Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Dec 1963, p. 17

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Decomber 17, 1963 BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS ~ las wishes fo) MULLEN -- May we, the family of ane the poste eg baby sister,|the late Mrs. Ann Mullen, take this op- Sandra Lynn, born 11.40 a.m. Friday,|portunity to express our sincere thanks December 13, 1963, at Oshawa General |and appreciation to our many Aber Hospital. Proud parents are Winston and) and friends, the doctors, nurses | : ee Judy Brant (nee Moses). Special thanks|of the Oshawa. General Hospital, Nid to Dr, J. ©. Anderson. |NUPSE, the Oshawa Police and Fire De rtment, the Rev. P. Zaparynulk and CLARKS ' pa : -- Bill and Marilyn (nee! palibearers and a special thanks to the Vaughan) are pleased fo announce the lArmstrong Funeral Home. | » Timothy John, 8 Ibs.| a se Saran "Seewroge 14, 1963, YEO -- On behaif of the family | wish) Oshawa General Hospital. A baby brother to extend our heartfelt thanks and ap for Terry. Many thanks fo Dr. G. W.| preciation for kind messages of sympathy, Lindsey and ath floor staff. |the beautiful floral tributes we received |from relatives, friends ang pact hala IN -- Doug and Joan (nee Jeffs) also any help received in the loss a Pig tl fo announce the arrival of dear wife and mother. Special! thanks to, thelr son, Perry Douglas, at Ors. Ugray and Rowsell of Oshawa. Orillia, Ont, ---Gi ordon Yeo and LAVERTY -- Jim and Molly announce, Yhe arrival of another girl, Janet Bernice, 'on Friday, December 13, 1963, weighing 7 Ibs. 8 oz., at the Ajax Hospital. A sis- 'ter for Mary Jane, Michael, Theresa, Col- Plan Parley "ow, ra swiee,? seu: On Mental | Retardation hi General Hospital. Many thanks) SS Doctor R. K. Miller and staff of fourth) floor. | ae Benson) are happy to announce the birth OTTAWA (CP) -- A special) of a daughter, Sharon cael 7 tbs. conference on mental | 14 os., Saturday, December i, lag ' : next| Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to tion will likely be 2 held rth | Dr. Beckett and 4th floor staff. year under the auspices 0 he| federal government, Health Min-} ister Judy LaMarsh told the THS |Commons Monday. | DE. She said the conference, to be IRWIN, Peart Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- mily | ----| | McCUAIG -- Bert and Margaret (nee Pauline Jewett (L--Northum-| berland) endorsed the proposal |,,, attended by provincial repre-| eral Hospital on Tuesday, December 7, ; Willard Irwin of : i Oshawa; Gordon and il City), Miss ta hn R, Bush Funeral Home, Belleville, Thur 1 for a request from the a service at the Funeral Home from $5,000. eral Hospital, on Tuesday, December 17, request for $62,000 could be con- Virginia; Elmer and Benny Lesenko of| pact CN ll Wek id ai re children and teen-agers not to Henry Taylor, beloved husband of the and had been authorized after ton; Mrs. G. Tattersall (Doris), Oshawa; perts on the relationship of| resting, at Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral ference on retarded children} LOCKE'S FLORISTS OSHAWA SHOPPING 0 b d for the appointment of a par- dear wite and mother, Agnes Bing bureaucrats in Ottawa. How sweet their memory still, ssi individual complaints against today, December 17, 1962. and said she hopes the Com-) son-in-law Ron and granddaughter $h sentatives as well as other in- iterested groups, would be aimed| $583, 'Pearl Kellar, widow of Thomasiat drafting a national program Charles Irwin and mother of Mrs. Rob-\tg deal with the problem. ert Bedford (Knighta), Clifford Irwin of] 1 reniy tg Kenneth More Belleville, in