Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Dec 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY © Drive carefully -- it is better to be late than the late lamented. Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy VOL. 92--NO. 302 She Oshavwn Times WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with some clear. periods Friday, colder; light snow to- , night. ae Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash, TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES ed . eng oe * eae ARROW MARKS SPOT WHERE YOUTH WAS SHOT Berlin Guards Smile, Tk Premier | Back In Power (AP)--Premier Is 'Turkey heading a cabinet composed of 19 mem BERLIN (AP) More thous-, year-old Paul Schulz in-the back, Fast Berlin day permits to visit ands of West Berliners crossed|Christmas Day as he perched'them during the holiday season into East Berlin today despitejentangled in barbed wire atop 'There have been smiles and the Christmas Day killing of althe concrete wall welcoming music' from the Red Party and four independents Inonu's announcement Wed day visits by the West Berlin-|into the arms of a West Berlin to go the other way to. the|opposition Justice party failec ers, nearly 13,000 had crossed|policeman. A companion, also West The deal with the Reds in an attempt to come up witt by: foot, car or elevated railway/18, made it safely to the West Sete ; a cabinet to see relatives in the Commu-|but Schulz died six hours. later 'S OP¢-WaY only ete nist sector of the city in a. West Berlin hospita The East German loudspeak- There was no change in the, West Berlin's deputy mayor, ers were serenading West Ber- friendly attitude of East Ger-|Heinrich Albertz, said it was liners with Bing Crosby's re man guards, reported under or- 4 terrible story." He said all,cording. of White ders to "keep smiling'? 'when possible was done to save the when the two youths chose to the 16-day visiting period began mortally wounded youth Al. make their break. Wednesday last week by agreement be-|bertz said the. wounded man It was dusk, when most Ber. tween the West Berlin city gov-;\Was given blood transfusions, liners were gathered ernment and East Germany's|/but his lungs were ripped by their Christmas trees Communist regime the fatal bullet Thousands more West Berlin-- wASHINGTON "But now you see their real) Albertz said the shooting was ers entered the east sector Of/rigactive fallout face,' a young Red .Cross|"an 'affront against what now the city for emotional t worker on duty at a crossing|is going on in Berlin." mas Day reunions with the rel-' phere point said. "Here they smile and there they shoot." operation of Less than a mile from the/families through the wall. The months ago Oberbaum Bridge control point,| Communists have ., given an.East German guard shot 18.|Berliners with close relatives in|crossed into East Berlin jery. Lewis Survivors Of Ordeal > Greeted By Relatives :8:00.4 Enterprise " J y , Seaton, a medical officer for LONDON' (AP)--Tear - filled! One passenger, Mrs. Helen|time courts of inquiry in Eng-| ory stationed on the Enter family reunions welcomed home|Gartside of England, said 'the land where the cruise was ad- prise, said rainstorms washed the first British survivors Wed-|Lakonia crew were in the life|vertised as "'the safest way tO) raijout from the sky to contam- nesday from the tragic cruise of}boats before the passengers. It}spend your Christmas holi- jnate the carrier's- outside areas the Greek liner Lakonia, billed) was terrible." days,' and in Greece where the! «oy the order of 10 to 20 times in advance as "a Christmas'. But she said the Lakonia's Lakonia was registered. thae allowable for the nuclear you can never fonget." captain, Mathios Zarsbeiz, was' Some waited in England in plant area." Two airliners sped 158 surviv-|"crying toward the end, just agony. A boy of 19 had no news. This set in motion' concerted ors of the flaming sea disaster|wandering around with _ tears of his parents and brother. Alefforts. to prevent the fallout from Casablanca to London. |streaming down his face." The London man pleaded desperat-|from: entering the ship through Waiting 'relatives embraced|captain was the last to leave ely for word of his wife the ventilation system or on the the 74 men, (4 women and 20)the stricken Hiner The Greek liner Arkadia ar-|feet of the men a children with tears of joy. Oth-|' Although they had set out rived in Fonchal ers sous information on rela- trom Seathastetan a Henk noon to ferry 500 passengers