Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS SS | | Aid. Christmas LeeLee a "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 Alderman Gets | Seal Appeal -- The Oshawa and District T e Labor Council approved an ex Year In ail ecutive recommendation _ that wv affiliated unions send delegates to the Labor - Religion Council MONTREAL (CP)--Leo Haia-|1,308 apartments in 152 housing,;\Convention, and that the eault, an alderman in suburban | units, a school, two kinderzar-|ODLC Arrangements Commit- Lafleche, was convicted Tues-jtens, shops, parks and asphalt'tee (Thomas Edwards, Pat Mc- day of accepting a bribe and sireets Closkey and D. McAuley) be was sentenced to'a year in jai Sen a Bae allowed to attend. Haineault, a 43-year-old barber, BTORMS KILL THREE Council approved the annual fell to the floor.in a faint. whee» ROME (AP) -- Usually-sunny) ey donation to the Christmas lialy counted three dead Wed-| sentence was imposed nal C aig nesday after an onslaught of icy Seal Campaign ARRANGE TRAINING rains and violent. winds. The; The executive strongly recom- OTTAWA (CP)--Immigration| storms lashed the Italian west| mended that affiliates donate to, Minister Favreau announced|coast and the islands of Sicily | he memorial fund in memory Tuesday that Indians in Quebec|and Sardinia Tuesday of the loggers killed. at Reesor @ fi Siding. are to be given an- opportunity ; ' aes - 5 to obtain training in the co-op- NAMED AS GUERRILLAS Ed Schultz, delegate of Local erative movement, He said ar- KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya 50, Upholsterers' International rangements to provide. Indians| (Reuters) -- Malaysian security) Union, recommended that the with this fype of training and forces in Borneo have identified|QODLC notify city council of the education have been completed dead and captured guerrillas as|blocking of Ritson road south between the department and the|68U lar Indonesian soldicrs./by trains crossing on the CPR Consil de la Co-opration du|Prime Minister Tunku Abdulltracks. Mr. Schultz said that Quebec, a non-profit organiza- Rahman. told parliament Wed-Itraffic. was frequently held up tion Cwlay. Security forces killed 66}for 15 minutes by trains, The terrorists and captured 31 in|motion was passed. REJECT PROPOSAL clashes on the Malaysia-Undo- OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- nesia border in Borneo. since oo ter Pearson Tuesday réjected| Apri! 12, Rahman said. M t A the proposal of Douglas Fisher) nis ers re (NDP--Port Arthur) for a par- SINGER TO WED | HAARLEM, The Netherland iamentary inuiry into alleged) |, : : saetigase ih patronage in the post office de-| {Reuters)--American rock d uests 0 0 ge E . ' partment, He said in the Com- roll star Chubby Checker, 22, * El Finds hele mons that the matter could be % embers of the Oshawa Min discussed in a few days when whiten grey Sib Ae by ee isterial Association were guest CALIFORNIA WOMAN RECEIVES NOBEL PRIZE xost office appropriations re , ec sageme é of the officers and members of ' i : the ae ar Monday, her family reported 1 78 Pag ih ria Goeppert-Mayer of den in Stockholm today. Dr. hysics for her findings on before the House Lebanon Lodg AF and AM : ph) g here Wednesday following the lodge meeting niversity of California, Goeppert - Mayer, the' 12th atomic shell structure IT'S UP TO OWNERS os ee RAL ie eel Ta oils presented th pine SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP}-- CUBA BUYS MEAT Tuesday night in the Masonic win lise for physics by. WOMAN to receive a Nobel (AP Wirephoto via cable from "1 , Temple ; The wishes of property-owneus MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Havana . 3 King Gustay VI Adolf of Swe Prize shared the award in Stockholm.) will be a determining factor radio says Cuba has agreed to W. H. Gibbie presided and in i i a : r Ay buy 500 tons of Uruguayan troduced the guest ali speak "MINISTER SAMPLES WHALE MEAT cnue i: renamed John Fitzger-(comed Beef. Meat has been er was Rev. A. Wooleock 'wo' Ask Ch ange CITY AND Saunders Net 4 and Rina Lodders, 21-year-old M d Kennedy Street, city coun- ! : ; | : sie Northern f 1 1 cal spon- Circle is an AWa RPOUP Cit has decided, The council _ a consumer in Cuba and refu-|lion, who gave an insp-ring talk I . ' . i cin: : ic le int crested i Voted. to change' the sirect's Rees