Daughters of England to Observe Mrs. Robert Brandt 7purpc GROUPS, AUXILI ARIES Elected President | | R NY Ss , = Mrs. Alis - y 70th Anniversary in Oshawa osu ye Meneties earning furs Mr, Nite Palen whe | The Daughters of England, j Harmony Road Home andjdance. Those participating were |Empress of India Lodge, is ob- OL d The December meeting of the School was opened by the presi- Maureen Hughes, Patricia [serving e-venty years of active } q Oshawa Y's Menettes was held dent. The secretary's and'treas-|Stone, Anne Marie Collison, ' |participation in the life of the at the home of Mrs. Rudy Alex- Urer's reports were read. Sheila Jonah, Susan Steele, |city of Oshawa, tomorrow eve- ander, Mrs. Roland Fleming thanked|Lynn and Susan Lidster and ning at a combined anniver- PO The new slate of officers for, members for the $91 received/Sheila Scott. The pianist was ' . ; | ; 5 Ge Nee r P , Miss Jennie Arvay H 's Editor Dial. 723-3474 sary and Christmas dinner. J 1964 were elected and the in-/t0 date from family donation ee Jo Aldwinckie, vo Edit eg ge? tees ell Ae % stallation service will be held|week. It was decided to pur- Mr. James Allen introduced THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 16, 1963 7 |charles Huband, Pickering, who at the Y's Men's Christmas |Chase some spoons. It was sug-jhis group of square dancers in- "lis the president 'of the Lodge it g meeting on December 17. gested that a tea and bake sale|cluding: Susan Dyas, Vickie s : lwas ascertained that. the first j The new officers will be Mrs.,P@ held in the new year. This|Morris, Janice Hall, Gloria Christmas, Inside And Out excwisrstaits rons orate Mr htt Sate es i, i Ul cha in: Genein wae fennel: ; ; Tom Wolframe, vice-president: 519": Allen, Mark Saywell and Gary , Mrs. John McReelis, secretary. Miss Isobel Johnson's roomjLonsberry. The children pre- seventy-three years ago and # y Pr spe vaiiey Beh Theme Of Supper Address pees years later the Oshawa i ae fm Mrs. Charles Bovair, treasurer; |On the door prize and Mrs.|sented a very enjoyable per- : # Mrs. Clemence Hewitt, program|Bruce Bagg's room won the at- formance. g\Empress, of India etre tendance shield with nearly per- Refreshments were served by |chairman; Mrs. Doné ' ; " At t ime of its for- . chairman; Mrs. Donald Brunt snl J | |joyed by the Lenore Unit at the "Christmas in My Heart" were (rmed. At Reed ogi Oe octal. chairman: Mts: Robert|fect attendance Mrs, William Galbraith and the December meeting. Mrs. Ralph beautifully rendered. She was)'. ; : Goddard, Sunshine fund chair-| Mr. Rupert Harrison intro- Grade 1 mothers. : lyide friendship and companion- fi j . lair: | ' } ' Laing and her committee oe oo by Mrs. Ralph ship for the ah whe aan ag 4 man and Mrs. John Matthews. | jek M lin charge of. the program Jewel. erated from England, only to bulletin editor. Plans were made|Charles Bovair won the lucky |the evening, The singing of several famil- aoldec. alone. ano A for the Y's Men's meeting at!qraw. E| t j 1 '| The table was oe iar Christmas carols followed| range country goal then# 7 ' which the Y's Menettes will of- a Ronald Heard led the ec ro ysis i decorated with red can es an by the benediction close S\there have been Daughters of ¢ ' ficiate. The Rev. John Porter group in the playing of Pass- pr cael ali esac ar . a Travel resided|/En gland Lodges organized i g j of Westminster United Church word and The Match Game fol-] Removes warts, moles and I s . . * e vi a af ' tome old and familiar Christ- over the business of he even-|across Canada. This is possibly vee peli al Buest speaker for iowing which refreshments were superfluous hair, mas Story was given in a new ing the oldest lodge for wonien iny MRS. CHARLES HUBAND | nap nee an served by the hostess. and modern version and read The minutes were read and| Oshawa and District, and one (President) offee spoons for perfect at- -- . z ap lof the oldest in fhe country tendance were presented to by Mrs. Edward Rose and was rojl cal] taken by Mrs. H. V.