Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 35

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|'Oh, What a Lovely War" will son Crusoe' and Harry Worth] MAY JOIN ECM (English-speaking African--coun-;a--market-- source reported,An | {be occupying the stage every) will appear---in--:Turn__Again,| BRUSSELS (AP) --_Nigeria'try to have a trade link with agreement currently js under | es n oses evening at the Wyndham Thea-|Whittington", at the Notting-/will probably become the first the European Common Market,'discussion. ' tre, there will be four matinee 'ham Theatre Royal. The same ~ iy -- ennai performances on Wednesday af-|pantomime, under the. simple Sy Sea a fe Br fF fh te fe ef pn Fa My fra rte Its Par itol I ] l : I 12S ternoons specially for the chil-|titl Dick Whittington", will * ° ops aa x? : ry et : rr dren be presented at the Morecambe) ) * 4 od : : / PGE s if LONDON -- Customs in en- be quite' different from what it IN THE PROVINCES oe ee Palace is to w Gi ' Se sliss 5 p Manchester Palac ¢ ations fon ae Christmas|used --e rh pe. ; Out in the provinces, in some;have something different, an season have changed in recent|SHOWS AS USUAL of the larger cities, however,jadaptation of 'Peter Pan" on { years, but this year comes the} The Victoria Palace wil|ljthere will be pantomines, At the|ice, with Jacqueline Harbord as at lgreatest change of all. For. the|Carry on with the Black and|Birmingham Hippodrome, Fran- the skating star of the show. |"/ j [tt time since pantomines were) on" rnning there for ths Jevtloriginel London Paintin role| j 7 with e i s e lastior y, r 1 ITY G Z8§ introduced into the British thea-'1g months. At the London Pai- in 'Puss. in Boots'. At the FERTILITY GODDESS trical world, there will be no!ladiuam, which usually staged|Brighton Hippodrome, §$. H.. ISTANBUL (Reuters)--United," pantomine in any of the thea-the greatest of all Christmas|Newsome is presenting Charlie|States archeologists have found : tres in the West End of Lon-/pantomines, there will be a play|Cairoli as the star in the panto-!4 statue of Cubele, 'the fertility ", don. This is a revolutionary) The Man in the Moon', with! min "The Frog Prince" goddess of the Phrygians, in S For Everyone on change in entertainment policy, Charlie Drake providing the 'The Sleeping Beauty', with|western Turkey. It was ex- ¥ jand will bring much disappoint- comedy element. This is replac-|Morecambe and Wise and Ed-|jcavated in. the ancient Lydian a4 4 ment to hundreds of thousands|ing the usual pantomine. mund Hockridge will be the city of Sardis, known as_ the Ly of children to whom the annual) For the. childmn, however,|British Hippodrome pantomime Paris of its day, where the! @ A visit. to the pantomine was ajthere will be some solace. While|The Liverpool Empire "F pal page iinet have been d '7 At Model Shoe Store the accent is on comfort. We corry oll the alt treat at the Christmas the Joan _ Littlewood _ comedy ture Norman Wisdom in Robin-!for_ six year <1 bop. donee In aloes, 40 abwure you better HE lee Worm We don't | preg ae On " the! EERE EES! 4 rush you to buy. We moke sure you get what you wont. Try the e only pantomine in the . Mode! fonder distiiot atc all te to be JE i friendly service at Model Shoe . . . for your gift shopping too. Slippers, Winterweor, Boots, Cocktail Boots, High Heels, Illusion staged at the Hippodrome in the Golders Green suburb of Lon- Heels, Flats and a host of models and makes for "Little Feet". don, where 'Aladdin' is to be presented, But at the London theatres, the entertainment will PBRRISATD SRW GUARANTEED ACCURACY! | A "Se Vie 3 = yy BULOVA Hie Ea MY FRIEND, BOA 'a wine Only Electronic f 5 ee comfort . . fee] fashionably Some boys keep. garter snake that in its natural habi- | Wrist Timepiece \ ot eose in the LANSEA snakes as pets, but