TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TY Channelll--Hamiiton BGR-TV Channe 2--Buffalo WBEN-FV Channel ¢--Buffalo| WKBW-TV Chant! 7--Bulfalo WROU-TV Channe} &--Rochester | CFTU-TV Chapt! 9--Toronto CKVR-TY | 9--Wagon Train J--Eariy Show 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling Film: j 3-Teem Time ' emipay evein® | iceore A". | witt 5:00 PM | BIN Lew awrence j-Family Ther? 4--Educetional Serie --Kiddo 66 9:30 AM 2-Sea Hunt ?--Popeye Show 6:30 P.M | %Cartoon Capers i--Checkmate e O'cige Snow | 2--Rlpcor ee 10:00 A.M. | $39 ckleberry Hound \--$es H | ta Presents $--Kingf! ser Co . ector Heathcote ne rtoon Jamboree ck Draw McGraw 10:30 AM, . Andy Show joons 4:45 PM. 9-64-3--News) Weather Sports 7:02 P.M $3--Beverly Hilipiilies 4-UB Round Table Panel | | 2--Dragnet 130 PLM \i--Poika Party §--Gunsmoke 7--Hootenanny 6--The Sair | 4--J Jack! e Sante /" of0 PLM s--Pyncd and Jonnny Patr Poli 1 xis je and Jeckie y' Mouse Gieasor Lieutenant 4:00 PN b Eleven ' i Party --Faemily Thestre PM t3--Huntley Brinkley gd ihe 1:00 PLM mie McPheeters ithe NU rses &--Alfred Hitchcoe +The Unto. A--Bdger Wallace /yster Hour --Pren t--Movie sATURDAY 5:20 PM $:00 A.M . artoons Popeye's Playhouse 2--Quarterback o-Fellx the Cx seTURDAY uve 6:30 A.M. sak X--Perm and Home Hour] _--Ken "io e 4--Bente Claus series Ameteur She 9--Three Stooges ore Thestre Forest Ranger ue CBLT-TV Channei 6--Toronto| "| Charnei 3--Barrie | ; i Od Pah 843-2--Bonanze _ 4--Judy Garland Show 9:30 PLM. VW--The Bill Dana Snow 10:00 P.M, 1--Richard Boone Show 1 9 jess Hourglass upont Show of the | Ot-Mennet Hed of Fame 7--Bowling eR nag att. sth | Bible Today %--Sacred Heart Program * 12:00 NOON ita an Journe it Scene Pisybeck pant ve and Learn $:00 P.M. +News) Weather li--Famiy tneatre Sports eat tre 2--Religious Series | 7--Wre 12:15 PLM --Around The World 4--Congress 12130 P.M. t's Talk tt Father Meehan 9--Dougies Fairbanks 6--A Yong For You 4-Bowllng Championsn'!ps 9--Family Playhouse J--Laugh s For Sale 63--Let's Face It 4--Candia Camers 10:30 P.M. | Battle Line | | $3--Question Mark | %--Donna Reed 4---What's My Line +7-SF College Bow } 11:00 P.M. | -fome of Those Days! 11.9-6-7-6-4-2-2--News: vit The Law and You 3--Take a Chance 11:20 PLM. veller's Preview 'Motto Fine | T-4Late Show 2--Aware Theatre 11130 PLM. | 9--Plerre Berton How | | i 2--Wild Kingdom $:20 P.M 4:00 P.M wait Disney 1:00 PM -- BI --Rev. Oral Robert &d STAI ger Theat Twentleth Century 6 é--No Hiding Place MONDAY 7:30 AM. t--Rocket Ship ? 0:00 AM. W--Captain Andy 4--Ceptain Kengaree 9:00 A.M. }i--Romper Room | #--Homemokers Health Club Popeye's Piaynouse ugias Show 9:15 AM, T cPheeters #--Misa Helen My Fay t) rite Martian | 9:90 AM | §--Mete 7---Jack LeLanne Snow 10:00 A.M. - Her itege orame Rollotts ues and Answers Shuster) CROSSWORD ACKOSS protes tonal aide lVesterday's Asewer i, Sea eagie American editor African Monster Anguish 35, 36. 39, 40, 42 43.8 44. Evergreen sje \7 |é {9 jK wal 1 YG, Zo /@ 84 Dagger mar ft slerun handle 2 {3 BUZ SAWYER jANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE LES CANADIENS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Decomber 13, 1963 17 / THAT MONE STUFF WENT OVER GREAT, YES, YES, BUT TM NOT THE CASTING DIRECTOR, YOUNG LADY. NOW, (F YOU OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS SERGEANTS' MESS LEAGUE Team standings -- Shermans 7, Cen |turlens 19, Cromweils 14, Valentines: 11, Conquerors 11, Churchills 9, Rams and Crusaders ( High.. Triples Betty Grant 758 (288, 291), Fred Zedic 719 (302, 219), Joon Blake 660 (224, 231, 205), Don McKay 621 (240, 213), Irene Hele 617 (210, 245), Betty Carswell 608 (244), John Zedic 607. (243) and Bob Carswell 603 (205, 240) High Singles -- George Robbins Jr. 257 (Lucky) Bell Fox 251, Bud Ellegett 247, Lois Gilbert 231, 208, Frank Grant 226, 209, George Fox 226, Ron Hele 226, George. Robbins Sr, 223, Joanne McKay 219, Lioyd Corson 208, Dorothy Zedle 'ead Dorothy Taylor 204 and Tommy Gil- DiD YOU LIKE IT? MY NAME tS FRANG! PANI, T/A A MOVIE ACTRESS. I'VE MADE PICTURES IN MANILA...ALL