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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Dec 1963, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Mostly sunny Saturday and a little milder. Light snow tonight. THOUGHT FOR TODAY One thing about real life -- it takes your mind off all that suffering on TV. She Oshawa Gimes Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Pogtose in Cash. TWENTY PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1963 ARMY UNITS MAY LOSE | HONEST JOHN ROCKET Economic Growth Rate i ™ Hiked By 1.3 Percent PRAY FOR FELLOW MINER OTTAWA (CP)--The growth sion ended in early 1961, the ices were all higher by six pcr 'ate of Canada's economy con- gross national product has ad- cent or more Kneeling in the snow beside miner, Louis Bova, still buried separated when: the oe col- oty in the third quarter of | vanced 19 per cent, about three-/ The latest quarterly gain a tiny Christmas tree which underground, Fellin one lapsed, never was reached 1963. -with the gross national fourths of which represents a stemmed mainly from increased they erected at their Hazle- of the owners of the mine, ° and was declared dead Ef- product rising 1.3 per cent to an gain in real terms. In the third spending on consumer goods ton, Pa., mine, David Fellin, and Throne, was rescued the forts will be made SOO to re- | nnual rate of $43,000,000,000,| quarter prices rose by about .5 and services and a moderate right, and Henry Throne Say past August after 'Deing, en cover his body. re os the bureau of statistics esti- per cent BOA nation of business inven- , se tary value of having included in| It suggested a review to de- a prayer for their fellow tombed for two weeks, bova, rey mated today RATE RIS tories 4 Se the brigade the four Honest/termine the merits or other- a About one-third of the gain qn. prowth rate of the econ-, Spending by persons in- : 4 John rocket launchers," the\wise of giving the CF-104 nu- from the second-quarter level of omy increased .8 per cent injcreased by more than $550,000,- ; committee said in an interim|clear jet bomber a conventional e ' $42,436,000,000 was "accounted the first quarter of 1963 and by/000 to an annual rate of $27 report to the Commons capacity as well. u , for by higher prices. The figure), 9 per cent in the second quar-|400,000,000, with about two- : product--to thirds of the advance attribut- VOL. 92--NO. 298 | Military Value Under Dispute OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-|fence against the Russian mons defence committee recom-|bomber threat mended today that the Honest} The 24 - member committ John artillery rocket be with-said special consideratj drawn from the Canadian army'should be given to changing ta brigade in Europe role of the RCAF air division "There exists some doubt in/in Europe from nuclear bomb- the committee as to the mili- ing to air transport It recommended '"'that NATO! It said study should be made for gross national ter hae and services } i " i fi be requested to re-assign theof an airborne role for the brig- tal value of goods and service Finance Minister Gordon, in able to non-durable goods. The Honest John battery from the|ade in Europe and. the two |produced--is adjusted to dis- ni; June-13 budget, forecast a/ quarter's buildup of non-fanm WINS POST brigade group to a more suit- back-up brigades in Canada, even ee srs haan ERC five-per-cent rise in national out-|inventories of $390,090 000 was a Miss Annette Fortier has 'jable command formation." Other recommendations: ' : eS Rae inate ath 3 o.|renewe ner f streng * ; : : ! ' ' The increase of 1.3 per cent put this year, with about one-|renewed element of strength.| boon named the Canadian | This appeared the only recom-| 1. NATO be requested to re- was a continuation of similar|third of the gain resulting from after nine montns during whic Jovernme navel dasha : d . » {3 rade \ ig ; ains which have been ap- pig! -@ a Het t the rate of inveatory accumula- ome qT sili Bureau's mendation to conflict with gov- locate the four CF-104 squad- off al] trade with Malaysia.|sized gains which have been ap- higher prices In a recen C : first tourist promotion repre- rons 'in. Fratice Now Indonesian infiltrators are parent since early in 1962. It'sneech Privy Council 'President tion slowed down and finally) centative in France. She was |¢?nment policy and government 2, The brigade in Europe be harassing the frontiers of Sara- was the 10th consecutive quar- Maurice Lamontagne revised turned to be 4 movlest liquida-| chosen for the. new post in a thinking on future policy lequipped with armored troop wak' and Sabah on the big island terly increase in the current ss the forecast to six per cent fion nation-wide competition by the The committee said Canada carriers "and other suitable air A