Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1963, p. 17

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° M y Fenwit rk assistant to cic t trict--§--nf-+t wan MacDovald greed tht he pub pozsoaaaannnaaaooaoDDDaaaIDDRDDID T gards the Amer a preoccupat ion Wil walla re |B | lav and added, fe LOOK AT THESE CHRISTMAS 2s oe 16 THE | OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 18, 1963 the---dire he----dire NDP Emphas ae) Security Council = cia | p eeesrowtn Vee, oclallreneae TORONTO (CP) A critica ook at the New Democratic UNITED NATIONS (CP) Barty by a steel union offi The General Assembly's. special| saying "has drawn a measure of agree-| 7 politial committee voted over-/heavy pressure, ifs mr pment from the party's higher whelmingly Monday to enlargejpreserve a format. sia ranks the United Nations Security}wealth role at the UN Council and the economic and> 'The prime minister begat "Vaited Steel workers of iva, Said in a jotlas in the De cember issue, of the New Dem-, ocart, the party organ, that the party is repelling voters by over-emphasis on the welfare state He proposed the NDP shift its jjJemphasis from socia! security fo a program of national devel- NDP platform to conform wit opment rapidly changing times was ad. Ontario NDP Leader Donald! vocated by Mr Fenwick "The fact is there has been fi a great deal of emphasis within | rs the NDP on economic stannangl and techniques to pay for a so-| cial security program . Mk yatallar et who refe d to 7 ene A complete retailoring o he ( ahaa gave up. ul nde TIME IS RUNNING OUT Coming «+ 1! FoR THE RUNNING MAN... "ROMPIN" Ronnie Hawkins and the social council. Big power vetO|saving that the current debate was expected to block any im-lon enlargement of various UN mediate expansion. however ouncils will not end until Tues Both the Soviet Union andjday, and External Affairs Min-} France voted "no" while thelister Martin may give a com U.S. and Britain abstained plete report late: Al] four. as permanent mem Meanwhile, Mr. P. hers of the Security Council,jit does not appear likely that would have to back the. expan-|the question of future represen olved at th Hawks Friday, Dec. 20th sion action before the necessary|tation will be » harter amendmen would be'sion of the General Assemb possible He noted that the Soviet Un Bop r The Soviet Union has said ae on has linked the enlargement! = will refuse to amend the char-|issue to repre entat on for R d ter until Communist China has China --'an unjustifiable stanc the fifth permanent council) seat, now held by the National-! arson said Look . PSPs isis a | &: 2 RSS . acaaaes COLUMBIA PICTURES, presents 1 CAROL REED PRODUCTION Terrific CHRISTMAS BONUS OFFER WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH 5$T Limited Time Only LAURENCE LEE MARNEY REMIC BATES E RUNMING 2:55:52) COMPLETE SHOW 9:25 Ay 7... FOR YOU! \ 'we FEATURE TIMES "STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET" -- (color) & "ONLY TWO CAN PLAY" (Both Adult) st Chinese bast The U.S, and Britain have fa TONITE vored a two-seat expansion of the 11-member Security Council but feel that addition of any ' more than that would make the council unweildls Both countries reommended that the whole issue be put off until next vear in view of un certainties surrounding it CANADA GIVES SUPPORT Canada, which has can paigned unsuccessfully for e IN tention of a Commonwealtli seat A k on an expanded for Monday's resolution The Canadians also bac icked two other resolutions to expand the economic and sogia! council and the Genera] Assembly s| steering committee although} hoth resolutions dropped forma! Commonwealth representation The three resolutions emerged from a private deal between the Asians and the Latin TRIO OF TERROR! The Unearthly! The Undead! The Unholy! VINCENT PRICE Smarter Than A Fox! Braver Than A Lion! Cuter Than A Pussy Cot! "MY SON THE HERO" IN COLOR ah SSS ese Sener AN MORTIMER . tesoesaie Pvhaoe J0¥M ® 11.8 fend on the wel SHE FY SMITH «Proctor avi Dnt! by CAROL REED: PANAVISION®. perarituxme COLOR WARNING! CATCH "THE RUNNING MAN:.. FROM THE BE GINNING STARTS Laze'© rornv SHOP AS LATE AS 9:15 P.M. AND STILL SEE A COMPLETE SHOW WE'LL GLADLY CHECK YOUR PARCELS --- NO CHARGE n Nethaniel Hawthorne's "TWICE TOLD TALES" COLOR with PEDRO ARMENDARIZ JACQUELINE SASSARD DOORS TOMORROW OPEN BILTMORE 1° PEERS All TECHNICOLOR Program! 