her 75th year. Resting at} (PC--Regina rs the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa-/nyarsh said because of the con- t piel ; on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then ville ference it was decided to. defer Thursday with service in the ee Fri approva day, December 20, at 2 p.m. Interment) (. : ati Re- day, December 2 fits Novss will hoid|canadian Association for Tuesday tarded Children for an increase a7 pm.) in its federal grant to $62,000 LESENKO, Jufivs , Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen However, the grant was be- ing raised to $15,000 next year.) 1963, Julius Lesenko, beloved husband of - the jate Elizabeth Mascenik and father off Mr. More asked: whether the) Mrs. J. Nichols (Mary) of Newport News, : F ioht | Oshawa, in' his 63rd year. Resting at/Sidered reasonable in the light) the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa,/of the federal government's) with interment in St. Gregory's Polo $600,000 program to persuade mounced later). n take up the smoking habit. TAYLOR, George Henry A . 600,- At Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, on Miss LaMarsh said the $ Monday, December 16 1963, -George|000 was for a five-year program Dennis and loving father Fi 4 : prrriat 4 He eaemaan (Annie), Hamp-|a special conference of govern ton; Mrs, D. McFarlane (Olive), Hamil-/ment, medical and industry ex- M G. Brant (Evelyn), Buffalo; George! § | 1. pid Bel Percy, walter, Fred and/smoking to lung cancer. : john, of Oshawa. The late Mr. Taylor is) She indicated that the special » in the chapel on Wed-/cOon ' el epobtl Seunebr 18 at 2 p.m. oter-/might well result in a federal ment Mount Lawn Cemetery _|grant of a similar amount : | Funerel_orrongements ond | Northumberland - floral requirements for all power MP Wants CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 OTTAWA (CP) -- Two mem- bers of Parliament, one NDP and one Liberal, called Monday IN MEMORIAM liamentary grievance commis-| sioner to protect the man on BINGHAM -- In loving memory of a the street from the legions of iy ee ree en Douglas Fisher (NDP--Port O happy hours we ence enjoyed, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill : [ ; --Ever remembered by husband end navian countries to investigate FUSCO -- In loving memory of @ dear government administrators and| father and grandfather, Fred Fusco, who report to Parliament. passed away 'so suddenly one year ago While he lies in peaceful sleep, His' memory we shall always --Ever remembered by daughter, Lel ley Lynn. TERWILLEGAR -- In loving memory | to hear views on how best to) of our dead dad, Archie Terwillegar, who/put it in practice. is passed away December 17, 1952 As angels keep their watch Please God let him know That we down here do not forget, We love and miss him so. --Loyingly remembered by daughters, Kay, Donna and Frances. ADVERTISERS please note! In Memor- lari Notices for The eo are ee until! S p.m. day prior to pu tleations and 12 o'clock noon Saturdays|come to a vote. for the Monday editions. Our Ad-Writers)/------------ . will be pleased to assist Lp Phe foliated ee priate verses for exe natces 'come e| TOHACCO Sells At 50.64 Cents Lb. - th A 4 ue ** | ernments could also benefit |from the services of such an \official, period for private priate verses for these notices. Come in to the Classified Counter, or telephone 77-3492. \* it Is more convenient, write your In Memoriam and mail it to The! Classified Advertising Department, Osh- awa Times from previous Arthur) introduced a motion for|wards Western-Soviet relations the appointment of an