Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1963, p. 2

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yd THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Becember 11, 1963 GOOD EVENING penator Wants Probe no ae vo. : pe | +. eet ie Johnson's View --buccem --_Into U.S. Rail Rates f(r Be On NATO Sought What a busy life it is for a figure skating champion ! tor Philip Hart. of Michigan ha est arg esignated for st i ason, the seaw , : "da congressjon: ! at ik rt ) the e-president sz Tuesday. | Bee bt SEP. " oF lar "conventional + %? th Take Oshawa's Donald' Jackson, son 'of Mr. and Mrs, ,4¢ mande d feeds ts cae : wan hist ald Eas Na a _ id Tuesda i) a ' By JOSEPH MacSWEEN id ynventional pause' that ; vestigation 0 § am igher rates than idua onnage increase 4 Canadian Press Staff Writer ive replaced. massive retalia- George J.*Jackson of 110 Park road north and the great star -- rail rates are design {is se ch " ed on hau age over "are anti ipated for more than ; e Next week's NATO minisicrial tion in U.S. NATO thinking of the 28th. Annual Edition of the Ice Follies of 1964, ae alas Me FOB One e distances to southern and ; oe a wey oe Neen % 4 4 lodge in Paris may mark the' And jn this, indeed. the te J al ot 4 WVTeCnc® is 4 ( | or a é ¢ Ss -| soi ¥ u as twee > y ¢ sBRES, ANC : é p 1 in adar o. ine A 4 ; , first clash between the views of pyren hman expressed 'doubts «ports in favor of | r he Jr, MeCann said he believes,;Montreal section of Laval -Uni- / , A § be, President Johnson and Presi-/that are by no means confined show, leaves tonight by air for a brief visit to England and (to ocean ports , 0 S Id remain un-|versity's faculty of commerce j Ti OO f dent de Gaulle -- althoughlig 4 ountrs but ire wide- The Democrat aired h iews changed for anott five years.'alumni - 3 neither will be at the meeting.!¢)) 26 d whee c t ; wi at th { pread 'in' Burope Tuesday as Joseph ann : The increase in cargo to date,' 5 The possibility is' being : F 99 } nerie alo : ii oy , T y Ss | a if 1 v I : : professional appearances December 20-21-22 in Prague, Brata- head of the US. Seaway ( iis sai ieapet sia : ag in 1963 was mores than 17 per] ; i : 'outed in the light of the COULD BE FATAL slava and Brno as guest of the Czechliovakia Figure Skating |opment Corporation ( : Gah boncamed" aban it over Jast year and greater f f q oY ench: president's known dis. BilJotte sa'd the "graduatcd'® } mpanied by his father : clal Senate 'subcommittee th esa wa Nee pao the increases .of approxt-| U a E ey pleasure with NATO st ry as ded may be all right in many od Natal Wiceaeacieed : ie tise Caleces Carried. 0} m. sip Fens > EaihE nately 10 to 12 per cent in 1961 } $ evolved under United : i of the world but could be Hed i sadershit atal in 'Kurope since woul isted the ge pen " E ' at Se ie ce -it uld isted the following rec i ' The key question go¢ ive ussia in doubt about The problem involves the § ords achieved this year on the 4 Ps aes oe the doctrine of. massiy \TO's. will to use its full eae : ae ma at Be ' . seaway's Montreal-Lake Ontario : ; 2 , ® taliation that was first enur ers I ational ion © Ofleantin g of five maritime ein hi i ated by John Foster Dulies bu An acceptable strategic: con- 3 SEI Ort now has -bgen abandoned by the c¢ 1 ted by all-«mus 1962. He was most pleased ncreases. tota P carried s under ( agian ZOVCTN- tonnage exceeded 4,000,000 tons U.S.---only to be taken up by 1 an 7 go sd this week when he received jon the seway th vear would! '? ' Mp The unior 1 June, July, August and No-| § 7 i 2 ' France. -- ner sdlared "The nee: a postcard from a- Czech rise to more than 30,000,000 ton re . aR Calor | vember, ie 3 ' Differences have been thrown tiveness and-- olidity of our f 95.600.000 Jast vear. he /@ During those four ; FS i ' { y ! ! en and youth who informed him that POM. 40,9 ABE YS } ices ho our --montl J nto relief by the major stud ( end upon it." "Czechoslovakian Newspa- of N \TO resources and require Y t in this argument-- pers