es 5 = z nner 20. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, December 12, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS: SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants MONTEITH, MONTEITH, Co., Chartered Accountants, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa; 942-0890, _Whitby_ 668-4131 Gardening and Supplies es, 13 WILD BIRD FEEDS Alax Wild Bird. Mixture Wild Bird Feeders Sunflower Seed Millets Small. Cut Grains WATER SOFT SALT Crystal No. 2 Salt Rox Brand Pellet Common Fine Salt COOPER SMITH | 16 een ST, 723-2312 WILSON. AND BURROWS, CHARTERED Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh. awa; Ronald F. .0. Wilson, CA; G Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554, LEONARD JAMES. BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite 203, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-9953 ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account- ant, 214 Colburne Street, Whitby, 668-5429. RAYMOND B. PROSSER, Chartered Accountant, 906 Centre Street North, Whitby. Telephone 668-5447. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service. 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- tered Accountants 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509 YALE, FRIEOLANDER AND CO,, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- fees in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East.! 728-7371 Barristers THOMAS H Solicitor, Notary 86 King GREER, Suite Sireet Barrister Times BA, 3 e 728-6209 3, Thi East |Mortgages | : |FIRST. AND SECOND mortgages. Jagreements purchased and sold. [nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 | Street East, 723-7232 |TV--Rodio Repairs | T.V. SERVICE Day or Evening 728-5286 Oshawa Electronics Sale Hen- King PRIVATE orporation monies to joan on all t of mortgages: mort-) ements of sale purchased. | n and 'Murdoch, (See "Barrister.") |READY to move up -- but there's no lace to go? Then by to check the 2k [place to go? Then be sure to check th | Well Drilling Digging "Help Wante columns in the awa Times Classified Section for the WELL DIGGING by machine special izing better job you deserve. in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut; | MORTGAGE jor st ao PO Box 329, Whitby, 668-2563 | | LOANS | WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digging, com pressor work, ciean-out and deepening.| 468 Park Road South. 728-3864 s for first murtgages 7% Mortgages | 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on |dressing, 396 ee $363 Page Hair-| Telephone special. Pine . Avenue. nus fo charge for vauaotions and Agreements hased |2--Personal } | MOTHERS, don't hide baby's shoes, have second mortgages them bronze-plated for keepsakes, Tele- : phone 728-8508. Moe SWARTZ GENTLEMAN desires ride to Toronto, funds available JOSEPH C. VICTOK, BA, LLB., Barris- Instruction ee Notary Public, 5 SIM HARVEY DANCE Residence 985-7115. itap RAD Baliet, YCHYN and HILLMAN, Now. 424 King Street 6'> King Sireet B. Humphreys, Qc, W. A. Hillman, LLB 1 Residence 728-4326. 725-4604, NHA and other ACADEMY, Highland LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic Pre-School, Kinderdance days. Masonic Temple, 723 Baton, mortgage funds LOUIS 5. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, tor a ite 305, The Times Street East, 723-4943.) le for mortgages MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD na | | available Loan Wanted Solic Wishes ; to perty rates o on a first mor al Pre ing interest | ment. terms desired t) RaLEY Barristers, Solici-| WRITE BOX 408 East. Dial OSHAWA TIMES SWARTZ, Barristers, Qolicitors, Notaries Money to ry Block, 262 King! $ East, 723-4697 Residence, dia! He merc 723.4029 GREER A tors, etc, Residence J, M. Greer Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Money To Loan aw} | WILL LEND YOU" | _ UP TO $5,000 Barrister,| 4 consolidate \ ills if 14' King A you ore stead ployed and have a edit Barrister Sol JOSE PH F. "MANGAN, QC, Money to loan. Offic Stree? East, Oshawa, 728-82 McGIBBON and BAST EPe Si citors. Clients' nds interes available for stonding, reasonable 20 Simcoe Street. North, Charlies C. McGibbon, ac; PHONE 728-3073 F. Bastedo, QC. Norman ts mortgages, . Mortgages TON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, -- Solicitors, Notary Public, Need A Mortgage Loan mmerce Building, 5 Simcoe 7 Omtarion 723-3446; Residences: G Murdoch: , 985-7115. Mortgages sale bought and solid DONALD, BA, LLB, Ist Solicitor and Notary Pub: Agree- 286 King ' parking] | and agreements of JAMES A M, ter and Private party to invest in ond 2nd mortgages ments purhased, Low ortgage proble ana) MOF'9O9 East.| cussed | 'immediate serv Call Ed. Wilson | 725-2539 or 723-3211 for sale poops wird wea ayer Barristers $s 0 Street No fees, Building T Trades EAVESTROUGHING.: Reasonable A work fu guaranteed. Free mates. Call 728-3334 ROOFING, concrete floors, Our specialfy. New work Large and small jobs. L and construction, 725-6937. PLASTERING rates esti "flat roof al and repairs: and H. Rooting a Tie) i ee 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. The foremost Canadian Pub- the field. now 5 and repairs, class. workmanship. Telephone 728-2482 ALL TYPES of bi | | tire | ding repairs, sidewalks, roofing, chimneys, fireplaces, stoops Gordon May. 728-0394 PLASTERING, patching and remodelling,| new and old work. Telephone 723-4871 | A-) CARPENTRY, cabinets, Bathroom and kitchen ing, wall. and floor T2R-3ASA YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner ey and repaired, gas es vacuumed arborite, remodelling, ce tiles. G, Lehmann. | i Pe Caan Chim: linings in: Free esti HOME | IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing, painting, cupboards, floor General repairs of all Na job too big or All work guaranteed Call introduces. long YEAR - OPEN mortgages: Boros need on the home - Repay thly payments over Second ou smoll m 10° to 15 years For full details, coll 723-2265, | Schofield-Aker Limited 360 King St. West (after hours 728-3376 ng at bank rates, ytime P. Nellis. Telephone: 728-2061 Cartage JOHN'S 'MOVING AND CARTAGE,| shawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates, Fully 2quipped and instred. 728-3661 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Dressmaking EXPERIENCED dres alteratio smaking, pant cuff-| Reasonable rates. | % dridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. CITY AND DISTF SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND: Ga rdening and Supplies GET your sales message in "Per-| sonals" and cash in on the high reader. ship this popular pulls dial the Oshawa Times Classified Dept.. 723 ad column dust} 3492 to ger your started oe Loam 'and Gravel a Washed Stone, Fill 4 xcavet SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED Simcoe St. North lot 9 s leveled hire BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 : S Classified Advertising Rates 25 WORD MINIMUM described offers get faster fucks for 112 Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Better results, Cash 3.75 Chorge 6 consecutive doys 413 3 consecutive 2.25 2.48 Ccunt figure er abbreviation: os one word box we accept no dovs each word, initial, will be made to forward replies to isers QS SOON O58 po: of loss or damage all eged to or delay in forwarding such replies, however While every endeavour numbers to the advert ible fiobility in respect se through either failure o caused whether by negligence or otherwise tf not paid wit Protess istings Each additional ! (Not applicable hin 7 days, only, 3 lines per per month tor merchandise advert DEADLINES charge rate applies onal month 2 1.60 ne sements.) 