|°% : pain Nile a W M M Ae Aaa oF the meditation at Three visitors and 24, Since its organization besides Sikes Tale Newton Si sears: ee a eG Rob- Ronald ' Bilsky, D.C, ARIE URDUFF The "outside!' of Christmas!members were present. The) offering friendship and compan-\\¢ Emily Horton. 41 years; er : randt, Mrs. Rudy _Alexan- CHIROPRACTOR will be in Oshawa ot the g on the lighted!, ; lionship to newcomers fro pay in «der, Mrs. Thomas Wolframe Workmen's C nsatio Genosho Hotel, Dec. 16, 17, 18 the things seen th g visits reported for the month " \Mrs. Sarah Murray and Mrs.!ang Mrs. Clemence Hewett @ Workmen's Compensation : as F Chri E angla t has also become al.. : ; Ml | Christmas trees, i oie i ite ett pues se in-|Edith Newman,: both with 40 Christmas decorations and) ¢ Sein. Cio. PHONE 723-4641 cards, the busy shoppers h Mrs. Wallace Butler reported en years: Mrs. Jessie Madder, 38; ecayto-meke: sills "were dled pinal s\ ns $s eppbistnent ec ce date things we hear, Christmas cal oy finances and a motion was|surance and help for the -- Mrs. Doris Mcdonald, 37; Mrs.'nlayed to the group. Mrs 100 King St. E. 728-5156 segemanan gas +) sleigh bells all the sounds made to send a cheque to the Tt helps any member in nee kaa Morse. 37. Mie Maud I ie es MR. AND MRS. HAROLD HENRY of Christmas. Te tangs te ind OCW before the year-end. eae caine to ayy Skinner, 36; Mrs. Ethel Wood. = the turkey, the puddings and ; It also gives money to all ong 9g: Mrs. Annie Murrall Oshawa Times Photo ae nl scp thines are the, A. collection was taken up for i ie s at : i al andies all these things ar i} pepati . " charities such as: Cancer Fund ap Blanche Read 35 nitaide" of Christmas the 'Christmas Cheer'. fund Retarded Children's Fund, Crip 36; Mrs. Blanche 4 I r "s Mt fockerham 3; Ld . Ths <idal? * Christmas, Mrs. D.. W. Holden and Mrs.|** Beiiak : : Mr Ethel Cocker am, Married Frida Dec 13 1913 t 4 ihe - +t " n ay is fee Lloyd Moody will be in charge|? ed Cnicren and con Mrs. Jane Herring, 33; Mrs C S A Z ! he things which alta 'hin. of the basket for a needy fam- Chest. [ts money 18 ralseC) annie Mitchell, 28: Mrs. Beat e e e but a feeling which eas - ie A donation of Many HOUbe: through penny bazaars and ie ase OMe Me . ° ividual experiences for hir hicse: HRVAE i : Pair Celebrate Golden Wedding fi itmar'be a quiet time by hold items as well as cannegjouchres, Petry maith tie Timor, Kirkbride, 26; Mrs. Lillian APPROVED g self. It may be aq bers help at Hillsdale ANT. vtocier, 26: and Miss Peggy & f| A pot luck supper 'was en-|A Star Was His Candle" an Over 15 Years' Experience a4 goods w rought to the meet- : Hragic r in in the 200ds was broug bia et one's own fireside, or in ing for this purpose Mrs, tHuscft continued vacunon 48 | yerseas " cuest soloist and her selections'able evening help the men over has been the treasurer of the y t 13t Id n -'red roses fr - dauchter.|midst of one's family or of pray Pa : é 1, ' ine caen lg Bee betsy aa Ea Ropar er and meditation. A time of Mrs. H. FE. Kerr spoke to the During aut shat : ie : Mrs. Doris Mc Donald, prior Narait Hear Ww Kin 1913 chose ae 7 ane at : al a 2 ae making wrongs right. A. feel- members regarding "A House Daughters 0 ng sae me - to becoming ne 1d weBrk S expres "4 ishes @ a g > re 0 iin aa: T - * a ay their weddl lag. Lactithelp faende . ling of peace and goodwill. A wife Panel" a. project for Jan- War Unit which made quilts 64 was a past District Deputy : os thei " ae py a reir frien Hciike: GE belie close to God.