ann ¢ ¢ hic ane ¢ - tic oO The ce 52 rOSS NA- | me : ot we Vee: LG : NS, } : ' 9 Borneo, most of which be- pansion of the production of Phe bureau said the gross na EXPORTS DECLINE Civil _ Service Commission, |should continue to maintain and surface high mobility com- longs to Indonesia goods and services tional product during the first Miss Fortier now is public re- |forces in Europe and to parti-)pat vehicles." the neighboring Malaysia jay that no decision has yet Sukarno brought up the Mal-| Since the last business reces-/nine months. o eT es gations ouleer 48 od is cies m vee panencen alr! 3. Consultation with Scandin- if the aysia-fleet issue in a speech at ning by six per cent above the quarter. Fixed capital for- for the Quebec tourist bureau. |defence command. Canada avian countries coneernin : eRe the same period a year ago and ee Bee ge te --CP Wirephoto |should continue to share in de- 2 g the fleet," he told a rally in Ja- Pia! i . erie A vent from | ation rose by 1.5 per cent to) _ oi : __"--|stand-by forces for the United : craft carrier and two or threejopening session of a national Polish Lawyers had advanced 4.25 per cent from |¢7 499 099 900 mainly as a result! | Nations. karta, referring to press reports destrovers. will be detached corigress of the so-called "1945 the end of 1962. Main reasons|/, 'uakabaeddnimunesanics h Ss. rease : in ma- 4. The US. retain final auth- ae ; : i ' ca e | that the 7th fleet soon may €X-\t,om the 7th fleet for patrol generation This is a move- 4 for the higher level in the nine chinery and equipment. Govern- | pand operations into the Indian duty. in the Indian Ocean tionalists Under Collective months, compared with a year) 1 ant Preciethey or: eiida and €vI 1eI vol S ee ee ( "Let there be two or ' es i she nome " ,.|previous, has. been consumer) oo 8 jmade available to NATO. Jeean. 2 a 'lee sa SSTRUCTION He said, he will issue "a com WARSAW (AP) --. Poland's)! henge for Services advanced one per cent . " : " three such U.S. fleets. We will PLEDGES DESTR mand" next Tuesday in a mass g 799 lawyers will be forced into spending, which accounted for hie exports declined fraction-| 5. Canada '"'positively" should | i Malaysia." Sukarno has pledged repeat-|_., : <e see ; -half he rise. pie @,°? | i , cope we crues errae : oars to geet aie Federation Tally. He did not elaborate collectives under a measure) °° ie = ea casters oe de: ally to an annual rate of $8,900,- 1t1 ee ee The tentative Plan too dhe (of Malaysia, launched last Sept. GUARD OFFICIALS ending private legal practice. | However, other sectors o- &°-|900,000 x |! abncatincs eS ae vege ved os 16 He has.' ca led it a plot to ce Ridin 1 es M The bill was passed Thursday an vives bpp Part of the increased demand | 6. gg oo a ocean generally is considered a SOR dis (ett DT at n Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ight by Poland's Communist-|less: important than consumers, . 0° Ties yy Si Soma Nope ' ; POE ( spaurier|Projected several years ahea eae a aL apport as "ths Hoe meanwhile, police guarded) dominated parliament with only registered relatively greater Ae ag ea lr pyploed yw asian gakoiee thers Babies ge al ae te a percentage Of gross' na- nd if it is plotting a new at-jin southeas Sst a af --. Prime Minister Tunku Abdu ae ng votes "| gains. Exports of merchandise). i cid Pik iabige Bohl " Ser ae vahome *" \tional product tack on India. But Indonesians;)members, Malaya, Singapore, Rahman and other high officials mye rial 1g hone . till re-|were particularly strong and in- services, which reached $9,700,- an injustice, Justice Minister} Perrault that he didn't know\\ ia ; er elSarawak pnd Sabai: are former : Although a client may s ' ) 000,000 after. discounting' sea-|Chevrier declined three times in|Wasylenchuk was on parole,| ?- An "independent commit- see it as an attempt to make/Saraw ~ ' as the government continued| ject hi m counse}. fees will|vestment in machinery a si z . "i 4 Pp : iry'" j i their hostile con-|British possessions rounding up persons suspected |e" 1 tote paren ale t andjequipment and government ex-/50?2! influences. As a result of|the House of Commons today to|Mr. Chevrier said he couldn't|tée of inquiry" into allegations ¥ be set by the government and/equip' these external transactions, the!say specifically whether he|recall all details of a phone con-|of navy inefficiency by _re- =~ ltidonenian plot io wabonee Le ~ebedaccnonati jnet 'import balance--trade sur-'knew John Wasylenchuk was on|versation with Mr, Perrault and'tired Commodore James Plo- Ital installations in Malaysia. | plus--widened to an annual rate|parole when he signed his ex-|then added: jmer. The prime minister Wednes-| jof $700,000,000 from $300,000,000/tradition warrant last Saturday.