7 SHE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 17,1963 7 E L E V I S I O N L O G| | oo TT WAS NICE OF YOU TO SEND THE FRUIT \] | THEN WHODIDE... THERES | i een MS TAROH ee Railwaymen ' AND. FLOWERS TO OUR ROOM, MR. MAYOR, ALSO AN EX@TIC POTTED CHCH-TV Channel i--Hamilton =CBLT-TV Channel 6---~Toronto | oe | RUIT PLANT, t Tj WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo © WBEN-I'V Channel 4--Buffalo | WKBW-TV Channel 7--Bulfalo WROC-TV Channel &--~Rochester CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Charnel s--Barrie| LONDON -- To a much great- er extent than ever before, the railwaymen of Britain are go- } TUESDAY EVE. | 9:15 A.M. 4--Secret Storm | 5:00: P.M. 9--Miss Helen erate arly, sh heave. ing to be able to spend Christ- = ee e le ~Por . Gr rive O'clock show 10:00 A.M. | WEDNESDAY EVE. i ON 2 - my jmas day this year at hame poauick Draw McGraw |11--Eddie Allen Show in RM. H ieibiliihiesins ' with their families. British Ral- eM. 2 -Say when NFamily theatre Pasnew 7 Gazi_ 0 a ways have announced that there 9--Sea Hunt --Girl | 9--Kiado ia Ge iy ANDERSON -- is will be practically no trains ~ p Listen A While 6-3--National Schools | §-2~Superman J : $ Come Listen | 4--Calendar | 7--The Early show ~ : running ig rages Day, and 2--Santa Program 10:30 A.M. 6-3--Razile Dazzle Z on some lines where they are Tit 'clock Sh it; ae Et [super Binge | 4 ain Seen ow | f ° lutely ---- one will | 8-2--Word For Wor he haat y no service until after four + 6--Projection | | 9---Sea Hunt | j i ( p--Todey 1963 | 7-Genera} Hospital | &3--Waody_ Woodpecker ( pt AUCH LO" o'clock in the afternoon, by IC fa ees 2-Santa Program HOW 1S HE é n which time the railwaymen will 0 PM 11:00 A.M. FAP cage teasg BAD. IM AFRAID! ™ a, Jeast hase - oppor ts 119-8-6-4-2--News; 9---Morning Magazine | ¢ live and Learn y to join his family in the Weather; Sports Lge ereeenivation es Ohristmas dinner festivities. 7--Jungie Jay Show | 7--Price Is Right ' ' 6--Loretta Young 6:15 PLM. This curtailment of service, | 4-The McCoys sleaina Nee however, applies only to the | --Quiz $2--Huntley. Brinkley -- | 11:30 AM, ks Ao actual day of Christmas. Dur- 7:00 P.M. 1--Albert J. Steed $hOW) | News; Weather | ing the few days before and 9--The Littlest Hobo 8-2--Missing Links and Sports | after Christmas, practically all the rolling stock available will be put to use to provide hun- Hennesey 6 NOON 6:43 P.M. dreds of ext: i tak Have Gun Will Travel Nabdad \1--Family Theatre reds of extra trains to take 7-6--News, Weather. 7--Seven Keys 7--Jungle Jay Show a 3 Noonaay, Report #2--Huntley Brinkley. | CROSSWORD j ' Z : by --- probably more than a million Ms a our rs v «= SURELY FROM MY GARDEN, yk ghartoad BUT NO FRUIT, 1y-Family tneatre 9--Kiddo | 9:30 A.M. 9--Mickey Mouse Club 8--Superman | 7--Jack LaLanne Show | 6--Father. Knows Best 7--The Early Show 9--Playtime With Bobby 4--Leave It To Beaver BUZ SAWYER © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1968, World rights reserved tolio The Phil Silver's Show 4~--Pete and Gladys ae JANE ARDEN Sports 6--Girl Talk 1--The Flintstones pielamasl ties AM: people to their Christmas destin- eSurve's Law ations, Faw Novel 6--Elwood Glover &--Pele Gunn 7--Combat t | eS : ' n \: : ane atin 4---News id Weather 7-6 -News, Weather, fre rena) RIRTA oy s $--Toronio File gebin a Sports ACROSS Tattered 23, Souna, MCATISMES | HOME TO PARENTS 4--The Andy Griffith 12:15 P.M 4--Zane Grey Theatre eat At sais The rush of travel is particu- Show 9 day Report 3--Candid Camera ea ooh © Gases : We ane larly heavy out of London be 7 Noonday Repor | B _? z ' . 