Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 5 10 CHICKENS -- a WHITBY And DISTRICT Postmaster Asks Public 10 CHES ccs nooks acc St hitb Office 111 Dundas St. West ] E X B d sine «bat Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas si. West ===) | "Hany Ease Xmas Burden | one is PET 1 Top 2 ee Manager: John Gault el,.6 d1Ve One chicken is a pet. But F emings n OP == with a a single counter The Christmas card and pack-jclude both house-number and 10 chickens. when kept in age plague has descended once)street - name in the address a residential area infringe |more Posimasters and their/Christmas cards improperly ad-| on a Towns hip of Whitby assistants throughout the world'dressed may end up in the} zoning bylaw' f 5 tten rl es ose Government are beginning to experience the|Undeliverable Mail Office for Magistrate's Court learn- d Derape OS uleNGE mall mizooral ed Tuesday that Thomas | Fleming's Shell moved into un-;Switzer and Herb Tran scored Inspecte To ease the burden, Whitby, Mr. Hall appealed 'to the} Walsh, 66 Kine street. west sin ' 5 g t ' : ' Jaci r-| Singles wae Postmaster 1. W. Hall an- public for co-operation -- in "ook! ad been keepi disputed first place in the Mer : A 'ostmas public r I Brooklin, had been keeping canti'e League by dumping last. 1n the Shell-Ottenbrite contest, GRADE nounced Tuesday that the Postjassuring.*'a Merry Christmas} "about 10° chickens in a Office would remain open alljand a Happy New Year" tothe] shed on his: property 'place Ottenbrite's Men's Wear| Paul Rousseau scored twice for H oO G S | 3 |day Saturday, Dec. 14, and Sat-'staff of the Post Office Magistrate Harry Jermyn (7.4. Ottenbrite's played weit| the "fs yn chee bok fen urday, Dec, 21. fined Walsh $10 and cost essie, Jim ristie, Bol aw- 3 "f enough to win but they couldn't} cott and Bill Lundmark Sun: Whole or Halt | He also offered the following! i Oshawa Attorney Joseph a suggestions and recommenda WHITBY Aisin ceca the i gmt age ane Bos, Talbot ti} lb. 37° tions to the mailing public: | ownship, aske 6 ac- e She t 2rOus 5 | BOWLING NEWS cused if they (the chick- tempis One-Stop FIRST CLASS MAIL ens) laid eggs Kasra SunbdO with tee dae BLUE BRAND First Class Mail should be: [EGION-6UNDAY NITERS | , Now and again." was | a F brought into the Post Office and, ,, | the reply period goals, moved out of the DECORATING B E E handed across the counter. This I The ee , Oat Walsh told the court that |cellar as they tied Durno's Ga- will insure prompt handling|S0t8 9-4 mae up wit)! he "kept chickens because | rage 6-6 in the other game of SHOP HINDS Ib, 59e and delivery, When First Class)? 200 game for the winners.| he 'liked' them." the t bill. Durno's held a 5-3 oy : Metin las : while Doug Rowden tossed a 659! YN Ag Ark ; " he twin bit, Vurno's heid a oo ail is placed in letter s, & my pets, e : ° agi pices i ee for the losers, stated. Aus " lead going into the third period | ® Wellpeper and: Murals FRONTS .. Ib 45¢ Christmas cards, and may be Blake Walls paced the WCS He referred to a "man and would have won easily ex-]} ® Custom Draperies \delayed: This applies particu. team with a couple of ae up the street'? who he al- (cept for the fine goaltending of } ® Broadioom and Rugs Cut, Wrapped, larly to businesses, forts to beat the se c Ap hl 0 leged, was 'keeping sheep'."" | John Lajios, who was almost un-} ° C.L.L. Paints and Varnishes and Delivered Bill Shearer tossed a 223 for the) He contended that this was | beatable in that stanza @ Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points govigenrey jorate [a8 miueh: an Anteacion of Elmer Tran was the big goal- Ph. 668-8621 The general public is advised The Stinkers walloped the Im-| the bylaw as the