| "I'm sure I didnft make that/8, More effective reviews of de- 4 nce how a day accused Indonesia of send-| Banks Now ace in the preceding quarter. | When Opposition Leader Dief-|statemént." fence organization, manpower ling saboteurs to blow up water et national income rose by \enbaker in another attempt' The exchange developed as|management and utilization te lines, railroads and power sta- jjust over one per cent to $52,-) eens the controversial Wasylenchuk|achieve greater efficiency. |800,000,000. This. gain resulted! ey}. |case burst on the House for the} The committee asked that it aren Rebels Kill bd : Wracks Maritimes si poole oo Heavier Penalty jmmeinty from a 1.5 per cent in-| second straight day be reconstituted at the next ses- JAKARTA, Idonesia (AP) --|welcomed the creation of Brit- President Sukarno declared ish-backed Malaysia Thursday not even the presence) Gen. Maxwell, D. Taylor of the powerful U.S. 7th fleet in n of U.S. joint chiefs the Indian Ocean can sway him of staff. told reporters before from his course of destroying'|eaying New Delhi earlier in the The other sectors of demand reflected mixed movements in "We will never be afraid of'been reached. He said plan goes into. effect, an air the presidential: ce to the them call off : frontation of Malaysit The U.S." As an initial act, Sukarno cut/of involvement in an alleged paid to a, ers' association, ipenditures on goods and serv- | j + | , i : A government source said jcrease in labor income, partly Wasylenchuk was sunrendered|5i0n Of Parliament to deal with reflect s . [ M4 Te. sdav j at hich i HALIFAX: (CP) -- Hundredslily of 14 homeless. 'They were,hundreds. of persons have been reflecting increased em 4] Priests, Aids Wednesday to FBI authorities to/Matters which required more ts A 5 : oS -<? vamarke ac renorted|moyment,, and was. offset to face robbery and der|Scrutiny and that the present avelle oppers and taken in by neighbors picked up for questioning and) MONTREAL (CP) -- Haroldjof Banks' remarks, as reported 18 : i ag : : fac yo murd J t nota waa ge ao d Thur Late Thursday night the Nova the backbone of the plot has Cc, Banks, president of thé Sea-jin the evidence, and "the choice some extent by lower corpora-; RANGOON, Burma (AP) -- charges in Seattle in connection|members be reappointed. day and néarly all.land, sea and/Scotia highways department re-/been broken farers' International Union ofjof three men for the job indi- a. a -- Seven members of a touring with a 1954 bank holdup in ns oi pene peel air traffic was disrupted as hur- ported all main highways in| Security measures throughout Canada, (Ind.) was committed cated a clear and frank inten farse inceee tiaibenie in- party of 41 priests and religious) which ae boucean vee kilted. | fence committee with a tech- ricane-force winds whipped a Halifax County had been opened Malaysia have been redoubled. Thursday to trial on-a charge of/tion to do very serious harm to LR ss a helpers gates shot and hacked At the time, he was on parole nical staff blizzard across the Maritime but: were subject to drifting. The prime minister, Malaysia's-conspiring to cause serious in-|the victim aa , fo death: by Maren rebels. whojunder life. sentence tor a Cana: we provinces Crews were to work all night/king and queen and senior cab- jury to Capt. Henry Francis Mr. Martineau said the evi Total employment advanced attacked their catayan nearjdian robbery conviction i It was the worst storm in the fo keep open other main high-,inet members were under close Walsh, a rival union organizer dence showed there was a con: an step with a one per cent Moulmein, reports from the The Commons opposition con- Ki M area since a blizzard in Febru- 'ways in the province guard. beaten up in Owen Sound in spiracy to beat Walsh and it s growth in the labor force, leay- scene said today tends that the Parole Ac} says| ingston an ary, 1960, dumped 30 inches of = 1957 goal was carried out. merci-jing the ratio of unemployment) Government troops killed 10 of q parolee still is under sentence, | : snow. Most points in Nova. Scotia Prince Edward. Island and southern New Brunswick _ re ported up to 10 inches of sno Eastern Newfoundland got heavy rain, while snow storms hit the western side of the prov- ince And throughout the tlantic area, powerful, winds--up to 85 miles an hcour--piled the snow into drifts Traffic was snarled, and in some places abandoned cars and drifts blocked all. highway movement. Planes, buses and ferries halted operations, ship- ping was affected and a num- ber .of. smal] power failure were reported At least one death was aitri buied to the storm. A numb of injuries were also repor in the inevitable rash of minor accidents HOTELS FILLED Workers in almost all kinds of jobs spent the night where they could--in offices 70S waterfront sheds. Hotel rooms were almost all taken