Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Dec 1963, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Clear and very cold with a few cloudy periods and chance of an occasional .snowflurry. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Gift idea for youngsters: Some- thing to hang their clothes on-- besides the floor. The Oshawa Times = OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1963 Ottawa ond for payment of Postage in Cash. PROVINCE CAN RULE ON INTEREST RATES TWENTY PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents per Copy VOL. 92--NO. 294 "hie ad mS " * GOP apt 4 investi m OTTAWA (CP)--The Supreme} The Ontario Appeal Court had © Cost For '64 ia, 4 * ** Cost For fithat has protected Ontario bor-|terest--a field reserved to the 1 jannounced in the Supreme So- granted an appeal by the On-/torney-general, heard by the Su- jrate, was promised by Premier of Appeal ruling that the Un-|the federal government. It was ° ® | week to the Communist Party) : B ', ve was invalid eserv Ol1r O ad Se jcentral committee j ' Si sgt | "The appeal is allowed, the; Mr. Justice Judson said s s | The Premier appeared at to-) | »* \order of the Court of Appeal for; 'The theory of the legislation preme Soviet--the Soviet Par-| ¢ : yo held that the Unconscionable|relieve a debtor, at least in hole in Baldwin Hills reservoir. Witnesses said a triangle-jthen piled into a flood contro Mayor Samuel Yorty " j e e '\rio," the majority judgment!be said to have given a free and Savint Cuts Supreme Court | Court of Canada ruled today in|ruled that the act was unconsti- a judgment with far-reaching/tutional because, 'in substance, ' iy " ' se science sisi MOSCOW (AP): -- A cut of '# |rowers for 50 years is constitu-|federal Parliament under the WATER FROM BROKEN RESERVOIR SWEEPS THROUGH CANYON 600,000,000 rubles in the Soviet * | tional, British North America Act. jet today p : s ~oe™ \tario attorney-general's depart-|preme Court in June, was op- The cut, amounting to $666,- ment against a judgment in Oc-/posed by Barfrieq Enterprises |Khrushchey in a speech last "~< \conscionable Transactions Actisupported by the attorney-gen- : day's opening session of the Su- f i : * |Ontario is set aside,-and it isjis that the court is enabled to LOS ANGELES (AP) -- An és-|jburst with a mighty roar Sat-|development spread through} The many factered ianieuttp listen to We a e | ; id 4 » Ana a all leak devel-|ty meineEe. dist a an-| gat 'ting today i} at. ament--to 1 utline %|Transactions Relief Act is|part, of the obligations of a con- mated 300,000,000 gallons ofjurday after a small leak dev two busin districts, and: an-|gation starting today will a of the budget. It was read by -|within the powers of the legis-|tract to which in all the circum- leaving three persons dead, 15jshaped wedge--75 feet at thejchannel and ofund its way tO wants to know why the The military budget for 1964 : ; ee | said valid consent. decision means, 'The fact that interference e cle mime isem-== =" Grants Appeal -. Its Military Oey nae \ i 4 ' ee : implications that leg'slation it was legislation related to in- military budget for 1964 was ; _ i 4 ' | The court in a 5-to-2 decision) The appeal by the Ontario at- : ] C V | In estigators ee < au se {00,000 at the official exchange tober, 1962, by the Ontario Court| Limited of Guelph, Ont., and by eral of Quebec. | yater roared out of a gaping/oped earlier in the day other residential neighborhood,|/tempt to answer Finance Minister Vasily Garbu-! é lature of the province of Onta-|stances of the case he cannot <i bs a ala < 4 injured, at least $10,000,000;/base--tore out of the: asphalt-\the ocean; about five miles broke totals 13,300,000,000 rubles ($14 Th non). Z e court's Officials investigated the;shot 50 feet into the: air path of the water ivent money-lenders from charg-|ments of the contract is inci- moved. in to clear the stricken jarring the earth as it hit. Theidam in Ventura County broke 224 wondering ($15,400,000,000) tears as she and her husband have no home,"' she repeated. | The majority judgment, writ to be done ward the homes below the ied. tranned ariahe: M yes tt tapped In crushed' versity of California at Los An- military, about the same propor: but legislation relating to an- As Explosion Only -deep, eroded gullies re-'downhill and split into several peijjuno, Italy. About 2,300 per-\Lee A. Dubridge president of| and (B) that the transaction is) TORONTO (CP) -- A woman ajor damage. More than 100 és maj ge jarea, hit a garden apartment!