THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December au 19 27--Real Estate for S Sale WHITBY -- brick | bungalow, | ; near HiGh|$1x<ROOM brick, central, oll heat, three $6500. FULL' PRICE, Courtice, small school, $1,000 down, good terms, Calli bedrooms. Vacant, $95. monthly or $1000. home, 2 vears old, 4 acres land, 728-7328, Mr. Crulkshanks, 728-5123, Bo! 'hood Bros. down. Call 728-2236 Keith Peters, Realtor Ltd. _ |27--! eal Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate. For Sale \29--Automobiles For Sale ale |29---Automobiles -- For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sele | |1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, executive a |b FORD V8, standard iracanrlision 1956 "CHEVROLET NB, standard, $225; '34--Lost and Found |6,000 miles, 6 cylinder, white, automatic,|back-up lights, windshield washers, $695.|and 1960 Vauxhall, excellent condition 3 as |radio. Like new, $2,475. Call 723-9366. | Telephone 728-8049 radio, best offer. 728-5615 2--Arrticles for Sale t,. black, size 40, medium|Lost brown ; Friday, -- en |1955. GMC two-ton stake t ruck. , four-door | edan, V Ine, automatic] MEN'S iC two-fon" stake 'ft ruc' New]1963 PONTIAC V8, four-door r hardtop, | 956 FORD sedan, V-8 engine, automa hardly sroene Woy keoet Unie Inight, vicinity «of Bond ree Park Road tric wipers, 6cyiinder standard trans | 1956 CHEVROLET, 4-door hard top, elec- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, brick bungalow, finished room, large landscaped lot, choice nor ocation, near schools, bus, etc., $2,500 Telephone 728-8749 Cars bought and sold over payments. After 5 p.m. Liens paid off ck or Whitby, 668-3888 Trade up or down 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition double baralied, famous)! Howard $. Brooking 45 Prince $t Street e, fully guaranteed. Regu-| Bowmanville Ontario will not be respon clearing $89.50. Sportsman's|sible for any debts contracted in my name one block west of Four Corners.'on or after this date December 12, 1943 by anyone without my written consent Howard hud Brooking 1 ed t 5 land > in North Oshawa ju limit one 1963 FIAT TWO DOOR with white wall tir side bathroom Excellent condition. Priced to ooder STUDIO couch, two chairs, $35; Floor FOUR suite apartment in centre ° of Bow- inokse Mid titea, ak. verantane (u-ebenltan § ' « tra Dla falc Benatar 5 ls polisher, $20; iron, ironing board etc., manville on large 140-ft. by 192-ft treed del tubal gealtraction' pataty Tae ehh gohrrpa phone 778-9286, : ee io orm suth's white, black fleck|Containing large sum of money sub- Cement finishing tools, Apply 102 Rosehill fot. Circular drive through _beauiful Seer hy Whitby 668-8432 |stantial reward. 728- 3623. - Boulevard. (Basement apartment). 725- lawn. and pine trees. Large apartments walls. Full price $3,200, PO Box 477, Port! igsp RENAULT sedan, clean throughout, |" one nDY , 608-8432 carcass ® 19997. in. good repair, Rent incomé $295. per |mission. Tel=phone 673-5637, after 5|P@rrY or phone evenings ¢ 985-2235, _|new tires, new licence piates, $450. Tele-|BUNK beds and mattresses for sale. voted _ egaorrg "doo, "female, red with | month: For sale with $3000 down. Low p.m | |phone 726-9286 elephone Whitby, 668-3734 after six p.m./Wiri Paws: tost, Thursday ony . . | iidren's pe' r 723-2265 recreation monthly payments on balance, P.O, Box | i959 VOLKSWAGEN de Top me| KELLY DISNEY 11959 PONTIAC convertible V8 automatic HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appilances.| 725-1457. . 220, Oshawa. chanical! condition. No rust. Full of} seat covers, radio, white walls. Must. sel! > brands at biggest discounts any- NEW HOME EAST END ly |pep. A dream to drive. 