Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 8

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SE! affairs when people who don't!women are different because 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December TT, edd : i THE STARS SAY p Kee y 'ANN LANDERS serve liquor are afraid of being,women learn from a mistake d ™ considered social freaks. but men don't. How about this? By ESTRELLITA Z j j : x Anyone who would refuse to --Dim View i j visit your home because he can't, Pear Dim: Statistics don' t FOR TOMORROW -- j Ignorance And Fear 4 ip at m hel there would 2 p vi sup rt sour mother's theory. An excellent plantery day at parties have been . away. enee Ore "he "| * Especially favored are business j a : nee divorced the chances for a and financial interests ece E s % m? Dear Ann Landers: Several)suceessful marriage are slightly and financial interests, su 3S- g J _ Surround Le ros iy weeks ago vou h letter better than two .rookies. ful negotiations for long-ranze 4 P A 5 t r tong-ra ; p Z 5 4 y your column from W an who \ two-time. loser. however ventures. Since the daylight j f y poze! iwanted to know 1 ng aly : : } eta ' a cn j a y & 4 has a lesser chance for a suc- pure sil openly adel ac- " Dear Ann Landers: Please re:|i0 be treated in public hospi- diyoreed man was ti : Nf 4) cessful marriage. And the odds e, make it a point to have a EAA OH PER CRRA" Ghpace r ome retaeation i. the evening ply oe ely deter - aes ale 7" I Phu ' 0 5 ae bisa Oo er da ae ne pee is a: oye ene ' 5 e | gaia ne Ne | t is not true that oniy close "Puying somebody e:ses "'verces go up. Avoid hectic social affairs. jj x a iy ; 1. If, as you stated recently relatives -¢ ne visit patients (not/Dle."" I'd like to add something sito -- 4 {"Hansen's disease." betier } Fs Ac EEE *xperience - Ey ' , 7 % | 'linmates, please) at the lepro- from experience FOR THE BIRTHDAY j j pee 4 known as leprosy, is:not eascily I ai A an aa UNWED MOTHERS nvone \ ' t I am 26 and I married a Rt i 1. : jsarium.' Anyone who G ' « : att in If tomorrow is your birthday, ? Li jcommunicable why are the lep- cprosarium may do so-- Vorced man a year ago. I wa KITCHENER (CP)--A church your horoscope indicates that, as , : lers isolated? f k tered las I have done livorced myself so I couldn't,women's group here was told }of last week, you entered an ex- : f s s ' 4 sal : : ri tater! ~ ; lcallent period where business 2. Why do we need leprosai Dear Ann Lander: | Neithe: ieee 1 hs a eee : ule eg ne eye A ue are conearnd iums? And why have people;my husband nor I drink alcoho When we were going together hejunwed mothers in one year-- piste Enanes ate pee y Z : @ been terrified of this loathesomeljic poy Bee A reated me as if I were a Dres: ith ve youngest 12 and the oldest T "vole P te I tt oath ( eve ( rinki j } . ue cycle ge ee ae disease since 1000 BC? nib, oe Hy ou ; . den doll and he was afraid I'¢)42. Mrs. James Orr = January and the achievements ER : 1 i os PORE low that erase ar-(that na ally 1 r cent : an by then will spark furth>r 3. Why are only close rela-jwere both reared in the ret sed I ose hee 'he tines be i ive pie goon! " aoa uptrends in your status in May tives allowed to visit inmates in}ttadition of. ou r 1 ire hi : first wife "seem| mother 80 per cent of whom October ahd Novenibei eprosariums?--R, E. M, We moved to this ci aoe mes dinky eeok } August, October and Novembe: ; t is ci to be true of him. He has a vio-lare under the age of 25. --if you take advantage of al : . Dear R. E. M.: I welcome the, months ago, Becaus« my hus-jent temner, no respect for the -- ' 'opportunities, of course. : : 2 opportunity to answer your ques- band's position we are invited to truth and he drinks too much Personal relationships will be = tions, which I'm sure are shared; many parties and I > de My mother warned me that aj under excellent influences for by millions of other readers who } reat deal of enterfaining. giyorced man would be a poor| most of the year, with emphasis : know nothing about this disease Next month we will be ing. marriage risk. She said divorced on romance in February, Avril ge, 1, The isolation of "Hanseni-.a dinner pé a s 4 STOP AT : Visit a | June and August; on travel and tes" is a hangover from the bi-, f¢ that if we dor social life between now and mid- DADDY'S GIRL blical laws. as set forth in the)¢ 0 « ktails we may be-cc Let's Have a Party r BT ti ett te aL . Book » a a, Since a c -- ie : is a ee "! Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, i ANGUS-l;RAYDO! craig friction in close circle}, Michelle Madeleine was one Wilton 'Thompson, Bancraft [wes Nios" Seal cesuer lio came to aur home 4 giver Cendssie na GARRET COMPANY beiween now and Dec 20, ang) year ol8 th Oelober, one 1s ewis of "Harcourt 'Oniario lseparation from society was the}don't want to hu iy husband Punch Bowls. in April, your domestic life} the sire Si Mr, and Her great-grandparents are |law of the land. This included') Pi Me rpg oe oe A y COFFEE URNS ' BROADLOOM should be generally serene with- Mrs. Kenneth Thompson. l- Mr and Mrs. Nelson Lewis (the mentall yill.as well as thc uor in ou : a 25, 30, 44, a 75 Cup Sizes. TILE in the next 12 months borne «tre ; nd grand- sof } land Grove. Ontario physically ill eo : : sas : i hi Sarreant $s Rentals A child born on this « Aa aoNte and Mrs Ireland Studio 2. Such places as. the aN : ' 463 RITSON ROAD SCUTH am W \ be -- exceptionalls ndep Firm Belicver Phone 722-3338 ium in Carville, La., exi QUICK CROCHET CLOTH cis ama penerois Anos') CHARLOTTE DE POMMES "lenion chi and spear and F ey sen reset ¥ nissan : ful congressmen (Apple Charlotte) wrinkle 14-cup over the apples vislation which a quick-to-crochet ed envelope, plus abeta te Aiea t° an git would for handling 6 the dle- STORES COMPETE DS, COOK app t at using remaining ingred- able victims of Hansen's diseasc 7] have in her hope work Department, The h Supermarkets in Britain are. 7 ip wat nt lavin 14-inch layer of e e rom vou would like to awa Times Oshawa n- waging a fierce competition fo cup fine dry br Crumbs bres rumbs the top. Dot Ga cathiig Gore ' AnH "Lieatie jeuley chare of the: $1405 ructons, simply tario, requesting Lea a greater share of the 914,020 th butter or'margarine. Bake i ved. self-address- 7592M: 000,000 spent annually on food. | t a n ny at | im : reheated moderate oven Mle ine ee . eg : bs 2: our Home ' hae ana j ogre F.) until top has yale fees ; ip ligt 1 sugar, browne g about 25 min CUSTOM AND 5 . pata DRAPES UAW AUXILIARY 27 Cooke, Mrs. Lawrence Cryder-jencouraginsg ft Wa 1 4 : : \ tt egular -mecting the;man, Mrs, Ewart Clemence,|Beamish, ¢ e-pond secre: and plac P 'conan wit Ronald W, Bilsky, D.C, M. & C. Dry Goods UAW Women's Auxi p 97;Mrs, Gordon Reeson and Mrs.|tary, report é € wat : ain cal é i ' haid a ently.<4 elpers| Wilfred Harris taking part. The|Hterature for he len Be ss j niin (Are: ted CHIROPRACTOR & Draneries he tmas Cheer Com- Warkinanis) Companeation 74 CELINA STREET ; vo Decembr'16 and|Mrs. Albert Morphy, Mrs. John! t,:sts of labels wer note bhead "ory Le ayia at pets PRONE: 793-7687 ; \ ee : : Booth. Mrs tobert Simpson.'aj) members (o save and bring im oe ane Saree ° at rditions ; ae 5 a with the Mrs. Fred -Cook.- and: Mrs.l¢a the next meeting. This pr "| 100 King St. E. 728-5156 inntions of delegates | t he next 1 i sp cooked apples Mix itm e i 45k r Council were held.} Arthur Crowe ject is now well under way \ ; fey uxurious Mrs. Douglas Lande ang Mrs. ( 4A Keith reported for nativity scene was enacted by/for Charit aCe ' ? ° member was in were completed for the ion th ree solos 4 panied on the tt \ : : s Christmas party, Dec three Solos accompa the Little Helpers and educz WwW ' $ at 10:00 am piano by Mrs.' Clarence Scotl.jtional The new study book from ARD S ouk The secretary's report was Mrs. J. J. Pugh ne eting wil » De now availab text meeting will: be D ziven by Mrs. Gordon Reeson i I I al Y r1 ske r ur bd J Ld 17 in the form Of along the. treasurer's by Mrs senaenel Ae 2 ae 10 ae is social. Supper will/ya¢. Chamberlain gM are Make ve 6.30 p.m,, sharp. There)" ~ : axe o Hillsdale Manor. Mrs. E "ni entertainment and an Lawrence Muld ew pre-.Pope, Mrs. Walter -M the slate of officers for < ith. M H sl Fo ca a ao a a ese at Reduced Prices! DUKE OF EDINBURGH -HLS | vice - president. Mrs. Gordon p; ered nt Reeson: secretary. Mrs. Gordor i teeson assistant secrete : j F YA f TO MAKE RP MA FOR CPRIA Pennine Pub Library was e€sor m old & for donations } V 5 FABRIC of the Duke of Edin-,™! Fred Cooke * T end. School Assn: MS; Jack Chamberiai: ast gue" ip_qecorate the church | Printed Surah Cotton-Back Rayon A b A A : 'A : ie dren s story room ot ' held. tecei ant treasurer Porter; press secr Harry Blakely: convener ' yi : Mrs, Ray 30nd visitat tary, is ser ! epore U ' : / 4 7% g , Leminote is especially luxurious. Laminate hes eplace and chet : room provided sropriate background for mail talk on chi Slaten an phe artes ( nate an AnboIE Ghould. «ts s uae t ' ' i 3 ee a3 the kind of lustre and spirit thet adds @ lift te ober impson é 4 Hales surker pianist, Mr : ie she ae Frank Hortop; assistant pian cule n \ Fy a y Nai er yt isecead } Laminates in @ rich, ready-tailored overe of the children Si yrs Arthur Wilkinson and send é t ' t al... # ; a i . é ? Miss Enid Wallace ( \ I ¢ : g $ aes aN Warm, s Irene Boes. Miss Boes Shine FH rea ; : : : A ne 2 4 every mon's appearance. We have fing imported yet most comfortable in weight, it is eading Ch yas Senti ments,"' by Mrs, Harry Blakely on the advantages|, Christma : availa fol.' howd: Dy several Carols o held Frid Sat 4 ¢ t of advanced planning the price remeins the seme inities available {¢ the at P Ranta lz 'ry is to be held Frida t ] 49 ] 39 ; + ? , ' when they become is AREA ey : ehutoh ha e YARD a YARD : '4s : os last year. Come in and select your Laminate closed the meeting : Preschool children The Reverend - W oi " 7 4 ye coot, now, ome to join as there are} ST. MARK'S WA oy 1 1 g many ( s offere atev 1d! or ane ; } sed 7° 4 ee } n 1 b oe ini see dah e sa rnoon engannd ie the dec } \ ETALLIC BROCADES c : OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'THLL 9 ] 11 to e younger chil } The fternoon Branch .o he meeting, and the osed tf M E hae ead short selections from) woman's Auxiliary of nine ng th prayers EXCEPT SATURDAY books She had chosen.) \gark's Church held its regular Jefreshments were served b A f & f k excerpts described bu as the need aris n, his parish Formerly to 2.29 yord Formerly 1.98 Value { a . ; Cae yours in solid tones or discreet checks. Because siness meeting in the church s H.W. Packer and Mrs t ; } 2 x S as exper enced and hall last Thursday The. new itred: Woolcock a e; > } H y famihes from some order. of devotional service Wie dolbwing ia 4 ; eke | 5 = yD avorite books of chil- acs ee ase oa , * AC wide : ae | Eniq Wallace. chose followed with S¢ 4 DEINE 2 M . Evening Branch. joined the Compare with 7.95 yard YARD | % ; ; ¥ : Ww. W Cross ntercession by Afternoon I ich in hrist @ Other Brocades from 2.29 yard ond up @ | i arte wind in the Mrs) H. M. Beam'sh, and pray- mas pot K -suppe All gif h \ rs by- Mrs, Walter Méens, prought we r patients who | pesiemumnras zlimpse back. into president, who presided. The are