Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1963, p. 9

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REGU Y NR DDN VADDA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 13, 1963 Bob Sherman Is Playing Santa! LOOK AT THESE CHRISTMAS BONUS GIFTS Look... ... FOR You!! 'f AAA AA ANA: DAA AAA AAA: TUE VUE EVE RF 'Pleasing Voice ANN LANDERS. Projects. Image Of Personality Student Needs Help By ROBERTA F. ROESCH | . Men like a nice.-voice in a To Expel Sick Fear woman. And that includes your! * boss, So today we're back in this column with a blackboard) Dear Ann Landers: I'm going girl was perfect, I wish I had|5 full of ideas that you can start with a very nice fellow who wil! known about you seven years applying to the voice you take be 18 this spring. Andy is an ex-,ago when I was in the same to your job. cellent student, has high princi-'spot 1. Get your start by pronoune- Ples and is respected at school. The boy I was going with was ing your. consonants and pro- The trouble is, I never know for 19 and in college. Tom was my n-uncing them weil. Avoid that Sure if we are going to a dance, first and only. sweetheart. He common habit of making a 'd' 2 football game, or anywhere be- swore he loved me -madly but out of a "t" cause Andy is always a everything changed when I told Ss Refuse to ewallow and eat 1% comine doy . wKh M.'him 1 was going to have a baby. i up your words, You can do this a.cold nad heac 2s * 1 ne He tried to lié out of it by sug- by not dropping your words a dail thermometer in nee ie gesting that I' had other 'boy their end and by. trying hard to and some nights he y cs teed friends and maybe one of them end a word. with the same temperate every hour on the was the father. | knew right then amount of sound with which hour. _ 'and there that Tom was no good you began it We have missed four big;But my _ mother insisted he . ' Rey events since October because he wasn't going to "get away with 3. Read aloud mee self and va. sure he "'felt something it." She applied such. terrific PIOUCE NRE 7 saber xt coming on.' Th next day he pressure on Tom that he agreed as ce yeas he et sige feels fine, I've known Andy to marry me aie ce wees yar ai since grade school and he ns Not a day goes by but what sure of, so you'll know what rseies been Teally sick ee ie Tom doesn't remind me that I they mean and how they're pro- '° § the healthiest, kid in i trapped him, He lies, drinks and PORTRAIT OF LORRAINE , bunch. Do you think he will ou ns around, He's no father and eats ' i grow this, Ann? My mother says no husband. I have a part-time Daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Odilon Gagnon, Ste. Sabine 4. For diction's sake, don't hel probably get worse. Wha job now with one goal in mind-- Paul Gagnon, Colborne street P.Q. and Mr. and Mrs. Denis talk too fast about it? -- MCS to save up money for a divorce lz east. Lorraine was one year Garant Fdmundston, New LISTEN TO YOURSELF Dear MCS: A teer yer who So. please , keep "mar f ' } yrced mar old last August, Her grand- Brunswick Marie Studio ». Whether or not you have is preoccupied witt 0 your Ula : parents are' Mr and = Mrs "Nhat £5 a doubts about how we vou ness. and repeatedly vancels ri: ' 3 worthles ' ay busi- plans has strude! in his noodle. The rl is bet f to go ~~, speak. make it your datiy c s to listen to how you sy k. Your mother is right. This boy alone