arriving in Miami ay on the meaning of Christmas DISTRICT In Clippers Win anes . North, Chief Lucier 'haud | name when it received a 121-sig there has been no distribution Adding to the enjoyment. of or ct smoked blu Y t | t \ c jooks o 1 nature' petition for the change of meat for three weeks the occasion were the selection] a : a STOUFFVILLE :-- Stouffy a week ago, but Monday an- FAVORS FLUORIDATION -- of. seldom heard Christmas! , Octane Wederation ot THREE CARS DAMAGED -- Clippers defeated Port Pert ther petition in which 69 sign- 1 YORK (AP)--City coun C@T0'8 sung by, he Cantroury ven by Nick Bak- Merchants 11-5 in an Ontari ' m yevili § g i n- | I was askede to seek ge ' ' ' Singe un the ection of 44 ; INDIAN MAINT AINS € opposed the change was pro- ci] has voted to fluoridate the y % a ae T he a changes in the Labor Relations, ke tR 2, Picton,.ran into the Hockey Association junior g é ioe Ge luced ; fal rs, Geo K ae city's water supply. The meas the Oshawa:and Dis- back of a stationary vehicle game here Jast night } ed 19 t iT tay lection were accorded warm | C iT , i sui ure. ¢ , 9 te esda oO! cl uesde +1) an 1 ASKS JFK CiIN wes BREEN Ee : by applause by the gathering , oun uesday. driven by Dwight Elliott, 19, 35, Neil Saunders paced the Clin ° e pa goes next to the board of esti illiam Rutherford, a_ dele- ie W GT« _-Presi- 8 i ( rua Wie ee Se hie : giles Non-Whites Still urt dent ig ti ed ate 8 mate, the city's upper legis:a" ate of Local 222, United Auto.|Shuter street, Port Hope, w hich pers with four goals. Ross " iesaay fo Hu THORee EHEC Ihe live body, which is expected : F ] F ll no Workers of' America,|was pushed into the back of a Brown and Ross Neilson each department to mint a new approve it, Mayor ati F ene on a S ed the OFL to organize althird car driven by. Wallace scored twice, Singles went to s01i1 é ar. fe r 1 bby t the provincial! yoy) 17 ' iW-cent piece bearing: the like- Wagner favors fl a Nets Aa ee Northey, 17, Colborne' street Ril] Horner, Bob Musterd 'and ° ° B Imm1 ration Rules h ithe state president tohn| eee backers claim it gett $ parliament buildings to' press} oo. (oun lay Frid oe 1 bes Oe le ee ee Le tooth decay among children People isit for changes in the act relating)®?*! Jawa, last Friday NIZA Glenn Hooper F. Kennedy Kennedy would re to speedups on King street west at Burk| Bob Campbell scored two ce Benjamin Franklin on the TO RENAME IDLEWILD He fold labor council 4hatistreet. Bakker's car suffered soaic for Port Perry. Bruce OTTAWA - ( M : : Arey had NO BRIUS/spends= is SUNN NB 50-cent piece NEW YORK (AP)--City coun A Bl | fi ; : P th fh Inc t ( INKS un: k k two: automobile manufacturers' ¢175 ne ; i's $150 ¢ : . Wuttt : ; : with tie india ci] has voted to rename Idie- t ac stoc n Ontario have already. had $175 damage, Elliott's $150 and gaks, Don McMenley and Bob n ounci aid 1 a Like x fathers ng Bay reg TEACHER REINSTATED | Jorthe 75 Sg ee : ; i. : wae The eat is DALLAS. 'Tex. (AP)--A 'pub-(Wi@ Airport in memory of Pre By- MRS. OLGACHILI walkouts because Northey's $79 Lee collected single goals oy : : : : ai ee ahha nulean berate I ident Kennedy, The move, a} : . i _ We should be in. forefront of e ; . Pea ple nai : wa " ids holds od : : school teacher suspended proved unanimously Tuesday, is) BLACKSTOCK M and | battle he continued FIRM INCORPORATED DOR WITite ; siesta ei errour besa bplisher : igh Dec. 5 after she wrote a letter); cicved to be the first local/Mrs: Alex Flett, of -Fehelon' workers can strike in the Unit-| The "current 'issue of The On NEED AN The Calgar \ f | this will "mean a fig wil he beaming. Dallas for the assassi- Kal were recent S4 jayi, . ; : ia indiane thamselve ' wee Pp lent Xk law ever sponsored by the en-,** inday f they are subject to tario Gazette carries the. infor- OIL FURNACE ee ne 4 BRING TIBETANS? The indians ar hse i baa Moral "er Y\tire council, Idlewild will: be 8ut and Mrs. _Ed.!cneedups but.not here."' mation that letters patent of in ence that he ans Va oe a a seas es M said 'Tibetan t ind ' i ge. apes pot "Yiknown as John F. Kennedy Harris and r. and Mrs. Mer MI Rutherford called for a corporation have been ganted b rguments that ! most individualistic Superintendent W T White vvn Grah ' : y argu ' en hes htt P al Airport 1 Granam to manufacturers whojto Ontario Insulation Oshawa CALL of