8:30 om. Day o 8:30 o.m. Day of P 3 p.m, Previc IONS AND CORRECTIONS blication REGULAT IONS will not be responsible for errors, 1erwise than in writing, not for more than anv advertisement. nox beyond the sement in which in advertise- The O, ments $ howa Times bmitted ot one incorre nsertion: of price charge for @ single insertion of the advert error The Save Times reserves the right to Classify advertising to its proper. classification play advertisements, The Times will held responsible for more space than thot in which the a erro cupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce a ' tiring motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ony inaccuracies in eny form ere contained therein. accordin In the case of d not. be [Personal Service 26V> King St East Telephone 723-7263 Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 iF YOU have a drinking problem, write Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- etc. Invisible mending, alterations 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Dec. 16th, 17th, 18th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates. for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 onic organ, nents ap 2-1664 electr , tions, ares lessons Sup Nursing Services LYNTONHURST MANOR Nursing Home I nsed mr t tor bed or in atiend. ble rates. Tele Painting and Decorating KITCHENS t cupboards, halls | Brighten service DODD and SOUT PAINTING AND DECORATING ACTORS WHITBY 862 7426 and justify your trust. BAILIFF 2 R ICES REG'D. Serving 24 commercia personne Call extent amo or é --_ | CEBERG iss cc SALTY Coie Wk Foo ARE FORMED of FRESH WA' HAVE DIED oa ARGENTINA. By R J. SCOTT SCRAPS- ag! i WHAT 15 THE DERIVATION OF AWE Word VARNISH' .. COMES FROM Tht MAME OF A GODDESS oF AMICVENT MYTHOLOGY = "VERWICE'. OE "Se "AMERICAN BULL BIRD UTTERS A » SOUND LIKE A Cow. ker 17--Male Help Wonted MAN 0 TO 60. Handle sales ~ territory surrounding Oshawa. Worth up to $12,000 in a year, pivs bonus. Write N. D. Garner, Vice Pres. Texas Refinery Corp., Box ™, Fort Worth 1, Texas. WANTED -- experienced meat cutter. chain store experience if possible, good salary, chance for advancement. Apply Bassin's | Food | Market, Ajax. IF you have sold vacuums, cookware, books, brushes, don't let this opportunity pass you without an interview, Telephone Mr. Jackson, 728. 4352. TAX! DRIVERS © Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAXI 725- 477\ JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN Young mon for the design ond development of tire moulds. Prefer a recent tech- nice! school graduate with good drafting ability, Exper- ience not necessary will train a suitable prospect. Excellent nance janitor work. 728-1568 PETER PAN DAY NURSERY qualified | Store and Coffee Bar fo 5.30 p.m. S81 Simcoe) GLENCEOAR NURSING HOME requires! part-time day care, North, 728-2604 Two. EXPERIENCED carpenters work cupboards, prints, phone 725-8169 Spadina at- Queen area, arriving 8 a.m. |14--Employment Wanted WORK WANTED, cleaning, painting storms Telephone 728- 3707. EXPERIENCED man would ike" steady |experienced, quick 7am Apply Whitby, 668-8230. looking for position remodelling. Expert on kitch house trimming Satisfaction guaranteed desire Read bive| Tele- _|WAITRESS for late night. work stent to do dining and dependable Apply Hotel Lancaster Hotel preferred.- Telephone /27 King Street. West, Oshawa EXPERIENCED help needed for Variety cleaning 16--Female Help Wanted and office HAIRDRESSER, with licence required "Yo |work three weeks replaced and mainte: | ochawa in beauty salon Telephone 728-4286, room. Must Call 728-9763 and be No employee benefits, Apply or write to: PERSONNEL MANAGER DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY in 'ooking. Should have own transportation 1) |LADIES! 