CAPSULE NEWS ~ PM Vague On Date Of Session OTTAWA (CP)--The next ses-jthe most unco-operative went to sion of Parliament likely will]Ann-Margret and James Fran- begin in January or February,!ciscus. | Prime Minister Pearson said! | Tuesday. However, in replying IKE ON VACATION in the Commons to L. Elston} PALM DESERT, Calif. (AP) Cardiff (PC--Huron) the prime/A home by the 11th fairway of, minister said he couldn't make|the swank Eldorado Country) any more definite statement un-|Club is serving as former pres- til possibly Thursday, when itlident Eisenhower's winter vaca-) could be seen when the current'tion retreat, The Eisenhowers| session: would likely end. | Plan to stay in the $175,000 des-| ert home for about five months. | COMMITTED FOR TRIAL TORONTO (CP)--Magistrate) SOCCER STAR MARRIES T. S. Elmore Tuesday com-| LONDON (AP) -- Soccer star| mitted Nathan Klegarman, 34,/Danny Blanchflower was mar-| and Morris Freedman, 33, both) rjeq at Hampstead register of-| of Toronto, for trial before alfice Wednesday to Averilledean judge and jury on a charge Of/funter, a South African nurse, possessing $65,000 worth of st0-)planchflower, 37, was formerly! len gems. The two men have al-lcantain of Tottenham Hotspurs| ready been committed for trial] and the Northern Ireland soccer on another charge of possessing}team, He has been married $70,000 worth of stolen dia-' twice before. monds. | ae TWO SANTAS FIGHT TO MAKE STUDY -- GUERET, France (AP)--The} OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. C. moppets of this village stood MacKenzie, 75-year-old former sohast Tuesday at the sight of| Service with the Ontario Gov- president of the National Re-iyo santa Clauses slugging it] e"mment was marked by the Completion of 25 years' of presentation of 25-Year Pins by Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, min- ister of agriculture, to Lyn City Council Approves 'New Building Bylaw _ jeating and sleeping" from cel-| \ AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVES ARE HONORED representative, Bruce Coun- ty, --Canada Pictures Limited Fair, agricultural representa- tive in Ontario County (left) and George Gear, agricultural search Council, was named gut in the middle of the street Tuesday by Prime Minister Both Santas, participants of a Pearson to prepare a special re- 14041 trade fair, were hustled port on federal goveryment pol- off by gendarmes but released, icies on science and research We ean' arrest Santa Claus Aim of the study will be to CO" ont days: betore Christman ordinate federal activity in SCl- .vaineds he chief SPORTS BRIEFS RECALL NORRIS LOS ANGELES (AP) ton Bruins of the LOSSES LOW OTTAWA (CP) forest fire losses this vear relatively low. The fore partment Tues day the area burned acres, less than 'half tt acres burned in 1962. The est on record was 266.000 acré burned in 1954 ~ Canada's were de estimated 350.000 842.000 Mistakes might be made in 'buying equipment costing thou- -- Bos- sands of dollars Oshawa Gen- National eral Hospital Board of Directors Hockey League Tuesday re-;were warned Tuesday night. at ed rookie goalie Jack Nor- their monthly meeting from Los Angeles Blades to The board approved a house in for their injured regular committee recommendation 10 fohnston, Norris,. 21, has|puy $10.000 worth of laboratory aved 11 games for the Blades equipment hief Superintendent Freder Western Hockey League T. K. Creighton, QC, said It \. Regan, the assistantjallowing 44 goals and turning might be well to consider that commissioner of the RCMP was!/in one shutout mistakes may be made in buy- announced Tuesday He ing equipment been at RCMP headqué Some cneck should be made here since 1960 , to ensure it is all used." ylanning and estab Some highly expensive equi branch. ann as é 4 'W°'ment may not be absolutely bikes Rae awarded Tuesday 0. necessary and only be used by the National Broadcasting Com- : Sain $13,044,000. The. Co-|0ne doctor, the meeting was ow i] PROMOTED BY RCMP OTTAWA ¢(CP)--Promotion fir ofip ick!in. the to AWARD RIGHTS YORK (AP) -- The tele vision rights to U.S.