725-3744 | USED CARS LTD: Highest offer takes. 595 Ritson Road e carry Restonic and Beverty| LOST! December 3 8 small 'reddish Brown c c '" S Sout nes i D i A r NEW 6 ROOM BRICK BUN dows *'28--Real Estate. Wanted |1961 BUICK station wagon, automatic,, | 200 DUNDAS ST. EAST sl Meee egct Manest Cais en an4| "Spot". No collar. Any Information please NEV OOM BRIC |radio, clock. Apply 25 Elena Street. | WHITBY -- 668-5891 1960 CHEVROLET biscayne six cylind eat Wash, GE new fs { iy| Phone. Reward. 728-5648, GALOW with corport East | BUILDING LOT, Brooklin, 300 ft.. by 365)WE .have several genuine buyers. "for bade Nhe SE stick - shift r sed. K N lew home formerly societies ele | Cc wo doo an. $ end location, lot size 50 x | . ain with $500 down. storey and half homes in the Highland: | 1963 CHEVROLET impaia station Dance Hall, Telephone 728-9191. |LOST: Lady's Elgin wristwatch, gold with +. }REB : Beaker Oshawa,| Cadillac area. Close to King Street; also wagon, V8 automatic, power équipped SWISS MADE Rotel tractor, re jblack band, vicinity Oshawa Shofping Pe are bedrooms, hospital area. Call Bob Johnston at Lloyd |positraction, 7,500 miles, 33,700. After § fall price $i on sale for' G47 "Telephone Cane Friday evening. Finder please cail very modern. kitchen and Metcalf Real Estate Ltd., 728-4678 or p.m., telephone 725-9135 4258 725-6228 3 7 125-9365, -- a : } sam liees Must! sell this week. No reasonable offer (*" "* - bath List price saves Y d bl jae eT eom , two-door eine redio Alwoys top quality ratused: Call ater' Spm. 985° Ritson TABLE top electtio shove, Gburner: ex-| cont: Terrier Spaniel, r ale, bi with, $1,642 down. IMME- : 4 Sal Clean depen COTS | ecive new oires. excellent, body § Road' North ellent condition, $60, Telephone 723-7341.|¥¢# old, answers to name "Nicki = DIATE. BOSSESSION 29--Automobiles For Sale q |Telephone 725-8602 ed from Apple Hill, Write Box 328 Oshawa : ee : 1955 METEOR two-door, standard VB, 1959 IMPALA fully equipped. Excellent * 1957 SUBURBAN station wagon, private MOFFAT 20" deluxe range, like new, $75 Times. SSN | Ee OU ee ' 1 nally clean ststanding | Telephor hitt 3017. arian a oe 723-1121 ies METEOR noon, sang, Beaiton sas. "Chao? tema tl ristmas ml, aneeplonny Gent ann Tisnone Wty 6. Lost Sack op wie pale Chants y reba 725-6941 phone 728-959. | transmission, excellent. body, no TREES (Standing) (Sprayed) Corner |name "Poncho", on Monday, vicinity Me EAS R y s = | Laide F bas ny Hillsid n out a NORTH EAST AREA 6 yr GLENDALE AVENUE----Just -|i959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door 1953 CHEVROLET \2-ton pick-up with custom radio, windshield washers eae a nl ey Cen Wares Chip eee ene een Ot, eee ald brick two storey, « plenial Sit Rewind Ra OVA besa standard, excellent condifion, $995. Tele new motor, $250. Phone 623-2486 Gala nce tor sportsman or family car. $895. Tele 9°! bai ars y LOST: Siamese Bluepoint male cat clip- ro g. (1 0's A ne 7 731 | = 33 se hone '728-7377 or 728-4353 : ee sions = ed ears. Children's t. Finder please four bedroom: dw 600'sq situ) kent 6 noc bnek BUR phone 728-4 | . 