keeping of | °* j RB DoDD & SOUTER that cards tied "both ways" in ports 5-0, to remain in second] chickens scorer for the Durno's team, k bundles would be both prefer-|place. Ed Brush came through A charge of the legd with three goals. Mike Gray, a -- e e aw er able and advantageous This' with high single of 343. Anita] erection of a building e Ronnie Moore and Al MacDon- ecor Centre prevents them from falling Brush and S, Hicks threw 200] trary to another Tow / id 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone after 3 P.M. apart when deposited in re- games for the winners dD by was dismisse if ceivers and allows the siaff to Brown and C. Merouski had 200 N istrate Jer n order handle ths mail more quickly ngles for the losers ed Walsh to "get rid of 'Gord Luke and Dave Marrison . ™ ; we 5 . it the chickens." I scor ce ile Ricky q apace ' va The night was rounded ou ag K both scored twice, while Ricky REC URE EARCEDS with the Head Pins taking over "You may~keep one as a eason $s ree in S Parcels should. be- prepared first place, defeating the short pet."' His Worship relented eee eee eee deat handed Demons 7-0, Keith King : Family Monuments The Perfect Gift for they will receive a great dea: sq Deanna Segiiff were the 200 REPORT IS LIKELY : yf handling Pag snag be bowlers for the winners EDMONTON (CP) ~ Ken | fik\ MOTHER & FRIENDS mroperiy secured and packager pier his "ek Montgome head of the com- » Leag s this week ¥ gomery a f 1 »m ° to withstand this th suet a os fol ow e: Helen Val- mittee investigating Edmonton or Fill Their Freezer pec y for. the protection' © ith Eskimos, said Tuesday the final . 4 T t lant (consistent as usual with a f y the fina Crearec ° ss j contents 95 game), Bess Howard 84 Joan teport probably will be et individual With The Best ! FULL ADDRESS Coutherd. 88, Ann Mayall 97,|Mmitted to directors of the West- Requirements met in Se °° Dot Meclvor 99,/¢r Football Conference club ATTERSLEY TROPHY WINNERS | Be sure-that all mai is fully D A 4 (98, Do or Hake WEE The REIN. GOnts STAFFORD BROS, BRANDED BEEF and proper|s addressed. In- and Ev is mittee \ appointed to study LTD A rink of the Whitby Curling was p vad t' the Whitby kip, Kileen Phil ( ip al s of Eskimo opera : Club won out over one from Curling Club Wednesday night front ft t t) Par IGH NEWS ti e tha-eluh fnlehed last MONUMENTS FRONT QUARTER 39° Oshawa: and wil! keep the Members of t nr Wi he 'Hows d De ' ANDERSON H 1 1e WFC, with only two vic- 318 DUNDAS EAST Cut ond Wrapped Ib, Bobby Attersley Trophy in by rink ar roy - tories: and 14 defeats this seg Whitby. The deciding bonspiel tq right aura ndersor } \ n hot ' : : Meera ane 668-3552 All Beef, Lean 3 1 Ibs MAGISTRATE RULES Basketballers Win Two 7 HAMBURG | ONTARIO RIDING FEDERAL P-C ASSOCIATION PORK Speeding Sometimes | atl scored singles for Durno's, For the Sunoco team, Beat O'Neill Collegiate ANNUAL MEETING [0% 39 | By RICHARD KAPUSCINSKI |to help the students to decide| in the Legion Hall, Whitby foes PORK e 59° their courses of study in Grade A verage ..... ° Th Assn ari, a0 nn amir THURSDAY, DEC. 12, 8 P.M Careless Dri V ing MOT Mall Golleaiate Thursday, Wednesday. De ( ' < CUT WRAPPED & MARKED FREE $feroTHe™Tireronttbition MODS) .a... GM....representative . : ALL WHITE, Pie eae bare eee Speciol Guests: aut EGGS doz. 35° ce arthe anuson: Bol Ande! Aiba Anon io Ridi Under some' circumsta r ft widge anditimated that Mr. Spragg t mn were Pieteeetl a "prospectus" of the Genera HON. MIKE STARR M.P. Ontario Riding Motors Institute at. Flint, anc speeding constitutes dange ous bo 1 atk Into We passing lave eck . { nee The Senior team won 47-32. Gotails of the GM. scholarshi ELDON WOOLLIAMS M.P. Bow River Riding t driving ani as oe 1 he ee a le Wa' The top scorers were J. Spen- jtan @a ar e Despite protests to the cor ( ! 