728-4678 tage $140, including taxes obj ree fe, ouaciment*'viet Union now furnishes only|For RENT fAcGIBBOP AG "Barristers r New 21" Picture T needed. C n nston, Metcalfe Rea 8-4678 ; i rebui ; housekeeping fac McGIBBON er New 2 ure lubes F 4 ie Wallace Vac 5 4 ne netrol- | Novsekeering . funds av (SleeivAva and. cnreneh pone A 1 A $19 66 y i NORTH END r 725-9365. Sipe two per cent of Brazil's petrol-|cé5 5149 sn Simcoe Str ffvligan on: ail types ot mortgag | S$ LOW AAS . . 2 BEDROOMS j iment in centre of Bo aa aall Rone Wied Horne ana eae needs |sePric TANKS 'cleared, Bron ¢ ba is. Walter 6rd. cn mor reements of sele re | " ar 2 oF 6 Or . " H jeegee, fon, TRNIN ona: Mhordocn' ches All Work Guaranteed This aupenhione we 5S TG f Hee? Lipa as se a Several private, Brazilian- west, Whitby, 668-2563 awn and pine tree a rei nin heading ""Barrister.' __| Dominion Television REQUIRED nome reflects excellent © trees, and ied Sod and a CREIGHTON, DRYNAN Al - AND D MURDOCH, FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sele 20 BOND ST. W ch. care. Pride of s For : nued. 1 piection in town, Open Barristers c otary r ents purc ni Yr 'i 2 as i ie me gest town Obs Bank of Commerce Building, $5 einice ana Mer rnc Barrie "31 King) Call Now -- 728-5154 | I ery much in Imanhiy pn 530 : 0s 2 2 (a Sage eae ma ose and intl wn rey, ee er caret COMING EVENTS ee Syst ba bok ee "MORTGAGE TV TOWERS lown glass in general % ane sibs oes $500 WINTER WORK' f J guaranteed by experts - ANC dr walk-out baseme oe ' years e $ r elevis b Bctcind ¢ NL Apply to eu i BONI ephor 6-678). oe NOVEL BING a = a $ : } OSHAWA JAYCEES i Sa Sah LOANS Antenna Repair MRA. B a, tere etacheee el THURSDAY tic, The Commercial! 8B 6 King! C , : . j : : all = ; West {Oshawa Onta 2. Client parkin ne mortgages TRIO Millwork & Buildina € Mar golow 9 6 Ww ESTER RIFLE (OLD) (Albert c n B | N G @ available. 7 or : tere i le has TOO WANTED Res re \\Bones AND DONALD, Barristers Oper rtg supplies Ltd Me nngyiaets i epho 1 Game $12 ) «ge Sy gs Mig . TELEVISION on ee Law oie ving mache og vit) Man, be doubled of tpi T0- NIGHT srlasind tne ees ¢ vouetion 3 capes boat 279 SIMCOE NORTE s, ete. E | oo ate aA Sh ai peladege Bint 1 MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD LL.) yy be caccoate 71 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA stead nree ay ; : DOWN TO ONE 6 jeleaner,, nd service, by your Etna $ 80 JACKPOTS SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries gree Ww by ; re s 70) erecta) nee 728-6781 regrrinehean of | NA MTGE feta Street East. 723-4697. Residence, dia e /' second mortgages 73400. POE Bask anivien ------ ------; AN. ose!in 9 onh i a ances. Name. + ty SUNNYSIDE PARK sere By Sera gon, aK M. F, SWARTZ TV. TOWERS | Ase enn son, trate, Coy Oh ne Ler ar ete ceed Monster Bingo fabri B. Humphreys 26Y2 King St. East IPPORTUNITY OTS. s) dood, and ting, Sia W, 4. Hiliman a Residence 728 Oshawa, Ontario Economy and -- muburban--2C 2 ords reor large lots, storms ond Aa a = neues Club Camelot _ RED BARN lo. 2 Se Sate 668-2761, 'T25-4604 NHA and othe: 723- A697 chan a ~---- od Del ¢ ted: cea € x i Lanbat A ainel + ' f . Forer P ie Deluxe ae $4,00( pal and tax anyt +, have ea SEEN Ba mcoe' Street biotk of . Ci ty Limits i lg gs Mortgage Money | rcs stu Pirate MELROSE | sense m lane cercargese--am| Friday, Dec. 27th BINGO Clients' funds