officer/are apparent as NATO meetings like the ombudsmen of Scandi-| proceed in Paris. ate inclined to a catitious view |, of the much-discussed Russia- c She said the provincial gov-| because of such Russian actions jas the delaying of American military convoys on the Easi The motion was de-/German autobahn. bated only 15 minutes before the! Britons and Canadians are|Dirk Stikker says he dislikes members'|much more forthcoming -- they|the business expired and it did not are showing more optimism|means different things in differ- about the chances of building on ent minds and places. What had |happened was a relaxation--not ~ |advances already made. a removal--of tension. |INCLUDE TEST BAN Todays Stock s By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec, 17 ZQuotations in cents unless marked $. 1--Odd 'lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is) board-lot closing sale.) TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS | INDUSTRIALS VI Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 262. 6) 6) $12% 12% Stock Abacon 6) Abitibi 1% 68 2 465 $26% 26% 26% + Vo 7 190 700 700 28) $23¥a 23a 234 44% pr 00 $41a 300 $18%4 35 $522 39% $17% 180 $71% 347 $54 14 13% So 52¥2 52¥a+ Ve Ive 9% 1758 x75 -- Ve! 71% T14-- Ve) 53% 57/0 13% 13% 6% Atl Sugar Bank NS Bell Phone Bath rts Bowater Bramalea 100 $5v%e 40 $81 é e] 200 $27'2 BC Forest 425 $23% BCPh 4% pr 30 $8612 Brown VCabol Cal Pow Can Cem Can Cem Ci Fndry Cl F 4% C Pack A CAE C Brew CBal A w Cc Chem w C Collieries 5 81 27'4 23% 862 3100 =$9% 570 120 1700 550 225 $8% 8% Ind G pr 100 $12 12 n 125 $184 18% 18% 300 370 370 370 975 $36% 362 36\2 pr 400 $12%4 12% 12% 220 $172 172 18 150 $96 952 96 183 $6e 6% 6% -- 100 $23 23 23 Chemcell 200 $12% 12% 12% Con Bidg 200 $10% 10% 10% ¥ Con Bidg pr 100 $8% 68% 8% -- Con Bidg w 75 770 770° 770 Con M §S 500 $302 30'2 Wia+ Ve Con Paper 70 $39 390 39% -- Ve Con Gas n 409 $ll'2 11% 114+ % Corby vt 100 $18'%4 184 184 + % Coronation 2200 $6 6% 6% | Coron 2pr 710 -$8% 8% 8 Crush Int 500 $16 16 1% Dist Seag 495 $51 5) 5) Dofasco 110 $642 642 64)4 + V4 Dosco 100 $155 155% 15% Dom Stores 625 $17e 17% 17% Dom Tar 1034 $16 165% 1658 -- Dom Text 100 $244 241% 241% Du Pont 100 $40 4" 40 Exquisite 750 $7% 7% 7™% Falcon 11S $56% 56% 56% Fam Play 100 $1894 18% 18% Fed Farms 1200 430 425 425 Fleet Mfg 400 44 «444 4h Ford Cda 210 $175. 175 «175 Fraser 330 $29 3MC 165 $86 GS Wares 765 $13 G L Power 275 $2414 2414 241% Guar Tr 25 63% 6334 63% Hawker-S 200 $64 babi Hawker pr 225 $97 96.2 96% Home A 35 $12 12% -12% + Horne Pf 1600 245 245 245 Hur Erie 235 $65' 65¥e 65'4 Husky 486 $6¥_ bie ble Imp Oil 300 $449 44% 44% | ind Accep 950 $232 234 234 -- Ve 1 Ac 450pr 50 $96 % % Pet CWN Gas Chrysler « Clairtone Coch-D y s Stock Inland Gas Inland G pr IMC Int Nickel Intpr Dsé6lw Inter PL Int Stl P Jamaica PS Jockey C Labatt LOnt Lambin Lau Fin Lav F 125 Leland Levy Lakeld wis Cem Ln Mill 105 $16 Nat Drug Nat Trust QN Gas 63w 100 410 410 Revelstoke Rothman Royal Bank StL Cem A Salada Seven Arts Shell Can Shell 1 pr Shell 1 Shull's Silverwd A Simpsons Southam Steel Can Suptest ord Suptest pr Texaco Tor-Dom Bk T Fin A T Fin B Tr Can Trans-Mt Turnbull Un Gas Walk GW Westcoast Westeel W Supplies Weston West Wood J Anchor Bata Cal Ed CS Pete C Delhi C Ex Gas CLI Pete Cent Del Com Pete Dev-Pal Dynamic Gr Plains H B OI G Meda! Mill City Murphy N Davies Numac Numac Permo wis wts 100 575 575 re A wis 317 775 11:00 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge | 125 $6 6 2100 $19 194 194 50 $65 64 -1 260 $70%4 70% 300 100 453 --% --5 + 64 70% 60 160 160 $80% 8034 80% 350 350 200 p 300 275 100 100 25 235 | 37% 7% 7%-- Vv 225 $12% 12% 125+ Ve 100 $21%4 214 214+ % 300 240 235 2 --30.