- college football games for the next two the, NEW ishment CHECK NEW VACCINE REGINA (CP)--The_ Sask for SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, relichle Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 chewan public health 4d lum bia Broadcasting System vernon ment is investigati E m-jhad he'd the rights for the last LABORATORY PRAISED ising'? new. vaccine combat|two seasons after winning a Dr. R. Rowsell, chief of staff western equine encephalitis, or} 1961 bidding competition with-an a the hospital, said: "1 don't sleeping sickness, in humans, offer of $10,200,000 or $5,100,000! think any of our equipment is a V. : aera earl year being used by only doctor. It is eputy health minister, saic " f t alba y ishda The varcite "some SET TIME LIMIT ee a atta atc what related" to those used) LONDON (AP) Henry ea! against the disease in horses,,;Cooper, British heavyweight| has been used by laboratory|boxing champion, was given personne! in Regina and Sas-|three days Tuesday to decide| DEATHS katoon with success ere he will fight Brian Lon- on in Manchester Feb, 24, The > CAN 1 10,000 ARE IDLE ultimatum came from the Brit- ey XE CAA COWLEY, Engand (Reuters)|ish boxing board of control.| New York--Theodore V. Hou- About 10,000 auto production|Cooper wants the fight to be/ser, 71, former board chairman workers were left idle at the/held this month because he has|of Sears Roebuck and Company Morris Motors factory here other bouts lined up for early from 1954 to 1958. Tuesday when a strike of about|1964. 200 mechanical mainten- |_ Montreal--John (Happy Jack) ance workers brought the plant CALL UP FORWARD Fogarty, 70, an old time vaude- to a standstill. NEW YORK (AP) -- Dave Ville and burlesque star. Richardson, 23-year-old forward Paris, Ont --Bessie Bonsall BECOMES CHANCELLOR was called up Tuesday by New/Barron. 92, a contralto and prin- BELFAST, . Northern Ireland|York Rangers of the National cipal in the original. D'Ovly (AP)--Sir Tyrone Guthrie, the) Hockey League from their Bal- Carte cast at the Savoy The Irish playwright and producer, |timore farm club of the Amer-|atre in London : was installed Tuesday as chan-\ican Hockey League. He was : cellor of Queen's University,/called up because of injuries to Red Deer, Alta, -- Frederick Belfast, in succession to the|Earl Ingarfield and Marc Se halon Gaetz, 88, a pioneer who late Lord Alanbrooke. An honor- four. jceame to Red Deer, in 1884 from ary degree of doctor of laws Montreal was conferred on Sir Tyrone PLAN TV Exeter, N.H. Duncan R MONTREAL (CP) -- Dupont,Taylor, 94, w ce | the GETS 1,000 SENTENCES Television Corporation, an attl- lio nine cae el btog vie AMSTERDAY, N.Y. (AP) --jiate of the Montreal Alouette! toria's clocks kept the cor-ect rating Dolores Waldvogel, 24,/football 'club, announced Tues- time has been ordered to write. the|day it plans to install closed cir- ; * Sentence "'I should not drive an|cuit television facilities in. the heagg inc ighigonay oe Sa automobile without' a licence" new Pace des Arts. Th _( an, 66, creator of the fictiona' : S fris e an ster spy G-8 and a pro'ific 1,000 times--at police headquar- nouncement said the system| oa" ; td ters. The penalty was imposed) would provide theatre television pulp Ween < by Police Court Judge Malcolm! for sports events and business _ Greensburg, Pa. -- Ernest L. Tomlinson after she was found! demonstrations ~ |Blystone, 76, who gained famc guilty of driving without a li : by writing the Lord's Prayer on cence. WILL ENTER RINK a grain of rice. i : cs WINNIPEG (CP)--The Mani-| . Barrie -- Lt.