Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Dec 1963, p. 8

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MR. AND MRS. HARRY G. FREEMAN Maple Grove Couple Honored On 50th Wedding Anniversary Recently over 350 friends and|MP. for Durham, and Mrs. latives joined with Mr, and/Honey; The Honorable John Ro- Harry G. Freeman, Maplejbarts, Prime Minister of On- to help them celebrate/tario; Mr, Alex D. Carruthers, wedding anniver-/-MPP'for Durham, and Mrs.|# was held as open|Carruthers; also from the Mayor age at the Lions Centre, at/of Bowmanville, Mr. Ivan M.]: € ville Hobbs and the Darlington Town- t uditorium was decorated! ship. with a profusion of flowers and; Among the many guests who plants consisting of yellow and|called were Mr. and Mrs.. Alex golden chrysanthemums, white|Carruthers; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- and red carnations, and yellow!sell C. Honey; Mr. and Mrs from the grandchildren|A. L. Blanchard, and Mr. H. C. great - grand - children,;Muir, Reeve and Deputy' Reeve number of floral ar-|of Darlington Township. rangements from. Jerusalem! Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, assist- Lodge AF and AM; the ed by their daughters, greeted Women's Institute, and the, the guests in the big Lions' Cen- UCW, both from Maple Grove; tre auditorium. Mr Ernest and from relatives and friends|Freeman, St. Catharines, who from Base Line, Mimico, Toron-| Was best man 50 years ago, was to, Bowmanville and Maple)present, and also assisted. Mrs. Grove also enhanced the hall./Albert Brown, Hamilton; Miss Messages of congratulations Marion Snowden, Oshawa, cou- were received from His Excel-|sins of the bride, looked after lency Governor General Vanier, the guest book in the afternoon, am Vanier; The Right/and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Mano- le Lester B. Pearson,/tick, a niece, in the evening. rime Minister; Right Honor-| The kitchen was supervised John Diefenbaker and Mrs.|by relatives of the bride. Those} ibaker, Leader of the Op-|pouring tea in the. afternoon Russell C. Honey,/and evening were Mrs. Leslie | Jackson, Bowmanville, sister of the. bridegroom; Mrs. Ernest \Freeman, sister-in-law, St. Ca- \tharines; Mrs.. Samuel Snow-} Centre Street UCW \den, Mrs. C, H. Snowden, Osh-| Annual Meeting \awa, aunts of the bride; Mrs.| The Reverend A. W. Magee\L:-C. Snowden and Mrs. H. R. resided for the election of of-| Foley, sisters-in-law; Mrs for UCW. of Centre Street;Charles Warren, Hampton, and ed Church at the annual!/Mrs. George Thrasher of Bow- held recently in the manville, grandchildren and one The new slate of offic-|great-granddaughter. served the large number who ca'led Friends were present from ;|Goderich, Brampton,- Toronto, Goderich, Cooksville, Union- \ville, Port Hope, Oshawa, Hamp- golden go rose and A large 5 j Paul D two and position; Mr. one, are ting h for 1964 as presented by the committee Mrs. Percy Flet sident, Mrs; Alyn E ice-president, r The held tl cial at with Mrs Da ers Mr. and Mrs a | HANDSOME LAD, DAINTY MISS Joseph Olesky, one-half, little sister, Carolyn' Ann, age a laughing pair. They are the children of Joseph Olesky, Dunkirk avenue. Paul and Dasightors Isabella Christmas Social ughters Sidn The highlights of the evening Weer Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 17, 1963 7 L : Christmas Party, and Dance Ends | 'Year's Activities For 50-50 Club An impressive candlelight; Generous amounts of money} service in the chapel was the|from the 50-50 Club will be pre- setting for the 50-50 Club's wor-|sented to the Missionary and ship service of Simcoe Street|Maintenance Fund and the) Yelle Bakker took charge. Mrs. | Building Fund of the church. 17 Yulle Bakker took charge. Mrs.