LOVE SCENES, AND~ 200. ones of Turkeys -- Betty Grant, Bob Carswell, Fred Zedic, Ron Hele, Don McKey, Bud Ellegett, Joan Blake, George Robbins Jr., Glibert, Betty Carswell, jJean Bothwel Dorothy Taylor, Betty Roche, Doris Zedic, Una Allison and Di- anne Tenner, Points Taken -- Churchills 6, Velen tines 5, Churchilis 4, Shermans 4, Centur- Jens 4, Cromwelis 4 4, Rems 1, Crusaders & Chou En-Lai | Plans Visit To Albania LONDON (AP) Premier Chou En-Lai of Red China will punctuate his prestige tour of Africa with a side trip to Com- EM PLEM FLANC Du TGRKE EMVOIE UNG BORDEE VAIG EAU AMIRAL FRANCAIS "VOILA L'ABORDAGE! "S ECQIENT LES FRANCA INCAPABLES DE RESISTANCE 'munist Albania, Peking's ally which is high on the list of Mos- cow's enemies This disclosure by diplomatic |sources Wednesday came ae |Red Ohina renewed its public feud with a broadcast accusing | Soviet leaders of collaborating jwith the United States "'for the jdomination of the world." The twin developments show |Red China has no intention now, Jat least, of calling off the pub- jlic war of words despite pleas of Premier Khrushchev to keep the dispute away from the ears lof the Western world. Th veteran Communist \leader is due in Cairo Saturday. | During the tour, Chou will fly across the Mediterranean to lit- tle Albania, black sheep of the European Communist move iment and Peking's lone friend |in Russia's sphere of influence. The premier's tour--expected |to last about six weeks--seems jdesigned to shove Soviet and Western influence aside in stra- tegic parts. of Africa and en- hance Red China's prestige. JE BAISSE Pi DE MES PASNGERS, ECIDE BE ROQUEMONT, SURKONT BOWS OUT PAWTUCKET, RI. (AP) -- Max. Surkont, whose career in baseball spanned 26 years, am nounced he is through with pro- fessional ball. The 4l-yearolé Surkont wound up last season with Buffalo Bisons of the In- ternational League, Surkont jsigned at 18 in 1937 with St. EFFECTIVE (i --<-e Louis Cardinals and over the ° 20rd Seemd TANIA 4 5A) OD PPAR PRATER RH DAS, WOT HD "aeventay as sant STII NAL SANIM \vears played with Pittsburgh, RAIS OATS A PERDBIE | Oo White Sox, New York | Gants and Boston and Milweu- j kee Braves SP? 2PM, ORDER YOUR NEW PONTIAC-BUICK OR ACADIAN FORMER PITCHER DIES A GENUINE MEDINA, N.Y, (AP) ~ GMC AUTO ACCESSORIES NOW FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! |charies Gal Wishes; 6° lormer The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING STREET WEST a AT |major league pitcher, died | Tuesday of a heart attack at his home here. He was 56. Fischer | played baseball for Washington, |Chicago, St, Louis and Cleve land in the 1930s. He was with |the pennant-winning Detroit Tig- PHONE: lers in 1934, 723-4634 WE IS OFF ON OUR=CACKLESY- Siorriy- HONEY! MOON 93 OF cm AH BIN WAITIN' Fo' THIS =FO' LI'L ABNER DONALD DUCK "BABY JAMES WAS TH' SWEETEST LI7. L:VAR. OLE BACHELOR AT SMILE, HERBERT, = THE NEIGHBORS WIL an ones THE LONE RANGER ~"MUGGS AND ere 'JULIET JONES GRANDMA 7 WET NOPE THE TGeanonal gh oRoua a is iT, 4 . \ . Wick! E z ne oS "JULIE --THAT y (; a Yds RED LIGHT You 7 i u- Me THERE'S LIT TLS wst/) ew c LF MveGs ENTEREO MY ES ABSTRACT SEASCAPE 1 ft cane) Placi y GRABS W Tie A] IN THE HUNG IT... | _ READ THAT ITEM= 4 LOWER. LEF F Le eh | WONDER WHY I H YES, 1! N@VER GEE HIM REMEMBE OVER AT MY ip, ry HOUGE! _ --, | Cawney ) Er ( | UPSIDE SALLY'S SALLIES Fe saa QUESTIONS Ve a GAFE! WE STOPPED IN TIME - >= to "My telephone number? 'That's & question, fan't it?* | RESULTS COUNT! o08 | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the | Oshawa & District Real Estate Board STAMPS Bought & Sold | | | | | | | | | | T COULDN'T WEY WOULDNT =e "AECEPT IT ANY = ice ee OE | seinen | iL. KNOW--PROVIDED Y THe tan DOESN'T TOSS | ME BEHIND BARS FOR | LIFE-<THAT WAS THE SECOND RED LIGHT | ; PASSED! | | } | 165 Simcoe St. § (ue '6 THE BOY WHO \, BOEGN'Y Like . a COOKIES ¥ fy se, ed wy R B a lJ CLEANERS ane LAUNDERERS + PORT HOPE OOHITeY COBOURG SOWMANVILLE - scARBORO Curteins, Drepes, Sienkets, Rug OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 30 MILL