Some 1,200 people remained overnight at one Halifax depart- ment store. They included em ployees and. out-of-town shop- pers. New Brunswick and Can Breton Island reported the high est tides in more than 10 years Trains were operating but ran behind schedule, as much be cause of the Christmas rush as the storm, a CNR spokesman said ; "The weather office in Halifax predicted the storm -- centred'! ursday night just north of Cape Breton Island would)! move through Newfoyndland early today and reach the east coast of Labrador by 'tonight 4 roof blew off a h in Onidi- Vidi in the east end o St. John's, Nfld., leaving a fam CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE. DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 . s a In committing the burly, 55- Divorce Commissioner -- i. Met Seeiee"t | : mit asa eult with, intent to To Be Designated Judge "iv: smitee'titse a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison OTTAWA. (CP)--The govern-;Peters (Timiske eels je SE euUng) ._wi10 Banks orfginally was charged ment gave notice to Parliament campaigned for removal of di: eh today that it plans to designate vorce cases from Parliament bee Se ante ys pRawareey the Senate's divorce commis- . Last August the government rite mle he a Sas acl: sioner as a judge of the EX- agreed toa proposal that di-|y, , ; chequer Court of Canada to dal yorces be granted by resolution with divorce cases from Quebec x and Newfoundland The Senate divorce commis- sioner Al'ison M, Walsh of mum penalty is two years Banks was ordered to appear of the Senate on the recommen- pec. 23 for voluntary statement, dation of a Senate divorce com- g pre-trial stage in Quebec le- missioner. This avoided the pre- gal] procedure at which the de- Montreal, was appointed a few vious requirement for the com- fence may present evidence in weeks ago in a compromise ar- mons to consider divorce bills. an effort to quash trial. rangement to bypass the block- The governmentis understood) Crown witnesses had testified de gainst divorce petitions 0 have decided to carry the Wednesday that they heard aving to go through both the Process a further step by des- Banks say-in his office in the 'ommons and Senate ignating Mr. Walsh as a judge summer of 1957 that Walsh was For several sessions, applica- Of the Exchequer Court of Can-'denouncing him and his union tions to Parliament for divorces 448 and that he intended to do from Quebec and Newfoundland Formal notice of legislation something about it. residents, were blocked by New to provide another Exchequer! Judge Trottier accepted Pros- Democratic Party MPs rank Court judge appeared on the ecutor Jean Martineau's argu- Howard (Skeena) and Arnold Commons order paper today. ment that the tone and content CUARDED ALABAMA UNIVERSITY a 4 National Guardsmen Face Bombing Counts TUSCALOOSA. Ala. (AP) -- bama guard during:a showdown| Perkins and Maxwell were Four Alabama National Guards- with Governor George Wallace. charged with the first Nov. 16 nen have been charged with All troops were demobilized / detonation. The warrant agains ouching off minor explosions Noy. 20, the day after the last/them said they set off dynamite year the University of Alabama explosion, No one was -hurt in or some other explosive in or near the home of Rovilla Lewis f ae who lives close to Mary Burke POSTS BAIL Hall, where Miss Malone lives FL AHHas Gay Tigre wEneals The men were. rounded up Daniel is charged with the during the late afternoon and) Noy. 19 'blast. which occurred ected night. 'The first man arrested about. three blocks from' the Three blasts occurred last was 2nd Lieut. James T. Pe k- gormitory month--two Nov, 16° and one ins, 27, of Holt; Ala.,.a suburb; Authorities declined to specu- Nov: 19. All were near a dor- of Tuscaloosa, He later posted jate about the motive for the mitory housing Negro student $5,000 bond bombings Vivian Malone, who was ad Police identified two of the Circuit solicitor (prosecutor) mitted under federal court or-others as Sgt. Norman R. Dan- Fred Nicol said city and state ders along with James A. Hood je; éf Fairfield, Ala., a suburb.investigators have considerable ist June, Hood tater withdrew. of Birmingham, and Cpl, James evidence The men arrested Thursday T.. Maxwell, 27. of Tuscaloosa The office iof Governor Wa were with the last units still Maxwell also posted bond lace said he would have no on duty after President Ken The name of the fourth man comment on -the arrests. until while on. federal duty to uphold any of the explosions court-ordered desegregation 0 ithe schoo 'nedy federalized the entire Ala-/was not available immediately.ihe received a full report, lessly."" to the total labor force little|the rebels, but lost five killed)and that the Extradition Act| Ld He said. Walsh, beaten in the changed. says