3--Petticoal Junctio ouse | 2~Death Valley Days | . Antiqued . Inventors' geon : 49 ke f the House } - 8:00 P.M. sg il 1:0 P.M .The white protections 24, Sk i " fore Christmas day, and back Sclapacial Movie 12:30 P.M. $ bla van ave bear . Belonging to 25, Affir M fel x to it after the holiday is over. 3 Patty Duke show | 9Kiddo Cartoons t2--The Virginian Accepted tie "asin : " tet ~ That is because hundreds of 4--Red Ske! t 62 un ae Sie ant Harriet ey Spent ak a " . Ae 1 thousands of young people have 5) co gin 7--Father Knows Bost | So Cutwic genus ® . Mirror re- window vot INES IME TI as a Ga N $ 2¢| |left their homes elsewhere in . 7--McHales. Navy. Fee ee orerrow| FoR Silvers: Show flection . Solitary i | Na N S Britain to work in London, and - 6-3--Ben Casey oaue , 145 PAM, .Girl's nicks 9, Fresh- the one trip home which they ~ fe renig Laila dadht 6--Mr. Fix-tt name water tor- never miss is that to rejoin their . ee an o ouloing LaN | 15. Born toise parents and famlies for the §-2--Richard Boone Show 3 -- Mov £:08 P.M. Wire Grastesl Ehow OP mor 1--Michael Shayne . Opened, as Pause natural Christmas reunion. London's railway stations and - Earth 1:00 P.M 9--My Favorite Martian Haw, as ob- dess 4--Petiicoa' Junction 11--One--with the Sonins | 7--Patty Duke i cattle se 28 Waner ' 9:30 P.M 9---December Bride e2--Red River Jembores Timid ti 30°A Great bus terminals will provide - M--Hennesey + Aatinea 8:30 P.M, 9. Sihalde "ie Ley ee scenes of pandemonium on the be artys 6 EAU a Hockey Night In a cance a sak three or four days before Christ- « 4--Jack Benny sMepi The: Miers 7--Farmer's Daughier pronoun tion NgeehT arch. ' - ~ ) FA : mas as these people jam their - co =D vorce Court As hi canes Series 3. W. Ind. key 21Metal con- 35. Concludes . Perf : --s eA ( an ' ~ way into them to take trains . ec cieventh: Hour 1:30 PLM, gael sabi hay - Sounds, as tainer 86. Bounders 7 ' y for the old home. In adgitien to $:2-Bell Telephone Hours, ig day Matinee Hone a donkey ¥ ' y the hundreds of extra trains } 7--The Fugitive ae anise Aa ps ted . Shop I VAL nan Pea | . : leaving the London stations, paaag lr ree Snow! 4-AS The World Turns | 7--Ben Casey . Forbid : GY . there will also be hundreds of 10:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. : 7 extra buses running from the / J--Focus On America | 9-4 Love Lucy FES Bg Sea / - - --__---- -- bus terminal at Victoria, des- - 6-3--Quest | 6-4-3--Password : ; jb 11:00 P.M. 2--People Will Talk io lpg a da . Made of oak l | itined for all parts of Britain 11-9-8--6-4-3-2--News Sa ee et . Mortifica- | This all provides a rich har- ; Weather and Spore | | naire 10:00 P.M. tion 6 407 CS RSBRACRE "Sage AN RES FRE ; ous 7 vest for the transportaton sys- , 1:15 PAM. ee nent The P.M. Show Givesk setter | DEUX NAVIRES _ LES GARS, fe ZA \tems, and much overtime for * toViewpoint repay in Court | £2The Elevenin Hour ernie > 7 APPARAISSENT PRES DE | | VOILA LES ANGLATS! A the workers on.them, but it also 11:20 P.M. 63 Scarien" H 1 dThe Sanny Kove Show Type of VILE DORLEANS, Dit CHAMPLAIN, 2 makes them feel quite happy to parrot seater hig 19:30 P.M. architece y have Christmas day free after ; -4--Late Show 3:00 P.M. ture ' be erly : v. 9--The Twilight Zone r arduous labors of the