(uary and sold them to raise funds to and for: the past fourteen ee riday, also the 13th ey cele ing g § n i og . to : G a S Mary Ethel Bowers, borr 887 O ; L r in ce County da r AUXILIARIES The oldest living member 'S\lodge for the past seven years N i Mrs. Alice Williams, now resid , . end parcels. to the men at the ©. ei i Bites ; brated their golden . wedding These are some of the '"'inside" Mrs. Frank Black expressed front rine also. did knitting Co's Das heey scorn. Mie the late Mr. and Mrs, Jame E W E C \ W re \ \ ts . 30W Pp r r pa om ing in Toronto, with 66 years in : > . Bowers' of Picton. Harold Bu 9TH SCOUT GROUP AUX asy eal, asy are Ue LAdae ard the Hewest Giakt : mS Sz. e ar gs of Christmas the thanks of the group to all Annie Mitchell who is the pres sess TS,GROUPS "2 ting eke eres An mi 8 UNI ' Miss Eleanor Calvert was the taking part for.a most enjoy and any thing else necessary ent Worthy District Deputy Henry was born in Prince 2 The. 9th Oshawa Scout Gy i iv. vear 20-LIGHT SET of Toronto meet n the form: of a 'ia 5 over. twenty-five years a ' with ick supper. at St Gregorv's Whether you love skiing are style in Seandinavian iy SS = 2 spare bulbs The couple was married in : a x ' CUSTOM AND e Boe SS / ip . Auditorium and was. wellisimply the ski look you're paisley and' abstract patterns 5 H P Z y S O-LIGHT SE 1 Pi i ure t } READY MADE \ ; g ' 10-LIGHT SET 09 Picton Baptist Ch irch by the attended bound to become a fan 'ofthe and topped with shells made of Let s avéa arly \ pe a 5 Ts 5 cy : . late Reverend A. K. 'Scott and Fi an APE A ee Es Set includes one spare bulb. have lived in Oshawa for the\: There was a short business sportswear created - for snow leah a ; : Dishes, Cutlery, Glosses, oe ; s : : seting = p ti 4. And the latest style ighlights on the men's sports Silver Candelabra: nast 40 vear Mr ent was meeting and the president, Mr me 4 i 4 ie loyed = 'oo Pec eat Walter Atherfold. spoke briefly for 'the entire family accentiscene range from hooded par- Silver Teo Service. M, & 0; Dry Goods i p Muinbee ol venta et i the about her trip to the Recional easy-wear and easy-care as'kas -to elbow-patched country Punch Bowls, & D eries ra r y ane U ; as appealing fashion * jackets to trail jackets suburban COFFEE URNS rap ; 'Nedale Conference in. Barrie which she Wel connie now, 'reside at Hillsdale atten Ra WHER ME cirenee It's refresh t ee how coats. One notable parka has] 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes 74 CELINA STREET ' Harper, and informed the mem- Many fabrics for par sweat-stretch-quilted sleeves and side Sargeant's Rentals PHONE 723-7827 They have two sons and six hte that ao more dninted cacere and on nt an be- washed inserts of synthetic fiber, and 462 RITSON ROAD SOUTH "i . daughters: Mr. Eugene Henr ort would be given at the next) --mMacnine washed, at that.!many zip-out linings make laun Phone 725-3338 Miniature Indoor Dunbarton; Mr. James Henry S ; 1} sat Jirtv/dering a breeze meeting ince. few ¢ ne ge as dirty;dering a hreeze 5) Oshawa; Mrs. Victor Rout (Flor tho, at a price that will brighten up your Christmas! ward County in 1893, son of the it Gro . I 'Ski L k' ber is Mrs edie eines sea ri , y 1 - 1onth. Other members wit f late Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Auxiliary held. its Decer rer Designs n ] 00 one ee ane Bal Rd ee = th kiing or ence, Mrs, Albert McQuaide It was decided to hold a Christ. 