27--Real Estate for Sale $13, mmaculate, low in good area, and screens For appointment to Koornneef. 723-2859 tor, 728-7377, BUCKINGHAM three-bedroom modern ai, school and For heraie 725-0303 Joseph NeSTOREY, six-room modern kitchen, dining ing room, on main tloor and bath up. Oil vge. Large jot, . $9500 down payment. Call L Ltd; 723-9810 GUIDE REALTY: sess 723-1121 AVED ENTRAL SOUTH ub sized bedrooms and Fini Priced ot chen room ment 4 ROOM HOME Ave. Extra price $5,900 SPLIT LEVEL Opportunity to home 'anyone car see Joseph crge Avenue, ask Bosco family room two home. bus three-bedroom bu paved drive. close to schools and buse contact Bosco, Rea to close Fu p ey Realio home and three bedrooi furnace Fu s a great deal of pr NUE separate shed office price ov Sneigrove Co A reo n base $13,000 or Here ac ot enjo Large obundance boord space. Three bedr: and 3 ed bath M ak > bedroom: everal: farm ImMcoe Guide To Bette of storms George} and. buses. 7 10] vanity for ike Gan Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale 29---Automobiles For Sale|29----Automobiles For Sale |, Three-bedroom brich kitchen, torm: a to school Saturda |NORTH END -- oungalow, large screens, fenced 128-660 THREE- BEDROOM bungaiov four-piece batr t @ schools. 83 128-6850 ncluding frontage | Telephone $15,950. jin Ross ble arae Street. Phone INCOME property of, have 108 ft Street South, duplex nents. Asking only $16,900 able oe payment. Fo ee Ossie Martin 7 commeic on Attached ge |Bo co waa itor 28-7. 'CHRISTMAS Specia!. Save $500 winte one Beautiful 3-bedroom bungalow with Hallywood kitchens, large lots, star 2d now, ready to move mid-Janua vaiking distance to Oshawa Shopp Contact y Joseph your Th 4A Bosco, Realtor home in opportu! new bungalows, nearir the west end. Anyone purchas trading for one of these Futt will be eligible to Government Winter further co Rea on three pletion ne ece: formation Estate 737 ©o business equipment and o serve sales route On Highway with garage, 01 with Telephone 728 1349 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS payme mont $94 00 ETL AG 40 King St te Dial 728-4678 mmediate SIMCOE NORTH 95 thie leva WHITBY CLASSIFIED TOR SALE on, converts chrome swing ar seat. Plaype FOR RENT: Broadioom 668-3198 between 9 to CHRISTMAS - Trees - to and a and New ¢ ment Sold baby carriage car by ch "o-bédroom teriors p.m lay af Canadian Tire Store 1 deliver any piace / ebom AND BOARD rpme cooking, comfortaple Telephone: Wh ac tha CHRISTMAS | SHOPPERS me to order Parking nonthly PAPER NGRY 4 9 evenin 668-516 SEPTIC tank 7 alter W 668-256 ORESSMAKING: 9u cleaned scated schools and ANDY'S NURSERY GROWN Spruce and 29--Automobiles Fer Sale ote 814 Byron Street ENERAL working two Ded prestine © DELUXE mre Court 66-8540 FOR RENT furnished 668-3299 ant Suit ene er Nerth "ELECTRIC. ose two. uh TV Teinpnone pom Telepnons VOLVO A JAKE if "END of the YEAR| CLEARANCE AND DEMONSTRATOR SALE Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. ISED CARS EMBER Some:of the FINE To Be CLEARED by OF 1959 $1225 PONT TIAC A 1961 PON 999.PON TIAC $1595 A Wide Sele: 1963 CORVAII tion Mal 52 A 1961 VAUXHALL $795 1960 V VA\ UXt NA "$595 1957 DODGE 1A| Re $445 FORD Closed Friday 6 P.M For Statf C Ontario otor Sales aristmas Dinne te INVEST In The Best At NICOLS In WHITBY $10 Down No payments Until 1964 CHEVROLET UPER SPORTS 1963 MPALA Priced Right Only $2175. CHEVROLET BELAIR 96 | Only $1975. FORD 1959 $895 PONTIAC 1958 J Only $888 ROLETS Only $795 1960 VAUXHALL Priced Ria Only $795 VAUXHALL Onis $595 SWAGE! Now $1295 VROLET Now Only $995 1956 o FORD Nee Only $595 1957 FORD NICOLS Motor Sales' Ltd |29----Autemebiles For Sale | pick-up with|1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatic, é-cylinder, 39,000 {miles, $1,350. between 12 p.m p.m. Telephone "Jim", 723-7160 1957 PONTIAC 6-cylinder, iuery clean car, $675. We trade wn and finance Mike's BA two-door original| and 953 CHEVROLET 12 -ton ew motor, $250. Phone 623-2486. 