available for Mortgages as see x TERMS ARRANGE! , : 190 taara abe hae he ee en GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- Available ERMS RA Hacer e appointm paleheks Gs : C lSondition' Soil tor Telephone 718-1726| $1,200 in Prizes pete IM King, Street Sat, Dia OSHAWA TV TELEPHONE scoped, neers, cer- | - $290 downa-3 bedroom and [YOUNG mane CEM axate she wa] AE pa pet ts, | HARMAN PARK Fari7e. Residence Phones: ¢ epot NOS, 25-3368 Kelly, BA, BC! Low Interest F ¢ ; cee cana NOW AT 2) Q 2 abet : : 10 ' 4 K ed, § Bice 4 re yrration an | OW DLL DINITED 723-1135 nity 32 mm. Boll rT a Sawa Stas rade vor, in foehertered bus ot ety | St. GEORGE'S HALL a (28-8180 oe ep PTE NINE | Located in Whitby-=---All ser-. | ee mits. ____] COR. ALBERT AND JACKSON Building Trades OPERTI | com and Board - Dial 728-46 builder--Models for viewir eS iy ae | Friday, Dec.. 27th Sr arecaiy New wor and pl (ACA ILIA RROONTIE, Wal aogha Som Fastee eer" Tee MeN # HF] dow Mago' b ateon Geto ond "opponess. Fo NOTICE 7:45 p.m our . specialty ir we oA Large and small | .. and H oot !n y iF res ork cl ut 2 C ning i: Johnst Osborne | you cs pF 2 a $8 $1 and constr: H . 4 fi : Fark South. 728: 3 en "n ar | Call Gerry y, i : 20 games $8 and PLASTERING : i | Mortgage ae Lt DB ine speci 5 22 --Offices, Stores, Storage SiR oe Manderhil! Est< ' _| Valley Creek Furniture | Owing to the sudden pas- | 5'- $40 Jackpe or 668-3807, Bond W DANCE HALL oa . Bethroom and kitchen remode' pastor Rev. Mon. P. | ing, wall and floor ties. G n 1 w hee H 7 yor 3836 a --Women's . Column ngs 13,1121 23-75; TBS oe deve er ' Sea LECH Gila Deo SECURITIES ere rr ge mre ee ; in |1961 BUICK station wax automat MERCURY MOTOR ; j Want Ads meys bullt and repaired, gas" 9 .IMITED 9 ne Avenue. Telephone ar cater- Er as clerk. ARP cle bib ¢ Coffey, there will be no : | 1963 CHEVY IIs ey once Yecuurnes Aoply a Orem 7 at32. } ia bingo in Holy Cross Hall hold the key mates. 7: 2 Simcoe St. North 5 | she : brick bung n Nort Asking $1,995 ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, rooting.) Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 2--Personal onl ger, Hompt 3-2 WENO pit Gea stow fin eam 32 Daminion Tite : > da A ny ie a a IF YOU Fave «drinking problem, write) -- ; nile sb ot were ee es a | Regular Price $43! Friday, Dec. 27th to Extra Cash ay. oI | EXCELENT HEATED vied recree | 957 PONTIAC, two-tone, good _conditio Har 4 CARPENTRY, cabinets. srborite, Musical Services : ' e c ) 'ean Wall'srd foot Tiles. 6 Lehman, Tibstss, PIANO, Teed pioe and electronic organ LEN "PULLAN | DOWNTOWN LOCATION | ment. Alun torms and | 725-6279 oe sale Price $325 repair, instruments ep ENGLISH TAILOR s ond s door GENERA HOME CSWRYOROANESthy fro Tenor| Specialist In garment caltero- | Giiduaily or enmulte, To. im | .nght ot $12 priced | ALL MAKES OF CARS | | PHONE 723-2711 ree i tre Pei 2 | di O uite, To right at $12,900 Are A Eck ie IMPROVEMENTS ETE Sa Ea] nt ne, | Saw ee | va et oe ea.' OSHAWA TIMES: PATTERNS Reoting roughing, |€IGHT-PIECE bend for hire. Avellat 10 PRINCE ST lM" Barcel 3443. Soy Hinde kescion ait STATH 33--Market Bosker f |New Year's Eve Glen M nes, 728-5311 Senne ' : { e s TURNIPS ge ats Risen PRINTED portal att a EN -} EASTERN AND ner suery k ae gate. gu gg Painting and Decorating =a » | CHARTERED TRUST DODD and SOUTER Oshawa, Dec, 30th ond Stat. | x rice $13,000. " | KELLY DISNEY INTING AND DECORAT | ieee oon _COMPANY ee? : : CARS LTD Take Out ELEC TROL ye hs 23--Wonted To Rent fy paventteg UNDAS ST. EA : u ill y na! e: 728- 51 Paint Ing 4 Brich and sto mw, ) | : ; EA : : «® - Telephone: 728-2061 yptex, Full Well Mu 792. A64| NEED three my paved drive. Extra lenge Hv 18 FISH 8 CHIPS -------- | 9 aij 7 v 0 Ww retere p rto ' . 