1960 PONTIAC Strato-Chief two-door sta- mt Bs S p Saye NUR mortoccs ics a ae sob 1963 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard- Priced to clear tion wagon, VB, standard transmission, | 1957 BEL AIR, 4-door hardtop, V-8 auto SKATES. ane tee eheeeane Cone ee: $88 BA Brine se (charaed He a op, automatic, six cylinder, black with ' good ao iten $1495. Will consider trade.) SALE matic, tully equipped. Forced sale at $550. Whitby, one block west of Four Corners 3 i. al dnd Taxes, situated on farce m, radio whitewalls, etc, Will take! one | tween 5-7 p.m. telephone 728-954: Large selection, all sizes 6-- eg ° e. 5 town Motors Lid. RR 3, 1963 CHEVY II sedan aulomatic radio 1960 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, Laurentian, | cuorguNs Oshawa, 728-73 3 lasking $2100.. Apply 369 Drew. 725-81 mileage. Immaculate condition. Callie oo. 1928 HOT ROD three-window coupe, $115 " 1957 CHEVROLET ater 6 pm. 723-7961 a Villiers powered Go-Kart, $60. 1950 Mor- SPOT CASH | SEDAN - ~ ne nvertible, $49. All items need work.| PAID FOR ee 30--Automobiles Wanted -- whitby 723-4559 after t . aa Red i CASH 'or 1961 or 1962 Chevrolet or Pon- HAIR DRYERS, electric, famous manu. 1958 edgar Ss startet Only 2500 mile Good clean cars. Trade up se flac. No 'dealers., Call after 5 p.m., facturer's motor complete with hos ora wacker ns peas NCON ROPERTY ) automat ) S ' é eae ea ; | 728-0259 Fully guaranteed, ompare at we . Aust sell, $775 or best offer, 723-7688 | $1 195 w Lie paid of : | $695. - F iMly quaranteed, compare at $24.95 FORD "Galaxie MLSE, two. door . DODD MOTOR SALES LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan! Cars| Cleaning $14.97 each. Spotsman's Corner dtop, loaded with extras, four-speed. 314 PARK RI OUTH 1959 FORD ry Ma He ee a: Py d.° 229 Whitby, one block west of Four Corners take older car, open to offers. Alax| 123-9421° india hy CAR RACE SETS -- Eldon Deluxe, y FAIRLANE V-8. SEDAN LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars complete with overpass and transtorm- adios bunee floor for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 ¢, Regular $22.50, clearing OF OUR BEST BUYS es iss th st 7 Be "ae SLASHED BY Hh raa 6 Attrac Hina nop en 742-06 1952 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, _excep-| standard. BA Station, Simcoe Wentworth East, 725-118 tsman's Corner, Whitby, Parts and Auto Wreckers est of Four Corners door, standard shiff ea r. Sportsan's Cor CASH $ e tby, one block west of Four console, good $345 or bes! offer 1963 SUNBEAM Alpine sports car, load: ex! 8,000 miles. Best offer and capons. 'open daily fill 10 p.m thing for Two door. Sharp g goret Lee shaped n_ Thofnpsor matiress SRS CRUSADER OSHAWA SEA RANGERS Snowflake Tea DEC. 1 record. pe sd ae : ; sell and exchange "used torn At 2.30 to 5 p.m. TED CAMPIN tox .ttatsen «x08, Joes nae fren" anznng you een. Tae ly Mie ceo as stores meee OSHAWA GUIDE HOUSE ouirar, nee pan Rickenback hines. Rena Wa ag South and 31 Bond Street East ' 121 SIMCOE SOUTH 1962 FORD MOTORS 1959 PONTIAC AX IE 607 King Street East dogha apie citr and lpia fe ' anytin DANCE 1959 DODGE HARDTOP Real 40 King St. E reonn briek fotey witha jack andl BILL'S Dial 728-4678 GARAGE REPA Red an white For on Honest deal see Standard transmission EUCHRE North Oshawa Park Club House Red with black 1959 PONTIAC $2595. . ALL shed en to « j b ine 1 scho 4 automatic AKES OF CA 1960 CHEVROLET HARMONY HEIGHTS wr 449 Ritson | | {f Applicable ther cars to choose from Piano, SOrIGhL aS Inches hig WA, TELEVISION. ton aetna "sire Terms good with o | Sib teve Englert SOE we aiiihe $995. If Applicable (Continued on Page 20) "on lien COMING EVENTS CONVERTIBLE T | | D F N = Gos bed fen, hull i : $995. OSHAWA A 0 EATS A Due WRG Ors eet j;|Nenouon Road. Saturday, December 14 . 4 CAR AND TRUCK. | é cia Pre bier Ge aeaaee ROCRaY coh a a aiees alle p.m. 50 cents admission. Lunch and powerer - prizes REN TALS LAUREN TWO DOOR DANCING Rad t t power steering, power brakes, V-8 957 PONTIAC &cylinder, automatic, = ' eee engine. The best in Oshawa es papers arr sm ate MY Tontiae «atl hn tate'tp ee! 1962 PONTIAC LS MOTORS LTD, PACE, nncnementncay env' 8 PLM, Saturday nan Mike's, BA, Raglar AUIRENTIAR e : Lae : . 