rooms and galleys 1e sins av expect aN } tives sti missing ay expecting SI : and crew members back to| rection ventilation Of the 1,036 passengers and!mas on Madeira or some other Britain. Many were feporied thlent hit crew members forced to aban- port of call, most survivors re- have refused to go and asked) « | * the duct don the liner 180 miles north of/turning to London were only rhe HeHsh conbulete fac tripe Cheesecloth over ithe ducts Madeira Sunday, 935 survived,|too glad to be back with fam- aaiie hy an Hs ; IF helped; but the condition per 73 died, and 28 were still miss-jily and friends : ry sisted for about a month ing, the British admiralty an- he Greek line, owners .of the The Greek Line said the next 4 nounced in Gibraltar * \ill-fated. Lakonia, had cars and bg ri Rigid be ge oh : arch lantic for ambulances ready to transport Teach London unt the Arkadia K S ts U The search in the Atlantic for 7 2 Sider Kanda Homing Ken a e the missing--living. or dead-- Passengens to their homes or (AP) -- Ra from contaminated the reuniting Berlin'the Red wall was built 28 jt was disclosed today Officials estimated phe radiation sanity lthe 86,000-ton | carrier. * The disclosure was made in a current publication of the navy's bureau of medicine and surg- nuclear-powered "Machinery spaces, filter having d were hard- Madeira, at was abandoned Tuesday hotels. There were truckloads|) Meanwhile, 1,000 miles away, : 1 se ; of clothing available and all the Lakonia continued 'to smoul- There was yet no. official C10} ga 1 i 1 a 0 e advanced der. A Norwegian salvage tug, nne n word on how the fire started, Without. funds were but some witnesses said it be-/Money to get home gan with an electrical short- Returning passengers com- Greek liner in tow about 185 Al B d circuit in the hairdressing sa-Plained that fire hydrants on/m les northeast of Madeira ong or er lon he ship had no water when Two Portuguese tugs stood by) : Most survivors spent. Christ-|turned on, and that level-headed to help if necessary to ease the NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters)-- r passengers had to take charge vessel over the: grey Atlantic A state of emergency was in rollers to a port force today in Kenya's troubled Islands or Casablanca. Of the; Some singled out the ship's Weather in the area was get- ROEtieast Teer Be Ne EBS OF survivors scattered through Ma-lofficers for praise and cited the ting worse as the British air-/Dorder tension with the neigh- deira's holiday hotels. few were|language barrier among British, craft carrier Centaur signalled|Poring. Somali Republic the Herkules took the fire-swept waiting for passage mas Day I back at Madeira, the Canary|{rom the panicked crew other in a fe mood. Some were/German, Greek and Italiana final "well done' to in hospitals crew members for the turmoi!. rescue ships and headed for Gi- zone was set up along the The case of the Lakonia will braltar with its tragic cargo of Kenya side of the Somali fron- ARE EMBITTERED probably be handled by mari- dead fished from the sea tier Christmas. Any unauthor The 158 survivors flown to : ized person found within. the London arrived embittered zone was subject to arrest. The trouble results from So- what the emsaered acho DISCREPANCIES safety p aut ae ce the rat mali nationalists who claim the 314-ton Lakonia. They also ech- wild east African desert area oed other survivors charges of ine -Bonialla They have. bean panic. among the crew z : Probe Of Ocean e ertee emer tare ieligein m jarea since Kenya's independ- Flames Sweeping | . Disaster Urged fence was declared just two |weeks ago F fty armed Somalis attacked S j C | a Kenya tribal police camp at hopping entre 3 : oes Galole Christmas killing three OTTAWA (CP)--Fire was. re LONDON (CP)--The_ opposi-) Br sh transport authorities jersons including a woman ported burning out of control to- #0" Labor party today utged a have contended that it is up to quring a two-hour gun battle British government investiga- the Greek government to con- ice said : , police said tion of the Lakonia disaster "'in|duct such an inquiry view of the day in the McArthur Road shop- i centre in suburban East alps grave allegations' More than 250 survivors of . blaze. cause of which @Dout the accident the. Lakonia headed home to Viet Nam Rebels not. determined. spread) Patrick Gordon Walker, La- Britain today aboard another through a grocery, ladies' wear|bor's foreign affairs spokesman, Greek line ship, the Arkadia. and a shoe store and