|of a_new high-level dam. clared Baldwin Hills a disas-laystry which are made by pri iit ates cna al ae : i shattered homes, hoping to sal- flood victims nental passenger train of the/patched to the scene. i f h cai killed," a policeman said. order to evacuate disrupted the |? water works for the depart-|ing wil) not weaken Russia's de- stonm early today. and severai|taken to' Kamloops for treat-iorover to maintain as heving | : es ; an-'and-concrete 1 wall of the! awe Up to 10 niches of thick' ,, A his 5 ing é damage and one big unan-!and-concrete lined wall of the ay ) ii Thousands of flood victims,|760,000,000) of a total govern-| © : lthat while the field of interest|with such: a contract may ine : : i : sibility volve interference with interest : : for the damag iis s a federal responsibility, a cause of Saturday's devastating; The water at first fell into a It wasn't the first time such Os events : her resident sa mb] eee uel my) DISMAL RETURN flood today as cleanup crews|catch basin several hundredia disaster had struck southern Thousands of other residents Military spending for 1963 was ' area of tons of muck and de- 50-foot-deep . basin soon Was! and 500 persons lost their lives. WANTS BOARD SET UP Western specialists in Soviet) arrive back at the scene of 'Theirs was one of hundreds |ten by Mr. Justice Wilfred Jud- bris. filled and millions of gallons Of|{n that event there was no time Yorty has asked Franklin D budgets insist that approximat-| Los Angeles reservoir flood destroyed or damaged: by the json, said Woman Hurt rty has aske rankli ely half the annual Soviet: ex-| to find their home smashed waters < (AP Wirephoto) "In my opinion, it is not leg- The giant wall of water from) A wall of water 30 feet hich homes , poy e ; : oy , 53 geles; Dr. Norman Topping t J States : the .breaking earth-filled dam and 110 feet across swept houses) The worst dam break in his S caident (or tha Uldiveretie oF oy as the United States |nulment or reformation of con- I t " owever, there is no imme- |tract on the grounds set out in Ss nf A 4 I ot, namely, (A) that the R Pp: S d W lk mained where attractive dwell- forks, sons were drowned when -an/Caltech, to name a board to|/ Comparison between Soviet bud bd "Oe na AO i 1 s . e a ings stood. Sixty-four homes The flood smashed through anjavalanche roared into a reser-| study thie tragedy. gets and American budgets. The Derailed In B " were destroyed and 82 received . i |Soviet budget, unlike the Ame 2 fw harsh and unconscionable. was injured today when an ex- pe aga ny tl : "The wording of the statute|Plosion ripped up 100 feet of i } 5 E king available long-|.- 4 r , LITTLE FORT, B.C. (CP)-- Three or four persons were in-|indicates that it is not the rate| More fortunate residents id ila pci S-ivate operators in the United ..7) 0°" coesningy | dusaa ei sii ;.| downtown Toronto. rm, low 7 'ight cars of the Super-Conti-|jured and ambulances were dis-!or amount of interest which is "If it had been rush hour, cage 'i A The finance minister empha- ¢ lig Nati 1 Railw N ; 4 - of j | 'tem: Heath phe he Max K. Socha, chief engineer|.:.. ' : ae anadian Nationa ailways,| No injuries were neported se-|but whether the transaction as vage items left behind when t orks r jSized the cut in military spend- jumped the track in a snow-|rious and those hurt were to be|a whole is one which it would be he WOMAN, wid waa abe Iie tranquil neighborhood. Police hed bd ment, said the dam was of the fences ; jmediately identified, was - most advanced design Py . : persons were injured. All cars|ment. | > rockon Bigg heavily to eeing O 1ceé These appropriations will en-| mained 'uptight swered question: Why dam and the released water|mud covered everything in the who want to know who will pay'ment expenditure of 91,300,000,-| * province can legislaet to pre-j¢S one of the constituent ele- and heartsick homeowners'feet below the lip of the dam,.j(alifornia. In 1928, St. Francis livi below similar reservoirs, given' as 13,900,000.000 rubles Mrs. Leslie Behunin is in, by the rushing waters.. "I jing excessive interest rates 'dental 7 7 g water raced down any to warn the: people lot : For some, there was nothing water raced down a canyon to warn the people below and Murphy, chancellor of the Uni-|nenditure is assonlaten wiih the ste ia 0 ; inilitar : islation in relation to interes swept blocks of homes away. and garages along as it raced tory curred last Oct. 9-10 at¢ a - iia k cw ' y occu ta Southern California; .and Dr. diate means of making a clear cost of the loan is excessive,| expensive