as you suggested, I'm only Appealing Ways With Onions --isinve"Ssareit" io" prnie neds elpmand now-or he wl Sours id doi tat 88 whose quality of speech is good probably g corse nd when it is possible. P.S.: I have a hunch that' Dear Smarter: A letter from a Bring Variety To Daily Meals He an pane : al a yi 1 Andy "and some nice nurse will battle a fo a . e he =e ue we WILSON h from peop with good make a lovely couple eus ; ees é eee «lt vriling and good luck ae ¥ sr Section of the ings. NOTE; The cheese top- speech Dear Ann Landers: My hus- for writing -- and g ae eit lated oe SRR AN il- ping be omitted 6. If vou need it, investigate band is a wonderful person--but Confidential to AM I AN) ¥s FURNI U ? Canada Department of Agricul- ping may We an : wes é . e are building a new home. ALKIE: If on two drinks you see ture suggests these three ways a coursé in speech.or lessons : Sas EEN ee CREAMED FRIED ONIONS » and then 20 CHURCH ST. Limited Time Only of serving onions which wi from a reputable vocal coach. "US is all wrapped up in it and double and feel single EFAS ANN AN AN A AN A NS NS bring variety to vour table and 1% pounds yellow cooking 1: your area, you may be able that's all he talks about. I don't you '"'lose count 3 ou may well m will surely please the family onions (about 6 medium) to get a lead to one by talking mind if he talks about it to me be a problem drinke { a g lee 4 tablespoons butter to a good public speaker or because I'm just as interested e . -riece Try them now a cane ao hat : See th , tables spoons flour omeone witha trained sing as he is, but he monopolizes ev : NO ES > RERRRR EE hE RRR Terrific CVE UCVEVUEVE VV VETTE 5 » Nae VAT A AVAVAVALS From ua y! a 3 ° the it of. incluc forming the habit of inclu ery social conversation with a ; | *4 teaspoon salt voice Vou won't have to study , ynions on the dinner plate many ,° , : pres sport how _ , onioi aspoon pepper for the rest of your life, once|PEpstess report on how the 'WAITING eset alata ' yee I "up 'mi k eee ie vou're on the track. But all the Jeidased Is ZO ng and - it un ey fas e : el onions, cut lengthwise inj.nmediate effort it takes will eryone is sick of. listening to 7 him : Immediate Gus carries the blue prints: in E Delivery hs pocket. When he trots them CHRISTMAS BONUS Smooth Top MATTRESS BOX SPRING hen 'crosswise in } Pa ONIONS AND APPLES ne then crosswise In 4-In h reward you the rest of your life i 7 : slices (makes 4 to 4}9 Osho: If Sa on 5. ued sliced), Melt: butter pe ech is impossible, rent a 2 Jone t 1edium) : spe imy le, t omons. (about 6 mec yan. Add onions and v recorder ind work at im- out and begins his talk I can just i ' ® tablespoons butter medium heat, turnir quent ah i VOI volte ti se own see our friends rolling their eyes alt v-until almost tender o 10 P se Beebe ton bk ty ean! teaspoon .sa In i ; or wi Me a friend ward the ceiling as to 82 tablespoons brown sugar minutes. Add flour, salt and Heaven. help us--not in l r yepper and mix we UY WATCH POSTURE I don't want to deflate his ego READY = MADE cups sliced, unpeeled red id : i ' : high ral ip ad ilk ¢ K ur n rself or he because now he's thrillec apples ¢ ane Conk, Seri 8. Check yoursel m how s tablespoon butter stantly until thickened, ab > straight you stand or sit whea about the new home, but he is a ieee roe sll 3 cups shredded cheddar minutes, 6 servings you speak. Your voice