7 x sh refe f > int kitchen: Fir 6 ens Cartage ] D N iV |3--Pets & Livestock 725.9814 m : : ade owr ae JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE! van § 666-8 5862 | BEAGLE puppies, three monthe old, well eet Sama ae so Bow Sioned road one Wi. ome HTS 725-7426 , ideal last minute 24--~--Houses For Rent 599 sO ga Rte SR oo ts SI x ---- Plumbing and Heating pallid 'coms, all conveniences, o! J ee | Bressmoking ALL PLUMBING and heal HS dy fOr|one mile east of Bowmany . OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL TED C "AMPIN EXPERIENC ressmeking, pant cuff. Te 23-3521, Harold H. + read, 114 Elgh 3 48g : af ville, oom brick Inga © Ing and. alterations. Reasonable f r : ; res Spocious MO LC dR IS FISH ETERIA Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476 § tree uF os ss ' . 25 Apatiments % | etn in | fast f PLINY ALL TYPES of repairs and tur e after pm A tide ele chen and 3 large bedrooms. | 607 KING ST. --OSHAW 231 Tell it 1 aL IO ISR dete Sedo oe nf tc eke ea FRONT STREET, 548 -- One furnished| - Close to bus ond schools, Full | Cust East of Wilson R Pole | TANS WO WHITE ale minature pood Egan oe Seth. AIRE) peten $12,900 | __723.4494 Res, 725-5574 PHONE 725-5522 to the - even wees ae aa : oe Worl |Rugq-Upholstery Service CHINUANGR Goat ar FURNISHED dou bie Kagiso 'ion oe Hite aoe a T | [ 0 F N 34---Lost and Found or d CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and weeks oid asonable. F or | He ry 19 ) + gud : LOST--Puppy, blond German Shepherd,| : restyled. Free estimate. See our mate ering 947-16 oe oe {oe site 60 x 0 ft. on King im i les te : d, last seen vicinity] with rial for recovering. Dalton Uphoister- soon Les, siaite coe ely nished bedroom,| St. West near Shopping Cen- CAR AND TRUCK east n Road, Thursday, Decem-| f bus + Pp rf "998 4 nd jing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, pies registe ' é a "ahs ule Dine: Bear pus Sop. Fark! tre, 9 room, 3 fomby brick RENTALS ber WANT ADS | CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, recovered, lent temperam n Kennel Club/ option ' home on t commercially $ ike new. Why pay more? Our rates are member; . UP. Tel ephone 725-5294 -- 4 for A M Mod reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat-iz er ' Hs and CAL 7K 4 tresses re-bulit. Oshawa Upholstery Coulee Telecine Merete Qs tise na ee Y : UTHMEA é mt AMG SELL-RENT [10 Bond West, Dial 725-0311. day, Friday and Saturday. GS BM dh ES Fe ar oes ere cdc Und l ach itc CHESTERFIELOS and old chair THREE-BEDROOM apariment. Newiy| bungalow with garage and SPOT CASH BUY- HI covered like new. Get the best ter as 5 Farm Column decorated. Thickson's Road South. $60.00} paved drive. 3 large bed- | R at Modern Upholsterers, 142 : Per month, 725-4040 OMS orms and" scree' A > South. Call 728-6451, Free est he je <8 ARI eed 5? i your|FOR RENT Thre Orr Al . rout F CE P ID FOR oo |Dominion Tire representative. 