-Col; Newton M. na FUND GROWS toba Curling Association de-|Young, 71, former Toronto law- - gone ee ™ for cided Tuesday, night to enter alyer and veteran of both word 7b Penn Penclion epee rink in the first national mixed wars. Tan ide Boe ana ail. curling championships sched-- Owen Sound Charles § Tuesday. 'Tippit was killed Nov. yled March 17-21 in Toront . 22, allegedly by Lee Oswald, ac- 4 Batol bony <isinggy hae ae a caved "aenasiin 6 Drie ca : |\for Grey County an onmer Kennedy. ---- an SSIANS WIN IN U.S. | mayor of Owen Sound. ! the Russian natince! 'peckay SUICIDE BY BURNING ss ockey | SEOUL (AP) -- A 17-year-old (rain opened & seven - game ¢ illi South iat youth sf aot [ nited States tour Tuesday mats 15 Million May himself to death Wednesday on % 12-3 rout of the Greensboro s a hill, the third suicide by burn- Generals, defending champions! Prime Downtown ing in Seoul in the last three of the Eastern Hockey League months, MOOSE POPULATION Toronto Area REOPEN British Columbia's 1963 moose A (AP)--Restaurants Population has been estimated. TORONTO (CP) Broad and soda fountains reopened PY government officials at be- streets and pedestrian walks Wednesday after being. closed 'ween 300,000 and 500,000, lands ca ped squares, arcades since mid-October because of -- . and malls, small parks to re- food shortages caused by hurri- . lieve asphalt monotony and a cane Flora A d F ] freeway system carrying traf- ne : os War aml y fic swiftly and smoothly around PUSHERS' NOW PULLERS' ithe. city's outskirts will trans- TOKYO (AP)--They used to $36 000 I form the downtown area by call them "'pushers."' those men ' n 1980 specially employed at railway This was the es e of x s ) € $15,- stations to push and pack pas- S ttl t | Se aii, sengers through train doors dur- e emen sehen ree " it ing the rush hour. Now they're ' mn TOnOnD. BPDrOve a ty "pullers." 'Instead of pushing HAMILTON (CP) Four|the Toronto planning board passengers they pull them off. members of a Hamilton famity, grand Olficlats believe this is safer a injured in a head-on collision Basis aim of the plan is to pa enceee. 44% years ago, were awarded relieve congestion in the area, more than $36,000 in Ontario|make it more attractive to an} 4 DIE IN FIRE Supreme Court Tuesday, | _ [annually increasing number of! KINGSTON, N.Y. (AP) -- A __ Testimony was heard from 10|city workers and shoppers and} family of four died Wednesday |40Ctors and a dentist during the/ prevent increases in automobile! when flames destroyed their|3/2-day civil case against: de-|traffic flow. Goal for comple-| two-storey frame the|{endant Jack Martin of St. Cath-'tion of' the plan is 1980. nearby upstate New York ham- ©™Nes. ne let Of Quarryville. State police Felix Maziarski, 46, - received said the fire, preceded by the|$29.779 for material losses and| apparent explosion ofa. kero- for multiple neck and back in-| sene heater, killed 22-year-olq|/uries and lacerations. His wife, Wilson Warren Quick. his wife, Stephanie, was awarded $1,800) Rose Emily, 18, their daughter for. severe lacerations that had Brenda Lee, four: months. and '™paired her. sense of taste. | son, David Vincent, 22 mfonths,,. Andrew, 11, was awarded $4,- 500 for body, facial and mouth WIN AWARDS injuries and Christopher, 15, re-| HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Bette ceived $300 for head injuries. Davis and comedian Dick» Van| The suit arose from an acci-| Dyke won Golden Apple awards dent on the Queen Elizabeth! from the Hollywood' Women's|Way March 8, 1959, when the Press Club Wednesday the Maziarski famil-y, travelling year's - operative ac east, were. struck by a- west- tress and actor. Sour apples for|bound car. | as PRESS | Stress Need For Care In Equipment Buying "By and large all of the staff use all of the equipment. 