957 DODGE, four door, V-8, automatic, stom radio, .whitewalls, snow tires, jotie: inside' and outside, $600. Apply 8 Kent Street, Whitby, 668- 2961 automatic,| uP or} Raglar 260 PONTIAC: Strato-Chief two-door a resten ! oh wago [1956 METEOR {this one for vB, $1495 standard transmission Will consider trade.|1960 FORD V8, standard gack-up lights, windshield Telephone 728- 8049 1955 GMC two-fon stake t ruck motor and tires, $695. Telephone {1953 PONTIAC, winterized Excellent transportation, $95 or make offer phone 725-8123. 369 Drew Street 1956 CHEVROLET V8, standard, and 1960 Vauxhall, excellent jradio, best offer. 728-5615 transmission, | washers, $69 90d condition, hone 723-9245 963 VALIANT convertible, big motor,) tomatic, white walls, wheel covers,| ashers, padded dash, poner top, safety] heavy duty suspens Demonstra-/ low. mileage. Over Oy years tac ry warranty. Real low price. Smith ports, 353° King Street West, Oshawa 28-734) 955 CHEVROLET station nt transportation, reasonably. all Bowmanville 623- $082 1956 FORD sedan, V-8 engine 1955 CHEVROLET coach, V8 motor, sta phone" A dee tele nldial ard transmission, whitewall tires, Won-)Pnon jerbar radio. Excellent condition. $400'1959 RENAULT sedan, ciean best offer, 723-1460 after 5 p.m new tire: ew licence plates four-door V-8 automatic, Phone 728-9286 two fone paint. Apply 448 Park Road! New| 728-8049.) elts $225 wagon, excel condition priced automatic $375. Tele throughout, $450. Tele whitewalls $435 adio radio, white walls. Must sei takes 595 Ritson seat covers, outr Highest offer 1955 PONTIAC standard, 6 cylinder, excel-/ South ent condition. Priced for quick sale. APPIY 1955 CHEVROLET 448 Park Road South radio, snow tires. 1963 VAUXHALL Velox, 6 cylinder, "de- condition eomeletely yxe, very economical, 5,000 miles oniy. Cal! 728-0558 Bank finance arranged. Phone 728-1917.|1969 CHEVROLET biscayne cylinder 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian, executive car, Stick shift two door sedar or take 00 miles, 6 cylinder, white, automatic, over payments After v Frede adio, Like new, $2,475. Call 723-9366 ck or Whitby, 668-3888 1963 IMPALA hardtop, azure-aqua, V-8:1955 PONTIAC sedan radio Good tire gine, automatic, custom radio, window dependable transportation. $195 or nearest washers, white walls, tinted windshield, cash offer. 725-8132 ender rors eage. Must sell. 196 VOLKSWAGEN, finance. Dial Must sell this week CHEVROLET, etused Call after 5 adio Road North bah call 30--Automobiles Wanted 1960 CHEVROLET, see a ad eae aN LAKESHORE jinder, autor "for wrecking. Highest prices ow tires, $1,350. Telephone 728-2239 Wariner h East. 725-118 195° CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door LAKESHORE Auto tandard $995. Tele, \ Highest excellent condition, recking one 728-4731 : ; 1959 VOLKSWAGEN anical conditior A dream to d 1960 CHEVROLET Bel A vs sutomaiie Private. $1 Term 195-8161; Evening standard, 6 mechanical $275. coach Excellent winterized st good = conditio reasonable offe IRS Ritso 66 No private, 6 cylinder pr windshield washers. accep! trade. Balance 728-49. 196) automatic clean. W Auto Wreckers want paid ca want a cars paid a Vreckers eckers 7 SelOne. 