| « $20 20 265 265 265 +5 | 36% 6% 6a -- Ya) $7 7% 7% 200 $22 22% 2234+ % 902 $250' 25a 25e-- Ve 16 16 2465 $16Va 16% 16% 1774 240 215 240 --40 | 1590 $2 2 2 Ml 1100 $744 7% 714+ Vl 265 $50 39% 50 | 200 $7 6% 7 175 $14%q 14% 14% -- | a8 7 oO } 1300 $9 9 | 2625 $1514 1414 150 + V2 250 $114 11% 11%4 730 $195 1958 19% Me ™M% 10% 10% + Ve 130 130 --5 50 $37 37%4 37% -- Ve 1021 $8 8 8 25$106 106 106 --1 410 10 7250 pis 1 145 $10 0 195 $9% 9% %7e 370 $73 73% 734+ % 140 $15 15 15 | 560 $102 10'2 104 212 $7% 7% 7% 1092 $167 16% 167% + Va) 1150 $26 25% 26 + ™% 575, --10 110 450 450 450 125 $14 4 4 177. $36% 364 36% ee 100 $17%e 17% 17a + 220 $992 992 99\2 25 $55% 55% 55% 526 $66'2 66 66 150 $11% 11% 11% 1600 $11 W 1 863 $34 337% 34 95 $14% 14% 14% 220 $11% 11% 11% 5950 $22 22 2 300 $61% 61% 61% 361 $16 6 16 100 $11% 11% 11% A00 $12 12 2 110 $154 5% 5% 775--«775 200 $11%4 WWM% 11% OILS 7000 13 3 3 500 4% 44 444+% 200 $182 18' 1814 + 1200 430 420 420 100 470 470 470 200 100 100 10 3664 13 Bags bs 185 710 700 710 300 225 225 225 1400 128 126. 128 3000 15 1S 18 150 $11 VW 1 8p0 $4 1414 144 700 440 440 440 1000 162 16b2 164 wp0 210 210 300024 7600 180 220 80 1200 (33 INTERPRETING THE NEWS Russia-West Detente Spurred By Canadians By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer Three shades of opinion to- France and West Germany| yj est detente. If they believe in thy. ar not saying so in a, hole-hearted way. possible, but doubts remain These include the Paul ring External ty in his Martin ai of the detente's vali- di |Russia's Andrei Gromyko at the nited Nations embly and he hopes to see this onfinmed. erating confidence all the way around. Affairs Minister received an im- recent talks with General As-| This is coupled with the sob-| NATO word thought | sg _ |NATO's big probtems has been '|mons procedure committee will) The United States is cauti-/removed. There has been no ac-| jhold public hearings next year|oUuSsly saying, in effect, that it/tual disarmament, for instance,| appears a closer understanding|and Russia is still at logger. jheads with the West over di- |vided Germany. 'DISLIKES WORD Secretary that none of General detente becaus : it One of the gloomiest views of |treaty, the agreement to ban nu-| published in i iclear vehicles from outer space,/Guardian. It TILLSONBURG (CP)--An av-\the Washington - Moscow "hot|policy, as reflected by the mect- test-ban the current NATO meeting is London by The says that NATO erage price of 50.64 cents ajjine' and the liberalization pro-|ings, is 'almost certain to be jpounds of tobacco auctioned at} IN MEMORY of loved ones |Growers' Marketing Board ex-|to changes Monday. it 40,517,380 pounds at an average! m, at Christmas _ °f 5142 cents a pound, ° OBITUARY | | MRS, PEARL IRWIN | The death of Mrs. Pearl Irwin, 102 Gibbons street, occur- red at the Oshawa General Hospital earky today after a short, serious illness. The former Pearl Kellar, she} was a daughter of the late Mr./ and Mrs. Daniel Kellar and was born Dec. 23, 1888, in Belleville, She was married Oct. 17, 1906 in Belleville to the late Thomas} Charles Irwin. Mrs. Irwin had| been a resident of Oshawa} for the past 23 years, coming) here from the Belleville and) Frankford area | She was a member of West-| mount United Church. Mrs, Ir- win belonged to LTB Lodge, No. 583 and Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No, 222, all in Oshawa. } She was predeceased by her husband June 23, 1947. Mrs. Irwin is'survived by a daughter, | Mrs. Robert Bedford (Knighta) | 'of