Ian Mur- tat kills its prey by wrapping rs $ Fes : CLASSIC CARDIGAN .. . fin- tay. 18. of Edmonton tops around and crushing. It's usu- | \ . y ished by hand, corresponding them all, H eep: eight ally kept in a cage, but is let * foot boa constricto non out occasionally for a special GUARANTEED poisonous South \merican treat (CP Photo) 99:9977% ACCURATE Jewish Citizens (§ =_----=-- Help Christians LONDON On Christmas;hospitals of Lambeth, a num- Day and Boxing Day, over ajber of the wards will be closed thousand Jewish . citizens of,entirely during the festive sea- Britain will be going into hospi-|son, and as many of the pati- tals to take over. the jobs -ofjents as are fit to do so will be : : a 4 @hristians. so that they can jallowed to go home to spend the ae : % é J enjoy the Christmas holiday. In'day: with their families i es ' . 2 i rent hospitals,| There is a second reason for 34. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 er, ? ¥ | | " ? Sr aacueaacee, 4 - SRK? ap te CY h€- x SLIPPERS 2.98 to 6.98 SSPE St x ' Choose now from THAT WILL PLEASE HER 4 ie the largest FROM : a Se Selection in the area. THE EVELYN SHOP * PSRSPR ENR es Se SS 2 x * -- ' long sleeve pullover to match, Sizes 34 to 42 9.95 10.95 12.95 socwous'-oa t MODEL SHOE STORE BLOUSE thot ever went under o tree ' g See us for a fashion wise orray of styles, 55 KING ST. EAST FREE PARKING AT REAR smort ond sportive, dressy ond dramatic % @ 'The Friendliest Shoe Store in Town" @ HU { Be i NE SE v al too Vahenss 5.9 7 16-95 Ath Jaq Jay hee ae a, Saag Safe aq tie te ie he ee} AAT A ES: . . at KARN"S about 30 d Jewish solicitors, dentists, car-|this. move on the part of the " ¥ Bo, a hat t y rien ye i toneriver Wi | Lambeth hospitals. It is being ; j ¥v NYLONS helping to run a en while gone ss eS Maigiagat' y ; the Christians are celebrating Sigg Te five in num- A The Gift she always needs" the birth of Christ ite : 3 RTT This Christmas give Beauty give Du Bavy -- RARBABBR heen costing the q % Wi ic & Bae _ borough some $75,000 a year Dressy-stockings to. give her This scheme, entirely a VOl- more than the budgets allotted untary effort on the part of the to them. Catering officers have Jews co-operating in it, WaS heen told that they must started about four years ago in)down their costs, but without Accuren "20" a smal] way. One of the found- lowering their standards Railroad approved. Brilliant stainless steet ers of the scheme was Kredman A case and special railroad dial, Alligator Some bright officiz "ame, st Ashe Lincoln, QC, who was one si ight officials came stra $150.00 of the first Jews to volunteer up with ithe suggestion that) 4's avaiable wih todo case, $176.0 @eain this year. He eaid there would be quite a substan- Choose froma , tial saving if as many as pos-| complete selection oF WILL DO ANY JOBS sible of the patients could be], A ceutron Timepieces "Put me down for ay's taken to -their homes for al utron ; . work anywhere 'ir . couple of days. before Chr a tal. For a full da will any Mas and over the Boxing Day} job you have f -- peeling holiday, and as many of the} tat a \ scrub-| Wards as convenient closed bing floors. or ens of the usual|Only patients whose health! GREDIT JEWELLERS rill." condi will permi ving| "add ae : ~ tion DY cies ek ing 20 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH a lat os ten, 8 evacuation, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE mitee, put it this v etl, ae 'We at to help foster good But the manent delighted Easy Budget Terms 4 relationsh D between the Jew-|\ th the idea of changing from] ¥ 'ia a nee "nae |HOSpital routine tothe joy of| We will adjust your Accutron Electronic SH aed ig ype cee ithe family. circle: at. Christmas | hc ie barge nih one eat ¥ ar man * A U ¢ with f ; ta 8 a ; ;,.jare all hoping that they will be 