are Loudly Proclaiming should be 41.000,000 nmitt I month, the highest ee ; « ment ' ordered wl ) suropeans--is the 'The Trumphant Return of ee : | t 1 I mon nage ever -- more , , i _ : u tha 1 attack which fell fig Ree WON'T REACH GOAT a1 in't { 4.200,000 tons -- was re , ; ie 35h MOETINE n Europe but not on the U.S. Don Jackson ' a in May F , MeCann said it is obyiou ded 4 : lawa in Ma W ent. the American Don will rejoin the Follies he goal of 50,000,000 oe i i (oF he i awit * , ; ; a: ae . ( vith a decision too hie, 2 : , aR > in Philadelphia, Pa.. Christ- 1968 will ne ' ed but : oF suinieht i and). OTTAWA (CP) The Senate t : ; vaieeey ee 2 LONG TERM PLAN : : INTERPRETING THE NEWS Don, on Christmas holiday leave of absence from the Czechoslovakia -- prime purpose of:the visit is to make three ind 1962 p, owners sili it na He in : This will be in the way of he seaway yhenomenal "a sentimental journey" for. jbut that they are running be "st te ie hen tt Don who won the World's Ow | esumate i n et cae Ten. tb * sCaway opened in IN -rofe al Figure Skating : Professional Figu . Skati | WE Nea Canadian 'wheal Championship at Prague in shipments to Russia and. othe ie first time the monthly iid. But' according to 1959 \ 1 vit Cporte mor than $2,000,000 in tolls timate th fonn » this t Gi) l ( t mont} to take mas Day -- then follows one c ! 1 ; I t 4pproved in ne} u V é s Le 4 ae pA . » would Johnson of the more strenuous per eae ! : ' a vi ( pian vib ncet he $180 ' i 4 y ' ling all 15 6 tid hold th geer for iods of their current trans ch ee 1 , U.S. and Ca ) ing 1e Welland ; d fae eM. gg st he : niunc on 4 NATO's nuclear continental tour as' they pre » to 60.000 000 ; : $ ' s { : h _ ae ( puire C @ 1 \ in t it . id would it be sent 24 shows in 'll days Ss rar | nts abou : ' nee y. if ' ; z : | it 24 I ; 1 t | 1 ears to be the n Billotte's ( d cSON DON JACKSON Don-is looking forward igement at the Maple Leaf February 2 next ra esents t ; east aha ae 4 ae ee te ' ould ( 1 it a continu: ; j ula ft . 4 / @ \ Is t} a } ! e ¢ e concept yw business, but the rigid schec ' r ! ( a t muct ey i eing Z e : 4 : : : able to omolional activities are some ndently of frequentiy makes personal ee WONTREAL (CP) -- Several deficit situation," | NSO! NATO partiamenarians No minis am that competed against a Otia D ] t sd Siecle inh eee hn | t . Fd : : | ( n ss 1 S 'i f he Spubthh : Ext " - St. Louis, Mo, recently. The Wa DLOUDIS Fil Gu Ge Ween Gee et ree : ls phase Hager conte: aes tradi on wheel chairs, the Follies crew ocial Co (AP) --- Hen- arer 4 OT E | he United 'ea = 1 oeoe i Ve'land 1 ) y MFT TT Fe J t 1 \ icbiace dann a be vas Heavy Wat ter rirm fa oh © FOLLOW STUDEBAKE ] cay ait Wha oe Seon Pines F 1 Y iontexe teed sete : I of extradition es were in rehearsal in Lo ~ 1961 com student .in Business Administré OTTAWA (CP eqn eb aiready ¢ roved | Portuguese stern Ontario ment d m pent dees mn | y said : a 1 1e Veh s. 4 . 'N ; ' Be ¢ » : | > ; ; a ill hearsay he said of HARBOR COMMISSION GETS UNDER WAY Sone nee are : jahighe ieee : nee " : 'or | sht be ree ' { to Portugal, where he is = ae DIVIDENDS ray Mead nee enh ~ lin dhs Co ectlle "eastin By THE CANADIAN PRESS ( litical foe of Por- Alberta Natural Gas Com th (4 t q t a 0 tud iu rremit \ntonio de , pany ri ") t dD t ! ker int ! f r ! Zar, flew here from ir term would not be f : ; dD f an ¢ nt a I \ 1 nd appeared ( N Canada Bread Co. Ltd. §? 1 { p 1 standpoint ted Nations trus- uppear to be getting back to norma! down around Harbor .Commission will meet Mr.D Harry Millen will be electe Vommons sed Sam Jackson, J every . indication I 1 re iD § Canadian Pacifie Railway 1 ng the 1 { Commission will stay ; I na i B inp: 5 ak aes Thales Ge, I d »mentarily dropped | or Tues. now that the personnel of the earlier Tues ¢ ] 1964 ' y ym Sight. Howeve TH that there will be no more : : ' pene Addy peey 104 pa ' na tnat f . es ne Sees Columbia Cellulose Company ' osit " Ie 1 Idlewild Airport to board 1 l i Limited, 10 ent >mr i t D () for t prese at for the nt a an airiner for a return to Brae le D t has been a refuse yer ' 969 Bi f t 1 Dominion Fabrics Ltd., ( dian! The Studebaker switch is ex.) ice he had taken over the that Alderman Thomas Run- Uy Mee ' i d } 15 it ond pid. 37 to 1 yi : : bout ah axteayiner | on die has been appointed <ec- Mn Nova. S 1. 