Oshawa, and'three sons, Clif-| ford, of Oshawa, and Gordon} jand Willard of Belleville. She} jalso. leaves a sister, Mrs. Min-| erva Tweedle, Largo, Fla. There are 12 grandchildren and five preat-grandchildren. CARD OF THANKS | Mrs. Irwin will be at the| Armstrong Funeral Home today 'and Wednesday, and at the John R. Bush Funeral Home, Belle- ville, on Thursday. Funeral ser- vice will be held in the John R. Bush Funeral Chapel, with Rev. F. H. Ward, minister of Westmount United Church, of-! Interment wil] be at Belleville Cemetery With the sincere hope of ren- dering a. helpful service to those who wish to pay tribute to a loved one who has poss- ed beyond . .. the Oshawa Times will publish a special Tributes page of Memorial -- Tuesday, December 24th, The classified od-writers are ot your service to assist you with the wording. To ensure publication of your tributes in this Special Edition, tele- phone 723-3492 today, RIMAR MEMORIALS MONUMENTS MARKERS Designed for any need. 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Office Evenings 723-1002 728-6627 HARRIS The sisters, Nieces and nephews of the late Annie Bertha Harris, 1133 Brock Street South, Whitby, who passed away on December 12, 1963, wish to express their thanks and deep appre-| clation for the acts of kindness by neigh-| bors, who assisted so wonderfully in re ceiving and for the floral tributes. To Dr. J. 0. Ruddy for his kind and re A freshing words of sympathy, to Rev.. J.|ficiating MA. Smith of St. Mark's United Church for a masterly and comforting service. To the Town Brothers of W. C. Town Fu- neral Home for a well conducted, im- hold a pressive funeral service. Emily and Will Davidson, folk and William and Margaret Worfolk.' p.m, today. |pound was realized for 1,862,819| gram in eastern Europe. So far, the auctions have soldjitly. Such expressions, it is felt, | ner says Canadian ballet dan- Members of LTB, 'No. 55, will) cer Galina Samtsova (above) special service at the| is having "fantastic Zella Wor. Armstrong Funeral Home at 7| in Paris in a new production >| of Serge Profkofiev's three- | The British - Canadian view |Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco! seems to be that it is not enough|sc' Ww. is desirable to say so explic- ay further the thaw by gen- one of virtual hibernation." "At the best it might be de-| ribed as a pause in the al- ant to further the detente--|liance's development,"' says the! paper. "What is certain is that no major policy decisions will) be taken for the time being.' Market Stock Petrol Provo Gas Quonto Teck Corp Triad Oil Un Oils 1000 51 300 166 $500 18 476 460 4300 175 1100 144 MINES Acad Uran Agnico All Pitch Anacon Arion Atlin-Ruf Auma Bary Base Baska B-Duq Belleterre Bibis Bralorne Broul Reef Brunswk Camflo Camp Chib Tung C Astoria C Austral Candore Captain Cassiar Cheskirk Chester Chimo Coch Will Con-Key 5 50 20 22 i) 7 q eS eee | Expl 162 16 bla Mets 7 7 7 18% 18% 18%4--1 45 17000 2000 9 450 $102 104 10% 1000 642 6% 6% 1000 «+14 4 «14 31000 66 «66 66 +1 1550 350 350 350 x 9 uy Cc Bellek 3000 7 7 Con C Cad 3000 7 C Discov 1450 101 C Mogul Con Nichol C Rambler 7 ¥ at +1 7 7 101 - 101 C Sannorm 9 Cop-Man Coulee Croinor Cusco Deer Horn D'Eldona Delhi Pac Denison Donaida ast Suill El Sol Fatima Genex Giant YK Glenn Uran Goldale Grandroy Gulch Gunnar Har-Min Headway Heath High-Bell Hollinger Hud Bay Iso Joutel Kenville Kerr Add n Kilembe n Kopan L Dufauit L Shore Latin AM Leitch Lorado Macassa 'Macdon Madsen Maneast U_ 26700 Manoka MS _ 1000 Maralgo 5500 Marboy 1000 Marcon 16500. 