9 \ "NOMAN IS AN ISLAND" TELL ME BIG TRUE" -/ HITS MOKING SMOKING ie el OMOLEOL KINSMEN BRING THIS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS To the FRIDAY, DEC. 20th Kinsmen Super All Cash vote of 109 to 0 ---BINGO- Al] three resolutions were ex- py AT THE : ' sith Hee in tke General se & PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE sembly today the last day ae the fall session council, voted SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M EVERYONE LIKES A GOOD SHOW ME) On Sale at ali fi This Christn # Books of Wy OY' FAMOUS PLAYERS }/ M4 THEATRE TICKETS \*. ¢ STARTS Rie Pee: THE genie he HUNTED! FAMOUS! #9 AACA AA Aad) 41.4141 414) aa) 2) 2) a) PLAYERS CHRISTMAS THEATRES BONUS | rf: 5-Piece 'DINETTE SUITE ; : CHESTERFIELD SUITE BEDROOM SUITE Ct NT UU UU Lara arial CHRISTMAS BONUS Smooth Top MATTRESS BOX SPRING Afro Packaged in the handy gift cartonette SANDRA DEE "TAMMY Americans. The two blocs had put forward separate. sets of resolutions on expansion of the ouncils The to enlarge the Security Council to 15 member's passed by a. vote of 96 to I1! with four abstentions Those opposed were France the Soviet Union, Cuba, Mongo ia and Communist eastern Eu rope resolutio: JEFF HUNTER SSS Those - abstaining were United States, Britain,. Port and South Africa The resolution to enlarge the economic and social council. to 7 members from 18 through with the same oppos tions and the same abstentions and 95 in favor. with Nationalist China announced as not partici pating in the vote. Cambodia and Luxembourg were absen! The resolution to enlarge the steering committee to 25 mem- hers from 21 was adopted by a igal litetime went The Wolfpack TECHNICOLOR® es LEN we The Sons of the Pioneer ee : e ADDED HIT e PIS ae v4 w dnPAs VISTA Disbinaton Ce, Ind NAwsnNni» Here's A Buy OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis ter Pearson said Monday he still hopes that the Common- wealth seat will be retained on the United Nations Security Council However. he told the Com mons that an Australian-New Zealand-Canadian move. to: en- sure this will not be pressed to a vote at the UN, because it ob x Over $8 000 in Prizes including ' BIG GAME $2500.00 CASH $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1,800 Big Snowball (55 nos.) $1,400 Smoll Snowball (52 nos Plus $600 regulor games. $450 special games. FREE DOOR PRIZES Don't torget to buy the economy pack for value and save money 25 BRAND NEW $10 BILLS AS FREE DOOR PRIZES KINSMEN TODAY ONLY RICHARD BURTON "THE ROBE" also 'House of the Damned' y "CG re Pass csr ANDERSE AS "+ FULL-LENGTH FEATURE CART 'wm reeasove ART UINKLETTER TOMMY KIRK PATTY Met THE MOST EFFICIENT, COMPREHENSIVE and . : . COMPLETE FOOD SERVICE COMPANY IN ONTARIO! Established in 1956 and showing a remarkable record of solid growth from year to ee = et 2-PIECE 31- MODERN psec SEATER CHESTERFIELD SUITES 100% 100% foam" cushions, vinyl cushions, decks. Moulded foam backs. Sold for 269.00. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL '217 PLUS 99c¢ - BONUS smart style. was 249.00. ONLY WHILE THEY LAST. '167 PLUS 99c BONUS nylon frieze, | Foam cushions, nylon, and ly. Was 289.00. CHRISTMAS SALE PLUS 99c foom back. This suite is truly love- '197 BONUS | 3-PIECE Sectional Suite Beautiful frieze uphol- tery; corner table bar; choice. very popular ALL 3 PIECES '247 PLUS 99c House of Braemore! GORGEOUS, MODERN, CONTEMPORARY SKIRT SUITE Quilted back, foam cus- hions, foam gig Here's real quality , wos 369.00. ONE ONLY 268 PLUS BONUS 99¢ BONUS year. Presently servicing hundreds of satisfied customers in your area. FREEZER OWNERS PLEASE NOTE !! NO JUST % Modern Plant, Coolers and Equipment + A Complete Food Service for Freezer Owners te Red and Blue Brand Beef Exclusively % Home Delivery by Refrigerated Trucks te Added Saving Every Month tr 3 Convenient Payment Schedules SENUINE WALNUT TRIPLE DRESSER BEDROOM SUITE 9-drawer triple dresser with mirror, large roomy chest and book case bed. Wes 299.00. SAVE 227.00 ON THIS NOW! @ PLUS 99c BONUS @ BRIDGE SETS for CHRISTMAS FROM HERE'S. A BUY! LOVEL 3-PCE. BEDROOM SUITE With triple dresser, roomy chest was 289.00. SPECTACULAR SAVINGS. DON'T MISS THIS 217 00 ® CHRISTMAS SPECIAL @ PLUS 99c BONUS @ Cedar Chests by Lane and Red Seal FROM ECONOMY SUITE BEDROOM SUITE & Mrs. dresser, book case bed and roomy. SPECTACULAR SAVINGS. 133,00 @ PLUS 99¢ BONUS e Platform | CHAIR Rocker 5 Christmas covering. all vinyl finish CHRISTMAS | with walnut SALE arms. Lerge Mr % Restrictions on Ordering % Outside Financing * Obligation to Order x Fly by Night Policies * Freezer To Buy % Contract To Sign % Membership Fees % Hidden Costs BETTER QUALITY SMOOTH TOP Mattresses Hundreds of coils; damask ticking was 69.50. WHILE THEY LAST .. PIISSS2S SVs 2Ss2seesTN . i PABA ia io aia ia iaisisiviwieleiiaiae % 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction % Large Variety % Gustom Cut Meats % Modern Blast Freezing ~ Name Brands Only Units * Food Counselling Service hy Our Home Economist Please Clip and Mail to: ANCASTER PROVISIONERS P.O. BOX 245, BURLINGTON, ONTARIO WILSON FURNITUR 20 CHURCH STREET ea are a fe WINTER BUILDERS BUY NOW! WE WILL STORE IT FREE OF CHARGE 'TIL REQUIRED! FREE DELIVERY OF COURSE! SAT THL6 I I MII I UI YE I NIN I Downtown Oshawa 723-3211 lam intere Food Freezer Service. Pledse send me your brochure and Price List OPEN EVERY » NIGHT NAME PHONE CITY PHONE OR MAIL COLLECT TO: BURLINGTON, ONTARIO NELSON 7-5252 STREET 2 tite re ak eich ak. a ie. Bee. ln. b>

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