speedups other discrir t c : thejiant people ir but fifted the suspension of M International Serie tapieaas : : \ ei ee : recipi il ms ae ilbert 1" r ace { ng t ree ite The c anv removed from. the AN Mounta at which casy money destroys the Eleanor. Cowan after a_ brief MARRIAGE SPLIT Mr. Wilb sf he accom: (a ying to force more work Limite d The company had its] gay OR NIGHT 723-3443 that anyone 4 " respect and their t conference HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Arlene 22! ied Mr. and Mrs. Vincent out of the workers for less head office in Oshawa provided he | inada hould is perhaps. worse tk zivin Ree Dah! and her husband, -Chris- on My iM Kir fession require ness and them a bottle of booz ec LEGER ORDAINS tian R. Holmes, heir to. the He " oT ! ane rs ss I reher Janetville recently Mr. Wttunee s ' eport t. executive clemency -- to/- RUBAGA, Uganda (Reuters) Fleschmann yeast fortune, are Ape « ers shortly befo ed VOuK nod! now in jail in Brit = Paul-Emil lr Leger Of/separating, the actress " said Mr. and Mrs. Vincent arene ot ing a en | There are Archer of 3owmanville and mone were Sunday supper: gue of : ( at re peat 1 Columbia Montreal Tues@ay ordained two asde ¢ 4 P pper' sg the key add ; \ t riticized laws Clerk Denies African priests before a large sai Preys pene lly Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer were married Oct.! | marking the 15th anniversary of bier hie fap Silunnaa) OV Hutterite colonies in congregation of Roman Catho-/95 1960. They have a daughter and Mr. Deveg, and the Elmer; In Break-i "In Declaration of Human Rights| Western Canada and called for} M R lics here, The cardinal, on anl¢ 'arole Christine, 2 Archers of Whitby visited them! by the United Natior These people ayor, eeve extensive tour of Africa, arrived oe Saturda) es who broke in : n ' He said immigration laws ! tablish colonies | where| here Monday and met with Jo-| LUNCH WITH PRESIDENT Shion Tak emneay Sun. Gabe's. Appliance Service, 18 were designed to attract Buro-|hey commanded by law an V Il ] eph Kiwanuka, Archbishop of| . WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three fide : Co aa RONG treet west wuceay pean immigrant : t ; AOL ECE MEY Sant iO ote ega Rubaga, and. other Uganda executives of The Associated CHARS) WHS: A WeCKENT RUPBY ON cor made off without taking , criminate against no ( t nt ! bishops. Press: were: luncheon guests Dr.'-and Mrs. J. A. McArthur.| anything rea including Asiati and West I ne nendations made OAKVILLE: (CP) Tow Tuesday. of ~ resident Johnson Harold | Kyte Jim >. Marlow Entry was 'made by a. side dians y Mr, Wuttunee at the pressjministrator Kenneth Needhan WILL BE NEUTRAL They said it was only a social Ralph Larmer, Glenn Larmer, window. Once inside the thieves e e The ceremonic se ' r nce and in his luncheonidenied Tuesday tha { M AIROBI, Kenya. (AP) - occasion, The guests wi re Paul|/Dalton "Dorrell; Niel Maicolm'forced a door leading to the 15th anniversary of the | . I tion of Mayor Allen Ma 1 d Prime Minister Jomo Kenyatta| Miller, president of The AP and and Ernest Swain attended thejoffice and another leading . to W. 1S eS ation of Human Rig I next director of Indian) Reeve Herbert Merry v e- told a press conference Tuesday|president of the Gannett Com-'mecting for Stewards and Eld-|the shop where washers, stoves, onened by Prime Mir ine should not be a manigal Kenva would pur ue a policy of/pany Wes Ga lagher general er in. St Andrew's United refrigerators and other electri- in son on the sixth ar vit n v background Proper steps were + | por live neu trait) after inde-| manager. and William LL. Beale Church, Oshawa, recently cal appliances are stored his receipt of the Phas move to place Indian fore Monday's election | _. pendence from Britain. He'said'Jr.. chief of the Washington' wr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal A shop. official: said today: Prize nd culture under pro-|sure that: the seven cand.d Kenya would join the Organiza: bureau colm and family of Nestleton "I. have checked everything an : irisdictior hould not for mavor and 'the two for tion for African Unity as soon ACCEPT CONTRACT were recent Sunday guests of Nothing is missing. Apart from CAN'T AGREE ) vit t the approval'could be named on tt me as it: became independant at NEW YORK (AP)--The Com- Mr. and» Mr Neil - Malcolm