'For a hospital of this size we have the best run and equipped laboratory in Canada, We must keep up to date with equip- ment."" W. A. Holland, secretary. of the: board, said that' equipment was. recommended by depart- ment heads and carefully screened before purchase. He said the department heads were all good men and nothing that was not going to be a real asset was recommended Mr. Holland said I think they are coming forward. for ment they need." He added: "When I first came here our total expenditure on equipment was equal to the de- preciation of the equipment we have now." Much of the new equipment replaces out of date apparatus 'Said Dr. Rowsell: 'The valuable "Sometimes too' slow in the equip | Mayor Wants Guilty Persons | Pay Restitution STRATFORD (CP) -- Mayor C, H. Meier said here Tuesday that Canadian law should be amended to compel convicted persons to make restitution for theft and property damage At a police commission hear- ing he said, "Sending these peo- ple to jail or levying fines is no good. They should be compelled to make restitution." The mayor said he has lost about $2,000 in robberies and "fines of $10 or $20 -with time to pay do not solve the prob- lem." Sikes loot | At 4 Windsor Hospitals TORONTO (CP)--An_ official of the Canadian Union of Oper- ating Engineers (CLC) said Tuesday a strike by engineers and the maintenance staff. of four hospitals in Windsor is im- minent unless the time-and-a- jhalf pay principle for Sunday }work is recognized. | Clifford Scott, the union's busi- [ness agent, made the statement after a conciliation board re- |Ported it was unable to recom- }mend the principle in the light lof evidence presented, A special committee appointed by Premier Robarts to consider compulsory arbitration in hos- pital disputes will hold hearings in Windsor Jan. 16. | But Mr. Scott said his union | will not wait for the outcome of ithe hearing He said union members from Hotel Dieu Hospital, Metropoli-' Grace, tan General Hospital, Hospital and the IODE Memo- rial Hospital will take a strike vote in the next few days. The, union's would b days later, 32 affected members LOWREY FREE 3-DAY DEMONSTRATIONS AT STORE 5 FREE LESSONS EASY TERMS ALTO Music Supplies 453 SIMCOE ~ PHONE 725-1501 e free to strike seven CITY AND DISTRICT LIONS BEAT CHICKS LINDSAY Lindsay Lions defeaivd Uxbridge Chicks 5-3 in an OHA junior C game here last night. Gary Lywood scored two goals for the winners. Singles went to Ray McCabe, Gord Faulkner and Wayne McLeish. ge, goals were scored by John, Fred Thomas time saved by this modern equipment might save a life.' BUY 21 ADDRESSOGRAPHS The board also approved the Uxbr purchase of 21 addressograph| Doug machines to replace old ones at! and James. The win nursing sections throughout the' moved fudsay into second hospital place in the Central League. Mr. Holland said that eight hours a day were being spent }On maintenance of the old ma- chines and this would be elim- inated by the new and bigger St Keith DEBITS The Canadian Bankers' As sociation reports debits to in- dividual bank accounts in Osh- machines awa November. totalled Polal o ee oo $391,100,000. This compared with otal cost of the new address $324.500.000 in October of this ographs, less the trade in of the yaar ind $352.800.000 in Novem- old machines, is $3,910. her Oh inak paa The board discussed the ad : : : visability of establishing a pol-) pQUR AMBULANCE CALLS icy of sending employees on a) puring the past 24 hours, the course with or without salary Oshawa Fire Department. re- and decided to refer the matter/cponded to one false alarm in to an executive committee with! ,, alarm box at Ritson and a request for a quick answer. (Olive. Ambulance crews made If the policy is established the four routine runs during the hospital will sent suitable em- period ployees to university for de- : grees to enable them to teach in the hospital. PROGRESSING FAVORABLY Edward G. Storie, vice-chair- BANK during same THREE-CAR CRASH An estimated $1,100 