comes getting to be a pain in the neck ional to cheese BAKED ONIONS IN TOMATO out far Heda pone you train Bere copes igh eae - delivery Peel onions, cut lengthwise: in 1'g pounds yellow cooking yOu ee ee F ommend a a € Ue eal e pane ul half, then crosswise in %4-inch '* antone (About 12 eihalh) 9. Similarly check vourself for: fact iy co eG 5 tact pail 14, ee ee ee cup tomate juice On SES Ve ree ee in a wor aS on renee aie p sliced), Melt the 2 tablespoons 3% teaspoon salt monotone -- a common speech Hes i ai e ie: : 'ge ie le ag PHONE butter In a frying pan. Add beasnoon paprika disaster. If you feel you're even ae on sues me u : ae ' i nA Ki 725-1151 onions and saute over medium , tablespoons Batier a little bit guilty, practice put- ihn ' oe ine me ral i 1 heat for 5 minutes, turning fre- , tablespoons finely: chopped ting more variety and anima- tan ae a Lg 7 re 1 h m, W A R D S quently. Combine salt and parsley ; tion into your voice to. solve oe ube te bo es a brown sugar, add half the mix- poo} onions and leave whole. OU" problem , ject. Then do it DRY GOODS ture to the onions and stir to 4/5 1 10. Finally, as our mentor and rrange one layer deep in a '} nally or Mentor and! Year mix, Arrange apple slices on top greased, shallow baking dish. Voice authority Lea Karina ar Ann Landers. Your. ad SIMCOE ST. S$. AT ATHOL ST, of onions, sprinkle with remain- Combine tomato juice, salt and)says, work hard to do with your ing salt and sugar mixture and paprika and spoon over onions./ Voice what a painter does with dot with remaining butter. Re- Dot with butter. Cover and bake a brush. On or off the job duce heat, cover and continue i, g moderate oven (350 degrees there's no limit to the beauty cooking until onions and apples'-- ) for 3¢ minutes. Turn onions Of a good voice. are tender, about 15 me ver, spoon sauce over them,| And, in the final analysis, one plekoblgellt pnoasevaptith til asale a cover and bake about 30 min-/of the beautiful things most peo utes longer or until tender, 6/ple can have by trying isa zood melted, about 3 minutes. 6 serv- co, speaking voice a voice teacher or course to choose ARONA AVA AAV AV AAV ANY AV AV AV AV AY AN: vice to the 16-year-old pregnant AA AAA' J ba EUR WITH PURCHASE OF A WITH PURCHASE OF A CHESTERFIELD SUITE | BEDROOM SUITE SUVA AV AN AY AN AY AY AY AY AY AY easa'y AVAVAVAVAVAY 4 By Serta 3-PIECE | Her's A Buy!! BEDCHESTERFIELD/ SECTIONAL | CHESTERFIELD 1 only... 2-pieee suite. Durable friexe g Gases MIVA GoFORE GPPIRES Sc iE trewitt a UITE nee oul SUITE THIS LOW PRICE ber; very popular choice ALL 3 PIECES % foom cushions, smart style. Was 249,00 ONLY WHILE THEY LAST ; 237.00 ; 247.00 ; 167.00 @ PLUS 99¢ BONUS @ # @ PLUS 99¢ BONUS @ é @ PLUS 99c BONUS @ PR KN NA A A NM 2-PIECE MODERN § House of Bracmore! 3 31%2-SEATER walks 5 "Contewpotary" ) CHESTERFIELD ! SKIRT SUITE SUITE 100% nylon friere, foam cushions, vinyl # # 100% nylon, foam cushions, end back. decks. Moulded foam backs, Sold for i This suite is truly lovely, Wes 289.08 Balky tiainnions, Holiday Hazard Prepare now for the holidays Extra cooking and entertaining inevitably leads to increased dishwashing. This puts a strain] on your drain. Start adding a couple of tablespoons of sal soda concentrated to your dish- washing water: Since sal softens water you can cut way down on! the amount of detergent you use and 'it's detergents that often cause