2 é K H 4 ssa apes : he ts aaa ine chritmas trees trom air DECEM 4 on P : ALE atl ie rn rio, window cu irclee 1960 CHEVROLET Whitby 668-3331 ee, ae EC BER 14th Inoking. Oshawe. hes e¢v a , ti washe te walls, tinted' windshield BEL AIR TWO DOOR ; fender mirrors, low milage, Must sell, odio : HARDTOP 100 CARS WANTED H TRIPLE C isi CHEVROLET" Blacayne, woaner $1995. radio. Exceptionally good for ; ne freezer owners, choice front Ws) CHEVROLET, Siscayne Woo the model yeor. Mileage Sry & New Ca quartets of bal on eee meget: Twin Mark ween aorta 2 28,006 ' 60 to 80 ib. aver, Walley Boys Orchestra ¢ 5 e ret Y ie r Ib. S9c. Glecoff pletely a ui ture r 32-9 : 1963 VALIANT convertible, big motor, 196] VOLKSWAGEN TOOT YOUR Price $1565. € Road. South Open 12 Miles Northeast " walls. whee! covers, ' Y Ry, fe ay aeoh r tops -3af DAI TED CAMPIN M TOR oo - Hampton, Ontario hi-fi. s ¢ : r thershir tt ata dons. powe Map telda $995 OWN HOR! a} 1960 CHEVROL ET 723-4494 Re MO RIG RRL Lot Seal coat, $35, size 18.): Next To Cedar Park are incl nd e hous euoiiv dunlaxed ; ay Over four years fac } SEDAN xi - -- : -- terms may iE: iS y. Real low price. Smith GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITR A Do . ae . . ELECTRIC t ayout, two locomotives fied buyer. To inspect phon OUTH, WEST SECTION---A' Sports. Ring: eet WAR OMENS A LOW-COST, LIFE rat RED a "$1395 _ ' it ol OM RB | N G @) aie Hedhe eget : VAUXHALL Velox, 6 cylinder, de 19 -HEVROLET a : : HOUSTON'S GARAGE KEYSTONE & mm fully "automatic cam- Open 9 to 9 > ae et 4 = of i " very ecormical, 5,000. .mi boat 60 C _ '. sds A and ot RVICE STAT ION , or jens new ast rh foe AT 26 x Bank finance arranged, Phone 728-1 STATION 'WAGON VU PLAN 1961 CHEVROLET TEXACO $160 -asking $80. Apply 317 Windsor] home is. beautifully kept or 1951 FORD; good runner, Thy Povy *7'- Four 'door, turquoise. ond ys BEL AIR SIX, TWO. DOOR ed eaigal Tuli aise will Sealey | U.A.W.A. HALL he Galo Rad e€ condition ; a CUwh with Fac Cc 5 and Almost new. Tele- v3 CHEVROLET 2-<o0r A $1495 $1675 PRODUCTS SATURDAY, DEC. 14th shone 723-7164 SIAYD. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 67 KING ST. WEST TYPEWRITERS, adders, sales, ae | 7:30 'PM ENERAL_REPAIRS 1962 CHEVROLET 723-783 elas and sol Al! acre 2%] 20 GAMES $10 A GAME GENE L ' ~ 4 " a é 4 a i MAKES OF CARS ___IMPALA SIX SEDAN 32--Articles For Sale SCCORBIGH Seana aimee om] MEST £20, $90. i) MeFeeters 725-1726 | , RTS AND ete Rodie, power rakes. mile. WIAGARA cic Masage pad Wasa per com te vralon on esa JACKPOTS 360 K na St W ee eriir LEAR Oe W : HOPPING , reig Four door, automatic ; ns aN ae U No reasonable offer refused. Call 72 Hine ba Wn: ee ONE GAME $150 1 $ ] 450. ' $2495 PALER _okates hockey eavipment, GE -- - "ab black cTiwi Terai | SHARE THE WEALTH : * lequipment adios, toboggan ols, 14 t a red Sees full back, deep' Christmos Turkeys As Door Prizes M E si a A [ F 1952 DeSOTO budget terms. Pde oe ' financing, ES' clothing ; summer and ~ winter, | ~ ee ee eee Store, 48 Bond Street ze 16-18, dresses, suits, skirts, sweat Estate Limited i SEDAN Oshaw ' jackets, Reasonable. Tele le with res ore Z portat nev Also, phon 8-07 wort .e pric { this ne standard r mach sell, good used furniture and ai $0, one he n terms. Priced! appli One location only. Pretty's y reasonably 4 rniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271 $995 PAYM N $75. Pan on win Scenes ; new and used. "Sold "and. ex: : 5m $8.88. W Furnit 0 Church changed. Larges! selection in town. ' reet enings, Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond East $13,700. for this Ex nt condition. Betweer ncluding all channel antenna, ug brick bungalo 9 9 HEVR ET : 68 "p.m. teleph I nd gi nteed bi ts wiht Te biek bung BUYING OR SELLING Fee Ghee No. Payments "TED! SAWGRAN beer "Sai--"GGA wi hoarse tn es elon pis gd A = v awers, chesterf ir, m t 78 pad i eacuie TED CAMPIN Until February N.H.A. Mortga: > erson Jean Peacock yy pan ec Pg _ MOTORS BEST VALUE "A irba on: Manitiu ( ST.