4.08 me ¢ OSHAWA. Auto Parts and Auto Jo rust ) > ant ' a 9 :. ve 4 g. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-424 2 ALL CASH $ Nelson Street, adic. new be a 8-659 METEOR ty ood condit anged dow NICOLS MOTORS a6 BROCK ST. NORTH om Royal Hote Whitby 668-3331 100 CARS WANTED ve Daie 955 0-00: tandard y Telephone 694 Two ucks, excellent cénd 1955 TOW tr Reasonable. Telepho 196) BUICK tation ad ock. Apply 1955 VOLKSWAGEN pad cupboard K 0 tent. $55 963 CHEVROLET Impala automat wv yiinde adio whitewa G B wagon, automat 25 Elena Sireet equip moto: va ce box Vhitby 668-8 "ywo-door hare: black t ampe: new age Oshawa, 728-7 ior ROD TED CAMPIN ered G t, $60. 1950 NV 23-4494 Re Ke ra Ca ar Deole MOTOR 574 928 Bow. eiephone 1963 CORVAIR peed + 31-~--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KIN WE 7822 32---Articles For Sale BAUER appliance equipment 4 camping supplies pudget term Dominion Tire Store. Oshawe DECORATE your lawr ; with Santa's sleigh and reindeers Phone and 723-2444 or apply at 244 Adelaide Avenue East motor seats Monza coupe, big on, bucket Bargain at * venings, Whitby 668-8042 6 cylinde conditio' 723-7688. hardtop bra 1958 CHEVROLET B adio eli, $775 or PONTIAC V8, cayne excellent best offer automat 1963 four-door REPAIRS OF CARS Cr SENERAL MAKES AP Foreign Moke Cars STATHAM SERVIC on Road anid King aes DISNEY JSED CARS LTD Bowman 623-2788 oe horns et 7 rtabl auiTeY co ecu.sde) Lor eUraS cece a one hand mode! ery reasonably. 723-4434 PERSIAN LAMB turn back cuffs $75. Telephone 72 ROSE-colored "Grow NG: OR SELL gings, coat, hat outfit (suit 2-, Old girl), 668-2898 MBN'S suit, black, 'size 40, medium TED CAMPIN Ree _ MOTORS pie and. youth ra Telephone tby 568-1 843 1G ST S'a-GALLON chy es tof W $15. Excellent 23-4494 Re __ PIANO, upright, 52. inches: higk SPOT CASH _PAID FOR tool, $250. Excellent condition Bet ) te ade 68 p.m. te' ephon @ 725-700) Ow ~ie paid t DODD MOTOR SALES eur hockey skates 4 PARK RD. SOUTH men kis 6 ff. 2 in 93.94 MEN'S sk Say harness and pole: beginner's violin. Phone MAHOGANY bookcase LDEN ens a CAR AND TRUCK Dial 728-5927 GUITAR, electric 5 R RENTALS or sale $00 elapn drawers, chesterfield and cha Telephone 728 ) OIL SPACE heater, large, good cond skates, hockey equipment "a "bond arGal B.A PORTABLE television 900d working condition $60 screen Telephone like Also adding e terms lady's coat, fu top quart €% ter leo ING yea 'ome pump conditior aquarium and a ~OSHAWA e: 4116 Road son 725 re nee size ip and: bed iets TRAILER 4° x 8 oad b 5 es. Excellent 689 conditior knee 6pm boots. regula Sa $65 ecord player. Dial 725-6737 sh k 301 Aakes and Mode tion, Telephone Brook Nn 655-4978 ALL 725-655 4 Albert DEEP freeze Appiy 298 Haig ~ LOWREY organs and free trial. Alto Music Supplies south, 725-1501 BUNK beds and | Telephone Whitby. SNOW tires. also electric Bowmanvil le 623-5190 [CHILD'S spring horse Reg. $30 for $18. Telephone STOVE, good white wood burning cook stove. TWO-piece chesterfield arean; electric range, 4 Dial 723-2620. DOUBLE bed and dresser complete with springs and Telephone Bowmanville 623 BRIDGE sets for from $22.50. Wilson Street, Oshawa SMOOTH top Christmas special, 20 Church Street CEDAR $49. Wil CHESTERFIELD suites, foam cushion frieze covers All on sale from $128 son's Furniture, 20 Church. Street MEN'S su! 4 "chest Street type, large, $106 new ed da 453 Simcoe tor after 'six p 60 matire 668-3734 mounted on train; man's wheel bicy Die New conditio 8-9260 x. Used Cars 1963 CHEVROLET AYNE STATION WAGON and