big. stuff we have radios. and Mr. Pearson sa d the vt Ind ballot, Mr. Needham ( midnight tonight munication" Workers of Amer- and family and Mrs, Ida Taylor,,other small items they could a es he ae nee ie Robert Brodie, an u TO VISIT PAKISTAN ica, 'representing about 16,000;Prior to their departure for have {aken : eS Se snk « Ag P) M ful candidate for th 0a KARACHL. Pakistan (Reut- employees of the American Tel- Florida : ams able to. agr 1 j fi ) a r treat hich fs | COMSTOL 1 week ers)--Chinese Communist Pre- ephone and Telegraph Company Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer | 5 se . Pep ce : X J aT n > INE nounced Tuesdé take m Chou 'n-la and Vice- In the. United States, has voted called -or Missc Annie and NEW HOME | Private Stock dired oo ne } nan ®\legal actior declare 4 Premier Chen Yi will visit Pak-/to accept a proposed 38-month Effa Wr Oshawa, Sunday; SPECIALISTS EE Se ts g cS : . 4 ) am 1M lection o \ ¢ t n February. it: was an- Work contract, it was announc ed evenin Ta | CANADIAN RYE.WHISKY ewe anne Me egrets » Rey. ohn Reece Merny contravened the pounced Wednesday. They will Tuesday, The contract will pro- Mrs" Manderson and Ruth of Thomat Hedeims Dudillern Lit o be reached, | , : oon Ontario Municiy t f However pee ( to on ) 1° isha Scribe i a friendly visit to. Paki- vide weekly Me ty ee Saas of $2) Cadmu and. M and. Mrs wey 'a haa Mr. Brodie ( 1 ay about a week" on their to $4 for telephone workers and|torne Thompson attended the oe Pe a : I , ' were other irregulé ay home frogm tours of Africa, to $8 for plant workers and 95th wedding anniversary of soonest ae a : ze ; See as car ee , nh such 6 COME es the government said clerical personnel Mr. and M Elmo Archer of t i } t of votes. He said Janetville recently y ginate within eart ected to ut from esented to Halton County BLEAK CHRISTMAS "because i i n ( 1 I \ f ide Fltiott. : REYKJAVIK Iceland (Reut- 1,778,733 Pounds he ThE ee Pree it cannot be imposed' on f ves but corrals Mr. Needham said Muni. ers)--Iéeland 'faces. a bleak ere ae! and Real Estete Ltd. M Vincent Archer) of Bow Mt, Wuttunee, thvearoid na) 'The \ natlicas clergyman, cial Act prohibits multinte pal Christmas with a general strike QF Tobacco Sold anv to Peterborough Satur: | TRADES ACCEPTED vation near Battleford, S$ Ba Was oR OH mayor and 've, but also ion of a settlement Fifty trade. TILLSONBURG (CP) -- A to nk nd vinieg Mr. and Mrs | 728-6286 323 King St. W, said Canada should NOR ar mes tans a. prov ; for muttinie unions, demanding a 30-per-cent|tal of 1.778.733 pounds of to. "aurice Samells doors to Tibetan ig \ I \ student "z » Univer- ballots providing wage increase, called a general bacco, auctioned at Ontario Indians iatics and ot r awe vi tues ntat roves it by. by-lav trike here Tuesday, bringing Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers'| . ou : work to a standstill, Em- Marketing Board exchanges 5 loyers offered a 10-per-cent in- Tuesday fetched an average pense 0.55 cents a pound To date, 33,390,289 pounds SETTLEMENT OPENED have been sold at an average SKOPJE, Yugoslavia (AP)--/ 51.47 cents Five thousand Macedonians are - ng down in Aerodrom, first itellite settlement completed her persons left homeless by the Skopje 'arthquake last July The Yugos'av army completed \erodrom in 99 days and opened it Tuesday. The community has auton lcauesltte 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 723-4191 F. R BLACK. ©.p. || Bolahood Brothers e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e @ EXTRA FEATURE @ Limited 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 101. Simeoe N 728-5123 SWEET PEAMEALED GOLDEN YELLOW y] C peoemsee eee al COTTAGE ROLLS 4]: tem 12 ") LOWREY ORGANS f°] ooo. un 7 Nurs © 49% FREE 3-DAY HOME TRIAL | BLADE 59 SHOULDER 39 BUTTER 59 DEMONSTRATIONS AT STORE LEAN MEATY FRESH PORK 49 eS 5 FREE LESSONS SHORT niz09 BUTT BREAD 2 ror 39: ee myles eatin' SHORT CUT (Ist 4 rib) 75 FRESH PORK . : : EXTRA FEATURE @ FREEDOM FROM HUNGER ALTO Music Supplies PRIME RIB LOIN END 59 cde to% ceremonies marking the '15th -the special st: ' i 453 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH . ECONOMY--6 & 7 NIAGARA RINDLESS OVEN READY C ier wit tis ton tim Naren ar eee creatine nf ee M PRIME np 99 BACON """ 55 CHICKENS Ib

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