canyon residential) voir, forcing water over the to, haan : MESt: 7 Hd P| The federal government de-jican, includes investments. in in- | \pavement beneath her feet in : ri a it interest loans [Or cate picked among the ruins of their States eer scapees anic jthe concern of. the legislation' 1... would have been hundreds been freely consented to by the treated in hospital for a gashed But he said that with the res-jable the Soviet Union to main- There was no report as to why debtor." leg and discharged. The Mie We hace. Eadervolr. : ervoir now empty, a long se- tain its defences at a level that, The transcontinental train the cars jumped the track. Supporting his decision were| Police believe she was walk- owned by the Los Angeles de-) TORONTO (CP)--Four youths;and charged with vagrancy, but Ties of ragged holes can be seen/would ensure the security of the Was westbound with about 230 Te perature in the area was/Chief Justice Robert Tasche- ing along the pavement when it partment of water and power,/forced their way at gunpoint/the youths fled across back-in the asphalt inner surface of! country and the entire socialist passengers, all asleep, when the|200ut 17 degrees above zero andjreau and Justices Gerald Fau-|erupted beneath her feet. ° Sore into a suburban North York yards until they reached the the dam camp," he said crash occurred. CNR officials! overnight sre acm zi Sits : about two inches of snow fell teux, Emmett Hall and John R.| The explosion, blamed by po- home Sunday night in an at-|home of Dr. Peart The holes lead in a straight! - ; 7 : : A Cartwright. ; _ lice on leaking gas, hurled said the diese] units remained The railway said train will go| The minority finding was writ-|chunks of concrete across the . De ortation Plea tempt to escape arrest. Two of Dr. Peart was asleep in bed. line from one side of the big ) p the youths were later charged but Mns. Peart said ake saw break in the wall and may have NATO A d on the track but that eight cars/out frm Vancouver to the |ten by Mr. Justice Ronald Mart-|street and shattered windows on Refused B Board with escaping custody at Guelph the youths. running across the been the leaks that caused the ssure directly behind them. left the wreck scene, pick up passengers|land and concurred in by Mr. | office buildings at the intersec- y Reformatory yard. Then they barged into her|dam to collapse, Socha said raids ition of Yonge and Adelaide, OTTAWA (CP)--Arturo Rod-| One of -the youths pointed a kitchen, one of them brandish-| Other possibilities mentioned T K railway spokesman, in @ riguez Espaillat, former head of|gun at Mrs, Arthur Peart and)ing-the gun at-her and her chil-)included earth tremors, subsid- abde 0 eep Lassneet Gane a ie the secret police of the Domin- her three children and de- dren ence fram oil drilling, and fie Kae cas qi ican Republic, has lost an ap-/manded she hide them from David D. Hopkins, 17, and cracking and stretching of the . The CNR Super - Continental peal before the immigration ap- pursuing police James G. Oke, 17, both of Tor-| whole area Unit Strength train, westbound for Vancou- peal board against a second de- Panicking, they scattered to onto, were charged with escap-| Payment for damage will bid Biidee deralied at Little Fort, portation order hide in various parts of the ing custody, possession of stolen) probably hinge ona court deci-- PARIS (Reuters) -- Presi- 53 miles east of Kamloops. The 41-year-old former right- house while one of them phoned goods and six counts of break-!sion on the cause of the break. dent Johnson today assured the ees pee hand man of slain dictator Ra- for a taxi ing and entering. Oke also is 15-nation NATO alliance the : fael Trujillo turned up in Tor Minutes later police traced)charged with possessing an of- United States wil] maintain 'its D d T S ad, 1 WO jons and take them to Kamloops. 'Justice Roland Ritchie. onto late last month after be- them to the house..The youth fensive weapon and pointing a T P 'present six - division troop ing deported from Canada Oct.