Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1963, p. 15

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ch om Walters 203, Bea Dart 213, 200 and Lol@ gomery's and Bints 13, Hendersons 11, McLaren. 217 Motor City, Burn's and Horne's Esso 10, 'Lemon League -- Marg Huzar 83, Marg White's 9, Nesbitt's and Saywell's 5 Shaw 93, Maxine Scott 93, 94, Ruby Our chicken roll winners were Marie Smith 51, 57, 98, Hazel Ormiston 84, Gerr Hogie, Gloria Russell, Nelda Thompson, : ; Powell 97 and Rosalie Gill 70. Rose Stovin, Pear! Peacock, Bev Rogers, ragansett Par' Thursday be- Bert Wight 651 (217, 297); lack Mc-\ Team standing -- Hit and Misses. 8, Nan Bennet, Nadia Kupnicki, Diana Char. oe es i The from winning the Intosh 648 (19, 234); Ed Leslie 647 (225.\toppers 7, Jems 6, Saggers 2 and uk, Norah Barron, Mr. Moore represent- Cause of snow and cold. The é ing White's Insurance was our sponsor temperature was in the 20s and heavyweight title from cmacu & | four to six inches of snow fore-| James J. Braddock, con- (237, cast tinued his climb to the box- NO HIGH SCORE ; SET TRIAL DATES ing crown by flattening WEATHER HALTS RACES |REMEMBER WHEN?... AWTUCKET SAP PAWTUCKET, RI. (AP) | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Racing was cancélled at Nar- Joe Louis, two years PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES away Jolly Six 37, Rollers 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 13, 1963 ! McGill C ch -- | -- SOCCER HOODLUMS Te Predict ® g Va, +, 9,\237 ; Ted Monaghan 645 (251, 234); Doug gi H . eon typi ye ey ats ies | Pelow 428 (263); Polly Arnold 626 (242); °° n an $ e u a 10n or R ] Ch 28, Jets 27, Hillbillies 25, Flintstones 25,,Ernie Dickens 612 (239) and Norma Nor LADIES MAJOR "'B" u e anges Lucky Breaks 25, High Spots 23, Jug|"!s 609 (262, 252) High Triples -- Diane Charuk 676 Heads 23, Twisters 20, Nines 17, Hopefuls! Two Hundreds: Al Hardsand 273, Juan- 248) Jean Kroll 669 (287, 231), Beth MONTREAL (CP)--Bill' Bew-. ita Harper 244, Jerry Dickens 237, Vera Shortt 642 (224, 245), Rose Stovin 612. NEW YORK (AP) --A dou- ; ' MO? a) : isigh 'Triptes Harry Keys #13,. (a18,|Burr 236, Nan Bennet 226, Isabel Hub-|(219, 207) and Norah Barron 609 (216, 207 bles bowling match scheduled) MONTRAL (CP) -- Olym- Paulino Uzcudun in four rounds at New York 28 s , bell 219, Fred,Taylor 219, Pat Hardsand (210, 207 N (216, : si Sportsmanship In Danger ee 42) i ae Cee Py on ae 219, John cyfhnanic 216, Bruce Laverty sole eS ee ee * to travel on a cargoairpla ne. T pic track and- field trials organ- « next season may see some rad-|>95)' pon Guiitinan 764 (283, 292); Ethel|2!5, 202 AM Taylor 215, Ray erator Top. Ten Wilma McQuaid 320, Don- to be held at an altitude of 30,- ized by the Royal Canadian Le-, years ago today. It was-the - ~hanges ri Z Tonkin 758 (242, 333; Al-Haley 743 (221,\2)4 Inge Nugent 213, Jake Malachowski giq Williams 253, Vera Bint 238, Mari ( sia vias z 7 ze ae ae i . +! first time Uzcudun had been ical changes in intercollegiate Lorne ee. AL Maley aoe) saals|201, Peggy Branton 210, Clare Herdsand Hickey 237, Josie Pritchard 234, Fay D00 feet was postponed Thurs- gion are scheduled to be held ; tim J ¥ 5 on football rules. Steve Barta 109 (233, 254, 222; Harry|210 Bill Barta 209, 201; Joyce Monag- muir 233,-Mari McNeil 233, Bea Northey day when the Federal Aviation next Aug. 7-8 at the new athle- knocked out. From the time and foul of English soccer,"' a\ball? : : inde 1 Favie 707 (239, 250, 218; Jack Barta 7os|nan 209, Norm Mooney 205," 202; Mara 239, Nelda Thompson 228, Bea Alexander Agency refused to penmit the/tic field in suburban St. Lam-| he . turned professional! in recent headline in the London) There has been trouble int " yr io oohes ie olds SH Maa eg ad tol ert $01. ee ici Fy dae caer competitors to travel on a cargo bert, it was learned Thursday.