THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, December 26, 1963 Predict Big Success For European Teams In 64 Oiympic Games LONDON (CP)--Europe con-|field program, sportswriter drawing up a set of rules de templates the forthcoming 1964/Christopher Brasher, himself an signed for greater safety and a Olympics with a certain com-|Olympic gold medallist, wrote;medical committee is meeting placency. Some sport fans arejihal in getting Dyson Canada in London to weigh the effects fondly hoping that even the}was the beneficiary of "one of'on health of a life in boxing Americans may get a surprise.jthe greatest crimes of British ar ea . ae "4? URGE OPEN TENNIS It's the same story every time/Sport Tennis has its problems, too the Olympics roll around. but] Brasher said many officials somehow he Europeans never|are 'jealous'? of Dyson Other! haaeee Ect from singles quite live up to their billing. [track reporters said, however.|\ ited g Muck Mcbiniey oF As the Tokyo Games ap-|that though Dyson had great] te ee y proach, European euphoria[dynamic qualities, he could per-/Start of stat quality i 105) again takes over. Oddly, somejhaps have done more to adjust "6 a 4 Nat are Maso experts are discounting the Rus himself to officialdom - ida : meee senign ay ate sians, usually the Americans} "A controversial personality tebe ea hivaare to soda a No. 1 adversary, and are|said a track official. 'Maybe Pe eee seedtt cote placing their chips on Finiana)Canada's climate will help to... conoertied ee sal beet n field events and France in} cool sagt a ape might be in dange a Eecomin track In a different sphere, criti-, ' ed a a Russia has been having a thin{cism came from France, with ae ee a ae ' time lately except in the highjone Paris critic claiming that-|), 3 cantey anol aaa ie jump, where Valery Brumel|'The French fight every match nemnnal ifainat Paddy Pre shines as if it were Waterloo--the Eng-/gersast mopped up much of the Such French stars as middle-jlish do the same except that bi aoa orive Aa ane art distance runner Michel Jazy and|they still use the same methods Aa ale shel ont ips BART ta sprinter Claude Piquemal arejby which they won in 1815," : : dominating the European scene:! The statement distressed some The French government is pour-|British administrators During ng money into sport and}1963 the tradition-bound island France is starting to overtake|Saw a number of changes in Britain in all branches of ath-|sport etic endeavor. Modern ideas seem {to have been absorbed more quickly on the other side of the Channel! a horse owned and trained England : Motor racing hecomi more competitive. part in fa of a possible challenge from t Japanese Honda firm jtaly no CRICKET PERKS UP s fielding hree | team sri In cricket, the West Indrans|{here Is talk of a comeback bb pulled out all the stops during France's Maserati. Individuall their summer tour. and gave the) Britain won top Jaurels whe DYSON LEAVES game two new attractions--ex./!m Clark, a sh DUNE Sen British track and field sicitement and competitiveness dogged by controversy among|Distinctions between amateurs athletes, coaches and officials land professionals were 'abd! " When top British coach Geof-lished,- making all cricketers/feated Britain for the WHyde 5 frey Dyson sailed for Canada injequal for the first time since;CuP, making it I victories fo } / January to become director of{pay-for-play cricket: was intro.|the U.S. against five for Pritair \ the Canadian Legion track andjduced in a competition dating to 1927 } : Changes also were wrought in ritish soccer ncreased bo ~. . Wi : Will Send BIG SEVEN [rine ad iis ceitacts wer : PYJAMAS GIRLS' SKIRTS Innipeg 1 en By THE CANADIAN Press (o. Se"%. (0 uneuly | conduc! a | ee Special For The Young At Heart! among players. Liverpool and ed Flannelette pyjama Stan Mikita became the-sec-|Everton were among the chief , wit g sleeves ond collar. Pants with md National Hockey leaguejoffenders. Turbulence' in spec 4 is printed Plancelatte: F Attractive styled skirts im player to reach the 20-goal levelitator ranks. also .caused com OY " ¢ tt s > J various Ploids, Plain Flor and Wednesday night moved!ment, and some clubs built ; . Sali, Geet Pink pad Bice. els ond Herringbone co sheep) farmes voi the eal driving championshiy In golf, the United Staten de PRACTICE FOR European passes on the finer points of send two. Il-mat cams to water polo to 16-year-old rook Europe for exhibition matches tou Brian Horton -- (left) a stad : ie Bruce Bodley. The Man next August Wimnipeg Doiphins 'veteran toba Water Polo League will (CP Photo) nto a three-way tie with