2--Personal TO THE ELECTORS _OF THE TOWNSHIP. OF EAST WHITBY My sincere thanks are extended to the electors and supporters for the confidence they expressed on Monday, December 2nd and will continue to try have you ever [selling Avon? 11 costs nothing to find out nursing assistant 'one year|the details. in doc-|PO Box 512, Oshawa, fice Telephone 7%- 3307 atter 5. Telephone WILL CARE for two or three children in Iprooklin 658-4931 or 655-4516 my home, by day or week. Rosedale Drive, CERTIFIED experience tor's 728-5883 or EXPERIENCED DICTAPHONE OPERATOR and SECRETARY | to handle all sales corres- pondence in a growing com- pony in Whitby. 5 day week. | Employee benefits, Top Salary. Write BOX 306 OSHAWA TIMES write Good meais, 20--Room and Board FOR RESPECTABLE men near' North General and hospital. Apply $1 Colborne Telephone 725-0971 ROOM AND BOARD for men, single beds, $15. from Applicants abstainers only thought about Clean home Motors East. three gentle Monday to Friday Call 198-5)97 WHITBY Room and board for two. Lunches packed if desired. Apply 30) Rosedale Drive, Whitby 668-8230 ROOM AND BOARD, gentlemen, single beds, home cooked meals. 76 725-0428 suit one or two Nassau ROOM and board for to'share large room. Three meals a day. Telephone 728-3350 21--Room & Board Wanted | lunches packed,| Street two boys willing! 25--Apa rtments TWO-BEDROOM = apartment, available January 1. Stove, refrigerator included.) One child welcome. 728-7264. 26--Rooms For Rent CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Single private entrance. Close to town. gentieman. Apply above address. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, bed- room and kitchen with refrigerator, range, sink and cupboards. Available! now. _Apply 156 Agnes Street. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 |27--Real Estate For Sale | BUILDING "LOT, Brooklin, 300 ft. by 365) ft., level land, bargain with $500 down. |McGill Real Estate Broker, Oshawa, | 728-4285 [CHRISTMAS Special. Save $500 winter |bonus. Beautiful 3-bedroom bungalows, er Hollywood kitchens, large lots, start- now, ready to move in mid-January, walking distance to Oshawa _ Shopping Centre. Contact Mr. Arthur Wineberger, 723- 7244, _Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 78-7 7377. |. __ MUST SELL room, Suit! |27--Real Estate For Sale FAMILY "HOME, | large, well bullt, well |kept bungalow, attached garage, Boys' Club and St. Hedwig's, 5 |For further information, call Don Strade- ski, 725-6588, Wilson Realtor, evenings, 728-8423. FOUR suite apartment in centre of Bow- manville on large 140-ff by 192-ff treed, fol. Circular _ drive -- beavitul lawn and pine trees. Large apartments in good repair. Rent income $295 per month. For sale with $3000 down. Low monthly payments on balance. P.O. Box {a Oshawa, LARGE OG Rossland Manor $75. PER FOOT FRONTAGE Serviced - including underground hydro and telephone. EXCELLENT TERMS For Information -ROOM BUNGALOW} Choice Location $2,300 DOWN. PRIVATE 489 KING ST, EAST 725-3338 or 725-4481 after 6 p.m. RALPH S. JONES 130 KING ST. EAST 728-6246 OPEN HOUSE THIS WE EK-END 2 P.M, ON 343 ROSS SEVEN ROOM, TWO STO! MOUNT REY, NEW BRICK HOME $23,800 BUILDER WILL Directions to Open House. Poy us a Visit. | | TELEPHONE 723-1 ROOM AND BOARD wanted by gentle _ man day worker. No lunches room and home privileges desired. six, 728-7008. 17--Male Help Wanted : WILL exchange $90 for 40 hours week. Write Box baad Oshawa idblneade NEIL A. SMITH Rough Carpenters Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, 3----Pets & Livestock sae aii Reasonable Dial 723-1193. POODLES, Foley dards. Dial ALL PLUMBING teler ) materials new ' free toys, miniature and stan- Whitby 668-3923 supplies.| REGISTERED Dachshund puppies Ltd.,'5 telephone Bowmanville, 623-3430. and Engineering, 255 injaTURE POODLES, weeks old, males and a 2 each. Telephone Brooklin, Rug-Upholstery Service SACHSHUND Goon Tne CHESTERFIELDS re- built re.-covered registered. Dial Hampton hha orale ds ore? antes Mant BEAUTIFUL baby bucgies, 'ready ats ister "to. aining, talking 'strain. Apply Jpholstery. C+ proag, 114 Elgin East COCKER SPANIEL puppies, ty and temperment, parti-color shots, will hold until "Telephone 723-1739 REGISTERED Dachshund cellent Christmas gift manville 623-3430 and white, females, 655-4834, and females,| $100. ~ for) Mrs.| excellent cKC Christ. CUSTOMCRAFT'S UPHOLSTERY Experts in a consultation Free estimates. puppies. Ex- After 5 p.m. Bow- terfield suite factory P Kg Telephone 728-3281 ennedy Upholstering GERMAN months old. 728-9893 female, with shepherd, Registered seven papers chairs re- hipthe t for less MINIATURE POODLE, black, purebred, Simcoe seven weeks old, male, Telephone before Free estimates 2 and after 4 p.m, 723-2665 and PEDIGREE Siamese kittens, See aur mate-|trained. Ideal for Christmas gifts Upholster- Phone Bowmanville. 623-2788. 212 PEKINGESE puppies. Charming pets English' breeding, Reasonable. Register: ed. Telephone Whitby 668-3923 wall wash. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, Call 728-;™months old, registered, purebreds, Telephone Whitby 668-5623 Shetland gelding cart and" saddle ~ house | CHESTERFIGLDS Tele ; Free. estir re-upholstered ale f e-covering. Dalton Charles 'Street, Sales and Service : Aner "three COM a $50 7057 A PONY -- Very quiet r iW dene petites Sp Bie small with show harness, Dial 655-3007 pairs on. all e Whitby 668-5247 GL JARANTEED ers ar ges. Free repairs to wringer wash estimates. Tele S__Farmer's Column ~ FARMERS! Need tires? Call "Bill" your cc GL AS ss | AND SCREEN Dominion Tire representative, 725-6511 or for evenings after 6, 725-7263. ne : ] . CASH on the spot. Highest prices wh for dead and crippled farm. stock. phone collect, Hampton 263-2721 will's Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63, paid Tele-| your Marg-| mes int NA SH AL UMINUM '8--Hunting 95 ATHOL ST TELEPHONE 58. aa TAXIDERMIST, deer heads mounted.| Birds and animals mounted. Rug work. | Contact Richard Flewell, RR 1, Clare mont, Ont Surveyors H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elg reet East. Phone 11--Articles For Rent 2 1963 68 FOR HIRE FLEISCHMANN, On-|oPen or closed in Commercial blue IY rates. With er without 195-5632 phone 728-3901 or 728-8026. CHAIRS, card. and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North eed slay brake drum lathe, rents $25. hly. Write Andrew Doyle, 70A Corby) ent, Brampton. Phone 451-3067 eve- makes nings Elec tre 1 Eight, 722-9795 _| Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses 7\/ TOWERS Punch Bowls Coffee Urns AND Silver Tea Service Antenna Repair Silver Candelabra, | TRIO SARGEANT'S. RENTALS TELEVISION 725-3338 ST. E., OSHAWA 12--Articles Wanted 728-678) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Service Calls $2.50 Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Ports for sale, also scrap iran 9 a.m aid pm Daily 2 ibes and metals, etc. bought As Low As $1 9. 66 Open Saturday all day. Phone All Work Guaranteed 725-2311--89 BLOOR E: 13--Business Opportunities Domini Call t TV TOWERS ndustry, $1,000 required, good returns Write Box 225, Oshawa Times. Economy and Deluxe t your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY: LIMITED 728-8180 Ve-ton pick-up trucks, Hourly, daily or week DONEVAN drivers. Tele tario Lal d prints srl TV--Radio Repairs LAKE VISTA TV vice. 480 .F p Murr GUARANTEED TY, radio, " and rveyor Street, towers and aerial ser- ay Avenue. Tele 171 BOND , | és WANTED experienced couple to opera ClEVISION snack bar. Living quarters avaiable: ND ST. W Telephone 723-1671 728-5154 on BON ie READY TO BUY | PROSPECTS Want Ads Round the Clock.