| 1934 until his "retirement'" : : ' f : ' ; onki L L . } ert, r } | Daily Mail said. recent weeks at Liverpool and 7. ' perce Ahasiahp Bros as ton a7); Bil 'Gutsall' 673 Points Taken 'Montgomery's. 3, airplane. The match was toiThe winners will be among) in 1950, Louis suffered only It was a comment on hollgad:|Riverton, Hiailtex and Chester, area our a aniline Me-| (280,212); Hugh Hutcheson 468 (273, 208) BER WESTER Leaeue White's "1, Burn's 4, Saywell's. 0, Hen: have taken place on an Amer-'those chosen as Canada's rep-| one defeat, a 12 - round is nvolving both players andiand many others regia league univ: eS---MC-| a; Pelow 663 (255, 214); Dave Peebles] High Triple -- Mary Wise 614 (200, 221) derosn's 3, Besbitt's 1, MMitchell's 3 5 /,, hin tre oe : Persea : 'noc Sc i ail . : d like al The FA disciplinary commit-Gll, Western, Toronto and 662 (208, 214, 240); Evan Pelow 655 (249,and Betty Hewett 644 (224, 229) Horne's. Esso 1, Motor City 3, Bint's 1.jcan Ainlines jet freighter be Aageeeta ty! at the 1964 Olym-| knockout by Max Schmeling fans, that aes en sien ; se fe fii Queen's -- proposed two rule al- 29s Cieke Hubbelt 4s? (217, 221, 220;1 Over' 200 -- Joanne Galpin 200, Betty! Team Standing --. Mitchell's 14, Mont-/tween New York and Chicago.|pic games in Japan in October.' in 1936. ' forest fire through English soc- tee is overburdened with com- ae is ss vib es a : s sbiueniein fans act chet cer this season plaints teratons x our wits' end to, The first change would allow Twenty-one players have been, "We're at ejected from games because of know what to do," commented two men, probably defensive fouls in the first three months | Joe Richards, president of the\halfbacks, to block on punt re- of the season. Last season in|English League management tums, ; eight months' play only 34 were! committee : "It's 12 against one man now 5 ousted All this: is happening in a nar t impossible task, Fans have rioted. Police have|land where the phrase "it's not > ini the risk of in- been forced to escort referees|cricket, old man," was born--al ey? said Bevley. 'Our rule as angry patrons tried to get-in phrase that meant it's just not se 5 give the receiver more Darts, bottles. orange) sporting ave) Protection and tend to add a lit- neel. bread and bricks have) For centuries the British h tle excitement to running back | Corvair is as nimble as a sports car but been hurled had a reputation as rliestaa ele kicks." AW 7 ¥ g yi s d just as good aa | LAW ORDERED OFF ate Pak r The second rule change would | with room and comfort for the whole family. For '64 Corvair's rear engine Team standings LONDON (AP)--"The declinejcline and foul of English foot- punches e when Denis losers } The climax cam reputation is in eliminate the offside: penalty ga Law, Scottish international, Now that Manchester United star andjdanger posed when a forward pass is | former Italian league player,|. "The FA must make it clear, touched by more than one man) was ordered out of a match that their grounds are places on the same team before it is against Aston Villa Nov. 16 where football should be played caught The F. A. (Football Associa-'and watched and are not the| "Under our proposal the ball tion) must issue at once a final starting point of Saturday up- would be free and not stopped warning that players will be/roars," said Manning at the spot where the first re- uspended and grounds closed--! Dennis Follows, secretary of ceiver comes in contact with the not for a week or two, but for the Football Association, said pall," said Bewley the rest of the season," wrote! that 'if spectators are asked to 1 L. Manning of the Daily improve their behavior on the Mail terraces then first there must "Atter all, who wants to pay be better behavior on the thoroughbred The hottest thing on wheels...and Giants' Stars for. a ringside seat at the de-'pitch."' GEORGE HALAS Leading NFL looks it! The Corvette Sting Ray, in Sport Coupe {i!lustrated) and Con- vertible, is aerodynamically styled and engineered for sizzling perform- offers up to 15 more horsepower. Plus Chevrolet economy, reliability and last- ing value. ance, And yet -- gentle as a lamb in city traffic! If you've a yen for pure sport... get Corvette! CORVAIR Scoring Race NEW YORK (AP) -- New York Giants, pacesetters in the Eastern Conference of the Na- tional Football League, have no kick coming as far as Don this Chicago Bears' Pioneer Named 'Coach Of Year' NEW YORK (AP): -- George|drew solid support. So did Blan-/Chandler's performance Halas, 68-year-old pro football/ton Collier, the man who suc-'season is concerned. yioneer and Hall of Fame mem.