1112 10% 11%4 + Martime 2000 «47 47 47 Mattgmi 105 $10% 10% 107% Mcintyre 200 $49'2 494 49% MeMar 2000 Be 82 B+} Midrim 2 21 Zt +} Multi-M " 2" vad 1 Nama Cr 134 1344 134 Nealon 1212-12 41 Nello mu" 13 New Alger 5 5 Newconex 380 «380 Neonex wt 80 80 New Hosco 178 «180 New Rouyn 441 N Senator 7 v7 Nick Rim 20 20 Nisto 182 2 Normetal 300 ©=300 N Rank 3s. 3 Northcal 48 4" Northgate 365 365 O'Brien 45 45 Orenada Ormsby Pamour Paramaq Peerless Perron Pick Crow Placer Purdex QMi Que Chib Quemont Realm Rexspar Rio Algom Rio Rup Ryanor Salem Sand Riv Sherritt Sil Miller Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sullivan Temag Territory Tormont Trans Res U_ Asbestos Un Keno Upp Can Vandoo Vespar Violam Weedon W Beaver W Surf I Willroy Wiltsey Winch Windfall Yk Bear Zulapa Q Sales to 11 a.m, FOREIGN TRADING Kirk Add 100 620 620 620 Provo 500 171 «171 yl -! Thom L 500° 45 - 4S 9 1000 10 4000 28100 500 1300 6000 8 3000 20 300 990 42500 Va 300 248 100 $10% 1094 500 54 SA 33000 33 32 3500 17'4 17 3000 6 350 790 2300 98 1000 16 1000 44 44 500, 300 300 200 $76'2 2612 57 57 203 203 101 - 101 8 620 785 bed 1% 790 +10 94+ ¥ 16 4% 300 25 $57 1700 205 1000 101 23700 814 1125 620 100 315 315 315 7000° «+15 4 15 205 70ps 700 +00 1800 205 201 201 3600 20 1% 20 400 190 190 190 4000 175 175 175 100 258° 258 258 500 16 % 16 1000 220 219 220 7 7 10% 10) 9 8! 2 vi] 12 2 «+1 1 +3 +1 + 4 620 5 Vo 10" 1000 900 «80 4425 182 2000 «11 2500 17 8200 2 36050 20 100 300 90 25 2000 49 3100 375 500 45 19200 $00 100 110 99500 16 "4 6000 +14 13 1000 «12% 12% 12! 100049. " "0 ZB $27%4 274 27m 21010 +10 wo 1200 125 «125 128 2000 14 #14 «#14 110 500 92 92 94 1000 16 407 $13! 6000 500 2066 40 85500 10 910 270 1000 17 «17 800 Sa SSA 5500 14% 14 14 1587 395 395 395 600 158 158 500 86 86 500 13 «13 13500. 20% 1914 20 9700 12 12 #12 400 216 215 215 100 525 $25 525 OO 127° (127 «(127 1000 4% 4a 1000 18 #418 18 3900 250 248 250 5000 4a dia 4a 2000 13°«13'~=~«*3 1000 «+15 15 18 +2%4 100 148 148 «148 2-1 2500 16216 16 10000 «11 NW " 7000 50 00 106 106 106 15000 24° 2342 23% v 9 260 0 260 v7 a +1 +$ y -- ~1 1,559,000, ' TAKES PARIS BY STORM Toronto painter and desig- success! @ nd act ballet; 'Cinderella", "Lil- lian Sarafinchan, she watched every rehearsal | performance who said | of Miss | of the National Samtsova, said the show has | Paty of Canada been sold. out weeks ahead Miss Samtsova, born in Stalin- | Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge --%) WA 10'4 W4-- ) a | a --" 2 13% 134 Jat 9 9 9a-- Va | 262 -- Ve 2 29 $10% 10% 10%-- Va 4a+ + Vo ~--1s | | grad: is the prima ballerina | Ballet (CP Wirephoto) Com- 4 POODLES, two excellent Santa Claus Is Coming to Town "His Sleigh Filled with Gifts from > The Oshawa Times. -- Christmas Gift Selector ae . Trees and T gece ca Sea a Ute mm delivery. Apply 144 Annis Street phone 725-3710. Ring 4. PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees, 50c and up. Phone 263-2589. CHRISTMAS TREES -- Sold by church choir. Store, Whilby. Free delivery anywhere Call 668-5772. TREES (standing), (sprayed) Hillside and Park South. Come early Get the pick from 97 cents. Harry Chinn, 723-7088. Delivery FIRST QUALITY Blue Scotch Pine inside at Garden Centre FOX NURSERY Brock St. North, Whitby 668-4162 or 668-8132 § CHRISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE ALL SIZES--BEST PRICES Direct from Growers Wholesale and Retai FOWLER FOREST 306 King W. Phone 725-1685 1,000's and 1,000's Nursery Grown Pruned Scotch Pines Special'5'-6 ft. Y7C Larger sizes $1.94 and $2.42 We Sproy Your Tree In Your Chosen Color, OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE N. 723-3222 OPEN EVENINGS EYELET ETN UU black pure