| Groups 3 and 4 were in|! Bakker read the scripture les-|chaige of the December meet-| son from St. Luke. Mrs. Bakker/ing. They were led by Mr. and| gave a reading pertaining to the/Mrs. Steven Salmers, Mr. and true meaning of Christmas. Mr./Mrs, Reginald Piper, Mr. and |Donald Houlden accompanied) Mrs, William Shepherd and Mr. |the soloist, Mr. William Shep-|and Mrs. Wilfred Hamley, who) |herd, and played for the carols. | planned the evening's activities Following the worship serv-jand decorated Memorial Hall. ice the Reverend J. K. Moffat The stage was arranged with jinstalled the new executive |jarge snowmen. Off stage was a members for the coming year.|tree aglow with blinking, color- Mr. Walter Roe, past presi-jed lights. Tables, lining the dent, thanked his executive and! walls, boasted candle-lighted the club members who support- centre-pieces and tiny red| ed Mrs. Roe and himself in sjeigh loads of candy. A large making 1963 a successful year candle scene on the north wall for fhe club, Mr, Hugh McLeod was embanked with Christmas thanked the club for -electing! greenery Mrs. McLeod and himself to! Charlie Cochrane and his & |be their new presidents. He ask- orchestra provided music for) ed for the continued support Of ound and square dancing: The his new executive and all club presence of many guest couples jmembers for 1964 added to the gaiety of the eve-|- = ning | During the people won prizes. Spot dance prizes were won by Mrs, David) Owen and Mr. Collingwood Dan-! iel, Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mr. and.Mrs. Vernon Robert Beck, Jr., are making their home in Oshawa since their recent marriage in Whitby 3aptist Church. The bride, the former Sandra Anne Mac- i] evening several 4 4 Arthur, is 'the daughter of NEWLYWEDS NEW RESIDENTS MacArthur of New Glasgow, Nova 'Scotia, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Robert Beck, also of N ew Glasgow Mrs. Angus --Mary's Studio Sunset Heights H&S Presents Christmas Program And Carols BUTTERMILK BISCUITS Try buttermilk in tea biscuits say the experts. It gives an un- usual flavor and a very tender product. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fudger e the enga t of] their daughter, Sandra} Elizabeth, to Edmond Wayne Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Edmond Joseph, all of Oshawa. | The marriage is to take place Friday, January 10,1964 at 8.00 p.m.,. in St. Mark's Anglican Church. This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. As o@ member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Co, Ltd. have the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, gaat rug cleaning job. NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. DOUBLE RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingle, RR No. 1, Hampton will be happy to receive their relatives, | friends and neighbors, at the) Lions Centre, Bowmanville on| Wednseday, December 18, 1963, from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. and from 7.00. p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wed- ding anniversary. Their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mrs, Alex| 174 MARY ST. McRobbie and Mr. McRobbie, | 728-4681 will join with her parents in the| ' Ghee jevening to receive their rela-| " ~-- Quetirina |tives, friends and neighbors on Oshowe Technicions" ithe occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. of nual Christmas s0-|were won by Mrs. Wilfred Ot- Mrs Gregory's Auditorium d W y Meringer and Mrs. J. G. Forestal as conven- With the joyous sound of|Laughlin read the association young voices singing Christmas | bylaws to their adoption by the carols, Sunset Heights H om e|membership | Y $c] } s vis oned| and School Association opened | It was announced that the |family skating party would be Wilson. An elimination dance prize: went to Mr. and Mrs Hugh McLeod. One room was set aside 'for those wishing to play. cards. Here prizes were captured by Mr. William Trot-| The Senior choir, under the|held at the Children's Arena on ter and Mrs. Earl Webster. direction of Mrs. Rowland, sang|Saturday, January 11, from 8.00 Towards the close of the eve- three selections, all of which|to 10.00 p.m. and it was. hoped ning a buffet