damage resulted from a three-car, rear- end collision on Park road, man of the board, reported that south of Bloor street, Monday Chairman T. L. Wilson, who had|Cats_ involved 'were driven by undergone an operation in the/G@try Wichman, RR 1, hospital and is now convalescing is progressing very favorably. - He said that Mr. Wilson plans| Bowmanville. to take a Caribbean cruise in $650 DAMAGE January. Another board member, Keith) An estimated $650 damage re- Ross, is a patient in the. hospi- sulted from a collision between|clause because he felt that per-| tal. Mr. Storie said he had been! °4"s driven by Allan Traynor, 12)sons should be able to live in speaking with Mr. Ross before|/@aWlor and Kaymond Cruwys,|cellars "'if prepared to make| the meeting and_ thought ' would be going home this week, |accident It was decided to send a letter|/Stevenson road to both men wishing them a\Murray avenue ;merry Christmas and speedy re-|-- Wee ee covery to full health Mr. Holland reported that the Christmas Appeal. had . been mailed but so far there had been no response. He pointed out that the Community Chest and Arena Campaigns had been going strong in the city and the jhospital; could not expect as good a response as last year. Mrs. A. W.. Armstrong, Women's Hospital Auxiliary rep- resentative, said that the Candy occurred Monday and Phillip N autoundincd Blaze Destroys Three Buildings BELL ISLAND, Nfld. (CP)-- \Three buildings were destroyed and several others threatened by a three-hour fire Tuesday in Stripers -- school girls who do : f SEA hospital othe -- had|the business district of this com- : munity in Conception Bay off put in a total of 7,000 hours t southeast coast of New- from May 1 to Dec, 1 \the ' ( Dr. Rowsell said that a ther- foundiand, No one was injured. |apeutical committee for abor-|There was no estimate of dam- |tions and sterilization was avail-|25°- able to doctors in the city for) The fire, the community's sec- consultation. | jond in two weeks, started in a It was decided to send a let-|drugstore, spread to an adjoin- jter of congratulation to all doc-|ing snack bar and an unoccu- tors in the hospital who Hamp- ton; John Mellema, 241 Soneaa|ference between basements and street and Marvin Smith, RR 4,|Cellars, as far as this "'habit- he|497_ Phillip Murray avenue. The/them habitable.' That is, % atilook after THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 18, 1963 Oshawa now has its owntlaid out construction standards|the bylaw over the past two building bylaw, based largely on|on a specifications basis, he|years was to draft the adminis- the National Building Code. jsaid, It has grag tee gure ge section, ied Fag More than 10 years on-and-off| With advances in building con-|Act says a municipality may Magickiy veg Monday wake with struction methods and mate- | adopt the NBC by writing its the passage of the bylaw, An. 8 Tials. jown administration section and senting Ald. John Brady, Fin'eyjhas been used (since 1953)|the bylaw. me ' . » sd ing|mainly as a guide. It provided Major additions outside the |Dafoe and Cephas Gay holding y ' t | é lout against a' clause outlawing!no legal basis on which to ad-\code, said Mr. Beauchamp, Following the NBC's revision|ings such as arenas, »" lars. jin. 1960, the city took steps to\club- buildings. and theatres 'cn? eal " ing bylaw; this would make ited architects and engineers, ita pg feed payee ee effective as law. land (from the old bylaw) fire this city better than many sv- building engineers working on|(downtown) commercial areas, 'called recreation rooms." | : s 8 ras Sh bi 'eee ow Medicine Hat Mayor \solicitor recommended leaving \gineer Ted Beauchamp, who} wrote, over the last 16 months, essary before the city could MEDICINE HAT, Alta. (CP);pounds into his five - foot - 12 adopt the code as par "S Harry Venier has made the po- frame and 'insists he's always added -from, the old, outdated (<i. the most challenging in auired his interest in competi- ell Canada. tion as a youngster growing up ficulty in enforcing ("we're not eet Sask é ; wan hardly a. week goes by without 545K. ' Boing. 