"THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 20, 1963 Y'S MENETTES' 1964 coming the The Oshawa Y's Menettes Chub Installed its 1914 execu- tive at a combined mas dinner held Oshawa Y's. Men's Club re Christ- with the na HOOF son, Robert Brandt, executive Mrs presi AN "Vs Graham é a EXECUTIVE INSTALLED Mrs, John McReelis, tary; and Mrs. Sovair, treasurer; not pres- Mrs. ,Thomas Wolf- rame, vice-president secre- Charles | --Oshawa Times Photo from Nel- dent Mr ah FOUNDED STATE The free state of Iceland was founded by exiled Norwegian yi- kings in the year 900 ent. was president TBR BERRA AR EIR Beh "Happiness is a... ve tS RAE 34 UG 7 we SK * . z ; 3 4 % <te 'Ke aK 4, GOWNS "> AVAILABLE SUS AT BLACK'S ROL a: spate : FOS DIAMOND from BURNS..: 'ANN LANDERS Needs Psychologist Not Military School | | | Dear Ann Landers: I married, Dear Exhausted: I say the llate (at age 34) and I had alteacher gave you excellent ad ibaby five years later, I was|vice and I hope you will take it shocked. Two doctors told me I/I could write five columns on would never have a family jwhat is wrong with your son and My son was a colic baby and|why--ail based on the facts you jer ed for six' months s'raight.joutlined in. your letter.* Run My husband and I didn't. know don't walk, to the nearest doctor iwhat a good night's sleep was who special zes in disturbed luntil. that boy was nine months!children, Your child needs help jold. desperately. : Reginald is now six and has Dear Ann. Landers: Something' caused us nothing but trouble.|happened recently that made He broke up my friendship with-me realize the hazards of re three neighbors because he tore tirement--not so muc h for the up their flowers, scratched their Man who suddenly finds himself furniture with his toys and hit with time on his hands, but for their children, They blamed me his poor wife and said I didn't control him. If have belonged to a two-table Believe me, Ann, I spanked him bridge club for almost 20 years repeatedly but it did no good. We met every week at the home Last week his first grade of one of the members, and all teacher told me that in her. 23 0f us had a delightful time years of teaching she has never Last month the women an- seen a more difficult child. She nounced, rather mysteriously suggested professional help. My, that the club was disbé be husband says all the psychia- cause there seemed to be so trists he knows are nuttier than Many other Out their patients, and that our boy !"a!. Meeting two needs a military school, We weeks ago know a schoot that will take to do held th ngs was I heard this morning that. the club has been reorganized and y I was left out. The reason? Since my husband retired 'six months ago the women dreaded coming to my home because my hus- band insisted on. hovering over the tables and offering sugges- tions on how to play their hands I cannot:deny that all they said is true. Frankly, he gets on my nerves, too,.but what can I do about it? Please, please sug- gest something. -- NOT - SO- GOLDEN-YEARS Dear Not-So-Golden: .Y ou: husband needs an. outlet for h's time and energies so he will not need to hang around you and your friends. You know where his interesis and his talents lie, Get busy and direct them into productive channels or he'jl drive you both out of your minds, Dear Ann Landers: Our son is planning to marry a nice girl who comes from a family that has nothing. He is our only child and frankly. we had hoped for something better for him, The bride's mother phoned and asked me to send a list of our close relatives, She said she was sorry we could not invite any friends to the dinner be cause they are working on a imited budget and must keep the dinner list down. My husband and I are heart sick. We are well off financially and would |'ke to foot the bill { Dain av settia Cannot Stand a Draught Poinsettia, a traditional Christmas plant, thrives: best with a good light exposure and a temperature of about 650 de- grees F. The flowers of : this plant are inconspicuous, but a colorful show is provided by the large scarlet bracts. To prevent the yellowing and dropping of the bottom leaves, place the plant in a window where it will receive as much winter sun as possible, At no time shou'd the plants be. exposed to draughts. Over-watering or under-water- ing can also cause yellowing and premature dropping of leaves. Piants may be carried over to Pees for the wedding and do it right Please advise --NOT HAPPY Dear Not Happy: Send off the abbreviated list and show no sign of disappointment or un- happiness, The bride's parents should have the kind of wedding they can afford and you should go along with it--graciously. MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. $. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 the next year. After 'flower. ing' rest the plants in a cpol location for 8 - 10 weeks and let the soil dry out. Do not let the stems become dry enough to cause shrivelling..of the bark After this period cut the plants back part way, place in a larger pot and supply water. They should be exposed to good light: and a temperature of 65 degrees F, to -70 degrees. F. hese plants can then be grown for next Christme nest HOWARD'S 926 SIMCOE N, 725-3144 | rT Al @ DRAPERY @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING him at age seven. It's expensive but it may be worth it. What do you say?--EXHAUSTED ia wy} < * ae KE RhROG ob ie "23 NA he: "HOF RR Engagement Ring $200.00 AK 4 Z. <2 v Wedding Ring $59.00 Zack TK SS RAIA Engagement Ring $100.00 ax OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY ONLY 10% DOWN RARE For the newest In style ask for Bluebird diamond rings -- Guaranteed. perfect -- insured free! $250.00 $200 00 wit 1S one » = " %y a 32 KING ST, WEST ON 4 he WIL os Si <4. Ln ye Ld. * <s. AEE RIO RISER ERE FORE, ARE v6 7 SI RE 7K sf- f° Fe WING LAY oy Sa aS eK CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. EVERY OPEN 'til 9 P.M. 'Til Christmas SATURDAY 'TIL 6 eS a NITE pax eK Pa DOWTOWN OSHAWA mn a> phot Rade te te SN YARa '* UP BUN AVR QD + @ Arborite Top Gossip Bench Thefe will be @ let ef talk over this! @ Glass Door Record Bee records ot @ glance. @ Lane Cedar Chest ,SHOP CHERNEY'S . . FIRST BEST VALUES .. ANYWHERE OPEN TONIGHT 8.88 18.88 Padded seat. Cabinet Sliding gloss doors, formice top. @ Arborite Top Tables Get all 3 ot one low price, 2 step tables, 3 for 26.88 matching coffee table. 59.88 See our selection "Red Seol"' and 'Lane' Hope Chests @ TV Swivel Chairs--Frieze 29.88 Lerge eomfortable frieze eovered choir. @ 5-Pce. Metal Bridge Set 29.88 Toble ond 4 choirs. Tubulor steel, padded sects, @ Students' Desk and Chair Certoin to be appreciated! Worry free arborite top. @ Chrome Kitchen Step Stool 29.88 8.88 . Buy it early! Use it to trim the Christmos tree! Fold, under steps @ 5-Pe. Chrome Dinette Suite A perfect setting for @ Christmas meal table @ Kenwood All-Wool Reg. $15:98. 72" x 84" satin bound giving 4 chairs, @ Kenwood 'Famous' Reg. $18.95. All wool 72" x= 84" Double . bed size, guarantee @ Sunbeam Steam & @ 5 Tube Mantel Radios Certain to please. kitchen, Assorted colours, @ Westinghouse Clock Radio satin bound blonket @ Full Size. Electric Blanket machine washable, 38.88 Arborite top extension Blankets 12.98 . Boxed for Christmas 15.95 Gift. boxed, 11.99 fitting eorners "Ramcrest Blanket form 2-year Dry Iron 12.88 Just whot you need for Bedroom, play room or 26.77 Good looking! Priced right! S-tube automatic, Assorted colours @ RCA 4-Speed Record Player 23.88 A teenage favourite in luggage style case, @ Sunbeam Hair Dryer 12.88 Complete with hood. Full one yeor guarantee, @ 3-Bullet Pole Lamp Popular @ Sunbeam Carousel Rotisserie A new idea for the lady who hos ever @ 72" x 90" Trapper Wool and viscose blend. Assorted colours, whipped ends wrapping floor to ceiling decorative 8.88 34.95 8.88 Boxed for lighting unit ything! Blanket @ Heirloom Bedspreads Luxurious pre-shrunk heavyweight reversible bedspread @ 3-Heat Heating Pads With 3 position switch, electric cord, 100% 2.77 washable zippered cover. cotton 3-LB. CHRISTMAS CAKE ....88c WITH THE PURCHASE OF 39.50 OR MORE C~herney's FURNITURE ww oOo R L Dp 12.99 "TIL 9 P.M. SAT, 6 P.M. 723-7022 he bir & of CHERNEY'S Downtown Oshawa Open Tonight Till 9 P.M. SATURDAY 6 P.M.