725-65)! or tment, hardv x ' { : : > s: Trade "Classified Advertising Rates jevenings. vill ~ ee econo bie | Dealer ¢ : - - 25. WORD. MINIMUM ARE YOU Interested In owning & fare : vainu ee ENCE! ORTH WEST DODD MOTOR SAI ES 36---Legal pe eed : : SUMMERLAND einen ies We Ward, 29 put TRIPLE "C" : 728-4401 o co ot the store sing away of our-beloved au : Share The Wealth BUYING Toble Service King St.: West reed? Be different. Beautiful male pu Better described otters get faster resuits Eee indivioualiy. pagiateces: Pome rt belie kson r 6 Cash shots. Karin Kennels, 725-87 : h. 725-404 : evel 4 4 pa ras O consecutive days 3.75 ' CASH on the spot. Highes 2 peli AIDE EAST, 141: Apartment fur. ge living room with rf -------_---- Sid ; $ enee tos A Si GPs a sean coe ee ONE An corm ge] Love boy raw vOLVC NOTICE TO PLEASE HIM Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. f Hemereys 2652721, 9 high school, $85 mont clu Il dining area. 12 x V1 k SALES AND St f yo \nc : } Box numbe 2 arm, Licence 245C-63 (utilities: Available Januar oro. oot ond nh MKF ond BILL'S TO CREDITORS By ALICE BROOKS | A621 While every endeovour will be mo to forwe re ae . CELINA STREET 4 law ' : ub OF gd ~\ ! t L. . : paatiare ta shavers 0 son tm peas we once tox 11 --Artieles For Rents : mie sili AND Delight Be mien 1 YOM Bi) re | e odvertisers as soon os possible we accept no CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church Y2te bathroom le) 4 pc. tiled bathroom also stool REPAIR or ' i ¢ Z 1444-245 liability in respect of 'loss or damage alleged to arise through [aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 /™me auth y i This is a love beg haba, ¢ with one of these smart n'} © . either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however coused Simcoe Street North é ss and owner has re Vie es OTHERS warm sets for sports whether by negligence or otherwise var IPS cePY OE -7 Hment, id =f ' to $17,900 449 R $. ~ LANNY | HALF SIZES If not paid within / gays, charge rate applies. | Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses | anstainy nly. A efnhill Boule-| «very Geo 46 oat. hawa ae aa Easy knit! Helmet, cap, mit Protessiona! listings only, 3 lines per 'month .... 8.50 i Punch Bowls heal ee : : 40 Automobiles Wanted We Bo ; shag tens. wristlets in stockinette| By ANNE ADAMS Each additional line per month 1.60 Coffee Urns Bla a antrascn dathecornt oS RA CATION : fiCE MA FEMAN stitch, ribbing. Pattern 7140: | Right now, sew one wonderfut (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) Silver Tea Service nd kitcher e and re Sigel lore Hving enon s Ne cath lon wreck ate of ¢f t . directions for men's helmet|UNdercoat style you can rely | ' " , ire me helr DEADLINES cA tag taity be vary 1 Veleckone Fase iss] ie ee ing Telephone or 7 ore require ser Ne en Ce aes Mau. jon day after day Ege Be WORD ADS p.m Previous | NT'S RENTALS mine tov heoti * |$250 FOR best car offered. Cash 1 f ors of su ms to he this ¢ sual wi pretty Cards cf Thonks ; ' sy eae ee reviola | 725-3338 ATTRACTIVELY fe eee eat pats : Telephone Br al the undersigned, solicitor fc THIRTY:FIVE CENTS (coi ns) [Pleats fr ont and back In Memoriums ... oe eas p.m. Day Previous rs PRN te ROOMS tile t errno cba. \recners want Oe d ichieh a for this pattern (no. st ne Printed Pattern 4621: Half ripe Found ° ee». 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication 12--Articles Wanted A I : a 'a } ly, terraces dsc Wentworth East : ae 1944 : rps please) to Alice Brooks are Sizes 1414, 1649, 1849, 20%, 221% rths and Deaths ....... 