1 ca | erir ) ' Ai ha Wawhe. Wattos al - ae t ude as ree tts The examinations at Anderso trary by Oshawa Attorney Russ Conciudec : edit n es not' cach with 14 points 8 Moca Abie unded: andc ine Everybody Welcome 104 Lupin Drive Bij Park Ploze Humphreys, Magistrate Harry is fone ae : warrant } fareleés The Junior team. scored 27) te; s are busy handing ir (Ontario Progressive Conservative Association) WHITBY -- PHONE 66 Jermyn fined John Aa8UDA ee at MANA AU COMBE AES pints against O'Neill's 24. Bruce the results. The principal's of sie; Pgs eeu " ve tice sh LL Crown t rney ru Craigie ored 10 points and' fice hopes to give out the sc hoo} eG. Coble, Ot oy Okys OU Nee Oo ee ee oe Affleck ! Physical Rona en . the-end of this week. | the criminal charge here yes-\ing at '55 or 60" and was ove ay ene : VW 4l Ronald Aiken 8 reports by the-end of terday. taking a car ahead of him ong, nates the evi The Anderson Senior . team { nce of Park. Speeding, in 5 @\' - The 'circumstances' were de- the Curve light of this evidence does war Se ap rr ye Pitas diode SCUGOG § scribediby Kenneth Park off OPP Constable James. Mc-irant| the dangerous driving sc oat team. we ge not successful CLEANERS o 4 _ jm BEAVER Oshawa. The court learned that! Donald said the 'Liauba vehi harge." though they provided fine oj ' , LUMBER Liauba had smashed his car|travelled 1149 yards' from th : I & Shirt Launderers sition : 1 he f into the Duffin's Creek bridge\point of leaving the road ur "the sideman, guidance: de FREE Pick-up & Delivery Deily Gijon and had 'been' hospital issn .. Thefts P en, a PHONE 668-4341 ys pital ' Gen ent is presenting. a num Ls erg and had been hospita Tdaubs z n i e ts rompt ; sp ergy Ra Pgh aus des ened Mr. Park testified that a car it of h as he v had passed him in the, east-'the tractor-trailer." = Police Advice ound lanes of Highway 401 at ( an estimated speed of "70 to br es, th fa en He: 'Lock Cars l wish to thank those who supported 100 miles per hour.' bridg "It swerved on to the median Mt to.avert a tractor-trailer in the that é jangerous driving Wh thy passing lane. It then struck the charge "was | me in the municipal elections. Your . a St. nas or inf owt i i confidence is appreciated. : e . ' oe ; & : He -- Q CARLOAD VOLUME WHITBY PERSONALS =" | "eeayl te SAVINGS DIRECT Florence Davey Group -- held with } prograr B nies Soi ais La mn Histo a ; L Harry Inkpen Be ae be : 3 . 7 igre meeting. in sang ieee eae es ay at Monday nigh: : -- i : : : SA TINCOTE a pot luck supper St Andrew's Presbyterian Bel ance p Sat ! iat : 4 Church. Sunday School Ha ; : noes v , i President Mrs. William Mcll Au Brownies presented' t e of th t toler "a ce waine welcomed all present and !* rer eg ttn 1 h mas (:uded rad ca a, spot sa Spt ota WHITBY TILE CENTRE SEO oi ings : gh ' ¥ Pi aie 3 é or cil pineik Mek Ml kee Ce oe es 0 CARRY MATcuRR 106 BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-5331 : oe w 3/ac YO! Ap waine chaired a short busin Carl and Sally Robiir YORK meeting with reports being au oS three matches of. th " on e OPENING SPECIALS e given onthe yearly activities.) Joan Beattie Hrs, George Stoll, Brock stro On. Saturday' Joan entertained (nnls:chaltenge round in Ade. | FLOORING TILE: ay WALL CEILING ~~ ip A SQ. FT. the Jan. 13 meeting a Vinyl 0.80 gouge... Only eae Double coated, prefinished satin hic, Howard. Thavel. 