|with the 38 -calibre revolver firearm. Two 15-ear-old youths exas osse strength in Europe "so long as 9 ' pointed He .was ordered deported for Sykes, then tutned and fled into # second time following a. hear- the basement ng in Toronto before an immi gratin officer. His appeal} - year - against the second deportation|w'ile their car was being fixed order was heard by the appeal at. a service -station beard last wek and announced when a police cruiser dr The girl was quickly arres today. were charged with vagrancy Hopkins and Oke! were sen tenced: in Pambroke in July to nine months definite and six months indefinite on joint tharges* of breaking, entering and theft, carrying a concealed weapon and three other minor charges. They escaped Nov. 17 « they are needed." Hunts Killer The president added that "un der present circumstances BUCKHOLTS. Tex. (AP)--A there is no doubt that they will 75-man posse scoured this cen- eopunue tp pe needed tral Texas area today for four _ Johnson made the pledge Me men accused of killing a soft 'tain Bibs i erulyeient A es drink salesman and binding his American Givisions how de wife and dumping her -into a Ployed in Europe in a message well with the body of her hus.|!0 the first session of a three. day alliance ministerial council Die In Blaze STEPHENVILLE CROSSING, Nfld. (CP)--A_ father and two of his children were burned to death in a fire early today that destroyed their home: at nearby) St. George's on Newfoundland's west coast Dead are Albert Arthur Mes- lb: : + fy [Pang ; meeting here servey, 28, and sons Brent, 4, Saskaichewan Probe 22! swe tit Eien, mon Bit | |were former carnival workers rea the eastoselahe to NATO min-| Messervey rescued three chil- likewise blamed for robbing t°Ts. meeting to assess the|dren from the burning house be- | S| West's , trons ® bd lfarm families and stealing cars, V°%S Military strength and/fore he was trapped in the in S octors it in three other states ss policies in the light of possible | flames with the other two chil- | : future contacts with Russia. 'dren . | In Alabama, sdlicitor (prose- SALA sce ' ' ee cuter) Tom Boggs issued war- é REGINA (CP)--A picture of! A doctor with hospital priv--who control the hospital med- Tants charging the four men two camps: of Saskatchewan ileges is allowed to commit his ica! staffs with murder, attempted mur- en enniad eas doctors which don't communi-|patients to a hospital and treat Mr. Justice Woods concluded ¢", armed robbey and bu- cate with one another, was un-/them there. In each of the five that none of the parties involved glary. The War rants named Ger- P e fold J today by Mr. Justice cases investigated so far by Mr. in the privileges cases acted in ald Eaton, 27, Don Lucas, 18, Mervyn Woods of Regina, a one- Justice Woods, applications for bad faith. He called on the two\Clarence (Butch) Coon, 20, and n er 1SCcussion man provincial royal commis- hospital privilegés were groups to sit down asd frankly ees Wood, 17 : sion on hospital privileges rejected on the advice of hos- dis uss their differences ey were .acecused in the Wana ey Dp ape ( : i a 'egiteas report to the pital medical staffs Community clinics were set S!4ying of Leonard' Culpepper,|,. OTTAWA (CP) thr Sg ti provinces of Nova Scotia, New) government on the first inves- The commissioner concluded up during a medical care crisis »: 'he soft drink. salesman, at ico cad sti Gay geet He iit grat ns ee : tigations of his commission, he that these medical staffs, con-|in the province a year earlier his lrome near the Alabama- eget Caneacls fe? Cena a confederation on July gues : 3 ; urged the doctors to restore trolled by doctors who do not as citizen - sponsored clinics! Mississippi line Friday wall Her diseunsed "today nat S FIRE THAT TOOK SIX YOUNG LIVES their emmunication lines. He work in community clinics, did which could hire doctors to work a comusces nuieaday at a federal-provincial/ PLAN TATTOO said the doctors have split over not make a great enough effort directly under the medical care Chi . conference here. 3. The staging of a military e e e their approach to the province's to communicate personally with scheme inese Premier A ting of federal and pro tattoo by the armed forces in| compulsory medical care insur- the applying community doctors); Mr. Justice Woods made mee sintdal alaisters: ce avonaipie for 1967, probably travelling from! 1x ] Te] i l e ance plan 'and so did not get all the facts two recommendations concern. Views Car Plant | the 'observances fotowan py coast to coast. The major difference arises before delivering their advice ing applications, moatnwe af FA Mi eruer aN 4, The holding of the Pan} pocause the community clinic, Misunderstanding also arose, 1 -ppat a permanent board.of . CAIRA (AP)--Premier Chou tionel conference including sem.