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication ne wanted. Must pe in eecaiet aes i rec 4 ry ' f eal ' gee . gases nee j244% 5 ze equires 454 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY p.m. Previous D Day 1. Telephone: 725-9414 | Betwere 2 GAG. 7) 2M. iy ond 'hex weduced ite | S$ ALL CAS H $ yt halle > Gistri- lof The Oshawa Times, Nee edle(" ards 30 inet PA Rai ashe is ae AND CORRECTIONS BS "82 PARK RD. N f on thie j ' ' or trucks ; ? Bead 2 eralt De Oshawa, Ont. ( ; : aire 8:30 A.M, Day: of Publication "«@ 4 is exceptiona nal a Ugh gi ns 'that. hav Oe e craft ept., Oshawa, Ont )n- | FIF CENTS (50c) in coins REGULATIONS , AUTO WRECKING CO. 728-8671 aside ary es ies ve tario residents add 1c. sales)(n mps, please) for tihs pat- Wont Wrecking mn fu wticular JICOLS OTORS LTD \ A 4 Print plainly PATTERN{tern. Ontario residents add 2e¢ The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise ba Wega a ; airs 'Nl 27--Real Estate For Sale 123-1 : ticots A ait : eae : Hep planes ales' tax P; tp nian "St : ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than and metals, etc. bought APARTMENTS. 4 suite, & sulle ' A Reval Hob "ge sane ics ssccndanes ">. INAME,, AD DRESS, STYLE one --* . agin of any ag eh agian nor beyond the Open Saturday ai! day. Phone vite and 18 suite bulldin ales ' s | Whitby 668-3331 ) 206 HANDICRAFT HITS~ in|NUMBER ice cna it sert verti whic McGill Real Es , : by OO6-33¢ awe vYtario : I pokes i Sips 'or @ single insertion o' e advertisement in which | 725-231 189: BLOOR E ueeal i { ie e Cae 2 SS : é - a our. big, big,. new 1964 Needte | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, er ie } : 100 CARS WANTED : ; $00 DOWN. Store vd eon r t Pu i ( log mut nov See/care of The Oshawa' Times. Pat- The Oshawa Times reserves the right to cicssity advertising | $ i house, « 1 according to Its.proper classification, ' |14--Employment Wonted uy ae hed garage res R t Jol futchuc | i] J ao New Car C ; 3 fashions, crewelwork. he'r-|'rn Dept., Oshaw Ont * ania stidainant " 4 ar e fe 90k | ial haces st R | iru t Ted im p Mapp' si ch saath | TPE p ERET a tye Case Of cispioy Cavertisements, The Times will: hot be [PETER PAN DAY NURSERY quaiified|one mile. immediate pos sking y_ Sibloc steve s sil your. used looms.' vifts' bazaar < hits 2|. PATTERN FREE! Mail cou held responsible for more spoce than +hat in which the octual pir Bog f Ncoe! $9 Ea terms, McGill R ry) wrsor ; coc 'ast ' he f : Ai Pere a nae u Ipon inside new: Fall-Winter Pat error occupies. The publishers endeav: cur to reproduce all adver Recess -- ote a Ca aler a AVE everything to crochet. knit, cat ie ee Over i tt \ . " 4 seeks ployment, "willing PRIVATE poe " -- q REALTY MITED Re 9 gongs! : , A A er i] Pal 1 tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement Ito' do eny edd. jobs Shaye id at knee ' rick, = nort : ae : CAMPIN. MOTOR : stat hertea al ew, .weave, emfroider, quilt,/309 de eas, all sizes. Send ery inocturocies in ony fo soy be th 7 : mall Bogs A . any ' - ° > ie wink we | j on i" Breerwecee i ee oe, eee tn hotel, Telephone 726-419 te 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | ismock. Send 25c. right now: --|50¢ ry Catalog

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