'RN i. Maccacl, Barbie Brandaniece) | de World of Sports, th sions & a RAPPING '(A A eg Reo so r ard haye tR 1, MacCar Sark Bi 1on nen Rae ; I } ; a ; : ; P / . f fast, urat lication, Whitby is celebrating his birth: Peggy. Brandon, Sh Wallis ocr nae amesGay Ene. Ue Amtico "Care-Free" Vinyl Tile. ¢ TF \ Y gia eaais 18 cares or day today. His friends wish him Darlene Howe san BLOWN, teem aa . ! Reg. 27c. Special Onl a 4 (\ : more. Cash and-carty 93ic 4 sq. ft many happy returns of the day. Janct Brown and Ann Beattie. 7-0 se Pou : iz P J ; 1 x 2 134¢ a ft. ¥ ' Similar low prices on aiailet quan- ; neh r j . "ss Joanne, eght-year-old daugh-. Pinner guests on Tuesda¥ for : , A a tities ter of Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Bar- the occasion wore Joan's arand. ti tx 3 23/4c a ft. PREFINISHED MICRO ACCOUSTICAL : - ker underwent surgery: at To- mot} M M ' ' > mothe t Jackson plu > » TILE Satin white prefinished ceiling tile of ronto Sick Children's Hospital. yr and Mrs A. F. W y and 115 BROCK wg JUST NORTH controlled quality - over 1000 sound ab- She is expected to arrive home Ghildren Barbara: Norma and ST. NORTH OF THE sorbing micro perforations per tile. Tongue 40 Tuesday. Her companions of Brenda of West Rous WHITBY 4 CORNERS : and grooved, 10 cartons or more, Cash and King street school and friends corry only o s wish her a speedy recovery House -- of idsor hanter OPEN THURS. Th 8 P.M. --FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. e alow PRICES ON SMALLER QUANTITIES @ IODE held i Robbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. dinner at the Couch House with FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS BUDGET TERMS ** <°" S10 MONTH FREE Estimates and Planning Help C. G. Sutherland is celebrating, momber's husbands as invited his fifth birthday today His} ounosts - FRESH TURKEYS 'GEESE CAPONS friends wish him a happy birth- " i] ' CHAMPAGNE "2 85 PREFINISHED CHERRY WOODGRAINED ad : oe ee @ FROM LOCAL POULTRY FARMS @ oe ee Cc ne (Ok group prior to the dinner ORDER NOW SO WE MAY SELECT THE BEST HARDBOARD Light, bright, Champagne reel ¢ the its Christmas party with parents attending. Brown Owl St Mark's United Church FOR YOU WH EN TH EY ARRIVE : ' ee dat on ee ee Mrs. John Beattie was assisted) Women Unit No. 3 are holding grooved. DELIVERED IN REC ROOM by Tawny Ow!s ast C. R. Mac. its Christmas mo¢ z in' the SIRLOIN OR WING PRE-CUT LOTS. 25 shects or more 4 x 7 85 Neil, Mrs. John Vickery, Mrs. form of 2 e 4x 8 $4.40. 10 TO 24 SHEETS $4.08 AND $4.65 @ B. Mcintyre and tat Dasion Wen eo Eee : = COOKED t BROCK Gessner 0% BQ: STEAKS 69: PART ITION STUDS VENETIAN CHERRY, WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:30 and subtle "hearthside glow" colour tone in genuine cherry wod graining. V-grooved prefinished panels ready to go GIVE YOURSE ~ : , Delivered in rec room lots. 25 sheets or more. TR ag ee2-3 6 ||| =" RUMP ROAST BEEF Ib. 69° ax 4x7 ft. 4z¢ Each 4.10 2) LAUGHTE atte) 12 FREE ESTIMATES AND i , : PLANNING HELP ot BEAVER "< , 4.10 4'x8' ~ -- Sfp um wey 4 ROAST 55: SHOULDER ROAST _-- 'Ib. 39" ? , 20 tres ABB" 4.95 > Detivery LESLIE sTuner ay ) B lb. 59° ; ' ' seagull | 6 MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN BEAVER sie by . me abet ae ee rex---- Fresh BUTT PORK CHOPS Ib. 59° in COLOUR i FRESH HALF OR WHOLE : ~ SCREENPLAY BY JACK DAv CS 604 memory mire ' ~ DIRECTED BY KEN ANNAKIN : x BEEF FRESH : z 7 : de 25: HAMBURG STEAK 3 Ibs. _HOW-TO-DO-IT KITS Also ---SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION ~ Bologna ' bien pated: boakiar on How te pion ond) build DEPENDABLE QUALITY "THE MANIAC" FRESH WIENERS | 00 yout ree. tom plus many mony! more helpful gid, Babe fo} WHITBY 419 DUNDAS ST. E. 668-5818 Storring KERWIN MATHEWS -- NADIA GRAY rena Braising Short Ribs : : Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT : the puking ot Beaver. BOWMANVILLE 96 KING ST. E. 623-3388

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