pre- . oe suse RE an Yond arin *! You 63--Day After Day . Flock vious day --Pierre Bert 8-2--Loretta Young i gz i #-2--Tonight Show 7queen For A Day 11:00 PM. . Divulged, The cancellation of trains on | the railways is parallelled by the cutting down of the London underground railway service - 7~Tennessee Ernie Ford 9%--Best of Groucho 6-3--Front Page Challenge MICKEY MOUSE 4--The Beverly Hillbillies . Italian LES CANADIENS 9:00 A.M. 6--British Cinema 63--Take Thirty 1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News as informa- J--Rocke! Ship 9--People in Conflict <Vinweeinl tors: golf and the bus routes to the abso- 2:00 A.M. 8-2--You Don't Sey aa 2. Apple-like aa ; ca! AY ling will either have to do it HR er R : M. 11:30 P.M, -- es - jabs: ¢cHomemakers: Hoaim lads fruit | : , the day before or stay at home B--Mike: Hemmer 4--To Tell The Truth Weather, Sports tion lute minimum, so that those ° Vi--Caplain Andy 7--Who Do You Trust | DOWN \ 9--Hid -Funtime $--Pierre Berton Hour = | ; : y rae b-the Match Game | &2--Tonight Show 8, Wing-like Wy) on Ohristmas Day, WEDNESDAY 3:30 P.M. 115 PM. Wiser '. FS : Pin eleva- 1:30 A.M. 1--Randy, Dandy 9--Metro Final { « }vx - 3 y people who depend on public 4--Captain Kangaroe 63--Friendly Giant N--TV Open Line | sata | ' i my ; ; i G FNS transportation 'to do their travel- i 4-Edge of Night 7-4--Late Show | 1. Revolve yaw My - z Z p SHA i 4 q 4-Popeye's Playhouse 7--Trallmaster 6--Nightcap 32--Mike Douglas Show 6-3--Cisco Kid 3--Sam Benedict NO REPLACEMENTS = Van ie HARTNEY, Man. (CP)--A. M. nr Cera YEMEN Runciman, United Grain Grow- * PONTIAC ... From All Of Us To All Of You We Extend... THE Gr eaten. te call cee elevators at country points "will ; | funetion until they are finished, CADRAUL CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. #2222". company won't build any more * ACADIAN 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 729-0694 Vier o wissen: fe -- SALLY'S SALLIES (Rees LUCKY Yo" -- WHEN TH' RIGHT \1-- ai) HELP HER ff x YOU CAN'T MELP WiMt/ AND A' MOMENT LATER, GUNFIRE TONTO, THAT TRAIN WHS 1 YOU DONT WANT TOVOIN ROCKS THE MAIL CAR: +> /$ SIGNALING FOR MELP/ 4 UNNERSTOOD OLE MAN LOOK GAL. COMES ALONG! 7/1 AN' SHE MIGHT COME as AA yard Bagh Al MOSE'S PRE-DICKSUN 'BOUT ME TO WHEN THAT 'LONG AN TH' SANDS O' TIME. RUNNIN' Y ) eave Yon HAPPENS ~~. hopes Oh y y, i" MINUTE"? » Ee! > s THE LONE RANGER WE'VE MADE A DEAL WITH GRANDPA... DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER ----= FRIED CRISP. a WONDERFUL?) -- Ham, | WHO GETS THE oa Dey Pretons -- WHAT WAS y(SLICED THICK] [4 EGEPLANT SIR? pA w=) ' RESULTS COUNT! : M|oay SI MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE : Consult « Member of the . Oshawa & District Real Estate Board - : Ss NURSEAREN'T THERE ANY J oj (eh. : : || emer " [EE a OISTAMPS GONNA WIN, THE i p~ ¢/ ty HE'S ALL BANDAGED. } "~~ : yj f ? ' Ve ce GOO? GINS OR, ONS A | T...L CAN'T TELL, »( _ ; i) ha THE BAD ONS |! 2 A Va a ' ae. y Vong Bought & Sold 165 Simcoe St. S. JULIET JONES Oshawa -- HUN Leavine, Nill AREN'T You \ 7 I \\|( First SHE WANTS| 13 DAGWOOD-- COMING OUT = ME-TO KISS HER-- p - IWON'T SEE YOU} , TOKISSME = 4_ THEN SHE UNTIL THIS \ GOODBYE? \ , aN * 4 1 , f EVENING Pug) S eS. seavict CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA + PORT HOPE WHITBY. - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - scARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL