Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Dec 1963, p. 10

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UNITS, GROUPS AND Christmas party, held in the RTTWTT TRDITC ladies' parlour, on Monday, De- cember .16, at 6.30 p.m. .in the AUVAILLIANLOYO jform of a potluck supper. Mrs.| | WcTuU | The regular meeting of the WCTU was held recently in Simcoe Street United Church. Mrs. Clayton Lee, president, presided. Mrs. Frank Cooke was in charge of the worship service taking as her theme, "The Other Wise Man," and recounting the story of his life- time search and its ending. Mrs, Wellington Trainer and Mrs. Charles Langfield spoke briefly on the origination of many of the Christmas caro!s and the members joined in singing them to the accompani- jment of Mrs. Lloyd Pegg on the piano. Mr. Clarence Toaze and Mrs. Fred William sang a duet "In That Beautiful. Land." were reminded the date for the| Refreshments were served by|Crawford and Mrs. Rundle are} congregational supper is Janu-|Mrs. William Patterson and|to be the conveners. Christmas ary 15. Mrs. Maurice Taillon. The nexticarols will be enjoyed and gifts The executive will be injmeeting will be held January 7.\exchanged. charge of the January meeting.| ny " memi 7 ; | DORCAS GROUP KINETTE CLUB _ eer Were pence. 10 The Dorcas Group of First) The K'nette Club held its an- gts praia tay u ee Baptist Church held its Decem-/nual Christmas Party at the De- Edith North Marnwood, 2g\ber meeting at the home of Mrs,|cember meeting recently, in the Elgin street, Bowmanville. og Mente ; ahd 4 oo Room, Hotel Gen- Ini i | e scripture lesson found in/osha. i Part Ried yl gn, Be wit lake 2 was read by Mrs. James| One guest, Mrs. Robert Cope. bur Downs, Mrs. Roy Corbman|Logan. Mrs. Daniel Rogers read|was present and is transferring read the Scripture lesson, Luke|a Christmas story and led in to the Oshawa Club from Pem- {the Oshawa Christian Youth!quet ever held by the Youth Cen- Centre held last Saturday in the tre. Masonic Hall. nusiastic group of There were 155 young people|young people meet every Sun- present at the banquet provided,day. evening for 'Fireside' at by women of Simcoe Street 15 'Warren -- ed United Church, A popular trio, "The Harmon- NEEDLE CATCHES bail, Toronto, a former football 'a::es" entertained with songs) -'% Sheet of transparent poly: Player for the Toronto Argo-|and musical numbers during the|thene spread under the Christ- nauts, and for the past seven after dinner program. Mr. Glen| mas tree will protect the floor years a minister at the Evan-|Langford of Newmarket playedjand also catch pesky needles gelical Church for the: Dea({.|selections on the trombone, ac-/when they start to fall. Poly- Wellesley street, Toronto, was,;companied by his wife at the'thene film may be bought by the guest speaker at the ninth piano. Many expressed the opin-'the yard from a dispenser dis- annual Christmas banquet of'ion that this was the best ban-|play, or in 8' x 10' drop sheets. Former Argonaut Is Guest Speaker At Youth Banquet The Reverend Robert Rum- his ent ent in| s. James Loganibroke, Ontario. 2. Mrs. Downs read a pai |prayer. Mrs. 1 gan) keeping with the Teulive Leneon (80K on 'Taking Time". A buffet style turkey supper | "No Room." A solo, "The|. Mrs. Ronald Trewin, served and following a presi-| was P D Holy Child,' was sung by Mrs,|dent, presided over the blsiness|short business session, Santa Ronald Kellington, accompan- period. It was decided that the|put in an appearance and dis- ied at the piano by Mrs. Wil-|8toup would contribute tow ard|tributed gifts. oy a liam Graham. the Christmas bulletins. Gifts for distribution € Sim- Say Merry Christmas with REED'S It was decided sick and shut-| The speaker for the evening Mrs. Morley Chesher read the coe Hall were donated by each Miss Millicent Luke whos2|Secretary's report. Kinette. in members will be remember-|was ed during Christmas. A dona-|topic was "It Takes Time to tion of money was received for|Grow."' zifts for the Mental Health) Miss Luke thanked the 'units ss : Conte for Christmas. for the splendid response they the members had brought to The _-- voted ie pager | Mrs. Freq William reported have had during the past two Supply the church kitchen. ea jon the quilting being done at|years and hoped that with the Mrs. Earl Dingman and Mrs ihe AewW Simcoe Holl Bove! Club Simcoe Hall and the members'changing of the units in the James Logan assisted the host- The rine see eulaven'e were asked to provide linings|New Year each will co-operate ¢Ss. with refreshmenis. iu be| Christmas party Soil he hala |for inside the quilts. las they have done in the past. The January meeting wil be Sunday. December 92. at the | Mrs, Harold Parrott reported|Mrs. Kellington sang a_ solo, held during the weck of prayer. Pinsien Soeinenity aanite Bion missions and also on the!"'The Little Lord' Jesus." Mrs./The members will attend church|*1"s x oes [Talk Alpha'? which meets dur-| Jack Kline thanked the speak- service, then return to the home ing the Christmas holiday. It er, soloist and Mrs. Graham, (of Mrs. Alan Gibb for the busi- was agreed to arrange for stu-| Refreshments were served ness meeting and refreshments.| 4 whist drive was held at the ldents to attend these sessions and a social hour was spent. ST. STEPHEN'S UCW 'Rundle Park Clubhouse, Park "lunder the committee consisting ae ene nants The Eva Alexander Unit of|road south, on Wednesday night of Mrs. Harry Mellow, Mrs Pats gir Be Agen st. St. Stephen's United Church|The' whist drive winners were Howard Brown and Mrs. Har- Georges Anglican CRUECK held Women. met at the neg of ae. apoomgetalags er old Parrott eT x sei pi (Mrs. Ernest Moth, with Mrs,.;Smith, and Mrs. George Long Sunday Schools were Desde in We ered dinner James. Palmer presiding The booby prize was won by reminded to turn in the 1 Mis Wo Baker Mrs. Ray Smith's group had/Mrs. Philip Lambert, and Mrs in Sunday School' oven a short 'business \charge of the devotional period. Alex Air won the raffle. _ anpangemients ae Mrs. E, N-. Weldon read the Mrs Palmer read the scripture Ueoiih werk 4 ee marking will soon take place iinitec" Gnd > Mie Norman Mrs. Sm th discussed a chap- were Mrs. James HM ucaltell Mrs. Lee thanked everyone Hinds gave the treasurer's 're- ter from * Women of the Bible'. who also won the raffle, Mrs who assisted at the tea and vari- Sort "Salome" was the topic Ronald Hayes, and Mrs. Ernest ety table held in November ! It was announced . that the Mrs. Frank Crawford and'Brown. The booby prize went to and extended . Season's Greet- meeting will be January 6 (5 David Duchemin reported Mrs, Ronald Bowman ngs to everyone. Mrs. Trainer, in: the parish hall The annualiot visits to sick and shut-ins Refreshments were served Mrs. Cooke, and Mrs. Lawrence reports will be given and the and cards sent. Mrs, Palmer during the evening. These whist Muldrew served tea and Christ: o iate of Aiflonvs presented. read a request for help at Sim- drives are held every Wednes- thas cake Members were asked to be surei©°° Hall me day men at 8.00 p.m, Admis- MARY ELLIOTT. SMITH to attend this meeting is 2 ais éd salads ah + The Mary Elliott Smith Mis- Mrs. J, ©. .B:. Shorit thenjCoPvenss. Sieies® of sion Circle held the monthly > cater , showed pictures of her trip to for catering to a Ww 239 Sweden ticles were brought of Meeting in the home of Mrs Innis bazaar for ¢ hav le HOLY CROSS WA Refreshments were served by The president Women's Auxiliary ae The of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Gilbert and) Nicker Holy held December Mrs. Gordon Lane Mrs meeting recently with the presi-| The next meeting will be the dent; Mrs, A. L. Hanson_ pre- DID YOU KNOW siding THE The secretary, Mrs Patterson read the Miss Mary Fitzgerald, treasur- ONTARIO FOOD and FREEZER SERVICE er, gave-the financial report Mrs Frank Sheppard, -- sick HAS FREEZERS from $269.00 and there is members' convener, gave her with no Deposit .. . report no other charge for Food Plen! Mrs.:Leo Karnath stated she PHONE 728-2963 made several visits to the hos- Hilarious games were enjoyed James were enjoyed during ¢ numerous prizes given the evening and WA initials were|and ¥ lembroidered on the tea towels away. si Now is the time to come into either of our two stores and browse around for Christmos ideas . . , decorate your home with a fash- ionable permonent centrepiece . . . look at the originol minioture decorated table trees . . . for the coffee table, the little lamp decor- ations are just lovely , . . the door knockers will make your home soy 'Welcome' . ond you ore welcome too, to come in and look around at either of our two locations... : This is e POINSETTIA PLANT Year. We be- lieve thot this year we have the very best Poinsettios of any grown in Ontorio. They are just going to be ot the peak of perfec- tion for Christmas with beautiful Red blooms and nice Green foliage. Prices start at $1.95. < WEEKLY WHIST PRETTY ASHBURN WEDDING Appleton, RR the bride- Notice we hove two stores to serve you... DOWNTOWN on King St. West, near Wool- worths ond our DRIVE IN FLOWER CENTRE on Bloor St. West, lots and lots of FREE park- ing at Bloor St. R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA DRIVE-IN SHOP 1044 KING W. 163 BLOOR W. PHONES: 725-1131 -- 725-1132 -- 725-2512 The marriage took place re- cently in Burns Presbyterian 'Church, Ashburn, Ontario, of Dorothy Jane Appleton, to Kenneth Gerald Waltham, Whitby. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Claude Vipond Portrays Malayan Life For B&P Women Life in Malaya was vividly|ties on the calculated value portrayed to the members of pensions often gre the Oshawa Business and Pro-|hardships, the Government fessional Women's Club by Mrs.'Canada and the Government Claude Vipond at their regular Ontario would be monthivy meeting held at Ade- changes in the laide House. The: lush tropical 'so that death duties beauty of the country, the diver- the dutiable portion of sity of races and ons, the payable to survivors schools, agriculture, transporta- lated on an actua tion were all touched on amd il- the same time as 0 lustrated by mamy beautiful sets, but that their color slides, Mrs. Vipond's com- on the basis of educat mentary was interesting and in- source throughout formative and covered such a during which 'the field. that the audience's paid." of Malaya was vast: he fifth resolution de ed. Malaya will a the: Income ain be just the name of 4 bee dea gules : i Act. The Governme some far-off land to them. d ould' be asked Miss Irene Pawson, United 202 Woule de asked ; Nations convener, was in charge trom the seckor refering ae deductible contributions of the evening's program and ta aya ; introduced the speaker. Miss neguter ed be dipole Cora Cruse thanked Mrs, vi. {unds, the present tamil pond for giving so generously 10 per cent sal nyt each of her time and for giving the incomes of $15,000 and members. such # clear and de- Per annum, as, because lightful picture of life in Malaya CCOMOMicSs demands on the ' Th regular meeting of the as the Vipond family saw it in ¢@™er of dependents, most eatn- Cw was held recently in the their two-year sojourn there. ¢TS the lower income brackets friendship room of Albert street Mrs. J. W. Richardson, »resi- find such payments limited to @ Church, Mrs. James Scott dent, pr for the b few years. , opened the meeting with a meeting, An important item of| Members were reminded of poem, "There's Magic." business: was the report of the the annual Christmas dinner at Mrs. Clayton Lee read the ae el of va esse i Adelaide House, December 16, minutes, correspondence was aws @ eguiations, and Le- read by Mrs. Wilbur Down and gislation, Miss Jennie Pringle, and arned be "ass pt ne as Mrs, Percy Bovelle gave the who read the resolutions five in|traditional collection for the ¢,aneial report number that after long study |Christmas Cheef Fund Mrs. Gordon Shemilt thanked had been drafted by her com-| At the close of the meeting all those who helped make the mittee > presentation to the Miss Gladys Frise and het com- pazaar a success, Mrs. George grveronfentecocered, ting mie served cera Dk: Pr reported ii ss had e 8 ; muc: ids. been made to the hospital and cession Duties Act, the Estate _ Hillsdale Manor during Novem- Tax Act and the Income Tax eee Je Act, some sections of which as at present constituted, cause int tt grief, trouble amd hardship to son, Pat many. The resolutions will first come before the Canadian Federation If you have a. man your of Business and Professional family who is handy with tools Women's Clubs and the Business and likes building thing and Professional Women's Christmas why not depart Clubs of Ontario for ratifica-\the usual ties tion routine and get him a copy It is proposed that the Gov- '!6 Master-Designed eation ernmemt of Ontario be petitioned,Rooms" at your lumber deal- for a change in the Succession Ts? Duties Act to allow a basic) The book exemption of $100,000 for all glamor package blood relations of the deceased. tifully illustrated, At present brothers and sisters cover. But inside pelt in the 'preferred class"' whole library of fascinating although they may often have ideas' for -- building planters, mutually contributed to the desks, cabinets, bookcases creation of the estate and the age walls; you name it and ing of a home nite complete with working e ominion Government drawings, cutting diz ams, would be petitioned to make templates and bills-of-material changes in the Estates Tax Act A little unusual, sure to allow a similar basic exemp-'this is the kind of gift sel of $10,000 for all blood re- shows thoughtfulness, And - it lations . costs no more than a single Because payment of death du- neck-tie! Charles William 1, Brooklin, and groom is_ the of Mrs Howard Thompson, Whitby and the late Gerald Waltham --Photo by Stannett to be "Tem- eon presided perance ession papers winners The Best Way to soy Merry Christmas to your loved ones in other places whether for or near is to send them a Chri of s . We are bonded members of this ser. vice. Gifts by Wire stort at $6.00, idle, 'social fina] plans ing. Ar- for the of causes in, thy Y i SM asked °S Mrs son; presidéd xrned Walte evied on acts cor Cross its pens George Hall was in > of the devotional period 1. Christmas carols were Mrs. Robert Moon gave a e'talk on the "First Christmas." Harold Parrott spoke on Today' and Mrs gave a reac- ons be ; dy their Reilmoan~ ' H "WHERE SMART WOMEN § William minutes. tmas pensior hts from the 'Link ". were reported by. Harold Parrott. The mem- donated gifts for two "a to remove pital. Mrs. Hanson thanked Mrs Stephen Bonfordi, Mrs. Frank Sheppard and Mrs. Frank Hoar for helping in the Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor : sionaries, in charge of Mrs Har- no old Parrott, assisted by Mrs. eae Ralph Hopson and Mrs. Walter Nickerson. Refreshments were served by the hostess. ALBERT STREET UCW Handknitted Italian Mohair * Sweaters . 10.98 \ _ © Beautiful blend of Mohair, ¢ Wool and Nylon in cardigan and pullover styles, Wide choice of new colours, Sizes der of e Give her famous brand LV ylons .. absence of Mrs. Law- , Mrs. Bovelle report- the manse. Mrs. Hanry Longbottom reported cards had been sent to the sick and shut- ins. Mrs, Jack Lawry reporte< on the supplies and Mrs. Ale: ws Maracie reported on quilt rom made during the past year. shirts of ne donors' ed for For a Handyman socks : Four members volunteered to lunch at the blood nic. The members r p serve rec cl Sheerest of sheer. Seamless . micro- mesh, Proportion- ed lengths. Brief, middi, super. Jewel'. Dress sheer. Seam- less micro-mesh, 400 needle, 15 de- nier. Low priced too! Bi Daytime sheer. Full fashioned in pro- portioned lengths. Brief,. middi and super, itself is a real with its beau spiral-bound he'll find a 1.29 Pr 3 PAIRS 3.75 STOP 7 Ansus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM stor- t Quilted long legged pyjama 5.98 Leopard print back-to-back quilted top:with chiffon bow. Heavy -tricot black pants. Small, medium and large sizes, Quilted nylon ski jacket 9.66 6 colours. Rol under hood, Full length front zip. 2 poce kets, S.M.L. ' Slim, trim 5 stretch slacks 6.98 Nylon-viscose stretch fabric, Side zipper. Choice of col- The man who breaks with tradition is a young man-- no matter how old he is, T. F. IS A COLLECTION OF:... @ Exclusive selected fabrics and patterns styled for th young and the young at heart. e@ Comes inthe new GRANT button down collar, @ Authentic French placket at front. @ Contour tailored body for a slimmer appearance, @ White delta super fine buttons ,the finest available, QO¢Pr. 3 PAIRS 2.85 Sma SS Dress sheer. Full- QQO¢ pp. fashioned. In pro- portioned lengths, middi and 3 PAIRS 2.85 Give her 8 lovely new bag 4.98 Many exciting new styles, in black or brown Come and see! e Authentic banded button down collar, * Special Christmas Promotion CARNIVAL RUGS Foambac Tweed Rugs 29.99 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REF ) @ 2STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA. nrief, super, @ Button at back. @ Hanger loop, @ Box pleat. PEE Fine imported leather gloves 4.98 Latest styles. Wool lined. Black, brown. 6%-8.A/so All in the most wanted fashion shades, and in sizes 8% to 11. ONLY 5.95 x snor" Serged on all four sides Size 9 x 12. Beige, Mocha, Green Tmon Reilmor cw nent SASS 725-6221 -- 725-4361 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 P.M. 29 Simcoe Street South -- Oshawa Shopping Centre THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN UNTIL 9. P.M. -- GIFT BOXED FREE ~~ ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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