mental Following the t | { mas of storyland pianist was. Mrs A. Keith. cunne Woolcock showcd \ J : if / ieriats ae ACK OT happy me Duri the business. session slides and spoke on his work-in } Se aa TWO LOCATIONS was aul x8 s »st Pope re th s¢ ask: ewan and *rince Sh. Wed- a 2 erty Mr orn Pope ad he Sa katchewa x and I NG te oe Ak Fi USE YOUR 36 King Ss. dk. bowneen Sine | The. librar-/retarv's report and Mrs, 7 njoyed the carol sin \ i a ill : nked "by Mrs.!Boughion. the ireasurer's re-ja-long that closed the sa 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ' 725-1151 peal ad CREDIT and Oshawa Shopping Centre ort with the final results evening. Meetings will 'resume Kuch, president the fall:bazaar which was mostiin January short business Moring,-read a let ' 1 I I | fiom' the Chil: ° Facelle Royale 3-ply tissue is much softer than stated that out ' nn Fan A » arena Was not available for ordinary 2-ply tissues. Its much stronger and ee a ee this more absorbent because its 77% thicker... party due to previous of lecided that the ex- ould make further en > isite Y . . . " Oe as ae. CXCUISHC Saves you money because one does the work box : ' ' ringer announé comes 0 several ordinary (issues. ' count! workshon much stronger! Janua 28. Mrs the a> ° @ ° ae meeting by ex fos A strong jet of moist air Facelle Royale is 77% thicke zreetings to all finest : io : goes right through an ordi- erthanordinary 2-plyt tissues. haccal FACELLE ROYALE is a three-ply tissue --the nary tissue, Doesn't come apart--even ' . only regular size tussue made with three layers when you blow YOUT Rose tissuc instead of two! Each layer ty 18% thicker to begin ae See Aad Ms HTH SCOUT GROUP AUX, VOU with, And Facelle Royale gives you an : 3h Ith O-hawa Scout Grou ih 1 egular mest have with the wvury layer besides! Imagine how wonderful soft, strong and absorbent such a facial tiss Cvel must be. And how economical! One Facclle Ros we discussed . oes the of sever ar sue hand chin te used : does the job of several ordinary tissues. in February and -is | vened by Mrs. Fred e These unrelouched pictures show why no other ti siiereon intro ee ° " out can compare with Facelle Royale... : : speaker, Mrs Bias: . ES Soh AIR gti, & Boe he © MBN ; . $ of 4 Sie Yer See orbs tw as fas cident af the erik Re a ee ae absorbs twice as fast! mmittee of Scout! , i i : ' BZ ate oe & Date; gins Remove cleansing cream A Facelle Rovale absorbs \uxilaries. Mrs, Var tee stp 4 ae BE SEEM So Usa SA peptite Se eS with an ordinary-tissue. [tis 50% more liquid or cream eet a slow and messy job than anv regular size tissue and does it terce as fast. Doesn't shred or ball up. One Facelle does the job of several ordinary tissues. spoke on the two 'conven-| ich she recently attend ng osed with the spah and. cookies were KING STREET UCW 8 | , é : ep SADR ie > ze ; o, = -------->- ° @ °§ e--____ hadron Eahieal ' Pee ~ are Lagi six tin { le ig made a dif- YOU SAVE MONEY was held $ : : : Og A einne a nes : ' 7 4 ; nat ie reveals itsshard, ferent way--free from any WITH FACELLE ROYALE x read an ae a at, oe : / ; S| alt EN Aas aad ates Sot pater shes 08 because it goes much further! Ha a Ba k-| On £ 2" 8,» : D Na at i * gentle to your eae rR © Qe Sa aries ed Pogson.| ~' ' 3 sf : ; pendiie: minute and ar sh pl RS ih 4 iene ae Ee ESE oh St = 1 Se, eo + & Facelle' you 'Tl never use ordinary tissues again! Lawrence Mu Or take several already folded as "nS rie" . " Royale a A Protective window keeps tissues > i . = . E COMPANY LIMITED SUBSIDIARY OF CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY tthews with a spotless Yo CANADIAN PRODUC - ' 1 . "Facelle" and: "Royale" are trademarks of Facelle Company Limited. Mrs. Fred ' -

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