bred, trained and shots included. A lovely gift, $100. Phone Bowmanville 623-2885. POODLES, toys, miniatures and stand ards. Dial Whitby 668-3923. RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Sets 25¢ to $20 Medium, Large Joseph's Missals $1.25 to $12 Rosaries 65¢ to $18.50 Pearl and Crystal Statues, Pictures, Wall $1.25 to $18 PARKVIEW Variety Store 98 Olive Avenue Mrs. V. Bachand, owner Nativity Small, St. Plaque 4 _Open daily 'til 10:30 p.m. AN. IDEAL GIFT McBrine Luggage From Up All Canadian made Men ond women's casual Flite, Gladstone bags, train cases, etc. GIFT CERTIFICATES BURNS SHOES KING AND SIMCOE STS. USE OUR LAY AWAY Gifts for Him or Her CAMPBELL GOLF CLUB SETS FROM $35 up 3 complete sets, Fibre glass shafts. Bags, Carts, Golf Balls. Less than wholesale, Sunny Brae Golf Course Port Perry 985-2076 Holiday Food Sie SUE IE I | | MEMES! | SUG \Gifts for Children "EU ENRE" | KURENEY CHRISTMAS TREES. Beautiful assort--roys, GAMES, used for demonstra] SOMETHING THE WHOLE ed pines and spruce. Freshly cut. Free|tion, 29 per cent, 25:per cent off. Tele- SO 'Wi °F! phone 728-3608 or CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch pine prun- POODLES, silver ed. Everett Stapleton, located on paved oi4 road, RR 2 Orono. Telephone Orono 3] Christmas On display at Canadian Tire! m= CHRISTMAS TREES | | 1 | RIES and | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |Gifts for the Family Gifts for the Home <4 FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors. MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin Eost 723-9767 _ THE SOUND © OF MUSIC AT CHRISTMAS Lowrey Organs Free Three Day Home Trial Cemonstrations at the store. Five Free Lessons EASY TERMS ALTO Music Supplies 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH : 72eio0l 80 Thickson Road North, | weeks ti cream, nine miniatures. Will hold Telephone 725-9607. OODLES -- Bargain priced! Just In time for Christmas! One black, three brown, excellent breeding, $75. Tele ---- phone Whitby 668-4233. small Corner| ~~ BLACK & DECKER Quality Canadian Made U 100 4" with geared chuck UTILITY DRILL $12.95 MILLWORK and BUILDING SUPPLY 1279 Simcoe N. -- 728-6291 Use Our Layaway Plan LOOKING . ... FOR A GIFT FOR DAD, SON or BOY FRIEND. . . Come in and see our wonderful selection For Christmas. "DOC"S" 24 PRINCE ST; ! 728-7781 Give ,. . McHale Shoes for men. Natural- izers for women Gift Certificates LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King W., Bowmanville SPORTING GOODS GREATLY REDUCED DYtIIS FIRESIDE CORNER 205 BOND ST. WEST Use Our Convenient Lay Away Plan OPEN EVERY EVENING | BEAT SANTA At His Own Game! FOR THE FAMILY GIVE FOOTWEAR THIS CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES From $4.98 up DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE NORTH 725-3312 |ORD ga W 623-5941 HOME REPAIR KIT $9.99 COMPLETE with Tool Box and Basic Tools OSHAWA . WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Main Office, Showroom Courtice | 728-1611 Oshawa Shopping Centre | 728-1617 | FOR THE MOTORIST Give a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership lasts all year, 728-8334 Vie 725-7422 GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, Airplane, Boat Kits. The Biggest Selection in town. POLLARD Radio & Television Service 153 Simcoe. S. 723-9512 FREE! | TOP COAT OR CAR COAT ER EARLY ! CHRISTMAS TREE PING PONG TABLES | BROWN'S | LUMBER and. SUPPLIES 436 RITSON N. 725-4704 SKATES NEW and USED SOLD and EXCHANGED Also BICYCLES and TRICYCLES Appl DRAYTON CYCLE 204 Bond St. E. AND TRAIN PLATFORMS]! Y2"" TRAIN BOARD TOPS FROM $7.95 Up| LOVELY