white enamel coal Dia! 655-3007 suite, mediurr burner; sink walnut fin mattress 5596 $6 Christmas, et Furniture. S-piece 20 Chu transmr on je with mattresses $27. Wil all's Furniture zes standard 0 'on mileage chests, Lane, Red Seal, fror on Furniture, 20 © tree 1963 CHEVROLET Ri OUR DOOR SEDA? A white wheel 4 -ale AIR tamat roadie wa! very good shape i] ] 5 aise shoe r ate Telephone 723-2573 TYPEWRITERS, cators, chequewr Ss. anue cashiers, dup fers, comptomete hree hundred new and used. We bi sai, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equip ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby e STARK Autumr tube 725-2548 1 TOWERS ; a with all. ¢ re! su 0 1 Os hawa TV Supply Ltd Street, 728-8180 LADY'S black sea! coat man's navy blue overcoat, mission, 'ra pered ngs; beige, navy. wheel discs, Jew condition. 723-9290 th USED commerc th hardware $65, blind. Call 723-7539 HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliance brands at biggest discounts a carry Reston nd Beve ne: autho! al's on 474 home Telephone adders. 1961 CORVAIR MONZA FOUR DOOR TV and $40 tube tester, tests good § condition, radio Telepr 40 #f. tower stru antenna, installe 61 Gibbo: 1961 85 DELUXE tron wall OLDSMOBILE SEDAN medium; gentie top coats. zip arge size mat garage four rows doo? glass. new meriy Avalon Dance Hal! SWISS MADE Rotel Sil price $89, sale for 258. HARRY DONALD "= LIMITED Whitby 668-3304 or 668- 78 vice extracto on $47. Telephone BLE. t condition What' s My Line? top electric $60. tove. 4-bu Telept 723. EAST Valley Creek. Furniture 28-4401 or co 16 at the store 3305 |SKATES, |TWO trop Tele-|ic VACUUM See!1959 PONTIAC convertible V8 automatic, "*® Road ©" GURNEY ner acd lab pnt THE OSHAWA TIMES, 32----Articles tor Sale LADIES' ze 16-18 oat phone 728-0701 3UY and ppliance urniture fothing, summer winter dresse vit wea jacket epksenabte Tele. and se One furniture and] ereity good used location "only 444 Simcoe South, 7: new and hanged. Largest venings, Drayton Cyct Sold town. and ex Ope: 204 Bond East al f + gallos nqua 15 ga Telephone r one 4 TELEVISION tower pecial mts eed by Pala $50. Trio Televisior struc: Telephone 728-678) WE buy, se ture or anytt have Trading Post Simcoe wth and 31 Bond Street East. 72 and exchange used furn The City Street you Store: ail make aitachment ebuill ma 3 Vacuum Ser 728-0591 BF. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, feries Kelvinator etrigerators, vision. Thrifty Budget P 725-454 BUYING or selling : ances. Call Emer, Hampton 63-269 Bat tele rniture or 26. 98 tove, apartment size ght: «Gia $60 nt condition, Telephone ANTIQUE GUN WANTED Telephone 818. ewing' machine and vacuurr dealer GET c nes sonals" and cash in on t ship this lia shawa 1 349 "Por popular colu the Cle tor ful ss offers, FOUR WOOL silent sit after 6 4164 TELEVISION new, ba wit vening lenath , deep pecia fo Mar noo eather Bond wallet, Fr Park money. day Road ub nity. of and of Liberty Reward female, red with vicinity pet Reward day edd a to vation please browr nforrr IN. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT COLLISON DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ND OTHER' awa the vce of ¢ ed end id details or NOTICE REDITORS AND OTHER THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH C WARD Dec sed IN Pehavibensins! December 11, ' KHAMEN" 1963 25 "Tutankhamen' Unique Book Even to casual ancient history irchaeology, the name, Tutan khamen today has a magical effect synonymous with romance and exciting moments The . new book 'TUTAN. (McLelland and Stewart Ltd.) by Christine Des roches-Noblecourlt, with 75 color photographs by F. L. Kennett, and a preface-by His Excellency Sarwat Okasha (Member of the Executive Council of UNESCO) represents an outstanding event in the publishing world, Recall Egypt, land of the sphinxes, at the height of her magnificent civilization; a king whose buria treasure of staggering wealth and unsurpassed beauty was liscovered almost intact; and in archaeological find which astounded the world and appear- ed to lav a curse on the mem- bers of the expedition, the ven geance of the Pharoahs For many years the world ha been asking: "What is fancy and what fact? Is the truth stranger than the legend?*' Thi handsome volume represents an mpre combination of the yrovocaltive text and superlative ) plates, It is the disclosure the dust jacket. stat: s 4 strange and wonderfu Desroches - Noblecourt Curator the National of France, and F. L an outstanding photog of sculpture, have com their remarkable talent produce one of the all-time greats of the publishing world The art objects. from Tutan khamen's tomb have never be fore been photographed out of heir cases in color, or repro duced 'with such fidelity Here told the story d:scovery of the tomb by How Carter in The book explores the legend of the urse of the pharoahs. Madame Desroches-Noblecourt, with re markable historical insight, set the scene for the drama that took place in ypt: 3,300 years igo. With consumate literary skil she explores the back round of Tutankhamen's. early ife and disentangles his compli- cated family relationships. She also reconstructs, in *graphie and moving detail, the mony of his coronation and the nine short years of his. reign She gives a new and often con troversial interpretation ,of the objects found in his burial treasure. She also describes the claborate process of: mumimif cation of the young king's. body and the funeral rites involved in the prepdration for his after-life and immortality. One of the ahlights of the book, is he eat of bringing new evidence ta shed light on the pathetic pre- dicament of his widow and the problems of succession caused by his death Howard Carter's original ac count produced a generation ago was the last major work on the subject until the appearance re cently. of this book. The text is brilliant and up - to - date with color reproduction of the fines! This book will undoubtedly be; ome a classic work on a pers sonage and period of Egyptian history which have fascinated men throughout the ages It will undoubtedly becume 3 oliector's item, a book to he read and treasured like any classic, [t will occupy a place of honor in the future among the eat books that grow in impor ince with the passage of time | students of and. modern oung ssive truth Chief of Mus. ums Kennett apher bined to is of the ard aiso ceres Personnel Cut Figure Sought By Diefenbaker OTTAWA (CP) Oppositiot Leader Diefenbaker Tuesda¥ isked the government to supply the figures on the number of military and civilian personnet who will be let out by the de, fence department because of de fence reductions Defence Minister Hellyer said the Commons he didn't have information with him but supply it when he re- from 'the NATO council late next week Diefenbaker -- said should have the f in he would turned meeting Mr Commons now Hellvet said he into the matter The scheduled to visit Ont Thur and Friday for NATO in Paris the ig ures Mr 90k ster Ra eave would min Nortt da\ tn the neeting 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN J. .GILLEN, DECEASED estat ate EN