cmon" OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Jimmy Greaves. --.... SS ee very special congratulations t * , ? and Pea Que's 5 Pat Leddy 787 (304, 250, 233) to Bill Rickman. On Friday artz' Legal Lights were the 724 (255, 247, 222), Lorne Atkinson 70 bowled so far this 'year o et this week coming up with a (256, 228, 216), Harvey Sinular 682 (27: ' ' Sy jbowled the highest flat ng game tr 3735 and with the high single 253 Doug Sutton 699 (230, 224, 215 re) es | 408 { the year of 1448 Floyd Clarke 660 (298), Art Smart 64 , | had two bowlers In the , Select Class Harold Ballem (227, 211, 203), Syd Hobbs 639 (275), Sh " week. Murray O'Re 9 2.(386, 232, 20 ley Smart 632 (222, 207, 203), Bev Gibsor (74 R { TSON ROAD SOUTH i f = ze ' < . and Joker Gavas 7) 2, 2 2 ple Class Lioyd Sabins 851 (314, 625 (237), Maruvie Shorten 612 (244, 215 TOTTENHAM. England (AP),ciation Cup and finally the Cup Sig. triges Jim Claus 4 1); Sel Himes 847 (346); Ewart Cars Ethel Atkinson 610 (227, 223), Elmo Lyn OPEN DAILY TILL ioPm bed- s wavediof Cups, a competition among 255), Bill Rickman 08). Dan Nor well 824 (356) and Nancy Love 807 (367). burner (607, 237, 205 wildly --e ie * a ~ 2 Sheridan 684 ver 700 For the Guys--Al J Over 200 Tom Barclay 265 B wi " ; j "he _ Moyle 690 (251, 256), r O all European national cham (206, 257, 221), Harry Irwin -669 (748 6! rank Hill 738, Ron Jay ? f Keenan 247, 204, Carl Burrill 244, Threcia The cranking' sounds of noise- pions Bop Rockbrune 663 4 70 1d Manning Neale deal Eh ep ene aa ; { Asst This . \ | . g O'Reilly 634 (226, 226 Joyce B D. For tt \ 02,, Jack Johnston 230, 219, Pauline Bell 22 makers cut through the shouts -- This season et Poul erp 620. (238, 20 Seorge Oliver 6 Joan Rogers 70 Bill Bevan 222, Enrid Robinson 219, Filo . HAW . of the crowd of 70,000. oe the top of the Division bon Brown 611 (224, 202), and Verna Rick ah or the Guy Johnston 214, Bob Clarke 213, ° Zelia : The blokes in the four-shilling|] standings and excitement 15 ma 608 (257° ; Uh is stilt Sabins with 762, Harold Moreau 206 Leo Gormon 205, Bill Cal. \ a stands hugged their girls andvnaturally high on -- Saturdays ee a gates ee aria, bal ry, 2b Arne Green der 2d. Doren BATEIAY Poy, Panna We \ (Ss OLDEST & FINEST : ! ) Z \ und in jittle cir- when they are scheduled to play 8rown ,' Dorothy 27, Josie For Doll 'Aarion Dingman 223. . Lemon League Alice Neville. 25 = them aro in their big home stadium oe erties 226, Mona Mann 226 gan Pai man Alice e 219 and Mavis Taylor 218. Ruth Moftatt 49, Joyce Smith 84, Doreer \ ' SU PERMARKET wad " P 217, 216, Bill Eyre 217, Ken Rosar was most appy evening for Barclay 92, Maurie Hall 95, Joanne \ Jimmy Greaves had scored White Hart Lane Millie Brown 206, Jack Mann 204 # parg Vice who finally broke the bar-'James 95, Myrna Burgess 9% : . Bremner 204, Shirley Oliver 20 eve rier th Nancy Love and Ewa Ten Top Averages Orson Pedwer for Tottenham Hotspur TURN OUT EARLY Gyurka 200 were both terr ingles"becki 231, Bob Strutt 227, Rick Wilsor Greaves, a small man with", Patan adgving .Team Standings Bob to back of 367 and 356 218, Bev Gibson 204, Doug Sutton 204 black wavy hair, is the current The "blokes" begin arriving 4), Jokers 9, Deadheads 6 P e. for those. big and|Bill Harding. 