threatened! backed up his demand for a full other stores in the plaza public inquiry by noting that However, because of the Box-|while the: blaze-ripped Christ- ing Day civic holiday, few per-|mas. cruise liner was owned by area at the/the Greek line, almost all her /@konia embarked on the Ar- passengers British and kadia which is expected to dock the cruise was organized by at' London Sunday provinces, attacking hamlets agents operating inthis coun-| There were still discrepancies and outposts try." in casualty figures and the num-) «The Viet Cong's promise of a faces Seeoees "We mnst do our utmost to|bers reported saved from the sosne Hee was 4 lie, like every- blazing liner 180 miles north of thing else they say.' a govern POLICE 725-1133 prevent any repetition of such a \adeirz FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 Break Agreement SAIGON (AP)--The South Vi- etramese government charged today that 'Communist guerril- as broke their promised Christ mss cease-fire in at least: four A spokesman for the line re- ported that 125 passengers and 140 crew members from the sons were in the time were The Greek line said this after- There have been charges of noon: the total number of pas-ling for 24 hours were announced panic among some of the engers and crew on the il! last week bv Liberation Ra but survivors also praised crew fated liner had been establishedidio," the Communists' clandes members. jas: 1,028. jtine propaganda transmitter. crew OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 e e Still Shoot To ill Foye Imt Inonu is back in power 'in through the house causing dam- minority age estimated at $1,500 by. fire bers of his Eepublican People's = Russian Fallout 2", Hit U.S. Vessel Russia's| health, as levels of contamina- Christ-| 1961 nuclear tests in. the atmos-) tion giant| levels, averaged over a: period He was -referring to. the vast atives they had not seen since|U.S. aircraft carrier Enterprise,! a 1 persisted' for)ficulties experienced by the En- West more than 65.000 West Berliners' pout a month but did not en-|terprise's jet planes in January, danger the health of those on) 1962, A five - mile - wide prohibited: leivil rights, attion to end un-jination BRITISH REINFORCE TROOPS IN CYPRUS oyster pepoggugmmmmmee! Turk Jets Make To Help Dad 2 Warning Flight Starts Blaze '| NICOSIA, Cyprus--Britain or-|the United States and other TORONTO (CP) -- Tommy |dered more troops to Cyprus to-| world leaders to intervene. Holmes, 6. was just helping Wa\day as a conflict between the The situation was being when he lit a piece of card- Ea Greek Cypriots and the Turkish vatched closely in both London board on the kitchen range so | minority threatened to embroil and Washington. Greece and that he could light the fireplace NATO allies Greece and Turkey|/Turkey, long at odds over Cy- in the living room Christmas jin open conflict. prus, guard the far eastern morning j | Greece asked for an extraor- flank of the Atlantic alliance. But he dropped the cardboard ix jdinary session in Paris of the! Johnson was watching devel- and a nearby closet of clothes! § {North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-)opments from his Texas ranch, jtion's permanent council to dis- Prime Minister Sir Alec Doug- feuss the crisis. Informed/las-Home of Britain interrupted jsources in Paris said the coun-ja Christmas vacation in Scot- icil met secretly Christmas Day.|land to return to London. | The Cyprus government al-- What prompted Makarios to |ready has sent a complaint to}send a complaint to the UN se- ithe United Nations curity council was the flight of | The Turkish government or-|the Turkish jets and the move- caught fire. The flames spread - department. officials Tommy and his sister, Linda, 8, fled into the street. Their father Frank, who was in the young East German who tried As loudspeakers blared Christ- guards. for the visiting Westinesday night that he had suc-/living room carried Gary ,3, : ' J g 3 : gue for t isiting nesdi ght that E 8 . : , > : ighters to 'ma e f so' rkey }- to escape over the Berlin wall.