0 at purchater ei ; PHONE 725-1211 Seven Winds' soap, t id i Jews took extra duties for], AOU ie iii ini P . is 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, soap, teame Jewel for her dressing- Jews on their Sab ith and Jew-|. bil 2 t " Purity roy 2 i with DuBarry Lotion Superbe, $2.25 the set; table--Seven Winds Col Mist 4 : evacuation je z 5 1B ND BAD BPD EGS MI OE S i. ah > > Bi BiBis Bde 2D BR 2 ologne Mi ih bodays We believe m | hated 'eae Sea aaa 81-4) H2RBAMAAMAARARA AHA AMMME DDD BINH PMP MMP DMI IH HTS z i or. with Seven Winds 1: oz. Cologne, $2.78, in Baally au boule. 2 GE. 4500, should continue . this comrade- Pure bathing bliss! Ship in peace time. We appre- ' ciate that many people like to - be at home with their families / on Christmas Day { , \ And 'on top of giving these \ 17: Christian hospital workers their \ 1 ' _-- om, ' { sheer delight, they are dur- Give her something !c vely able too LINGERIE Priced from By Kayser 1 1 " 1 50 Avoitable in many styles--- SUPP HOSE--Full Fashioned colours--and ric Such or Seamless 4.95. DR names os Lady" ond 'St Priced trom 4,95 +. 14.95 THE «=~ LUE RE ENCES SPEIER ILI IIE PEK SI RAND RDNA RAM AA BMH MMM >> \\ x: Christmas holidays Jewish volunteers are insist that the day's pay should go to the p2- ple whom they relieve SEND PATIENTS HOME In the Lambeth borough of London, however, another way | og I S Ky. PRINTED TRICOT DUSTE has been found to allow some staff members .to end Christ- og ro ' NK Pretty print with lace. trims on K Z ; ad z A mas Dav at home In these oS) x > f the y| 4 sleeves and et The finest in dry skin . f ; ink or blue prints on whit | i if ; ¢ th % ' Ae ald: o an, } bath oils for tubs full of silken- Small Wonders! Quarter-ounce ing fragrance, DuBarry Veivet Seven Winds Cologne in smart gift box, only $1.00; $960,000 Fraud 4 , i ' \ a { ! Z CHRISTMAS ' 5 Bath. 4 oz., $3.00. one-ounce with crown, $2.00. Admitted By [PPR LANDA MA RED & WHITE PYJAMAS oe Stock Promoter ; 7 ay?' } 4 4 | %, } : sgl sereen prin Honnalette wien ; a 8 SC ae ie fas LINGERIE GIFT SET PACKS convicted 'of Choice of 3 pantie or | pett 'leaded fraud charges coot and 2 pontie set. In long W tricot with prett 00 trims. In sizes 8 to 14 ) . . pee i CR PP. LO € D t rently serving a second six-year sentence imposed last May for fraud, conspiracy and theft, was remanded to De 13 for sen- tence Stuart was first convicted of theft involving share lund Mines Limited in 1960. He and three Others, New York lawyer Sol Rauch, hotel owner|h * Ben Smith and -Stanley Schon Treasure Set by DuBarry, DuBarry Beauty Boutique in Star Golden clutch bag complete with oval White or Parfait Pink, holds six essentials tortoise shell compressed powder com- for beauty on the go, $6.50. pact and golden Royal Lipstick, $4.00, DuBarry holiday gifts by Richard Hudnut are the essence of luxury and good taste. Some- thing for every lady on your list $1.00 to $20.00. Reitman's has the nicest DRESSES a for Christmas OPEN | | FREE / In. December, 1961, the fou ' r f 2 q\ 1 5 a Ty esefully appealed the con| ] \ es EVERY | she reme Court OF \ 1: gee it 1 5 98 10 8 9 wis Bene a on tesa at, AL a a EVENING = nae fraud : ried with] « | 42 ANKS ? s4 an WIDE Ral ee | f# aS . W ne arrayl. Velvekee ade TILL Taftetas. We have them all! Jan. 13 : os phi ; nS RoBUtitcliy: Kin os oad Al : Sistas sienoian ance Fas i a ¢ E , ; , Gad muta tT Hae and ."finishe : 9 P.M. ap mR was ; DELIVERY raud racy 4 y i . 4 cons} ind theft in valved $300,090 in assets. of Sta-! p Yes t : dacona Mines 944) Limited He seas ovnricted with. Mont 'OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 28 KING ST. EAST : OSHAWA 4 Mecblviey Sih years, snd Tocbate PHONE 725-4361 PHONE 725-6221. PHONE 723-4621 Iawyer Henry a 14-year senten

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