---- = team won third.' Genera! Hospital, spent Friday|Harvey, Ellison, Midland, visit- ed boy. Chan Hing the area convention in Toronto. oo a contest on ' Twas 22 THE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 ' |Champion and the roadster) Mr. G. V. A. Scott, Oshawa)Miss label Black, Mr. and Mr,| WI Christmas jfor birthday gifts to the adopt- VanCamp gave her report ofjer's Christmas Cake," then WON 77 FIRSTS at her home in the village ed Mrs. Fitze on Sunday Nizht Before Christmas: eighth on two kinds of barley At the 15 fall fairs where Mr Mrs. Fred-Tom Enniskillen Mr.and Mrs. Ernest Larmet Achievement Day at Orono). Sharon Larmer played a.piano "T he bushel basket decorated Ocio 0 ist Harold Swain won fourth on (4, hrane' exhibited this fall his spent a day last week calling on/attended 'a reunion of former Party Held Janv 4. was announced, also solo. Mrs Lorne Thompson roy ¢} was filled with oats j horses totalled,77 firsts:, 54 sec- friends in this area Sunday School pupils at Solina the millinery course in Black-|rcad "Your Life. is Like Moth-\gifts for the Children's Aid John Carnaghan won 'fifth on ond; 43 thirds; 21 fourth;.and. Mr. and Mrs, John Mew and) tall Satuday éyening ary Lilo. uae ' stock February 11-13 barley; eighth on-oats. and thir-|;. i pom -- lg ease ' ; : sroun. jeadet r ene : P 13 fifth. Also at Toronto Ex- family, Toronto, visited Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L ove At Bl k t k Group leader, Mrs, Lorne r Is Speaker enite Oh vee ' hibition they claiméd six firsts Mrs. Austin Beaeock, Sunday.jand boys visited Mr. and | ac 5 oc Thompson, then presided and ll won some prizes on each | > ne save Curre Sve a TC n harness classes Robert remained for a week lrancis Jose and family, i By MRS. OLGA HILI gave Current Events. Dawid HI HCOCK item exhibited. A alte ' Mines pect? sped at ¥ plaved:s alg s 1 T F I ers an ace at ste Byala Te oe aca ant oo M eae " ---- -- | BLACKSTOCK -- The. Christ- . acneta Shiclie conke os Now! : THRILLERS 0 a m ait Corporate Communion fof the Laughlin vistlee ! dna c rs Sea n Fait ON ONE PROGRAM @ 4 HOURS OF SPINE- }mas seting a shildren's!the 3 "Hanpine s te lie Taylor won 12 prizes on WA was administered in. St./Laiughlin and Mr Herb Me FIRST WINTER mas mecting nd child Si the setae "Happiness ha 4 ; ; he 'luding R John's Church Sunday morning.|Laughlin. 'in' Oshawa General) HALUEAX (CP)--Hee~ Ching) Patty. of the Women's Institute be Earned, it doesn't come in CHILLING SUSPENSE @ COULD YOU TAKE IT By MRS. OLGA HILL nogs, i Inciuding a eserve ' he the etch oa he -C Pills Susan Thompson played .* eect = ,|Champion sow The first Sunday after St. An-|Hospital Sunday wey and their Chieng, 20, of Brunei, -smé allest|'was held in_ the ommunity ! : BLACKSTOCK -- The annual Keith Van Camp won two.drew's Day ) Canon) Ashmorejchildren were supper guests offof the four member nations of iHall recently. _ a piano solo. : Ss meeting of the Federation s, [thirds one fourth and one spoke of St. Andrew and how|/Mr. and Mrs, Ted McLaughlin Malaysia, is one person who| It opened with the singing of) Janis Dorrell | sang * Frosty AR or, Ae cde Sony, eventh on sheep and seventh we might follow his pattern ind family, Columbus doesn't dread a long winter,{the Ode and repeating the Col-the Snowman, Marie Van) was held in the Recreation Cen i i . iets I Tat *hure » ot Syvmpath is extended Mrs *hiene ct ison. After the presi-:\Camp played a piano' solo . PO ee ere Pee os n the United Church the chotr vinpathy +Miss Chieng, who began. study-jlect In uni . t I ;Camy] tre at Blackstock, Saturday Feeder-Breeder class of hog ; | DORIS DAY -- JAMES STEWART in "The Man Who Knew : cane ihe anthem. "iCome. O.(Lewis Vie of the death of Mr ling. soionee "at Dalhousie Uni-ldent .éxtended welcome,. the|John Larmer read three short ask He One hundred and fift¥ HoRSES Come, Messiah". Rev. P. Rome|Fitv« last Muesday versity here this fall ona Com-.