FRAGRANCES SOLVE .. . your Christmas problems with gifts from our large assortment of furniture and appliances $1. will hold ony item till Christmas EASY TERMS, M. COLLIS FURNITURE CO, 78 KING ST. W. 725-0332 Gifts for Her BS Se | CHRISTMAS PERMANENTS AT and REALISTIC Reg. $15 Value For $12.50 Regal Hairstyling Managed by Lillian Howard 242 SIMCOE.N, | above Sabat's | PHONE 728-2002 | Christmos Offer Only FREE Turkey with the purchase of }an Elna Sewing Machine, or ja Filter Queen Sonitizer, From 'your dealer, Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 Simcoe S. ___ 728-239] MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS | COMPLETE WITH A | BON HAIRSTYLE FROM BERNADETTE'S BEAUTY SALON 263 Nassou-Street at Gibb PHONE: 723-9471 | A GIFT OF BEAUTY | ..+ FROM SANTA | The works---trim, shampoo, curl 'by specialists, A solution for every type. of hair. Com- plete permanents from $10 up. She will love you for a gfit certificate from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS OSHAWA -- 728-4623 WHITBY --- 668-3061 THRILL HER WITH | | 4 A a 4 | ATTRACTIVELY | GIFT PACKAGED Yardley's Cologne $1.25-$3 | Dusting Powder $1.75 | Red Roses, Lotus end. Bond Street Perfumes from $3 | Spray Mist $2.50 POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35% Simcoe N. with the purchase of ony Gifts for the Home 725-4734 Sut PRICED FROM $49.50 USE YOUR CREDIT OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO DOWN PAYMENT AT DUNN'S Two Locations: 36 KING E. (Downtown) This Christmas . . . Give Gifts for the home. A small deposit will hold ony item until Christmas. HONEST CAL'S 424 KING WEST 728-9191 formerly Avalon Dance Pavilion. BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50. up OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBON 728-8180 BILL LEASK CAPONS, dressed, ready for the oven, from $¥2 Ibs. up, $2.50. Call 725-8304. ~~ Order Your Christmas Fowl From LITZ PROCESSING PLANT Special rates for Banquets, Bowling Alleys 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 CHRISTMAS FOWL. CAPONS AND TURKEYS DRESSED AND DELIVERED FRANK HOAG ROSSLAND ROAD WEST DIAL 725-6837 ° PEN RIG E US SUR Gifts for Holiday Fun The Safe Way To Celebrate , the Holiday Season RIDE WITH MERCURY TAXI 725-477 | 14 ALBERT ST. | Oshawo's Most Modern Taxi | SLEIGH RIDING PARTIES Reserve Now BUCKAROO RANCH Telephone 725-2737 A CHRISTMAS. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE OSHAWA TIMES Is a year-round gift and a daily reminder of good- will for your friends and relatives who are away from home. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -- Carrier Delivered, Oshawa and District 1 yr. $23. -- 6 Months $12.00 MAIL-- Ontario Province: Other Provinces: U.S.A, . $12--6 months $ 6.50 . $15--6 months $ 8.00 . $24--6 months $12.00 THE CIRCULATION. DEPARTMENT KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA Will be pleased to act upon your instructions, TELEPHONE 723-3474 2B "FOR A CHRISTMAS SPIRIT iWEAR A GAY CORSAGE Hang a wreath on the door Colorful outdoor wreaths Christmas Door Knockers R. B. REED and SONS 10% King Street West 163 Bloor Street West 725-1131 or 725-2512 ONLY rg SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Now is the time to select gifts tc please everyone on your Christ- mas Gift List. The Gift Selector makes your shopping a real plea- sure. It tells you what to buy, for whom the gifts are suitable, and where to buy. WATCH THE TIMES GIFT SELECTOR DAILY FOR ADDITIONAL GIFTS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS me e B~Qih me Ge a

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