1, 1964 ( ) fo4 15,000,000 annually to ( ! ' d reporters he' felt he appoint 1 1 tha 01 t . ; : t lustvie ( rotection of. the retary of the Oshawa Harbor. ! ected of | ; Dow Brewery Ltd. con t : t Rha iniha lies ct ' Un'te hile in the U.S 1 t fan 9 108 learned this week Commission to replace Dayid 1 1 rece : i aunraie Botte ate i'that he would. not hesitate 'B) : f L. Bowman. who 'resigned Howerd Smith Paper Mills last October when Mr. Jack- y Wat ; Htd 0 I 1 fd | F iis} utomol 5 fir ed his te r : } » 1964 ' yon \ nt on 'finished Mt 4 ' ( au rprovincial 'Commercial ¢ l ) i OY Boks RE at : Eee HEAT WITH OIL Rundle will also do the Com- H 1,000 t Discount Corporation Ltd, mission's legal work. tempor- 7 d : ; 1 a Ae s ent D ze te t a o yk the a we : ve t DIXON' S ar at least.. Mr. Rundle's H Labatt Tn. Hinms . . : 3 me : t pros} ts more en ' association with the f I : be ) 20) : : : Ip ide ( : OIL Commis ) ( ( ) } ( THOMAS RUNDLE oe neces ae me 1 Canadian: Vai iii an Corpor tions Lid inca - 313 ALBERT ST. ian af costa : eis aN { ne 24-HOUR SERVICE that post when -he decided . $30.000.000 0 d 17 1964, ¢ 4 > PREFERRED as a City Councillor. Fred t ted otal F BiOr Ink Prusts Corporation t * : Bal ) e ee PAUL | 723-4663 hairmar MADE LOWEST BID ; r y here i Deut { tk ' ISTOW SERVING OSHAWA OVER ee Newey Nave vepular iS . 728-9474 ; good sign, but the Com. ts Plant at Glace J Liston-Clay Fight he P e EALTOR 50 YEARS riginally served as a com yen a sews taves oe | BC Admits. cn HER FORECAST Moved Rhead a Day, operation y contributed approxim ae 0 '6 h "piterpric They have a right ay. . J ay i Oe ee ae Ge Me Meroe Be a a as Disturbance : ? ( -- pea ' PUC CHAIRMAN CLARIFIES BUS POINTS +i] L ry Le wt Feb, Coygwtl Garcon, Coquetel Se cece ee ois oo | eads Into Ontario RO |e senor Hel x 1 | ¢/ fj Deasiihei 7 column ('Some VICTORIA: (CP by WOLVES ISVILLI Abricot...? aN Mite cause many apenas aro Sh, Atenie! || Coquetel, s.v.p.! | 110? Wind ght f | 4 49 nention an increased re : : seus maintain s present level urit Y ; Forecast' Temperatures t yer Yet ce { p 1 oy onig v Thur . ransportation according j ; : ; L ws tonight, highs Thursday: vy ) seeeee 9 nu that a 10 perce e in pa the above \ aom of brief, the PUC find periods and to make yperation six day If percent or 23. buse We 1960. "61 and '62 and have sedis ha i 1 Not F dit iets stn bu es purchased nA } - temperatu Winds Nort} Ee ) 1 GERROW ears old. They have éach a ba bigest t I \ rs are no. longer available | ¢chjtteeamember board of eu: erst oe ee FUNERAL would render them usele tt 1 ' natior No furon, Niag- Ka isi y 1 CHAPEL yeak-period service, which is LOG une A t dea oye : f tay, W t ; ) > er r it ] f ) } nilto WMogxc 390 King W -728-6226 WO NOW O3-passenger diese ined buses (same as now el were outhned in tarilizat saeratior ees } d ined | . Wh NOPE << ihe ccchomice Fa ct ee ee Mt Bie letio sie MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT bit is Mie neces ae For Your ration picture is consider oe cee vu | CHRISTMAS PORTRAITS Capacity much of the time be ay buhes wonid apoper ia rune. aumen. ssealed 4 '| SHORGAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE : pba eRe tes ne HEATING & To Avoid Disappointment Nagas Ss tera see ows APPLIANCES Industrial and REFERS. TO PROVINCIAL ACT SU ironies : Commercial The established, reliahle Gas Dealer in your area OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK FOR YOUR» CONVENIENCE Chairman. Walt Branct committee sa t amet agar nome reymceamn| SE CELINA ST: || -HOPMEBY STUDIO 1964, by the Provincial Legislaturc iv : = erie lae 728-9441 40 KING ST. EAST." DIAL 725-0151

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