| 16--Female Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES earn Telephone canvassing. One hour per even- ing. Top commissions After or 728-5604 RELIABLE woman six old boy, area. Call Friday or Saturday Christmas Mr to care for live in or. out SALESLADY REQUIRED Apply Cole's Sporting Goods LTD OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE REFRESHER COURSE FOR GRADUATE NURSES 3. mornings. weekly during period January | 4th to Febr- vory 20th, 1964, will be of- fered by. Oshawa General Hospital if there is o suffi- cient of applicants. Apply in writing to the Di- rector of Nursing Doctor's Office RECEPTIONIST TYPIST BOOKKEEPER Long hours, hard work number Reply in Writing Giving full qualifications BOX 439 OSHAWA TIMES APPLICANTS will be accepted for CLERICAL POSITIONS bonk, Grode better re- with a_ local XI1 education or quired. Previous experience on asset but not essential. Please write for on. interview. WRITE BOX 440 OSHAWA TIMES GIRL'S SUPERVISOR FOR CHILDREN'S CENTRE Stote Qualifications and Salary Expected to BOX 32/7 OSHAWA TIMES money! | ayear- North Oshawe 728-9257. | ly rates. Black 728-4258 | Steady winter ment. Piece work or hour- employ- | Riga Construction Ltd., Bay Ridges, Ont, | Ask for "'Cony" Contract DRIVER Required | For Distribution Oshawa Times Within City of Oshawa Apply Circulation Manager Oshawa Times MECHANIC Class 'A' Licence Clean bright shop with new modern equipment Apply employment. son, Full time in per- DOUG HART SERVICE MANAGER NORTHSIDE Chrysler-Dodge (Whitby) Ltd. 916 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-3368 Male Luncheonette Manager Experienced age 25-35. Cap- able of cooking, menu plan- ming and supply buying. Must be able to supervise in new up to date Luncheonette. We will provide training in our methods of operation In addition to a salary which will be in line with: qualifi- cations provide benefits. surance, Pension Plon, and experience, excellent Health ond Life In- we company Profit Sharing. Opportunity also ex- ists for advancement to more responsible positions company. Please reply in the confidence. Write Box 315 OSHAWA TIMES private home, proximity Shopping Centre Telephone 728-1691 (Andy), between 5 and Per 6.30 p.m. YOUNG MAN requires accommodation In| Private atte NORTH ~|22--Offices, Stores, Storage 'ore. Good Phone after DELICATESSEN st rent $55. monthly. FOR RENT Medical Approximately or office. square Dental 700 Park ava heated. For information 725-5132 TRIPLE "C' DANCE HALL Weddings, 300 coter- Fully equipped for Banquets, Dances up to persons. Piano and ing available. Parking fac ties C. Dentinger, Hompton 263-2039 EXCELENT HEATED DOWNTOWN LOCATION Offices may be rented in- dividually or ensuite, To in- spect call Mr. Gutsell, Osh 3-4523,. in Toronto 481-3443 | EASTERN AND CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY 23--Woanted To Rent ONE- OR TWO-BEDROOM = apartment wanted. Close to Shopping Centre. Tele. phone 728-4739 ONE .or two-bedroom apartment. wanted by clean, quiet couple Close to Simcoe 728-8868 RESPONSIBLE working. couple. dren, requires two-bedroom large apartment, near General Phone Mr. Booth, 668-3361, p.m Parcels Private. entrance. | preferred. Telephone! No chil home or} Hospital 9 am, to 5 ONE or two bedroom apartment, ably with refrigerator and. stove, by January 1. Telephone prefer- wanted | 725-8442, | |24-~Houses For Rent | | : |WHITBY -- Dundas East, 1243. Two-| | bedroom brick house, nearly new, sr less condition, tile and broadioom floors, |basement garage. Phone 725-2539, THREE-ROOM house for rent. Suit couple only. Central, near bus stop. 339 Eulalie Avenue. 