201, Lc Atkinson 206; § . : cof 4<, at the grounds about noon, three Biows 4 Sweet & Sours bles 4 bowling will be forthcoming from Hobbs 199, Maurie Shorten 198, Zea Babe Ruth of English profes: |. before game time. They Selizers 3. and Tooters slit when the new change take: Moreau 194 rs be : = aries is the youngest stand until kickoff and througn- SERGEANTS' MESS LEAGUE ° \ ° STORIE PARK LEAGUE nae: : * lout the game on the terraces Just a reminge ext week is tne pins when the, Big Fell i? Next week is our: last week of CR ; ore 100 r g Hs ae + Tas player ever. 10 Boo cee in front of the grandstands. nigh! fe pull up ov Liebe deta se a stile ho " section and we had some fine scorest | in the English League and very). : Ft SO Gants cm? > home a ake ¢ w so let's keep it up. Don't torge he will be the youngest|Standing room is about 90 Cents key for Christmas din ritecvdin LaaoUE the "Turkey Roll" Dec. 14 ange very sip : YOUNRCS! the end zones, 75 cenis along Team $ Bee ails Farha ae one try fo be at the bowling alley ever to score 200. He makes | ans bie elle Forbes 44# #99 7.00 p.m. sharp. Pearl French and 8 F C { about $20,000 a yar. remark-|the side lines R Short (Jr.) won the hidden triple ree ut y aba hare where a player worth|.,cranastand: seats range [rom crusmaers | Be ay tee ihren polns teen ott ee Alex" "Anderson 8:8 i 3 nay v to $5 High Triple eorge Fox 74 . . aby (247, 254, 32 ov Locke 793 (204, 308 . 3 ay only get $150 a $1 211). Nic peorge. F c Nees ; 12 / Art Sargant 786 (263, 345), Oscar Morriso bt oe It is a noisy, partisan crowd, (263, 201) and Betty Grant hone ane Baa took 10 BOIn"* 499 (219, 259, 212), George Powlenchuk ® ide bubbling over when the home a ' id teat BUR Song tanding Rose Bud: ; ee a a4 E D li wy pe WENT TO MILAN team makes an assault on the wall 2at; Lloyd. Cer st FER es Oe hi if 34 (25 Harry Williams. 630. «20 every , music to your ears when you checkout at GLECOFF'S. Two years ago. Milan in the goal and positively exploding bin 222 Ba I Joyce Porter 622 (208, 23 f te. | bt 4 : . Italian League bought Greaves,when a home score is made Frank: Grant NICKLE PLATE LEAGUE Kane 610 (205, 250) and Colih Wils Abe } Just wheel your cart down our fabulous aisles of fine Kay 206 and Betty Roche eek wa ' : i : Roe Bob Amey 258, Dougia Open : p: foods and pick yourself a pantry-full, Then count your | 2b), Alfred Morris 65 The merry jingle of cash savings in your purse is like for nearly $300,000. His wife, aj In a recent game agains! @ point, Take a vas a cockney lass who found sunshine crosstown rival Fulham, there s Rams ' Church ong habe ia os n a, Att EreQeh 235 ait Me Defen- cromwe Valer , i ' d the " : 54 SAVINGS where savings COUNT--on the TOTAL COST shocking and ravioli indiges- was only one explosion SE Hani oe Sawdor James Scott . Till tible. went home to mum' sive:minded Fulham held the LADIES' MAJOR "A" LEAGUE ( clk the r s i Herat Theijer Dean Taylo al y ! oo ' uby arso 2 Frank Frenct after a taste of Italian life Spurs off until there were only Point he a ref matt Wil ee ae Pear! French 220 Oi Pea We Jack 14, Dea 10 P.M. $o the Italians sold Greaves 10 minutes to go cleans Setainte aha Hs hee Locke 06, ? : prices will keep your budget barreling along singing a to Spurs for about what they Then Greaves with a deft tak ode: ' ne k t k ' t ' cor Pane Nivendgt : | Bn i : : : paid for him. and Tottenham slipped away from the man who [fe 5) ad ' J Ha Rackers ¢ ners A mee 2 an Taylor 205, ¢ , Nit song of savings everytime you shop at GLECOFF'S. immediately shot to the top of had been shadowing him. gol a jo 1 ak / ( r smith | 62 03, kinson 203 and Winitred Orders Taken the English soccer ladder pass and smashed the ball into Strovs lory € ; Ba 6 vay ° he pete In his first season, Tottenham, the corner of the goal for a 1-0 yin 79) (33 i Pinan eles sais with' Bob Amey one "ot them, what har Now For g Landon aceng ne gly Meas « gat Saturday nigh warns yn sane ox GaSe ena fs, be oe aaton'e mikes oers' | Ohristmas a poe lal ale de ry Ui Se We Deel hain THe St ee ea ES ag ving He,t cit a December 12th, 13th, 14th Taylor 640, Ev Campb s: ; oe 8 8 > pa 5 MONTRAVES 9% Poultry FIVE GAMES ay a, doves ort ae a sil or ie ase ae ; a j 2 } SWIFT'S ice eae eal ha od So ral an wale naan of your order. You'll know for sure -- our storewide low Lou Black 642 (206, 26! MOTOR . and Ted Smith 609 (261), a Relta Nolen 260, Bill Bea STRAINED Scottish Rugger Team 7 ce: wore wovnn ii Hil siarilann ts saat mide due SWEET oad PICKLED MEAT? 