distribution lines' are exempt ewe e «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 11, 1963 19 from business tax statues of On- Bilin ual Fi ht ---- - Sennen in on es and Mr g g | River and certain predomin- MORE FOREIGNERS Justice Evans agreec antly French-speaking commu-| p ; iho Bernard I. Black. for the city, nite Ga he Gea PARIS (Reuters)--More and i B i C t usiness SSE, ee ia aller more foreigners are choosing to 1 y maintained other fuel dealers | Wie lathes tient' over Bille. ii 'eed pay business tax on storage fa- live in France, At the time of gualism erupted Monday when the Jast census in March, 1962, Tax Invalid cikties and gas companies : : should he ho exception OTTAWA (CP)--A new storm'she said, has so far lacked the) Miss Whitton ruled out of or- they accounted for 2,150,000 of Mr. Michener said that allow-) Bopp w "p Evidence on the test is raging at city hall over courage to take a stand on bilin- det an attempt in council tothe total population of nearly ing reserves to be set aside Podieatin -- ede sa based on a yo Po ggsige cee! whether Canada's capital, bilin- gualism. have both English and French| $6,500,000, on Mistease of 17 per tax-free, would only defer taxes boat cee Sat Nadniiese tak lek. oeleg ia ne 9 eden gual. in fact, ean become bilin-' "The province is dodging herejon all printed matter coming|°o"* ey ede Fst nag nag and would not result in a long- ied. by the City of Fort William te he: a 'Dev "5 : ' | guat officially. and dodging there, refusing toifrom city hall. esky La dae ang term loss to the treasury. It on a gas company's distribution we vay oe _ Mayor Charlotte Whitton let bilingualism in the i ene ee would enable the Canadian lines is invalid, The city was ordered ey Pay maintained Tuesday. that the door, trying to sneak it in! firms. to compete more. éltee Mr. Justice G. Evans of the |Co™s of the vee which court city has no authority to declare through the back," she said. tively with foreign companies Supreme Court announced the| officials fod may be as itself a bilingual community, icy ar WhkCoAs mcidatih which enverur wel VATICAN CITY (AP)--Arch- cecision Theniay at Cee "Manicinaitied throughout On-, She tossed the issue in effect Ajout one-third a "Ottawa's ¢palities to permit council to|bishop Nicola Marciotta of Brin- (CP)--|the city to halt the tax imposed tario . 'well as gas compan- back to the province of: Ontario 970,000 people are officially,impose bilingualism mandator-|disi, Italy, has suggested that alee fee Ny =n ga a slies were vitally interested in the by saying it would require leg-jisted as being bilingual or|ly and to levy for the costs./persons reading or possessing ey Ot NOONE See outcome of the case. islative action by the province French-speaking. French is wid-| The mayor, who said no rul-|books 'banned by the ROdman Ontario' gas companies pay ' make possible such a step.jely spoken in shops and eachjing: "has caused me as much|Catholic Church no longer be regular property and business The mayor proposed that|day there is an influx of work-|concern in my 10 years of pub-|excommunicated. This was a Solicitor Gavin tax on real estate and property 'everyone should direct" their ers into the capital from the lic office," was ur d bv with prelates who " aicompromise efforts to the province, whichiQuebec side of the Ottawa majority of council members. 'want the banned list -discarded. fent tax treatment, they didn't| jacuire the assets to offset -ex- heavy losses Chairman Ken said that if the companies need reserves they should set them aside, tax or no tax. There is nothing to step such procedures, he said Insurance Firms _ Ask For Tax Cut OTTAWA (CP) -- Ten Cana-jeign-owned firms enjoyed an ad- dian-owned general insusxancd vantage because income from companies Tuesday called on investment was credited to the the royal commission on taxa- parent firm in nother country, tin for special consideration: so and only the underw riting pro- they' can meet the competition fit was involved in Canadian of foreign-owned firms taxation. If these firms suffered The- 10, represented. by .Hon. a? underwriting loss in amy one Roland Michener, former Year, is could be carried over Speaker of the Commons who against income in another year. now is a Toronto lawyer, asked FACE BIGGER RISK SWINDSON, England that all general insurance com-| Canadian general insurance,William Petrie was. found panies incorporated in Canada companies' -- there are 21 in have 57 stray dogs at his home subsic¢ ary be allowed to set aside tax-free|the country--were smaller thanjin this Wiltshire city, He Natural Gas. reserves. with only the profits'their foreign-owned competitors|pleaded guilty to keeping 49 The tax has made available to shareholders! element than other types of in-!dogs without a licence and said sells 1958 . eing subject to tax ; ey faced a heavier risk he hoped to be able to buy a ompany : hy aera: said that for- ete ms. And with -es- house big enough for them all.| Young had argued in court gas tax on distribution lines. Commission neth Carter ae | case front; ay iy eatin : re The mayor said there was nothing in the British North) guGgGESTS COMPROMISE America Act nor in provincia!) COLLECTS DOGS been imposed ee -- ----, a " re. FULLY SKINNED -- HOCKLESS -- TRIMMED OF ALL EXCESS FAT! SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM 3 wuote o HALF HAMS 5/ SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM RINDLESS SIDE BACON... :: 59: SPECIAL! MEATY! PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS... 43: ORDER YOUR PENNYWISE CHRISTMAS TURKEY NOW! BEEF BURGERS FOR BEST SELECTION! ALL PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFFECTIVE SPECIAL! WESTON'S ° : e@ ' Festive Table Fingers.:':*%.. 9. SPECIAL! HOSTESS FESTIVE Shortbread Rings ....... :2::27 33: SPECIAL! PLAIN: or SALTED 33 5 Weston's Crackers AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT! LOBLAWS GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE IN $5.00 and $10.00 CERTIFICATES SPECIAL! HOSTESS DEC. 11, 12, 13, 14 Bonnie Shortbread euneuy 330 SPECIAL! HOSTESS Chocolate Shortbread sx; 30° SPECIAL! HOSTESS----BLANCHED : 105+ CELLO BAG 43. 16-07 PKG. 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