----OSHAW bia bla ek Clintott A of W 1 Rood repairs, all makes parts attachments, Guaranteed rebuilt 'ma Vacuum Ser VACUUM Down Paymer $2045. 1962 FORD SALAXIE ances. Call Emer 27--Real Estate For Sale FOUR DOOR SEDAN 8 motor. a Hate 1st Bont of Wileon Rd OIL SPACE Heater lrge, gond"ongl: 8: Fo COODRICH STORES -- Tiras, Bit von Pe standard transmissic 23 refu ne wner " i tion, Telephone Brooklin 655-4978, es, SV INatOr Tet ere. ee AINIAN NATIONAL 723-4494.- 5-55 vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543 OPEN HOUSE $995. 4- Res. 7259-9574 |onee wees. "cheat ives afoe 300. Sostmg-ar some Reatae wr soet| | FEDERATION HALL LOWREY or Hampton 263-2294 or ae ---- a \ fran tral sl suncies der aint: i . EAST H| EK-END : South, 725-150 2 : WINCHESTER RIFLE (OLD) N.H.A. RESALE : ; oe 1959. VOLKSWAGEN K 0 DOUBLE bed resser nut vélushotie. Gaveua: 7asalks ROUND and 4 | DELUXE ee mae ; nis make, sewing machine and vacuu HARMONY HEIGHTS 2°P:.M. ON ES scala elephone Bowmarv ANY 'rake, 'sewing machine 'and vacuum SQUARE DANCING ' a ee ee Four do ' BRIOGE sets for Christmas, Splece setsic- Queen' dealer, 329 Simcoe Country Style to the 343 ROSSMOUNT oe Custom radio, two-ton | trom $2 20 Church South, 726-209 B. W. R. Ranch Hands 795 eax intide cod outside ah ceabke SHOTGUN 410 bolt action repeaier, Ste] SA SEVEN ROOM. TWO STOREY, NEW BRICK } $ 2. No Down Payment DEMONSTRATORS SMOOTH top' mattre zes Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-2445. 5 TURDAY, Dec. 14 isa actly we eae: Co el ge paras pac ee contre dir tees wal oO 8-12 midnight Only $2295. - 1 Rad Sa 2 eicycLes nie oo "wer ey Door Prins - Spot Dancing $23, 800 ; a, Seal). $22.50, Will accept trades. Dial 778-8960 Bor Privileges 1963. CHEVRVOLET Admission $3.00 couple _ CEDAR es 1959 AUSTIN 9. Wilson' F Admiral, $90. 512- 196] GUIDE REALTY LTD: REALTORS Valuable Commercial Property SEDAN With rodio eee) 1959 D.K.W TWO DOOR nt wheel dr $495. CH EVROLET No Down ment Only $1895. 1959 MERCURY MONTCLAIR with V-8 auto fin- BEL AIR SEDAN 1963 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE - SEDANS Standard trans radio's. 2 These low 6 cylinder are clean througho CHESTERFIELD € foa cushior ' kis eg size " boots, $3. Punch- Furniture TYPEWRITERS Between 5 and 8 B | N G O HARMAN PARK NOW AT St. GEORGE'S HALL COR. ALBERT AND JACKSON Friday, Dec. 13th 7:45 p.m, 20 games $8 and $10 --~ 5 - $40 Jackpots one winter, 5 feet Telephone. Brook- GUITAR, six months old, excellent con- Jition. Only $25. Telephone 723-2137 COMBINATION Stereo and record player short wave vate. Dial Whitby, RANGE, Kenmore, excellent condition, has rotisserie. Forced to sell.. Will accept t offer, Telephone. 