|secretary and aresaute eee SHAEMas Hen athor "e]] (JOHN FORSYTHE FORSYTHE -- SHIRLEY MALLAINE SHiended Salph: Sadler wone two see-leri-chosa ag (he subieet ton H Mi Albert) Black, Midland, monwealth cholarship, hasjtheir reports The seeretary| Leanne and Heather Dorell " in The Trouble With Harry" onds: five thirds: one fourth:'sermon ('How Jesus Comes spent a few days with her sis- never seen snow read a_ letter of appreciation|played a piano duet. Mrs. Percy = - CCTH IN COLOR Again et rs. I. Fitze. Mr. Black tural College, was guest alla cae' won first in: nace and er, Entertainment was provided'. ction class and second in sma . by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Preston,|jaqster-. "Don Lee" won a sec feels roadster; ROY a se FIRST OSHAWA Bethany. ond, a fifth and Reserve Grand ar SHOWING.... MANY PRIZES WON -- GANGSTER'S VENGEANCE Cartwright still keeps its good| reputation in quality of era ns| Coming coe "JOHNNY on the Battle grown, stock raised, etc, Fol ii ry of the Sexes! lowing e eoie are winne o | ROMPIN COOL" OTHE At Ottawa (three -- entered H H grain) Ronnie Hawkins Ist OSHAWA JOKER" Friday, December 13th i P W John Carnaghan won first on| ond the SHOWING vege : Sik r- % ; a BIG T i : | . \\ Uz Winner of the 1963 Cannes Festival ' wheat, first on barley and third! - with - : somittANce af Loe Tickets So ELIZABETH MONTGOMERY Qo, Z a Dancing '75 as "Best Fiim of the Year." | HENRY SILVA Pa : . * fe 9 till Tp.m. $1. pees nes Hawks Jubilee Pavilion : At 12.30 p.m. .a_ delicious smorgasbord. dinner. prepared, a o' ; a yne fifth; one sixth id red was se ved Ivan Cochrane's "Good willl at noah as te ure ee tO" Marge"? won Senior Champion 8! fom the Onlario Agricul: ind Grand Champion; 'Brown America's Latest & Greatest Recording Artists THE CHARMAINES Direct from salable Ohio. ne Plus es BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS dba beindics cidade ¢ FREE ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS the EMERALDS Hilarious Satire ee ae Dec. i Wurt Lancaster wheat, fourth on b jrold Swain wo tee ee , j re Sepals Se BILTMORE SS 333) | ee Pay i : zhth on oats fsa . i LO wheat; a/so starring Alain Delon Claudia Cardinale Produced by GOFFREDO LOMBARDO Directed by LUCHINO VISCONTI A Titanus Production olor by Deluxe CinemaScope nd 44] Paden WHAWRAWAARWHBRDWII ADULT ENTERTAINMENT i} | mat PH roe pana CANE" PHONE: 723-2843 -- § F just a few of = <a q Phe. a our many gift suggestions. es Come in DESERT FLOWER ; to see a SPRAY COLOGNE on resulor $2.50 hi : host of $2.19 ve , others. tangy scant of Old Spice < Gift Carton of 30 i Z Wk sitra-smart containers. Includ RONSON GILLETTE SUPER ; ee fter Sha Lot Hair Crear E CUTEX MANICURE SET \ "sy STS Oe -. eran Stick LIGHTERS BLUE bog fac $2.29 ny | 5 ai 43 %y Reg. $4.00 Special $3.69 ee o. : F ; ew Gillette Stainiess Other Cutex Sets \ i) ther Old spice s to $11.50 9, 99 to S14, 95 Steel Blades, 6's .... $1.00 to $7.50 So ee ae -- PERE NEMO LORIE alta haben ADMITTANCE TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE O8 OVER in EASTMANCOLOR Fomovcoar MELT EVERYONE LIKES A GOOD 1" yD Jae Ou Sale at all This Christmas give Books of FAMOUS FAMOUS PLAYERS) 8 "PLAYERS THEATRE TICKETS\: Packaged in the bandy gift cartonette THEATRES Could she subdue this, 9 OF A MAN with her SORCERY? ~ WARRANT PHiLisnave SPEEO-FCE x C re] Reg. $2 25° sPECIAL 91,99 LONDON BRAND "OXFORD" BILLFOLD for MEN PHILISHAVE SPEED-FLEX The electric shaver so popular with RAT AAW MHRA MMA AT SRM 40 mony men everywhere. apecial $2 9. ie dy Lotion plus Spray CHOCOLATES Cologne (Wb Beh socismsmen meccemiers or TWEED by LENTHERIC : SPECIAL ae oe *3.29 ' CADBURY'S MILK TRAY CHOCOLATES In gay Christmas wrap... fine assortment of h ae t quality te selected centres, richly. coated wit th famous Cc chocolate, Va Pound 90. 1 Pound st. 75 IT'S ALL NEW TECHNICOLOR® TECHNIRAMA ° GT RR SYAVANIA Easy-Breeze "ELITE" HAIR DRYER @ iauevet @ = @ rene Brighten Your Christinas is Pictures with HERCULES «. CAPTIVE WOMEN starkING REG PARK ¢ FAY SPAIN SENSE ERE a A BGI SYLVANIA k sae ny Che i LENTHERIC fistibers 3) "-EL ASHBULBS Sse tteries, fla "CLASSICS IN FRAGRANCE" QUINTET - RS a -- 95 Special $9.95 : ne NES MEL AUELareAL Eloy : Bee $2.50 AG-1 or M2 5] 29 Press 25 $2.04 \t cologne peal ( For the thrill of your life be sure te catch... MWTHE GREAT CHASE ee CONTINUOUS DAILY! pa deataretareretded -- - OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU -- JAMIESON'S McCordick's LAW'S --KARN'S MITCHELL'S ~POWELL'S 241 KING ST. EAST 360 WILSON RD.°S, 1204 WECKER DRIVE 28 KING ST. EAST 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 3512 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-1169 725-8711 725-3525 723-4621 723-3431 725-4734 RERENEOE NE RENEE A ademas tater arate ee er ae eh cama tLe tke tb tr Se ee mene --