team-|fences to restrain the fans DIzes 40 s 7 mate Bobby Hull and Moni-j The rowdy spirit coincided . i SPECIAL fiat to 14. SPECIAL eal's Jean Beliveau for the in-|with the centenary of the Eng- SMART WOMEN a dividual scoring leadership lish Football Association EACH Mikita knocked in his 20th of/founded in 1863. England, how- | have their carpets ond upho he season but Hull bagged hiS/over, rose to the occasion by | stery cleaned 'The Safe Woy' SONIEME (ooh Ist to retain his goal-scoring|defeating an all-star world team by Sa enor RED, W ae gol yt able to s ( f ticke ' I older ) C , pads as ) g oup : ap t ea ; Le feaTh IS : 'lead. Beliveau was held point-jin London. The FA Cup was won e peg athletes whose sport'to see us play. We'll be gone ti of " less as the two Chicago players|by Manchester United DURACLEAN , / 4 CHILDREN'S ix Glaved in fetalive obinuniiels month Th enecla | wanda . + ode Hone abe g hiolh nonth It should be a wonde aught up with him at 45 points} European boxing is in need a } make vig fu ip re P z , : The leaders of a renaissance. Iceland has yb 8-8518 splash in Europe next s e the tear ) P \ he +; \ a 1 Europe next summ All th it leagu y loping to G & Pulbannes the sport Bellin is 7 \) Twenty-two members of the are in Winr g so we'll prob ti yr the 967 n Pe oy i 41 4 p Hu Chicago ' 21 24 45 Water I t } al s here t pre : ' Manitot ig r ie ably s two ct 1 Game 1itoba Polo ague ab a vo teams am Mikita, Chicago 95 will make up two Il-man teams! Winnipeg All-Stars ; be an : a am from ; '. b 5 Seliv onti 5 30 . : ; for a trip to Britain. The Neth-. Simmons and fou the across t Nv alin gett a 18 No. 4 of a Series erlands, Denmark. Sweden, started the Manitoba league ir You know, it will only be our , uate: New York 10 0 Y Germany and France 1954 but didn't complete the sea- second international team. Theic >. : Shel rae ~F 4 Sh o . : They plan to leave here Aug son. It staggered back to e last was organized for the Sao sae York 1 " ji ALB akespeare and have lined up matches in 1956 and took hold the follow-. Paulo Games and that was the with the Ilsford team in London. ing year. Now it has burgeoned!Toronto team -mait ee . H . Attractive colors and patterns. Shirt Said tT... wash ' obs with long sleeves with | button cuffs, oo! during the English portion. twice-a-week schedule ires of basketball, soecer and Bg i: af In Holland they'll compete Most of us are getting pretty hockey, water polo can be sur - pepper | When the sea was calm all boats slike tiene 5 ; ' parable Value 88c. SPECIAL against teams in Leyden and oid for the strenuous competi- Prisingly rough. There aré | TOP WINNERS ENTER show'd mastership in floating. | 4 ' ; The Hague and will play in tion.' 'savs 34-year-old Sim-imen on a team although on LOS ANGELES (AP) Spon-| --CORIOLANUS Copenhagen, Denmark; Malmo,:'mons. "but. we've.a number of Seven are in the water at sors of the Los Angeles open! Sweden Hannover, Germany. pretty good prospects coming time substitutior be al- say 44 of the top 50 money win-| The truth of Coric us' "stetement F and Paris along."' owed al the e of one ¢ ners of 1963 are entered -in the} parent it hardly seer th thinking about. And "These are the only. places Although waterpolo ge ttle four five-minute i s $55,000 golf classic. The Los An-} yet, how many of us have considered ou es were sure of" says leagueinublicity, he says With penalties. an r short,geles Junior Chamber of Com ments in this way? There are 'foir weather' stocks president Guy Simmons. "There s:ronger sport than genera lay stoppages, ¢ arte merce said that 351 entries are| just as there ore fair weather friends Some wor obably be other matches acciyumed. Regina is about the /4 as long as | nut n, with a total of 400 expected] survive the inevitable storms | s : ly P astern t ith time to SV ngiby the deadline of noon today | only major Western centre wit | e key to's sf t tH - i w se ; steadilv y hort irsts * Plar ¢ 7 9 ' ay y to successful investmen igh good The journey will be a nosta out an active league. There are teadil with shor Play starts Jan. 2. over the] hikee fod Hes Sand tines. 