a person under sentence Shot 4 Times parking lot of an Owen Sound) ------------- hotel Aug. 18, 1957, was injured so badly from head to foot that AUSCHWITZ GUARDS he was unable to work for six weeks and doctors were: s0 wor- sary Two rank-and-file SIU mem-} bers, Eldon (Jack) Richardson, | sind Pal orn! Murder Charges sult of the Walsh beating. They face. charges similar to that FRANKFURT (AP) -- West Another man, Jack Caspar, tia) opened today with 21 men was. named as a co-conspirtor). wwused of taking part in the nt the se cada eo -: murder of millions of Ausch- a warrant has been issued for vit) concentration camp. in- The defendants are 20 former s members of the camp's SS Mari 0Sa (elite guard) administration and a former prisoner who became murder or complicity in an un- Reeve Pa S determined number of gassings, jshootings, hangings or fatal tor- \turings. . | Most of the victims were Jew- uit ish men, women and children. Many Poles, Soviet prisoners of LINDSAY, Ont. (CP)--A 32-\other nations also were slain. year - old housekeeper who|The camp, built in German-oc- claimed the 67-year-old reeve of cupied Poland, was 'Adolf Hit- Mariposa Township promised to ler's biggest death factory. of-court settlement of $1,500 for/man, was absent because of iil- back wages ness Miss Vera Laura (Mary) Rup-- Former SS Capt. Robent ert of Cannington claimed Roy Mulka, 68, is the highest rank- wages for work when she was tant to Auschwitz Commander employed by him for most of a'Rudolf Hoess, who was. hanged five-year period and that hein Poland in 1947. Hoess' de- broke an agreement to marry tailed diary is to be introduced After an all-day court hear-| It has taken more than four ing Tuesday. their lawyers|- SAU REST N reached the settlement plus . costs to Miss Rupert Soviets Boost Force yrown son recently married Along China Border James McQuarrie, Reeve) LONDON (AP) -- Russia has Morrison's lawyer, said at onelreinforced its. troops on the point in the hearing that "some;|frontier- with Communist China, thing more than a master-serv- Western sources in Moscow re tween his client and Miss Rup Informed Officials in London e and Pars say a 'moderate' At one point in the hearing eastward movement of Soviet Miss Rupert said she was preg-|troops. from. central Russia was against Banks. Germany's biggest war crimes his arrest. : ___|mates, a trusty. They are charged with war and inmates from various marry her has accepted an out-| One defendant, a former SS Morrison of Mariposa owedjing defendant. Mulka was adju- her in evidence . The reeve, a widower with a another woman ant .relationship' developed" be-| port nant, She has a 12-year-old son.|detected in October. ried abut his head injuries that! E SS M x-ray examination was neces-| X- en ace year's to prepare the case ings will probably run until next fall. About 250 witnesses, includ- ing Auschwitz survivors, are to A court of three judges and six jurors is headed by Chief Judge Hans Hofmeyer. His term as a Wehrmacht military judge in 1944 has prompted charges in newspaper. that he authorities have denied it TWO OF THE defendants in West Germany's biggest. war Frankfurt . today cannot be extradited. Mr. Chevrier said today he KINGSTON (CP)--Doctors to- didn't wish to be drawn into a day performed emergency sur- legal argument. He would say|gery on a 73-year-old man after only that the' officers of the jus-|he was shot four times in the tice department had advised|chest at his home here. him that: neither pertinent sec-| They said George Astley is tion of either act would prevent in critical condition and is not extradition in the circumstances expected to live. of the Wasylenchuk' case. Police arrested Astley's son- However, he said under ques-jin-law, Clarence Washer, 48, tioning that this point was not'and charged him with shooting raised until after he signed the with intent to wound. Washer extradition warrant last Satur-|was remanded in custody with- day. out bail or plea until Dec. 27. Mr. Chevrier said that when) Police said the shooting oc- he signed the warrant, he hadicurred after a family quarrel before him one B.C. Supremejearly today. Astley's wife, Mrs. Court judgment committing)Washer and three grandchil- Wasylenchuk for extradition,|dren by another deceased and another rejecting a habeas|daughter were in the room at corpus' application made onithe time. Wasylenchuk's behalf, plus the| A .22-calibre rifle was seized. advise of justice department of-| Washer and his wife were stay- ficers, ling in Astley's home. in civilian clothes, from left witz concentration camp in- are Wilhelm Boger and Dr. mates. 'Viktor Capesius: They are ac- ' cused of. taking part in the --AP Wirephota murder of millions of Ausch- _, via cable from Frankfurt

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