'emor \ jear Peg FOR ToursCanadaInMay 9 fivceings ete BE, COTTAGE Wo | ee 5 2 Tins "BACKACHE? ROLLS _ -- not me! By M. McINTYRE HOOD heir draw with the redoubtable 6 202) c Edna Special London, England Barbarians. They did not. how: 9' 'cormier 64? (221 co 2 a Harding 20%. Myrn Correspondent To ever. play. any: international ard 2 V ' ' Lo ona hag Sts The Oshawa Times ° games, and the same wij! a ply |? ee 27 26 a Pete ' EDINBURGH. Scotland -- At to the forthcoming tour of the WIRING AND HARNESS For relief from BONELESS SWIFT'S the close of the present rugby Scots "High Single > 'oad aU ae aap unsafe backache or that STRAINED l season, the Scottish Rugby Un- pwo IN ONTARIO ; egbrad ; kes 16 points ea ' tired-oui ieeting FRUIT ion will send a touring party of 'The scottish tourists will play Shae 2 Arp: 226 i Bo Gay Six and Alley Ca : 2 I depend on-- . 23. players to Canada for a pro-1wa matches with Ontario. both! thom 4 ey 24 Py Ib. c Vegetables gram of five matches to bej;; Toronto. on May and sales played during a two weeks'|-rhey TA than rel a Var cope and Have Your: Suit Styled e nasal? sates shee and Tailored by 3 Jars al a a | visit in May of next yea, The couver and wil! .meet Britis! GUYS.AND DOLLS MAJOR : Sain Reg Coon nal GMa en gt ite tes ns ttt | SAM RO TIS | Be gac oe © Abad {Western Canada team on BV a 4 "4 - eh yi oly A La See! a Mea eA glinigy bo HA a Ib. . . cis ef aye jwill be against Quebec Province 2 12-02 89° r) * | ROUND STEAK or ROAST ey thie BHel (our The soot, 2tq Montreal on May 19 7 gta sianaing va shalt eseai CORNED BEEF wir TINS TiS cin sath ga hs ae WING, SIRLOIN or ' - T-BONE STEAK 83¢ rp nee ; : -OZ ish players, along with twO been selected. but whatever its i PREM SWIFT'S 2 eae 85° SCHNEIDERS honorary managers. will fly OUt strength: 'the chief point of in-| This will be the first occasion eed AS oly ea cn 4 RINDLESS BACON LUCAS LB 49 | SPARERIBS is, 39° | $ : made atour in 1957, when they' stiffe ign dad did: thel | : BEEF BRISKET cuoice 5 ins. 31 SCHNEIDERS BULK PACK Played six games and won them|Barbarians six years azo When you need capital, look into the RIB STEW BEEF 25¢ SAUERKRAUT 2 ins, 35¢ CHOICE LB on which one of the rugby! their visit to Britain a year ago all. scoring 227 points against 23.lany rate. this ee x SLICED unions has sent a team to Can- From Canada omes words} Last winter. a Canadian team Canada will provide first-c.ass } ain © Britis . inne fi f c his manazed opus oné and rugbtsit Canada, lg i | WIENERS SWIFT'S PREMIUM ~ LB 49° COOKED HAM -- LB 98 raw one of their schedule of the touring party includ f 1 c , : eae C) oe apo sia one cHoice us = ' RUMP ROAST BEEF --,, 59 © : : CHOICE LB amnnemanmewoe wal THEY 'CHARGE' TOO! | is, 99° : a ee ace ws RNGUEE mam, wees Wheelchair Basketball' | weve tein reason YOU can obtain information and ee . OO laa , ORANGE JUICE 6-0Z able rates and under reasonable {escriptive. booklet from the manager | | 4 M : CELERY scen eee P 2 vane 63° PORK HOCKS jxcsu ts. 20° ada.. although the Barbarians that the Scots can expect much EBeS Bee eee eee eee eee Se Nib Aw A MGS a atthe 16 7 condition ercial and anyo e 1.600 offices of QUAKER STATE CHICKEN, Enjoyed By Paraplegics | | tiisacomssrsstoroeros :-Reynerssnorehalers a aac ata ONTARIO 3 to 10 years and in amounts THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA POTATOES 50-18. ge T.V. DINNERS BAG WINNIPEG (CP)--"'Too many Fifty .or more yarapl of $25,000.and ur ;: é pushes' was the ruling. and a show up for the 7-to-10 m BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE player bent on scoring a basket sports and recreation program THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY slid to a halt in his wheelchair. which also includes cards. and : Two pushes of the wheels are table games. darts and table MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY all that are allowed as a player 'ennis . GENERAL TRUST OF CANADA carries the in his lap and Tony Mann, executive dif re heads for the basket in wheel- of the central western: di chair -basketba!! : of the Canadian Paraplegit Charging is another infraction sociauion, IS a paraple : | Se EACH 49 " LEEKS suncues 29° 9 FROZEN PEAS KING LA SALLE COO : 2-LB 49° APPLES Fo dy reel COUPONS NOW AND SAVE OXYDOL FRESH WITH COUPON LARGE Oe ORANGES osu 2.025 7 ony ee (ee er | 5 OXYDOL w "icing size 1,29 Sunkist Navel that gets a cai from referee self as a result of a wai jim Bulloch at the weekly eve. He suggests community ning of recreation for members 294 recreation leaders of the Canadian Paraplegic As: be made aware of a sociation in Winnipeg plegic s Capabilities. One Minor wheelchair collisions 2Uty, ' that paraplegics against those 1 are often overlooked. . but @ handcap in competitive sport guy is deliberately trying to although all would be expected pouzh it up~--which they. do-- to play from wheelchairs Fruit Baskets made to order $2.50 and up ee ee ii hex t | Fi * the ta cal ays Bulloch. , ee ee ee ee ee he Ue Ue he chai s regarded a pa ) oh 3 ge". (Gh vour bods ato. poe 'ee Tint 3 09 Volleyball and basketball na SA CIGARETTES YOUR CHOICE CARTON We been played since it was d AOS = = je : cided a year or so ago to inc.ude @ " >. : 2 35° Switt's casos spo i in the recreation = , ; BREAD DEMPSTER'S LOAVES BEEF or IRISH STEW schedulr nd while few ha ' -- S £ ever played baske'ball betore Yi, > . ' ' 3 LADIES' PLANELETTE t+) 2 24-02 79 they make enthusiasm {or oe \ J PYJAMAS. . ° ° TINS what they lack in ¢xperience \ SMALL, MED. LARGE end $ Swift's Gem ON ian Nordal 7.18 especial mei; f° "THIS SPACE -- ~ POPCORN SOCKS .....;. a ae -- Pasha wel ut as earned | RESERVED FOR |\RR y 7A Ca ant gaa how to flit around the court on NAN two wheels, a trick he picked \ \ "a #@ VAPO-RUB OR VATRONOL up after seeing it done in the h\, iM PERIAL / righ VICK $ 49: : SHORTENING Shriners' Hospital here x ; / nae REG, 64c---SPECIAL : 1-LB. 29 3-LB. SG B% y PRINT TIN Mlan, a native of Lunda r Hy APPLE PIES € Man.. and one of a family of al PN J / ; ( DEMPSTER SPECI ACH ll, was run over by a car when) p \ . Z iN aren? BPIAL EAS PARD DOG FOOD he was less than two years old ir d : , ( : ¢€ Before he got the wheelchair { \ <} == Pas ea BUTTER FIRST GRADE LB. 53 2 FOR 25¢ two vears ago he rode in a ' I : ; ' : : ude ' wagon. steering with one hand 9 . é v= GRANULATED SUGAR 5 89 and pushing himself along with : o a = IM PERIA y Les explaini that in this game th a stick in the other Another sport enthusiast if Z ' white-haired May Hackett, a 76- yg year-old widow who suffered a ee Whisky stroke in 1947. Not only does Y - ue Sr coteear tae aa she cook and look after herself Impressi\ ely Light! Impressi\ ely Right! | Hiram Wel. in her. three-room: suite. she is - a regular for volleyball on Mor day nights at the Manitoba Re-| habilitation Hospital } Aa agent cag are CANADIAN WHISKY by HIRAM WALKER 'Qh iia OPEN ALLY. TL aaa sss the tom of Ina wy OSHAWA; OLDEST AND FINEST SUPERMARKET wives burning themselves on @ their husbands' funeral pyre : 5 Ne Lhstingiiset