supper, including| Were very much enjoyed by the that many parents would attend salads, fruit cake and|P'~ents with their children, Mrs. B. J. Salmers presided) To further add to the enjoy- during which Mrs. John Mc-)ment of the evening a group of . ------|children from the Drama Club at the Library under the di- rection of Mrs. Barbara Pollock, presented a skit "Inside Radio" which proved to be both hu- jmorous and entertaining The special speaker for the The December meeting of the|Mountjoy; bulletin editor, Mrs ehisepates pind eee: ae Wallace, Oshawa General Hospital School| Alan Skaife; assistant editors,|?5!S'ant chief librarian, who of Nursing Alumnae Association|Mrs. George Tanton, Mrs, Jack)8ave a glimpse of the story be- was held recently in McLaughlin|Colleran and Miss Phyllis Craw-|hind the Saturday morning club Hall with Mrs, C, F. Litster pre-|forth; group leaders, Mrs./at the Public Library its begin- siding. The executive commit-/George Tanton, Mrs. D. A. Houl-jning, its growth and the work! tee for 1964 was presented byjden and Mrs. Samuel Keane.|¢hat is now being done there the nominating committee as| After a short business meet- . a eto wipes et ne entertainment was provid- both Mise omen at we \Mrs. George Te fe esi- ' Glee . gulp Ceriien Save Mee. and 20s et ie CF Lier treat. aed the Student Nurses' Giee sschacragt Club for an enjoyable Bdwand Olesky, Omawa, it Hees senagl wd ae Crawforth; Christmas turkeys were 00! The Sunios room Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hasiuk, |1st vice president, Miss M aryiy. Miss Margaret Lenfesty, Osh- won by Mrs, C. Wright's Sydney, Nova Scotia, for somal Se ee awa, Mr. Robert May, Port|while Miss Ruth McDonald' grandparents : Mrs. D. A. Heard: |Hope; Mrs. Charles Plews, Osh- room walked off with the senior Ireland Studio mding secretary, Mrs. awa room, prize D. L. Bowman; assistant corre-| Refreshments were served by! Refreshments were provided sponding secretary, Mrs. L..J.|Mrs. Tanton's group /and served by the mothers of ratchell; treasurer, Mrs. A oo : é 7 -|Mrs. Carol Kellington's and thur Warren; assistant treasur-| Mrs. Theln r, Miss Doreen Millson; social ae eng their Christ) as meeting turkey, Christmas cookies was enjoyed by al +m OGH Nurse Alumnae Association er _. Elects 1964 Slate Of Officers en "res me 4 WILD MINK sole ...... MINK. stoic EMBA®* A" MINK. soles ......5 Mojestic Mi NK GIFT WRAPPED BUDGET TERMS EASILY ARRANGED MARTEN'S FURS 75 KING STREET EAST ja ES ERA A 6 ASE A 8 A i oot ae a AA A HILIE S Las takes the time to build the best Luxurious $295 $395 $450 $650 Pastel seecressoeee botero-stoles fully-let out skins age and his prize was happy se ry CAE correspc made the draw for prizes. The lucky winners were Christmas cake, Mrs. Helena Dunham centrepiece, Mrs. P. Brady; : oe surprise package, Mrs. Giselle convener, Mrs. William Court- Hairlights, we mean. If you've : Isabella|Doiron. Hampers of groceries!nay: assistant social convener,/been using a célor rinse| Wi , Harvey Wilson; program'regularly, lift any old 7 tenbrite ahd Mrs. William Yas- convener, Mrs, Lloyd Johnston: builiup before your next. rinse. a manicki flower commtitee, Mrs. Thomas), ae Murphy, Mrs. Joseph Anderson;|. " 2 a membership committee, Mrs. A hair repair treatment and finish Opposite Hotel Genosha CHRISTMAS LIGHTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTING ROGER *:::" THIS DELUXE TURN UP THE GLOW ; secretary, tréasurer, Mrs m Fred Graham, f led for the busi Ss gave the reports, of sick, bereaved and '| financial re- en from the unit ual amount of would be turned over to committee of stewards despite the *t there had been extra res} iib this year. Mrs. Dean Peel was in charge of the devotional period and took 'The Coming of Chr as the theme. A worship centre was set up. Mrs. Archie Button as- isted at the piano for the the u on ties Roy Bishop read the ) It was an i g nteresting mes sage on the Christmas story. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET UCW NO. 4 Unit 4 of. Albert Street UCW eld its Christmas meeting at », church recently ward Holland, unit r, opened the meeting with UCW prayer and theme h the her Cooper chose r. Not" s Devotion period. ' stewart. Graham read a 'hought For The Day'"' Mrs: Eric Jacklin's financial ort showed a very successful for Plans 'were made for the Christmas party, to be held at home of Mrs, J. W. : Wilt: re in the-form of a pot luck e+ beginning at 6.30 p.m Capsule sister gifts will be ex- changed and the names will be revealed A social time was spent over tea served by Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. Harry Crouter, and Mrs Thomas Peters. ° the sh Stocks and Mrs. Murrayloff with a hot towel wrap. Just as you light lamps when G darkness f. put more glow sn your makeup for night. Blend bloom high on the cheekbones jclose to the lower lip, Touch ts were served by|your ear lobes. For touch-ups groom. The family presented Roland McKenna and her|during the evening, try the new their parents with a beautiful| committee bloom in.a tube -- perfect over ;record cabinet The Reverend John Myersipowder on, Brantford, Port Credit, St tharines, Newcastle and other surrounding: places. A large number of gifts suit- able for the 'occasior were ceived by the bride and bride- included games, draws, prizes and a sing-song under the di- rection of Mrs. George Fairhart ith Miss Rose Fairhart at the re- Are They The Same Ones? Tues. 17, Dee, 763 Oshawa, Ontario. DEAR MOTHER; \'m leaving this letter under the ffee pot because |! know you'll be brewing up a pot about 10:3) this morning. | just don't want to get into any more arguments}(or discussions, as you and ! was sure the. delivery people had made a mistake. Those bright, new looking rugs and drapes simply couldn't. be the drab-looking pieces we sent out to be cleaned: The delivery men were right! My goodness what a differ- enc BAKER CLEANING makes. You can bet that they'll get all our cleaning orders now. Why not you? call ROSS MILLS (local agent) to-day, They'll provide you with the service you want! : Dad call them) about where | want yu to get my new Christmas sweater. Just go to Johnston's at 8 Signcoe St. North in Downtown Oshawa--their sweaters are simplyAfabulous -- at least all the fellows say so and the most of them have got theirs at Johnston's. So why beat your brains out and wear yourself into the ground trying to get the BEST BUY IN SWEATERS. Just go to Johnston's where all the salesmen have the Know-How about sweaters for fellows like me. After all, you always say that when Dad wants something really good he goes to Johnston's--so what's good for the Gander should be good for the Gosling-- -- Come on Ma---get mine at Johnston's won't you? "Free Pick-Up & Delivery" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 75 Years' BAKER Experience" CARPET Cleaning C™Co. Hopetully, Your Son Herbie P.$.--And don't stop of sweoters--Johnston's have simply everything --and it's all good. Your local Agent... ROSS E. MILLS Co. LTD. Les80 SIMCOE NORTH. PHONE 728-6218! iti, PUSHBUTTON ALL TRANSISTOR MULTI BAND RADIO AM/FM/LW/SW deluxe push-button portable radio. High impact sim. Polystyrene case com: ulated leather covered Hong uilitiy plete with carrying th handle. Ha 149.95.... - black or tan | PHILIPS Portable RECORD PLAYER Model AG4000. Dance to favorite 4 ein ff Cinieaairr tts ite tts heey ROHR 2 HH Hesanage sorta gga sea i} H Hite oH Set $ your discs any- ii in ta ia ota atin tai aio a a a ea where with this 3-speed % big sound Record Player, iis Puts your favorite fun at PHILIPS your fingertips on low cost tokes the time # STANDARD FLASHLIGHT to po the BATTERIES, "Every Sale Fully Serviced" | 7 APPLIANCES ; noGeR ANNaceT 155 SIMCOE S. 728-2151 & OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL9 PM. \ p whe, PRLS SSSVSssssIVsSSIS5i Bas 4 9) -8t Pal dd dd "A as a Add ad a ad Wardyay ay dy ay at ty

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