-/ ceeded Paul. Brown at Cleve-) The same applies to Balti- her whose Chicago Bears are|land and was the coaching sen-| more Colts and Jim Martin. The close to another title, has been sation of the first half of the Jatest NFL statistics, released named Coach of the Year' in|season Wednesday. show that Chandler the National Football League by, Allie Sherman, winner in 1961'/anq Martin have moved past an Associated Press pane] of and 1962, drew support for an>/Cjeyeland's Jimmy Brown in sports writers and sportscasters|other term for his job of handl-/the Jeague's scoring race. from the 14 league cities ing the New York Giants after While Brown was held score The veteran owner coach/early season disasters against),.; jast weekend, Martin| and his Bears need only to win ee ee ta ae the scored '11 points on two field age j t Sunday ut i f as' yea AGI Anca ol un the Daina vine i ctinch NFL, for the old boy had been 201°, cok ee ae Shion the Western Conference cham-\under heavy attack. They said) (01. 'vixings. Chandler had eight pionship. Two major victories his coaching methods were out: ints on one field goal and five over the defending champion pee his ied hebumd l points : Akad Bay. Packers re in-,datec ritics called for a fresh cluded ig ben 10.1.2 pee.\coaching approach at Chicago. Chandler' and Martin each ord Revamping his defence for sim- a sah on hee pret te ' plicity, Halas built a contender) 2 sburgns Lou ichaeis oo . -- out of a/are Hed for. third with " tender into the final weeks, also 2 SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gos Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 corvelle Singky and. probable winner team that. finished third with a 9-5 record last season, The Bears had primarily the same personnel last year but the tougher new defence was. the answer, along with a*ball-con trol offence Halas is rounding out his 44th Lacrosse Body Suspends Three season of pro football and his Non-Attendance i008 eee he founded as the Decatur, Ill FERGUS, Ont. (CP) -- Three|Staleys in 1920. and moved to executives, including vice-presi- 1 dent Ross Nelson of Fergus, An end at Illinois: under Bob have been suspended by the On- Zuppke; Halas was a player- tario Lacrosse Association coach with the Bears: until he Suspended along with Nelson retired in 1929 CANNEL COAL Hard, Dy BODY WOOD A completely new kind of car. New size... advanced styling... value-packed price. Trim on the outside, Chevelle's roomy interior is within an inch of most full-size automobiles. All the famous Body-by-Fisher features! Eleven models to choose from. CHEVELLE! THRIFTY When it comes to thrift, people just naturally go for Chevy II. Low initial cost, Jow operating cost, big on comfort, with last- ing Chevrolet quality and value. Lots of luxury built in... lots of luxury options. Choice of Four, Six or V8* power. BHEV I mber Sidney Wright of St 1arines:-- ail because they issed three consecutive meet- hey were adivsed of their suspensins by OLA secretary Jack Wilson of Brampton, who rlaimed the action was in ac with the association's itution son called the suspension He said here Wednes- he had advised the associa- n he would be unable to at- the last two meetings he OLA is going to hear strong words from me at annual meeting in March.' Nelson is president of Fergus Thistles, an intermediate A club and claimed the OLA is upset because of an appeal his team made last month against a $75 NOW AVAILABLE AT McLAUGHLIN .,COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. 110 KING WEST PHONE 723-3481 LUXURIOUS More than ever, Chevrolet is luxurious in everything but price! Every Chevrolet, in- cluding the budget-wise Biscayne, features foam cushioning, armrests and deep-piled broadioom front and rear. Power? Fourteen engine-transmission combinations for Jet- smooth going. And, of course, the lasting value, reliability and performance that make Chevrolet famous. CHEVROLET ROAD au HAZARD Guarantee it i TTERSLEY TIRE { or SEE 5 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT KINDS OF CARS AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time. 401 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 27 MONTHS ChE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONT. 668-3356 PHONE: 725-6501 PHONE: 668-3304, 668-3305, $68-3306

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