10. hie a. batt AO FY avon Valier challenging some-| AS a youth he was a distance Cliff Pilkey) plus 'the wish to ba!l for Regina Roughriders. 'ontrol rental accommodation) Let another mayor or a pub- ane dhiosbas % 3 control on lic official drop # hint that 'he Apart from physical competi maining in the new bylaw rs : 9 2 ines Ald Cecil Bint stressed that Shearing or diapering babies wet tiie ade Gas the bylaw ig not retroactive and Harry Vener is likely to / effect would be on alterations titor, the proceeds of a side het banie peed Pape apd oe srmits. for already- built usually going to charity dd bic city bas the lowe Neeley eee In March, 1962, for example, Minimum--the city has the low then Conservative MP for eval at $148, half its nearest City Engineer Fred Crome,| western Ontario riding of Lamb-|"iva". ; ; iwho has kept a critical eye on/ton-Kent, did 100 turns of the From a losing venture in » bvik OUg G . rope while skipping each mor . ; the bylaw through its develop: r Pp are China. Tiniltad to a peak ' . "rmit. Mr. Campbell was promptly) tion where it has sales of more Var omer atunel Gaamnes in invited to come to Medicine Hat|than $300,000 annually, He owns to 3 vote confirmed it, with dis-| The National Building Code |including the code as a part of "habitable rooms for cooking,|Vise builders on procedures. were a clause that public build- | "Too dictatorial, too restric-/h4ve it adopted as its own build-|must be designed by register- [cellars There are cellars in| Main task for Oshawa's two protection provisions in built-up |SOME CLAUSES ADDED |the clause in, said Building En-| Ch ll c try the administrative section nec- a enges oun bylaw. Some clauses have been 1157 of mayor of Medicine Hat|"in shape," appears to have ac- Health reasons, then, and dif Or to put it another way, on the family farm at Dysart, around and check," said Ald Ge tS ADTRE Wore U1 CORO runner and in 1930 played foot: in ceMars led to the clause re- thinks he's prety good at sheep: tion, he has proved able in the hak Leelee new HOME tha GAB offer his services as a compe- coming to Medicine Hat in 1936. he heard that E. J. Campbell,|est per-capita debt in the prov- CELLAR CLAUSE n-|1958, Mr. Veiner has guided Hy- ment, said today his. depart- ing before breakfast. for cellar structural changes in- 1 rolv ce s 3 <itchens.|for a rope-skipping contest. Ma-\two ranches and 10 farms in eeven ious oe aie yor. Veiner suffered a charley|three provinces, two wholesale thing else, he said. horse while practising for the firms and a hardware store. Of eourse this cellar clause Contest, but it was Mr Camp-) With business interests valued does 'not apply where base-|bell who called it off, saying itin the millions, he is free to nts are concemed. The dif.|might be regarded as frivolous|spend a substantial part of his law, is that at eat one-half of |, shortly before that Mayor ties for municipal employees a basement wall must be above|Velfer had won a six - hour!and their families. ground while more than one-|$U84? pnt hs ee And he has established the half a cellar wall is below| Ne, Mayor of Havana during @iveiner fund. to which he con- ground. visit to Cuba \tributes a "fair portion" of his "Ald. Finley Dafoe said the|PLOWING CHAMP | income to handle donations to controversial clause would be a At various other times the 58- charities. hardship on a lot of people who year-old Jewish mayor has: _ : : ; ; --Outrun the mayors of vari-- LIKES TO HELP "take to their basements in the summer months." | fous Western cities in foot) Hs philosophy is to see "how | races: much good you can do; how | Ald. Bint assured council tne} outrun a horse by 10 yards|much you can contribute to hu- city is not going to spy on peo-| |ple having dinner in their base- in a 25-yard race; manity and life, not how much --Outplowed Western Canada)money you can accumulate." iments, He emphasized the dif-| mayors at their convention in| "I try to. make money like Portage la Prairie, Man.; everybody else but I also try to --Whipped Mayor Harry Tra-\contribute something 6 the ger of The Pas, Man., in a)world." two-mile dogsled race; | That the people of Medicine - --Held his own in a flapjack-|iat apparently don't regard his eating contest at Lethbridge, | -ompetitive spirit 'as undigni- aro sk omen Hans ie fed is P igie by ghia he i a eit lis in his sixth term ice. federal transport minister, i He became mayor in 1962 and a _saddle-horse ra shing|t@s been returned by acclama- Re - Bn gy A PUSHING) tion four times, winning two Vv " RY | ; 5 "Challenged: anid frequently) °ections by wide margins. beaten, all comers in Indian|, He recently challenged Mayor wrestling, ordinary wrestling,| William Hawrelak of Edmonton boxing, greased-pig wrestling t0 8 Ukrainian polka. compett- bundle pitching and stock-car|tion, tHe loser to donate $10 to driving the city's Hadassah Bazaar and Why does Harry Veiner do it?|Exposition. It didn't come off "Be I've al-/but Hrry Veiner wasn't ex- | "Because 1 ket, pected to sit for long without | ys itor. It pay |ways been 2 competitor me ossing out another challenge. EXPECTS RECORD ; ee {back dvertising for my city) REGINA (CP)--The Saskatch- and it prvtlg . certain amount SPECIALISTS ewan Retail Merchants' Associ-|o¢ good for the young people." lation predicts the province willl py AYED FOOTBALL | pass the $1,000,000,000 retail The mayor, who packs 230) Real Estote Lid. sales mark for the first time]: 728-6286 323 King St. W. jable rooms, is con- jcerned. Ald. Tom Rundle suggested an amendment to soften. the clause | to such items as ven-| tilation and dampness, he said. | "Several meetings with Osh- awa builders have been held and some of their suggestions were incorporated in the by- law,'said Mr. Beauchamp. The old 1928 building bylaw) | this year, Sales for the first 10/) }months of 1963 were $812,850,335, | an increase of 5.01 per cent over the same 1962 period. i EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R, BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN: REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL * 390 King W. 728-622 sss } | | | | | in-|pied grocery store. crease their qualifications. AES Mrs. George Telford, director | of nursing, reported that 13) graduate nurses had been em-} ployed during November and 18) had resigned | Mr. Holland told the Board that 85 urgent cases were wait- ing fOr beds in the hospital, | A total of 745 dinners were} served to hospital staff at the} Christmas Dinner last week. Mr. Holland said the kitchen staff had done a wonderful job and 20 pounds of chocolates had |been sent to them. FOR PREFERRED ATTENTION PAUL ISTOW EALTOR e HIGHEST 728.9474 FRESH KILLED OVEN READY TURKEYS «: FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH QUALITY MEATS e 49 ORGANS HOME TRIAL LEAN MEATY BLADE. ECONOMY 6-7 RIB s s Prime Rib BONELESS SHOULDER Pot Roast LEAN TENDER Rib Steaks J ST. SOUTH a9 39 79 » FRESH PORK ; SHOULDER FRESH PORK BUTT BONELESS SMOKED HAMS "sev SERVE G ty FRESH OVEN READY CAPONS & CHICKENS ALSO ALL SIZES TURKEYS 39: 9 @ EXTRA FEATURE e _ NEW CROP LARGE SUNKIST Doz, ORANGES ¢ FANCY MIXED Cc NUTS Ib FIRST GRADE CREAMERY c BUTTER 55} --XMAS PARTY LINES-- CHIPS--POPS--CANDIES--SNACKS AND A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF OTHERS --ARRIVING DAILY-- FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES--APPLES---TANGERINES CRANBERRIES--CABBAGE---LETTUCE CELERY---BROCCOLI---TOMATOES,. ete. MISTLETOE AND HOLLY