35 2C0VE Sp0TE (Om ON CT a a Na i Na Na Ni att a ee SES iS ie aia ie iniataiaiaiaia: Hilda), M Paul Marteniuk|™as party for the Cubs in the), ; Bx since (Hilda), Mrs. au arteniu oe able to suds them out as often' 'xe (May), Mrs. John Gatenby,near future. The evening was',. needed (Rose), 'Mrs. Lawrence Jordan concluded WOML Benes For the adies---stretch fab (Eileen) and Mrs. Bryan Shaw rics still predominate in pants (Doris), all of Oshawa | HOUSEHOLD HINT The parkas are often reversible There are 25 grandchildren| A. waffle design on cookies and provoke a storm of color and six great grandchildren that appeals to the children is|With gay paisleys, vivid florals, | The couple received a tele ase ib AGhiage bw Ameasing the abstract prints and emphasis on gram and flowers from Mr , » *\powder blue ' Henry's brother, Mr, Edwardjrolled-out cooky dough with a) sweaters -- many hand-kaits Henry in Toronto, and a dozen! potato masher. and machine-washable models Bright, gay assorted colors add glamour to your decorations. . . Ideal for year-round party use, too. Special "cut out" permits independent burning. Bead type. fastener. With long cord and plug. SAVE on OUTDOOR Z=\ LIGHTS INDEPENDENT BURNING Canadian-made heavy ee ad rad just arrived , from the nited ingdom : sep PIRES Sy TEE TP TET j Plane : y i ¥ ; By Ship and By Plat | aX J ry i All Wool Socks and Lambswool 1. | oes Sweaters by | &R Morley 4 of Heanox, Derbyshire. . . Shetland Sweaters In Authentic Crew Necks from Paine of "SoS BURNS ... Ideal Christmas Gift Suggestion ! Silver Plated TEA SERVICE weatherproof wiring; approved safety sockets. The generous length gives greater coverage; add-on eonnector for aaa eee ae ey extra sets; mammoth : eolored bulbs. Each i lamp burne indepen- [Extra Bulbs| dently. |Each... .14 LIGHT 7-LIGHT SET .... 1.69 |S for .59| 1 OUTEIT 15-LIGHT SET .. 3.39 PERSIE sy ri ba Sista eX : x Godalming and Bulky Pullovers and Cardigans from Bathgate, << Ge Bright Christmas Aids MULTI-INDOOR Scotland. A -- Revolving Multicolor = B -- Floodlight Socket 7-LIGHT SET FLOODLIGHT and Spike Each Colored Bathes your treeincolor-changes, With eord and plug Bulb Burns 1 29 red, green, blue and amber, 12" (less bulb) 1.99 Independently . diam. On-off switch; built-in BULB -- state eolor desired. Spring clip sockets hold es With ite vel ane plug. Each 3.35. lights upright. Large bulbs -watt r (not . . i included)... 7,69 C--Outdoor Floodlight Kit, ,a\"piug 'and addon Includes weatherproof socket, connector, OPEN DAILY wall bracket, earth spike, 6-ft. Extra bulbs 5S for 45 cord and plug. With clear QUTDOOR EXTENSION 8:30 - 9:00 bulb, : 3.49 CORD SET -- Weather. TILL CHRISTMAS Complete with red, blue, green, fbi -- With cap and , : ug. SATURDAY 'TIL 6 yellow or pink bulb. ....... 3.98 re 69 -- 2-"t 1.59 9 ey 50-ft. 2.6 CASH AND CARRY ° INDOOR CORD seT -- t tri-plug. BONUS COUPONS 6-1. 57 -- oft. 69 - 15-ft. .89 Lustrous Mirror-Clear Exactly as Ilustrated 5 PIECES 9.95 They all have the Dover label as well as the BPP S22 SVB VSS BSAA WE SSSS SSS SSSSSSSS SIs sewi makers... and they're so very well priced for Melon-Shaped -- Scalloped Edged and Footed Latue Sacving tees with 'Yas, Coffe. Cucar such excellent quality and workmanship. and Creamer ; COMPLETE 1:50: SHETLANDS ... 13,95 LAMBSWOOL CARDIGANS SCOTCH -PULLOVERS 12.95 CARDIGANS 18.95 OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY AT BURNS Open Daily 'Til 9 'Til Christmas (WABI AAAASAE , aa ASSOCIATE STORE OSHAWA PORT PERRY y FRED A, SMITH CO. LTD. QUEEN STREET OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE y ee 985-2824 CREDIT JEWELLERS % 728-6272 32 KING ST. WEST 'PHONE 723-7022 ; Ro mermeemeere a meeemmneme merece: meres ~ cE! Se Bivisioii aise aise