|mas music from the East Ger- Berliners ceeded. in forming a minority Bruce, 4, and Gail, 5, to safety sao hel iat 'reas ee deco os Goce Gs es In the first hour after the five)man radio; the wounded youth py; there have been bullets government ended a 23-day po- while Mrs. Holmes, who was | *hri sr oe , Mich Con cit thi crossing points opened for one-|toppled from the nine-foot wall oh en : ae itinal Gr during whic upstairs, saved Frank, 1, and m Christmas Day after accusing Turkish Cypriot quarter of this obo , : ; : a" for any East Germans wanting litical crisis during which the upstairs," sé fey @ |Greek Cypriots of massacring capital. i John White, a 65 -.year - old nh crippled roomer in the Holmes & house |Turkish Cypriots in communal The Greeks promptly 'moved fighting that has been raging|part of their 850 soldiers sta- since last Saturday. An esti-|tioned on Cyprus into the Greek mated 100 to 200 persons have Cypriot section, thus setting the been killed stage for a possible confronta- Then, as the fighting died)tion down to sporadic firing, the of-| In an attempt to head off fice of President Makarios,|trouble, the diplomats of Brit- leader of the Greek Cypriot/ain Greece and Turkey met community, said six Turkish)with Makarios and decided to naval vessels had taken up P0-'nut British, Greek and Turkish sitions off Cyprus. forces in Cyprus under a uni- Five are off the northern portified command headed by a of Kyrenaia and the sixth is|/Briton, acommunique an- stationed off the southeast port)nounced of Larnaca, a presidential There are about 10,000 Brit- spokesman said. ish servicemen on Cyprus, sta- President Cemal Gursel of|tioned here as in the case of Turkey also expressed grav ejthe Greek and Turkish garrisons concern, accused the Greek Cy-/under the treaty of 1960 making priots of a massacre, and ap-|Cyprus an independent member pealed to President Johnson ofjof the British Commonwealth. Diplomat Admits Spying For U.S. SOFIA, Bulgaria (Reuters)--jers, crowded into a small court- ------|A former Bulgarian diplomat at/room to hear prosecutor Ivan the United Nations pleaded|Vachkov read a long and de- guilty in a court here today to|tailed indictment. spying for the United States for) Georgiev, 56, was alleged to seven years, and asked to bejhave received about $200,000 for given the heaviest punishment.|petraying political, economic "There was no real danger to were still within tolerabl of time." Seaton also told of fallout dif-| § The jets flew at such altitudes| jthat the engines, leading edges) lof wings and control surfaces thecame contaminated with fel-| out still lingering in the heights, | | GIFT MAY COME Margaret Snow, 2, of (and her sight saved. Santa Ivanhoe, @ bandage where sponsored by the local cham- contamination before starting) her left eye was and who may ber of commerce, gave her mainenance work on theme | lose the other because of can- the doll and ball. Meanwhile, 'Fallout levels subsequently} cer, wanted three things for $3,000 has been raised to help decreased to the point where] Christmas -- a doll, a ball pay medical expenses, they are no longer a problem,"}| ~~~~ oii cn iy sy naa aye he said Seaton discussed in general/ the methods used to keep tabs} T ar ronger on possible radiation from the Enterprise's eight atomic en- gines and to safeguard the 4,600| ° e | Ivan-Assen Hristov Georgiev, | and military state secrets to persons aboard the giant i FOF [ J S Visit was alleged to have received| American intelligence agents "To date,". he said, "the man} ss . | about $200,000 for betraying po-/ whom he met "in. the United having the highest radiation ex- |litical, economic and military|States, Paris, Geneva and Vi- posure is the dental technician) BONN (AP)--Chancellor Lud-| De Gaulle's stand imperilea|State secrets to American intel-/¢nna who takes dental x-rays." wig Erhard heads for his meet-/the Common: Market experiment|i8ence agents whom he met in| The indictment, published in - ing with President Johnson: in|for West Germany and the four| the U.S., Paris, Geneva and Vi- Bulgarian newspapers, sa@id the United States bolstered by ajother members--Italy, Belgium, |©"4- Georgiev confessed at a prelim- stronger voice in world affairs,|Luxembourg and The Nether-|. He pleaded guilty in a trialjinary investigation following his thanks to a solution to the Com-| lands. jbefore the Supreme Court after) arrest last September. mon Market crisis, his first big) Hrhard stubbornly refused to|the reading of the indictment,| It described him as a "most jhe said. As a result, it became neces-| sary to survey: the planes for| Vacant Safe ' . fest. Gen ? 7 jwhich took slight] th alicious amy j test as West Germany's new 3 ; | ghtly more than) malicious enemy and traitor of Boys Prison lender accept a unified agricultural pol-!an hour. our people, politically and mor- ard is flying from Bonn/i¢y that de Gaulle wants until) Married, with no children, | ally corrupted to the marrow." TORONTO (CP) -- Two 14- Friday for a weekend at the|the French leader made conces-| Georgiev told the court in a low; Georgiev's arrest, the indict- year-old boys were locked in a| Johnson 'ranch in Texas and the|sions. Erhard put pressure on|almost conversational tone: ment said, unveiled the '"'crim- bills ve peste ber raed eit oF scale talks since both q. Gaulle to support a U.S.-fav-| "I did not confess to jeanne eC when a 13-year-old friend slam-|took office a |my guilt. I do not want to spec-| sence serv! rAlca spare med the door and turned the| Long famous as the author of|°fed liberal approach on the| io ooh justice, T: ask eo (OUSLY organizes hostile activity dial West Germany's post-war eco-\coming international tariff ne-/tg give me the heaviest punish-| 2nd espionage against socialist David Jones and Michael Lee/nomic boom, Erhard, 66, suc-|gotiations in Geneva. |ment. I am ready to accept it] Countries including Bulgaria spent 25 minutes in the air-/ceeded former chancellor Kon-) Although de Gaulle warned|pecause I have committed the| With the aim of preventing their tight safe before a watchman|rad Adenauer Oct. 16 under a|that the Common Market might! greatest orime." forward development." on the site could locate anyone|cloud of doubt. Adenauer had)break up, Erhard remained un-| Georgiev was accused among) "eorgiev was alleged to have with the safe's combination, cailed his-former economic min-|ruffled, and predicted a solution|other things, of giving Ameri-|kept three foreign bank ac- The premises were recently|ister naive politically would be found can intelligence agencies infor-|¢ & Pe ; : | if | - -\counts and to have had "ime vacated by York Building Sup-| But Erhard made a ponbiae De Gaulle then agreed to the|mation about the Chinese-Soviet/moral connections with many plies |start in foreign affairs by stand-|joint taniff stand, and Erhard| ideological dispute. women, supporting several mise Sgt. Jack Ste ne : 9 ing Pa to -- de blged made concessions in farm pol-| About 350 persons, et at the same time in Bul- youngsters were badly fright-jof France on the eve ol licies, 'Bulgarian and forei report-igaria and abroad." ened "but otherwise they ap-|West German leader's trip to) ----_---- Bes fll cates iala . pear to be all right." ithe U.S Campaign Switch By Rockefeller __ 7 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gov-jemployment 'and to get the ernor Nelson Rockefeller is;country moving faster econom-!: abandoning. attacks ,on Senator ically Barry Goldwater (Rep. Ariz.) Rockefeller was said by asso-| i in his Republican presidential cjates to be planning in a Ports-! nomination drive mouth speech to lay down in| The New York governor, only|broad terms the reasons why he announced candidate for thejis running for the nomination nomination, resumes campaign-|and what he would hope to do} ing in. New Hampshire nextlif he were elected president. month after a political morator-) The decisign to abandon at-| ium following the assassination|tacks on Goldwater apparently of President John F. Kennedy |results from the belief in the The sweeping political|Rockefeller camp that the Ari- changes brought about by the\zong senator. has become.a less| probability that President Jonn-|attractive candidate against| as son will head the 1964 Demécra-| Johnson than he would have| tic ticket are expected to, be re:' been against Kennedy flected in altered campaign tac The Rockefeller people are tics by' Rockefeller making no claims that the gov- In the period preceding Ken-jernor, has passed Goldwater in nedy's death, Rockefeller gave|popular support- among Repub-| --" : ' about equal time to attacking licans. But they think the field : ie £ esi AR alla a Goldwater for his conservative now is wide open and there FIRE MAKES PICTURE PUZZLE iews and to, lambasting Ken-| would not be much profit in con nedy for what the governor said tinuing to single out-one man If you think this is a lady of was the president's! failure. to as a target among many. who! in distress and there's cause live up to his 1960 promises on may be contenders for the nom-: for alarm you're wrong. But if you think this is some kind mannequin © shenanigan, you're right. Putting all the pieces together, the picture shows a mannequih being re- méved from a window display by firemen after a blaze in a department store in Limoges, France. (AP Wirephoto) eee

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