-| American Games in Winnipeg, hd doctors work directly under the especially in the field of med- anneal 'a majority of whose £1 - lai of Communist Chinalinars on the historic. cultural|i" 1967, for which the city won| ; medical care plan and in many ical ethics. Many doctors ap-\ members should be members of (0Ured an Egyptian automobile! and ceremonial aspects of the approval in April from the Pan} S 1re wee S ome c¢.ses support it while most/pear to feel that community ine saskatchewan College of Plant today, d'spensing Commu-|centenary will. discuss these| Smerican Congress, _ and for other doctors work. outside it/clinic doctors engage in or Con- phycicians and Surgeons ha es- Mist praise and Chinese souve-' among other projects _ . has a of the facili and hag ener : oe bn Gi batons -- saparec tablished to deal with com- lake 1. The opening of the Fathersithe eel cant ta PORTLAND, Me, (AP).-- Fivejof their children out: of the; Another boy, Edward, 3, was tee Siind in fe Co Woods wit ter n his ei : oe S atl coh ggg talk of Confederation Memoria \nicipal treasuries for prepara |little girls and a boy died early; house before they were forcedjalso dropped to safety. Then cae fe yeni Tile enconilinle aie haved at vdeauate tions. uit he ses President buildings next spring in Char-!tions and. administration oday when fire raced through|to flee the smoke and flames. A|Harrigan jumped to the ground, ea Nios taining. hos-|informatio . J . 2 That a doctor applying for *Yé oe cing premier re-/lottetown with a season - long! 5 The holding of the Olym-|their duplex home near down-|fourth child made her own wayl}telling his wife: 'I'll jump first ering difficulty in ssp & intonmation, hospital privileges be-given de- sumed ceremonial tours' on the! program of theatrical, musicaltnie Games during the. winter|town Portland to safety. and you throw the children to ital privileges, he said The hospitals should haye con-|tailed written reasons if his*ap- ird day of his week's visit and other events to observe the|or 1967-68 at Dunit Alta fern William F. Harrigan said the But three daughters and the|me." sidered granting temporary pri-|plication is refused While Chou walked along the|1864 Charlottetown 'conference!soreq py the Gite ot "Gainary|fire started when he spilled oil|three state' wards died in the) But' Mrs. Leona. Harrigan jvileges to the' clinic doctors) During the medical, care cri-/@8sembly lines, Foregin Minis-jof the fathers of confederation and' the Calgary "Olympic "pe-{while trying to light a. space|flaming house. A medical ex-jcouldn't reach the other children CITY EMERGENCY while, their cases were. consid-jsis, most doctors boycotted the ter Chen Yi in Chou's mame) 9 ° 4 proposal, still unan-| velopment Association, subject|heater aminer 'said that all six suffo-land had to jump herself. Gen- ered, he said. Community clinic}medical care plan by withdraw- Passed out mementos to plant nounced in detail, for a cultural/to approval of the International) Harrigan.and his wife, Leona,|cated evieve, 8, made her way out > PHONE NUMBERS doctors' suspicions that their/ing normal medical services un-/officials--ash trays, embroidery,|centre in Quebee City to mark|Olympic Committee which will|were on the first floor. Their) The Harrigan's daughter Bev-|alone cases were unduly delayed were'til the governmept comprom-|records of Chinese music and'the 1864 meeting at which the|meet next month at Innsbruck.|seven children and 'three statejerly, 9, jumped from a second-| Dead were three Harrigan POLICE 725-1133 ur.founded : sed with them on some of thar hi ographs of Chinese plants. | resalutions were adopted which!Austria. Other cities competing|wards who lived with the fam-|floor window to an adjacent hill-|girls, Heidi, 2 Mary Ann. 4 The clinic doctors corm wed demands Nearby were two sec "iwere incorporated--some. say|for the 1968 winter. games .arelily were asleep on the. second'side and then caught her eight-|and Holly Carol; 6. The three FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 penee applications 'for' privilege The. docto won the fight to tories ( hou did: not making neither entirely nor precisely-- Grenoble, France: Sapporo. Ja-|floor of the frame house months-old: brother, John, whom|state wards who-died were Tho- HOSPITAL 7123-2211 f practice outside the medical;|German - designed jet engines|in the British North Americajpan; Lake Placid, N.Y Lahti The 40-year-old railway em-|the parents dropped from a win-;mas Maley; 6, .T ami. Maley, 4, » were tutned down because of discrimination by other. doctors,'care scheme. Most now do so. and fighter planes, 'Act, which joined the originallFinland; and Oslo, Norway.' jployee and his wife helped three/dow, jand Ramama Maley, 7.

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