728-2463 ry 33 Market Basket farm eggs for your ng. Grade A Pullet, 35¢ 1958 VAUXHALL FOUR DOOR ean,.gray and white fir $795. Share The Wealth Turkeys as Door Prizes BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE 14th RECLINER v N i n for $1.00. Farmers' Mar. tuffed. with foar viny ot OM id B ing Supply, Sim 1962 CHEVROLET 3, S188 winon's Furniture, a9 Church coe. sifeet'Norih. Open Friday, 12_ non IMPALA SEDAN ; per gallon. Apples, What's: My Line? Telephone W. T. Cox, own Payment $1295, 1959 FORD 6 cylinder, OUNTRY SEDAN mission. cation, be Approxir y 2 acr nd. Good tween Highways 2-and « on y serviced paved road in automatic trons- radio, etc Here is a sharp one owner tur IPF es. ove Sitamebie Rar tie. mest j r porticular buyer Creek Furniture Mintos! ns 8 er Gitte SATURDAY, Dec. 7330,.P.M, ryment POR LAAT ae enh ak aa t Pascoe, 728-0458 20 Games -- $8 1961 FALCON 'Take Out Orders Share the Wealth SEDAN | FISH & CHIPS 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go $495. ir Baik Aa "Bk ee =) Low Se ale Also 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go 1960 DODGE Table Service indy FISHERTERIA 8 cylinder, automat with custom radio. A Pelinble King St. West PHONE 725-5522 wagon. Shorp 32--Arrticles for Sale alive or ready for th $1.00 ne Can deliver. Tele- custom WHITBY oo : oy, CLASSIFIED «concrete floor and twin hoists, 5 =| LSE PLYMOUTH | twotons peau, stoned $595. sitable fo small in re No Down Pa Only $1195. 1959 We tEVROL EE ROOM _AND BOARD for a young Lunches' packed, 668-3419 poe SALE 1957 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION ntact BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. transmi Beige with red Used TV's » Down Payment | Children Under 16 Not Admitted Only . $1295. 1959 CHEVROLET NAGOh Sunnyside Park MONSTER BINGO Friday, December 13th CLUB CAMELOT 1956 BUICK HARDTOP FOR RENT: ment Broadioom 442-3198 between 9 to Som CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS | time to order your CCM FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION 331 PHONE 15 BODLEY'S PEFFERLAW EXPERIENCED lady w do ironing evenings after 668-5176 SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt on calls. Wa ter 'ite rd, 204 Chest West, Whitby DRESSMAKING 1956 DODGE No Down Payment 6 cylinder, automat DOWNSVIEW PARK ek 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Motors ond' 87 WHITBY 668-5871 OR 668-5872 Power steering, brakes, radio TWO . DOOR Only $1295 mission, with radio (Poriely Verses. Pacition) Adelaide Street East at Wilson Road ; d ast at Wilson Road) , <SV 3 . ; | | | ofs | een OPEN PIOUSE Ses 1958 PONTIAC a oe = | 'end: body "in! AT cond "FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE a $395. 1958 CHEVROL ET 1865 Ginnie Outhoacd $250 Games Nos. 55 Early Bird Game N ie Y Ne Down ee " a - 2 : , ne : oe oor ee ies 9979. | 1960 to 1963 Madels |' 1 only 18 hp $510. se MOTOR SALES sf Aes Deo : 810 e One 9 g KING STREET WEST ee omes by QOshawas quality builders. will mediate possession, and several truction fo oO y Sori struction Tor your early Spring per cent disco few 1963 mod price: Vilde Rental Serv 1415 Dundas East, Whitby. 668-3226 SCOTCH Pine, first grade, plain ) ssion 4e Rental Service eid ANDY'S NURSERY. boggled Spr ° -- DRIVE OUT TO 'DOWNSV! EW' Scotch Sale this weekend OPEN HOURS ON MODEL HOMES | P.M..TO 5:30 P.M. DAILY ree Apply Bia ' on Stri a Nortts Whitby. 7" GENERAL ELECTRIC TV ~ first] c el see our beautiful Split level home at 615 Street Eas! shawa Biv \ort built by' E. Hansink Construc: e a working order, $95 Telepho Db OPE? display for im Ss now under:-cor Other Smort 3 only 40 hp vay | hs 40 hp. 2 BILL DREW ae ae Mercury Sales ROY W. NICHOLS': ° i (hit adel Sis Boni ho | puignee 988 Sto 28-6206 HANNAN MARINE SALES | : 160-9170 .| - TELEPHONE AJAX Bowmanville 623-3671 0 RAY. STREET,-OSHAWA 3-88 | > Ads 942-1030 Business lectric Til OPM tr Open' Daily People Sing the Praises y 1299. ppartment Reedaire| two-bedroom yilding. 211 of Oshowa Dundas na Times Classified Courtice FOR SALE }- Anglican Aden's ner of Victorie 'cheled trees. Cor-/ Brock Street South,'