trouble. Septic tanks just can't handle' those' beautiful bil owy suds result back- rod e sal Fen hy "di Dass " _-- Amer adiall cuts through.grease fast and pene precaution is to give, i 3 Sauternes the drain a weekly treatment by pouring three tablespoons of dry . Y sal down it weekly. .T r MEDIUM DR good hot water until : ules dissolve. This flushes the propects OF A P ° drain out without harming sep- On4 ye ewes | CHATEAU-GM wes LMITE tie tank or corroding plumbing 3) wragnty MALTS! It's a technique now being re commended to customers by a number of leading plumbing concerns; with some going so ea, ' ed > CANADA WIN Fe far as to leave samples of sal on =f Ped ee NCAR TES house calls. It's merely a good will gesture for it admittedly cuts down considerably on the . number of frantic SOS calls for For Free Home Delivery, plumbing aid Call CHATEAU-GAI ; 7 | Announcing the new PERRET 'a PIETY ERA AN AYA AYU AYA AY RD: DAA A AAA! ER AVA AY NS AAAS eo back, foom cushions, foam bol: 269.00 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL sters. Heres real quolity .. . was 369 a CHRISTMAS SALE 217.00 jo "268.00 : 197.00 @ PLUS 99c BONUS @ ; @ PLUS 99¢ BONUS @ , @ PLUS 99¢ BONUS @ NR Re IRB Nao Ba a Re he oe Na se Wat a Ws: 2 Ra, GENUINE WALNUT. A ECONOMY SUITE F HERE'S A BUY! COLONIAL BEDROOM BEDROOM / BEDROOM | BEDROOM ] SUITE %. SUITE SUITE /.. SUITE, g Large Mr. & Mrs, dresser, p Double dresser with frame w t 9-drower triple dresser with book case bed and roomy "; Slaps ues Pde en sche x mitror, large chest and double mirror, large roomy chest and book 'case bed. Was 299.00 g SPECTACULAR SAVINGS DON'T MISS THIS CHRIST- j woaen wise eee ae nee 227.00 {; 133.00 i217. 00 : 193.00 PLUS 99c BONUS £ PLUS 99¢ BONUS PLUS 99c BONUS # PLUS 99c BONUS a No a Wate te ata ee ti athe Ratha ithe tg the Metke Mte Wee ie Ne a ie tha Bate Rte tn Rte te the the te athe the Bt 16-PIECE v . #£ CHAIR for i BRIDGE SETS # "GOLDEN GLORY" CHRISTMAS {FOR CHRISTMAS ; STARTER SET oll vinyl finish @ Heat Proof din- ial walnut 18. 88 # FROM 22. 50! ' -- a Pee 3.99 Wet Bk te Bake Bk Bi the Be ~T Nenaey aa a ac aa Rs Hh Nat: ita Nite: Bats CEDAR CHESTS } _ :woott'tor_/ PLATFORM ROCKERS by Lane and Red Seal ) MATTRESSES pee friexe 0 s hundreds of coils; f covering. d k kk wi FROM... IQ OO § se niteis BG.8S j cuss, H\ 94 \ 94 \ 94 \ 90 \ 9498 | AANA AHH A\ SH BFA ARS RS : ¥ ine ; 4 erenen WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET Downtown Oshawa 723-3211 PHAM UHHH WINTER BUILDERS : ~ OPEN BUY NOW! oe EVERY DOWNTOWN STORE Z "WE WILL STORE IT FREE' OF NIGHT 15 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ~ CHARGE 'TIL REQUIRED! FREE ' a : OSHAWA OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. -- 'GIFT BOXED FREE ; eee ou 7 EM. a 0000505080505 050080585 05050558050;050, 818 8.8 ARERR RRO EF - E" AA AA & he Paddock Club A DRESS SHIRT WITH THE LUXURY OF A SILKEN TOUCH SANTA CLAUS | vay In 100% SUPIMA" cotton will be in our Downtown Store i : Pa, ' A truly terrific value SATURDAY, DEC. 14th Sager at just $6.00 9 A.M. TILL 11 A.M. "oa * and 2PM. TILL 4 P.M. FREE CANDY CANE 'yy For all Children Accompanied with an Adult : Re > Re ie > AVAILABLE NOW AT CE AAARAAAAR AAA REVERE RRA RY MARRY DRY DY MY DYDD DD / af _LRUCECEEEeEE WWEAG ERG EAG ANY RNG AR RN AN RY AY RY RN AN RY EAR ER EAN AY AY A a AY Ay OS a

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