1 poreril selection al a ern rome ate gic one Simmons, who-came to strong leagues in Montreal, To: speed Rancho Park course i Of 'saclirities. Wa con helo 'sou. -becoLics Canada from Leyden where he onto and Hamilton Players can move a GETS HORSE POST } played water polo, says most of illed ball either by' passing ssi ¢ Investment is our business. TEASPOONS Comparable Value 1 DESSERT FORKS. Comparable the stops are hometowns of WANTS CHAMPIONSHIP or pushing it. with their face a TORONTO (CP) DP. Rag 10c.. SPECIAL. eech Value 2 for 25, SPECIAL each 9 members of the touring teams "We're trying to, organize a they streak toward the goa Tom), Grahame, former horse} xT, mig SERRATED DESSERT KNIVES WILL DRAW WELL Canadian championship. We're Passing is faster but swimming|registrar with the Canadian Na-| y Y F We'll be having to pay our,possibly not quite ready for it with it is safer because a man tional Livestock records depart-| * ug oe V3 DESSERT SPOONS. Comparable 9° Comparable Value 29c. own way over, but we expectibut it isn't too far awa swimming with the ball cannot ment in Ottawa, Tuesday was] Volue 2 tor 25¢. SPECIAL each SPECIAL each the host teams will make living 'For a long time Toronto'sibe touched by opposing plaversjappointed secretary manager} Membera The Investment Dealert' Association of Canada arrangements for us Hungaria team was far toowhile one treading water with!of the Canadian Thoroughbred| The Toranto Stock Exchange Any Canadian team is a big'strong for anyone else to hope the ball in the palm of one hand Horse Society. Grahame 26.} ; > i i P4 hoy all i alm he 2 ~ ra _Dshaw draw over there and they will'to beat. But the core of theirican be charged will also act as the society 22 King Street East, Oshawa f ans - 725-3591 ield manager for Canada and} : igi ss manager of the CTHS' new sales] 4. R. Garrett, Manager Pp | | a arena near Toronto's Woodbine! Race Track 2 COF LEAGUE been doing so well lately and tt s McMaster 1 die Brown 749 f e t 3p. what makes the game so. iriterest Oz e 7 t 53, Frank : ' ; Charmed Cir 741, Don He Tha, A ; A s) Oxford University Yard 'Black (0 sn teams and. a reauler A" game thal comboes ts SPORTS BRIEFS ||| | - poli: edt casi Sian, Sa BY Ore, 007d Brown ard Bobee Lavergne 1 Joan McCiel-|!ne pace for Shorty's and were the big Congratulations 9¥NS in the shutout over Knockers, It Wes Stata 695 quite obvious that this club is going ail out to. win thid third series and a play 12 Hits to each record including Popular and : stanly "Savina Rug tny > gos, uy ghe Bono Lr he a Tl. aes SPECIA 214, Dorothy McDonaid. Jo's : noe is ter 656; Jack Goodman 654 a a Sih Elagde Bluianind bok. Mos Doug Smith 654 | 'and Bill McClelland 200, Group hor Special: Nole ~All. members) of. the SPECIAL divided thik' week: Otcn 2 tston C 1 eague are reminded that scheduled , have 3 | u Dec, 26 and Thursday, January 46, 321}, Harr sillar aah Colts Pip No lay-off during the two weeks mer Kayo Daks 6 cdl of the tow Jim Nemish, Ray Pas Claude Glasstord, Jack Davey and Walter CLUB DE QUILLES ACADIEN tee ata zi NR yg: gg: i), \ apa, XMAS CARDS | Regimba and Roger Nomen's HighAverages e hi | el a atetcael a hie iNber C'est vrai, it is true that this does || This is what you call R...8 Ah, yes because Brights have 1 'i's hak bine oli but} ' | _ bilingual pun, no? : 1 p ms high triples -- Robert Laverane not rhyme--but it makes ae | GOQUETEL ABRICOT is'a rich lewested this most oraient 5 sense, COQUETEL CACAO c'est |) sweet wine full of the pure taste | COQUETEL CERISE with l'essence ' ree Ry. De vraiment merveilieux. Mais oui! of the apricot fruit. | of the cherry. THIS SPACE RESERVED If you taste it once, you would Here is an aprés le diner * || buy some tout de suite, that is, | Aprés Ie dinner, there is nothing * "wine cocktail" for sipping which || . instantly. The word "suite" Hike a sip of this fine COQUETEL, he is pronounced "sweet" en 5 5 B ¥ has the clean sharp flavor of anglais... oh well, it is not @ very perhaps with the dessert. the chocolate. Thisis very intriguing, © | | good pun. { Its price is modest in the highest Ca The price is also very intriguing But, un moment--the pun may || degrée,.and the decanter in which not be good but the } je. itis tre because it is so low. COQUETEL ABRICOT for sipping | it comes for Ja table, itis trés EB 5 E Mv t 3 yvonne D ' 21 (2 Therese sApeNe! For what is it you walt? is délicieux. In its vary fine || handsome without a doubt, ree ae : ae ee Why do you not try a handsome open pb es ta table! Why not try, bientét, a decanter of oe ROOTHEAETS THAT Ree re : Riese s decanter of COQUETEL CACAO? =|} Ah! Si bon! COQUETEL CERISE very shortly? GIANT SIZE OSHAWA MEN'S: MAJOR " : . ei e i fo. ~ a C 0 SPECIAL ge Ses in Giese' teh Tosa ete Brightssserx" Wines || 'Brights scx" Wines |) "Brights ser" Wines REST TOOTHPASTE 4 "es Sh kod fn a | --. 's ae ate hays, on S & . . Md ; @ 2STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER e@ inva "egarding | Ea ( { i DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE asins. toate et Pe consees Ns ae y bp dhccsansa®, ION GUARANTEED OR M