725-1783 | COUNTRY four-bedroom home, 30 miles from Oshawa, 32 miles from Little Brit. ain, $65. month, evenings Whitby 668-8042) | Brick Bungalows Two Bedroom $95. Three Bedroom $105, | Possession December 27 Prefer to sell with option to buy. TELEPHONE 725-1186 | BILL MILLAR | . W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. |25---Apartments |NASSAU STREET, 271 -- Three-room, heated apartment, refrigerator and stove supplied. Adults only. $75. plus hydro 728-4550. MODERN four-room apartment, -- upper duplex, private entrances, bath room and' kitchen stove rigera tor, Parking,' $110. 'month, only Available Jan. 1. Telephone 723-7202 $75. MONTHLY. Bright, n, five-room heated _ entrance Grove at cozy two-bed apartment, sepa Immediate p e Highway 401. Phone TWO four-roo electrical a * our craft. ¢ toys, heirlooms, everything to cr weave, Send 25¢ | MAPLE GROVE and Highway 401 -- two- bedroom apartment, modern, heated Possession December 15, $75 monthly |Phone 725-3445. WENTWORTH and Ravine, near South GM, two-bedroom unturnished apartment, with range and refrigerator. $95 mon Telephone 728-8 THREE * EEDROOM Coup eferre 0 objection Westmount apartment to rent small ct Street rae furnished; 'tral, 313 Arthur Street nN private home, cen Telephone 728 oat LY Mi for The turnover, 6 p.m. 5 bedroom Tri-level, 2 baths, 1 TAKE TRADE North on Glencoirn to Rossmount, West on Rossmount GUIDE REALTY LTD. 120 -- REALTORS RIDGES Sommerville Ave. at Orchard View Blvd. HOW ABOUT THIS FOR VALUE? 525 sq. ft. Full price $17,500.00 with $2,996.00 down (less $500.00 winter built bonus). 4 bedroom two storey, 2 bath Full Price $17,995.00 with winter built bonus). 1400 sq. ft. $500.00 s, attached garage, $2,791.00 down (less 3 bedroom Ronch Bungalow, attached garage. Full Price $16,- 200.00 with $2.517:00 (less $5 00:00 winter built bonus). These homes will qualify the purchoser for the $500.00 bonus if. completed under the Winter Homes ore all situated on larg c and Separate schools. your choice of finish, For further in Smith 728-8254 dfellow 723-7335 Charles Sid Go HARRY MILLEN 9 BAGOT STREET Works incentive progrom. e pre-serviced lots convenient .to See us now and we will build to formaton call: Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Loreen Kellett 723-3770 REAL ESTATE 728-1679 OSHAWA: TIMES PATTERNS . USE SCRAPS By ALICE BROOKS Two colorful aprons that use scrap pieces effectively for | PRINTED PATTERN Res SIZES 4 144-244 pocket and patches. Applique tulip quickly sewn on. Patches finished with nick- transfer of a x 4% in. tern. (coins) stamps, | rack, Pattern 7416: 5.x 614, 'three 314 motifs: a mn printed THIRTY-FIVE CENTS this pattern (no please) to Alice Brooks, care of f|° Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept.,. Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax plainly I Y n|NAME, / 206 HANDICRAFT -HITS. in big, big; new 1964 Needle | atalog, out now! See fashions, crewelwork gifts bazaar hits --| het, knit, sew, embroider, quilt, smock. right now Want-Ads Dont' Cost -They Pay | <a Print|), 1 24%, S 5 takes 195% care of The Oshawa Times, 300, design ideas, 50c for Catalog. FOR HALF SIZES By ANNE ADAMS Now - and - future favorite! This contrast - topped shirtwaist nomination for casual likely to win most compliments, Printed Pattern 4602: Sizes 1414 h, 1814, 2014 5% is our the one you the Halt , 22%, yards 35 yd. contrast. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins bee stamps, p'ease) for this, pat- erm. Ontario residents add 2c ee tax. Printly plainly SIZF, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont PATTERN. FR Mail cou- pon inside new Fall-Winter Pais . tern Catalog, ready now! Over all sizes. Send